Video Distribution: MPEG-4, Multicasting, Encoding

MPEG (derived from the encoding of the following abbreviation Moving Picture Experts Group) is a digital encoding of audio and video files in a format standard of lossy data compression (Pereira and Ebrahimi 589). In this respect MPEG has different versions due to the gradual flow of technological progress and achievements of this group of researchers who year by year tried to implement new approaches to the digital format. In other words the researchers provided updating of previous versions with additional advantages. According to Steven Shepard (2005) there such types of MPEG standards as: MPEG-1; MPEG-2; MPEG-3; MPEG-4; MPEG-7. The first version of MPEG layer is was invented to resolve problems with data compression due to the challenges of time. It was contrasting to CD-ROM and PC in storage capabilities. MPEG-2 is a version which incorporated the ability to transmit and compress files with the speed of 6 to 40 megabit per second range; this format is appropriate even for HDTV and DBS and is used to promote streamline video for different purposes (Shepard 82). MPEG -3 is a special format for audio files which allows on the rate of 128 Kbps to store music files with a less degradation of sound quality, but this approach varies in the extent of rate, of course(Shepard 82-83). MPEG-4 is a format designed for the purpose to play and promote low bit rate transmissions, and this version is reliable and usable in three fields of its direct implementation: digital television, interactive graphics applications, and interactive multimedia such as the distribution of HTML-encoded Web pages (Shepard 83).

Multicasting is a service which is considered with data sending from one user to different ones who are interested in such packet data (Harold 451). One should not mix multicasting up with broadcasting, because it is in a away like a service club, where people share data from an appreciated user with further probable discussion of it in their short or relatively broad circles. It is concerned with IP telecommunications and relies on it, particularly, via Internet in contemporary world of high technologies. Multicasting is used in Australia. In fact, it is one of the innovations to be appropriate for Australia due to the huge size of its territory. Moreover, Australians have friends and relatives all over the country and neighboring territories, Tasmania Island and New Zealand as well. The only thing concerns the presence of Internet, so that to encompass the territory and provide connection with users. IT is shown on the example of inhabitants of the east and west sides of the continent, namely Sydney, Melbourne etc and, for example Perth.

Encoding is a process which makes huge audio or video files converted into proper for Web distribution size (Ratcliffe and Mack 231). In this respect it is very necessary to use encoding for making time frameworks for opening and sending files shorter without huge losses in quality. Raw video or audio files are too large too deliver across Internet and people save money and time when providing encoding for data, so that to make this process more facilitated. The only limitations according to the process of encoding are concerned with the concepts of bandwidth and throughput (Ratcliffe and Mack 231). These two parameters are significant, in order to evaluate the possible speed of traffic and other dimensions considered with fast and appropriate delivery.

Works cited

Harold, Elliotte Rusty. Java network programming. Ed. 2. Sebastopol, California: OReilly, 2000.

Pereira, Fernando C. N., and Ebrahimi, Touradj. The MPEG-4 book. New Jersey: Prentice Hall PTR, 2002.

Ratcliffe, Mitch, and Mack, Steve. Podcasting Bible. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons, 2007.

Shepard, Steven. Telecom Crash Course. Ed. 2. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2005.

GEC Automatic Voltage Regulator & Bond Servoline Data Acquisition Unit

AVR and Generator Output Voltage Data

The major function of the GEC automatic voltage regulator (AVR) is to control the voltage rates in a synchronous generator and to prevent the voltage output from exceeding the set standards (Mahmodd, 2008). The desired values of the generator voltage output are set as default data to the automatic voltage regulator, while the measured data are obtained in the process illustrated by Figure 1:

AVR and Generator Output Voltage Data
Figure 1. AVR and Generator Output Voltage Data

Thus, it is obvious that automatic voltage regulator is an integral part of the synchronous generator circuit. The means in which the automatic voltage regulator controls and reports the voltage output of the generator range from the excitation system control to the field winding measurement techniques (Mahmodd, 2008).

Operational Amplifier Circuit and Deviation Signal

Traditionally, to produce the deviations signals operational amplifier circuits are used in the marine electrical engineering (Mahmodd, 2008). Figure 2 illustrates the conventional operational amplifier circuit diagram:

The conventional operational amplifier circuit diagram

The point about the deviations signals is that operational amplifier circuits are conventionally equipped with the deviation signals generator circuits producing deviation signals in case of the errors observed in the supply of voltage, excessive or lacking voltage (Mahmodd, 2008). Accordingly, operational amplifier circuits can produce deviation signals to point to the deviation of the voltage value measured by the automatic voltage regulator from the so-called digital command value. As well, Mahmodd (2008) argues that operational amplifier circuits base their deviation signals on data about the inexpensive and simple configuration circuits.

K1 and K2 Coefficient from Operational Amplifier Circuit

Further on, it is important to consider the numerical and equation data about the signal deviation calculations and the work of the operational amplifier circuits in this process. According to Mahmodd (2008), signal deviation value is measured with the help of the following equation:

DEV =  [K1DV + K2MV]

In the above equation, DEV represents the deviation value, while K1 and K2 are the coefficients that illustrate the limitations of the signal deviations (Mahmodd, 2008). To derive the meaning of both coefficients K1 and K2, the equation should be modified to allow subtracting one of the coefficients from the deviation signal total meaning and then the K1 or K2 meaning to be parted from the K1DV relation (Mahmodd, 2008):

K1DV = DEV  (-K2MV)

K1 = DEV  (-K2MV)/DV or

K2MV = DEV  (-K1DV)

K2 = DEV  (-K1DV)/MV

Range of Measured Value Signal

The concepts of the measured value signal and the deviation signal are interrelated when they concern the performance of the operational amplifier circuits or the automatic voltage regulator. According to Mahmodd (2008) and Servowatch (2009), the deviation (d) signal is calculated as a difference between the average (x) and the sum of particular measured value signals (x1). At the same time, the average measured value is the sum of the particular measured values divided by the number of measurements (n) (Mahmodd, 2008). The necessary formulas to calculate the range of measured value signals include:

d = x  x1

x = x1 + x2/n

So, referring to the average measured value signal as the difference between the particular measured value signals, this range can be characterized by the difference between deviation signals limits of 0V to 10V. Therefore, when the deviation signal is 0V, the measured value signal range starts at 0:

d = x  x1= 0

x1 = 0

If the deviation signal is 10V, therefore x2 can be referred to as 10, and the result is the ability to calculate the average measured value signal or the range of the measured value signal:

x = x1 + x2/n

x = 0 + 10/2 = 5

Therefore, the range of the measured value signal is from 0 to 10, and the average measured value signal equals 5.

