Speech Differences in Bilinguals and Monolinguals


In this paper what will be examined are the differences in speech between bilinguals and monolinguals through the use of the following YouTube videos:

The videos show two distinct population sets, one being Filipino and the other American. The Philippines is a bilingual society where English is spoken as much if not more so than the native Filipino language and its various dialects (i.e. Tagalog, Cebuano, Visayan etc.). By comparing this primarily bilingual population set with the predominantly monolingual American population, the differences in methods of speaking can be seen.

Analyzing the Differences

The first difference that is noted is in the inflection heard when speaking, for the Filipina in the video it is apparent that her method of speech utilizes the front of the tongue to help form words and phrases more so than the back of the tongue. This creates a difference in intonation and pronunciation wherein English words seem higher pitched. Such a method of pronunciation is common in the Filipino language wherein a large percentage of the local words such as dito (here), halika (come here) and kamusta (hello) which have high pitched sounds. In other words, it can be seen that there is a certain bleeding effect wherein the primary language has an impact on the way in which the secondary language is stated. On the other end of the spectrum, we can see in the video of the American that the pronunciations of the English words have a lower tone to them. Do note that both are women and, as such, tone differences between different sexes have been taken into account in this paper. Further examination of the video reveals that there is a definite impact in the way in which phrases are created between monolinguals and bilinguals. In the case of Filipinos it is interesting to note that there are few pronouns or adjectives which connote gender. For example, in American English there are words like his and hers, while in the case of the Filipino language they are replaced by a general term such as kanya (his/hers). This is important to take note of since it was noted in the video of the Filipina that there is a pause in the flow of the language when it came to gender specific pronouns which did not exist in the American video wherein a smooth transition was evident. This is indicative of the fact that when it comes to transitioning from one language to another, different syntaxes and pronoun usage impact the speed in which a person is able to freely flow from one rule to another. This can actually be seen in reverse in the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoTWYQXt0yo

As it can be seen, an American is trying to speak Tagalog (a dialect of Filipino) and her pronunciation of the various words (based on an examination of other types of Filipino speech online) has certain pauses and overly loud methods of pronunciation which are distinctly different from the manner in which such words are normally stated in their native tongue.


It is based on this that it can be stated that there are distinct syntactic, pronunciation and word choice differences between monolingual and bi-lingual speakers as a result of one language impacting the manner in which another language is phrased and utilized.

The Perils of Indifference Speech Analysis


The Perils of Indifference is one of the most influential speeches made by Nobel laureate Elie Weisel. The speech was given on the 22nd of April in 1999 during the Millennium Lecture Series occurring at the White House. Eliezer Weisel was directly invited by the president to give a speech on the threshold of a new century. The rhetoric of the Perils of Indifference included the personal experience of the Holocaust by Weisel, the theme of indifference during the 20th century, and aspirations for future generations.

The Cultural Context

The context of the speech was one of the several things that made it so relevant at the time and why Elie Weisel was such an appropriate guest for the Millenium Lecture Series. Being a survivor of the Holocaust, Weisel has experienced a large amount of suffering and pain in his life and witnessed the terrors of the war firsthand. On the brink of the millennium, another war conflict in Kosovo occurred, and the fact of thousands of refugees fleeing from the country closely resembled the atrocities of the Second World War.

Even though during the times of the Holocaust, the orator was miserable and scared by the indifference of the world, his hopes for a better future strengthened in the second half of the 20th century. In the speech, Weisel stated (1999), but this time, the world was not silent. This time, we do respond. This time, we intervene. The quote implies his changing attitude towards the world and the intensifying faith in humanity, and that is why Weisel was such an appropriate figure for the lecture.


The theme of indifference was central in the message and persisted throughout the whole speech. Weisel believed that this emotional state might frequently be more deteriorating for a human than anger and hatred. In the speech, he stated (1999), indifference, after all, is more dangerous than anger and hatred, implying that the latter characteristics might provoke something beneficial for humanity. For instance, one might fight for his or her own country out of anger but indifference never promotes any responses. Throughout the speech, Weisel constantly asked questions about the origin of indifference, and why the atrocities of the war were allowed to happen.

