Lego Model Question

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Lego Model Question

Lego Model Question

Lego uses a legion of its fans on a global scale to drive the value of the company up through open innovation. It also uses open innovation as a critical tool to help the company create popular products while still connecting to its fanbase through meaningful connections. In this crowd-funded transformation, the platform referred to as the LEGO Ideas allows the company to active the creativity of its followers. Resultantly, the product development process of Lego has skyrocketed (Antorini et al. 77). Today, the company is able to accomplish projects in a year that traditionally took two or three years. The use of open innovation has enabled the firm to create a consumer-driven value stream that has set the firm apart from its competition.

Lego’s model is primarily based on using its fanbase a ma major selling point. In the short term, the model will enable its users to continue designing new models, share their ideas, and use their numbers to vote for the best creation. The same model is applicable in other business areas allowing users to design, share, and vote for the best designs to put into the market. The open innovation platform and model is likely to boost the longevity of the firm, an aspect that can be used in any other business establishment. The inbound ideas for new products allows the firm to stay relevant.

Works Cited

Antorini, Yun Mi, Albert M. Muñiz Jr, and Tormod Askildsen. “Collaborating with customer communities: Lessons from the LEGO Group.” MIT Sloan Management Review 53.3 (2012): 73-79.

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