AVR Response to Generator Output Voltage Changes

The automatic voltage regulator is the device used to stabilize and maintain the voltage output in a generator. Therefore, it is natural when the automatic voltage regulator reacts to the changes in the generators voltage output. As Mahmodd (2008) argues, the automatic voltage regulator is connected to the generator through the main stator and field exciter windings that report the current-voltage output of the generator and allow the automatic voltage regulator to provide the lacking voltage amount to the generator (Mahmodd, 2008). Accordingly, when the voltage output of a generator is changed, the automatic voltage regulator reacts by the initial lack of voltage provided to the generator and by the subsequent need to feed more voltage into the generator through the stator and field exciter windings.

Thyristor Conduction Control

The thyristor is a semiconductor device consisting of two pairs of diodes labeled p-n. The process of checking and controlling the conduction in a thyristor involves two major varieties of the process, i. e. when a thyristor is active or blocked and consists of the following stages as described by Mahmodd (2008):

  1. When a thyristor is blocked it is necessary to figure out the anode-cathode voltage and relate it to the maximum allowed voltage for the thyristor turn-on procedure. In case if the calculated voltage exceeds the voltage norm, then conductivity is damaged.
  2. Next, it is necessary to relate the voltage meaning to the firing pulse value by comparing the voltages of the synchronizing and control generators.
  3. Finally, see if the firing pulse is reached by the voltage. If so, the thyristor is active and its conductivity conforms to the standard.

Bond Servoline Data Acquisition Unit: Types of Signal and Range

The device titled Bond Servoline Data Acquisition Unit is used to monitor the winding temperature of the generator stator. To connect the generator stator to the Bond Servoline Data Acquisition Unit and to be able to interpret the Units data, it is necessary to use a specific type of temperature transducer. As Mahmodd (2008) argues, transducers are divided according to the data they can convert and report. Drawing from this, to monitor the temperature data, it is necessary to use the sensor transducer. As a rule, such a transducer is compatible with either direct-current or low-voltage signals, while the variety of operable ranges includes over 30 types among which split, full, multi-mode ranges are dominant.

Signal Conditioning Card to Interface Transducer with Bond Servoline Data Acquisition Unit

The proper connection and interfacing of the transducer with the Bond Servoline Data Acquisition Unit become possible due to the performance of the fitting signal conditioning card. The most appropriate signal conditioning card for the transducer discussed above is the Multi-Voltage Input Card with its two varieties being A high and B low cards (Servowatch, 2009). The point here is that the Multi-Voltage Input Card allows the transducer to be interfaced with the Bond Servoline Data Acquisition Unit and operate in the voltage range of 0 to 5 or even 10V, which is of crucial importance for a generator with possible voltage deviations and the range of the measured value signal being 0V to 10V.

Signal Conditioning Required

Considering the topic of data acquisition units it is also necessary to understand that signal conditioning is currently a must for the data acquisition procedures. First, Servowatch (2009) argues that signal conditioning facilitates the quality and precision of measurement in data acquisition practices. Signal conditioning also helps to amplify the signal and avoid additional effort associated with the recognition of the signal in the noisy environment. Finally, signal conditioning is of great use for accuracy increase in sensor measurement and the work of transducers interfaced with the Bond Servoline Data Acquisition Units.

Circuit Signal Conditioning

Finally, to successfully implement signal conditioning, it should be interfaced with the help of a circuit. To achieve this, the signal conditioning system must operate at the full-range voltage in the levels between 10mV and 100mV. As well, the creation of the signal conditioning circuit requires three types of amplifiers including the differential and two instrumentation amplifiers. These amplifiers handle the input voltage and facilitate the feeding of the circuit (Mahmodd, 2008; Servowatch, 2009). Finally, resistor matching is needed for the circuit to operate at the changing voltage rates.

Works Cited

Mahmodd, Abdelalah. Design of Antiwindup AVR for Synchronous Generator Using Matlab Simulation. Electric Engineering Department (2008).

Servowatch. B101 DAU. Data Acquisition Unit (2009).

Product Break Down Structure

Product Break Down Structure

The original Project of the products provided by the company may be divided into three main categories. These are the System Products, which are featured by the main activity of the organization. Module products define the quality and the effectiveness of the organizational activity. Management products are aimed at following and improving the organizational performance of the company and implementing the managerial solutions, particularly those, regarded in the module products.

System Products

The Product Breakdown Structure, based on the principle of dividing the products by their origin, is aimed at highlighting this type of product as the basis of the business activity, and the result of the organizational structure.

Module Products

This type of production is intended to improve the effectiveness of performing the assignments from the System Products part of the flow-through improving the managerial practices and creating the necessary business/culture environment.

Management Products

These are the products, implemented b the organizational part of the business hierarchy. Originally, reporting and analyzing, as well as regulating the activity of the allover organization are within the assignments of the executive department in any organization. ADSSC emphasizes the analysis of customer demands and progress reporting as the main concerns of the organization.

Project Flow

Project Flow

The primary task of implementing any project, and developing it, is the definition of the key specifications, its requirements, and particularities of the working environment. After points are defined, and the main goals of the project are stated, it will be developed in two parallel flows: technical and managerial.

Technical entails the purchase of the necessary equipment, elaboration of the controlling and regulation software, and then testing the entire system. The live mode testing is the final stage before the final implementation. It presupposes the backup of the flow to the testing mode if some bugs and drawbacks are found.

The managerial aspect of the project presupposes the thinking over of the policies, that will be regulating the time and attendance system, the encouragement system, and the estimation of the possible requirements and suggestions from the side of the workers. The latter step is of particular importance, as workers will be using this system, and the specifications, based on their requirements should be taken into consideration.

