Early Teen Pregnancy as Population Health Problem


The problem of protecting the reproductive health of the population, especially adolescents and young people, is of particular medical and social significance for the world community in modern conditions. First of all, the importance of the health of adolescents and children is due to their role as a reserve of society in all spheres of life of the state. However, teenage pregnancies are on the rise these days, leading to negative consequences for both children and the quality of life of social groups in general. It is necessary to look at this phenomenon from several points of view, and also to find out what the health system can do to reduce the number of such cases.

Background of Problem

Adolescence is a critical period in which knowledge and skills are acquired, as well as values ​​that can last a lifetime. In order to ensure their well-being and be able to actively participate in the development of their country, they must acquire a profession and life skills, as well as receive knowledge and services in the field of their own health. The formation of the current generation takes place in the conditions of information and communication technologies and globalization (Nanda, 2020). Also, young people are one of the population groups with a high prevalence of HIV infection. Almost a quarter of HIV-infected people are under 25 years, and this age is particularly vulnerable and limited.

Economic and Political Factors

The problem of early pregnancy is relevant because in the current socio-economic conditions of the country, the number of early pregnancy and childbirth among adolescents is increasing every year. One of the downsides of early pregnancy is that it harms the health of the teenage mother and her baby (Akella, 2018). Early pregnancy is considered to be a girl who has not reached the age of majority, which is established by medical indicators. It is important to note that the body is considered to be finally formed to perform the reproductive function only after 18 years. It follows from this that early pregnancy is a dangerous condition for an organism that is in the developmental stage. The negative aspects of early pregnancy include the fact that 70% of pregnancies in adolescents end in abortions, and about 15% are miscarriages (Akella, 2018, p. 44). At the same time, only 15% of girls can safely bear and give birth to babies (Akella, 2018, p. 45). This trend is explained by the political and economic situation in the country, which adversely affects adolescents.

First, it is worth noting the vital role of parents in the upbringing and control of the child. However, in the current environment, parents are passionate about career growth and earnings that will help support the family (Akella, 2018). In turn, the prices for the necessary rentals are growing, which means that the need for work is increasing. At the same time, the child is often alone, interacting with the outside world independently. As a result, there is no possibility of timely response and consultations from parents.


The early start of sexual relations is a consequence of the low level of knowledge in the field, poor awareness of the means and methods of contraception. Separately, it is worth highlighting the insufficient use of condoms, which leads to an increase in the number of pregnancies among adolescents (Odland, 2018). The rate of use of methods and means of contraception is higher than 20 years ago, but low from a whole society perspective. It is especially necessary to emphasize the first sexual contact, which is characterized by a lack of experience and knowledge, as well as the inability to control the emotional aspect (Montemayor, 2018). According to a study conducted in 2009, only 44% of respondents aged 15-24 used any methods and means of contraception at the first sexual contact (Montemayor, 2018, p. 116). The main patterns of reproductive behavior of adolescent girls include, first of all, behavioral habits, such as a large number of sexual partners or an irregular sex life. However, the negative contribution of peers in the form of fear of parents, erroneous advice about contraception or short-term use of contraceptives should also be highlighted.

Lack of knowledge about contraceptives is a high risk of unwanted pregnancy. Moreover, the younger the age of adolescents, the more often they have abortions. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that adolescents have the right to:

  • Be informed about reproductive health and its components;
  • Access to safe and effective methods of contraception (Montemayor, 2018);
  • A conscious decision about the pace and timing of self-reproduction.

Abortion, especially the first one, is fraught with various complications, up to infertility. The so-called “secondary infertility” occurs in almost every second girl who has had an abortion (Montemayor, 2018). No matter how successfully the operation is performed, it is a hormonal disruption of the cycle, severe stress. There is a possibility of a negative impact of abortion on the reproductive health of a particular individual in the future.

Leadership and Collaboration

In addition to the medical aspect of this problem, there is a social aspect that takes into account the interpersonal relationship and interaction of family members. Only in some cases, the family patiently and calmly processes the news of a teenager’s pregnancy without serious conflicts (Ball, 2019). However, privately adult family members relate to what happened with a negative, aggravating the psychological situation for a child who is in a state of stress. As a result of such pressure, complexes and psychological traumas are created in adolescents, a distorted concept of family and sex. Pregnancy in adolescent girls aged 13-17, from a psychological point of view, has a destructive effect on the development of their emotional-volitional sphere, value orientations, and the formation of sexual and maternal behavior (Ball, 2019). This applies to both dysfunctional and healthy teen pregnancies.

Therefore, it must be emphasized that the elders and the close environment of the child, as well as nurses, should take a different position. Such people should be in the role of a leader who can help in this situation, as well as intelligibly explain the whole situation to a child who is in confusion and emotional instability (Ball, 2019). The fact is that such communication and interaction should take on the character of cooperation. This is explained by the fact that the main goal of both nurses and families should be to maximize the health of a teenager in any of its manifestations, both psychological and reproductive (Ball, 2019). That is why a specialist or a parent should work calmly and impartially with a teenager in such a way that the child does not feel condemnation or pressure.

Planning and Share Findings

To date, the situation is characterized by a low level of awareness of adolescents about family planning, sexuality, sexually transmitted diseases, methods of effective complex contraception. Adolescents prefer to receive information from the media, in particular the Internet, from friends and peers. They also do not try to discuss relationship issues, intimate problems with their parents, and parents, in turn, believe that there is no need for sexual education. A huge role in reducing the level of teenage pregnancies and abortions belongs to educational work (Nanda, 2020). It is important to note that this method is the most effective with high-quality and correct implementation. It includes, first of all, the availability of information, regardless of any natural or social criteria of individuals. (Nanda, 2020). Therefore, the main step in planning to combat early teenage pregnancy should be the introduction of sexuality education.

Sex education can help avoid the problems associated with teenage sexuality. The question is not to protect from knowledge about sexuality or to inform about the possibilities of contracting STIs (Nanda, 2020). Most researchers in sex education see not only information on biology and contraception. The main thing is to bring up positive standards in the rising generations and to give the foundations of morality. This includes the formation of the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, the self-worth of children, a conscious attitude towards parenthood, positive marriage and family attitudes, and a culture of gender relations.

