Stakeholders continue to spend considerable amount of time and resources to understand the sexual behaviours exhibited by a wide range of living organisms. Wallen & Zehr (2004) set out to understand the evolution and development of sexual behaviours in primates by studying female rhesus monkeys.
In their article, the notion that sexual behaviour is fundamentally required for reproduction to take place is clearly outlined. In many non-primate species, reproduction poses considerable social and physical threats. As such, the females in a variety of non-primate species have developed physical and behavioural mechanisms that are used to confine sexual appetite to when females are fertile.
According to the researchers, these behavioural mechanisms are controlled by hormones. In sharp contrast, hormones do not control the capacity and ability to engage in sex or the physical capacity to mate in both male and female anthropoid primates (Wallen & Zehr, 2004). The article reveals that sexual motivation is the fundamental coordinator linking sexual behaviour and fertility in female primates.
According to the study results, the dependence upon psychological mechanisms to synchronize physiology with sexual behaviour is probably exclusive to primates, including humans. The synchronization is critically important as it allows a multiplicity of non-physiological characteristics, predominantly the social context, to control and regulate sexual behaviour.
The study also revealed that the independence between primates hormonal state and sexual behaviour facilitates sex to be used by the primates for social reasons (Wallen & Zehr, 2004). In the study, female adolescent monkeys experienced hormonally inclined sexual motivation coupled with socially adaptable sexual behaviour.
In brief, the study was interested in showing how social environment and hormonal state of primates interact to modulate or adjust adolescent and adult sexuality. The study was successful in showing the discussed suppleness in sexual behaviour coupled with a tight regulation of the primates sexual motivational mechanisms that allows them to use sexual behaviour for leisure purposes while still guaranteeing its occurrence during times of female fertility (Wallen & Zehr, 2004).
According to the researchers, this flexibility in sexual behaviour reflects the fundamental significance of sexuality to primates social attraction, dominance and cohesion in their social systems.
The above findings can be explained in terms of sexual receptivity. According to Stanford, Allen & Anton (2009), sexual receptivity can be described as the willingness and ability of a female to mate, also defined as fertility (p. 192). The authors argue that all behaviours that we observe from all living organisms have immediate or proximate causes.
The behaviours exhibited may be caused by hormonal, physical, psychological or physiological influences such as fear, hunger, injury or sexual urges. This is in line with Wallen & Zehr (2004) study findings which revealed that some non-physiological characteristics such as the social environment controls and regulates the sexual behaviour of primates, including their mating patterns.
The willingness of the female primate to mate is brought about by the flexibility in sexual behaviour of the primate in conjunction with a rigid regulation of sexual motivational mechanisms, also occasioned by immediate or proximate causes. In essence, the sexual receptivity as discussed by Stanford, Allen & Anton (2009) facilitates the primates to use sexual behaviour for non-procreation purposes while still guaranteeing its occurrence during occasions of female fertility.
According to Stanford, Allen & Anton (2009), female primates utilize sexual receptivity signals to enhance their reproductive success. These signals can be physical, behavioural, anatomical, psychological or physiological. Accordingly, the fact that the female primates status can actively influence her reproductive success is undeniable.
In sexual receptivity techniques, female primates have been known to choose dominant males more often than low ranking males (Stanford, Allen & Anton, 2009, p. 192). This attribute of social receptivity is well reflected in Wallen & Zehr (2004) study, which revealed that female rhesus monkeys chose their mating partners according to the males dominance in the social setting.
According to the study, male primate dominance is viewed as a form of sexual motivation that acts as a coordinator linking sexual behaviour and fertility in female primates.
Wallen, K., & Zehr, J.L. (2004). Hormones and history: The evolution and development of primate female sexuality. Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 41, Issue 1. Web.
The four physiographic regions of the European continent are the divisions into which the physical landscape of the European continent is put. These divisions are as follows: the central uplands, the alpine system, the north European lowland, and the western uplands.
Most of the coalfields found on the continent are located in the central uplands of the European landmass. These coalfields are quite beneficial to the development of different cultures in Europe since they are a source of income to different people who have different cultural beliefs and practices. This aspect of the coalfields being avenues for employment opportunity best explains the growth of cultural diversity on the continent. As a countermeasure against the increasing number of culturally diverse people, the region is much endowed with coal, as evidenced by many coal mines in the region. This is a booster in the development of the economy. Further, it should be noted that it was in the central uplands region that the industrial revolution picked its roots. A region like north European has fertile land that is good for agriculture. Additionally, many navigable rivers are found here.
Besides, the technological skills of the people on the continent are quite unmatched. Thus, the question of space is countered by their technical skills, and therefore most of the construction in Europe is vertical and not horizontal. This is the best way to house so many people on a very small landmass.
It can be easily concluded that though the physiographic regions of Europe are small, the problem is unsettled by the continents technocrats, an endowment in minerals, good land that is suitable for agriculture, and the presence of many navigable rivers are the major reasons why these regions are few but can support a variety of culture in the European continent.
DeBlij, J and Muller, P. (2010). Geography Realms, Regions, and Concepts, 14th edition. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Lamy, L. (2005). Cognizant A European Infrastructure Newcomer. Dana: IDC Research.
Wolfgang, B., Bill, M., Chris, A., Connaughton, M & Grannan, M. Market Overview: European IT Infrastructure Outsourcing. Cambridge: Forrester Research Inc.