Information Security in Companys Financial Operations


According to findings of a research published by Symantec 2009 Storage and Security in SMBs survey, despite the awareness of small and medium businesses of cyber risks and the existence of firm goals regarding security and information storage, a large number of firms in this category did not take even the basic steps in protecting their businesses. The survey included 1,425 small and medium sized businesses in 17 countries around the globe. (Symantec Press Release, 2009) The problem of information security is a real concern that should be addressed in the era of information technology, specifically for small business, as it is one of the most frequently overlooked and misunderstood. (Waugh, 2008)This paper provides an overview of the importance of information security for a small business, and based on a request by Coffee Affectionardo Pty Ltd., a company specialized in importing and selling various types of coffee machines, grinders, filters and beans, the report provides possible security measures that can be taken regarding their information system, specifically with the companys future plans of expansion.

Information Security Overview

The information security aspect can be referred to several distinct approaches. All the approaches are related to the safety of the data either from loss or interception. Mostly, the main area of threat can come from two directions, communication channels, which in the present informational area might be represented by networking, e.g. internet, and physical access, which is mostly concerned with employees.

Today internet is becoming an integral part of leading business, which allows working with large arrays of data and carrying out instantaneous communications with geographically dispersed regions. At the same time the internet is a difficult to control channel, which leads to that internet can pose several threats to confidential information of companies.

Typical risks to companys information might be represented through such threats as spreading viruses and other malicious codes, including spyware, adware, and others, unauthorized access to information, including physical access from inside the company, and confidential information theft. (Zorz, 2009) Additionally, the spreading of telecommunication technologies in the sphere of transactions and payment systems might increase to the risk of information loss at the user-operator link.

The importance of information security can be seen through the different policies that can be implemented, either all of them, or based on the requirements of the company. The policies can be divided into the following:

  • Enterprise-level policy  information security will cover the behavior within the company regarding the information system.
  • Issue-specific security policy- describing the way technology will be used in the organization.
  • System-specific security policy  specific instructions regarding individual system and technologies. (Waugh, 2008)In the case of Coffee Affectionardo Pty Ltd., this policy is concerned with the usage of the MYOB (Mind Your Own Business), an accounting management and time billing software, which handles GST, adjusts inventory, handle transactions and etc. (2009)

Accordingly, information security is an essential aspect by which the company not only will protect the information of the company and its employees, but also the information of current and/or potential business partners, as well as customers information. It is not possible for a small business to implement a perfect information security program, but it is possible (and reasonable) to implement sufficient security for information, systems, and networks that malicious individuals will go elsewhere to find an easier target. (Kissel, 2009)


Identifying the area of protection, it can be seen that they revolve around two aspects, i.e. the database of the company which contains sales records, as well as customers and suppliers personal and financial information, and the communication channels through which payments is received using MYOB, and the network through which the potential 10 stores/distribution centers will communicate. In terms of physical threats, the employees threat can be omitted at this time; however, a policy should be developed for the information policy in the long term.

The recommended security measures, which are independent of the MYOB software, should concern the following actions:

  • The protection of the user machines on which the software is installed. The protection includes software from viruses, spyware, and other malicious code. (Kissel, 2009) The software should be updated regularly, specifically on machines on which MYOB is installed.
  • The protection of the internet communications. The protection includes installing firewall software, which protects all incoming and outgoing connections.
  • Backup the data. The backup process can be implemented using additional storage devices, and should be automated. In case of using a centralized data system, the backup can be limited to the information stored in those systems.
  • Physical access control. In the case of the present company, the control implies limiting the access to the machines to only those people who operate them. The control options might include setting authentication procedures for the personnel using the information system.

In terms of MYOB, which is the main informational asset of the company, the protection procedures involve the aforementioned, with the addition individually backing the operating data file, through built-in function in the software. The option includes using an external storage device, and thus, the backup file should be additionally password protected. There should be checking procedures between MYOB and any protection software installed, in order to ensure that the software is compatible. As there is only one person in the company that might be using the software, there is no need to control access to different functions within the program. However, in the case of having several machines with staff having different function in different areas, the security setting in the software should be set up to control each area of access individually. The companys security function within the organization is facilitated by the fact that, the main area of protection is concerned with data operated by one software suit that, handles most of the companys operations. Nevertheless, taking the expansion perspective, the company should develop an information security policy that will manage different security issues within the different branches and department of the company. All of the issues should be unified under one enterprise policy that controls the behavior within the company toward the information system.


It can be seen that, the fact of operating a small business does not exclude the necessity of an information system which can be upgraded as the company grows. The presented recommendation manages the protection of the most important areas within the organization, which is mainly related to the companys financial operations. One issue of consideration can be addressed toward the two key factors driving the SMB security gap, i.e. staffing and budget. In that regard, the company should increase the IT security budget, especially that, it considers expanding its operations.


(2009) MYOB  Homepage. MYOB Limited. Web.

KISSEL, R. (2009) Small Business Information Security: The Fundamentals (Draft). U.S. Department of Commerce National Institute of Standards and Technology.


WAUGH, B. D. (2008) Information Security Policy for Small Business. Infosec Writers. Web.


Information systems tools

User Guide

The process for using the automatic shortlisting tool is outlined in this user guide along with screenshots.

There are three main steps required to accomplish the shortlisting task.

  1. Enter the essential and desirable criteria
  2. Enter the application data
  3. Shortlist the top 5 candidates

Each of the above steps is supported by an individual worksheet and the functions provided on each worksheet are defined in detail in the following sections.

Essential and Desirable Criteria Worksheet

The first step is to add the Person Specification in the sheet named Essential & Desirable Criteria. Add all the Essential Criteria in column C and Desirable Criteria in column E. As the name indicates, the Clear Essential and Clear Desirable clear the essential and desirable criteria data respectively.

Essential and Desirable Criteria Worksheet

This sheet consists of two additional buttons for navigation  Application Data and Shortlist. Clicking the Application Data button will take you to the Application Data worksheet consisting of all the application data including candidate names and ratings for each criterion. The Shortlist button will shortlist all the candidates (assuming that application data is already entered) and take you to the Shortlist worksheet.