At the same time, it is necessary to introduce a criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of implemented systems. Thus, it makes sense to develop anonymous surveys for adolescents, aimed at both testing the knowledge they receive and assessing the quality of their sex life. The results obtained must be processed and included in a single database. Thanks to a comparative analysis, specialists will be able to identify regions or social groups that are most difficult to learn (Nanda, 2020). Such data will help to develop additional educational mechanisms in such a way that a separate risk group of adolescents is not formed in society. At the same time, the exchange of results will help to attract an outsider’s eye, which can objectively assess the merits and demerits of the work being done.

It is worth noting that additional specialists are required to perform such a task so as not to overload the nurses. To this end, the network of social institutions that deal with the problems of the family and children is currently expanding. These are centers friendly to teenagers, centers of social assistance to the population, a center for supporting families and children. Such institutions are located mainly in large cities, they are gradually opening in less populated areas (Nanda, 2020). Consequently, it is necessary to introduce a system based on such institutions in order not to overload the hospitals. However, the database should be implemented in such a way that nurses and doctors have access to them and provide the population with contraceptives and everything necessary in a timely manner.


Akella, D. (2018). Socio-cultural influences on teenage pregnancy and contemporary prevention measures. (D., Akella, Ed.). IGI Global.

Ball, S. J. (2019). Foucault and education. Putting theory to work. (S. J. Ball, Ed.). Taylor & Francis.

Montemayor, R. (2018). Sexuality in adolescence and emerging adulthood. Guilford Publications.

Nanda, S. (2020). Evaluation and management of high-risk pregnancies. Emerging research and opportunities. (S. Nanda, Ed.). IGI Global.

Odland, J. Y. (2018). Teenage reproductive health. Pregnancy, contraception, unsafe abortion, fertility. (J. Y. Odland, Ed.). MDPI AG.

UTI Prevention and Management in Geriatric Population

A Unary Tract Infection (UTI) implies an inflammatory process in urinary tracts without including kidney parenchyma in the pathological process. UTI is widely spread among people of elderly age, both female and male, and they appear to be vulnerable to this disease due to a range of factors. They are anatomic and physiological changes in pelvic organs, incompetence of unary tract epithelial tissue, decrease in slime elaboration, urinary and fecal incontinence, and neurosis tarda. For this reason, this disease of significantly more frequently met in the geriatric population, compared to younger people.

This health problem is associated with significant disturbance for patients. They tend to perceiving a burning feeling while passing urine, and the color of urine is different from normal, becoming darker and bloody. In addition, patients may have an intense urge for passing urine despite the fact that a urinary bladder is not full. Other symptoms include pain in the back and abdominal and fever. Consequently, visiting a bathroom implies coping with significant challenges for people diagnosed with UTI.

Nursing Home in California is aimed to provide its residents with comprehensive care of high quality. In addition, the focus of the organization implies supplying elderly people with decent and comfortable living conditions, relieving their health problems, and preventing possible diseases. The residents require special attention, as their health state is fragile, and even a minor event may have a considerable influence on it. Therefore, Nursing Home intends to adhere to a comprehensive and careful approach while caring for its patients.

Problem Statement

Residents in Nursing Home have a variety of problems, beginning from asthma and finishing with brain activity problems. The latter appear to be especially dangerous for their health, as elderly people tend to forget about essential care for their health. Apart from resistance to treatment and forgetting to take medications at the correct time, it also regards hygiene breaches. In addition, the changes in organisms due to age make the geriatric population more vulnerable to developing UTI.

UTI prevents the patients from a decent lifestyle, as it is associated with numerous problems on a constant basis. Vising a bathroom becomes a challenge for elderly people, which does not allow them to live full-fledged lives. Furthermore, it may result in problems with having sleep at night, which also imply negative consequences for the residents’ health state. In general, urinary tracts are important for excreting process, and problems with them may result in a range of diseases. As for the Nursing Home staff, spreading UTI puts additional pressure on them, as patients require additional attention. Thus, the necessity to elaborate and implement sufficient measures, aimed to prevent and manage UTI in the geriatric population, is evident.

Literature Review

Recent research may contribute to providing essential information on UTI prevention and management. Sihra et al. (2018) have published a study, “Nonantibiotic Prevention and Management of Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection”, which may be informative for elaborating UTI prevention and management strategy. The authors focus on nonantibiotic measures, which can be helpful for addressing this disease (Sihra et al., 2018).

They include “behavioral changes, dietary supplementation (such as Chinese herbal medicines and cranberry products), NSAIDs, probiotics, D-mannose, methenamine hippurate, estrogens, intravesical glycosaminoglycans, immunostimulants, vaccines and inoculation with less-pathogenic bacteria” (Sihra et al., 2018, para. 1). The study contains the evaluation of the trial results, which may be beneficial for implementing the effective measure for the Nursing Home in California.

It should be mentioned that the article contains some pieces of advice, which may not be suitable for elderly people, and for this reason, it is essential to cover only relevant ones. For instance, Sihra et al. (2018) propose dietary recommendations, which will probably help address this issue. Sihra et al. (2018) highlight studies, which discuss the benefit of adhering to adequate hydration and consuming vitamin C. Another approach implies phytotherapy, namely Chinese herbal medicine (CHM) and eating cranberry-containing products. Furthermore, some researchers observed by Sihra et al. (2018) provide evidence for the beneficial role of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories in UTI prevention.

Consuming probiotics for achieving normal flora is also among the stratifies, which may be helpful for treating this disease. Other proposals include D-mannose, though its usefulness requires further research (Sihra et al., 2018). On the contrary, the positive result of applying methenamine hippurate has been proved in a great number of cases. In addition, the article includes suggestions on using estrogens and intravesical glycosaminoglycans.

The option of immunostimulants and vaccines is also discussed in the study. However, it is not possible to make a precise conclusion in this regard. The reasons for it are “a lack of induction of antibodies in the bladder, the diversity of pathogens and the desire to avoid inducing a pathological immune response to colonizing bacteria in the gut” (Sihra et al., 2018, para 32). Furthermore, a lack of protective immunity for this inflection limits the development of vaccines significantly.

After reviewing the study, it is possible to conclude that the measures covered in it appear to be promising. The majority of them have a sufficient number of proofs of their effectiveness in preventing or managing UTI. Consequently, Sihra et al. (2018) advise applying the mentioned measures in combination for providing positive outcomes. As this topic has not been researched comprehensively, the implemented measures should be evaluated in order to understand their impact.