In this chapter, the author compares different types of fossil genes that are found in certain species and connect them with their ancestors and their way of life. Carroll discovers various changes in species lifestyles and analyzes the genes which, in the process of evolution, have ceased to function but remained in those species DNA. He claims that fossil genes are preserved in DNA in the same way as they are preserved in sedimentary rock, and the text of these genes disintegrates over time. The reason for this is that if the genes are redundant and not used, they must be got rid of in the evolution process.
Fossil Opsin Genes
In the first part of the chapter, Carroll provides examples of the changes in the use of genes in different species. First, he compares the DNA of a fish called the coelacanth with its ancestors who lived millions of years ago. He states that over time the coelacanth has changed the SWS opsin gene used to see in the violet and ultraviolet spectrum and has completely got rid of the MWS/LWS opsin genes used to see in the red-green spectrum. Thus, if the opsin is inessential and not needed, the natural selection is relaxed, and no mechanism in the DNA removes mutations that disrupt the genes function.
Carroll claims that fossil genes evolve as a result of the continuing process of mutation when the natural selection is not active. Further on, Carroll describes the differences in opsin genes comparing nocturnal and diurnal species. The analysis of opsin genes in prosimians such as lemurs, lorises, tarsiers, and bushbabies has once again shown that the SWS opsin gene in these species has become a fossil. There is a big part of code near the genes beginning that is missing in each of these species. This makes the production of opsin impossible. Since this removal happens in the same place and is of the same size in each species, then the SWS opsin fossilization, for the first time, occurred in a common ancestor of the bush baby and the slow loris and transferred to these species.
Then, the author describes other cases of SWS opsin fossilization including owl monkeys, cetaceans, and the blind mole rats, and concludes that the fossilization of the gene is connected with the habitat where the species live.
Comparing Vision and Smell Genes
In the next part of the chapter, Carroll analyzes the change of a habitat influence the change in the genes that are responsible for the sense of smell. The author comes to a conclusion claiming that the situation with the genes responsible for smell is the same as with those responsible for vision. Thus, when an organ or a process is no longer needed, different genes that are in charge of this organ or process may undergo relaxed selection and, after that, fossilization.
Cause or Effect
In the next chapter, the author answers the question of whether the genes fossilization is a cause of evolutionary changes, or an effect, namely its byproduct. Thus, he claims that it can be both cause and effect depending on the circumstances. The author concludes the chapter by stating that the making of the fittest is not always a progressive process, and the loss of genes and the fossilization are strong arguments against the concept of design. Natural selection cannot make plans for the future and preserve what is being used now. The loss of genes and the fossilization evolve when the natural selection is not in effect. Over time, random mutations will accumulate and oust unused genes.
Personal Opinion
In my opinion, the quality of writing is high. Although the author sometimes uses colloquial expressions that are not peculiar to academic writing, he sounds convincing, and most of the work is written in the academic style.
The author provides a clearly stated purpose for the research. The author states that the research intends to, conceptualize a collective strategy to diversify library services to immigrants and to make library responses to changing populations more efficient. It is necessary to provide a clear definition of what these terms constitute because this statement appears at the beginning of the research paper ad it may confuse the reader. For instance, what constitutes changing populations and in what manner is the population changing? In terms of age, preferences, race, technology? There is a need for further clarification. Secondly, this purpose is too general. The author does not speak about a specific intention that the research has or the detailed definition of such intentions. In addition, where the author mentions a division between library professionals but does not go into the details explaining the basis of this divide. Is it ethnic, or is it just random based on their personalities? Such a clarification is necessary for this study because it provides further insight into the challenges librarians face as they try to serve immigrant populations.
Research Question
The research question is also very general. It seeks to know the measures taken by public libraries to serve the immigrant population in the United States throughout the 20th century. This looks like a history lesson, which does not sound very beneficial to the 21st century. It is clear and the research can answer this question, but it lacks the appeal held by innovative research. The author can develop this question by introducing a contemporary or modern concept that will address the incorporation of this researchs findings into the 21st-century library environment. This question provides a very basic perspective of the study that does not appeal to an inquisitive reader yet, it is such that read research papers.
Hypothesis and Theoretical Framework
The author does not expressly state any hypothesis or even theoretic framework guiding his research. One can infer the theory that by knowing how a certain situation turned out in the past, those in the present can glean insight on what not to do so that they can have a better future. This theory holds water but the author does not bring it out clearly in his paper. This can translate into a lack of credibility if the author were to research its present form because ideally, one needs a theory and a hypothesis so that colleagues can peer review the research and explain or rebut the inferences or findings based on the theory. However, without a clear hypothesis and theoretical framework, the researcher is playing it safe, which does not say much for his / her credibility.
Literature review
The author simply states the materials he is planning to use. He also gives several disclaimers on these sources stating that they are probably very unreliable as are all history sources for various reasons including authors bias and subjectivity in writing. He also adds that the sources do not articulate the dynamic needs of these immigrant populations as occasioned by demand and varying social outlooks on multiculturalism in America. This shows the unreliability of the sources. This study requires a healthy bout of information on the needs that these immigrants have so that it can seek answers on whether the public libraries satisfy these needs. Moreover, the author simply lists the literature and does not explain to the reader his reasons for choosing that particular source. He should give a brief explanation to the reader on the contents of a particular book or journal and state what particular concept caught his attention relating to the current study.
This research depends a lot on history and so it is more qualitative than quantitative (Norris 76). Nevertheless, the author needs to give more information about the sources he intends to borrow from including their findings in similar research. In its present form, the proposal does not indicate whether or not the author intends to collect samples and if so, from what population and in what amounts. The probability is that he will use other researchers findings to infer meaning and so he needs to indicate this. She mentions using secondary sources to access primary sources and this may work depending on the context of the application, but since this context is vague at best, the proposal needs more clarity and more information.
