Gods and Humans in “The Odyssey” by Homer

Homer’s captivating chef-d’oeuvre The Odyssey stands out as a must-read piece of literature that tables the interactions as well as the various interests existing between people and the so-called gods. Odysseus is the key character in the story that strategically develops the plot of the story that explains issues pertaining to kingdom, conflicts and love amongst others. For instance, Odysseus hides himself only to return after ten years to find the place invaded by suitor.

His forgotten wife reunites with him through trickery and afterwards they regain the kingship and embark to their normal life. This unification comes after Odysseus has undergone several hardships that end up earning him the name beggar. As the paper reveals, the choices that people like Odysseus make in life matches with the situation that they have at hand, otherwise symbolized by the ‘journeys’ in Homer’s The Odyssey.

During his journeys, Odysseus makes several choices. For instance, the journey of Odysseus back to Ithaca feature him as an important figure to Calypso therefore helping in building up the story as his return remains the center of all agony that begets the suitors and the happiness and regain of his former title in Ithaca.

On his journey, Odysseus encounters a command to throw ‘Ino’ in water in order to secure protection from the storm send by Poseidon who seems unhappy with the decision made by other gods to release Odysseus. The first choice Odysseus is required to make is whether between leaving his love Calypso and head back to Ithaca to his former palace and the reverse of the case. Calypso who has held him hostage for a very long period loves him dearly leading to his losing of hope even in his own son and wife Penelope.

Secondly, on his journey, Odysseus has to make a choice on whether fall in love with Nausicca when he meets her swimming in the river or not, a decision that he has to think of during his journey. When Odysseus reaches the palace, Phaecian, the Alcinous the king, welcomes Odysseus well and offers her daughter hand for marriage. He further provides a ship to carry Odysseus to his homeland. The Odysseus journey, which finds him in the sea results from a wind send my Zeus to drug their ship.

Upon reaching the main land, Odysseus is advised to enter a cave to take some cheese, milk and sheep for the other crewmembers. However, unfortunately due to his delays, the inhabitant Polyphenus, a son of Poseidon and the owners of the foods, who at first shows them hospitality, catches up with them devouring two members imprisoning Odysseus and the others for the next day meals. Based on these expositions, there stand some similarities between the journey and the choices that Odysseus makes.

When captured by Poseidon on his journey, Odysseus conceals his identity, a case that appears similar to the choice he makes when he meets Nausicca, her love pretending that he was going to marry her. This similarity is therefore in terms of falsehood that he employs on his journey and his choice to marry.

Another similarity is the decision he makes on his journey of whether to remain with Calypso or go back to Ithaca. Both the choice and the journey prove difficult since Calypso loves him while on the other hand going back to Ithaca seems to pose a threat as Suitors occupy the palace.

Every person has an episode or an event that one way or another happened to him and one that remains an experience or rather a ‘journey’ in his/her life. These events, heavy-laden with lessons, happen in life remaining in our minds to the level of affecting its mental capacity. They can come to us through illusions, dreams and imaginations. Odysseus’s journey is full of temptations and bad experiences, which resemble my experience in my life.

Odysseus seems held captive suffering imprisonment by the gods of the sea together with his six members, an episode that looks unreal. Just like Odysseus, I experienced an awful event through a dream, which actually continues to affect me mentally day-by-day. I had watched a horror movie in which vampires devoured people mercilessly. People went through agony trying their level best to escape the wrath of these vampires but their cries and escape could not help them.

Facing the devourers cowardly without resistance stood as the only option. I was coming from my school, it was a bit late and on reaching by last corner heading to my place, I was ambushed by three people covered in bloods and covered their faces with goats masks, they were energetic and extremely big in size. I fainted and fell down aimlessly without knowing what to do. I later gained my conscious though unable to tell where I was. It seemed a very deep home surrounded by many bloody covered creatures, which I could not identify.

They were to feed on me. Before they could dissect me, I found myself surrounded by my father and mother inquiring why I was shouting and shading tears. I then realized that I was just dreaming. I told them the story and they were all astonished. It is an experience that I have ever remembered and wish no recurrence of the same.

Homer’s gods provide an insight of how the Greek people should behave. They believe in Zeus, the father of all gods to provide the background of how Greek’s culture should be practiced. For instance, hospitality and respect among the Greeks seems important as exhibited through the way the two kings welcome Telemachu despite his being unfamiliar to them.

Calypso, a god who has fallen in love with Odysseus feels betrayed after the other gods led by Zeus decide to release Odysseus back to Ithaca. She feels that her feelings and her intimate relationship with Odysseus is not given any priority.

Through Calypso’s hypocritical thinking that Homer tries to bring out, she complains of how the male gods make choices without regarding the fact that she also has a say in the issues. Instead, they overlook her feelings and just make up judgments without consciously thinking about her. On the other hand, suitors engage in relationship with Penelope, which to her seems unfair.

