Time Management: Using The Less Time To Do More

Time Management: Using The Less Time To Do More

Time is the only non-renewable resource we humans possess. It is valuable and limited that we individuals should protect it, we can protect our time by keeping our time on track. However, the concept of time management is harder than we think. Time management is one of the major obstacles people face, it is common for everyone; especially to us students, majority of us struggle regularly on meeting numerous deadlines, demands, and expectations of our parents, teacher, friends, co-workers, and society. During my first year of study of my associate degree, time management was my biggest enemy. The year was like a roller coaster ride full of ups and downs. I struggled with allocating my time for my family, friends, study, and work that led me to felt threatened by stress as I have to go to work almost every day while school projects and presentations are piled up with all those stresses, it made me understand what the importance of time management and what advantages and drawbacks is it gives.

Time management is a method of planning and organizing our time into the different divisions to do a specific task, in aiming to achieve efficient use of our time whereas performing a goal-directed activity. It is a way of “using the less time to do more”. Time management is crucial not only to our professional time but also to our personal lives as it is connected to completing a task and how meeting a goal. Having good time management benefits us in numerous ways by enabling us to work smarter-not harder; not only that it helps us increase our productivity and reduces our stress level but also helps us balance our school, work, and personal life. It also provides us opportunities for advancement and opportunities on achieving what is important in our life and career.

Stephen Covey has developed a tool the” time management matrix” that breaks our activities into 4 parts: Quadrant of Necessity, Quadrant of Quality, Quadrant of Deception, and Quadrant of Waste, respectively. With Covey’s Matrix, we are able to recognize and differentiate the urgency and the importance of the things we should get done in a given time.

Time management was my biggest hurdle throughout the 1st year of my associate degree. As a working student, it was very difficult for me to split my time for study, part-time work, and social life. With dozens of homework’s, projects, presentations that must be done throughout the year I was stressed out as I have to go to work almost every day just like I have to be for school. Not only because I needed the money for my tuition fee and pocket money but also, I could not say no to my previous manager as the restaurant I was working for was lacking staff. Thus, I have to take the shift in order for them to have a smooth operation. In fact, I prioritize my work more than my schooling, to the point that examination week has come, and I still work almost every day.

I would usually try to avoid procrastination however during the year, I realized that “time famine” is not a joke at all. I was so stressed out as regardless of how I try to finish everything before the deadlines, I always find that I don’t have enough time for all of them. Because of my poor time management, my grades in the 1st year of my study turned out to be quite unsatisfactory and lower than my expectation. I felt out of control of my time as my daily schedule is so tight that even a little time for myself was impossible. I missed out on a lot of important family gatherings and reunions with my friends, School from the morning, and straight to work at nightfall. I wasn’t much of a difference to a “robot” I would say.

With all the experienced I became more self-aware, it came to my sense I am acquiescent, As I prefer not to say “No” most of the time to people even though I have so many more important things to deal with, I also realized that I am a people pleaser, as I always wanted to keep everyone around me happy and like me to an extent that even I became restless it’s alright. I always try to avoid conflicts with people and make them comfortable around me.

A few of the things I will remember about what I have learned over the past semesters is that I need to plan and prioritize tasks by their level of importance and differentiate what is urgent and what is important. I also learned that it is important to keep the people around us happy, however, it is much more crucial for us to focus on our life rather than pleasing everyone especially when it comes to the matter that is about our future. Lastly, it is very important to maintain a balance of work, social, and school life as it will affect us physically and emotionally.

Owing to the fact that I had poor time management, this led to stress very bad temper and mood swings was some of the emotional signs of my stress. I was easily agitated and frustrated. While physically, I always felt headaches and ingestions. However, despite having all those symptoms I reckon that it was all Eustress (positive stress) as not only it pushed me to finish all my deadlines it also provided me an opportunity to raise my stress tolerance for future challenges that awaits me.

Since I have missed a lot of opportunities and got myself stressed out for one whole year, I came up with some action to improve not only my grades but also myself. One of the strategies that really help me to overcome my obstacle is to have a dynamic task list, this help me organize the things that matter more and help me focus on high-value activities; by listing all the task down and organizing them according to their importance helped me finish my task without last-minute scrambling or sacrificing the quality.

For example, family emergencies and education matter to me the most at this moment thus I list them as my top priority which belongs to Quadrant 1 as they are important and urgent. While maintaining a good relationship with family and friends as well as analyzing my career path belong to the Quadrant 2 (not urgent but important) whereas favor from coworkers and pleasing them sits on Quadrant 3 as they are important but not urgent on achieving my goal and mission. Lastly, I set watching TV, social media browsing, and playing games to be at least important (Quadrant 4).