Sampling procedures
As noted above, the author does not clearly outline these. However, she mentions searching for trends, common views, and consistent concerns about serving immigrants specifically from public librarians. This means that among the samples the author intends to collect are the comments and trends of library professionals. However, the author does not give a clear procedure of how she will arrive at any conclusions based on this data, or the quantities she intends to collect for this research activity.
Data collection
The author states that she will deal with trends, including collection development strategies, library programming, and new techniques aimed at serving the immigrant population. All these she will glean from the comments and common concerns of library professionals. This will work and although she needs to state clearly how she will obtain the data, it is sufficient to carry out the research.
Unfortunately, the authors sources of information lack credibility due to the numerous disclaimers given almost in self-defense. However, the author can correct this impression by providing sources that are more credible such as peer-reviewed journals and other professional materials.
Presentation of the information and ethical issues
The author has poignant points but they are not fully developed. This is a very basic proposal and the information can be more credible if the author engages in some more research on relevant sources. On the matter of ethics, simply stating that the author will not use human subjects is not enough (Norris 65). It is advisable to state what is wrong with using human subjects and outline another ethical issue as well. Besides, since the author is not using human subjects, what alternatives are available to her, and what is her criterion in choosing from the available options?
Overall evaluation
This research proposal is half-baked and vague at best. The author does not seem to have exhaustively thought about the realm of her study and so the reader feels like there is more that she is hiding or that she can do better. However, the outline is complete and commendable and once all the details are in place, it should be a very enlightening study worth sponsoring.
The study of the human genetic composition has helped in developing an inner understanding of the human body and cells. Genetic engineering has assisted in the study of living things and can be credited for the development of better breeds of living things especially in agricultural products. This paper seeks to research on how genes work, the future of humanity based on genetic study as well as the scope of genetic functions.
How genes work
Genes are commonly known as the blueprints of life (Boyle par. 4). They are called the so due to several reasons but the major reason is because they tell the human body cells what to do and when to do it (Boyle par. 6). In a nutshell, all of our body functions are determined and controlled by genes. Genes work by making proteins and it is correct to say that every gene is a recipe for making a particular protein (Boyle par. 2). The importance of a gene is emphasized by the fact that 50% of the hard weight of cells is protein. The uses of proteins in the body are numerous including and they include heavy lifting, digestion, and communication between cells among others.
Genes are responsible for giving cells instructions while proteins carry out these instructions. Each protein performs a particular function and for a cell to perform a new task, a new protein must be created for the task (Boyle par. 2). If a cell needs a task to be performed faster or slower, then it gives more or less proteins the responsibility to discharge the duty. Genes are responsible for telling the cells which protein is appropriate to make (Boyle par. 2).
Where geneticists think the humanity is heading
Geneticists have been of great help in demystifying some of the greatest worlds assumptions about humanity. For instance, the human genome project determined that the worlds assumption on genetic difference based on race was false. They found out that there is no genetic difference between blacks, whites, Arabs, among all other racial groups. The study of genetics has helped scientist to study human behaviour in the past but most importantly, it is helping in future human behavioural projections. There have been debates among geneticists about how the intellectual capacity of humans is on the decline.
According to Boyle Humans have so many genetic mutations that we are less intelligent than our ancestors, and it is getting worse (par. 1). Boyles argues that human intelligence is on the decline compared to our ancestors (par. 3). This is all caused by the looming genetic mutations during the past millennia which have seen the increasing decline in human intelligence and emotional aptness (Boyle par. 3). Geneticists projects that humanity is headed on a declining trend with regard to intellectual suitability and the situation is getting worse.
The human brain is made up of thousands and thousands of genes and mutation in a single gene can result in an impairment of the brain process (par. 6). Every new generation has new mutations and this factor is said to be causing the intelligence degradation in humans. Geneticists are projecting a further decline in human intelligence in the future although they all agree it will take some time for this to happen.
What the future holds
Scientists are considering the use of genetic engineering to treat individuals ailing from genetic disorders (Boyle par. 10). This process is called gene therapy but it is an experimental medical technique currently. The future seems to be good for genetic engineering since it has been proven that genes can be replaced to influence or produce new traits in a cell (Boyle par. 11). However, with the looming mutations, scientists cannot rule out the possibilities of further changes in the human genetic makeup. Unfortunately it is difficult to tell if these changes will impact humanity negatively or positively. A mutation can have influence on either the human behavioural characteristics.
What genes can do and cannot do
Genes have helped scientists in determining blood types; hence they can know the effects of combining different alleles. This has helped in blood transfusion by averting tragic occurrences influenced by the wrong genotype (Boyle par. 14). Genes dictate the human physical features unless the features are as a result of injury and surgery or other acquired deformities. Genes are the determining factors with regard to height of an individual, colour, and the shape of the nose, ears and all other physical features in the human body and all living things. Genes help in passing on paternal and maternal historic characteristics to the children as family history is written in our genes (Boyle par. 15).
This paper has engaged in an insightful research on several aspects of the study of genes. The paper has established how the genes work and their role and formation in the human cells. Based on information derived from the study of the genetic trends over the years, geneticists are anticipating some changes in the human intellect build-up. In this essay, such projections have been evaluated and presented very clearly. The paper also gives an account of the future expectations as geneticists have projected. This is based on genetic mutations in different generations.
