List of References

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List of References

List of References

Annotated Bibliography

Bahrani, T. &. (2012, October). Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology. Retrieved from

Comas-Quin, A. (2009). ReCall Journal. Retrieved from

Dulay, H. &. (2017, July 26). Creative Education. Retrieved from

Fernández-López, Á. R.-F.-A.-S. (2013). Computers & Education. Retrieved from

Finn, J. D. (1997). Handbook of research on student engagement. Retrieved from

Fishman, J. A. (1991). Reversing Language Shift. Theoretical and Empirical Assistance to Threatened Languages. Retrieved from

Harmon, J. (2012). Learning and Leading with Technology. Retrieved from

Khaddage, F. .. (2013). Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2013. Retrieved from

Krashen, S. (1982). Principles and practices in second language acquisition. In M. Saville-Troike, Introducing Second Language Acquisition. Cambridge Introductions to Language and Linguistic.

Piaget, J. (1962). Comments on Vygotsky’s critical remarks concerning the language and thought of the child, and judgment and reasoning in the child. Cambridge Introductions to Language and Linguistic

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