Application Data Worksheet

On the Application Data sheet, Essential criteria can be entered in cells C4 to Q4 while Desirable criteria can be entered in cells S4 to AG4. Candidates and ratings for each criterion can be entered from row 5 onwards. To reduce the data entry task, the worksheet will automatically check if a candidates rating for Desirable criteria is required. Enter the rating for each desirable criterion only if the corresponding cell in column R says Yes.

Application Data Worksheet

This sheet also consists of two buttons for navigation  Essential & Desirable Criteria and Shortlist. Clicking the Essential & Desirable Criteria button will take you to the Essential & Desirable Criteria worksheet that consists of all the criteria applicable to the particular position. The Shortlist button in this worksheet will provide the same functionality as in the previous worksheet  that is, shortlist all the candidates (assuming that application data is already entered) and take you to the Shortlist worksheet.

Additionally, a Clear Application Data Inputs button clears all the application data in this worksheet.

Shortlist Worksheet

In order to understand how the candidates are shortlisted, it is important to understand the process undertaken. The automatic applicant shortlisting tool can be utilized to shortlist applicants based on the following criteria:

All applicants are given a rating of A, B, C, or D which is translated into a numeric system internally as 3, 2, 1, and 0. The total points of each applicant will be calculated and a rank will be assigned to each one.

The top 5 candidates are chosen on the basis of how well they conform to the requirements as per Essential Criteria, that is, a person with all As will have more scores than one with all Bs or a combination. These top 5 candidates will not have a rating of D in any of the Essential Criteria.

If the score based on Essential Criteria is the same, then the score based on Desired Criteria will be used to select the right candidate.

In case if one of the top five candidates has a rating of D in even one of the Essential Criteria, then, in that case, the top 6 candidates need to be selected based on the Desirable Criteria.

This worksheet is automatically calculated and there is no need to enter any data in this sheet. All candidate names along with total points and rank will be listed here.

Shortlist Worksheet

This worksheet also consists of two navigation buttons  Essential & Desirable Criteria and Application Data. Clicking the Essential & Desirable Criteria button will take you to the Essential & Desirable Criteria worksheet that consists of all the criteria applicable to the particular position. Clicking the Application Data button will take you to the Application Data worksheet consisting of all the application data including candidate names and ratings for each criterion.

This worksheet also allows different options to print the candidates status. The Print whole shortlist button prints all data including whether candidates are qualified for an interview or not, that is all data in columns A to D. The Print Candidates Points & Ranks prints all data in columns A to C excluding column D, unlike a former option. The Print Top Five button prints the candidate name, points, and rank (that is columns A to C) of the top five candidates who have been shortlisted and are eligible for the interview.

Best Buy Enterprise Network Design

Executive Summary

Despite the range of products and services that Best Buy offers, the company has not yet incorporated the latest network systems in its information systems infrastructures. Although Best Buy has incorporated network systems in order to offer better service, the network systems incorporated by Best Buy show that the company has reached its networks limit. However, Best Buy has not yet integrated the latest network infrastructures in order to expand as well as produce better products that will make the company be more competitive. To ensure that Best Buy employs the latest network infrastructure in order to enhance the company market advantages, a network system upgrade needs to take place that will make Best Buy enhance competitive edges, and improve their customers experience to be ahead of its competitors. In total, this project has a proposed ROI that will fit into a 10 million dollar budget.


The need to enhance organizational agility as well as meet customers demand within the short term has led to the increase in the demand for information systems which include network systems that enhance the performance and availability of its website, including the reliable delivery of dynamically generated content. In addition, upgrading the network infrastructure will enable Best Buy to simplify its front-end infrastructure by off-loading traffic to a third-party service providers globally distributed network and reducing the utilization of its back-end servers. In addition, Best Buy stands to gain from upgrading to the new network design. Analysis of the existing network technology of Best Buy reveals that its network infrastructure cannot connect to all the locations that the company is operating. By upgrading to the new WAN technology, Best Buy will achieve voice data in the modern network infrastructures. In addition, Best Buy will have a 100% faster network compared to the existing network. The new network will also enhance efficiency among workers.

Finally, the current network system will provide the state of art E-commerce model that will ensure a fast consistent user experience at all times, even during peak traffic, which leads to higher customer satisfaction and more sales. Furthermore, Best Buy will achieve competitive advantages over its competitors, and it is estimated that Best Buy will be able to increase its profit by more than $2 million yearly.

Customer Introduction and Profile

Best Buy is ranked as the worlds largest consumer electronics company that is operating in several countries. Apart from being the largest electronic company, Best Buy operates in many countries that including North America, China, and Europe. At present, Best Buy operates more than 3,900 stores, and apart from selling a wide variety of electronic gadgets in the countries where it operates, Best Buy sells different assorted products such as computers, music, movies, and different appliances. Moreover, Best Buy offers installations, technical, and maintenance services. (Hoover, 2009). As you can see, Best Buy is on a mission is for every buyer to be happy and to grow. From the companys portfolio, the company aims to increase its brand awareness around the world for the benefit their employees, partners, and customers (Best Buy, Inc., 2009).

The headquarters operates out of Richfield, Minneapolis, and has an employee base of 155,000 members. The majority of the employees base is made up of Department Managers, Salespeople, and, Technicians. To improve the status quo of Best Buy, Mr. Brian J. Dunn was employed as a Director of the company in 1985 when they operated a few stores. The mission for its employees was to use its expertizes to upgrade the companys business portfolio. Thus, Brian J. Dunn presently being the president, CEO, and Director of Best Buy has used his 23-year career to take on new challenges.

Their enormous growth has resulted in an attractive set of financial data. In 2009, Best Buy reported 45.5 million dollars in sales. In the same year, they showed a net profit of 10.9 million dollars, which yielded $0.54 earnings per share. In 2008, Best buy had revenues of 40 million dollars and reported profits of $9.5 million. This created earnings per share of $0.46 in 2008(Hoovers, 2009). The financial data proves their Global presence and financial stability. By far, Best buy is the biggest consumer electronics outlet in the US and is benefiting from the demise of its archrival Circuit City. You can find a full set of financial data from the past 4 years in the Appendix.

Customer Goals and Constraints

Analysis of the current network infrastructure of Best Buy reveals that the company is only incorporating the Local Network Area (LAN) in all the countries that are operating. Typically, since 2004, Best Buy is still employing Cisco Works Wireless LAN in more than 640 retail stores in the United States. (Cisco 2009).