However, the answer to those queries was posed at the very beginning of the message  indifference is tempting, and it takes effort to care about other people. Nevertheless, Weisel was hopeful that the world would become more humane in the future and help those in need.

Present Times

The speech by Elie Weisel was relevant at the time given, and it is still applicable today. The current situation in the world is very different from that during the times of the Holocaust. Nowadays, with the ubiquity of television and the internet in the world, it would be much more difficult to ignore the war conflicts, and therefore more difficult to be indifferent. During the speech, Weisel asked (1999), Does it mean that we have learned from the past? Does it mean that society has changed? Has the human being become less indifferent and more human?. These and other questions cannot be answered for certain, but humanity can use them as guidelines to keep moving forward and improve.


Summing up, the Perils of Indifference is a speech that has made a profound impact on America and the world. In the message, Elie Weisel has talked about indifference, how it affected the world, and what could humanity possibly do to avoid the terrors of the war in the next millennium. The issues that the speaker brought up are still relevant to this day and will probably be applicable as long as humanity exists.


Weisel, E. (1999). The perils of indifference. Web.

The Tone of Voice When Giving a Speech

Rate, loudness, pitch, articulation, pronunciation, tone, pausing or silence, breath, and fluency are all aspects of vocal delivery related to ones voice. The tone of voice is vital when giving a speech since it helps engage and interest the audience. Moreover, a proper tonal variation is essential in vocal delivery as it guarantees clear transmission of ideas. For starters, Dugdale (2022) defines speech rate as how quickly or slowly people speak. When someone talks too fast, the audience is likelier to miss what is said.

On the other hand, speaking too slowly causes the audience to lose interest, making it challenging to deliver an effective speech. The objective is to speak at a rate that will pique the audiences interest while efficiently conveying the information. Second, loudness relates to how loud or soft a persons voice is and should be varied within a reasonable range (Dugdale, 2022). Additionally, shifting pitch can convey enthusiasm and signify emphasis or the end of a speech. When discussing something fascinating, the pitch rises slightly, and when highlighting essential points, it falls.

In addition, top-notch vocal variation demonstrates proper preparation, increases credibility, and allows for stronger engagement with the listeners. The trick is for one to become conscious of how to speak. According to Dugdale (2022), articulation is the clarity with which one creates sounds and words. Vocal warm-ups are an essential part of reducing speech delivery anxiety. According to Traco and Abocejo (2019), pronunciation entails speaking words correctly, recognizing the good sounds of letters, and emphasizing them. Mispronouncing common words can jeopardize a speakers credibility.

Furthermore, fluency emphasizes the flow of communication; for example, speaking fluently means that ones speech flows smoothly with fewer interruptions. For successful vocal delivery, people should embrace pausestraining to stop talking, breathe, think, and speak. Finally, how one breathes affects the quality of ones voice and sounds, necessitating breathing exercises to increase skill and confidence. Laconically, presenters should sufficiently prepare, produce clear speech outlines, and minimize distractions when delivering their speech.


Dugdale, S. (2022). Vocal aspects of speech delivery. Web.

Trazo, S. P., & Abocejo, F. T. (2019). International phonetic alphabet (IPA) front vowel sound recognition of beginner foreign learners. European Journal of Education Studies. Web.

The Speech Genres and Other Late Essays Book by Bakhtin

Basic Knowledge

This book has improved my understanding of communication in three main ways. First, I have learned that language is used in all aspects of human activity, no matter how different the field. The study of the character of utterances and the variety of generic facets of expressions in various human life areas is highly significant in nearly all areas of linguistic theory and philology (Bakhtin 61). It is particularly essential to understand the nature of pronouncements in various fields of human endeavor.

