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Installation and ConfigurationProvide detailed installation steps for each of the major components and protocols planned for the system.

Discuss configuration considerations for installation of these components and protocols.

Include configuration of the system for remote access.

Installation and Configuration

Provide detailed installation steps for each of the major components and protocols planned for the system.

In order to install a fully functional remote system, several steps have to be undertaken to guarantee the efficiency of the system. The steps involved are described in details in order to give out a clear instruction on how the installation process was carried out. Since it is a remote connectivity system, a lot of considerations have to be put in place to ensure that the system functions properly with respect to the expectations placed on it upon its creation. As such, things such as hardware as well as applicability necessity, the security of the system, its troubleshooting as well as maintenance concerns must be considered with a lot of care to ensure that the system created works best for the benefit of the company. As such, the steps given below best describe how the system was installed.

To start the whole installation process, the company must ensure that it has a basic SQL in its servers. Failure to have this server will deny the company the ability to install the components and protocols needed for its system.

First, the company’s programmer must download the file responsible for the installation process required. This calls for the company’s computer to be running on a windows server 2008 that supports either the 64-bit or the 32-bit server (Microsoft.com, 2014).

The next step requires that the programmer logs on to the server that will be the SQL server for the company’s computer. In order to carry out this successfully, the programmer will need to be able to access a .NET Framework that is 3.5.1 version before he can go about setting up the launch of the SQL server. Upon launching the server, the company’s system will reflect such information of its screen:

Success Restart Needed Exit Code Feature Result

>—————– ————— —————–

True No Success {.NET Framework 3.5.1, .NET Environment, C

However, a couple of prerequisites must be conducted

If the company’s computer was by any chance using any other server, it must configure it to ensure that it start using the SQL server as its main server. In order to doo this, the programmer must ensure that she opens the server manager and navigates it in order to configure it, then to local users and groups and finally to groups. Thereafter the programmer must double-click on the administrators button, then click add so that she can change the object types of the company to includes things such as computers and press enter the company’s SQL server name. After this, the programmer must check the names and click OK, clicking OK the second time allows for the saving of the changes made to the Administrators group.

After this, the next step involves accounting for the local administrator. This is done on the company’s computer’s local SQL box. In order to be able to do this, the programmer opens the server manager, navigates through its settings to configure the settings, local users and groups as well as groups. She then double-clicks on the administrators and upon clicking add, she changes the object types on the computer (Microsoft.com, 2014). The programmer finalizes this step by entering the company’s SQL server name. The whole operation is concluded by clicking names, then OK. Changes made, including the administrators group, on the computer are then saved upon clicking OK again.

Once the programmer is through with installing the server, she then carries on to install the major components and protocols planned for the system. The steps involved in this operation include the following;

The programmer opens the SQL server and on its media, s/he navigates through the systems setup folder that allows her to launch the setup.exe. She goes ahead to click next in order to have an overview of the screen.

A setup option is provided for the programmer to typically install the primary stand alone site that is viewed by all who use the server.

Upon clicking next, the program grants access to the licensing terms that provides the user of the computer with the” I accept these license terms”

A location for saving the updates provided on downloading, or creation of a new location on the server is provided by clicking next. It is then followed by downloading the SQL updates as well as its requirements, which saves the programmer from manually performing the installation process. At this point, it is highly recommended for the programmer to copy the downloaded updates for future installations.

Language confirmation for the server is provided with the completion of these downloads. By clicking next, the programmer confirms the server’s language for the user. This is made sure by clicking next again.

The next step involves entering the sites code along with its descriptions.

The server then prompts the programmer to install an existing SQL hierarchy. By doing this, s/he is provided with the option to ‘install the primary site as a stand-alone site’ for the computer. By clicking next, the programmer confirms to the server that there will not be a chance to be part of any hierarchy after installation.

The server details are then entered. This requires the use of a different site code should the user choose to migrate from the SQL server to another. At this point, there is a change in the naming pattern in the database. This is changed from “SMS <site code> to CM < site code>”. The programmer then enters the name found in the SQL server and accepts all other defaults that are available. Then the programmer clicks next.

The site is then confirmed to host SMS provider by clicking next (Microsoft.com, 2014).

The method of communication is then selected with HTTPS being the preferred choice. This choice offers HTTP together with a “site system-by-site system basis”. In order to have maximum flexibility of the server, the programmer is provided with a “configure the communication method on each site system role”.

The server is the made open for the management as well as the distribution point. Depending on the previous options provided, the server is made optional to the programmer. She then clicks next for the next step.

In order to view the customer experience options that are locked for display in the remote system, the programmer only needs to click next.

After the completion of its installation, the programmer is expected to see the confirmation message that tells her of the installation success as well as features and roles played part in the process.

The programmer then clicks the run button to run the program on the company’s computer.

Discuss configuration considerations for installation of these components and protocols.

