Jazz artist – Miles Davis

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Jazz artist – Miles Davis

Jazz artist – Miles Davis


Chambers, J., & Chambers, J. K. (1983). Milestones. University of Toronto Press.

The reference is about the invaluable biography of Miles Davis who was an American trumpeter as well as a jazz composer. Miles was born in the year 1926 and died in the year 1991. The reference includes a substantial new introduction of the last decade of the Jazz composer. The drawing and the painting that became an additional creative outlet. It also talks of the musical lows of Miles final Freaky Deaky years. It as well talks about the family warfare that came up over Miles last will and testament as well as the truth regarding Miles autobiography.

Cole, G. (2007). The last Miles: the music of Miles Davis, 1980-1991. University of Michigan Press.

The reference talks about the music of Mile Davis. Cole examines the music and makes a compilation of various albums that he has incorporated in his list such as Siesta, You’re Under Arrest and the ‘The Man with the Horn’ that are in the attic of London Times.

Coleman, K. T. (2014). The” Second Quintet”: Miles Davis, the Jazz Avant-garde, and Change, 1959-68 (Doctoral dissertation, Stanford University).

The reference talks about Miles Davis and his music and his journey to recording a new ensemble. The tour and record began four years before 1963 after the recoding of the album King of Blue which was one of his most successful albums. So much had changed and therefore he wanted to give his audience as well as introducing them to a free improvised ‘new thing’ in the Jazz music, this marked the emergence of the Avant-garde.

Davis, M., & Troupe, Q. (1990). Miles. Simon and Schuster.

The reference talks about Miles biography. It says that Miles Davis had been in the top ranking of the American music for more than 40 years. The reference recognizes Miles as a musical genius, one of the most significant and influential musicians in the globe. The article as well touches on the subject of the controversial biographies, with Miles speaking out himself about his extraordinary life. Miles speaks for the first time holding nothing back. In this article, Miles talks about racism as well as his drug problem as well as how he was able to encounter it.

Henry, C. B. (2017). Miles Davis: A Research and Information Guide. Routledge.

The reference talks about the various researches that were carried in search of information regarding Miles Davis. The research and information guide has been compiled with Miles information that is generated from various sources that include the university and college catalog holdings, world catalog, domestic and international archival centers as well as the Library of Congress Catalog.

Leubner, B. (2010). Clawing at the Limits of Cool: Miles Davis, John Coltrane, and the Greatest Jazz Collaboration Ever. Critical Studies in Improvisation/Études critiques en improvisation, 6(1).

The reference talks about the greatest collaboration between Miles Davis and John Coltrane that was in the mid to late 1950s. The collaboration occurred in two stages, having a significant break during 1957 at the time when Coltrane played with Thelonious Monk. The article says that one of the greatest things that came along with the collaboration between Davis and Coltrane was that eventual Monk and Coltrane collaboration.

Purser, R. E., & Montuori, A. (1994). Miles Davis in the classroom: Using the jazz ensemble metaphor for enhancing team learning. Journal of Management Education, 18(1), 21-31.

The reference article talks about Miles Davis’ music and how it has been used in schools. The article reveals how the jazz composition is a use of metaphor that does not suppress individual creativity. The article also reveals that the jazz ensemble demands higher degree of interpersonal sensitivity as well as the cooperation between a group. The utilization of the jazz ensemble metaphor for groups tend to be demonstrated via the application of a novel experiential exercise that involve the students in listening a cut of the jazz sextet of Miles Davis. The article reveals that the learning exercise provides an opportunity for the students to simulate the conditions that facilitate dialogue.

Szwed, J. (2004). So what: the life of Miles Davis. Simon and Schuster.

The reference talks of the life of Miles Davis, a musical genius, visionary artist as well as an enigma to whom even after his death continues to loom large as a cultural icon. The reference is a new biography that was developed since the death of the jazz musical icon Miles Davis. The author draws on the various archives and the interviews that had not been published before with the people who knew Davis producing the richest and most revealing portrait of the icon. The musician went through various transformations before he became the image of cool. He was the son of Miles Davis III a dentist from Illinois.

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