Target AudienceDemographic Research

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Target AudienceDemographic Research

Client Overview

The client, The Big Train, is a new sushi restaurant in Adelaide. The client is looking to create a website that will not only attract leads and prospects but also help in the management of new customers. The website will also serve as a distribution and promotion center to sell and market products and services. It will communicate the business provisions of The Big Train to leads and prospects. The website will let people find the client by creating an online presence. The client intends to use the website to engage the customer base, cultivate relationships, generate revenue, and possibly direct all prospects to the business.

The client majors as a sushi and wine restaurant, targeting people of all ages. The food and wine pairings will be the basis of the website, showcasing what the restaurant intends to offer to the people and market in Adelaide. The website will be a fundamental branding avenue. It will feature an attractive front page, menu page, a news page for news and events to be announced, a contact page and a photo gallery. Testimonials will also be provided with a tab specifically designed to show customer ratings, suggestions, and reviews.

Target Audience/Demographic Research

There are 40,879 people in Adelaide as per the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census report of 2021. Of these, ABS (2021) reports that 49.6% are male and 50.4% are female. Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people make up 0.7% of the population. The median age is calculated to be 44 years. Regarding families in Adelaide, the average number of children per family for families with children is 1.9. On average, ABS (2021) found that the number of people per household is 2.7, with a median weekly income of $2,067 per household. Additionally, the ABS (2021) provides that more than 21.4% of the population in Adelaide have some form of tertiary level education and training. More than 79.1% of the people in Adelaide are Australian by birth (ABS, 2021).

One of the demographic factors that might have an effect on a business is income. In Adelaide, the median weekly personal income for people aged 15 years and above is $892, while weekly income for family and household are $2.416 and 22,067 respectively (ABS,2021). Products offered by The Big Train will often appeal to consumers in certain income brackets. For instance, working class individuals aged between 25 and 44 years earn more money and are more likely to be interested in luxury wines and fancy diners. On the other hand, those with lower wages are more price sensitive and, as a result, are more likely to prefer lower end restaurants. Less money is available for discretionary spending for those with lower wages. When deciding what to buy, they place a high priority on finding a good deal. As a result, The Big Train targets to reach individuals aged between 25-44. The idea behind this target market is tied to the company’s product offering that will require individuals with significant levels of disposable income. Traditional marketing tactics for increasing consumer spending concentrate on enticing consumers to purchase more of a product, generally by discovering new ways to utilize it.

Competitor Research

1. Sushi PlanetSushi Planet is a restaurant that provides premium Japanese-quality wining and dining. It is a worthy competitor to the Big Train. The website design of Sushi Planet features an elaborate home page that provides the fundamental offerings of the establishment. It has high quality images of the main dishes that give prospect customers an idea of what to expect, as shown in the images below. The design of the website is simple, yet communicates the who, where, why, and other important information about the Sushi Restaurant. The Sushi Restaurant has a mission statement in bold that serves as the key marketing idea with an aim to ensure that potential customers are fully aware of what the establishment is all about.

2. Gyoza GyozaAnother major competitor for The Big Train is Gyoza Gyoza, a restaurant that majors on Japanese culture and cuisine. Gyoza Gyoza is an established brand operating in several locations all over the world. Its presence in Adelaide SA is a confirmation of just how popular sushi and Japanese cuisines are demanded within Australia. Gyoza Gyoza has a very simple yet elegant website design. The front/home page features a simplistic food and drink menu complete with images of products and prices. Each clickable item then takes a prospective client to a dedicated page describing how the dish/wine is made and how it would appeal to the tastes of the customer. The drinks include traditional Japanese wines and non-alcoholic beverages. The website also focuses on the special Sake tasting event as a way to promote the business. Other notable features of the website include Gyoza Gyoza’s location, upcoming events and promotions, function venues, and sitemap.


Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2021). Adelaide Hills: 2021 Census All persons QuickStats. Available at

Gyoza Gyoza. (2022). About US | Our Menu. Available at

The Sushi Restaurant. (2022). About Us. Available at

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