The Importance of Humanities in the Profession of a Teacher


Each piece of art contributes greatly to the understanding of human intentions and meanings that stand behind a picture or a symphony. Different authors have different background and different experience in life matters that can be interpreted with the help of objects of art. Mood and theme make pieces from different disciplines look and sound in a similar or the same way though it is up to the audience to decide on the similarities and differences of a painting, a poem, and a film.


Pieces of Art for Analysis


  • Work of literature: “Power” – poem written by Adrienne Rich in 1974.
  • This piece of art represents the discipline of literature created by a female American writer.
  • Feminism can be called one of the prominent topics of her works as she was a feminist.

Pieces of Art for Analysis: Literature


  • Piece of painting for analysis is The Marsh in a Forest created in 1665.
  • The author is Jacob van Ruisdael, a Dutch painter of seventeenth century famous for his landscapes and portraits.
  • The painting is currently displayed in the Gallery of The Hermitage in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Pieces of Art for Analysis: Painting


  • Work of cinematography for analysis is the movie Pay It Forward filmed in 2000.
  • The director of the movie is Mimi Leder; the movie is based on the novel Pay It Forward by Catherine Ryan Hyde.
  • The movie is starring Kevin Spacey, Haley Joel Osment, and Helen Hunt.

Pieces of Art for Analysis: Movie

Themes and Mood Common For All Pieces

The poem describes the power of a woman and her use of that power. Actually her main power is the knowledge obtained meaning that she knew what she was doing and that she could die; she got an element but had to give her life for that knowledge and fame.

The painting is full of contrasts such as a young tree and an old dead tree, earthy colors of the ground and marsh and azure of the sky. It suggests the idea of replacement and that each concept has its beginning and should make room for something new when it is old.

The movie is based on the concept of exchange while one has to do something good when he/she is treated nice by others.

Thesis statement: Each concept has its value in this world; these three pieces of art have a similar mood and a theme of exchange when something is given in exchange. It is important for a teacher to know this rule and know how to explain it to students. For instance, these pieces of art can be used to evoke their thoughts concerning the world and its values.

Themes and Mood Common For All Pieces

Objective Analysis


“Power” (1974) by Adrienne Rich is a blank verse created in the form of thinking aloud.

The main subject matter of the poem is the power of Marie Curie, a famous chemist and physicist, who managed to discover radium and polonium and gave her life for this knowledge. Her power to operate in the fields closed for women was based on her moral strength so, “She died a famous woman denying her wounds” (Rich, 1993, p. 73).

The author conveys the message with the help of different approaches such as the following ones:

  • a blank verse;
  • anadiplosis (repetition of “denying her wounds” (Rich, 1993, p. 73)) in the last stanza;
  • comparison of a discovery with the backhoe that opened up something new on earth;
  • introducing a story of the author’s personal experience of reading about the main character.

Objective Analysis: Literature


Jacob van Ruisdael’s The Marsh in a Forest (1665) created in the traditions of the subtle dubs and artificial landscapes.

This two-dimensional visual art is a painting made in Baroque style typical of the European art of late sixteen- early eighteen centuries with the help of oil.

The landscape is created with the help of subtle techniques of Dutch landscape painting and detailed depiction of the smallest components of the composition.

The painting suggests the idea of the power of nature and the number of contrasts that exist in the world while each idea is a substitution for another one. All details contribute to the overall magnificence of nature contrasted to the insignificant role of people created with the help of a small figure of a hunter in the background of the picture.

The manner of presentation and integrity of images and tones help to differentiate this piece of art from others in this discipline.

Nationalism is one of the peculiar features of van Ruisdael’s paintings, the composition is very coherent while the tones are different contrasted to other painters of the epoch who used a unifying tone for the entire composition. The symmetry of the picture suggests a more dense ordering on the right and a less dense ordering on the left combined with lighter tones used by other painters of the era.

Objective Analysis: Painting

Objective Analysis: Painting


The movie Pay It Forward is a combination of drama and romance starring Kevin Spacey, Haley Joel Osment, and Helen Hunt.

This movie focuses on the story of changes and the assignment given to students, who are eleven, to change the world. In other words, a little boy suggests a concept in accordance to which each person has to make a good deed in relation to three other people while each of those has to make the same. This theory is aimed at improving the world.

This movie is very emotional; actors play professionally while the setting is rather realistic for the audience to believe the story and its possibility.

The design of the movie suggests a popular culture approach where the things and setting are depicted very naturally. The form of the movie includes the key storyline of a boy’s theory and its implementation and a journalist who eventually learn about this concept and attempts to find the origin of this cultural-philosophical movement that has spread all over the country. Supportive lines include a journalist who intrudes into the lives of ordinary people and a boys mother and a teacher who become closer.

Objective Analysis: Movie

Subjective Analysis


The poem “Power” by Adrienne Rich can be understood as the symbolic depiction of the victim given to receive something which was of primary importance for a person. Thus, Marie Curie wanted to purify a chemical element; so, she did that but her organism was ruined by radioactive nature of those elements.

The beginning of the poem presents an allegory of a backhoe that is used to discover certain elements in the earth while Curie is described as a woman who managed to discover something by paying a very high price of her own life.

The mood of the poem is depressing in the beginning and the middle while it is really encouraging and inspirational in the end.

The poem covers themes of knowledge and cost of the truth, women in the scientific fields, and ability of a woman to overcome certain difficulties courageously in spite of natural phenomena.

I reached such conclusions after reading this poem and thinking about the role of women in the society in different epochs and comparing the modern situation with the one described in the poem.

Subjective Analysis: Literature


The painting The Marsh in a Forest by Jacob van Ruisdael can be understood as the attempts to depict the power of nature with the help of calm landscape with nice weather as the character of the picture.

The mood of the painting is very calm because graceful trees visually composed in a rather symmetrical manner create a nice structure and color organization of the picture.

The themes that can be traced in the painting include the power of nature contrasted to the role of a human being in the huge world, changes that take place in nature such as young trees growing as a substitution of old dead trees that should be replaced.