Second, the author indicated that there is a genre to be found where there is a style. The transference of style from one category to the next changes how a form sounds when performed in a genre that is not natural to it and also breaches or regenerates the genre in which it was originally performed (Bakhtin 63). Individual and universal language styles both influence and are influenced by speech genres.

Third, I have understood that from language styles, there is an organic and inescapable connection between style and genre. Bakhtin shows that language styles are nothing more than general styles applied to certain realms of human behavior and communication (65). This information helped give me an in-depth yet clear understanding of language styles and genres.

Metaphor and Argument

The book is centered on the question of what constitutes genres in terms of the specific types of utterances. To answer this question, the author develops two main arguments in relation to the central point. First, the nature and forms of language application are described as being as diverse as the areas of human experience (Bakhtin 60). This metaphorical argument displays the rich diversity of language as applied in different conversations for different purposes. This relates to the central theme in that it shows how genres are comprised of every form of utterance used for communication.

The second symbolic argument is based on the need and power of words and sentences. The author frames it that language is a critical element for reflection, including in solitude (Bakhtin 67). This argument likens language to a mirror that shows a persons image. Through this argument, the author connected to his central question by showing that language reveals a persons intention, in addition to offering a means of communication.

In response to the authors arguments, validity is ensured by having no preformed communication ideas. Looking at the analysis presented, the author avoided any assumptions from the definition of a genre, form, and sentences. From my philosophical standpoint, I agree with the author that language is as diverse as human purposes. This is because it depends on the communicators psychological condition, knowledge levels, and communication objectives.


Communication is a critical part of human life, without which coexistence would be impossible. Since it spans all spheres of human activity, such as business, education, and politics, this book is relevant for every individual. For students and educators, it helps them gain a deeper insight into the use of language for communication. It helps them to eliminate biases and misconceptions of language forms and genres. Learning is founded on words that form sentences, which convey the message. This book provides valuable information on how sentences are constructed to mean different concepts in different situations, making people effective in their communication.

The marketplace is characterized by different individuals from diverse backgrounds. Bakhtin shows that language genres can be as diverse as the human population (60). Therefore, understanding why people use language in the marketplace will help create cohesion. People can use this information to foster open communication, free from bias and misconceptions. I will use the information gained to communicate effectively with my colleagues at school and outside. I will be more understanding through the knowledge gained because I have learned that people use language to reflect what they feel. I will minimize arguments and try to use our differences to learn more about each other.

Works Cited

Bakhtin, M. M. Speech Genres and Other Late Essays. 1st ed., University of Texas Press, 2010.

Greta Thunberg Speech with Loaded Language

A correct speech in the right place and at the right time can change the course of history. The phrase I have a dream, is now something more significant than a regular sentence. There is also a place in history for those speeches that failed and considerably lowered their speakers authority. Often authors want to provoke an emotional response to their address, loading it with anger and hatred. However, while making such a speech, if one tries too hard, he or she can achieve the opposite effect of the expected one. Such an unsuccessful example was the speech of the eco-activist from Sweden Greta Thunberg, How dare you in September 2019 at the UN summit. Even though the girl prepared carefully, she was able to provoke only conversations and rumors about her mental health and not a response to the deplorable environmental situation.

Greta Thunberg gained worldwide fame, promoting ideas about the inevitable ecological disaster waiting for the Earth and criticizing politicians for their inability to solve this problem. Her actions quickly found support and response among the population of various countries, and the girl was even nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. I chose to analyze her speech at the UN summit because it is full of loaded language, and several aspects are highlighted that would help improve the effect. The emotionality and load of the language were manifested in phrases such as How dare you, You have stolen my dreams, empty words, crystal clear, and many others (Transcript: Greta Thunbergs, 2019, para. 3, 4, 5). Furthermore, Greta used tone, and facial expression trying to convey her message. However, several mistakes made reduced the influence of speech and Greta herself.