Before any installation is done, the programmer needs to be aware of some of the things that are a must for an installation to be successful. Some of the things s/he needs to know are the reasons for using the PHP, which contains three major parts. Namely;

Desktop or commonly known as GUI applications

Scripting (common line), and

Server-side scripting (web applications and websites)

In order to conduct an installation, there are three most familiar forms involved. In these forms, the things required include a web server, a PHP, and a web browser. Many companies’ are known to have their own servers as well as web browsers and as a result of this, setting up a server is not hard. The only thing needed for the installation to carry on through is the overwriting of the PHP scripts.

For configuration of a remote system to take effect, a couple of things must be paired together to ring about the effectiveness of the system. Through remote access, the server is able to connect with compatible devices such as the smart phone, any computer within the facility or any pocket PC that may be within the area. By allowing remote access, the programmer is granted a chance to make any necessary repairs needed for the computer as well as troubleshoot the computer itself. This is made possible by the use of either a cable connection or a modem.

Configuration of the system for remote access

The steps involved in configuring a remote access are briefly described below.

The programmer signs in the company’s computer as the administrator. S/he is able to do this by the use of the computers users menu that allows her to boot up. Acting as the administrator, he is enabled to configure the systems remote access (Microsoft.com, 2014).

She then clicks the control panel on the start button, followed by the performance and maintenance irrespective of which operating system the programmer is using.

This if followed by clicking system option in the performance and maintenance or the system and security upon which the programmer is given access to click the remote access tab.

In the remote access tab, the programmer then clicks the select group or users tab that allows her location to object types. This gives her the room to check out the names found in the dialog box.

Firewall configuration is made complete by clicking remote user access in the manufacturers guide.

The process is finalized by opening a dialog box found in the windows firewall where the programmer then clicks the general tab.

Remote Access Remote Connectivity:

Discuss the remote connectivity needs for the system.

Identify the applications and hardware necessary to address the remote connectivity requirements.

Address security, troubleshooting, and maintenance for the remote connectivity.

Remote Connectivity:

Discuss the remote connectivity needs for the system.

For an effective running system, the company must consider the following characteristics to facilitate its network connectivity. Some of the things to be considered include system requirements such as Local Area Network (LAN). This consists of virtual private networks (VPNs), dial-up remote access, and wireless networks. Other important facts that must be put in place when considering the needs for a remote connectivity system are;

Security: for a secure, manageable as well standard –based remote connectivity system, the company must ensure that the system is user friendly to all its employees. This is done as a way to ascertain the employees that they are valued equally the same in the firm’s activities. It has been known that employees take part in the various activities that make up the corporate offices. In addition, branch offices, off road as well as home offices too. To be in a position that guarantees the security of the system, the organization must comprise all its employees in the system.

Management complexity: the use of integrated solutions in the remote connectivity of a system provides a way of challenging the centralized policies and authentications. This is made possible by the use of wireless clients in the organization. As a result of this, many organizations have been made to offer products that are dedicated with little integrations on their infrastructure as well as products (Microsoft.com, 2014).

Lowering cost: for an organization to run a secure networking, it must incorporate the use of separate licensing, training of its employees to be technologically equipped, and support contracts that will facilitate its networking in their aim of supplying technologies and multiple products to the clients. In order to secure the use of a VPNs, the organization is required to acquire a separate certificate that gives authorities and authenticates a model used in that organization. In addition, additional firewalls as well as server gateways and client side software’s must be in place to facilitate this.

Identify the applications and hardware necessary to address the remote connectivity requirements

In order for a remote computer to effectively run system connectivity, there are a couple of requirements that must be put in place. The major concern lies in the hardware of the computer being used to run this system. Failure to have the right requirements can ensure that the installation of the computers server is not successful, which in turn will interfere with the systems operations. It is therefore required that the hardware of the system must have a minimal of 1 GHz CPU, 512MB RAM, 10 GB Hard Disk space, DVD-Rom driver, Super VGA monitor, and keyboard and a mouse.

Address security, troubleshooting, and maintenance for the remote connectivity

Security for remote connectivity

In order for an organization to have network access, it must open up its internal networks to its clients, partners, suppliers as well as its stakeholders. Though it might come with its challenges, this move requires the company to employ higher levels of security that will safeguard any unauthorized access (Microsoft.com, 2014).

Remote Computer Maintenance

For remote computer maintenance to take effect, the administrator must ensure that she assists customers who are in the remote areas. This is done to reduce the need to travel the places where the problem is at. The administrator must ensure that the operating system of the remote computer windows XP that will give chance to perform the maintenance process remotely. This can only take place once the administrator connects to any PC computer and from there work to ensure that the configurations of the remote computer have been done. This whole process is done in three simple steps which include; enabling of the remote computer, remote user selection, and remote computer connection.

Remote Computer Troubleshooting

For a remote computer to troubleshoot, a windows operating system must be present. However, this can be altered with if the remote computer is firewall protected and in order to change the computers settings, one needs to be the administrator for her own computer (Microsoft.com, 2014). The steps involved in performing this task include; connection testing, remote computer enabling, and firewall configuration.

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