isualization as a co-design

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isualization as a co-design

3D visualization as a co-design on the performance of the Apparel Industry

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The apparel industry is the same as the garment, clothing, and fashion industries. The fashion accessories, footwear, and clothing sector includes production, designing, wholesale, and retailing. Fashion, modeling, hairstyling, make-up artistry, photography, and other sub-sections are also included. It is a highly significant industry in the country since it provides income to many people and revenue to the government. The introduction of computerization in the garment sector resulted in design progress, as two and three dimensional visualizations are now utilized in the fabrication of stunning designs. As a result, two-dimensional and three-dimensional representations created with computers have essentially eliminated the real dummy in the apparel sector. In that scenario, many people in the Apparel sector believe that three-dimensional visualization is crucial in the current design of textile components. The study presented here deals with the importance of three-dimensional visualization in the apparel industry and the advancement in fashion technology (Lee, Ahn, Kim, & Kho, 2019).

In the Apparel sector, three-dimensional visualization plays a vital role in product design. The apparel designers utilize three-dimensional modeling to create garments and textiles that look stunning. In this context, they use computer programs to design items that would ultimately be made and worn by people. With this type of designing, they can make sure that their designs will look appealing to others who will wear them (Lee, Ahn, Kim, & Kho, 2019). And due to the huge variety of combinations that can be created using 3D renderings and laser scanners, there are no limitations on what can be made with such techniques.

Using three dimensions sparks innovation in the garment and textile industries, resulting in more pleasurable items that are cheaper, nicer, and more efficient. This is only feasible because of rivalry among the many enterprises in the sector. The rivalry among enterprises benefits the end user since they will be able to obtain cheaper and better items than handcrafted products. The fashion industry has a global orientation and is thus reliant on foreign markets for growth (Choi, 2022). Currently, the sector exhibits a wide range of problems that hinder its development, including the lack of qualified workers, poor infrastructure, and the proliferation of counterfeit products. Also, the nature of this sector requires a lot of innovation and creativity in some areas because all brands have to be unique and different. This innovation, however, requires designers to create garments that are different from what others are doing.

With 3D modeling and 3D visualizing technology being so important in the apparel sector, it must be ensured that quality standards are maintained in this field. Apart from ensuring the quality of machinery and materials, the Apparel sector must see to it that designers have the knowledge and skills needed to carry out their work. For example, they must be able to apply technical skills to create a three-dimensional visualization that is correct and accurate. Also, they must be able to adjust their designs in such a way that after production, they can be easily manufactured. This is essential, since the quality of such garments depends on how well their design was executed by designers. Furthermore, designers should also know all about computer-aided drafting (CAD), in order for them to be able to combine three-dimensional modeling with problems encountered during production (such as garment deformation) (Choi, 2022).

What I have learnt from this article is that 3D modeling is going to be very important for our clothing industry. There are advantages in terms of design, advertising and security. I like the idea of creating a 3D model from one piece of fabric which would result in faster decisions about patterns and designs. This can also help with security because if an item has been measured once it can be reproduced in any size and shape (Sun, Rolling, Howard, & Peek, 2018).

The news of 3D visualization as a co-design on the performance of the Apparel Industry is relevant to the business of apparel today since current designs and design trends are heavily influenced by 3D visualizations. This can be seen in clothing stores as well as online. People are looking for more exciting and more innovative clothing and therefore the design industry is becoming even more creative and interactive.


Choi, K. H. (2022). 3D dynamic fashion design development using digital technology and its potential in online platforms. Fashion and Textiles, 9(1), 1-28.

Lee, J., Ahn, J., Kim, J., & Kho, J. M. (2019). Co‐design education based on the changing designer’s role and changing creativity. International journal of art & design education, 38(2), 430-444.

Sun, L., Rolling, V., Howard, L., & Peek, P. (2018, January). Learning in a Multidisciplinary Collaboration: A Case Study of Digital Textile Co-design for Apparel and Interior Designers. In International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings (Vol. 75, No. 1). Iowa State University Digital Press.

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