Best Buy operates in virtually all states in the US, and the technical problems with LAN are that its service can only serve the group of computers in a building or provide networks in the buildings close to each other. The setbacks of the LAN are that it cannot provide network access to large geographical areas. (Oppenheimer, 2004).

Presently, Best Buy operates in virtually all states in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Some countries in Europe, and China. The latest statistics reveal that Best Buy operates in 13 countries with 155, 000 employees. Thus, using only LAN for network infrastructures will not serve the business needs. Presently, Best Buy needs a network system that will be able to link all locations where Best Buy is operating and a system that is redundant, secure, and fast. The proposed network design will fit the objectives of Best Buy.

Technical Goals and Constraints

Analysis of Best Buy Network infrastructure reveals that Best Buy has not yet employed a network system that can provide network systems in all locations and countries that Best Buy is operating. This project proposes a Wide Area Network (WAN) for the Best Buy network systems. WAN is an existing network infrastructure that connects computers in large geographical areas.

With a mission of business globalization that Best Buy has launched in recent years, WAN technology will be the best option for the companys business needs. The advantages of the new network are that it will have the ability to connect all the LANs of all locations where Best Buy is operating. Essentially, with the new network, Best Buy will have the opportunity of connecting all the branch offices in the United States to the headquarter office. Best Buy will also be able to connect all locations in the other countries with the headquarter office.

The design of a WAN will require a connection through a network service provider that will link all the local offices of Best Buy around the world to the corporate headquarter office. Thus, in addition, the design process will employ WAN routers and layer 3 Cisco switches that will be used for the transmission.

Meanwhile, the Packet Band Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) tunnels through IP/MPLS Networks will be to design a WAN solution for Best Buy. Typically, ISDN is a dial-up technology that embeds WAN connections and has the capacity to support data, fax, voice, and video service connections. It should be noted that Packet Band ISDN protects user investments in ISDN equipment, terminals, and application and supports all the ability to provide high-speed capability and economically extend their ISDN reach as well as backup links.

PacketBand ISDN creates virtual circuits that allow synchronous ISDN services to run across IP, MPLS, and Metro Ethernet networks just as if they were using a real ISDN circuit-switched network. It supports 1Gbit/s and 10/100Gbit/s Ethernet. In addition, PacketBand ISDN PRI supports 1 to 4 PRI interfaces, E1, T1, and non-switched T1/E1 full or fractional Leased Lines. The system can be configured with both NT (network side) and TE (terminal side) presentations, which means it can operate either end of the IP network, connecting to either local equipment or to an ISDN carrier network (PATAPSCO, 2009).

The advantages of ISDN WAN are the following:

First, it is cost-effective and it can employ both voice and data transmission that will not involve expensive and high-level technical requirements. (Hewlett Parkard, 2006).

The PacketBand ISDN WAN offers a higher VoIP quality that allows the router to offer QoS, which will offer high VoIP quality and performance. The VoIP has some additional features such as video conferencing, which serves the advantages for Best Buy to hold a meeting with the management of all its branches worldwide as well as holding a meeting with vendors and partners. (Cisco, 2009).

Existing Network Design Analysis

The existing network design analysis of Best Buy reveals that there are some critical areas that the existing network that is weak. The existing network reveals more loopholes than the benefits it provides. Typically, the existing network cannot provide VoIP for the company. It should be noted that the benefits of VOIP cannot be overlooked since the VoIP offers low-cost international calls compared to a traditional international call. Thus, the shortcoming of the existing network reveals that it has become obsolete for the needs of Best Buy.

In addition, there are many security areas where the existing network is weak. The existing network cannot support the security devices that are needed to protect the database of Best Buy. It should be noted that most organizations have moved towards the integration of Gigabit Ethernet switches that will be made easy to install a firewall from remote areas in order to enhance security devices. Typically, the existing security device is only one firewall between the internet, however, it has been revealed the exiting networks lack intrusion detection, and this is very vital in e-commerce. Thus, the existing network security provides absolutely no protection from the outside world.

Meanwhile, the existing network cannot provide the maximum security that could be used to protect all the areas where Best Buy is operating.

The other special weakness of the existing network is that it is prone to a serious fault. The existing network has been proven by not being able to support the needs of Best Buy. It should be noted that the existing network is prone to develop a fault that can lead to the damages of all machines.

Finally, the existing network cannot provide accessibility for the outside world. There is only one server that serves the areas that the company is operating, and this server cannot provide accessibility from the outside world. Thus, the existing system is not capable of supporting the very big network system that Best Buy needs for its business enhancement.

Technical goals and constraints of new network

The new network systems can provide the network performances that Best Buy will need for its Business viability. Typically, the new network provides technical and non-technical performances that could support all employees. To achieve the objectives of the new network, there is a need to engage the service provider that will be able to provide service that can offer transmission from headquarter to all other locations around the world. The WAN will consist of variable bandwidth where the T1 will be up to 1.536 Mbp, which will be used to support the new network.

Typically, the new network is tested to provide 100% services to both customers and employees. Moreover, the new network could provide the disaster recovery equipment that would be needed in case of fire, flood, tornado, earthquake, or other unforeseen occurrences. Although, the existing network cannot provide disaster recovery for all locations. Thus, a new network will overcome all these problems.

Finally, the existing network does not have an advanced firewall system. Thus, with the new network, there is a need to upgrade the security system because there will be the interconnection of network systems at all locations where Best Buy is operating.

Another constraint is that the new network will configure some IT features that are not embedded in the existing network systems. Thus, the existing IT department does not have adequate skilled personnel to manage the new network. Thus, there is a need to employ and train more IT technicians to overcome these constraints.

Reference list

Cisco, (2008). Gain Strategic Advantages with Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS), Cisco Inc.

Cisco, (2009).Best Buy Improves Corporate Productivity with Cisco Aironet Wireless LAN Network Innovative Cisco Wi-Fi Infrastructure and Cisco Compatible Notebooks from HP Improve Operational Efficiency, USA:Cisco Press.

Hoovers (2009).Best Buy Co Profile, Hoovers D&B Company. USA.