I reached such conclusions after looking at this picture, learning the smallest details of it, and inferring from what I have seen.

Subjective Analysis: Painting


Pay It Forward (2000) is the movie about the education of children and responsibility they take while applying the theoretical knowledge into practice.

The mood of the movie is dramatic and inspirational at the same time. The main character is a little boy who suggests a theory and tries to bring it into life by means of a coordinated plan.

The themes developed in the movie include the relationships between representatives of different generations within and outside the family, education and its effectiveness, rules existent in the modern world, and attempts of people to change the world with or without some help from outside as well as the power of a single person that can inspire others.

I reached such conclusions after watching the movie; however, it took me a bit more time to watch this movie because I did not want to miss important details.

Subjective Analysis: Movie

Subjective Analysis: Conclusion

The mood and themes of three pieces of art seems to be similar and very appealing.

The themes developed in the poem, painting, and movie include the power and changes. Perhaps, some people are encouraged with these pieces of art due to their inspiring mood. The wisdom of generations can be found in these objects of art.

Subjective Analysis

Relationship between Pieces of Art

It is clear that each piece of art has its unique mood, subject matter, and themes developed in a specific way that depends on the author’s techniques and manner of applying the imaginative ideas into practice.

The poem, painting, and movie are analyzed because they have different components that are used to convey the message of the author to the audience.


The main similarity in the poem, painting, and the movie includes a combination of themes and mood due to the use of themes to sustain the mood in the way the author wants it to be perceived by the audience.

The main similarities that can be found in the poem “Power” by Adrienne Rich, the painting The Marsh in a Forest by Jacob van Ruisdael, and the movie Pay It Forward (2000) directed by Mimi Leder are the themes covered in each piece of art.

The themes of nature and the way things are changed in the world can be considered the core concepts that contributed greatly to the overall mood of these objects of art:

  • The power of nature and the world in relation to the figures of human beings;
  • The changes that take place in life;
  • The relation of individuals to changes and sacrifice offered to learn something new, to change the world, or to continue the natural cycle of things.


  • The main difference of these pieces of art is the disciplines they are referred to.
  • The poem is aimed more at the role of women in society and the sacrifice of Marie Curie while discovering the new chemical element.
  • The painting dwells on at glorification of the nature and natural phenomena
  • The movie focuses on the relation in the family and between representatives of different generations as well as on the ways for improving the world.

Relationship between Pieces of Art

Relationship between Pieces of Art

Relationship between Pieces of Art

Relationship between Pieces of Art

Human Condition

The themes and mood identified in the pieces of art shed light on the human condition with the help of techniques applied by the authors.

For instance, the poem evokes thoughts about the role of a woman in society whereas the painting makes the audience think about the magnificence of the nature and natural laws applicable to the human society; the movie describes the nature of people through their relations with each other and emotional coloring given to every scene due to actors’ professional play.

Human Condition

Profession of a Teacher

The profession of a teacher requires knowledge in different disciplines and different sectors of human activity.

In this respect, certain information enables a teacher to answer students’ questions correspondingly with regard to the objective and subjective meaning applied to different objects of art so that each student can associate a piece f art with unique peculiarities.

Profession of a Teacher

Knowledge of the Humanities

  • A teacher who is knowledgeable in the humanities can use certain pieces of art to explain specific concepts to students.
  • The themes, moods, and meanings identified in the pieces of art analyzed earlier are closely related to the profession of a teacher due to inspiration that students can get from a teacher and changes that take place as far as a person becomes more knowledgeable in a specific field.

Knowledge of the Humanities

Relationship between the Humanities and Teaching

Knowledge of the humanities is valuable in relation to the profession of a teacher in the following way:

  • A teacher can explain certain meanings with the help of allusions to works of literature, paintings, and movies;
  • A teacher can understand the relation between certain pieces of art in a different way that a student though should admit possibility of other opinions than his/her to be appropriate and applicable to the situation.

Relationship between the Humanities and Teaching


The pieces of art contribute greatly to the understanding of the variety of meanings applied to different concepts. Ideas presented with the help of pieces of art can be perceived in different ways by people. In this respect, it is necessary to suggest a few pieces of art with similar themes to the audience so that they can identify the one referred to by you. The poem can be used in the field of teaching to help students find more meanings and hidden details of the author’s biography as well as reasons for searching for more.

The similarities identified for these three pieces of art help to see how the power of nature and human confidence in personal power can help to make changes to improve the world around. The painting and movie are different and similar at the same time. The similarities found in these pieces of art help to understand the author’s position toward the characters of the movie and objects depicted in the picture. The differences of these pieces of art make them unique and recognizable in their discipline and their mood and themes applicable to different areas of human activity.




Reference List

McLaglen, M. et al. (Producers), & Leder, M. (Director). Pay it forward [Motion picture]. United States: Warner Bros.

Rich, A. (1993). “Power”. In A. Gelpi & B. C. Gelpi (Eds.), Adrienne Rich’s Poetry and Prose (Norton Critical Editions) (2nd ed.). New York: W. W. Norton & Company.

Ruisdael, Jacob van. The Marsh in a Forest. 1665. The Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia.

Professionalism in the Teaching Profession

Professionalism is a very important factor and it should be present in any professional worker. In this paper, the teaching profession has been discussed and the importance of professionalism in the teaching profession has been studied in detail. Moreover, the basic requirements which every professional teacher should have to include a code of conduct, a relationship with other staff members, skills for maintaining discipline in a classroom, and usage of the internet.

Professionalism in Teachers

Professionalism is very important in the education sector as it has a very deep impact on the role of a teacher, which in response influences the aptitude of students to learn successfully. A teacher’s professionalism can be defined as the talent to reach students substantially, increasing inventive approaches to motivate students, appealing, and stimulating immature minds to train them for growing technology (Hilferty, 2008).

Code of conduct for teachers

The code of conduct is designed by the school administrator, professional organization/union representatives, school board members, and parent/community members. They said that code of professional conduct for teachers has some requirements which include

  1. Regular presence

It means that teacher should be present at school, and he/she should act very seriously against the requirements for reporting absence from school.