Another strategy that helps me was to get over my biggest hurdle was to limit my multitasking. I used to think that multitasking will help save me time and accomplish more tasks within a period of time, but then I realize multitasking lowered my productivity as I could not effectively concentrate and maintain the focus I needed to get my work done.

I came up with a realization that my stress has a strong correlation with my poor time management. Thus, in order for me to lessen my stress and avoid time famine. I should strive for good time management skills which are essential to be learned and mastered in order to have a better personal and professional life, having good time management is beneficial to us as it could reduce our stress but can also make free time for us to sit back, relax and unwind, it can also help us learn more about self-discipline which is a crucial pillar for stable success. To conclude, I came with an idea that time management is a concept of balance and moderation of the things that are important to us. We can improve our time management skills by following some strategies such as using Stephen Covey’s time matrix, making a dynamic task list, and limiting our multitasking.


  1. https://www.mgiaust.com/growth/coveys-time-management-matrix/
  2. https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newHTE_00.htm
  3. https://www.webmd.com/balance/stress-management/stress-symptoms-effects_of-stress-on-the-body#2
  4. https://www.appointmentplus.com/blog/why-time-management-is-important/

My Weakness Is Time Management Essay

My Weakness Is Time Management Essay


“Dreams come true if you want them to, and if you want them to, it is up to you” (Peter Winsley, 2013).

When you start to apply for employment and go to questions and evaluation appointments, almost certainly, bosses will ask you to give instances of how you have learned and increased explicit aptitudes from your time at university. As I know by now, as well as passing all the year through university courses and communication beliefs, employability aptitudes can be picked up from preparation and getting ready assignments, doing exploration, and composing papers. It helps to be a valuable guide to me and everybody when drawing up a CV or applying for employment and work arrangements. The world of employment has changed dramatically, technology is impacting practices and experiences, and societies are becoming more global and multicultural. With the rise of globalization, employability is becoming one of the main goals for education systems. Today’s employers require employees to have soft or non-technical skills in addition to technical skills.

Main body:

As I showed in Assessment 1, SWOT analyses, and PDP, and after completing and analyzing questionnaires such as Learning Style and Live Style, Individual Learning Profile, and Higher Education QQA Core Skills, I have concluded that ambition, open-minded and mathematical skills are some of my strengths and IT skills, communication, and time management are some of my weaknesses. Some of the STAR analyses and reflections of my skills will be shown in my work forward.

Most of us have the tendency to copy other people, but the best method is to be yourself and focus on your own strengths. For myself these skills and weaknesses will show and will make me complete in the business world, more determined, and much better, I should say with these skills I will be confident in my future career success. For the future, these aptitudes need to be prepared for practice because practice is the key to preparation.

Also, I think my attendance in class is more than good, specifically the time has been adjusted well, but in the private study, I did not devote sufficient time which made me worried about the future. The time spent in the first year at the University of Wolverhampton has been an enlightening and instructive experience. I have learned and also developed my knowledge about the person I am, things that I did not give much importance and time to before if I think about it well. On the other hand, knowing that people are very different from others in general, unique in their ways, I consider that the most sought persons are those who have good skills and are well prepared for what they want to achieve in employment. Ambition is very important for employability skills.

‘Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings.’ Salvador Dali

My ambition motivates me and gives me the power to overcome all the obstacles and finish successfully the things I need to accomplish. This strength skill, I believe is very crucial in a lifetime and in the employability field. According to the course University of Wolverhampton: Skills for Learning, (2018), the basic key skills are::

‘Understanding, and analyzing a brief / list of requirements, Knowing how to find and use information, Planning and organizational Skills, Ability to meet deadlines, Ability to problem solve and think analytically.’

As well, according to Chris Corker and Sarah Holland, (2015), ‘the following skills which are generally found on lists of graduate employers’ most desirable skills, an individual’s familiarity with these can be seen as one facet of their understanding of employability, are :

Verbal Communication, Teamwork, Commercial Awareness, Analysis and Investigation,

Initiative/Self-Motivation, Information Technology/Computer Skills, Good Communication,

Planning and Organisation, Independence, Time Management.’

With all these skills, planning, organizing, and knowledge, the progress of my career will be definitely sure.

