Inmates Infection Rate for COVID-19

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Inmates Infection Rate for COVID-19

Inmates Infection Rate for COVID-19


Name of Institution:

Overview of COVID-19

COVID-19 is caused by a viral particle named SARS-CoV 2 that is crown-shaped. It belongs to a family of viruses that mainly infect mammals and birds. They are characterized by respiratory infections in their hosts.

Data on COVID-19 infection rate for prisoners and staff:

Michigan prisons

The overall infection rate is 3% or 1,178 positive cases among roughly 38,000 prisoners

Staff cases have increased to 247, or 2% of employees. ( Jackson and Tanner, 2020)

B. Federal Bureau of Prisons

1917 out of 2700 inmates tested.

343 bureau of prison staff.

C. Two other States as a point of comparison

Ohio state- As of April 22, 2020: 3792 inmates infected 307 prison staff. (Bates, 2020)

New York- As of April 8, 2020: 287 inmates, 441 employees. (Stockler, 2020)

D. Two Foreign Countries

Kenya: 0 inmates, 0 prison staff members.

England: 1783 inmates, 487 prison staff members. (Shaw,2020)

3. Disruptions or protests due to COVID-19

Inmates at a state facility in Washington protested on April 8, 2020. They were concerned for their health after six inmates tested positive for COVID-19 (Mansoor, 2020).

What Safety protocol would you recommend for the Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC)?

MDOC should institute home confinement for some inmates on petty offenses.

MDOC should conduct mass testing of all inmates in their custody.

MDOC should conduct thorough sanitization drives for the prisoners and prison facility compound.

MDOC should isolate all inmates as soon as they test positive, perhaps in solitary confinement wings before being processed for treatment.

MDOC should restrict prison staff movement in and out of the facility.

Strategies recommended as solutions by other local, state, and federal correctional departments to reduce COVID 19. (according to PPE training)

Provide recommended Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for inmates and staff

Enhance sanitization drives across all prison blocks and compounds

Encourage social distancing measures

Create awareness about coronavirus among all detained persons


Stockler, A. (2020). More than 700 people have tested positive for coronavirus on Rikers Island, including over 440 staff. Retrieved 30 April 2020, from

Shaw, D. (2020). Thousands of Covid-19 cases in prisons, says study. Retrieved 30 April 2020, from, J. (2020). Retrieved 30 April 2020, from

Jackson, A., & Tanner, K. (2020). Retrieved 30 April 2020, from, S. (2020). Retrieved 30 April 2020, from

Training, P. P. E. Interim Guidance on Management of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Correctional and Detention Facilities.

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