Therefore, one can deduce that Homers gods behave and think in the perspectives of how people or human beings ought to interact and socialize. Their thinking provides insight in how the human race needs to appear culturally and socially by observing or conforming to the rules and regulations, which prove worth abiding by and further distancing themselves to such activities or relationship that might lead them astray.

It seems clear how Homer presents these gods in relation to human affairs. He has also managed to highlight some social aspects and family issues that the society goes through revealing how one can reach the various decisions whether constructive or destructive.

Human beings believe in these gods in their daily lives. There is a perception of humans that the gods help them in providing security, information as well as protecting them against evil occurrences in their day-to-day lives. For instance, when the solicitor learns about the plan of Odyssey’s son Telemachus, of regaining back the throne and the place of his father, the herd medon, the gods hear the plan reporting later to his mother Penelope.

In this regard, Athena, a god does some activities by sending a phantom inform of Penelope sister’s image to assure her that she should not worry as protection will be provided. These gods also play a function of making important decisions pertaining to the welfare of the humans. For instance, when Athena suggests the release of Odysseus, the other gods agree therefore leading to his release from Calypso, his lover.

More about The Odyssey

Human beings also have a responsibility towards these gods since they take them as their source of reference in whatever decisions they make. For instance, there exists the god of the seas, rain, storm, peace and so forth. This therefore implies a certain role that the gods play for instance in providing them with a decision or direction they should take. On the other hand, they have the responsibility of adhering to what they say lest they succumb to the negative or atrocities associated with negligence.

In conclusion, Homer’s masterwork provides an interesting and humorous perspectives and beliefs of the Greeks. The plot, as developed by Odysseus provides a better insight on the relationship between gods and human beings showing how the relationships help in building and destroying their values.

Therefore, the book proves worth reading as it explores the social lives of people shading light on their formation as well as their destruction. It therefore helps people in general to understand the vicissitudes of life: that life encompasses all sorts of issues done by people for their survival purposes for instance relying on god’s interventions.

The Meaning and Impact of the Closing Book of The Odyssey

Ancient Greek critic Aristophanes understood the end of The Odyssey as occurring with the words “rejoicing in each other, they returned to their bed, the old familiar place they loved so well,” thus rendering the final installment of the poem, Book 24, superfluous (Homer 337-38). However, Book 24 serves an essential function when we view The Odyssey as a whole. The Greek concept of honor breeds war, over and over, without end.

Those who suffer affronts to their honor retaliate, and if they cannot exact revenge in their lifetimes, their sons are charged with the duty. Book 24 of The Odyssey terminates the cycle of revenge initiated with Menelaus, Helen and Paris. Its importance lies in the assurance, underscored by the intervention of the gods, that the saga of the Trojan War is over, all wounds are healed, and the wheel of vengeance will now finally halt.

Critics such as William Merritt Sale argue that Homer’s purpose in creating the mythic poem of The Odyssey was to represent the inherent struggle of the human condition when faced with the choice between the life of a hero and the life of home and family. “The poem’s main theme, that human destiny is domestic, is greatly enlarged by the symbolism of the mythic world of Odysseus’ adventures.

Odysseus becomes an everyman, facing universal perils — Circe…erotic enchantment and bestial enslavement, the Sirens…deadly lure or artistic beauty, [and] Scylla and Charybdis…lose part or lose all. Penelope in turn becomes everywoman confronted by the perils and pleasures of masculine desire, and all of us are seen caught between the competing needs for adventure – meeting risks and satisfying curiosity – and for home and family” (Sale 1).

Similarly, Finkelberg points to numerous unheroic qualities that Odysseus displays, namely, his wily refusal to die. In Finkelberg’s words, “Odysseus is the only Homeric hero who, in both the Iliad and the Odyssey, bears the epithet polutlas, ‘much-enduring’ and who is systematically described…as passing through compromise and humiliation (Finkelberg 2). The difference between Odysseus and the dead warriors from the Trojan War remains Odysseus’ precise ability to forgo his pride for the sake of his own existence.

As critic Finkelberg puts it, “Ajax or Achilles would never have been willing to undergo some of Odysseus’ experiences – his three adventures in beggar’s disguise, for instance, and his ignominious escape from the Cyclops’ cave by hanging under a ram’s belly…distinct from the Iliadic hero, who sets an example of how one ought to die, all Odysseus’ life experience demonstrates how one ought to live” (Finkelberg 2).

Similarly, author Cook states that Odysseus “exhibits a hero whose experience is internalized; whose psyche is plumbed” (Cook 1). Odysseus “goes through varieties of experiences that intimately mirror his complexity while testing” not simply his mettle in battle but also the mettle of his “mind and emotions” (Cook 1).

