Letter of Admission

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Letter of Admission

Enter Name Here

123 Sample Street

Toronto, Canada

enteremail@example.comTelephone Number

March 8, 2021.

Dr. Enter Name Here

College of _______

Enter Full University Name


Subject: Request for Admission for Summer Session

Dear Dr. ___________,

I am writing to request an admission for Summer Session. Due to some unforeseen circumstances relating to the COVID-19 situation, I am missing 4 units and currently taking General Education classes to make up for these missing units. My intention is to graduate on time during the Summer First Session 2021. As a result, I further seeking any deferral opportunity available this year. I would gladly welcome the opportunity to join the classes that start in Columbia University towards accomplishing the aforementioned. I have enclosed a copy of my transcripts and a letter from the Dean regarding the missing marks.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my request. I am available for any questions about my request and all related issue son phone or email. Looking forward to an engagement with you on this matter.


Enter Name Here

Do you need this or any other assignment done for you from scratch?
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We assure you a quality paper that is 100% free from plagiarism and AI.
You can choose either format of your choice ( Apa, Mla, Havard, Chicago, or any other)

NB: We do not resell your papers. Upon ordering, we do an original paper exclusively for you.

NB: All your data is kept safe from the public.

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