Before the talk, the activist calmly answers the question of her message, but as soon as she begins to make a speech, the expression of her face and the tone of her voice change. This action suggests that she consciously chose such a pitch for the performance. The problem is that the audience did not have time to get ready, did not understand why aggression suddenly arose. Her speech lacked personal history and reasoning to be more persuasive. The phrase about stolen childhood would effectively sound from the mouth, for example, a girl who lives in a conflict zone. Greta came from a prosperous country, she has a family, and the opportunity to attend school. Instead, she should have used not just a loaded language but to explain why she could not go to school and wait for adult politicians to solve climate problems. Further, her address was more reasoned and referred to scientists, but such a beginning did not allow listeners to perceive everything correctly.

Thus, in this speech, Greta failed to select the necessary words to form the perception of listeners. At the same time, in order to convey some message to the audience, it is crucial to describe something in those meanings that are more familiar to them. In order for the speaker to be correctly understood and perceived, he or she needs to adapt to the target audience, which binds his own values to certain words. That is, the statements from chapters 3 and 4 relate to each other  people give special meanings of phenomena and words, and appealing to these values makes language a powerful tool. The activists speech made a contradictory impression on me  I admire the courage and commitment of this young girl. Although her address was not the most successful, she made many inspiring actions and other speeches. I believe that each society can develop its own meanings and attach values to some phenomena.


Transcript: Greta Thunbergs speech at the U.N. Climate Action Summit. (2019). NPR. Web.

Convincing Techniques of The Danger of a Single Story Speech

Scholars have discussed the mechanics of persuasion since ancient times. Persuasion encompasses all aspects of culture, with rhetoric being the most important instrument of influence in all spheres of society, from secular negotiations to major national debates. One might say that every form of communication is persuasion. Written or spoken, at home or at work, with friends or clients, people spend a lot of time trying to convince someone of something. In Rhetoric, Aristotle identifies three basic ways of persuading people: ethos, pathos, and logos (Le Cunff). All of these techniques were used in the speech of Chimamanda Adichie, a Nigerian writer, which made her speech utterly convincing.

Ethos is entirely about building credibility; it is about how well people convince their audience that they have the right to speak on the subject. Mentioning real accomplishments, backgrounds, or qualifications are the most obvious ways to build credibility. Apparently, people rely on the comments of a professional designer about design more than they trust the words of a chef about the same subject. Another important aspect of building credibility is creating a sense of mutual identification with ones audience.

In her TED talk, the Nigerian-born novelist uses these techniques to convince her listeners of the importance of the issue she is speaking about. Chimamanda Adichie begins her presentation by talking about where she was born and how she spent her childhood (Adichie, 00:00:23  00:01:17). She mentions that she was born in eastern Nigeria in a university town. Adichie declares her occupation in the first sentence: she is a storyteller (Adichie, 00:00:13  00:00:22). The reference to her background is important to make it clear to the audience that her further discussion of racial prejudice is based on her own experience. She is also entitled to discuss how telling only one point of view affects peoples perceptions of members of particular social groups because she is educated to do so. Since Chimamanda Adichies audience is predominantly made up of Americans, she provides examples that they will understand. For example, she states that one cannot assume from reading American Psycho that all young Americans were serial killers. Thus, mentioning background and qualifications and creating mutual identification with the audience allow effective persuasion.

Pathos appeals to the audiences feelings; its goal is to make people feel certain emotions. An effective way to influence is to turn to the audiences imagination through personal life stories. People are more likely to engage in a speech if they feel that the narrator considers what he or she is talking about important. Showing passion and emotion can greatly influence the audiences thinking. Chimamanda Adichies stories about the poor boy servant or the roommate who thought the writer did not know how to use the kitchen stove are surprising (00:03:13  00:04:49). Their typicality and yet sincerity resonate in the souls of the listeners. Since almost all people have fallen victim to stereotypes in one way or another, it is easy for them to associate themselves with the storyteller. Consequently, they begin to believe her words, which is how persuasion occurs.