The title of the article is Getting started with data analysis. This article was written by Professor A. Diamantopoulos, who is a professor of marketing and business research at the Loughborough University in the UK. He has been involved in different researches including sales forecasting, international marketing and marketing research. This article was written in the year 2000.
The broad area of this article is concerned with helping researchers with knowledge on how to undertake their research work. To be particular; the article concentrates more on the Data analysis methods. It outlines how to analyze data from a research and elaborates on the choice of data analysis method.
The article outlines where to start the research work through data analysis methods. The article then broadly outlines how to undertake the process of data analysis immediately after the research.
I like this article in that it is very specific on how to undertake data analysis after the research. Indeed data analysis has been a challenge to a huge number of students and researchers at large. This article is also helpful in that it elaborates the different methodologies of data analysis.
The article provides several learning points to the readers. First, the article elaborates on the objectives of analyzing data. It also gives the reader an insight on why data analysis is very important. Secondly, the article also enables the reader to understand the data description and what is involved in the data analysis process. Thirdly, readers are also enlightened on how well they can use the available date to estimate the entire population.
The article has been developed using the following relevant building blocks: First, the article has an introduction which outlines the importance and the aims and objectives of the paper. In the introduction, the author prepares the reader on what to expect in the entire article. The second one is analysis objectives. The reader is taken through a process on how to formulate data analysis objectives. This heading elaborates on how the reader is capable of making available data to talk in different ways depending on how they are manipulated.
The third one is data description. Under this block, the readers are given chances to understand how they are capable of providing a sample breakdown in different categories including gender, year of study, faculty and clubbing frequency. The reader is also introduced to the descriptive statistics at this point. The fourth one is Estimation. Under this building block, the reader is informed of the main advantages of using available information to help in the estimation of the situation that is likely to exist in the population.
Fifth, the author speaks about hypothesis testing which is very helpful in testing specific propositions which concern the variables in the interest, hence drawing conclusions regarding the same preposition as a whole.
The other important building block in this article is the Data characteristics which are always reflected data matrix. In any given situation, data characteristics include type and size of ones sample, the nature of data values and the types of variables involved. The last part of the building block in this paper is the conclusion where the author provides the main issue to be addressed by the paper as to providing a non technical overview of main factors which influences the choice of statistical techniques.
Critical analysis
Advantages of the article
There are a number of advantages of the paper. First, the paper enables one to choose the right statistical method in the analysis of a group of data. Second, this paper is providing a non technical overview of the major considerations affecting the selection of the analytical techniques. This makes it very easy to decide on the things to apply, the time to use them and why to use them.
I am indeed so happy with what I have learnt from this article. The article has provided me with a range of information regarding a wide range of issues. It has provided me with reliable information regarding the selecting of the right statistical technique for analyzing a given set of records. In a number of instances, this is usually very overwhelming to beginners or trainers as well as to some experts. The decision is very crucial because it represents payoff for considerable efforts that have been put in the process of the studys design, collection of data, coding editing among several others. All these are of great significance. When incorrect choices are made in this phase, invalid results as well as unwarranted conclusions may result. Due to the fact that there are very minimal literature that provides tangible guidance on the manner in which an individual is capable of choosing the correct analytical methods as well as the factors governing choices like such, this article is greatly significant as it provides relevant information regarding the same. The article is providing a non-technical outline of the major considerations that are capable of affecting the choice of a given analytical technique. A good comprehension of the considerations should optimistically make the duty of deciding the thing to apply, the time to apply as well as the reason for applying.
Similarly, I am so happy with this article because it has also enabled me to be capable of undertaking data analysis after conducting research. It is for a fact that data analysis has been a challenge to most of the students and researchers at large. This article has also been of great help to me since it has elaborated on the different methodologies of data analysis. Data analysis is of great importance to the lives of individuals.
Disadvantages of the article
Besides the above mentioned advantages, there are also some advantages that are associated with the article. First, it does not provide very concrete guidance on the manner in which one may select the correct analytical technique. When wrong or incorrect choices are made when choosing the statistical methods, results that are not valid as well as unwarranted conclusions may be made. The article does not provide a way of going about this.
When the normality assumptions are violated, great deals of the parametric statistical techniques may be rendered inoperative. The article has not provided strategies that may be applied to counter this. It is therefore a great disadvantage of the article.
Diverse statistical procedures may also have a number of unique or strange assumptions that may have to be satisfied to enable them to produce tangible results. This usually complicates things. The paper has not provided a way of dealing with this. This is a great disadvantage.
There are a number of learning points that are very vital in the article. The first one deals with analysis objectives. Analysis is capable of being defined as the process through which an individual will ensure that data talks. Setting of analysis objectives determines precisely the kind and type of information that an individual would like to remove from the data. There are a number of ways through which data may be made to talk. The ways are dependent on the manner in which the data are manipulated. Choosing the right method depends on specific requirements of the individual conducting the research or the analyst.
There are a number of roles of analysis objectives. First, they ensure that applicable analysis only is undertaken. Second, they ensure that the analysis is very comprehensive. Comprehensiveness may be defined as the degree to which the group of analyses that are conducted are making great use of the potential information that lies in the data. Third, it prevents the analyses from being redundant. Redundancy may be defined as the degree to which diverse analyses are overlapping. In summary, analyses objectives are of great importance because they ensure that individuals only perform applicable things adequately and also ensure that individuals do not perform things twice.
It should also be noted that before one sets the analysis objectives, the general research objectives ought to be taken into consideration. Research objectives illustrate the reason why the research was conducted as well as its desired achievement. It makes it very easy to come up with an analysis objective.