However, in the warrior society of ancient Greece, as Finkelberg outlines, “a hero is one who prizes honour and glory above life itself and dies on the battlefield in the prime of life” (Finkelberg 1). This heroic code represented the apex of honor that all high born men strove to emulate, Odysseus included. It is important to remember that Homer’s heroes made their names, not to mention their fortunes, via the business of war. As Weber explains, “warfare is a quicker and more honorable way to wealth than trade.

Trade takes time and patience; warfare is about pillage, robbery, and…ideally… fighting those who cannot fight back. The spoils of war subsidize yet another form of honorable behavior: magnanimity – great-heartedness, meaning the openhandedness that attracts valiant followers. So honor is renown, glory, riches, power; but these have to be won and preserved by valiance – valor, bravery” (Weber 80)

To witness the heroic code of honor that Homer’s contemporaries lived by and aspired to, one need only look to the discussion of honor between Achilles and Agamemnon that occurs in the Land of the Shades in Book 24 of The Odyssey. Achilles expresses regret that Agamemnon did not share in Achilles’ classic honorable fate of death by war: “Oh, how I wish you’d met your fatal end in Trojan lands, still in full possession of those honours you were master of.

Then all Achaeans would’ve made a tomb for you—for your son you’d have won great fame in future days. But as it is, your fate was to be caught in a death more pitiful than any” (Homer 4). Instead, Agamemnon met his end at the hands of his wife Clytemnestra and her lover Aegisthus, and in a patriarchal culture such as ancient Greece, to be murdered by a woman would have produced shame and ignominy of the highest order.

Thus Agamemnon’s words, tinged with bitterness and more than a hint of jealousy, reflect this code of honor when he laments to Achilles: “The gods had that much special love for you. So even in death, your name did not die. No. Your glorious fame, Achilles, will endure among all men forever. As for me, I finished off the war, but what pleasure does that give me now? When I got back home, Zeus organized a dreadful fate for me, at Aegisthus’ hands and my accursed wife’s” (Homer 6).

Author Eugene Weber’s article The Ups and Downs of Honor defines the Greek concept of honor herein: “honor – in the sense that [has] lasted for many centuries – is power, and the glory that comes from power, and the fama, or fame, that reflects a reputation for power. Infamy is the loss of public esteem that goes with losing power and reputation; and with infamy goes ignominy, literally losing your name – a good name that is important to the individual, to the lineage, to the clan. Name, fame, stand for personality, which was, in the most concrete sense, regarded as property” (Weber 80).

This understanding of honor, shared by Agamemnon and Achilles, also appears in the ensuing exchange between Agamemnon and the suitor Amphimedon, murdered by Odysseus and Telemachus, ironically enough, for dishonoring his house and his wife in Ithaca while Odysseus remained lost at sea. Amphimedon laments: “Men collapsed, falling thick and fast.

Then we realized some god was helping them, when all at once they charged out in a frenzy through the house, butchering men everywhere. The screams were hideous, as heads were smashed apart. The whole floor swam with blood. That’s how we died, Agamemnon, and even now our bodies are lying uncared for in Odysseus’ house. Each man’s friends at home don’t know what’s happened, the ones who’d wash the black blood from our wounds, then lay our bodies out and weep for us, the necessary rites for those who’ve died” (Homer 6).

Interestingly, Agamemnon responds not by condemning Odysseus for his deceit and butchery, but by praising him for his fortunate choice in a wife. “Happy Odysseus, a resourceful man, who won himself a wife whose excellence was truly great. How fine the heart in faultless Penelope, daughter of Icarius! She remembered well the husband she was married to, Odysseus.

The story of her excellence will not die—immortal gods will make a pleasing song for men on earth about faithful Penelope” (Homer 6). For warrior kings such as Agamemnon and Odysseus, this same concept of honor extends to women. A woman like Penelope understood the code and chose not to dishonor her husband by sleeping with another man and sharing Odysseus’ house with a stranger.

A woman like Clytemnestra, clearly, did not, as she chose to partner with Aegisthus to murder Agamemnon and dishonor not only his house but his name for all of eternity. For the Greeks, Agamemnon’s exploits in the Trojan War, not to mention the sacrifice of his daughter, remain overshadowed by the disgraceful and dishonorable nature of his death. Thus Agamemnon’s praise for Odysseus, though it affirms the Greek code of honor, remains bittersweet, self serving, and ultimately acrimonious and full of envy.

The honor code appears again in the recognition scene between Odysseus and his father Laertes once Odysseus returns to Ithaca. Upon meeting his father, Odysseus “embraced Laertes, kissed him, and then said: “Father, I’m here—the very man you asked about. I’ve returned here in the twentieth year, back to my native land. Stop your grieving, these tearful moans.

More about The Odyssey

I’ll tell you everything, though it’s essential we move really fast. I’ve killed the suitors in our home, avenged their heart-rending insolence, their evil acts” (Homer 11). Leartes’ reply shows that he still lives by the honor code of the Greeks, and only age and infirmity prevented him from defending his son’s honor: “With strength like that, I could’ve stood with you yesterday, my armour on my shoulders, and driven off the suitors in our home. I’d have made many of their knees go slack inside the hall—I’d have pleased your heart” (Homer 12).