The purpose of the current proposal is to provide the Nursing Home with effective strategies for preventing and managing UTI in the residents, namely elderly people. For this reason, research has to be conducted, which implies the analysis of the efficiency of different approaches and medications. In addition, an implementation plan and evaluation criteria are also required to guaranteeing beneficial outcomes for the patients and their well-being.


The proposal is aimed to targeting Nursing Home staff, as this profession requires an in-depth understanding of both specific and widespread health problems among elderly people. Their responsibilities involve providing residents with all the possible measures for maintaining and improving their health state. Furthermore, health providers are considered to contribute to finding sufficient solutions for the diseases of the residents. For this reason, this proposal is highly likely to be useful for them, helping them to fulfill their working duties and providing competent care.

Methods and Materials

As it has been mentioned above, none of the methods provides 100 percent of effectiveness. However, the best outcomes may be achieved while using sufficient measures in combination. Considering the equipment and budget of the Nursing Home in California, there is a possibility to adhere to dietary recommendations. In addition, there will be no difficulties with implementing phytotherapy and adhering to probiotics. Apart from this, it is recommended to apply methenamine hippurate, as this approach has been proved by a range of researches. Therefore, a combination of these methods may be beneficial for preventing and managing UTI among residents of the Nursing Home.

Moreover, as this topic required further exploration, there is the necessity for analyzing the effect of implemented measures on a regular basis. This should cover all the residents of the Nursing Home, especially the ones, which have already been diagnosed with UTI. They should receive a regular examination of urinary tracts, and the results should be compared in order to trace the possible changes.

Furthermore, the participants should respond to a set of questions, aiming to give some insights, clarifying the impact of the provided care. In case a respondent mentions the negative consequences of applied measures, the effect on other residents should be check. Whether a sufficient number of patients within the Nursing Home prove the deterioration of their state or absence of changes, it is advisable to adhere to other methods. This way, it is possible to monitor the state of patients with UTI and indicate the impact of particular approaches for preventing and managing this disease.

Implementation Plan

First of all, before the start of implementing the measures mentioned in the previous section, it is vital to conduct a full examination of residents of the Nursing Home. The number of patients diagnosed with UTI and their health state should be registered. This will be helpful for monitoring the results of the applied measures and possible improvements or deterioration and supplementing recent researches on this topic.

Secondly, the dietary recommendations should be discussed with canteen managers and cooks. As the advice of eating habits is simple, it will not present a problem to implementing this method in the everyday menu. This measure will allow residents without UTI to prevent the development of this disease. Moreover, it will be useful for patients, who have already had problems with urinary tracts. Patients, who have been diagnosed with UTI should be warned of the necessity to adhere to a diet in order to provide better efficiency. Phytotherapy and probiotics should also be supplied for all the residents of the Nursing Home.

As for methenamine Hippurate, it is recommended to use it as a part of the treatment plan for patients with UTI. In combination with adherence to dietary recommendations and phytotherapy, it is highly likely to supply positive outcomes and contribute to relieving the problem. Apart from the discussed methods, it is essential to conduct an examination of urinary tracts on a regular basis in order to trace the changes. This way, the current implementation plan will imply effectiveness in preventing and managing UTI.


In order to prove the effectiveness of applied measures, it is vital to establish appropriate evaluation criteria for monitoring success. The results of examinations may be useful in this regard. As for the residents, who are not diagnosed with UTI, the positive outcome for them is total prevention of the disease development. In case of residents with UTI, the examinations should prove positive changes. In addition, patients should notice pain relief and the absence of some symptoms. These two signs may be illustrative of the success of implemented methods. In the long run, the absence of reoccurring cases may also indicate the positive dynamics and positive impact of the chosen measures.


Sihra, N., Goodman, A., Zakri, R., Sahai, A., & Malde, S. (2018). . Nature Reviews Urology, 15, 750–776. Web.

The Effects of the Tuskegee Study on the Black Population

The study at the center of the present discussion is called “The Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis: A Case Study in Peripheral Trauma with Implications for Health Professionals”, and concerns some of the lasting implications the Tuskegee study has left on the African-American population. In particular, the concept of peripheral trauma is discussed as a phenomenon that affects particular parts of the population. Researchers note that racially or ethnically motivated occurrences can hurt the people who were not directly affected, negatively impacting their mental health and wellbeing (Alsan, 2019). Police violence, mass incarceration, and rough immigration treatment have all had a role in shaping the psyche of a black US citizen. The article summarizes findings on this consideration in the medical sphere, especially concerning the Tuskegee study. The mistreatment of black people during the experiment and a lack of disclosure has permanently scarred the relationship of trust between the medical establishment and the African-American community.

This article presents one of the most important considerations for understanding the effects the Tuskegee study has had on the current black population and their relation with the Covid-19 vaccine. A deep look into the effects of the experiment needs to be made in the course of remedying the past. The challenge of finding approaches to solving this issue is evident, as both therapists and medical professionals need to find suitable approaches to working with this segment of the American population. Considerations of hesitancy and mistrust are especially important in the face of the recent pandemic. Covid-19 has spread like an infectious and dangerous condition people need to be always prepared for. With the combined efforts of various countries, the ability to produce a vaccine was secured. However, there are doubts about the safety and effectiveness of vaccination treatment among certain fragments of the population. For black people, the worry is justified by years of medical and physical exploitation and misleading practices, such as the ones used in the Tuskegee study. While discussing the effects of the paper, it is also important to note the other possible roads for inquiry its existence has created. The established connection between past events and current attitudes can be further examined to evaluate the effects of population trauma on the effectiveness of particular social programs and to examine better ways of working with a vulnerable demographic.


Alsan, M., Wanamaker, M., & Hardeman, R. R. (2019). The Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis: A Case Study in Peripheral Trauma with Implications for Health Professionals. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 35(1), 322–325.

Person-Centered-Care for Vulnerable Population


The low-income population remains vulnerable since the variety of accessible medical services remains limited. This group is mostly subjected to restrictions in accessing care because they can barely afford to pay for the drugs and procedures. This group normally includes racial and ethnic minorities, immigrants, and sexual minorities that are deprived of social goods (Lazar & Davenport, 2018). Even though this group has been provided with benefits, the inequalities still matter because they affect the public health outcomes and the quality of medicine in general. Hence, it creates disparities because they cannot receive full-fledged treatment.

