Linear Time-Invariant systems

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Linear Time-Invariant systems

Linear Time-Invariant systems

Over the recent years, technology has paid keen interest to control applications, communication engineering and digital signal processing. Daily life revolves around time and its management. Our project is on Linear-Time Invariant Systems. We decided on this project because it plays a unique role in our daily lives. Individuals need to understand the value of time and how to manage it effectively so that they can achieve their dreams. Linear –Time Invariant Systems project facilitates the understanding of modern engineering technology. It does this by helping scientists and engineers learn the basic functioning of systems. This knowledge is applicable to all fields of system theory.Understanding the system makes it possible to make better machines (Ghosh 7).

After studying on state machines, signals and systems, we settled on this topic because it was a challenge. Doing a project on Linear-Time Invariant Systems would help us understand the topic and give use some expertise on the topic. This work contributed to our knowledge on the topic.

Distribution of work among members ensured the success of the project. One of the team members identified two essential properties of the Linear-Time Invariant Systems. These include linearity and time-invariance. Linearity means that a system has one dimension, in that input X will provide output X. The information means that this system has additive superposition. Time-invariance means that the output is not exclusively dependent on time. Despite the possibility of expressing time-invariance arithmetically, it was a challenge for our system to fit this exact mathematical expression (Gopalan 121).

Our project was to create a discrete digital signal that could be installed in a computer for arithmetic calculations. This is because the impulse response of the system determines its behavior and function. Another team member introduced the concept of convolution to help in building the system. This involves integrating various impulses and measuring their effect on the system. It was also important to ensure the system had memory and causality. These two properties made the program run with ease. Building the program was intense work.

We were able to finish the program and ensure that it was working. This took much effort, commitment and sacrifice from all the group members. We were also able to get test our program and proved that it was functional. Our first challenge was coming up with arithmetic arguments that would suit the unique nature of our program. It was tasking to make calculations and constantly refine them. This was mainly because we had to a find a suitable constant that would ensure rhythm for the convolution. It was challenging to access the materials for the project. This is because the system needs specified measurements that were not easily accessible within the college grounds. It was very difficult to find adequate time to work on the project. This is because of different commitments that all members of the group had. This made it difficult to find the appropriate time to all come together and meet other than during class hours. Finding adequate research for our project was also a challenge. We had to go the extra mile to access relevant samples of the system that would guide us in the project.

Works Cited

Gopalan, K G. An Introduction to Signal and System Analysis. Toronto, ON: Cengage Learning, 2009. Print.

Ghosh, Smarajit. Signals and Systems. , 2006. Print.

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