Similarly, once Laertes understands that his son has returned and that the code of honor has been restored, Laertes thanks the gods, insinuating that the honor code is also maintained by the gods themselves. “Father Zeus, it seems you gods are still on high Olympus, if it’s true those suitors have paid the price of their proud arrogance. But now my heart contains a dreadful fear— all the men of Ithaca will soon come here against us, and they’ll send out messengers all through Cephallenia, to every city” (Homer 11).

In Laertes’ expression of the fear of reprisal he expects from the men of Ithaca – all relatives of the murdered suitors – we see the results of the honor code. The honor code propagates war, vengeance and reprisal cyclically. Just as Menelaus sought vengeance for Helen, so the men of Ithaca will seek vengeance for the death of the suitors. “Eupeithes rose to speak. Constant grief lay on his heart for his own son,
Antinous, the first man killed by lord Odysseus.

Weeping for him, he spoke to the assembly: “My friends, this man has planned and carried out dreadful acts against Achaeans. He’s…come and killed our finest men by far among the Cephallenians. So come on, before he can quickly get to Pylos…let’s get started. If not, in future days we’ll be eternally disgraced, since men yet to be born will learn about our shame, if we don’t act to take out our revenge on those murderers of our sons and brothers.

As far as I’m concerned, the life we’d live would not be sweet. I rather die right now and live among the dead” (Homer 13). And herein lies the importance of Book 24. Before the cycle can repeat, the gods step in. Zeus orders “since lord Odysseus has paid back the suitors, let them swear a binding oath that he’ll remain their king all his life, and let’s make them forget the killing of their sons and brothers. Let them love each other as they used to do, and let there be wealth and peace in plenty” (Homer 14).

Through the intervention of the gods, particularly the leader of the gods, Zeus, we see that Book 24 punctuates a final ending for the entire saga of the Trojan War, as Odysseus and the men of Ithaca obey Zeus and Athena’s commands: “Resourceful Odysseus, Laertes’ son, and child of Zeus, hold back. Stop this fight, this impartial war, in case thundering Zeus, who sees far and wide, grows angry with you.” Once Athena spoke, Odysseus obeyed, joy in his heart” (Homer 15).

Works Cited

Cook, Albert. “The Man of Many Turns.” The Classic Line: A Study in Epic Poetry. Indiana University Press, 1966. 120-137. Web.

Finkelberg, Margalit. “Odysseus and the genus ‘hero.’.” Greece & Rome 42.1 (1995): 1-2. Web.

Homer. The Odyssey by translated by Robert Fitzgerald New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1998. Print.

Sale, William Merritt. “The Odyssey: Overview.” Reference Guide to World Literature. Ed. Lesley Henderson. 2nd ed. New York: St. James Press, 1995. Print.

Weber, Eugen. “The Ups and Downs of Honor.” American Scholar 68.1 (1999): 79. Web.

Analysis of Job’s and Odysseus


The strong character traits of the main characters Odyssey and Job in the epic The Odyssey and The Story of Job help develop their plots from the beginning to the rise of conflict and their resolutions. Although written by different authors, periods and places, the two characters’ physical strength is not as important as their intelligence in handling their difficulties.

The Odyssey is an epic that describes the tales of Odysseus, who is the main character in Homer’s story. Its setting is around 3,200 years ago. It begins on an island in the Ionian Sea. Throughout the plot as Odysseus travels to the war in Troy as a warrior, and his journey back where he is taken captive by the nymph Calypso, he remains intelligent.

The book of Job is said to be set around the 4th century B.C. Job is a dedicated and faithful servant of God. He is tempted in the effort to challenge his perspective of God. Everything he possessed, both health and wealth, is gone. For Job to deal with the devil’s temptations and still remain faithful to God, shows great wisdom. Although his first response is anger, he is careful not to curse God as advised by both friends and family. In his pursuit of litigation, he wants God to intervene on his behalf.

Intelligence and their Response

In both, the Greek Gods in Homer’s The Odyssey and Job’s God, humans are subordinate to the gods who have to be approached with fear and respect. However, in Job’s case, God allows the suffering in which Job wisely uses his freewill to make choices: the knowledge that his adversity is the enemy not God.

Both Odyssey and Job have well developed traits; as perseverant, self sacrificing and faithful. In the plot of the book of Job, Job clearly understands that his suffering is not an aspect of cause and effect. This dogmatic approach enshrined even among his friends and his own wife, whose response is to blame Job for either doing wrong or respond in cursing God, is foolish.

From the beginning, Job is described as blameless, his faithfulness and wise response to God is as a result of his understanding that this was not retribution. He applies dissenting wisdom instead of conventional wisdom in responding to the questions and advice from his friends or family.

