Internal promotion

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Internal promotion

Internal promotion refers to the practice of advancing a person within their own organization. It is typically used to facilitate succession planning and foster employee development. Internal promotions can be made in high-level positions, mid-level positions, or even in more junior ones. Positions as internal promotions might include the organizational stages of vice president to department manager to regional manager (Gupta, Chen, & Yu, 2019).

This topic is important to me since it has helped me to outgrow my current position. It also saves the company money by hiring internally. The main significance of internal promotion is that it prevents the company from hiring externally. Through internal promotion, a company can identify and train people who are already familiar with its culture and processes. This approach not only saves a company money but also helps it to preserve its organizational culture. Thus, a company can avoid the problems caused by training an individual who does not fit into the organization’s preconceived notions. Another benefit of internal promotion is that it allows a company to avoid the costs associated with turnover. Another benefit is that it enhances an increase in salary and allocates a new title to the promoted person. Furthermore, promoting a person internally can prevent an individual from having gaps in employment history. Promoting someone internally allows a company to retain valuable employees who would otherwise leave for a more lucrative position with another company (Harzing, 2018).

My audience in this research proposal about internal promotion comprises of the hiring manager, the HR, and my current manager. It is very important that I understand the standpoint of my boss and of my coworkers, so that I can understand their point of view during the selection process. After this discussion, I will make a clear decision on which position should be selected as the job to be promoted.


Gupta, R., Chen, G., & Yu, S. (2019, July). Internal Promotion Optimization. In Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining (pp. 2358-2366).Harzing, A. W. (2018). Internal vs. external promotion, part two: seven advantages of internal promotion, plus some general tips for both. Impact of Social Sciences Blog.

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