Another key thing that ought to be taken into consideration is the descriptive focus. It aims at painting a general population or sample picture as far as the variables of interest are concerned. Another important thing that needs to be taken into consideration is the estimation focus. It aims at using the information that an individual has on the samples that are to be applied to the case that could be present within the population.
What I have learnt from the article
Through the article, one is capable of learning how to implement as well as design research projects for obtaining a degree as well as keeping their jobs. One is also capable of learning how data talks from this paper. As a result, the paper is of great importance as it provides a wide range of information concerning a wide range of issues. The paper also provides one with non technical outline of the major factors affecting statistical technique choice.
The paper has also enabled me to find it very easy and also to have clear and simple research objectives when undertaking a project. Besides, it has also enabled me to deal with haphazardly drawn samples of adequate size. Again, it has enabled me to work at achieving the greatest level of measurement that is possible for the variable that I choose. Finally, it also enables one to reduce non response.
This article has also enabled me to be capable of undertaking data analysis after conducting research. It is for a fact that data analysis has been a challenge to most of the students and researchers at large. This article has also been of great help to me since it has elaborated on the different methodologies of data analysis. Data analysis is of great importance to the lives of individuals.
A number of ideas from this article may be applied by a number of businesses in real life situations. Indeed a number of businesses are capable of applying the above mentioned processes in conducting research as well as studies related to the work that they are doing. Organizations in all countries, Dubai being no exception, should therefore employ the ideas from this article to make them advance. The article is of great importance as it provides the necessary information that is capable of helping the organizations to conduct market research of their products. This is important for businesses in all areas, Dubai is not excluded. In real life practices, the ideas that are presented in this article work.
This article is of great significance as it opens the horizons of individuals on a number of new things. Indeed there are a number of new things that are imparted on individuals by this article. A number of them have been discussed above. Therefore, the article is greatly significant. The article outlines where to start the research work through data analysis methods. The article on getting started with data analysis broadly outlines on how to undertake the process of data analysis from the point immediately after the research.
Application of the subject matter in a real business case
This idea can be applied to business in several ways. First, it can be used to analyze the data for customers in particular products. Through data analysis of the customer, the company shall be able to determine the behavior of customers to a given product of the company. Secondly, the same date analysis methods can be used to analyze the general performance of the company, through sales data, the company is able to determine whether they are making the desired profit. Lastly, data analysis is very important in making decisions in the company. If well utilized, analyzed data can form the basis for making critical decisions in any company.
In Dubai as a country, banks can use the information of this article in analyzing their credit risks. With the cases of continuous economic crisis, banks in Dubai need to have credit risk analysis in order to safeguard their investments. It is also important to note that there are several pieces of data kept by different organizations; these data can only be useful if the organization can be able to analyze the same appropriately and implement the recommendations which have been got from the interpretation of the data.
Adamantios Diamantopoulus Getting started with data analysis can work well in practice, this is because it elaborates on how researchers should analyze the data which they have gathered while undertaking research. It is for a fact that every field needs a scientific finding in order to make an informed decision.
Sun Chief is a story of Don C. Talayesva, a Hopi Indian, who has to tear between two different worlds and two different cultures in order to comprehend whom he should be and why. This autobiographical story is devoted to Leo Simmons, who was a white man and the authors clan brother. Sun Chief is one of the most excellent accounts about the life of a Hopi person during the times of great changes, sever conflicts, and numerous splits in villages.
This is not only a simple story about life, this work may also serve as a reliable document about the life in primitive societies and troubles, which may be on their ways. In order to comprehend better the essence of Sun Chief and get the main idea, which Don Talayesva wanted to introduce, it is necessary to consider the work by Arnold van Gennep, The Rites of Passage, where a certain attention is paid to each important ritual in mans life.
Each larger society contains within it several distinctly separate social groupings. As we move from higher to lower levels of civilization, the differences among these groups become accentuated and their autonomy increases. (Gennep et al. 1) When a person starts reading someones autobiography, it is necessary to know a scheme according to which the story may be introduced. Birth, maturity, marriages, and death are considered to be one of the most important stages in the life of each person.
Arnold van Gennep pays special attention to each of these steps, describes their importance, and underlines the major characteristics of each period. He perfectly describes each rite of passage and presents interesting insights in order to use and analyze them in our every day life. This work influences lots of anthropologists as it introduces a captivating theoretical framework that helps to explain numerous cultural beliefs.
Without any doubts, Sun Chief is a book written by an anthropologist for anthropologist. Not every reader is able to get the main idea of what Don Talayesva is going to explain. This is why The Rites of Passage turns out to be rather helpful to explain all those anthropological things to ordinary readers. Sun Chief provides the reader with a chance to learn the life of Indian community from inside.
Each ritual and each step of life in the ordinary Indian tribe has its reason and time. It is quite possible that the author of the story, Don Talayesva, does not concentrate on the importance of each tradition and presents each step as an obligatory one.
Readers, who are not aware of the Indian traditions, will hardly comprehend how significant each step in the life of young Talayesva. With the help of Gennep, the reader can find the thing that is crucially important in order to unite each piece of information, presented in Sun Chief.
The description of salt expedition may serve as a good example of the above-mentioned situation. Is it really important to be a member of salt expedition in our every day life? Hardly! This is why, due to Gennep emphasis, the reader should pay certain attention to this event, as more than three pages are devoted to this event. Each of us wrapped our feathers in separate paper bags and smoked the mountain tobacco, exchanging kinship terms. (Talayesva 234)
Is it possible that smoking and wrapping feathers play such a role in the life of a person? In Indian tribes, such things are quite normal. It is also necessary to admit that each ritual implies the other obligations, which have to be followed.