Odyssey battles with the Cyclops and Polyphemus, considering their superiority in physical strength, challenges his intelligence further. The confrontation with the gods, Zeus and his daughter Athena, goddess of wisdom, also shows great wisdom. He remains focused during these struggles and captivity that separates him for 20 years from his family.

Intelligence and relationships

In Greek literature, Odysseus’s strong relationship with his wife Penelope allows him to remain loyal and strong in his most difficult periods and their long separation. Despite, that Nymph Calypso tempted him and sleeps with her against his will; his feeling for Penelope helps him persevere.

Job, in his relation with God and the choice to maintain a positive perspective of God despite his unbearable circumstances, is wise. The pressure for his friend does not distract him from believing God’s faithfulness. Although his friends understand God’s just principles, they think he has wronged God, resulting into the punishment.

It is only Job’s foundation of wisdom that gives him a better understanding that it is God’s policies being challenged. His belief that if God is wise means He is just too takes him a long way. Dealing with the devil and the decision not to take his wife’s advice to curse God, takes not only integrity and patience but also wisdom. He tells her off as it is foolish not to expect evil by cursing God.

Although Odyssey’s sorrow and pain is obvious to the readers, his choice not to express this to his crew serves to maintain a good relationship with them. Odysseus sheds tears from under his brows therefore, nobody else noticed. Odysseus offers sacrifices of thanks throughout the epic even as Zeus strikes down his crew for disobedience as they eat the Cattle of the Sun.

More about The Odyssey

It is because Athena admires Odysseus’ intelligence that this goddess of wisdom aides him during the war of vengeance waged against him by the suitors’ parents. His ability to disguise himself and hide all weapons helps in defeating the suitors who outnumbered him.

He defeats the giant Cyclops by making it drunk without the help of his crew because they are all fearful of the giant. The giant helps him move the stone from the door, only to escape wrapped on a sheep.


Both Job’s and Odyssey’s response to their difficult circumstances throughout their journey maintains a perspective that transcends their current circumstances. As they go on a perilous journey in pursuit of good and knowledge, they discover that man can never fully understand the mysteries of God and the universe. In their quest for answers, they undergo numerous challenges and it is only in following this path that they get closer to the truth.

Odysseus as Husband

Odyssey by Homer is a story about a brave hero who wants to return home after the Trojan War. His return is too complicated and too lengthy. Going home, Odysseus overstays for 20 years. All this time he dreams of seeing his wife and his son. Family is the only wish he strives for.

The story starts with the following words, “Speak memory – of the cunning hero, the wanderer, brown off course time and again after he plundered Troy’s sacred heights… By now, all others who had fought at Troy – at least those who had survived the war and the sea – were safety back home. Only Odysseus still longed to return to his home and his wife.”

Odysseus had to survive many complications and tests. 20 long years he struggled with various difficulties for coming home to his lovely wife, Penelope, and their son Telemachus.

Being a good father and an excellent husband, Odysseus did everything he could to return home, however, there were a number of barriers, however, having returned home Odysseus killed all people who wanted evil to his son and all men who tried to convince Penelope to get married with them, therefore, the family feelings and the desire to protect his wife are the most important ones for Odysseus as this is exactly what he tried to achieve.

Trying to consider what Odysseus had to overcome to get home, it is essential to understand the reasons of his lengthy journey home. 20 years Odysseus was absent. 10 years of war in Troy are over and the way is free to get home, however, Poseidon, one of the most severe enemies of Odysseus, does all possible to prevent his from returning home.

Poseidon has the reason to be angry with Odysseus, he blinded his son the Cyclops Polyphemus, therefore, he has to suffer as well. Nothing makes Odysseus fight for returning home than his love to wife. Odysseus has to come through many barriers, he has to fight with the gods, he must overcame the sirens, and a witch and suffer at other situations presented by the fate, however, he managed to do it.

Trying to explain the feelings to the gods, overcame the sirens, surviving trials with a Cyclops and a witch to his wife, trying to see his role as a husband, the following part from the poem should be quoted. Sitting together, Calypso and Odysseus, Calypso is trying to make sure whether Odysseus really wants to get home to his beloved wife. Warning Odysseus about tremendous suffering, Calypso offers him the following,

…if you had any idea of all the pain
You are destined to suffer before getting home,
You would stay here with me, deathless –
Think of it, Odysseus! – no matter how much
You missed your wife and wanted to see her again.

However, the reply of Odysseus helps understand how truthfully and sincere he loves his wife.

Goddess and mistress, do not be angry with me.
I know very well that Penelope,
For all her virtues, would pale beside you.
She is only human, and you are a goddess,
Eternally young. Still, I want to go back.
My heart aches for the day I return to my home.
If some god hits me as I sale the deep purple,
I will weather it like the sea-beaten veteran I am.
God knows I have suffered and had my share of the sorrows
In war and at sea. I can take more if I have to.