Logos is how speakers present their arguments in a logical order. They should seem so simple and rational that the audience cannot imagine any other alternative. Ideally, these steps should follow each other extremely naturally. This will lead the audience to reach a logical ending just before the speakers themselves announce the conclusion. Chimamanda Adichies presentation is structured so that by gradually telling individual stories, the writer leads her audience to a general conclusion. Thus, the fluidity of the narrative and the vividness of the examples ensure persuasiveness.

Works Cited

Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi. The danger of a single story. YouTube, uploaded by TED, Web.

Le Cunff, Anne-Laure. Ethos, pathos, logos: how to persuade people. Ness Labs, Web.

Myra Walters Speech: Benefits of Doing Yoga

Organizational Component

The informative speech delivered by Myra Walters aims to demonstrate the physical and psychological benefits of doing yoga. The speech is designed to communicate the advantages of following a yoga regime with support from academic research and verbally explaining how it can be practiced. I believe the speech was properly organized and followed logical transitions. It was clearly segregated into three sections  physical benefits, mental benefits of yoga, and the way it can be incorporated in our daily life (Walters).

Introduction to the Speech

Walters first opens the speech with a few names like a warrior and a happy Buddha that instantly seizes our attention. Then she connects these words to what they really mean  different workouts of yoga. She establishes that she, too, had been practicing yoga for 4 years and hence, was in a position to attest to the benefits of the exercise. Once she establishes that her speech is about yoga, she elucidates the different benefits of yoga.


The introduction instantly catches the attention of the viewer. The very first line about the different names of the yoga exercises captured my interest. I was eager to know what she was talking about. Beginning the speech with the exercise names is an effective attention-getter as it kindles curiosity.

Credibility Statement

The preview statement immediately made me curious. She informs us that she had been practicing yoga for 4 years. This establishes the credibility of her speech. Inserting the information about her first-hand experience with yoga gives her the authority to speak about the benefits it may have on regular practitioners.

Preview Statement

Walters has a clear preview statement that categorically mentions the different aspects of yoga. She delineates how she would organize her speech, what she will speak about, and the duration of the speech. It clearly shows us what to expect from the speech. Thus, the introduction is structured and properly organized.

Thesis Statement

The speech does not have a separate thesis statement, but the preview statement hints that the speech is about the benefits of doing yoga and how regular practice can help us.

Vocal Citations

Two vocal citations were made in the speech (Walters). A reference was made to the American Cancer Society website along with the title of the article and date of publication to support her claim that yoga can be a helpful workout even to people suffering from cancer. Further, she also cites an article from the Harvard Health Publications with the date of publication, while talking about the mental benefits of yoga. Both the citations seemed credible and properly named.

Audience Engagement

By talking about the results of the class survey, Walters encourages engagement in her topic by demonstrating the relevance of yoga to the daily life of the viewers. This engages the audience.

Areas of Improvement

I feel the speech was perfectly written. However, it lacked in execution. Audience engagement was low that made it monotonous. Walters forgot the points a few times, which disrupted the continuity of the speech. This area needs improvement.

Success of the Speech Presentation

I believe that the speech was successful in delivering the information to the audience. Audio-visual communication holds more attention and is a good strategy for delivering informative speech. The speech delivered the ideas in a logical and structured fashion. Every section had an introductory statement to ensure proper transition from one topic to the other.


While concluding the speech, Walters referred back to the three subtopics. Yes, she refers back to the introduction and concludes by enacting a yoga pose.

Reference List

Informative Speech-yoga. YouTube, Web.

