Synthesis Essay Brainstorm Homework

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Synthesis Essay Brainstorm Homework

Annie Peralta

Catalina Roa

Carlos Gonzalez

Synthesis Essay Brainstorm Homework

Before you write your assignment, answer these questions to help you organize a strong start for your synthesis essay.

What is the climate change solution your will be focusing on? Please explain this in detail. (1-2 sentences)

I would be focusing in tropical forest restoration. This specific solution discusses protecting the 5 percent of landmass that is left by means of releasing the land to let nature work itself up, and having means of protection to speed up the process.

How does your climate change solution decrease or slow down climate change? Or, how does your solution reduce or trap greenhouse gases from entering the atmosphere? (2-3 sentences)

This approach would help to decrease significantly climate change if it done at a larger scale other thank focusing in just one region. By restoring these tropical forests things such as animal vegetation, habitat, water cycles, and many other resources. How it would take effect on climate change, though, it would remove all the excess of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Why/how is your climate change solution accessible to most people in Miami-Dade County? (2-3 sentences)

People in Miami-Dade County have access to the everglades, which is a connection of tropical wetlands and forests connected to a river. The Everglades have been harmed throughout the time by the altering of landscape, causing major harm on its habitat and functions. People in Miami- Dade county could take action into protecting the best way possible what is left of the Everglades and bring it back to life.

Why/how is your climate change solution feasible or easily done by most people in Miami-Dade County? (2-3 sentences)

From my perspective, this solution could be easily done by people in the Miami-Dade County because people can do simple things as sign petitions and use less hot water. Other things we can do as a community is finding ways to ensure this ecosystem is being protected and let alone for its restoration.

Why/how is your climate change solution low-cost for most people in Miami-Dade County? (2-3 sentences)

In general, in order to protect this ecosystem as a community we could come together and do basic stuff that is good in every aspect. Those things could be such as using cars less, recycling using less hot water, planting trees, and keeping electronic devices off and unplugged while visiting the Everglades.


Please list out the title and website of your first source:

Project Drawdown / of Degraded Topical forest Landsacpe


How/why is this source credible and recent? (1-2 sentences)

Every source I was able to collect not only supported their main point with data, but come from groups that are actually in charge of taking care of this ecosystem.

How/why is this source helpful to identifying a solution to climate change. (2-3 sentences)

The first source discussed how this solution might be a good way to fight climate change, and it explained how tropical forests are needed for human and habitat resources. However, the other source explained further why the restoration of ecosystems is effective.

Please list out the title and website of your second source:

Why is Important to Restore the Everglades / You Can Do to Protect the Florida Everglades Ecosystem

How/why is this source credible and recent? (2-3 sentences)

The first source is from November 2020, which still discuss major harms the everglades is going through. The credibility of this source can also be proved by noting all the information comes from an organization of environmental protection.

How/why is this source helpful to identifying a solution to climate change. (2-3 sentences)

The sources explained how this solution applies to an issue within the community. Also, the second source comes from the actual Internet page of the Everglades which is suggesting various steps to contribute to the restoration of the Everglades.

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