This touching dialogues between Calypso and Odysseus says much about the problem under consideration. It is hard to imagine a man who can refuse to remain deathless and to live with Goddess in favor of returning home to a simple woman. Most men are looking to the wives who will satisfy their needs.

Deathless and beauty are the wishes which can be realized only by Goddess and such opportunities are not offered to everyone. Is it possible to refuse personal life in favor of divine life with one of the most beautiful and powerful women? Not many men could refuse from such an offer. However, Odysseus’s reply deserves respect.

He managed not only to refuse Calypso in her offer, he also said to her that no mater how beautiful she is his wife is much more important for hi, It is essential to understand the complicatedness of the situation. Odysseus is offered everything a man can dream of, however, he refuses. His wife is more important for him.

Having made a choice once, Odysseus cannot betray his feelings. This dialog shows how much Penelope means for Odysseus and how tender he is in relation to their relationships. Being away at home for at least 10 years, Odysseus refuses to stay with another woman having a hope to return home.

The dialogue between Odysseus and his mother show this man as a caring husband who worries not only about his personal wishes (to be with his wife) but wants to make sure that his wife is happy. Being informed that Penelope was told about his death and as a result, failure to return home, Odysseus wanted to know what his wife is thinking about before going to her. This is the highest level of respect to a loved woman. Odysseus asks his mother,

Does the honor I had
Still remain with them, or has it passed
To some other man, and do they all say
I will never return? And what about my wife?
What has she decided, what does she think?
Is she still with my son, keeping things safe?
Or has someone already married her,
Whoever is now the best of the Achaeans?

The reply was simple,

“Oh, yes indeed, she remains in your halls,
Her heart enduring the bitter days and nights.”

All these words show that Odysseus’s hopes were not spent in vain. Hoping for a successful outcome, hoping to return home safe and uninjured he also hoped to embrace his wife. The very idea that his wife was crying days and nights makes Odysseus unhappy, however, this thought also brings him joy as it means that she remembers him. This relation to his wife is important as it shows Odysseus as a tender husband, who also has deep feelings to his wife.

This was his song. And Odysseus wept. Tears
Welled up in his eyes and flowed down his cheeks…
So too Odysseus, pitiful in his grief.
He managed to conceal his tears from everyone
Except Alcinous, who sat in his elbow
And could not help but hear his heavy sighs.

The desire to hide his tears, not to show his grief says that Odysseus really worried about his wife, their relationships and wanted o return home. Odysseus cannot be accused in showing his feelings for making other pity him. Vice versa, he wanted others to make sure that he is a strong man and none of heart suffering can prevent him from acting bravely.

This scene shows how deeply Odysseus suffers. The song about a suffering of a woman in front of the body of her dead husband reminds him about Penelope. The very idea that his death may bring too much suffering to his wife makes him upset.

The desire to see his lovely wife happy is what he strives for. The longer Odysseus travels, the more tears his wife is going to cry. This thought makes Odysseus feels uncomfortable and upset. Loving husbands do not want to make their wives suffer, but Odysseus can do nothing about this and it makes him suffer as well.

However, Odysseus was not at home for a long period of time and he cannot go home without testing his wife. Such an action seems rather strange as “any other man come home from hard travels would rush to his house to see his children and wife”, but Odysseus wants to make sure that his wife still remembers him and wants to see him.

This is unfair as his wife “just sits in the house, weeping away the lonely days and nights”. It shows that Penelope never lost faith in the return of her husband, however, it is hard to Odysseus to believe in it.

This distrust may be caused by the difficulties he had to come through. He remembers everything and how brave he was to overcome all the barriers, however, Odysseus is not sure that his wife could sustain all the complications and remain faithful to him.

Having prepared a test to her, he just wants to make sure that she remained faithful to hi. Penelope came through the test with honor. As for me, such action of a husband cannot be called as a positive one as taking a woman for a wife one should trust her in all situations. Moreover, everyone told Odysseus that his wife was waiting for him in spite all the gossip about his death.

Being a good and loving husband who has come through many complicated tests and other difficulties, he failed to come through the last test called trust. Trust in relationships is important. The lack of this feeling cannot characterize Odysseus as an ideal man.

Considering the whole situation from the very beginning up to the end, it becomes obvious that the closer Odysseus becomes to his wife, the more unpleasant feelings come to his mind. Being too far from Penelope, Odysseus just dreams about coming home and making everything to prevent his wife from crying and suffering.

However, when Odysseus is home, doubt comes to his heart and opposite to gong to his wife and kissing her, he imagines a plan how to make sure that she waited for him. It is possible to compare and contrast the behavior of the wife and the husband here.

When Penelope is told that her husband is dead she does not stop waiting for him sitting at home and waiting Odysseus does not believe as well in the words of his mother who tells him that Penelope waited for him.