Hewlett Parkard (2006). WAN Design Guide The Lower Layers January 2006, Hewlett-Packard Development Company, USA.

Oppenheimer, P.(2004). Analyzing Business Goals and Constraints of Network Design, USA: Pearson Education Cisco Press.

Open Search Standard in Windows


A standard definition for OpenSearch as given by its website,, says that OpenSearch is a collection of simple formats for the sharing of search results. In general OpenSearch can be defined as a standard set of technologies used for publishing search results. The search results can be formatted in any methods which can be used for either syndication or aggregation. The search results can be published in an easily accessible format by search engines. The OpenSearch v1.1 standard defines simple file formats that can be used to describe how a client should query the web service for the data store and how the service should return results to be rendered by the client. (Paddock & Alwin, 2009)

The OpenSearch is comprised of four basic set of standards to simplify its procedures. They are:

  • A Description Document that is used to describe the search engine
  • Search client applications
  • OpenSearch response elements
  • A result set

Description Document

The Description Document format describes the Web interface of the search engines that operate using the OpenSearch technology standard. The Description Document used in such search engines is usually written in XML. The document consists of description elements that form the overall Description Document. The description elements are laid out in the OpenSearch 1.1 standard. (Understanding open search standards, 2009)

An example of a simple OpenSearch Description Document is given below:

An example of a simple OpenSearch Description Document

The latest version of operating system by Microsoft released this year, the Microsoft Windows 7 features a new technology of OpenSearch. The new feature is called Federated Search. It is used to connect the external sources of the websites to the Windows operating system client through the OpenSearch protocol. Federated search enables users to search remote data sources using Windows Explorer. (Paddock & Alwin, 2009) The technology of Federated Search is quite efficient as it expands the scope of the search beyond the scope of the normal personal computer. Files and objects located in the remote repositories of the computer or laptop can be searched using this new feature. The RSS format and OpenSearch technology are used by Federated Search to enable this functionality in Windows 7. This enables users to search their corporate intranet or the web as easily as they can search for their local files, all from within the same familiar Windows interface.

How does it work

The Federated search in the Windows 7 uses open standards. This enables the creation of custom search connectors easily from the remote repositories of the computer that one uses. The OpenSearch v1.1 standard defines simple file formats that can be used to describe how a client should query the web service for the data store and how the service should return results to be rendered by the client. Windows federated search connects to web services that can receive OpenSearch queries and that can return results in either the RSS or Atom XML format. (Paddock & Alwin, 2009) The figure below shows the Federated Search functionality as implemented by Windows 7.

Windows Search Federation functionality.
Figure 1: Windows Search Federation functionality. (Paddock & Alwin, 2009).

Windows Data Layer provides the communication channel between the Windows explorer and the OpenSearch Web service used by the user. The windows store provider which consists of file systems, index and OpenSearch protocols are used for communicating between the various data and source types and the Windows Data Layer.

There are three steps to getting the data stores web service connected to Windows 7

  1. The first step is to enable the data store to be searched from Windows using OpenSearch with RSS or Atom output
  2. After that files of.osdx format are created. These.osdx files describe how to connect to the web service and how to map any custom elements in to the RSS or Atom XML
  3. The next step involves the deployment of the search connectors to Windows client machines using the.osdx files created in the previous step.

The figure given below displays the steps of getting the data stores web service connected to Windows 7.

Enabling, deploying, and querying a new OpenSearch data store.
Figure 2: Enabling, deploying, and querying a new OpenSearch data store. (Paddock & Alwin, 2009).

Open Search connectors and experiments

The Federated Search Connectors developed by Microsoft are based on the OpenSearch standard. This makes it easier for the user to configure the federated searches. The federated search can be extended to a wide range of websites that provide information services in text, image, audio or video like Bing, Flickr, TechNet, Share Point etc. Although it uses OpenSearch protocols, these connectors have a drawback. Microsoft designed these to work only with Windows 7 and is not compatible with the older versions. However, a major advantage is that these Connectors enable the user to search the sites easily without the need to open web browsers every time the user needs to find a data. SharePoint Search Server can also query these compatible OpenSearch services. This enables access to your search service from the SharePoint search center web interface as well. (Federated Search, 2009)

Need mode benefit of Federating Windows 7 Search with SharePoint

Open Search connectors for SharePoint

To demonstrate the usability of Federated search for Windows 7, an OpenSearch Connector is created by the tester and tested for Share Point. The image below shows an example of the sample OSDX file that is created to work with Share Point.

The OSDX file for SharePoint
Figure 3: The OSDX file for SharePoint (default search scope All Sites).
  • ShortName: The shortname is the display name of the Favorites folder that will appear in Windows Explorer. It will make this value unique and make sure it represents the scope of the search.
  • Description: As the name states this is the description for the search. This one can be more verbose than the ShortName but to be honest it rarely shows up. This value is set as a file property on the Search Connector object (located under c:userssearches).
  • sharepoint_url: This one is not a tag. Hence the user will have to look for it in the middle of the line. It is necessary to make sure this base URL is set to the URL for SharePoint deployment in the users system.

After creating and testing the OpenSearch connector made for Share Point, the OSDX file is saved as XML format to a file named Live Search.osdx. (It is necessary to use the.osdx extension since it is already registered in Windows as an open search description file) After saving the file, double click on the new file Live Search.osdx. A new window opens prompting the user to add the search connector. The window looks like the one displayed below.

Open Search connectors for SharePoint

Once the user adds the search connector, a Search connector file is created by the computer. This file will be automatically saved in the Searches folder (%userprofile%/Searches). After saving the file, a shortcut to the file is placed in the Links folder (%userprofile%/Links) in the system. These Links folder is displayed in the Windows Explorer favorites section. The image given below is a screen shot of the search result of the Share Point search.

Search result of SharePoint search.
Figure 4: Search result of SharePoint search.

Once this step is completed, the user can initiate search from within the Windows Explorer. The results of the search will be displayed in the Windows Explorer window. This search feature also includes the preview of the search results in the Windows Explorer. The search results can also be obtained by providing keywords in the Share Point site irrespective of the content type that is searched for. This feature of federated search is considered as a breakthrough and performs very efficiently with Windows 7. It improves the search experience over the Intranet by exposing internal file servers and intranet portals as OpenSearch providers. The figure given below shows the window of a Windows Explorer search result using Share Point search displaying the previews in the window beside the results.

