Legal and Unethical Conduct

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Legal and Unethical Conduct

Legal and Unethical Conduct

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Legal and Unethical Conduct

Legal and unethical conducts are acts recognized by the constitution as legal but deemed unethical by the community. Deeming the act unethical is based on the act’s inability to secure an individual need like privacy. Therefore, the paper discusses the unethical behavior of T-Mobile Company by sharing customers’ personal information and determining where the laws of legal conduct are found. My chosen company that has engaged in legal but arguably unethical conduct is T-Mobile. T-Mobile practiced unethical but legal conduct by subjecting the customers to share their data with the unnamed advertisers. In April 2020, T-Mobile announced its merger with Sprint to form an organization that provides technological goods and services to consumers. The provision of the service announcement entails using customers’ devices and web data to encourage third-party advertisement. The 102 million customers were advised to share their data with the unnamed advertisers (Morse, 2021). The act of sharing personal data is legal in the United States of America but unethical. Notably, selling customers’ personal data is unethical because customers require data privacy that protects their personal information and browsing data. Also, data may associate the identity of the customers with an individual with the customer who did not choose to share the identified data, leading to harm like discrimination, loss of privacy, and stigmatization (Morse, 2021). Furthermore, it is unethical if the company fails to provide data security to the customers by sharing the data information with a third party for advertisement. The third-party may take advantage of scrutinizing the life of the customers leading to a loss of privacy.

The legal conduct laws in the United States of America are found in the United States Constitution, state and federal statutes, case laws, and administrative regulations. As such, the purpose of the law identified in the chapter reading gets based on defining the minimum standards designed by the governments and the constitution to assist the legal practitioners and the regulatory bodies in determining the cases in which the conduct in question falls (Issacharoff, & Morrison, 2018). I agree with constitutional regulations that the conduct may either fall within or outside the remit of the professional conduct. Furthermore, the business executive should look at the constitutions to find the laws that govern their business.


Issacharoff, S., & Morrison, T. (2020). Constitution by Convention. Calif. L. Rev., 108, 1913., J. (2021). How to stop your cell provider from sharing (some of) your data. Mashable.

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