USE: The 2 attached files and C. Bradley Thompson, America’s Revolutionary Mind,
USE: The 2 attached files and C. Bradley Thompson, America’s Revolutionary Mind, Thompson, Ch. 11, Conclusion,
Primary Source Analysis: Determine what the primary source readings are saying within the context given in each selection. Students can utilize the following questions to help them think through this section: What is this author trying to argue for or against? Is this author conversing with someone real or imagined? How should I as a reader assess the readings considering these things?
Secondary Source Analysis: Determine how the chapters in Thompson’s America’s Revolutionary Mind seek to advance the overall thesis. Students can utilize the following questions to help them think through this section: Does this chapter further the thesis? How does it or does it not do so?
Connections Between Primary and Secondary Sources: Determine if the primary source readings connect to the Thompson readings. Students can utilize the following questions to help them think through this section: Is there something within the Thompson readings that make connections to the concepts in the primary sources? How might these primary sources have played a part in Thompson’s overall thesis or idea?
Connections to Life and Ministry: Determine where (if they do) the ideas or concepts from both primary and secondary source readings pop up within the current world. Students should think about their specific context of life and ministry when answering this section.
Week 8 Addition: In week 8, students should include an additional 50–75 words providing their final thoughts on the term. Students can utilize the following questions to help them think through this final section: What new concepts or ideas did I learn about in this class? Have I learned to approach ideas differently than before? What’s one significant thing that I’ll take away from this class?