People with low income are less likely to access healthcare services because their monthly wages do not allow them to resort to even state hospitals, let alone the private ones. In addition, sometimes, they work illegally, which presumes they are not eligible for employment insurance (Lazar & Davenport, 2018). In general, they cannot pay for health coverage plan because it is expensive. What is more, poverty is associated with adverse health outcomes, high death rates, short life expectancy, miscarriages, and other hazards (“World bank and WHO,” 2017). Therefore, the selected group is at a higher risk of experiencing adverse health outcomes. The chosen group intersects with several social stratifications, including class and income. The problem may also have roots in socioeconomic status since people who are considered minority groups receive less privileges than others. In addition, the selected sample interferes with race and ethnicity because immigrants typically work low-paid jobs and can barely access healthcare.

Healthcare for low-income population

Affordable Care Act (ACA) was created to address the issues of public health, including the well-being of low-income groups. Under ACAMedicaid expanded, which presumed new eligibility criteria for the exposed minorities. (Lazar & Davenport, 2018). Meanwhile, the marketplaces allowed the vulnerable group to purchase insurance using the subsides. Healthy People program has also contributed to the reduction of prices for healthcare services for the economically-disadvantaged. Hence, these initiatives could help reduce out-of-pocket expenses on medical services, cover the bills, and remove the financial burden on the low-income population.

Regardless of the changes introduced to fight the healthcare-associated issues within the chosen population group, there are still some threats. Especially the likelihood of risks may increase if there are no alterations in the healthcare system. The primary menace that low-income individuals face is the development of chronic illnesses (Price et al., 2018). These are normally obesity and diabetes since these people consume high-calorie fast food that negatively impacts their bodies. Since this layer does not have much access to the majority of healthcare services and has no insurance, they are likely to develop chronic conditions. A low level of interaction with the medical system poses significant damage to their well-being.

The other threat is co-occurring disorders; these are normally mental problems or substance abuse. These disorders may worsen the main condition and cause major health complications. What is more, there is a chance that health coverage will become inaccessible to the economically disadvantaged population because of the economic changes. If this layer of the population is deprived of any insurance eligibility, it would lead to another risk – shortened life expectancy (Price et al., 2018). This potential risk will contribute to heightened mortality rates in the country and impact the public health system. Ultimately, if there are no policies accepted, there is a chance of an epidemic or spread of any contagious disease on a state level because economically disadvantaged people reside in poor conditions.

To address the problem, it is vital that nurses take part in the public policy process. The process has five major steps: problem identification, policy formulation, implementation, adoption, and appraisal. Since the problem is already identified, a nurse should participate in the rest of the stages. For instance, at the formulation step, a healthcare professional may propose specific issues to be addressed, the insurance eligibility criteria for the economically disadvantaged. Next, the alliance of nurses may contact the public health sector that can view the policy formulation and start its implementation. However, nurses barely take part at the adoption stage because the policy is normally adopted by the authorities. Finally, the nurse researchers can evaluate the policy’s impact on a chosen population. It is an indispensable process since it will help establish further directions for development.

There may be some practice-associated risks when providing care for the low-income population. For instance, when a nurse plans treatment for an economically disadvantaged patient, she needs to consider their status to prescribe drugs and procedures aligning with their budget (“Standards of professional nursing practice,” n. d.). Additionally, as per the sixth standard of nursing practice, “evaluation,” a nurse should appraise the potential outcomes of treatment because it may take longer than expected due to the patient’s financial status (“Standards of professional nursing practice,” n. d.). What is more, a nurse must practice ethically, which means they have to dismiss any judgment toward the vulnerable groups. In general, nurses must consider a patient’s socioeconomic status to establish suitable treatment.


In conclusion, the economically-disadvantaged group is still exposed to unequal distribution of healthcare services. This layer of the population can barely access medical services, purchase an insurance plan, and sustain their well-being. Even though the Affordable Care Act made some alterations to the existing situation, it did not drastically change the health level of the economically disadvantaged. Therefore, these people face risks of increased mortality rates, co-occurring conditions, and other adverse complications. Hence, nurses may take part in the policy-making process to implement changes.


Lazar, M., & Davenport, L. (2018). . Journal of Community Health Nursing, 35(1), 28-37.

Price, J. H., Khubchandani, J., & Webb, F. J. (2018). Health Promotion Practice, 19(2), 170-174.

(n. d.). Ferris State University.

(2017). WHO.

Population Health Disparities and Healthcare Access


Public health emergencies such as the COVID-19 pandemic have posed a significant problem to the global health systems. Disparities and access to healthcare among the general population during the pandemic have widely been witnessed in several countries. Geographical and racial disparities in access to care have detrimental effects on both families’ and communities’ health, stability, and well-being (Pfefferbaum & North, 2020).

The aftermaths are vulnerability, consternation, psychological exclusion, and marginalization due to trade loss, employment and school shutdowns, insufficient health resources, and insufficient dissemination of essentials (Pfefferbaum & North, 2020). Through the case study scenario established, this paper aims to discuss the variables affecting healthcare access, approaches to reduce healthcare disparities, and interventions to enhance access to healthcare among the global population.

Case Study Scenario

Mary is a 25-year-old first-time mother living in a rural setting in Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area in Central Alaska. Additionally, she is an immigrant from Mexico who came to the United States to seek employment for better and raised living standards. Her child developed fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting within the past 14 hours. Although she has checked with the local market, she only has pain relievers, which do not work with the child. To get a proper diagnosis and care for her child, Mary is forced to travel 276 miles to the nearest town, Anchorage, which she hopes will save her ailing child.

Upon her arrival at one of the medical facilities in Anchorage, she realizes that one must have health insurance to receive care from the clinic. The health professional does not give Mary much attention because of her racial background, and she is forced to wait a bit longer. Moreover, the physician who receives her finds it difficult conversing with Mary since she cannot fluently speak and understand English. Despite lacking a health insurance plan, the clinician takes her baby for diagnosis as she awaits the test result. Upon completion of the diagnosis, the clinician revealed to her that her child had contracted COVID-19, and as such, it was prudent that the child is treated immediately.

What can we do to stem the rising tide of COVID-19 cases?