My ‘Open Minded’ strengths skill gave me a better understanding of the importance of a questionnaire, adapting myself to a new way of learning and a new way of seeing things that will help me further in life as I wrote in Assessment 1. Also, this is a key skill of mine, able me to express my thoughts and ideas clearly and confidently in speech, able me to influence and convince others, discuss and reach agreement, and able to adapt successfully to changing situations and environments. “The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.” Albert Einstein

My mathematical skill is an effective one which I got and developed it up along my life career. “Without mathematics, there’s nothing you can do. Everything around you is mathematics. Everything around you is numbers.” Shakuntala Devi

Until now my results have been well awarded through different projects and actions. According to my feedback received from my friends or partners, referring the my mathematical skills as well as my personal evaluation, I can say that I achieved an excellent level of performance. The feedback received from my friends and also from different exquisite persons gave me the desire to go forward and to increase myself, trying to arrive at a high level. My weaknesses are based on the feedback of the people I worked with, stating as well that I need to focus more, from patience which is low level to sharing responsibilities which are low level for the moment. All these skills presented, together with many others, must be improved with time and developed with a deep concentration, learning new ways of negotiation, performing written communication, and public speaking. If this is what is going to happen, it means that my career should be as efficient as I thought so, of course hoping that my health will be fine.

Now, I will expand my work explaining what I understood with the knowledge I got from the university and also from where I worked about my weaknesses which need to be improved right away, because, these weaknesses will be for sure a vital skill in my future career. Generally, improving a skill needs some knowledge about effective problem solving, which needs some steps like identifying the problem, defining goals, assessing alternatives, choosing the solution, execution, and evaluation. Running these rules might be a very good choice to resolve any of my weaknesses. Every weakness which by improving will become a part of my knowledge and experience will help me, together with what I have learned at university, to go forward in a certain manner.

Technology today is evolving more rapidly than ever before, data and digital technologies are shaping our lives. “If I had an hour to solve a problem I’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about solutions.” Albert Einstein

Technology skills mean having the capacity to utilize a PC with the programs you have learned. Asking for help when needed and I have kept practicing until I was confident enough to do something without having doubts or having the need to ask for clarifications around me from those who are better informed and prepared, helped me very much. Technology skill needs to be known whatever it costs, a fact which made me study very hard this field and know it better.

Email, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and all the social networking are based on electronic communication, obviously technology knowledge.

Communication is an integral instinct of all living things. Good communication is not just a process of transferring information from one entity to another. It’s the art of first listening or reading the information, comprehending it, processing it, and then transferring it, as well gestures, tone of voice, body language, and spoken language are some of the important aspects of communication. Communication skills are consistently in high demand, across all industries. “The way we communicate with others and with ourselves ultimately determines the quality of our lives” ~ Anthony Robbins Obviously, starting from school and being right now at a university and continuing my career is a competence. It shows how important is communication, no comment about it. Without this skill nobody will succeed anywhere, so, I hardly worked all these years to have an improving of good communication.

Another important skill which needs to be improved considering that I have some issues on this matter, is time management. ‘If you want to make good use of your time, you’ve got to know what’s most important and then give it all you’ve got.’ Lee Iacocca

In 1748, Benjamin Franklin said: ‘Remember that time is money’, today, this quote is deeply rooted in my mind for a long time. To improve my time management skills,

I made a journal to prioritize my tasks and I gave myself a deadline for my university homework, avoiding the possibility of exceeding my deadlines and, of course in time with my family responsibilities. I have reduced, as well, the time I was spending in the morning on my coffee transforming it into time spent with my son. Some of my minor responsibilities were delegating to some members of my family, because I felt I was running out of time for the ones that I prioritized and I considered it as being more important. A good idea of mine was to cancel watching TV to reading articles in newspapers considering it helps me learn English faster and will help me develop my communication skills quicker. In the future, time management will be surely adjusted.

In the presented skills report I analyzed some of my personal strengths, including ambition, open mind, mathematical skills, and weaknesses in IT, communication, and time management and, surely I have learned new things about myself and discovered new methods of learning and approaching life, and as well, I understood how to know myself better and focus on different ways of improving my weaknesses in order to overcome the obstacles that might appear along the way.

I will need to prove to all my future teachers by facts, my results, by my answers to the reference questions, showing and demonstrating the references have been studied.

Referencing always will be a challenge because I need to analyze very much referencing material on the internet, websites, books, journals, magazines, interviews, conferences subjects…and many other materials. A good structure will help me to express myself more clearly, whether in a work project, dissertation, essay, business application letter, or a CV. Considering that I have a long-standing interest in the business field, the right qualities to become an excellent manager and fully effective communication become integrated into the life of everyone through email, text messaging, and chat online, electronic communication will be definitely helpful and vital for me. For this reason, I have a lot to work on and compare each material and to be honest, is a quite big challenge.


