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Production basically refers to the creation of resources. However there are resources that occur naturally and would only wait for consumption. Such resources include the natural resources like the natural forests, rivers, lakes among other. However, there are also manmade resources that do create that will eventually be ready for use. These include the agricultural resources, industries among other resources. (Slattery, 2008)

Consumption on the other hand refers to the uses of these resources. These resources that do occur naturally or manmade are to be used and it is this process that we refer to as consumption.

Sometimes it is a bit technical to give an accurate definition of what habits are. The term habits looks ambiguous and I do believe that there are no habits that are universal to the human beings production and consumption. So for my case, I will bank on the hope that habits can as well refer to the way a person may decide to make a living.

There are various modes that people can use in the production and consumption. One of these modes is through industrial capitalism. Generally, people work for money in order to make a living. This money that we spent our time and energy for is again reverted to buying goods and services that we use for our daily use. These are the basic wants of every human being. You find that by using money or rather any currency there is involvement of a medium of exchange unlike some modes like agriculture where we may not need a medium of exchange. However we find that it is not easy to sustain industrial capitalism basing on the fact it has its base on the economic growth which is not definite and resources which can also exhaust. Critically looking at this, it is not easy to be certain that tomorrow there will be food to fully satisfy the demand of the people in the world. There are several things that determine the industrial capitalism thus making it not easy to predict its sustainability.

Secondly, there are places where the main way to go is through pastoralism. This means that their way of making a life is through their cattle. They get the products of their animals such as meat, milk and even eggs and feed on them. In production unlike the industrial capitalism that we have just discussed, there is less energy spent in production. However, they have to strategize in order to produce better. By being strategic, I mean that these people have to take care of their cattle by looking for green pastures for them, looking for drinking water for them and for those with domestic birds have to find a way of giving their birds of food. This type of production may also not necessarily be sustainable for it will basically depend on the availability of land to feed and to domesticating their animals. (Slattery, 2008)

In terms of consumption, the pastoralists find it very difficult in that there is double consumption. By saying that there is double consumption, I mean that the products as well as the pastoralists themselves do feed. The animals do depend on the greens and at the same time their owners depend on them for food and on the vegetables as well. So it can still be wise to deduce that there is energy spent by the products and at the same time, the process of acquiring needs energy. Here, the production mode is clearly coming to be domestication of these animals while the means of consumptions turn to be milking, herding, butchering and also the distribution and eating of this food. (Regmi, 2001)

In concluding this paper, I would like to point out some of the ways that can be taken to maintain the sustainability of these ways of production. The major mitigation measures that can be taken include keeping the population of the world in check in order to reduce the pressure on the resources.

Secondly, the number of cattle that is kept by these pastolaists should also be checked to reduce there effects on the limited resources. Apart from these, there the world population can try out better ways of production that will see the recycling the used resources. Through recycling the resources will be used fully. This what innovation can bring the world.


Slattery C. M. (2008) Contemporary Environmental Issues. Kendall/Hunt Hublishing Company, Texas, U.S.A.

Regmi, A. (ed) (2001).Changing Structure of Global Food Consumption Eve Publishers, Michigan

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