Choose any 23 programs from bellow, then submit each answer code under the answered question:
– Calculate the Area of a Circle: Write a program that calculates the area of a circle given its radius.
– Calculate the Area of a Rectangle: Create a program that calculates the area of a rectangle given its length and width.
– Calculate the Area of a Triangle: Write a program that calculates the area of a triangle given its base and height.
– Convert Miles to Kilometers: Implement a program that converts miles to kilometers using a simple conversion factor.
– Convert Kilometers to Miles: Create a program that converts kilometers to miles using a simple conversion factor.
– Count the Number of Words in a String: Write a program that counts the number of words in a given string.
– Generate a Random Password: Implement a program that generates a random password of a given length using a combination of letters, digits, and special characters.
– Check if a Number is Even or Odd: Create a program that checks whether a given number is even or odd.
– Check if a Number is Positive, Negative, or Zero: Write a program that checks whether a given number is positive, negative, or zero.
– Convert a Roman Numeral to a Number: Implement a program that converts a given Roman numeral to its Arabic numeral equivalent.
– Temperature Converter: Write a program that converts temperatures between Fahrenheit and Celsius (or vice versa) using simple arithmetic formulas.
– Palindrome Checker: Create a program that checks whether a given word or phrase is a palindrome (reads the same backwards as forwards).
– Count Vowels: Write a program that counts the number of vowels in a given string.
– Leap Year Checker: Create a program that checks whether a given year is a leap year or not.
– Prime Number Checker: Write a program that checks whether a given number is prime or not.
– Calculate Pi: Implement a simple algorithm to calculate the value of pi to a given number of decimal places.
– Hangman Game: Create a simple text-based Hangman game where the user has to guess a word letter by letter within a certain number of guesses.
– Rock, Paper, Scissors Game: Write a program that simulates the classic Rock, Paper, Scissors game and determines the winner based on the user’s and computer’s choices.
– Simple Encryption: Implement a simple letter substitution cipher that encrypts or decrypts a given message by shifting each letter by a certain number of positions.
– Guess the Number: Create a simple game where the user has to guess a randomly generated number within a certain range. Provide feedback on whether the guess is too high or too low.
– Calculator: Create a simple calculator that takes two numbers and an operation (addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division) as input and outputs the result.
– Guessing Game: Write a program that randomly selects a number between 1 and 100 and allows the user to guess the number. Provide feedback on whether the guess is too high or too low, and keep track of the number of guesses it takes to correctly guess the number.
– To-Do List: Create a to-do list application that allows the user to add, view, and complete tasks. Store the tasks in a list or dictionary and save them to a file when the program exits.
– Quiz Application: Write a multiple-choice quiz application that asks the user a series of questions and keeps track of the number of correct answers. You can store the questions and answers in a list of dictionaries or in a separate file.
– Text-Based Adventure Game: Create a simple text-based adventure game where the user makes choices that determine the outcome of the game. You can use conditionals and loops to create different scenarios and paths.
– Currency Converter: Write a program that converts between different currencies using up-to-date exchange rates from an API or a CSV file.
– Tic-Tac-Toe Game: Implement a simple text-based Tic-Tac-Toe game where two players can play against each other.
– Simple Text Editor: Create a program that allows the user to edit a simple text file. The user should be able to add, delete, and modify text in the file.
– BMI Calculator: Write a program that calculates the Body Mass Index (BMI) of a person given their height and weight.
– Tip Calculator: Implement a program that calculates the tip for a restaurant bill based on a given percentage.
– Time Converter: Create a program that converts between different units of time, such as seconds to minutes, hours to days, etc.
– Simple Credit Card Validator: Write a program that checks whether a given credit card number is valid or not using the Luhn algorithm.
– Huffman Encoding: Implement a simple Huffman encoding algorithm that compresses a given text file.
– Simple Chatbot: Create a simple text-based chatbot that can answer basic questions and perform simple tasks.
– Markdown to HTML Converter: Implement a program that converts Markdown-formatted text to HTML.
– Simple Web Server: Write a simple web server that serves static files, such as HTML, CSS, and images.

Question: Implement a simple B+ tree in Python with the following functionalitie

Question: Implement a simple B+ tree in Python with the following functionalitie

Question: Implement a simple B+ tree in Python with the following functionalities:
1. Insertion of keys into the tree.
2. Search operation to check if a key exists in the tree.
3. Print the keys of the tree in sorted order.
Include appropriate methods for splitting nodes and handling the insertion process in a non-full
node. Test your implementation with a set of keys and demonstrate the tree’s behavior after each

Python, ONLY QUESTION 3,implement 19th function which is the entropy loss of the

Python, ONLY QUESTION 3,implement 19th function which is the entropy loss of the

Python, ONLY QUESTION 3,implement 19th function which is the entropy loss of the
classification of the first 100 MNIST images using full connected neural network of size 728x64x10 and ReLU activation, and run your implementations of Nelder-Meader method, Steepest Descent method , and BFGS method to minimize the entropy loss
– include ReLu activation needed and need to run implementation of each method and display the minimization results.
Please work on question 3 first and write a detailed analysis of the results.