  1. Punctuality

A teacher should be very punctual as it is one of the foremost requirements for the professional teacher, and she should also fulfill the number of lectures, lessons, and workshops, etc assigned to him/her for each class. The presence of teachers is mandatory in the assembly and at the end of the day or school timings.

  1. Respectful

It means that a teacher should have respect for all staff members, admin people, students, and parents within his/her heart. These consist of penal measures, an equal number of chances, anti-biased and anti-discriminatory policies.

  1. Internet usage

Nowadays, it has become a requirement for teachers to know how to operate and use the internet as it is required, as it is one of the basic requirements of educational bodies.

  1. Positive behavior

Teachers are the symbol of inspiration for students, so they should behave properly in the class and other than class timings. She should be kind towards all children and their parents, whenever she meets them in formal or informal settings.

  1. Skills to actively listen and work on criticism and suggestions

Sometimes teachers have to face harsh responses from parents, senior teachers, and other staff members in schools, but she should develop an aptitude to react very softly against such issues.

  1. Should follow a proper standard of dress code

Whenever a teacher enters into the school environment, she should keep this thing in mind that she is acting as a role model for students, and for that, she has to maintain a proper standard of dress code, which should be decent and reasonable for school settings.

  1. Performing duties as per the requirements of the school administration

She should perform her duties well while she is in classrooms, gathering with and working with a teacher, in the development, education, and evaluation of students and other required professional needs.

Ethical and legal issues are considered to be the supreme priority in the educational sector. Professionals avoid discussing issues regarding other coworkers, the place where they work, and any strange situations. Teachers should act as professionals while they are in school. If teachers face any problem regarding the above-mentioned requirements, then they should speak to their mentor or administrator truthfully in a professional manner.

Reference List

Hilferty, F. (2008). Teacher professionalism defined and enacted – A comparative case study of two Subject teaching associations. Australlia: VDM Verlag Dr. Mueller e.K.

Aspects of the Nursing Profession

The nursing profession requires the acquisition of extensive knowledge in terms of the used practices for educating young specialists. However, their successful adoption is complicated by the possibility of barriers to student-faculty interactions in the absence of ways of their elimination. These obstacles can be efficiently addressed through the support of active learning, and its examination is essential for the improved outcomes for the students.

Master’s prepared educators can benefit from the use of specific methods to perform the specified task. They are related to the development of essential components, such as support, caring, diversity, and incivility, and their incorporation into the studying process (Ingraham et al., 2018). In other words, following the guidelines based on these notions is critical for all participants. The barriers to student-faculty interactions presented by the lack of respect and cooperation can also be eliminated when implementing this solution.

In turn, active learning is another advantageous approach to increasing the efficiency of the acquisition of skills and information by nursing students. According to van Alten et al. (2019), its variations, such as flipping the classroom, allow teachers to achieve better results over the same period. Therefore, active learning’s principal benefits include improved outcomes and the lack of necessity to realign the practices. Meanwhile, this method implies particular drawbacks: the absence of effect on student motivation and the neglect of learning preferences (van Alten et al., 2019; Vetter & Latimer, 2017). It means that it should also be approached with caution.

In conclusion, the establishment of a favorable studying environment depends on the effectiveness of the elimination of the discussed barriers. This initiative is complemented by selecting an appropriate active learning method for improving the results of students’ activities. In this case, the assessment of benefits and drawbacks presented above should be complemented by evaluating the actual needs of the future nursing personnel in terms of education.


Ingraham, K. C., Davidson, S. J., & Yonge, O. (2018). Student-faculty relationships and its impact on academic outcomes. Nurse Education Today, 71, 17-21. Web.

van Alten, D. C., Phielix, C., Janssen, J., & Kester, L. (2019). . Educational Research Review, 28. Web.

Vetter, M. J., & Latimer, B. (2017). Tactics for teaching evidence‐based practice: Enhancing active learning strategies with a large class of graduate EBP research in nursing students. Worldviews on Evidence‐Based Nursing, 14(5), 419-421. Web.

Mentorship Concept in Teaching Profession

In the paper, Petrovska et al. (2018) explore the concept of mentoring in the teaching profession and questions professionals in education in Macedonia whether mentoring can strengthen their skills and competencies. The authors’ research questions are the following: what opinions teachers have towards the mentoring process associated with their work experience? Is mentoring an effective way to facilitate teachers’ professional development? Do teachers’ knowledge and involvement have a consistent impact on their mentorship of novice teachers? Thus, the authors’ thesis is that the mentoring process is a controversial concept that might improve professional’s development but relies heavily on teachers’ work experience and experience in mentoring novice teachers that might contribute to the inconsistency in the process.

The argument made by Petrovska et al. (2018) is based on the contrasting analysis of views and opinions that teachers have towards the mentoring process and states that “teacher’s work experience plays an important role regarding the estimation of the mentoring process” that can diversely affect results of the mentorship (p. 52). The research questions raised by the article include the opinions range in which teachers with different work and mentorship experience express their attitude towards the concept as well as the guidelines and support of mentoring by education organizations is questioned (Petrovska et al., 2018). By analyzing the results of the study, authors refute the claims that “mentor teachers do not have developed social skills for mentoring” and “mentoring as a process does not contribute to the professional development of teachers” (p. 52).

The research implications entail the potential of implementing changes towards the existing guidelines of the mentoring process in Macedonia and introducing new ways to support the operation of mentoring novice teachers. Authors present contrasting opinions of teachers on mentoring using surveys and their analysis. The authors’ conclusions are relevant and validated by evidence gathered from the primary sources of information, including the benefits and weaknesses of the mentorship. However, the limitations of the study are not presented to address possible counterarguments. Nevertheless, the initial argument claiming that the mentoring process contributes to teachers’ professional development, who have more extended work experience, is proved by data analysis that other researchers can further investigate and support.


