Internship Reflection

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Internship Reflection





Internship Reflection


It is another week of my internship program, and the whole experience has been helping me grow as a professional. So far, I have been working on various projects. Within this period, I began coming up with a poster for a project. The project that I conducted was based on Reproductive Justice. As an individual, I believe that humans have a right to decide whether or not to have children. It is also my belief that children should be raised in sustainable communities. The whole idea of creating the poster for this project was to create awareness on reproductive justice. Many people are denied the chance to make decisions concerning their bodies in terms of reproduction. They need to be aware of the fact that they have a choice. To complete the poster, I was required to send people surveys to gather relevant information concerning reproductive justice. The whole process proved challenging since some of the participants in my survey were not able to create time to look at it. As a result, it made it difficult to get data results. Since the people who received the surveys did not look at it, I was delayed in assembling the information required for the first draft of my poster. On the positive note, the people taking part in the survey were willing to still look at it.

The So What?

The internship program has enabled me to grow as a professional in various ways. Through this week’s activities, I have been able to learn the value of pre-planning for actions to avoid failure to meet targets. I have also learned how to interact with people to carry out surveys. For the first draft of the poster for my project, I was not able to gather results on time because people were not able to look at the survey. It might have been the case because most people have busy schedules.

Meanwhile, I have been working on trying to reach each person who was taking part in the survey. The aim was to try to see if they could submit the survey before Wednesday of this coming week. By doing so, I would get a chance to work on the data to be used for my second draft of the poster for the project. If I were to carry out another survey, I would consider doing surveys through interviews. It could be done virtually, and it would give me a chance to gather data immediately without having to follow up on people to complete the survey. It would also enable me to collect more information in a short period.


Taking part in the project during my internship allowed me to gain individual skills that enable me to handle certain situations. I was able to create a poster based on reproductive justice to create awareness. Despite the various challenges, such as collecting data for my survey, I was able to finish up my drafts for the poster. With the data provided for my poster, I will pick a time and date to conduct my panel. The panel will assist me in finishing the poster, and this will allow me to come up with a conclusion and results for my panel project. This particular experience has allowed me to identify my strengths and weaknesses during the project. It has enabled me to gain insight into the extent to which a poster can prove beneficial in creating awareness. I believe that many people should be aware of the fact that they have a right to reproductive justice. With the posters ready, they can be distributed and posted in different places so that people can see them.

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