Is there consideration supporting

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Is there consideration supporting

Is there consideration supporting Talla’s promise to Dementas? Dementas v. Estate of Tallas

Talla’s promise to Dementas lacked consideration. Dementas actions towards Talla were actions of kindness or action of friendship. Thus Dementas did not expect to be paid for those acts. The courts found out that there was no evidence of consideration. However, it is a moral issue; the estate has adequate resources to comply with the wishes of Talla’s. At the time Dementas was offering his services, he was not looking forward to be compensated since they were actions of kindness. On recognizing this, Talla wanted to leave a gift for Dementas in his passing. It was unfortunate that Talla died before he could include Dementas in his will as an heir to his state.

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