Petrovska, S., Sivevska, D., Popeska, B., & Runcheva, J. (2018). International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering & Education (IJCRSEE), 6(2), 47–56. Web.

The Architectural Profession in the World of the Near Future

In today’s ever-changing world, there is no profession that remained the same in terms of actions, tools and implementation. In that sense, architectural profession is not an exception.

The globalization capturing the world leveled the national features. The world became another. Informational technologies have changed both the character of the work, and life pattern. The requirements for the organization of living space are changing as well. New generation’s computer programs cease to serve only as a tool. They influence the creativity of designed thinking, and expand its range. In regards of architecture, the main theme becomes its communicativeness – the search of interrelations’ balance, i.e. between technological – ecological, public – private, and global and local.

The architectural profession in the future, regardless of the technological development and the tools used, is held by man’s creativity. Through various centuries and epochs, the discovery of new tools or new building materials would not have shaped the architectural movements, if not for the brightest minds that stood behind them.

In that sense, rephrasing the previous statement, the architecture of the future, is in exploiting the best means available to come up with a new idea. If you do not have such an idea, then nothing will help, neither the latest version of AutoCAD, 3dsudio Max nor the best computer hardware in the world.

In addition to creativity and imagination, an architect should be able to track the various changes in the society and its tendencies, as most architectural movements are born within these changes. Responsiveness is a critical quality that an architect of the future should have.

In light of the aforementioned, I think that I am capable of taking the role that the architectural profession is offering. As a person interested in the surroundings and the way they were constructed, I see my role in finding a way to improve them and enhance their aesthetic features and beneficial capabilities. I believe that the building in addition to being ecological, comfortable, and reliable, it also should bear a certain visual load that pleases the eyes and could be distinguished at the same time.

I believe that the perspectives of the development of architectural profession are strongly connected with the human factor. Today there is a tendency to minimize the human factor in various professions, where the most of the job is done by computers and the people are given the roles of controllers.

However, this cannot be applied to architecture. This statement is connected with the dual nature of architecture, where besides the hardware and the technology of building production, the architectural shaping is determined by humanitarian, aesthetic, artistic, intuitive and many other factors which is no computer program is capable of considering.

Undoubtedly, in the near future computer technologies will begin to play a bigger role in any sphere of human activity, and the architecture is not an exception. However they hardly can take a place of creative person. Thus, because of the position given in architectural profession to creativity, regardless of technological development, I choose to be an architect.

Works Cited

“Becoming an Architect.” Architecture.Com. 2008. Web.

Technological Applications in the Design Profession

Technology is ubiquitous and has invaded every aspect of our personal and professional lives. Social networking sites have gone ahead and even blurred the lines between personal and professional lives. Technology is used for various purposes but the most common use can be found in information sharing and communications. The Internet has revolutionized the way we use technology, especially when used to communicate with each other to share information. So phenomenal is the internet that it has been compared to the industrial revolution of eighteenth-century Europe. Every organization, whether it is small, medium, or large, has in one way or another been affected by technology. Although we are aware of technology and its various uses, it is interesting to understand how it is implemented in an Interior Architecture or Design firm.

Communications are at the core of today’s business world, with businesses interacting with other businesses (B2B) and interacting with their customers (B2C). An IT administrator who works at an architectural firm informed me that most firms today have a networked environment, which helps leverage IT investments by allowing multiple devices to interconnect with each other. For example, all computers and laptops in the firm are connected to a network device called a switch, which allows these computers to “talk” to each other as well as other devices called servers, printers, plotters, and mobile devices. Below is a diagram of a typically networked environment in a small or medium architectural practice that uses technology.

The most commonly used network environment is the client-server architecture. Servers are powerful computers used to host enterprise applications and share various business-related documents and software while clients such as laptops and printers use the services offered by these servers. Important business information such as customer and supplier names and contacts, architectural drawings, quotations, project-related files are stored in servers called file servers which are regularly backed up. These file servers allow business information to be easily available and accessible to various architects and project managers and serve as an important source of historical information, also called Business Intelligence. Laptops and computers are loaded with business applications such as Microsoft Office, Instant Messaging, email applications, and other designing software such as AutoCAD and CADKit. In a digitized environment, all details of the business operation are stored electronically, which allows them to be compiled into a single document. For example, a site visit by a surveyor to a customer’s location may involve pictures taken from the digital camera. This information is moved from the camera in a digitized format to the laptop and eventually stored on the server for the engineers, architects, or project engineers to be used for determining the scope of the project. Similarly, videos taken using a video camera may be used for a certain award ceremony may be used for advertising on the corporate website. Emails and instant messaging are other forms of technology that have made instant communication possible. Sending quotations or requesting purchase orders, or approving quotes using email is considered a valid and official method of business communication.

Despite the various forms of textual communication, voice communication is still an important mode of communication. What is not apparent, though, is that the underlying technology of telephony has fundamentally changed over the past few years. Usually, phones are connected to a Private Exchange or PBX, which routes outbound and inbound calls depending on the telephone and extension dialing. This required a separate network from the computer networks and associated maintenance overheads. Using the Voice of IP or VoIP technology, phones can use the same network infrastructure as the computers. Thus there is no need to have separate network or maintenance contracts. This translates into direct saving and improves the ROI on technology investment for these small or medium firms.

Most architects, project managers, sales engineers are usually traveling for consulting with their customers or attending seminars. Having access to calendars, emails, phones, the internet, instant messaging, and other business applications is a mandatory requirement (BlackBerry website). Most architectural firms provide their employees with Blackberry’s or other forms of mobile devices. This ensures that they are in constant touch with their customers and peers, through voice and emails. There are times when they want to access certain information and this wireless mode of connectivity is a very important business requirement. With the evolution of wireless technologies, even within the firm, users use laptops installed with wireless devices and blackberries to communicate with other devices through the wireless access point (WAP). This is called anytime, anywhere computing. The objective is to empower the user and give them the ability to communicate with colleagues and to access data or network resources such as printers wherever and whenever they want (Gale Group 2004).