A Persuasive Speech: The Importance of Eating Healthy

In the modern world, the vast majority of the population is negligent about their health. In this case, the role is played by complete incompetence in matters of the culture of proper nutrition and the constant lack of time to compile a balanced menu, purchase necessary products and prepare nutritious and healthy dishes. By the way, healthy nutrition throughout the life of people is the most crucial element of preserving and strengthening the health of current and future generations, as well as an indispensable condition for achieving active longevity. Without any doubt, it provides full-fledged vital activity, competent and optimal functioning, strengthening, growth, and development of the human body, as well as prevention of non-communicable diseases. Eating healthy is one of the most significant factors of life, supplying a wide range of benefits and positive aspects for a person.

Primarily, the author should emphasize that the importance, significance, and necessity of eating correctly and healthy is expressed by getting rid of diseases, the possibility of stabilizing weight, promoting the restoration of intellectual and physical energy, and a number of other equally important aspects. Thus, scientists have proven that the consumption of specific nutrients or food groups contributes to the prevention of non-communicable conditions, positively affecting the general state of the body and human well-being (Cena & Calder, 2020). For example, people who stick to a healthy lifestyle are more than 80% less likely to develop cardiovascular diseases than those who do not adhere to such a strategy (Skerrett & Willett, 2010). Thus, healthy food permits an individual to fight various ailments, improve the quality of life and become a long-lived person.

Moreover, selecting a balanced diet allows one to reduce weight, avoiding, in most cases, disorders such as diabetes, osteoporosis, and high blood pressure. According to Hall and Kahan (2018), one can lose weight using various methods. Still, proper nutrition gives unique advantages not only in weight loss but also in maintaining it and stopping its rapid recovery to previous marks. Accordingly, it is possible to say with firm confidence that by adhering to a healthy and appropriate diet, a person becomes both fit and attractive.

In addition, healthy food provides an individual with energy, the necessary set of vitamins and trace elements, increases immunity, and improves a persons physical appearance. Hence, due to the saturation of the body with valuable substances, people will feel more cheerful and energetic, solving problems better or moving more actively. Food products composition and properties directly affect physical and mental development, ability to work, emotional state, and, in general, the quality and duration of life. Consequently, healthy food is the basis for developing intellectual, emotional and physical aspects. Nonetheless, the advantages and benefits outlined earlier are not exhaustive, and in this brief paper, it is impossible to imagine all and even the most essential aspects of eating healthy. Anyway, the examples presented are enough to reveal the importance and significance of what and why a person needs to eat right.

In conclusion, it should be stated that a healthy diet is one of the most critical components of human life. Thus, healthy eating allows people to maintain an average weight and have a beautiful figure, eradicate diseases and the risk of their occurrence, and restores physical and intellectual activity. Without nutrition, life is impossible; due to regular meals and well-chosen products, the human body receives the right amount of energy, the building blocks for full-fledged growth and renewal. Consequently, eating healthy is an investment in the most profitable enterprise  ones health and by making efforts today, tomorrow people will not have to spend time visiting doctors and money to buy medicines.


Cena, H., & Calder, P. C. (2020). Defining a healthy diet: Evidence for the role of contemporary dietary patterns in health and disease. Nutrients, 12(2), 334.

Skerrett, P. J., & Willett, W. C. (2010). Essentials of healthy eating: A guide. Journal of Midwifery & Womens Health, 55(6), 492-501.

Hall, K. D., & Kahan, S. (2018). Maintenance of lost weight and long-term management of obesity. Medical Clinics, 102(1), 183-197.

Aaronsons and McCues Speeches on Terrorism

It seems reasonable to state that today, there are many platforms that make it possible to express significant claims on various issues. Relatively recently, Aaronson and McCue have had their chance to deliver their speeches at TED regarding the problem of terrorism. Despite the fact that they had a different emphasis in their reports, the speakers both shed light on the issue from quite a unique perspective. Below, their positions  in the framework of their TED speeches  will be compared and discussed.

Aaronsons main point is that in its struggle against terrorism, the US government has created more terrorists than the organizations like al Qaeda, al Shabaab, or the Islamic State (Aaronson, 2015, 00:00:0100:00:14). His idea is that the FBI has established a superfluous web of searching and identifying terrorists. In fact, this web allowed the institution to accuse and captivate many individuals who are not likely to be terrorists, according to evidence, but who have gained such a status from the US government.