Search result of SharePoint search.
Figure 4: Search result of SharePoint search.


In this study, we have learned issues that users have to the corporate search engine. Users We suggest a set of solutions that improve user experience of corporate search. Windows 7 open search is one of the effective ways to search files from SharePoint site and pull search results together in environments where multiple domains are inside the Windows Explorer. In addition, the system we suggest would return relevant results from multiple repositories without excessive query completion times. However, there is still challenge that returning results with combined and more accurate relevant ranking. Displaying where content is located can help a user determine which results are most likely to be relevant.

Reference List

Clinton, Dewitt. Notice: Examples. Web.

Ekraus. (2009). Searching share point with windows 7 search connectors. Microsoft Corporation. Web.

Federated Search. (2009). Microsoft Corporation. Web.

(2009). My digital life. Web.

Introduction. Web.

Paddock, B., & Alwin, V. (2009). Windows 7 federated search provider implementers guide. Microsoft Corporation.

(2009). Microsoft TechNet. Web.

Context-Aware Applications

This paper aims to investigate the relationships between context aware applications and requirements engineering. In particular it is necessary to discuss the peculiarities of the solutions which are able to respond to the changes in environment and show how the emergence of such programs impacts the process of design and development. We will also focus on such concepts as context and environment and illustrate their connection to software and systems engineering.

Overall, requirements engineering can be interpreted as the discipline, which aims to determine functions, goals and constraints of software solutions (Laplante, 2007, p 44). Its major purpose is to identify the needs of the customers, the situation in which the product will be used; its life cycle and other characteristics like design (Hull et al, 2007; Young, 2004). The emergence of context aware applications has produced a profound effect on this science, its principles, and decision-making process. Modern information technologies do not operate irrespective of environment (time, location, season or even temperature); on the contrary; they seek to derive data about it and use it for the benefit of the client (Schilit et at 1994). This is why IT developers attempt to make their solutions more sensitive to particular circumstances. In this regard, we need to mention some of the difficulties which they frequently face: for example, the definition of such notion as context. In other words, they need to identify what information is needful for the system. Most importantly, they have to work out methods of collecting and interpreting these data. Finally, they find practical application for it. Yet, the most challenging problem is how to predict the behavior of the customer and his or her intentions. These are the issues which we need to discuss in this paper.

First, it should be pointed out that context aware applications are based on the so-called IF-THEN algorithm, which means that they perform a certain task under some circumstances (Schilit et al, p 5). For example, the security system sets alarm, when its sensors indicate movement or even change in temperature. Such approach is widespread in many areas of construction, for instance, the illumination system which changes the intensity of lighting depending on the time of day (Kister, 2007, p 17). The essence of such solutions is cause-and-effect relations. Moreover, these examples prove that the definition of context or environment varies according to the specific product. This is why it is vital to identify the specific date required for the functioning of this application.

In their study Anthony Finkelstein and Andrea Savign discuss the connections between the requirement engineering and context-aware solution in such sphere as mobile technologies. The authors assume that requirements can change during the execution of the system (p 4). They refer to m-commerce service. Its major goal is to use a colorful Java applet if the environment is favorable (this includes color display or high bandwidth). However, if the connection is slow and the phone does not have Java Virtual Machine, the goal of m-commerce will be to use 16-color animated gif (Finkelstein & Savigni, p 4). This case demonstrates that performance standards for context-aware applications can be modified in accordance with the specific circumstances. They are not pre-determined beforehand, they evolve during performance. This is their major advantage because unlike traditional software solutions they operate under various conditions and continue to render service to the customers.

This discussion indicates that context-aware applications have immensely transformed requirements engineering. These solutions are intended to adjust themselves to the changing environment. Their major characteristic is that their performance standards can be modified and adopted to the needs of the specific situation. This is the reason why they are much more functional as they can serve in spite of various limitations.


Finkelstein A.,& Savigni A. A. (undated). Framework for Requirements Engineering for Context-Aware Services. University College London, pp 1-6. Web.

Hull, E., Jackson K. & Dick J. 2005 Requirements engineering. NY: Springer,.

Kister M (2007) Web.

Laplante, P. 2007. What every engineer should know about software engineering. CRC Press.

Schilit B. Adams N. & Want R.1994. Context-Aware Computing Applications. IEEE Workshop on mobile applications.vol, 8, issue, 9, pp 1-7. Web.

Young. R.W. 2004. The requirements engineering handbook. London: Artech House.

Design of Object-Oriented Programming


The objective of this paper is to design a network that will be appropriate for the Wembley and Harrow sites, which are approximately 3 miles apart and are within line of sight of each other.

Design of computer Area network for Wembley and Harrow sites

This paper proposes the Campus Area Network (CAN) as appropriate for computer networking for the Wembley and Harrow sites. A campus area network is an interconnecting network system that connects Local Area Network (LAN) within university community or linking LAN of each schools building. Typically, CAN is an appropriate networking for Wembley and Harrow sites because this network is larger than LAN, and cover approximate 3 miles of geographical areas. (Javvin, 1)

To design a Campus Area Network for Wembley and Harrow sites, some features will be included to satisfy all the requirements of the schools. The network design will consist of 24 ports with 1000 Mbps and this will include Multi-layer Gigabit switch that will be able to link all the schools computers. Essentially, there is need to connect node and servers at all locations in the schools at the 3 kilometres apart. For connectivity, the paper provides 24-Port 10/100 which will include the Mbps Layer 2 with the Managed Switch. In addition, for the speed of connection between the switch and servers, there is installation of 1000 Mbps Speed that will include High-speed 64/32 bit Gigabit Ethernet cards. This installation will enhance the network to achieve Giga speeds between server and switch. (DaxNetwork, 3). Essentially, the network will also include backbone, which will consist of Single IP that will be used to distribute traffic through backbone subnet. For the scalable bandwidth, there is Gigabit EtherChannel.