‘Capability is a necessary part of specialist expertise, not separate from it. Capable people not only know about their specialties, but they also have the confidence to apply their knowledge and skills within varied and changing situations and to continue to develop their specialist knowledge and skills…’ Stephenson, (1998).

To be a capable person, one needs to know all the skills that are required in every field, a certain level of knowledge, keep studying, keep learning, good researching, good communication, planning and organization, time management, and computer knowledge.

Navigating Excellence Through Time Management and Quality Strategies

Navigating Excellence Through Time Management and Quality Strategies


The history of quality management: Quality management has been around for a long time. It is used to look at skilled workers producing a product, and a higher worker inspects the end process to see if it meets everyone’s satisfaction. Understanding how management in any process works and can improve on any assumptions of quality.

Why is it important?

With the increasing competition and changing of the technology, the need for the customers. It is very important for the company to achieve customer satisfaction with total quality management.

Role of Leadership

Why do we use Strategic Management?

Strategy is an effective management tool to help forecast the future of the company. Strategic leadership should know the organization’s mission and values of the company. They need to share this with the staff to achieve outcomes and keep the team motivated. Strategic leadership can help provide the mission and direction for the growth and success of an organization to employees.

The role model of management

Management role models are important in any company; they will exhibit their competence in the workforce. This will show employees or other managers that they can do the job and make sure everyone is on task. Employees are followers who will become a fan of life, and a leader becomes a mirror through which they see themselves and adjust to live a worthy and better life. If one truly wants to survive in a leadership position, he or she will have to pay attention to the needs of the followers. If the leader wants to lead by example, it is not simply being proactive or taking initiative. Support your team members and do everything you can to encourage their success.

  • Being dependable is important to maintain quality.
  • When you say that you will do something, you should do it.
  • Be punctual. People will be relying on you, and it is important.

Always keep a positive attitude even when times are tough. Smiles are catchy, and sometimes, that is all one needs to brighten someone else’s day. Always hope for the best, but be gracious if disappointment comes your way.

Types of Management Metrics

This type of management features a process that defines its quality; the entire production process, resulting in the absolute quality, is planned with complete metrics- measures of different quality and quantity to have an individual process.

General Quality Strategic and Tools

Establishing customer expectations

It is extremely important to establish customer expectations. The first step is to meet the customer’s needs and to give them the support they require. Your customers wants, and needs are what help the organization grow and become profitable (Slack,2003). Once that has been fully established, a business can now create a system that meets the consumer’s desires. The risk for high customer expectations is something may go wrong and will affect the consumer’s satisfaction with your business.

Designing quality

Define the stated quality needs for the project requirements. It is also defined as conformance to requirements or fitness for use, which means that the product or services must meet the intended objectives of the project to the sponsor and recipient (Noriak,1984). Design quality can be used on how to approach the project and the jobs it is going to take to achieve the correct outcome.

Defining Metric

Develop metrics for measuring the effectiveness. The first component is for the company to develop a mission and define the goals for the company. This allows a standard of measurement of the quality of a planning process to be assessed. This helps the company track performance costs in all departments.


Should have a guarantee that products will be 100 percent to your standard and error-free by adding controls to prevent defects and catching any errors in the process before they occur. This process should make it nearly impossible for mistakes and defects as the process is started and completed. Because human errors can occur all of the time, it is very important for an organization to implement a mistake-proofing management tool.


  1. Noriak, K. (1984). Quality Control Handbook. McGraw-Hill Education.
  2. Petty, R. (2018). Leadership and Success. Publisher Name.
  3. Slack, N. (2003). Operations Management. Pearson Education Limited.

Balancing Academic and Social Life: Time Management Challenges

Balancing Academic and Social Life: Time Management Challenges

Introduction: Navigating Time in the College Environment

A critical problem faced by many college students is the task of time management. College is the first time in your life in which you are faced with decisions in which you have no one to push you. Time management is first-year college students fall; they seem to be the ones who struggle the most. This paper will unfold the problems faced by university students, how students struggle with time management, and how they find time for social and academic life.