McCues primary point is that the right way to fight terrorism lies in the field of the so-called brand war between the dogmas of terrorism and Western democratic values. The civilized world is to promote its approach to living life and oppose it to the one offered by terrorisms advocators (McCue, 2012, 00:02:3600:03:11). His report allows assuming that the real war against terrorism is within humans minds, given that if one realizes the alternative to terrorism, it is very unlikely that they will be affected by its doctrine.

Hence, it seems apparent that the speakers approached the topic differently. Aaronsons ideas show that the US system that was developed as a response to terrorism contains many flaws that are to be reconsidered and corrected. McCue, in turn, reveals that the war against terrorism is not just on battlefields and investigations but also in consciousness. What is similar in their speeches is that both Aaronson and McCue suggest rethinking the current means of defeating terrorism.


Aaronson, T. (2015). How this FBI strategy is actually creating US-based terrorists [Video]. TED. Web.

McCue, J. (2012). Terrorism is a failed brand [Video]. Web.

Iron Curtain Speech: History, Facts and Impact

The concern the western world had with the expansion of the Soviet Union is not based only on the U.S.S.R gaining more territory but also the spread of communism. The Cold War was, in essence, a battle of clashing ideologies between democracy and communism. It is due to this that the expansion of the Soviet Union was worrisome since the principles of national political self-determination that it championed during World War Two could very well be undone by a Communist regime taking over a country.

This is one of the reasons why the Truman Doctrine was established so that the influence of the Soviet Union, and its communist ideology, could be contained within particular borders. Without this level of containment in place, it was feared the communist insurrections could occur in multiple countries thereby resulting in the destabilization of numerous regions around the world.

There is some justification behind what Churchill stated regarding Russia securing its Western front while at the same time expressing concern about the countrys actions in Western Europe. Based on historical records during this period, it was noted that Churchill showed a considerable amount of dismay over the lack of sufficient protections placed to prevent a resurgence of Germany back into what can be described as a wartime footing.

Churchill, in essence, feared Germany getting back on the warpath in the future and, as such, considered Russias western border as a sufficient bulwark against a potential German expansion that could occur after several decades (Goedeken, 2012). On the other hand, Russias annexation of various Eastern European states was worrisome since it mirrored the actions of Germany before the start of World War Two. As such, Churchill feared that Russia may continue its expansion until it reached the shores of England itself.

Churchill was not actively advocating for a direct military confrontation; rather, he was implying threatening the potential use of force instead of using force itself. For example, the use of nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was meant as a way of not only ending the war early but of also sending an implied message to the Soviet Union. The weapons were intended to show the military capabilities of the U.S. and the implied threat of the same bombs being used on the member states of the Soviet Union. That is why Churchill advocated for the creation of an active military since possession of one would deter any potential aggression from the Soviet Union due to the disastrous consequences that would follow.

When Churchill gave his speech, the U.S. was expanding its influence in various Western European states and other countries around the world. This was due to a combination of the Truman Doctrine as well as the fact that its industrial capability was left relatively untouched after the war was over (Gudkova, 2010).

With a massive amount of demand from a global market for American goods and the growing influence of the U.S., Churchill likely perceived the country as the most likely candidate to contain the Soviet Union. In fact, history has proven this particular point to be accurate as seen in the numerous policies and activities the U.S. has put in place to restrict the growth of communism. Many of these policies continue to be in effect today as seen in the ongoing existence of NATO as well as policies involving former states of the U.S.S.R.

Reference List

Goedeken, E. (2012). Our Supreme Task: How Winston Churchills Iron Curtain Speech Defined the Cold War Alliance. Library Journal, 137(5), 117.

Gudkova, V. (2010). That Through Draft Gave Lots of People a Chill. Russian Studies In Literature, 46(3), 11-50.