Various guidelines have been provided by the World Health Organization (WHO) on several mitigating techniques that would help reduce the transmission of COVID-19. To reduce the escalating number of the virus, individuals with severe diseases should be followed and handled at the very least via electronic medical counseling, distinguishing those who demand immediate care (Mauro et al., 2020). Mauro et al. (2020) insinuate that in reducing the increase in COVID-19, designing outpatient services for individuals with chronic conditions could be accomplished using semi-automated intelligent systems to avert progressive deterioration of the underlying disorders. On the other hand, individuals with moderate diseases could be treated outside of the clinic through telemedicine.

It is vital to provide a prompt distribution of all care facilities dispensing pharmaceuticals by providing formula instructions to the client’s home, minimizing unwanted hospitalizations. To the extent possible, emphasizing the necessity of medication adherence may help alleviate generalized stress (Mauro et al., 2020). There is an immediate need to treat all emergency patients, as well as the frailest patients. They require immediate healthcare access, adequate practice quality, and dedicated preventative protocols and policies against the danger of COVID-19 transmission.

Additionally, eating nutritious foods and vitamins to help boost the body’s immunity would significantly reduce the rising cases of COVID-19. Antioxidants raise the frequency of T-cell subgroups, improve lymphocytic reactivity to mitogens, boost interleukin-2 secretion, strengthen natural killer cellular activities, and accelerate reactivity to viral infection (Muscogiuri et al., 2020). Muscogiuri et al. (2020) enumerate that individuals can easily obtain vitamins from fruits and vegetables such as walnut, corn, sunflower, and green leafy vegetables. These techniques would help reduce the rate of infection of COVID-19 among the general population.

How can we enhance global healthcare in light of the growing number of instances of Covid-19?

To enhance the global population’s health amid the pandemic, public awareness and sensitization measures undertaken by state and non-governmental agencies would promote their well-being. Various platforms such as social media and graffiti could help the general population spread the virus; for instance, COVID-19 is spread via respiratory droplets. Therefore, covering coughs and belches with a handkerchief or a curved elbow rather than their hands can help prevent transmission. If these instructions are not implemented, hands may spread Covid-19. Consequently, whenever possible, washing their hands thoroughly with soap and warm water, preferably before and after dealing with others, could promote their safety. In populations where water may be scarce, disinfecting their hands with an antibacterial soap could prove effective.

Stressing the importance of adherence to the COVID-19 protocols set by the government, such as staying at home and avoiding social gatherings, could help enhance the well-being of the global population. Additionally, the most at-risk individuals are the elderly and those with underlying chronic conditions. Therefore, to encourage their wellness, social functions can be canceled to protect them (Kuwahara et al., 2020). Considering that the effects of social detachment may vary according to the spreading circumstances and prevalence of the infection, it should be done with caution. Adults who live in communities should be supplied with practical knowledge to maintain an acceptable degree of community involvement.


In conclusion, healthcare disparities and access should be an essential topic of discussion across various states. The disparities associated with geographical distribution, poverty in its associated forms, race, income, and language spoke affect access to adequate care. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, social awareness should be enhanced to ensure that the general population has access to the relevant information regarding its spread and containment to improve the overall well-being of all.


Kuwahara, K., Kuroda, A., & Fukuda, Y. (2020). COVID-19: Active measures to support community-dwelling older adults. Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease, 36, 101638. Web.

Mauro, V., Lorenzo, M., Paolo, C., & Sergio, H. (2020). . Internal and Emergency Medicine, 15, 787-790. Web.

Muscogiuri, G., Barrea, L., Savastano, S., & Colao, A. (2020). . European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 74(6), 850-851. Web.

Pfefferbaum, B., & North, C. S. (2020). . New England Journal of Medicine, 383(6), 510-512. Web.

Teen Pregnancy as a Population Health Problem

Teenage pregnancy is regarded as a significant public health issue but is it highly preventable. The problem is common and leads to negative sequelae for teenagers and children. The consequences of teen pregnancy include serious public health problems such as disruption of educational ambitions, economic stress, medical complications, mental health difficulties, and reduced chances of access to employment opportunities. The population affected by this health issue is adolescents between the ages of 15 to 19 or even girls at the age of 10. Teenage pregnancy rates are different country-wise due, but US rates have been declining, and the record was 16.7 per 1000 females as of 2019 (Sharma et al., 2021). The challenges associated with teenage pregnancy demand careful consideration to establish effective preventive measures.

I chose this problem because it is associated with a heightened number of maternal and child mortality linked to pregnancy complications. Pregnancy and childbirth complications are among the leading death causes for teenage girls between the ages of 15 and 19 globally (Kiani et al.,2019). At teenage, bodies are immature, and adolescents encounter several health risks that complicate their chances of having successful pregnancies. The issue of teen pregnancy can be viewed as a moral problem because it is not appropriate for teens to engage in sexual activities. Additionally, it is wrong to bear children before they can understand the weight of responsibilities associated with rearing children. Another aspect that the costs that teen pregnancy imposes on society in general (Franjic, 2018). This topic is relevant to my profession due to the roles that nurses play in reducing teenage pregnancy rates. Healthcare professionals and organizations can be instrumental in inspiring community efforts to deal with the issue by providing services and educational resources.

Definition of the role of Leadership and Change Management in Addressing the Problem

Good leadership is crucial in handling the teen pregnancy problem by influencing the establishment of suitable healthcare policies, encouraging collaboration, networking, and engaging in proper decision-making. Leaders must take action that will positively influence the efforts of solving the problem by using their competence to address the complex healthcare systemic demands. Change management can assist in installing a great management team and approaches that will handle the problem of teen pregnancy in a better way than before. Leadership and management of the proposed program will determine whether every step is implemented as intended and whether there will be an effective success. The type of leadership determines the turn of events that will be experienced, including communication efficiency and other essential aspects required for the appropriate implementation of solutions.

How Nursing Ethics Informed the Development of the Proposed Intervention

Nursing ethics guides all actions to ensure the patient’s rights and dignity is protected. Additionally, ethical values ensure that fairness, accountability, faithfulness, and other moral traits influence interventions at all levels. The interventions were provided in better care for the group involved while ensuring no signs of discrimination or negligence of peoples’ needs and preferences. All three major interventions were checked to ensure they adhered to the NASW nursing code of standards that guides nursing practice.

Copy of the Intervention/Solution

  1. Creation of a community-based approach that involves church and community groups to teach school sex education.
  2. Enhance teenage knowledge concerning contraception
  3. Assist teenage mothers, fathers, and their families in the form of counseling, medical aid, nutritional education, and other issues such as ways to deal with school dropout cases.

