SAP Appeal Explanation Statement

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SAP Appeal Explanation Statement



Student ID

RE: SAP Appeal Explanation Statement.

What happened:

I am writing to explain the circumstances that hindered my performance during the spring semester. I had a baby in September 2019 and I had to go on a maternity break for three months to nurse and to take care of the baby. My first semester at school, found me overwhelmed juggling between motherhood, school and work as well. Having an infant made me miss class time most of the time and due to the circumstances my grades suffered and I could not meet the conditions outlined in the SAP appeal and also I was unable to complete my spring 2019 term.

What has changed:

As my past record demonstrates, I am certain that I shall attain excellent grades in the new school term. I have a well-designed work plan, which will assist me in managing my work along with my duties as a new mother. I plan on working on the incompletes during the coming school break, with a goal of having them done as soon as possible. I know without a doubt that I am better equipped now to juggle parenting, work and school and I can now focus on school better than during the 2019 spring semester. I also sought the help of the college adviser to discuss the classes I need to take to get my academic journey in a successful progress and also to seek insight on how I will approach the work load. I will also make good use of the school resources such as the assignments planner in the library to keep me on track and to achieve the set academic goals in the coming school semester.

Attached is the documentation verifying

A note from the doctor indicating that I had a child in September.

A copy of the hospital bill demonstrating the dates of my stay in the hospital.

A letter from my place of work indicating the dates of the maternity leave.

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NB: All your data is kept safe from the public.

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