Python is an interpretable, general-purpose, high-level programming language. Wi

Python is an interpretable, general-purpose, high-level programming language. Wi

Python is an interpretable, general-purpose, high-level programming language. With the appropriate tools and libraries, this general-purpose language may be used to create nearly any kind of application. Python also has support for objects, modules, threads, exception handling, and automatic memory management, all of which are useful for modeling real-world issues and developing apps to address them.
Advantages of Python usage:
Python is a general-purpose programming language with an emphasis on readability and an easy-to-learn syntax that lowers program maintenance costs. In addition, the language enables third-party packages that promote modularity and code reuse, is fully open-source, and has scripting capabilities.
Its dynamic typing and dynamic binding, along with its high-level data structures, draw a large developer community for rapid application development and deployment.

Implement a simple B+ tree in Python with the following functionalities: 1. Ins

Implement a simple B+ tree in Python with the following functionalities:
1. Ins

Implement a simple B+ tree in Python with the following functionalities:
1. Insertion of keys into the tree.
2. Search operation to check if a key exists in the tree.
3. Print the keys of the tree in sorted order.
Include appropriate methods for splitting nodes and handling the insertion process in a non-full node. Test your implementation with a set of keys and demonstrate the tree’s behavior after each insertion.

Time to finish: GMT-4 9:00-11:00am on Dec 16th You must use the code in material

Time to finish: GMT-4 9:00-11:00am on Dec 16th
You must use the code in material

Time to finish: GMT-4 9:00-11:00am on Dec 16th
You must use the code in material I provide to finish the questions(2-4questions).
Submit a Jupyter notebook with your code and a written explanation for each question.
PLEASE DO NOT do more than what it is required from you to do. I have to be able to read your code without unnecessary functions. Your code lines must have a purpose. Extra graphics, or extra analysis to support your answer may be acceptable ONLY if you place it at the end of your answer and explicitly state so (put a header of “Extra Analysis”).
Where not specified, ACCURACY should be the metric to evaluate the performance of a model.
You are allowed to make any assumptions NECESSARY to answer the question, in case more details were not provided.
Read and re-read the questions. Make sure you are doing what is being asked from you.
Be concise. More text do not translate into better answers.

Use Keras to train a neural network for the binary classification of muffins and

Use Keras to train a neural network for the binary classification of muffins and

Use Keras to train a neural network for the binary classification of muffins and Chihuahuas based on images from this dataset.…
Images must be transformed from JPG to RGB (or grayscale) pixel values and scaled down. The student is asked to:
experiment with different network architectures (at least 3) and training hyperparameters,
use 5-fold cross validation to compute your risk estimates,
thoroughly discuss the obtained results, documenting the influence of the choice of the network architecture and the tuning of the hyperparameters on the final cross-validated risk estimate.
While the training loss can be chosen freely, the reported cross-validated estimates must be computed according to the zero-one loss. The experimental project is typically based on implementing two or more learning algorithms (or variants of the same algorithm) from scratch. The algorithms are compared on real-world datasets. The programming language is immaterial. However, the implementation should be reasonable in terms of running time and memory footprint. If the experimental project is based on neural networks, then the student is allowed to use a toolbox (e.g., Keras). The report, preferably written using LaTeX, will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
Correctness of the general methodological approach
Reproducibility of the experiments
Correctness of the approach used for choosing the hyperparameters
Clarity of exposition If your solution is adapted from other sources (e.g., Kaggle), this must be clearly stated, and the report should explain the differences and compare the experimental results. Steps to complete the experimental project:Fill out a form to choose a project
Create a public repository containing both the code and the report (in pdf)
Fill out a form to turn in the project

Introduction: Selection systems collect classified information about a group of

Introduction: Selection systems collect classified information about a group of

Introduction: Selection systems collect classified information about a group of products or services and filter them based on the specific needs of individual users. For example, online travel agencies, such as Expedia and Priceline, help travelers with finding available hotels/properties that meet their expectations regarding price, star rating, number of rooms, amenities, location, etc. In this project, you are going to help with building a “Hotel Selection System”, using two datasets.
Task: You are required to open the datasets and answer the questions in this final project.
This project has two parts as below:
Part-1: Contains 5 questions and a bonus question that you are asked to answer. You need to open the corresponding dataset and write your code in the space provided after each question for answering these questions.
Part-2: We will see how to visualize the results and the report of the “Executive Summary & Business insights”.
Your final submission will contain two files:
The first would be a jupyter notebook. You need to provide code for your answers as well as your answers. You also need to provide visualization, executive summary, and business insights using Markdown in the notebook.
The second is the HTML version of the notebook.

1. Application Description: The Course Management System is designed to help edu

1. Application Description:
The Course Management System is designed to help edu

1. Application Description:
The Course Management System is designed to help educational institutions manage student enrollments in various courses. It provides a user-friendly web interface for students to browse available courses, enroll in them, and for administrators to manage course offerings and student enrollments. The system will be built using Python with the Flask web framework and MySQL as the database management system.

1. Application Description: The Course Management System is designed to help edu

1. Application Description:
The Course Management System is designed to help edu

1. Application Description:
The Course Management System is designed to help educational institutions manage student enrollments in various courses. It provides a user-friendly web interface for students to browse available courses, enroll in them, and for administrators to manage course offerings and student enrollments. The system will be built using Python with the Flask web framework and MySQL as the database management system
this is the second part of the project. The answer of the first part has been attached.