You may use Excel or another program to create your tables and histogram. Use AP
You may use Excel or another program to create your tables and histogram. Use APA format
Use the data for five countries (Canada, US, UK plus 2 others JAPAN and ITALY) to compare trends and the current situation in these health systems. Please prepare a report using tables/charts.
On trend charts, use 1985 to the latest year available (except where noted), but label in five year increments (85, 90 etc, 2000, 05, 10, 15 or whatever the latest is; otherwise the x axis will be unreadable). In the most recent charts, indicate the most recent data date (e.g. 2016, except where noted) and using notes (superscriipt numbers, indicate the other years.)
Line graphs work better for trends over time. Bar graphs are typically used when comparing variables by different groups (e.g. countries).
a. Demographics. (marks 1.5×4)
i. Figure. Life expectancy at birth, for all. Trend (for this go back to 1970)
ii. Figure. Share of population age 65 or more. Trend (go back to 1980)
iii. Table Current situation. Life expectancy for all, female, male. Infant mortality.
iv. Table. Risk factors – BMI (all), smoking. Current situation.
b. Expenditure & finance (marks 1.5×4)
i. Figure. Total health expenditure as share of GDP (trend, from 1985).
ii. Figure. Bar graph. Total health expenditure as share of GDP, current situation.
iii. Figure. Public expenditure as share of total health expenditure Trend
iv. Figure. Spending on drugs. (Bar graph)
c. Resources and use
i. Table. Current situation. Number of doctors, nurses, MRI units, hospital beds per person. (latest data). (marks 4)
ii. Figure. Number of hospital beds per 1000. Trend (marks 2)
iii. Figure. Average length of stay (all causes). Trend (marks 2)
(You can try to put ii and iii on the same graph. If you can’t do it, don’t worry because it is complicated).
Make sure the figures are legible, the Y axis labelled (you don’t need to label “year” or “country” on the X axis, the labels for the years and countries are sufficient.). Also sure the same colours/patterns are used for each country for each figure. Tables can be as in the examples. Every table requires a source (E.g. Source: OECD, 2017), and the reference at the end of the assignment.