Strategies for Communicating and Collaborating with the Group and Family

Strategy 1: Provide information to the public while targeting the youths and families through mass media, utilizing different channels to reach many people and reinforce the intended message. Mass media is considered one of the easiest ways to

Strategy 2: Linking messages and information to key community events to target the relevant population. With different events held in communities, nurses should collaborate with those in charge of such events and ensure they are given a chance to give information concerning the set topics.

Standards and/or policies that Guided My Work

Nursing practice is guided by several standards, including legal, moral, and ethical values. In preparation for the interventions to be used in dealing with pregnancy, I was guided by the nursing code of ethics and the need to ensure that costs, safety, and quality of life were improved by the intervention proposed. Solutions to nursing or public health issues should ensure the patient’s access to healthcare is made less costly, safer, and of enhanced quality. It will be easy to reach a large group of adolescents and pass the intended details by liaising with community event organizers, churches, schools, and other willing participants.

The state board standards were effectively checked and evaluated against the procedures established to ensure they were a good fit for this project. The nature of the solutions proposed was informed by evidence-based practice research to ensure chances of bias were diminished. Additionally, other factors that could lead teens to engage in risky behaviors, such as risky sexual behavior such as usage of drugs, and poverty, were considered in creating the proposed strategies.

Description of Research that has Tested the Effectiveness of These Standards and/or Policies in Improving Outcomes for this Problem

The effectiveness of sex education in reducing teen pregnancy has been investigated in different studies in the past. A study by Kantor et al. (2021) investigated the effectiveness of education on teen pregnancies by comparing different countries. The findings state that there is substantive evidence to indicate that comprehensive sex education (CSE) can positively impact the prevention of unplanned teen pregnancies and their associated consequences, such as increased infection with sexually transmitted diseases. The study points to other literature with similar information, such as Goldfarb and Lieberman, to add to its credibility. Sex education includes providing details about the use of contraception, the importance of delaying engagement in sexual intercourse, reducing sex frequency, and safety techniques to avoid behaviors that can lead to unwanted sex or pregnancy.

One of the solutions provided in this project is education on contraception, which has great effectiveness. A study by McClellan et al. (2018) states that long-acting reversible contraception is one of the effective preventions of teen pregnancy. Still, education is also needed to ensure the instructions are followed. Such education should be spread to the community and parents on how contraceptives such as intrauterine devices and other recommended methods can be used effectively by teens in combination with other methods. Considering hindrances to access and adverse effects, everyone should understand the details associated with each control technique before accepting to use it.

How Technology, Care Coordination, and the Utilization of Community Resources can be Applied in Addressing the Problem

Ensuring interventions work effectively requires a combination of different techniques, including appropriate technology, proper care coordination, and community resources. In this project, technology can be used to reach the targeted population and educate them on appropriate ways to avoid teen pregnancy. Millions of teenage have access to the internet and social media platforms; hence targeting them by spreading information through those arenas can assist in improving the efforts of communicating the message. Examples of digital communication sites applicable include Facebook, Twitter, Netflix, Youtube, Instagram, and Tiktok. Additionally, using gaming apps to spread messages targeting youths and adults with details concerning teen pregnancies and prevention methods can assist in adding to efforts applied elsewhere.

While care coordination has mainly been considered to happen with healthcare team members, it is important to integrate other players and factors that help prevent teen pregnancy. Nurses can keep records of teens who visit hospitals with different needs, such as consultation for the best contraception, and ensure they get assistance from other specialists. Other specialists may involve doctors and therapists to ensure teens get appropriate care and education to make informed decisions to curb unwanted early pregnancies.

Human issues are often complicated, and so are public health issues; hence, they need efforts from different team players to provide and implement effective solutions. Teen pregnancy is not only caused by adolescents’ sexuality but also by factors such as poverty, lack f adequate knowledge, social isolation, hopelessness, and poor community standards and expectations. People’s surroundings affect their health, including safety, access to quality health services, and access to job opportunities can impact how adolescents make choices. Service integration should be done in this project to ensure different agencies and people work as a team to implement the proposed solutions. State, local, and federal level administrators should work together with healthcare workers to ensure human problems that increase the risk of teen pregnancy are solved. Nurses should work with schools and other agencies to provide resources and education according to community values and policies (Franjic, 2018). Different communities have different programs that provide information and services to prevent or reduce the problem.


Franjic, S. (2018). Journal of Gynecological Research and Obstetrics, 4(1), 006-008. Web.

Kantor, L. M., Lindberg, L. D., Tashkandi, Y., Hirsch, J. S., & Santelli, J. S. (2021). Journal of Adolescent Health, 68(1), 7-8. Web.

Kiani, M. A., Ghazanfarpour, M., & Saeidi, M. (2019). Adolescent pregnancy: a health challenge. International Journal of Pediatrics, 7(7), 9749-9752. Web.

McClellan, K., Temples, H., & Miller, L. (2018). Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 32(5), e91-e97. Web.

Sharma, B. M., Sáňka, O., Kalina, J., & Scheringer, M. (2019). An overview of worldwide and regional time trends in total mercury levels in human blood and breast milk from 1966 to 2015 and their associations with health effects. Environment international, 125, 300-319. Web.

Aging Population and Its Effect on the US Healthcare

Today, an increasing number of developed countries face the problem of a rapidly aging population. This trend is believed to be caused by two major factors, namely the growing life expectancy and a reduction in fertility rates (Jacelon, 2018). For the former, it is found that since 1960 life duration of US citizens extended from 69.7 years to 79.4 years in 2015. Moreover, that number is projected to reach a record height of 85.6 years in 2060 (Medina et al., 2020). However, the longevity distribution may differ among various sexes and racial groups. For instance, in 2020, the life expectancy of males was 75.1 years, while for females, that number was equal to 80.5 years (Arias et al., 2021). Additionally, from an ethnic perspective, Hispanic Americans have the longest forecasted life span (79.9 years); for non-Hispanic white Americans, it equals 78 years, and the black population is expected to live the least (72 years). On the other hand, fertility rates fell significantly since the middle of the previous century. For instance, women gave birth on average to 3.58 children in 1960, while in 2020, it amounted to 1.78 children (Statista Infographics, 2021).