Technology has played an important role in the design process and has revolutionized how architecture firms implement their projects. A typical design process may include concept, design, procurement, building, and documentation (Adobe Systems). Software design tools have been used extensively for designing but since the early 1990’s AutoCAD has evolved to what is now an industry standard. Each tool has its strengths and its weaknesses and since most applications today use industry-standard application interfaces, they are compatible with each other. For example, an image can be exported from AutoCAD or Microstation into Photoshop, which can then be used to prepare a sketch to be used as a reference in customer discussions (Adobe Systems). Since most architectural firms use AutoCAD, some firms to differentiate themselves have invested in more architectural-friendly software tools such as ArchiCAD, which allows clients to be involved in the design process (Earl G. Graves, 2006). This saves several hours of design time because the architects can be assured that the design would be approved faster than if they produced the design without customer involvement during the early phases of the project. Design applications are is in a constant state of evolution and intelligent 3-D modeling software such as Building Information Modelling (BIM) from Autodesk have reshaped the way construction is accomplished (Earl G. Graves, 2006). An important observation here is that outputs generated from most applications are saved in electronic format which is saved in file servers and other collaboration servers. Architects and engineers can view these files simultaneously and make suggestions or recommendations to the design, without even having to print out the design.

The designs produced need to be effectively presented and communicated to the customer effectively to bring the project to fruition. For example, to see how a specified building will look on a proposed site, instead of using the sketch of a building on an image of the proposed site, Photoshop can be used to place the building sketch over the image of the proposed site. This level of presentation is required to convert a concept into a finished product (Adobe Systems). Architects and project managers use laptops loaded with tools such as Microsoft PowerPoint and overhead projectors to give presentations to customers. Pictures speak louder than words and a few slides of the presentation can speak more than an entire report. Similarly, project managers in these firms use Microsoft projects to draw Gantt charts and schedule work, using Microsoft word to write reports for their customers. Besides just presenting designs, architectural firms need to present themselves to their customers and other business such as their suppliers as someone that can be relied on. Websites can be used in dynamic and innovative ways for presentation, acting as a kind of dynamic brochure. Websites are hosted on servers called web servers and use the internet to allow their worldwide audience to their website. Web sites are a collection of web pages that are written in HTML, Java, or other web software. Websites serve as a single point of contact for all or most new customers, who usually do a comparative study between various architectural firms, before investing time and money. An architect informed me that their firm bagged orders from countries as far as Dubai and South Africa although they were located in the UK, all through their website. A dynamic website has text but also slides, videos, testimonials from their customers, forums, and blogs for a two-way interaction which helps build confidence in their potential customers. Another form of presentation that today’s architectural firms use is a high-density (HD) display in their offices. These HD displays are connected to a computer through the network which provides all the pictures, videos, and related information. This form of technology is used to inform visitors of various projects successfully managed by the firm, awards won, and best practices followed by the firm, which is helpful because visitors learn a lot about the company as they wait for a meeting and is a good replacement for paper brochures and magazines.

Technology is constantly evolving on all fronts and users are finding new ways of employing these evolving technologies to differentiate themselves from the competition. Networks have evolved from wired to wireless to 4G communications and yet they coexist to meet varying customer needs. Applications are evolving to include a whole range of collaboration tools allowing not only teams to work together but also engage customers early on during the project. Presentation tools are evolving to make a design more and more realistic and 3 dimensional, so customers can get a real feel of what to expect for their investments. The constantly evolving technology is breaking old barriers and allowing modern firms to be more productive.

Reference List

Adobe Systems Inc., 2005, .

BlackBerry Enterprise Solution. Web.

Earl G. Graves Publishing Co., Inc, 2006, .

Gale Group, 2004, LAN evolution’s third phase: remote, mobile users – local area networks. Web.

Impact of the Global Pandemic on the Interior Design Profession


With the epidemic affecting daily life, action plans like social isolation have been implemented. Thus, this has impacted the way workplaces are structured and the number of employees who perform in the same environment. Interior design is the study of analyzing human behavior to assist landlords in creating a functioning room within a structure, which includes the geometries of the room’s boundaries, flooring, and more. A skilled interior decorator must know the organic architecture and collaborate closely with architects while designing an indoor environment. COVID-19 has also altered how huge open areas are planned, as it poses health hazards to employees who may be unaware they are contagious. Additionally, enterprises are increasingly allowing their staff to work remotely, which has impacted architectural design firms. Nevertheless, the interior architecture sector is reviving with lockdown, and the COVID-19 vaccination is already widespread. This paper aims to discuss the effects of the pandemic on the interior design profession and some of the remedies interior designers may take to address the challenges and mitigate the epidemic’s impact on the career.

Effects of the Epidemic on Interior Design Profession

The pandemic has Split the Interior Design Market

As was the case during the Spanish flu pandemic in 1918, the epidemic radically altered consumer behavior: people began redesigning their cabinets, dormitories, and toilets. Powder rooms were created to allow individuals to disinfect their hands before engaging with others (Andrey, 2021). Therefore, today, people’s homes have taken on a shelter, and Individuals routinely lose sight of the basic definition of home as a personalized stronghold. Consumers ceased purchasing flats and largely rented households, whether due to increased prices or changing lifestyles. Customers were enticed to dine out more frequently, resulting in a decrease in kitchen space (Andrey, 2021). However, during the current COVID-19 epidemic, individuals have been trapped at home and compelled to stay. People’s homes must now accommodate various functions, including work, entertainment, dining, and learning. As a result, what has been observed is that people have rediscovered their appreciation for their homes. For instance, since the global pandemic began, Wayfair’s stock has increased tenfold (Andrey, 2021). The Market for house renovations has reflected this. More homeowners engage designers, renovate their homes, and follow interior design trends.