However, the nature of distrust is different. Penelope’s heart is full of hope, while Odysseus’s is full of distrust. Loving husbands are to trust their wives as a husband and a wife is a couple which has to be together no matter what happens.

Therefore, the proverb wedding are made in heavens exactly fit the situation. Penelope and Odysseus is a couple which deserves to be happy as they suffered too much to achieve this. Looking at Odysseus as at a husband, it is possible to conclude that he was a good husband. Being absent for 20 years, he managed to create the relationships with his wife in such a way that she waited for him.

More about The Odyssey

Not each man deserves to be waited for 20 years and Penelope did it, therefore, she was sure that Odysseus is the man who deserves it. Moreover, being told about his death, Penelope also did not believe the gossip as she knew that her husband could not die. Raveling on the sea and trying to get home, Odysseus was provoked by sirens and Goddess, they promised him everything he wanted and needed, however, being a loving husband he wanted to return home.

Crying after having listened for a song shows Odysseus as a tender and emotional person whose love for his wife brought him home. Odysseus managed to come home and after many difficulties and barriers he managed to embrace his wife who waited for him, ideal and courageous. Odyssey by Homer may be used as the course-book for teaching devotion and love.


Homer, The Essential Odyssey. Translated by Stanley Lombardo. New York: Hackett Publishing, 2007.

Women in Literature: Oedipus the King and The Odyssey

The portrayal of women in literature, especially in ancient Greek mythology, is an important topic of debate. A number of scholars have shown that the portrayal of women in ancient literature was based on the old perceptions that women are the “lesser gender” (Puchner 47). For instance, in ‘The Poetics’, Aristotle states “…women are the inferior person…” In almost all types of ancient literature, women are characterized as evil or weak. However, women have always had a major influence on the outcomes of narratives, especially in Greek mythology.

For instance, women are considered as one major factor that influences and determines the fate of heroes. Two major works of literature, ‘Oedipus the king’ and ‘The Odyssey’, provide some of the best examples of how the role of female characters is portrayed in different ways and how these women influence the fate of heroes. The purpose of this paper is to review the portrayal of women and feminine influence on heroism in the two works of literature.

In the play ‘Oedipus the King’, Sophocles provides some evidence on how female characters influence the fate of heroes. Evidently, Jocasta is the major character that Sophocles uses to describe females and their influence on heroism. In this play, Jocasta is the wife of Oedipus the king. However, it is worth noting that Jocasta is also the mother to Oedipus. She is aware that Oedipus has killed his own father to take over as his mother’s husband and king. By agreeing to commit incest with her son, Jocasta is subjected to the wrath of the gods as predicted by the Oracle of Delphi.

Noteworthy, Oedipus is not aware of his actions; neither does he know that he is committing incest with his mother. To him, Jocasta is his wife and queen. Jocasta makes good use of Oedipus’ naivety and commitment to her. She takes this opportunity to control his decisions and actions. It is clear that Jocasta is the main catalyst in the king’s decisions. In addition, Oedipus is doomed by how his society, which is committed to keeping traditions and avoids the wrath of the gods, perceives.

Sophocles uses Jocasta to portray the influence of evil women in the society. To him, women influence and determine the fate of heroes as they attempt to be the real heroes but ‘behind the curtains’. For instance, Jocasta is displayed as the evil woman who seeks power and influence. She even abandons her children. Jocasta’s willingness and acceptance to commit incest with her son is an example of women who are only interested in their individual gains.

She has to choose between her husband and son for the purpose of individual gains. She chooses her son (power) and forsakes her husband (love). Therefore, she is an example of women who cannot stand by love when chances to gain power and personal gains emerge. In an ancient society that is deeply influenced by gods and traditions, the existence of women like Jocasta is a clear example of the evils some women bring to their own societies.

Her broad steps of questioning the gods and their priests further portray Jocasta’s evil character. Sophocles is using Jocasta to show the character and role of influential women in the society. For instance, Jocasta questions god’s prophesies, which is considered evil in the Greek society. “… As a prophesy, I would not consider looking at the other side just because of it… our lives are ruled by chances…”. This is an example of the daring nature of some women. In fact, few males can dare question the gods and their priests. Jocasta’s thirst for power and material gains drives her ego- she even thinks she is powerful to gods.

Unlike other people in the ancient society, Jocasta’s quest for welfare and love supersedes her respect to traditions, social norms and the belief in gods. For instance, what matters to her are her love and the persons to whom she gives her love. Clearly, Sophocles attempts to show that women are weak in any society, especially when it involves their ability to withstand difficulties and frustrations. For instance, Jocasta says that she can face the possibility of a whirlwind ruling the world. However, whenever her human connections and love are destroyed, her strength and ability to face difficulty are also destroyed. According to Sophocles, this is the cause of Jocasta’s decision to commit suicide.