According to Jacelon (2018), such demographic tendencies would result in the situation that by 2050 there would be 60 old-aged people and just 30 children per 100 people ages between 15 and 64. The author further argues that the gradual aging of the population would lead to changes in social policies, resource allocation, business operations, marketing strategies, and community and healthcare systems. The latter raises a special concern among scholars and politicians as people’s well-being plays a crucial role in society’s development. It is argued that medical institutions and services would necessitate increases in financing as the population becomes older (Elmendorf & Sheiner, 2017). However, on the flip side, growth in the number of older adults in relation to the young population would also signify a reduction in the labor force and, consequently, a decline in national income.

Moreover, the rise in the number of aged citizens necessitates adaptive measures from the healthcare system to encounter the new reality. According to Garza (2016), 60% of people who are currently 75 years old would suffer from more than one chronic disease. For that reason, the demand for long-term, high-quality medical assistance also surges. The caregivers should develop the necessary facilities to administer appropriate services for the aging population. It may include, for instance, the combination of formal and informal care. The latter means the inclusion of family members in the care process by providing them with the necessary means. Also, the eHealth and robotics sphere can be further developed to complement in-hospital treatment. Furthermore, politicians and medical workers should seek advancement in preventive care and promote a healthy lifestyle.

Finally, as one of the possible outcomes of increased financial demand due to the aging population, healthcare services would grow in price, which would lead to further discrepancies in the life expectancy of various races. As it was mentioned above, non-Hispanic black people have the least projected life span. One of the major reasons that affect the longevity of this group is economic well-being (Bond & Herman, 2016). According to US Census Bureau (2018), as of 2017, black families have the lowest household income compared to other nations. As a result of price growth, even fewer people of that race would be able to access healthcare services which would further increase inequality. Therefore, the healthcare system and politicians should also address that problem.


Arias, E., Tejada-Vera, B. & Ahmad, F. (2021). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Web.

Bond, M. J., & Herman, A. A. (2016). Lagging life expectancy for black men: a public health imperative. American Journal of Public Health, 106(7), 1167–1169.

Elmendorf, D. W., & Sheiner, L. M. (2017). A federal budget policy with an aging population and persistently low-interest rates. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 31(3), 175-94.

Garza, A. (2016). The aging population: The increasing effects on health care. Pharmacy Times. Web.

Jacelon, C. S. (2018). The aging population. In K. Mauk (Ed.), Gerontological Nursing: Competencies for care 4th edition (pp. 23-37). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Medina, L., Shannon Sabo, S. & Vespa, J. (2020). US Census Bureau. Web.

Statista Infographics. (2021). The total fertility rate in the United States from 1800 to 2020. Web.

US Census Bureau. (2018). Real Median Household Income by Race and Hispanic Origin: 1967 to 2017. Web.

Health Issues of Vulnerable Population in Bolivia


Lack of access to drinking water and sanitation presents one of the most prominent health issues in poor countries. One of the Sustainable Development Goals outlined by the United Nations focuses on sustainable water management and the availability of sanitation for the global population. According to the latest report on SDG from the UN (2021a), 2 billion people lack access to safe drinking water resources, and 2.3 billion people do not have access to handwashing at home. Bolivia presents one of the countries where lack of access to water causes various health issues, especially for the vulnerable population of women and children.

Drinking Water and Sanitation in Bolivia

Bolivia is one of the poorest countries in Latin America, which means that the country’s population faces significant inequalities and disparity. Poverty causes populations to take extreme measures in gaining resources for living, such as the use of child labor. Children in Bolivia can start working at ten years old; nearly 20% of all children ages 7 to 14 in the country work (Jijon, 2019). The extreme measure is encouraged by the region’s influential indigenous traditions, where children usually start helping their parents from 5 years of age (Jijon, 2019). Furthermore, as most of the work focuses on exporting natural resources such as silver from Bolivia to the United States, children are paid less to preserve the low cost of resources. Therefore, children face inequality in payment for work, which limits their financial resources and fulfillment of nutritional needs. Lastly, indigenous children face trouble accessing quality education in rural areas, which limits their opportunities for better living conditions in the future.

Furthermore, indigenous children and women in Bolivia face a lack of access to healthcare. According to Singh et al. (2022), maternal mortality rate in Bolivia is one of the highest in Latin America, with approximately 155 maternal deaths per 100,000 births. According to Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) (2019), the most common cause of maternal death is obstetric hemorrhage, occurring in nearly a third of the total cases. The treatment requires prompt intervention and preventive measures, but indigenous women from rural areas face limited access to healthcare facilities in cities due to language barriers and cultural differences. According to Küng et al. (2021), in some health facilities, women face denial of abortion based on conscientious objection. The interference of politics eliminates the opportunities for legal reforms in abortion policies (Remez et al., 2020). The limited access to clean water resources and sanitation in rural areas and insufficient management of the population’s reproductive health led to an increased number of unsafe abortions (UN, 2021b). Programs such as the Mi Salud initiative in El Alto and maternal and child nutrition support from the Bolivian Red Cross target the elimination of inequality in vulnerable populations

The region’s cultural values, beliefs, and attitudes negatively influence the health issues of vulnerable groups in Bolivia. As mentioned earlier, cultural traditions require children to start working early, increasing the load on the immature organism already affected by malnutrition. Furthermore, as local social norms support a conservative approach to the discussion of sexuality, young people avoid using contraceptives due to embarrassment, leading to increased teenage pregnancies (World Bank, 2020). According to Neal et al. (2018), a lack of sexual education among adolescents puts adolescent girls at high risk of giving birth before the age of 20 years. In addition, women are afraid of judgment from health staff and male doctors who provide gynecological examinations (World Bank, 2020). On the contrary, local society’s communication in negative stigmatism towards teenage pregnancy pushes pregnant teenagers to resort to health centers for help (World Bank, 2020). Therefore, even though the local values and belief system negatively influence the health issue, in some cases, it leads to positive outcomes with pregnant women receiving help in health centers and ensuring the infant’s safety.

Maternal mortality presents one of the significant issues in global health. The primary policy associated with maternal mortality is the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 3 of healthy living and well-being for people of all ages. The policy specifically points to the aspects of reproductive, maternal, and child health. However, in separating the sustainable development goals, the UN belittles the connection between the lack of water resources availability issue and its impact on vulnerable populations’ health. Furthermore, the SDG policy of healthy living for people of all ages does not consider the influence of cultural differences in presenting barriers to healthcare services.