Altered Design Services

COVID-19 has altered people’s perceptions of social settings. Infection management is a primary concern with alleviated sensitivity to contact, enhanced understanding of social boundaries, and a reinvigorated emphasis on healthy surroundings. Decorators have a pivotal function in population health as the crisis deepens. Consumers would approach designers for help in designing effective, pleasant, and safe houses and companies, regardless of the person’s area of competence (Aresta & Salingaros, 2021). Typical instances include site layout, where commercial properties will necessitate reinvented patterns and remodeled furnishings that reflect public health mandates through larger spaces and wider passageways, among other things. Additionally, wholesome Clients may be more enthusiastic about specialist items that help prevent germs and pathogen build-up in residential environments, such as filtration systems, indoor environmental effectiveness surveillance, airflow water filters, and self-cleaning technology (Aresta & Salingaros, 2021). These requirements may result in price increases, as implementing safety measures may create barriers to operating within the customer’s budget or timetable if high-demand products are in limited supply.

Individuals need more from their Homes Currently

The impression of homes as a fortress will persist with families beyond the epidemic. Households will invest more and more in their boundaries to have more pleasant and customized regions for specific home activities, ranging from the workplace to interacting with children. People have learned they require to create spaces for various hobbies, and some discovered that their residence is not functioning out for that, whether it is just capacity or something more subtle. Microsoft’s 2021 Work Trend Index survey found that 73% of personnel demonstrated a willingness for flexible work choices post-pandemic, while 66% of firms were contemplating physical remodeling facilities to suit mixed work arrangements better (Andrey, 2021). Organizations like Google, Amazon, and Twitter are explicitly dedicated to a flexible employment paradigm. The outbreak is diminishing, but the need is still there. There is a boom in demand throughout the home restoration business, and the housing industry is also increasing (Andrey, 2021). The epidemic causes customers to confront their requirements and reconsider their beliefs regarding their house, and then enterprises respond and adjust accordingly.

Demands in the Market that may Fade Out

Innovations cannot Alleviate Lack of Physical Space and Equipment

As more consumers visualized their interior environment throughout the global epidemic’s two years, companies began to embrace Augmented Reality (AR) innovations as a novelty and a genuine option to showcase their portfolio. One of the most straightforward implementations is allowing users to install furnishings in their homes to experience how it tastes (Andrey, 2021). While it was once possible to be encouraged to go outside shopping, this is no longer possible, motivating businesses and customers to use Virtual Reality (VR). Nonetheless, it will undoubtedly take approximately ten years for VR and AR to become an integral part of individuals’ lives. While technology has enabled people to surmount the majority of the pandemic’s challenges, allowing consumers to keep working and learning, it is still too early to declare that it will fix everything (Andrey, 2021). For instance, even Ikea is now focusing on new consumption experiences, notwithstanding the indication that the company has long prioritized traditional selling techniques above its e-commerce element (Andrey, 2021). Although the technology is not ideal, people are compelled to use it due to commercial pressure. Furthermore, the marketplace is uncertain about reverting to its earlier level.

Historical Precedents: Impacts of Previous Pandemics on the Profession

The style and substance have always accompanied the dread of contagion throughout catastrophic events. Diseases influence every aspect of individuals’ built environment, from home design to civic architecture. Historically, individuals changed interior decorating, construction, civilizations, and equipment to reduce susceptibility to diseases (Maturana et al., 2021). When major events of the last two centuries are considered, the structure and urban tale reveal several transformations. First, in the 14th century, the bubonic plague sparked the Renaissance’s essential urban advancements (Megahed & Ghoneim, 2020). Cities demolished congested dwellings, widened their boundaries, pioneered the development of early quarantine institutions, and established expansive communal areas.

Infectious diseases were a significant driver of urban regeneration in the twentieth century. Modernist engineers viewed design as a panacea for congested cities, where outbreaks of cholera, dysentery, encephalitis, and Spanish flu prompted urban planning, downzoning, tenancy rehabilitation, and wastewater treatment (Megahed & Ghoneim, 2020). Additionally, cholera and typhoid affected the progressive sanitation movement during the industrial revolution. These outbreaks prompted the development of sewerage systems to combat the germs, ultimately resulting in a hygienic breakthrough that demanded straighter, cleaner, and larger streets to accommodate underground drainage networks. The 1855 third influenza outbreak altered the architecture of everything from sewer pipes to door openings and building foundations (Megahed & Ghoneim, 2020). Finally, modern architecture concepts were influenced by an age defined by form cleanliness, rigid geometry, modern techniques, and an aversion to decoration.

These healing habitats were developed by contemporary designers to be practically and metaphorically purged of infection and filth. Apart from their aesthetic appeal, these characteristics reflected modernist obsessions with the curative powers of light, air, and nature. These structures incorporated wide windows, balconies, dust-free pavements, and white paint to emphasize the impression of elegance (Megahed & Ghoneim, 2020). Against this backdrop, the present health crisis necessitates developing a built environment to improve the layers of protection that aid in preventing pathogens transmission.

How Interior Designer can address New Challenges and Mitigate Effects on Business

Designing of Healthy Post-Pandemic Housing

The global epidemic has instilled a great admiration for individuals’ homes. People require housing that properly isolates them socially and protects them from viral pathogens. Even after the confinement duration, it is anticipated that more families would work from home. As a result, the potential of contemporary home architecture may be altered. Numerous studies have established a direct link between congestion and adverse health effects, and the WHO defined sustainable housing as having the following criteria (Pinheiro & Luís, 2020). Dense populations may result in unsanitary conditions and propagate numerous infectious diseases. The danger of hazardous pathogens and droplet-transmitted viruses rises with crowding.

If practicable, the present epidemic makes a compelling case for an entirely separate dwelling with a sensible number of neighboring garden spaces, thereby improving social isolation and food production, as well as the therapeutic powers of air, light, and nature. Perhaps confinement is the optimal time to learn about interior gardens, especially in multi-story structures (Pinheiro & Luís, 2020). Interaction with other occupants in communal spaces is inescapable in multi-story facilities. In terms of design and layout, the post-pandemic dwelling may create further divisions between departments and signify the end of open-plan living. The structure’s hallways and entrances may be more comprehensive, and there may be numerous additional elevators, necessitating adjustments to the building regulation and design ideas (Pinheiro & Luís, 2020). By providing flexible and adaptable areas for all occupants, the housing may become more ecological, adapting to changing demands and lifestyles.