For example, after Don Talayesva wraps his feathers, his mother underlines that he should stay away from girls tonight. (Talayesva 234) The analysis of ceremony groups helps us to clear up that admission to certain ceremonies usually depends on gender, age, and even family relations. If you do not reach certain age or you are a female, you do not have the right to be a participant at the salt expedition.
If you are a little boy or girl, you cannot watch childbirth and have to be sent somewhere. For example, when Don Talayesva was born, the author mentions that his sister Tuvamainim and his little brother Namostewa were sent to a neighbors house. Also, his dad decided to help his mother, which was rather unusual for a Hopi husband. (Talayesva 26)
Each stage of life has its own rules and peculiarities. Sometimes, people are eager to take into consideration these concepts and follow them. Don Talayesva is one of the most captivating narrators. Of course, not each piece of information he presents is clear, however, the work by Arnold van Gennep helps to clear everything up.
Rites of passages play a very important role. For Hopi, one of such rituals was a slat expedition, and Don Talayesva perfectly described it in his Sun Chief and provided the reader with an opportunity to learn more about the history of Indian tribes.
Works Cited
Gennep, Arnold, Vizedon, Monika B, and Caffee, Gabriel L. The Rites of Passage. Routledge, 2004.
Talayesva, Don, Simmons, Leo W, and Hine, Robert, V. Sun Chief: The Autobiography of a Hopi Indian. Yale University Press, 1963.
Main Body:
The Rites of Passage by Arnold van Gennep
Sun Chief by Don Talayesva
Meaning of Don Talayesvas Journey and The Rites of Passage
It is not easy for many people to imagine how America is going to be in 50 years time. What it takes is for an imaginative mind to construct innovations and improvements expected to take place within this time to create an outstanding America (Miller, 2008). Fresh energy options, improvement in transport, breakthrough in medicine, and increased productivity of American people are among the few areas I expect America to have improved within the next 50 years.
Main body
It is possible that in a period of 50 years enough energy alternatives will exist in America. To achieve this, America will completely have to change its infrastructure in all federal states. To have an enhanced shore line, there will be a need to change the waters edge and create a distinctive boundary. This idea will only be realized after the many states in the country have been sub divided into eco-districts. Such districts will use different types of technologies to capture substantial measures of energy while those near water would tap energy from tides. Districts located in mountainous and raised areas will erect turbine machines to generate electric power from forceful thrust of water flowing through them. States enjoying good access to sunlight will exploit solar panels and tap solar energy. Because of the enormous viability for space travel in the country, America will turn to capture minerals from asteroids because of the possibility of manufacturing solar cells from lunar regolith. Lunar regolith refers to dust found on the moon and collects energy on a 24/7 basis and sunbeam it down on earth. This will be an achievement as the country will not have to depend on fossil fuels.
America is expected to have improved its transport system in the road and air sectors by 2062. Existing complicated car corridors will be reduced because of driverless cars moving on roads. Americans will enjoy the possibility of driving their cars to any place and later send the car back home to their partners or even drive their children to parties without the need for them to be there. Promising discovery in air travel at the moment lies with electric power. Once the difficulty of energy density in batteries has been resolved and light batteries which have a similar power capability to fossil fuel have been developed then the possibility for electric flights will be a reality. Americans will enjoy the use of fields called pocket airports. This refers to airports that will be stationed around residential houses. The advantage of such airports will be that no giant jets will be seen flying in and out or polluting the immediate environment. It will be easy for anyone to get into a silent electric-powered aircraft having vertical takeoff abilities, and easy single-lever power gearshifts and fly. Presently NASA has already developed a computer simulation that is battery operated and single controlled aircraft. It is exciting to know that it could really shift the manner in which we think about going around our planet.
Another highlight by 2062 concerns finding a breakthrough in medicine. This may be termed 4p, for predictive, preventive, personalized, and participatory. Within the next 50 years, each human beings genome will be chained. This means that at birth medical professionals will study individuals genomes, make predictions about areas such people could experience disease complications, and recommend matchless health plans for each person. In addition, America shall devise a handheld gadget that with a simple piece of ones finger shall calculate thousands of blood proteins, study all major organs of the human system, and assess whether one is unhealthy or not or if one is making a switch into a certain disease. There will be a possibility for Americans to monitor their health by making use of improved medical technology to monitor the state of their health always. People will respond quickly to feedback and fight diseases at start-up stages instead of allowing the effects of diseases to become full-blown.
Because of the above innovation in the medical field, people will remain productive and physically fit for a long time until they finally die. I foresee a future where Americans who are in their 80s and 90s shall remain mentally alert, clever, and a hard-working population. If such a thing happens, it will lead to incredible effects for society and Americans will be forced to think again about retirement. This is because people will begin to enjoy doing what they do and may not be willing to retire early in life.
All the above assertions for a better America are not baseless ideas but information that should be looked into to better those areas. There is great technological advancement and zeal for change in America. I, therefore, expect all these developments to materialize by 2062. America will be sophisticated and each citizen will enjoy the benefits of innovation. Life will be easy due to the automation of processes both at home and at work. The only fear will be that the idea of humanity will slowly lose meaning.
Works Cited
Miller, David. The Sustainable Country. New York: Arnold A. Knopf, 2008. Print.