The Crucial Role of Time in College Life

Time is the most important thing you have in college. You must balance your time between social life and academic life. Social life is a very important aspect to university students, and many students struggle with maintaining time for both Social and Academic activities. College students have more flexible schedules that allow more free time. Therefore, it is up to the individual to decide and maintain their time. They can choose to study and work on homework, go out with friends and party, or even play. This is a problem that most students have their parents help with in high school. They should take responsibility for their work instead of teachers and parents making sure they are focused and diligent with their time. Almost all students will go through a time of struggle in which they must change their time to find a balance in their activities, and if they fail, their grades will suffer. Students should use resources such as ‘The Study’ and the library to try to keep up with their classes and help manage their time. Time management is one of the main reasons why first-year college students do not maintain a good grade point average.

Struggles and Strains: Challenges in Maintaining Equilibrium

Many college students do not know exactly what to focus on, whether at school or in social life. This situation seems to happen, at least for me, in my university career. I have had some weeks that are extremely stressful for me, and I have had some weeks that are not stressful at all. In a stressful week, you really have to put on your thinking cap and make sure you are doing your work on time and in an orderly manner. Last week, I had three partial exams, a research paper, and many smaller tasks that I had to do. When you have a week like this in college, you should stay on the road. I know some people who decide to stop doing what they are doing and not do their job because they are distracted. If you are distracted or not, you must do your work; it is why you came to school. The university is very difficult for time management due to the mixture of social and academic life.

Resources and Strategies: Seeking Effective Time Management

Social life in college is what every student needs and wants to have. As a student, your academic studies come first; then, your social life is second. You pay money to learn, not to drink every night. In my circumstances at this moment, I must manage my time well. I am pledging to a fraternity, which brings on a lot of responsibilities. A fraternity is like an extra class because it takes a long time, as a normal university class would. In my fraternity, we have meetings every Monday that last about two hours, and we have philanthropic events. For the past few weeks, I have been working with my brothers, studying to do well on our national exam. When college students struggle with time management, it is because they have other obligations on the side that get in the way. If you want to do other social things, you should be able to manage your time, or else you will be in a big problem.

As discussed earlier in this paper, managing your time is the hardest thing to do as a college student. The five-step process that Lucier wrote about in 2017, time management, seems to be very beneficial for college students. The first step is to start using a calendar and make sure you utilize it for all your tasks. A calendar is a very efficient way of keeping your dates and obligations in order. Writing your assignments on a calendar and crossing them off once you complete them is an excellent way to get organized and also brings a large amount of satisfaction if you have completed events on time. The second step is to make sure you write down everything you need to know. This is important because you must make sure to take good notes in class and write down all your assignments so you do not forget to do one and are able to have a good grade.

The third step is to schedule the time to relax. When you are studying, you need to make time for your brain to relax. Your brain can not work for so long, so you need to take study breaks. The best break anyone can take is a trip to the gym. Not only does it relieve stress and take your mind off of the hard work you have been doing, but it also helps with your body being healthy, which will, in turn, improve your mental health. The fourth step is to keep trying new ways to stay organized if the ones you try do not work. If you have a phone calendar and you do not like it, buy a printed calendar instead. The final step is to allow flexibility in your schedule. Some days, your schedule will not work; you must create time so you can do your work and activities.

Conclusion: A Pathway to Holistic Success

Furthermore, you must realize that time management is the most important thing anyone should have, not just at school but in life. The freshmen of the university should know when their time and place is to go out and party vs. when they should study. As a student, you must understand that school always comes first. While it may be challenging, if you do not do the work on time, then you could get kicked out of school and then have no social life. Being a college student is a test to see if you can become an adult and achieve goals in the real world. If you figure out the challenge of time management at the beginning of your career, a great path will be established for success in life.


  1. Lucier, L. (2017). The 5-step process to strategically manage your time. LinkedIn. Retrieved from https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/5-step-process-strategically-manage-your-time-louise-lucier

Strategic Time Management and Skills Development

Strategic Time Management and Skills Development

Skills Management and Its Importance

Skills management is a technique for managing employees’ capabilities in order to promote and improve their attitudes, knowledge, and skills (CHA). It addresses behavioral and technical capabilities or hard and gentle skills. In other words, competencies management allows the mapping of necessary capabilities for each individual and role, identifying all current competencies and evaluating the performance of employees. This monitoring is necessary to ensure that everyone’s expectations and objectives are in line with the organization’s s, as well as to maximize performance to achieve results. What is the acronym CHA in skills management? Knowledge, Skill, and Attitude, or CHA, is a strategy that examines, through competency tests, how many qualities a person possesses and which ones he needs to acquire to perform a task or role.