In order to overcome the limitations in this situation, I would start by acknowledging the population’s relevant needs and working towards the gradual achievement of goals. For example, the current measures targeted at managing the reproductive and sexual health of the population in Bolivia present no significant help due to cultural barriers. Furthermore, the mix of socioeconomic factors and cultural traditions negatively influences child health in combination with malnutrition. In defining the socioeconomic factors of health issues, the paper also identified that a significant portion of the economy in Bolivia focuses on exporting natural resources. I would encourage foreign organizations to cooperate with local enterprises to exchange cultural values and promote local health services.


In conclusion, this paper defined the influence of socioeconomic determinants on health issues in a vulnerable population of children and women in Bolivia. The paper explored how different perceptions, values, and cultural traditions impact global health by defining the reasons for the high maternity mortality rate and explaining the reasons why indigenous women in Bolivia avoid health services. Lastly, the paper emphasized the connection of health issues with the global problem of water resource shortage and limited access to sanitation.


Jijon, I. (2020). Childhood, 27(1), 63–77. Web.

Küng, S.A., Wilkins, J.D., de León, F.D., Huaraz, F., & Pearson, E. (2021). Reproductive Health, 18, 1-11. Web.

Neal, S., Harvey, C., Chandra-Mouli, V., Caffe, S., & Camacho, A. (2018). . Reproductive Health, 15, 1-10. Web.

PAHO. (2019). Web.

Remez, L., Mayall, K., & Singh, S. (2020). Global developments in laws on induced abortion: 2008–2019. International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 46(1), 53–65. Web.

Singh, K., Li, Q., Ahsan, K. Z., Curtis, S., & Weiss, W. (2022). Population Health Metrics, 20, 1-14. Web.

United Nations. (2021a). Web.

United Nations. (2021b). Web.

World Bank. (2020). Web.

The Effect of Increased Median Age of Population on the Consumer Behavior

The global demographics have changed significantly over the last century. The mortality has decreased while the overall medical treatment has improved, thus expanding the average lifespan of the world’s population (Robine, 2021). According to Ritchie and Roser (2019), the global median age has shifted from 21.5 in 1970 to over 30 years in 2019 (para. 2). This shift results from the reduced number of children born and an increased number of people over 65 (Ritchie & Roser, 2019; Kasai, 2021). It has significant social and economic implications, including the effect on global consumer behavior.

The first implication is the increased diversity of consumers’ needs. According to Kasai (2021), the growing adult population has more diverse health and social needs. Moreover, as the average lifespan lengthened, people accumulated more knowledge and experiences (Kasai, 2021). Therefore, they may have more interests, hobbies, projects, and ideas that they would want to dedicate themselves to and would need to purchase tools, guides, educational programs, and learning materials for that.

Another implication is connected to the reduced number of children born. Nowadays, more families prefer to be child-free or, at least, to plan pregnancy more carefully with regard to their financial security (Rodgers, 2018). Firstly, it impacts the women’s health as every pregnancy increases pressure on their organisms and the risk of health issues, including cardiovascular diseases (Chen et al., 2019). Secondly, having no or fewer children allows people to spend more money on their own needs and increase the quality of childcare. Thus, it would also affect the general consumer behavior and needs.

Finally, higher median age and a large adult population can mean more paying customers and more active consumers. According to Ritchie and Roser (2019), these are generally higher-income countries that have higher median age (para. 18). While one cannot accept this fact as universal, one cannot ignore this trend either. Therefore, one may assume that increasing median age may correlate with society’s economic and social development.

In conclusion, the increase in the global population’s median age impacts general consumer behavior. Firstly, higher median age leads to more opportunities for people and increased diversity in their needs. Secondly, fewer children born in the families allow parents to spend more on themselves. Moreover, nowadays, more families prefer to have children when they are financially ready. Finally, higher median age may denote a higher level of economic and social development of society.


Chen, F., Jiang, Q., Lu, Z., Cao, S. (2019). European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 26(6), 589–591. Web.

Kasai, D. T. (2021). The Lancet Regional Health – Western Pacific, 6. Web.

Ritchie, H., & Roser, M. (2019). Age Structure. OurWorldInData.org. Web.

Robine, J.-M. (2021). The Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations. Web.

Rodgers, J. (2018). L’Enversdulandau (2010), Women: A Cultural Review, 29(1), 75-96. Web.

Population Health and How It Relates to Healthcare


Any state seeks to optimize the delivery of health services and improve the well-being of its population. Population health is a term that describes how a population corresponds to psychological and physical health indices. It includes the concepts of total morbidity for various diseases, disabilities, and social well-being. Health care is the system responsible for providing the benefits mentioned above to the population. Without proper care, the health of a population can deteriorate, so intervention strategies to improve medicine are needed.

Factors Affecting Public Health

Socio-economic factors are worth highlighting among the many factors that negatively or positively affect the population’s health. The aspect of economic development of the territory influences the morbidity of all people, first of all, children, the morbidity of pregnant women, and mortality in working age. In the absence of government investment in the development of the institution of medicine, health indicators deteriorate significantly. Among sanitary and hygienic factors, the chemical load on drinking water has a particular position. High levels of iron, aluminum, and heavy metals adversely affect the development of children and worsen the health of adults.

Intervention Strategy

One current strategy may promote cross-sector coordination that will bring together economic institutions and provide cumulative action to achieve improved health outcomes. Cross-industry coordination covers environmental factors (sanitary and phytosanitary), taking into account the risk of spreading infectious diseases between humans and animals (DiPietro, 2019). Areas of work cover environmental hygiene and antimicrobial resistance, the development of legislation to regulate cleaning systems, and budget allocation.

IHI Triple AIM

IHI Triple AIM is an approach that impacts the three aspects of health care by introducing new technologies and redesigning the care delivery structure. Through the use of advanced computers and medical technology, the approach will reduce the duration of illness and improve service outcomes (DiPietro, 2019). By redesigning the care delivery structure, patients will receive care faster and more efficiently, reducing government spending in the long run.


Thus, population health is a significant aspect of a nation’s well-being. This indicator can be improved with health care despite the negative impact of factors such as economics or hygiene. Among intervention strategies, the interdisciplinary coordination approach stands out, allowing the integration of multidisciplinary expertise to achieve a specific goal. The IHI Triple AIM system offers ideas for reducing healthcare costs while improving quality.


DiPietro, B. (2019). National Health Care for the Homeless Council.