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Assignment 1 Coursework

Student’s Name

Managing Global Projects


Dr. Mario Cuevas


The work breakdown schedule is as follows:

1.3 Project schedule

1.4 Project stakeholder assessment

The main stakeholders reviewed for this project include:, , green energy activist groups, private sector representatives, Commonwealth Games representatives, residents of the Birmingham, the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets, and the internal employees of the SES project. Due to the nature of the project, SES has received positive feedback from all stakeholders. All of the chosen groups have significant power and interest in the project. Therefore, the project will need to manage all of these groups closely, keep them satisfied, informed, and engage them in order to monitor views.1.5 Project Risk assessment

The negative risks that are presented by the project include:

Time delay

Difficulty recruiting private sector partners

Data protection and management issues

Process issues

Technology failure

Communication breakdown

Risk of overall failure

Cost issues

The response strategy will be simple based on an identification, prioritization, and a link of each of the mentioned risks to its impact. After this assessment, for each of the risks, a development and cultivation of responses will be made. A contingency plan will also be created for each risk. Additionally, each risk will be recorded and tracked against the associated task.



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