The advantages of these feature is provided multicast as well broadcast control to feature in the backbone. Moreover, the advantage is to provide the scalable for the network connection. To enhance the quality of service (QoS), there will be configuration of IP (VoIP) that will consist of packet loss that is low enough to enhance the voice quality that will be able to provide Voice and video streaming. (Cisco 9).

For the internet connection, the ASDL is appropriate because it offers 24 hours service at fixed cost. Since Wembley and Harrow sites intend to provide virtual classroom where students will be studying online. The ASDL is appropriate for the effectiveness of virtual classroom. There is also the installation of Ethernet network card that will aid the students to make in-text messaging in the online classroom. The advantages of ASDL is that it provides resources for the teachers and students to connect to internet as well as checking email, and all the computers in the schools will be able to be remotely connected to LANs of the schools site. (Pardoe, Synder, 72).

For the security procedure, it is essential to protect the network against unauthorised access. For protection of the network, there is installation of firewall to achieve security against unauthorised access, or from prevention from hackers.

Moreover, to enhance adequate security, there is installation of SSL that will encrypt all the transmission of data. It should be noted that since schools intend to use the networking for virtual classroom where there would be transmission of data between students to teachers and teacher to teacher. The SSL layers ensure adequate protection of data transmitted through network.


This paper designs computer Area network for Wembley and Harrow sites. The test plan conducted for the network reveals that there is high-speed connection of networking within the school where teachers and students are connected through ADSL, and there is enhancement of security for the network.

Works Cited

Cisco. Gigabit Campus Network Design-Principles and Architecture. Cisco Systems, Inc. 1999.

DaxNetwork. Campus Area Network connectivity. DaxNetwork.2003.

Javvin. Campus Area Network. Javvin Technologies, Inc. 2009.

Pardoe, Terry, D. Synder, Gordon. Network Security. Cengage Learning.2004.

Computational Knowledge in Wikipedia


The objective of this paper is to offer information retrieval using Computational knowledge in Wikipedia. The paper employs the articles of Wu and Weld (2008) Automatically Refining the Wikipedia Infobox Ontology and article of Syed, Finin and Joshi (2007) Wikipedia as an Ontology for Describing Documents in providing better knowledge for Wikipedia as information retrieval.

Main body

Wu and Weld (2008) in their paper Automatically Refining the Wikipedia Infobox Ontology provide argument on the Semantic Web where the realization of the Semantic web involves the extraction of the large volume of data from the web. Typically, the Semantic web approaches involve extraction of information from the web with the use of artificial exactor. The author argues that Wikipedia is an example of website which involves logical extraction numerous articles. These features of Wikipedia have led to the creation of the concept known as Infobox. Typically, the essential features of Infobox are its ability employ Wikipedia to generate addition structure data. Thus, the paper pointed out that Ontology Generator is the process of combining the WordNet with Wikipedia. From the authors perspectives, a major advantage on ontology is the ability extract structured data from the raw text of Wikipedia. However, the authors pointed to the main set of Wikipedia as error prone because of the ability to edit the articles provided in the website of Wikipedia. In addition, Wikipedia infobox is an example of Schemata where the data obtained through Schemata are generally noise, and needs a lot of cleaning before organising to ontology.

Syed, Finin and Joshi (2007) on the other hand present Wikipedia as online encyclopaedia that is freely available to the users. Typically, the Wikipedia is growing in content daily because of the ability to edit the content already available as well as ability to add new content to the database of Wikipedia. Thus, with the level of the articles and research papers available in the Wikipedia, the volume of Wikipedia has reached million of articles and this articles have been translated into various languages such as French, Arabic, Spanish, Japanese, Dutch, Chinese, English and German. The collection of Wikipedia consists of XML collections where several articles inter linked together.

Meanwhile, the author went further by describing the use of document in the statistical techniques, which has become the basis of information retrieval and the practical success of information retrieval is the ability to tag document with represent semantic concepts. Typically, the ontology has emerged from the tag that has been employed by the users, which is linked to semantic concepts. It should be noted that the ontology has the advantages of being linked to semantic concepts by employing sophisticated language to understand the systems such as specialized knowledge. For example Power set and OntoSem. Despite the advantages of ontology stipulated, the concept of ontology is also beset with disadvantages because of its designing, and implementing process which is beset with difficulties. For example, the ACM is undergoing restructuring because of the classification of computer science concepts that are being used to search articles in the database are becoming out of date, and there is need for the reorganisation of the concept order to search relevant document. Typically, the disadvantages posed from the ontology angle needs to be addressed because ontology represents a consensus view of a community of users and is constructed and maintained by the community without cost to any organization. (p 2). Meanwhile, ontology needs to be structurally organized. Meanwhile, the authors argued that there are attributes of Wikipedia which can be used as ontology. For example, the pages in Wikipedia that contain administrative part can be used for the term ontology such as describing individual locations, and categories. Essentially, there are many advantages of employing Wikipedia as ontology. For instance, Wikipedia is comprehensive and can maintain ten thousands users at a time. Moreover, the Wikipedia is free and offer free sources for the users.

Despite the argument of the two literatures that Wikipedia can be used for ontology, there is shortcoming in these two literatures. Although Wu and Weld (2008) have been able to point out that Wikipedia is error prone. However, the Wikipedia has not been accepted on the academic communities. The research team in the academic circles believes that the links and the articles in the Wikipedia can not be accepted as the authentic sources for the body of research. Moreover, the ability where Wikipedia offer itself for editing and contribution of different sorts of articles without proper scrutiny have diminished the quality of the Wikipedia as effective ontology. Meanwhile, this paper argues that Wikipedia cannot be fully be presented as authentic ontology.


This paper has revealed that ontology is branch of information science that deals with aspect of information retrieval. The paper reveals on how the literatures reviewed attempted to present the concept of ontology with relation to the Wikipedia. Although Wikipedia may consist of several documents topics which have been linked to different articles. However, this paper argues that Wikipedia has not yet been fully recognized for the source of academic documents that can be used for research purpose in the academic communities.

Reference List

Syed, Z.S. Finin, T. & Joshi, A. (2007) Wikipedia as an Ontology for Describing Documents, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence.

Wu, F.& Weld, D.S. (2008). Automatically Refining the Wikipedia Infobox Ontology, ACM, 635-644.