Lincoln University of Missouri

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Lincoln University of Missouri

Final Group Assessment Paper Title

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Lincoln University of Missouri

Group Assessment Paper Title

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Brief introduction about the population you are interested in forming a group for. This section should include statistics related to the population. This section should end with a thesis statement that serves a roadmap of what is included in the paper. Use a reference other than the textbook or NASW in this section. – Revise this section for Part 4

Type of Group Part 2

This section is where you explain the type of group you are proposing and how it relates to your population. Paraphrase the definition in the book and use a citation. – This was in Part 2

Proposed Group Part 4

In the final version of the paper you will include specifics about your group such as how many individuals will be in your group. How long will your sessions be? What type of location would you prefer? Is attendance mandatory?

Ethical Standards Part 2

Brief introduction about this section of the paper. Let the reader know what you are getting ready to talk about in this section. This is definitely a section where NASW will be cited.

Ethical Standard (The name of this section is one of the 6 ethical standards NASW Code of Ethics includes)

For example

Social Workers’ Ethical Responsibilities to Clients

1.05 Cultural Competence and Social Diversity

a) Social workers should understand culture and its function in human behavior and society, recognizing the strengths that exist in all cultures (National Association of Social Workers, 2017).

This ethical standard is relevant to my proposed group because yada yada bling bling and tada chica boom boom bang bang.

Explain why this ethical standard is relevant to your proposed group. NASW will be cited in this section.

Ethical Standard (The name of this section is one of the 6 ethical standards NASW Code of Ethics includes)

Explain why this ethical standard is relevant to your proposed group. NASW will be cited in this section.

Leadership Skills and Challenges Part 2

In this section you will explain what leadership skills you will need for the group and some challenges you may face while leading the group. This section will definitely use the book as a reference.

Multicultural Perspectives Part 4

This section you will discuss the particular issues that may arise in your group because of culture and how you will address them. This section will definitely use the book as a reference.

Curriculum Part 3

Provide a brief introduction of what you will do in this section. Then start writing your curriculum on the next page. You will have at least 4 pages worth of curriculum – 1 per week. You will submit ALL handouts and supporting documents of ALL activities with the final paper.

Week 1 (Initial Stage of Group)

Purpose. Provide an explanation for the purpose of this week’s curriculum in your particular group. FYI: For Week 1, I expect to see activities and topics that focus on building rapport and creating a sense of belongingness.

Goals or Objectives. Provide 2-3 goals or objectives for the week

Topics. Provide the 1 -2 topics for the week and how they are relevant for your group.

Activities. Provide 4-5 activities, how long they should take, and how they are relevant for your group. Activities should relate to your topics Remember that every activity you mention must be submitted with the final paper.

Week 2 (Transitional Stage of Group)

Purpose. Provide an explanation for the purpose of this week’s curriculum in your particular group. FYI: For Week 1, I expect to see activities and topics that focus on building rapport and creating a sense of belongingness.

Goals or Objectives. Provide 2-3 goals or objectives for the week

Topics. Provide the 1 -2 topics for the week and how they are relevant for your group.

Activities. Provide 4-5 activities, how long they should take, and how they are relevant for your group. Activities should relate to your topics

Week 3 (Working Stage of Group)

Purpose. Provide an explanation for the purpose of this week’s curriculum in your particular group. FYI: For Week 1, I expect to see activities and topics that focus on building rapport and creating a sense of belongingness.

Goals or Objectives. Provide 2-3 goals or objectives for the week

Topics. Provide the 1 -2 topics for the week and how they are relevant for your group.

Activities. Provide 4-5 activities, how long they should take, and how they are relevant for your group. Activities should relate to your topics

Week 4 (Final/Ending Stage of Group)

Purpose. Provide an explanation for the purpose of this week’s curriculum in your particular group. FYI: For Week 1, I expect to see activities and topics that focus on building rapport and creating a sense of belongingness.

Goals or Objectives. Provide 2-3 goals or objectives for the week

Topics. Provide the 1 -2 topics for the week and how they are relevant for your group.

Activities. Provide 4-5 activities, how long they should take, and how they are relevant for your group. Activities should relate to your topics

Conclusion Part 4

Summarize your proposal. This section should include at least one reference. FYI: The final paper is worth 300 points. Length requirement is 9 – 13 pages, not including title page, references, or descriptions of activities and handouts.

References Part 4

Final paper must include at least 7 references

Appendix Part 4Group Rules

Informed Consent (if necessary)

Activities –detailed descriptions



If you mentioned providing it to your group members, you must have it in your appendix.

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You can choose either format of your choice ( Apa, Mla, Havard, Chicago, or any other)

NB: We do not resell your papers. Upon ordering, we do an original paper exclusively for you.

NB: All your data is kept safe from the public.

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