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Instructional Plan

Student’s Name

Grade Course

Tutor’s Name



Lesson Title & Subject(s):

Formatting – Teaching instructional plan

Topic or Unit of Study:

Teaching reading and summary writing


Middle school

Instructional Setting:

18 students (African-American)

Reading and summary writing

The learning environment is the classroom

Groups of two students and, later on, individual work


Your State Core Curriculum/Student Achievement Standard(s):

The learners should demonstrate fluency in reading and writing, in-depth understanding of class activities, and sophistication of writing skills. Standards to be achieved are:

McREL: Learner will read the given samples and write a summary of the content.

McREL: Learners will use the required vocabulary in speech.

TESOL: “Students will use appropriate strategies to construct and apply academic knowledge” (Yasuda, 2014, p. 132).

Lesson Goals:

The purpose of the lesson is to enable learners to read and write a summary report.

Lesson Objective(s):

By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Show understanding of the content read.

Write a clear and understandable summary of what has been read.

The summary should give indications that the learners can communicate well through their writing (White, Houchins, Viel-Ruma & Dever, 2014).



Instructional Materials:

English textbook

Chalkboard demonstration accompanied by overhead projector

Tablets having various articles

Computer with audio device to assist in pronunciation and vocabulary


Sequence of Instructional Procedures/Activities/Events

Identification of Student Prerequisite Skills Needed for Lesson:

The previous lesson was about introduction on reading comprehension. Today’s lesson will involve reading and summarizing the articles/comprehension obtained on the tablets. Computers will assist in pronunciation of unfamiliar words. Learners should be attentive and participate in areas required (White et al., 2014).

Presentation of New Information or Modeling:

The new term is summary writing, and it means writing down the main points of a comprehension on the tablets. The teacher will demonstrate to the learners by reading aloud a sample story displayed by the overhead projector and summarize the main points of the story.

Guided Practice:

The learners will be required to follow the sample displayed by the overhead projector. The tablets will contain the story to be summarized. The teacher should go round checking the progress and guiding the groups.

Independent Student Practice:

After the group discussion, each student should sit alone and write down the main points of the story he or she read on the tablet. In the case of any mistake noted, the learner should be guided in making the correction.

Culminating or Closing Procedure/Activity/Event:

Before the end of the lesson, each learner will come in front of the class and read out loud the points were written down (Yasuda, 2014). This will help see the progress made in the lesson and also check any area that requires clarification.

Pedagogical Strategy (or Strategies):

Both cooperative learning and direct instructional strategies will be used. Direct instructions will be given to the respective groups, and then the group members will cooperate to ensure they get the work done. Working in groups will ensure the group members assist each other when the teacher is helping the other groups.

Differentiated Instruction:

The English language to be used should be simple to enable every learner to understand. The speed of teaching will be fair to accommodate all the learners.

Student Assessment/Rubrics:

The teacher will ask questions relating to what has been taught and learned. The questions will relate to the main points learned in the comprehension. This will be a formative assessment. It will bring out what has been understood and parts learners have difficulties. Summative assessment will also be done at the end of learning the outcome. This will involve high-stakes assessment (Yasuda, 2014).


White, M. W., Houchins, D. E., Viel-Ruma, K. A., & Dever, B. V. (2014). Effects of

Direct Instruction Plus Procedural Facilitation on the Expository Writing of Adolescents with Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities in Residential Schools. Education and Treatment of Children, 37(4), 567-587.

Yasuda, S. (2014). Exploring changes in FL writers’ meaning-making choices in

summary writing: A systemic functional approach. Journal of Second Language Writing.

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