The case-based learning solution

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The case-based learning solution

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Knowledge of learning theories is fundamental to all leaders who want to be successful in their businesses. The following is a design of a case-based learning solution for non-learning leaders wanting to understand learning theory. Most people who own businesses have an urge to learn and understand how to effectively manage a business but lack the necessary learning materials and tools. On the other hand, technology has created a lot of impact on every aspect of modern life. Computers are currently used to control every daily operation. The excessive use of technology in all aspects of life has made many people miss some basic educational needs because they have low technology level (Tainio, Lilja & Santalainen, 2003). This case-based learning solution will take care of all people in the society irrespective of their understanding of technology to enable them complete the learning theory course effectively.

The case-based learning solution

Demonstration of theory and practice

A learning organization presents many and diverse methods of gathering and managing knowledge. Most organizations make an assumption on learning theories arguing that the context of what is contained in a learning lesson is connected to the fundamental of the theory (Lane 2001). The outcomes, objectives and goals of learning should be directed towards clear understanding of learning theories. When designing a learning solution for leaders, one should consider several factors. Firstly, the technology level of an individual is of great importance. Not all people are computer literate therefore; the lessons created should use other means of presenting ideas apart from the computer. In most circumstances, MS word and PowerPoint are used for designing most lessons but in cases where the leaders’ technology level is low, hand written charts could serve well. Cognitive learning theory and research gives a better solution on how to design instructions that enhances leader-learning skills. Based on the educational level of the learner, the cognitive learning theory provides a learner with an opportunity to learn something new and the new approaches towards attaining the learning objectives.

Secondly, the learning solution should demonstrate design theory and practice. The lessons should be designed in way that they not only cover the content on the learning theory and design but also focuses on its application. Learning theory in practice enables leaders to demonstrate high levels of understanding and make use of that knowledge in running organizations. The instructor’s goal will be to understand the demands of the topic sand the needs of a learner in order to offer a learning experience that gives the learner an opportunity to excel in life. Education forms the primary method of social progress and reform. The experience acquired in learning has a lot of impact in the social life of a leader and helps to bring about changes in a society. According to Constructivism theory, a learner’s personal understanding comes from the knowledge gained in a learning process facilitated by using appropriate learning activities and good environment (Kim, 2005).

Learning tools

As discussed above, this is the development of a learning program for non-learning leaders wanting to understand learning theories. Various tools aid in the learning process although, the tools used on this context should consider the technology level of learners. Technology forms an important part of the day to day live because it has revolutionized communication and learning patterns. Most learning lessons today are planned and written using high-tech materials introduced in the learning institutions. In addition, the business environment is extremely challenging today and leaders are using the upcoming innovations in making their boosting businesses. This creates a challenge to people who have low education level and are unable to utilize the modern technology. The following learning process will create a solution for such people since appropriate tools will be used in teaching them. To ensure learners get home the taught lessons, various tools such as charts, demonstrations, and video presentations will be used. In cases where MS word and PowerPoint presentation is used, an instructor will be available to guide learners on how to use the computers (Lawrence, 2003).


On the other hand, the outcome of the learning process should be substantial and effective to leaders. Learning theories play a great role in shaping the life of leaders in terms of making them realize various opportunities found in the business world. The outcome of the teaching process should give learners enough competence to be able to develop their businesses and people. After learning, leaders should be able to accomplish the following. Firstly, the leader should be in a position to make an observation and learn from it. This process makes use of the skills and knowledge acquired in class to understand various aspects of an organization through observation. Secondly, the learner’s social behavior should change whereby; the environment plays a significant role in the change. Behavior change is measured by performances of individuals through display of learned tasks (Means, 2009).

Length of learning

The length of the learning process depends on the capacity of a leader to understand the theories being taught. Most leaders today whose technology levels are low can attend a learning theory class until they gain whatever they need irrespective of the time taken. The class time for each theory class will be commanded by the understanding level of a leader. In most cases involving non-learning leaders, lessons are determined by the level of understanding. In order to ensure learners achieve the objectives and goals of learning, the following steps are necessary. In addition, learners will be evaluated to determine how well they cope with the learning and highlight learning theories that require more time to teach. Moreover, the instructors will make use of several deliverables that describe how the learning process will be carried out. The participants manual and instructors manual will be designed to assist leaders in learning and save the instructor’s time for explanations. Where slides are used, several examples will be demonstrated to enable learners get every content of the learning theory.

First, only learning theories that are easier to implement will be applied first. Eventually, other theories will be introduced as time goes on. This step encourages and promotes learner’s outcome as they develop more learning skills. Secondly, secondly, the learners’ evaluation will be carried out when the mind is fresh. This should take place probably in the morning hours. The evaluation will assist the instructor in determining theories that worked, those that did not work, and areas needing additional teaching.


Design of a case-based learning solution for non-learning leaders wanting to understand learning theories is a hard task requiring a lot of input and resources. Non-learning leaders possess low levels of education and take long to absorb a point making it difficult to plan their lessons. From the above plan, several factors have been considered in designing the case-based learning solution. These are the intended audience, the level of technology, demonstration of design theory and practice, tools, outcomes, and length of learning.


 Kim. (2005). “The Effects of a Constructivist Teaching Approach on Student Academic Achievement, Self-Concept, and Learning Strategies”. Asia Pacific Education Review 6 (1): 7–19.

Lawrence, T. A. (2003). Challenges of Teaching with Technology Across the Curriculum: Issues

and Solutions. London: Information Science.

Leonard, D. C. (2002). Learning theories, A to Z. Westport, Conn.: Oryx Press.

Mearns, J. (2009). Social learning theory. In H. Reis & S. Sprecher (Eds.), Encyclopedia of

human relationships (vol. 3). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. pp. 1537-1540.

Tainio, R, Lilja, K., & Santalainen, T. J. (2003). In M. Dierkes, A. Berthoin Antal, J. Child & I.

Nonaka (Eds.), Handbook of organizational leadership and knowledge. New York: Oxford University Press, Inc. pp. 428-445.

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