Volcanic activity is a geological process that has massive physical, economic, and social impacts on environment and humanity. Volcanic activities have led to numerous impacts on the environment including the formation of great lakes in California. Usually, volcanic activity happens when steam, dust, or molten rock erupt from beneath the earths surface through fissures and spread on the surface of the earth as lava. In most cases, volcanic activity forms mountains and hills, and at times it creates caldera and crater lakes. For instance, Long Valley caldera and Medicine Lake Volcano are examples of landforms that emanate from the volcanic activity in California. To elucidate the influence of a geological process on the formation of great lakes, this paper examines volcanic activity in California.
Volcanic activities
Volcanic activity in California is dominant along the Long Valley region where it has been active for millions of years. The formation of the Long Valley caldera by an enormous volcanic activity formed the basis of formation of the great lakes such as Mammoth Lakes and Mono lakes along the Long Valley region. The formation of lakes by volcanic activity originates from the sequence of geological processes of the volcanic eruption. Tizzani et al. note that significant organic activities such as that of the Bishop Tuff created the Long Valley region, which is a region that is prone to volcanic activities in California (65). Owing to the weakness of the tectonic plates, the Long Valley region has experienced series of volcanic activities indicating that it has active geological processes of volcanism.
Caldera and craters
Series of volcanic activities over time weakens the earths surface and create magma chambers beneath the earths surface. The collapse of the earths surface due emptying of magma chambers results in the formation of a great depression called caldera. According to Tizzani et al., the enormous eruption of the Bishop Tuff occurred approximately 760 centuries ago in California and created the Long Valley caldera (64). The accumulation of water on the caldera has led to the formation of Mammoth Lakes, which are major water bodies in California. Moreover, the Bishop Tuff eruption created other craters such as Mono craters and Inyo craters.
Volcanic activities in California have to the formation of mammoth lakes, Mono craters, and Inyo craters, which have become helpful resources to the society. Currently, California is leading in the production of geothermal power in the United States for it contributes over 30% of the power consumed (Mishra, Glassley, and Yeh 3). People living around the Long Valley have enough power generated from geysers in Mammoth Lake, Mono craters, and Inyo craters. However, volcanic activities have negative impacts on the society for they increase vulnerability to earthquakes. Currently, earthquakes are common in the Long Valley region owing to the active volcanic activities.
In conclusion, examination of the volcanic activities in California shows that they have contributed significantly to the formation of lakes. The occurrence of the massive volcanic eruption of the Bishop Tuff created the Long Valley caldera and subsequently craters distributed across the valley. The notable craters are Mammoth Lakes, Mono craters, and Inyo craters, which are valuable natural resources. These craters also have geysers that generate geothermal energy, and thus, provide a considerable amount of power to people in California and other states in the United States.
Works Cited
Tizzani, Pietro, Maurizio Battaglia, Giovanni Zani, Simone Atzori, Paolo Berardino, and Riccardo Lanari. Uplift and magma intrusion at Long Valley caldera from InSAR and gravity measurements. Geology, vol. 37, no. 1, 2009, pp. 63-66.
Mishra, Gouri, William Glassley, and Sonia Yeh. Realizing the geothermal electricity potential: Water use and consequences. Environmental Research letters, vol. 6, no. 1, 2011, pp. 1-8.
Knowledge is the skills, information and facts that are acquired through education and or experience. It can also be said to be the practical and theoretical understanding of an area of the subject. On the other hand, vocabulary is a collection of words used and recognized in a particular language. It can also be said to be the words known to an individual in a particular area or field. There are claims that vocabulary that we know does not only enhance communication but also shapes what we can know. Basically, considering the different theories of knowledge, this claim is justified to some extent. Therefore, the vocabulary we have does more than communicate our knowledge; but it also shapes what we can know. This is an argumentative paper on vocabulary and knowledge acquisition with reference to the theories of knowledge, but the main focus is on 2 AOKS that are psychology and ethics and 3 WOKS that are language, reason and emotion.
There are several theories of knowledge, but AOKS and WOKS are frequently used in enhancing the understanding of knowledge. Moreover, there are different ways of knowing areas of knowledge among these two ways, but the main focus will be on emotion, psychology, arts, ethics, reason, and language (Russell & Eames 1984). These factors may greatly influence what we can know despite influencing how we communicate knowledge. Basically, vocabulary varies with different languages and each has different meanings and ways of communication (Lagemaat 2011). Moreover, languages that have multiple vocabularies not only enhance communication ad how people interact but also what the language speakers can know. Therefore, languages with more vocabularies enhance communication among speakers and also increase the chances of learning more things or concepts due to diversity (Russell & Eames 1984).
On the other hand, the availability of multiple vocabularies in a language may also hinder effective communication and what the speakers can know especially those who consider such language second. Multiple vocabularies may lead to confusion among speakers due to similarities in pronunciation and meaning (Keith 2000). Generally, most languages that have multiple vocabularies have words with similar pronunciation but different meanings and words with different pronunciation but same meanings. This might confuse several speakers who are not well versed with the respective language and hence hinder effective communication. It might also affect what the respective speakers can know (Russell & Eames 1984). Confusion in meaning may also lead to confusion in learning hence limiting what speakers can know except for native speakers who are well versed with the language and its command (Lemos 2007).
Secondly, vocabulary may not only affect how people communicate emotionally but what they can learn about emotions too. This might improve relations among people and foster peaceful co-existence (Lagemaat 2011). Multiple vocabularies may enhance how people express their emotions while communicating with others depending on the expected mode and also shape what the respective speakers can know about emotions and how to handle different emotions while communicating with others (Palmer 2005). This might enhance the expression of the level of knowledge of different people and shape how they communicate depending on the mood (Keith 2000).