Designing Effective Remote Office Space

Working remotely is a unique alternate work schedule that originated in the 1970s. Designers in different organizations have adapted their strategies in response to the emergence of Covid-19 (Honey-Rosés et al., 2020). Even businesses that were once opposed to the idea of virtual working have been pushed to accommodate for it. Nevertheless, functioning entirely from home may not be for everyone; many may desire to reconnect to their physical residents. As the epidemic progresses and remote work is becoming the expected trend, designers may reconfigure workplaces to allow more open space and reduced seating areas (Honey-Rosés et al., 2020). Based on this shift, office occupancy is likely to change, and enterprises will no longer require additional capacity due to work-from-home rules.

As a result, tall structures would become costly to set up and inefficient. Contingent on how constructive remote work demonstrates during this global epidemic, interior designers are expediting the transition away from formalized corporate environments and toward more adaptable, simulated, and home-based working practices (Honey-Rosés et al., 2020). Thus, this could mean designers are reversing the open-office phenomenon and exploring alternative air circulation and suitable health design methodologies. In terms of cleaning procedures, designers may even employ high ultraviolet antimicrobial treatment to disinfect workplaces thoroughly. This strategy is becoming more prevalent in medical institutions to combat illness transmission.


Interior design is the study of human behavior to assist landlords in building a functional space within a structure, including the room’s boundary geometries, flooring, and more. Due to the epidemic’s impact on daily living, strategies such as social seclusion have been introduced. As a result, the way workspaces are organized, and the percentage of laborers that function in the exact location has changed. COVID-19 has also affected how large open spaces are planned, posing health risks to personnel who may be unaware they are contagious. Furthermore, employers continually allow employees to work remotely, affecting design and architecture firms. Consumers have been confined at home and encouraged to stay throughout the present COVID-19 epidemic.

Additionally, COVID-19 has influenced how people perceive social situations. Infection control is a significant issue, as is reduced sensitivity to contact, a better knowledge of social boundaries, and a re-emphasized focus on healthy settings. Nonetheless, as more customers pictured their interior environments during the two-year global epidemic, businesses began to adopt Augmented Reality (AR) developments as a diversion and a legitimate way to promote their catalog. The COVID-19 epidemic has established deep respect for people’s houses. Individuals require housing that effectively excludes them physically and safeguards them against viral diseases. Designers constructed halls and doorways to be more extensive, demanding changes to construction regulations and architectural concepts. Additionally, depending on how beneficial working remotely proves to be during this worldwide epidemic, design professionals are hastening the shift away from conventional corporate spaces and toward more customizable, virtual, and home-based labor practices.


Andrey Ustyugov. (2021). Council post: Three ways Covid-19 has affected the interior design market. Web.

Aresta, M., & Salingaros, N. A. (2021). Challenges, 12(2), 1-9. Web.

Honey-Rosés, J., Anguelovski, I., Chireh, V. K., Daher, C., Konijnendijk van den Bosch, C., Litt, J. S., Mawani, V., MacCall, M. K., Orellana, A., Oscilowicza, E., Sánchez, U., Senbel, M., Tan, X., Villagomez, E., Zapata, O., & Nieuwenhuijsen, M. J. (2020). The impact of COVID-19 on public space: An early review of the emerging questions–design, perceptions and inequities. Cities & Health, 1-17. Web.

Maturana, B., Salama, A. M., & McInneny, A. (2021). International Journal of Architectural Research, 15(1), 1-9. Web.

Megahed, N. A., & Ghoneim, E. M. (2020). Sustainable Cities and Society, 61, 1-9. Web.

Pinheiro, M. D., & Luís, N. C. (2020). COVID-19 could leverage a sustainable built environment. Sustainability, 12(14), 1-27. Web.

A True Profession

A true profession is characterized by a lifetime devotion to one’s specialized area of training when serving others while adding value to one’s quality of work in addition to Integrity of character, sound knowledge, and excellent skills. Honesty, accurate and true dissemination of information in addition to individual responsibility for ones’ actions define true professions.

A true profession is guided by professional ethics and code of conduct without biasness in terms of gender, race, and ethnic affiliations. A true profession is bound by ethical standards which outline disciplinary actions on an errant professional and defines professional behavior.

A true professional is competent, maintains confidentiality in addition to putting the services of those in whose interest services are rendered first with positive attitudes.

The key difference between a professional and a non professional is that a professional acquires a body of knowledge on the codes of conduct which guide one in decision making and moral judgment (Khurana and Nohria 72).

Non-professionals are not bound by any social contracts and do not go through any formal training on codes of conduct.

A decision with moral implications I have made in the past is when I was in a moral dilemma to release confidential information about a customer who owed the company I work for a big sum of money. Though I had access to information about the credit status of the customer, I did not release information since it could be contrary to the professional ethics of maintaining confidentiality.

Works Cited

Khurana, Rakesh. Nohria Nitin. . Harvard Business Review. 2008. Web.

The Purchasing and Supply Chain Management Profession

The Impact of Megatrends on the Development of the Purchasing and Supply Chain Management Profession

The changes in the duties and responsibilities of the Purchasing and Supply Chain managers are directly affected by the progress of the megatrends in the industry. It is important to determine such megatrends as the necessity of using the innovations, the accents on the global supply networks, the references to the principles of the green supply management with the elements of sustainability.

From this point, the managers should pay more attention to the development of the contemporary procurement strategies with concentrating on the e-procurement and on the usage of the new global sales channels (Burt, Dobler, & Starling, 2003).

The progress of the megatrends requires the managers’ focusing on the improvement of the ways of communication and integration of the manufacturers, retailers, and customers with the help of using the new technologies (Burt, Dobler, & Starling, 2003).

Thus, in the public and private sectors, the Supply Chain managers’ responsibilities also depend on the development of the dynamic and interactive management, on the improvement of the transactions’ quality where the managers’ work with all the members of the chain is organized according to the principles of flexibility, cooperation, and competitiveness.