The Role of Skills Management in Time Management

What is the objective and importance of skills management?  Monitoring and understanding the link between personnel skills and delivery is the goal of skills management. This management gives leadership a more holistic perspective of team members, allowing them to cultivate them in a confident and confident way based on difficult facts. In order for professionals to perform their functions with higher quality and deliver better results, it is possible to identify and resolve any deficiencies, as well as to build on their strengths, by improving employee performance and managing competencies by supporting a realization of organizational objectives and objectives. Aligning expectations helps workers understand what the organization expects from them, which promotes feedback culture and drives motivation and talent retention. The definition of variable remuneration, training, and succession planning, for example, are all internal activities that include skills management.

Advantages of Skills Management, Including Time Management

As has already been said, skills management promotes individuals to acquire skills and attitudes that increase performance and help the business achieve its strategic objectives. However, performance management has many more advantages for both people and the company, so the advantages don’t end there.

Other advantages include:

  1. Streamlining the recruitment process;
  2. Continuous assessment of individual and group progress and results;
  3. Improvement of performance metrics;
  4. Foster closer links between staff and employers;
  5. A feeling of gratitude;
  6. A more cooperative environment;
  7. Reduction of turnover;
  8. Time management;
  9. Reduction of errors;
  10. better job execution;
  11. Achievement of corporate objectives and objectives;
  12. Assertiveness of decision-making.

Skills management and performance management

To evaluate and monitor the performance of teams and the company, effective performance management includes both objective management and skills management. In other words, performance management tries to grow people by looking at the skills of each employee, in addition to objectives and results. Thus, while assessing performance and skills, you can understand their connection and create effective action plans to help organizations achieve their goals.

How to do and how to implement skills management To meet the company’s objectives, strategic management of people should be considered while adopting skills management. In order to take into account what is essential to boost the competitiveness of the company and what must be done for the group or individual to produce high-quality deliveries. In order for the management of competencies to be properly implemented, the following four measures should be taken:

Diagnosis: Mapping skills

The first phase is to determine which capabilities the company has commonly desired in its staff and are compatible with organizational culture. Then, map the technical and behavioral capabilities required for each role to ensure the maximum level of work performance. Even benchmarking rivals is a suggestion during this diagnostic phase. Finally, consider which of the talents shown in the mapping staff is already mastered and which still wants to improve. Even the recruitment and selection process becomes more vigorous with this diagnosis. It will already be much clearer what qualifications are required for the position. Performance assessments, which will provide valuable information on the dynamics of each employee’s results and capabilities, can be used to monitor these skills after employment.

What doesn’t my team have?

We need to look into team failures so that we can reduce them in the first instance and minimize them to the fullest over time.

  • It’s time to diagnose gaps to close the GAPs after determining what competencies employees already have and diagnosing the others (distance between the desired state and the current state).
  • Preparation of an IDE

An Individual Development Plan (PDI) is produced as a consequence of mapping and locating GAPs. The DDI establishes a strategy and specifies measures to build the capabilities each individual needs to perform their duty. It provides greater clarity than what each worker anticipates about what should be done to meet the company’s requirements.

Monitoring of results

Monitoring indicators to determine whether or not the results of development efforts were good is undoubtedly one of the important tasks of the process. In fact, this is a crucial indicator that leaders should use to assess the growth of their teams and identify their key challenges. Leadership and HR decisions on training, job openings, and substitutions can only be made in this way.

Skills management practices

Skills assessment

The analysis of the performance of employees with regard to the necessary capacities, or what is expected within their tasks, is known as competencies assessment. This assessment is intended to provide an individual perspective of the participation of each team member as well as the team as a whole. The information collected through the information is used to define plans for the groups or for the company as a whole, as well as to make adjustments for the next evaluation cycles.

Skills matrix

For a comprehensive understanding of how individuals develop, the matrix of competence is crucial. A PDI can be developed using this information, which functions as a SWOT analysis of the traces of the developers.

Continuous feedback

One strategy to praise individuals and emphasize progress is continuous feedback. Feedback sharing supports continued growth in technical and behavioral capabilities and helps employees understand their good and negative behaviors. Feedback is a crucial component of skills management as it advances people’s growth in the search for greater performance and potential.


  1. CHA. (n.d.). What is CHA? Competency Model Clearinghouse. Retrieved from https://www.careeronestop.org/CompetencyModel/whatiscompetency.aspx
  2. Slack, N. (2003). Operations management. Pearson Education.
  3. Petty, G. C. (2018). Management: Skills and application. Cengage Learning.
  4. Noriak, K. (1984). Total quality control: Engineering and management. CRC Press.