On the other hand, vocabularies may affect how people communicate especially people from a different cultures. There are vocabularies that may negatively portray an emotion while other vocabularies from other cultures have different meanings (Russell & Eames 1984). Furthermore, other speakers may not have adequate knowledge on how to use certain vocabularies while emotionally communicating with others hence affecting communication between people (Palmer 2005). Moreover, vocabulary may also affect what people know emotionally. There are vocabularies that trigger violence hence promoting violence while others may promote peace. Therefore, apart from promoting communication and knowing how to handle different emotions, vocabularies may also trigger violence, for instance, fuck is a common vocabulary in the United States while expressing certain emotions, while other people consider it an abusive word hence when emotionally uttered may trigger violence between the parties involved (Lagemaat 2011).
There are vocabularies that are used for different reasons. They enhance communication and better understanding depending on the contexts they are being used. Multiple vocabularies may also increase understanding because it allows for an adequate explanation of different concepts (Russell & Eames 1984). Furthermore, it may also promote mutual understanding and minimize ineffective communication in different environments (Lagemaat 2011). Moreover, vocabulary may also promote what a person can know. Multiple reason vocabulary may enhance the explanation of concepts because the complexity of vocabularies varies. Therefore, multiple vocabularies not only enhance understanding but also enhance learning among people and what they can learn because it allows for a better explanation of concepts. This may assist in the explanation of different concepts to different people with different levels of understandings hence promoting access and gaining of new knowledge irrespective of levels of literacy (Keith 2000).
On the other hand, vocabularies may also negatively influence reasoning communication between people. There are several vocabularies that can be used to explain a concept but they have slightly different meanings or they are not commonly used (Palmer 2005). This might limit understanding among those who are not well versed with such vocabularies (Keith 2000). Furthermore, understanding different vocabularies depend on the literacy levels of people. Understanding of vocabularies also differs and there are some vocabularies that are not commonly used among people. This can lead to conflict in explanation and understanding. Vocabularies also depend on the context where they are used (Russell & Eames 1984). Furthermore, this might also affect what people can know. People with limited knowledge of vocabulary may not adequately understand explanations made by those with high vocabulary knowledge. It can, therefore, limit the gaining of new knowledge especially among those with limited knowledge of new and advanced vocabulary (Russell & Eames 1984).
Vocabularies used among people may also be determined by ethics especially in working environments. Different professions recommend different vocabularies to be used universally among professionals. This increases better communication and understanding among different people within the same line of the profession through the operating environment may be different (Russell & Eames 1984). It may also enhance private and confidential communication among professionals and people with the same line of the profession (Palmer 2005). Moreover, vocabulary may also enhance communication in society especially between the young and the elderly due to stipulated rules to govern communication based on ethics. It may also shape discipline in society and maintain mutual coexistence between the young and the old. Additionally, it may also assist in upholding professional ethics and ethos and ensure professional relations among different people (Lagemaat 2011).
On the other hand, vocabularies may affect communication, especially between professionals and clients. Ethics may lead to the adoption of an addictive communication pattern hence affecting communication with those who are not well versed with the vocabularies recommended by ethics in such lines of professions (Lemos 2007). For example, ethically doctors use medical terms in communication among medical professionals. This might be additive to an extent that they communicate with clients hence affecting effective understanding due to the complex nature of the vocabularies (Russell & Eames 1984). Furthermore, this might also affect what clients know and doctors too. It might restrict medical professionals knowledge within the medical field and ignore other important knowledge that they should know. Therefore, ethically, vocabularies may affect diversity in gaining new knowledge and restrict one to particular knowledge and also affect effective communication with clients (Palmer 2005).
Finally, vocabulary may also influence psychological communication between people. There are certain vocabularies that are used to explain different human science. This enhances understanding of the different sciences of humans. Different vocabularies explain different human sciences and this may also shape understanding of the different human sciences (Russell & Eames 1984). The use of different psychological terms also enhances a better understanding of human science. Therefore, vocabulary not only enhances the communication of human scientific knowledge but also enhances human science knowledge (Palmer 2005).
On the other hand, the vocabularies are complex and may complicate communication between people. Different human sciences or psychology have different meanings hence require adequate understanding. This might hinder effective communication (Lagemaat 2011). It might also limit understanding of human science or psychology because it mainly uses scientific and psychological vocabularies. Therefore, vocabulary may affect psychological understanding of different aspects of human science or psychology (Keith 2000).
Vocabularies enhance communication between people. Multiple vocabularies may enhance communication between people because the nature of complexity varies. They may also shape what people know or learn. This might assist in gaining new knowledge and increase better understanding of different concepts especially among speakers with different levels of proficiency. On the other hand, vocabularies may also negatively affect communication among people due to differences in meanings and pronunciation of different vocabularies. There are vocabularies with similar pronunciations but different meanings. Furthermore, there are those with different pronunciations but similar meanings. This might affect communication among people. Moreover, the use of vocabulary also depends on contexts hence may affect better understanding and gaining of new knowledge.
References list
Keith, L. 2000, Theory of knowledge. Chicago: Westview Press.
Lagemaat, R. V. 2011, Theory of Knowledge for the IB Diploma Full Colour Edition. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Lemos, N. M. 2007, An introduction to the theory of knowledge. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Palmer, R. 2005, Getting Straight As: A Students Guide to Success. Chicago: Routledge.
Russell, B., & Eames, E. R. 1984, Theory of Knowledge: The 1913 Manuscript. New York: Routledge.