The Factors of the Evolution of the Purchasing and Supply Management Profession

The definite aspects of the Purchasing and Supply Management profession changed, and it is possible to determine the most important factors which have influenced the progress of the profession.

They are the rapid optimization of the supply chain system, the orientation on the aspects of the competitiveness within the industry, the necessity of cost savings, and the alternations in the distribution networks (Burt, Dobler, & Starling, 2003). To meet the requirements of the developed industry, it is significant to change the approach to the major factors of the profession.

Thus, the rapid optimization requires putting accents on the speed of providing the necessary processes. The high level of competitiveness requires the improvement of the production and delivery systems.

The changes in the distribution networks also require the changes in the distribution strategies, and these processes can be discussed as the interdependent ones. The necessity to save the costs and get the obvious benefits is also an important factor for developing new effective strategies and their using by the managers.

The Role of Using Supply Chain Management Principles and Strategic Alliance Agreements for Private Sector Organizations

The usage of Supply Chain Management principles and strategic alliance agreements can be considered as more conductive for the private sector organizations because the main accents are made on the preservation of the high competitive status of the company within the industry and on the optimization of the processes while providing these principles (Burt, Dobler, & Starling, 2003).

Thus, it is important to focus on the fact that the principles of Supply Chain Management successfully work within the private sector because, according to the contemporary tendencies, the development of the Supply Chain Management principles and profession depends on the progress of the innovative information technologies.

Their usage increases the quality of the procurement process in general, and the quality of the products and their delivery in particular. Moreover, the orientation on the integrative projects, collaborative partnership with references to the strategic agreements and on the support of the innovative decisions and effective solutions to the issues of the Supply Chain Management is also significant.


Burt, D. N., Dobler, D. W., & Starling, S. L. (2003). World class supply management: The key to supply chain management. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Business Systems Analyst Profession

The demand for SAP professional is on the rise regarding the fact that the industry has been categorized among the fastest growing areas of the economy. The average salary range, employment outlook, job market, and education skills required for professional recruitment are discussed under the following titles.

Positions Available

The SAP industry is vast, hence, it results in the need for wide variety of carrier and professional development approaches. As such, there are many SAP professionals who specialize in various fields depending on their priorities. Putting in mind the chosen carrier (Senior Business Systems Analyst/SAP Consultant), there are a number of titles that can be considered. For example, individuals aspiring to become Business Systems Analysts are open to the following titles depending on their professional achievement, experience and other added advantages:

  • Business Systems Analyst I: This is an Entry Level Business Systems Analyst.
  • Business Systems Analyst II: This is an Intermediate Level Business Systems Analyst.
  • Business Systems Analyst III: Also referred to as Senior Business Systems Analyst.
  • Business Systems Analyst IV.

In addition to the above titles, the job market offers many more titles especially for the case of SAP Consultants. The following are a few available job offers in the market:

  • SAP Basis Consultant.
  • SAP Project Manger.
  • Business Process Consultant:

Salary Range

Depending on the qualifications, experience, earlier achievements and the specific company, a competitive salary is available for all SAP professionals. For instance, the compensation under SAP related field varies from as low as $30,000 to as high as $110,000. In the United States, the following average compensations are given for Business Systems Analysts.

  • Business Systems Analyst I: The basic compensation for this job title ranges from $40,391 to $63,349, thus, the average compensation is $50,476.
  • Business Systems Analyst II: The basic compensation for this job title ranges from $51,951 to $82,534, thus, the average compensation is $65,478.
  • Business Systems Analyst III: The basic compensation for this title ranges from $60,398 to $91,643, thus, the average compensation is $75,274. Figure 1.0 (next page) shows the graphical representation of the average compensation for Senior Business Systems Analyst in the U.S. job market (Salary Wizard, 2011).
  • Business Systems Analyst IV: The basic compensation for this title ranges from $72,100 to $107,616, thus, the average compensation is $89,611.

Business Systems Analyst Compensation

Business Systems Analyst – U.S National Averages
Figure 1.0: Business Systems Analyst – U.S National Averages. Source: Salary Wizard (2011).

Employment Outlook

Generally, there are many job opportunities being offered by a majority of companies registered in the SAP field and other related fields. Brief statistics of the job market employment (SAP Basis Consultants) in relation to the experience and education level is given below:

Years of Experience

  • 0 – 1 Years Experience: 11% are employed.
  • 2 – 5 Years Experience: 29% are employed.
  • 5 – 10 Years Experience: 36% are employed.
  • 10 – 15 Years Experience: 18% are employed.
  • 15+ Years Experience: 7% are employed.

Education Level

  • High School: 11% are employed.
  • Associate’s/Certificate: 4% are employed.
  • Bachelors: 60% are employed.
  • Masters: 24% are employed.

Education Level Required

The education level attained by a SAP professional is a great determinant in the type of job that can be secured. Some of the job market requirements are given below:

  • Business Systems Analyst I: Associate’s degree in a related area with up to 2 years experience in related field.
  • Business Systems Analyst II: Associate’s degree in a related area with 2 to 4 years experience in the field.
  • Business Systems Analyst III: Bachelor’s degree in a related area with 4 to 6 years experience in the field.
  • Business Systems Analyst IV: Bachelor’s degree in the specialty area with 6 to 8 years experience in the field or related area.
  • SAP Basis Consultant: Bachelor’s degree in specialty area with a minimum of 7 years experience in the field or a related area.
  • SAP Project Manger: Bachelor’s degree in specialty area with a minimum of 7 years experience in the field or a related area.
  • Business Process Consultant: Bachelor’s degree in specialty area with a minimum of 7 years experience in the field of expertise.


As established in the above study of the job market, the SAP field is currently growing very fast and offers great opportunities for professionals trained in the field. Therefore, with my qualifications and experience, I am well suited for obtaining a future job position as a Business Systems Analyst/SAP Consultant.


Salary Wizard. (2011). . Web.