In his ‘Odyssey”, Homer uses a different approach and perspective to portray women and their role in their society. While Sophocles attempts to describe the innate weakness of women and inability to deal with destroyed love, Homer’s women play very important roles. His women are powerful and wise but act from the background. Their influence is seen in their charming and controlling nature, provision of wisdom and care for heroes.

Unlike Sophocles who uses a single female character to display the general evil and weakness of women, Homer has used a number of characters to show the innate strength in women. For instance, Panelopia, Helen, Arete and Nausicaa are portrayed as mortal women. Panelopia is the wife of Odysseus. For a long time, Panelopia waits for Odysseus to return home. A simple analysis of her character may portray Panelopia as a weak or naive character. However, a deeper analysis of her reveals her innate wisdom and strength. For instance, for the long time that she waits for Odysseys’ return, a number of suitors admire and approach her for love and marriage. However, she guards her love for Odysseus. Homer states “… Panelopia has been deceiving the wits of the entire society, the hope for everyone and promises for all men… her meaning is totally different…”

More about The Odyssey

Unlike Jocasta in “Oedipus the King’, Panelopia’s wisdom is portrayed throughout the story. She is an example of women who are ready to die or suffer for the sake of their love. Unlike Jocasta, Panelopia has many chances to elope with the good, powerful and loving men who come asking for her. Nevertheless, she declines their offer and spends many years waiting for the return of Odysseus. This is a different portrayal of women and their character in the society. Jocasta cannot live without the person she loves. However, Panelope is ready to stand her ground and ignore all the prevailing chances.

In addition, Jocasta is willing to take any chance and direct her love to any man who presents as a real lover, regardless of whether the action is a sin. On the other hand, Panelope takes caution when Odysseys comes because she was afraid and aware he might be an impostor. She has to use wits to set up a trap that would provide evidence to prove that the man was the real Odessey. Probably, Jocasta would have offered herself even to an impostor.

As shown by Sophocles, women in the ancient societies are portrayed as weak and unstable characters. They pursue personal gains but cannot withstand destroyed love. However, women are also wise and influential beings (Puchner 79). As shown in Homer’s ‘Odessey’ women are humble but wise, considerate and can endure pain and temptations for the sake of love.

Works Cited

Puchner, Martin. Norton Anthology of World Literature. New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Co, 2011. Print.

Greek/Roman Humanities: Epic of Gilgamesh and The Odyssey

The earliest works of fiction included the work of fiction the Epic of Gilgamesh that dates from the beginnings of civilization in Mesopotamia and Homer’s Odyssey, greatest ancient works of literature attributed to Homer. This epic is crucial to the present Western canon, ranks second and extant in the works of Western literature. This essay analyzes the ancient epics that exist presently and are of interest in the world of literature because of their historical worth and the beauty of imagery and language choice (Knox 23).

The epic of Gilgamesh revolves around a demigod king of Uruk. Gilgamesh was a king who ruled the mighty city of Uruk in Mesopotamia. Parts of Gilgamesh’s life are written on clay tablets, presumed to be the oldest existing story of a man’s life.

Thus, this epic revolves around the tale of his pursuance for eternal life. Acceptance of one’s own morality is portrayed as the major theme in the epic, as Gilgamesh finds highest purpose in search of eternal life. It is among the greatest works in ancient literature. In the epic, Gilgamesh is presented as a demigod or a legendary king.

The historical king of Uruk reined in 2700 and, perhaps, the legendary material, it may have been grafted from the king Gilgamesh. This epic contains fictional aspects characteristics of a heroic epic and reflects historical aspects, as well. The Gilgamesh epic is crucial to understanding the history and culture of Mesopotamia since it reveals much concerning contemporary and religious worlds (Fiero 20).

These include individual’s attitudes towards gods, and the reference and definition accorded a hero. In addition, the epic provides individuals views over death also describes the political and the social context in Uruk, a Mesopotamian city, as well as, its landscape. According to the prologue (Mitchell 61), Uruk is described as a developed city on the River Euphrates, having fortification walls and templates. Mesopotamia was polytheist society.

The Epic of Gilgamesh is a story based truth. It is particularly appealing with regards to its links with the Holy Bible and various connections in them. These include the worldwide flood and man’s relationship with God. The Epic enables us to understand the culture of ancient Mesopotamia, since it describes that the inhabitants were not primitive cavemen.

There is the presence of boats as well as a fairly advanced language. In addition, ancient Mesopotamia can be understood to constitute theological culture with a belief in a supernatural deity who was at an extremely high point.

Homer’s Odyssey is read in Homeric Greek and relates to the perils of Odysseus, who was a famous war hero who planned a return journey home after the end of the Trojan War. It has been translated into many languages of the world. Most scholars hold a belief that the epic was composed in an oral tradition by a professional performer and was more likely to be performed than read.

However, the details of the ancient oral tradition and the conversion of the epic to a written artistic work have caused controversy among many scholars. Initially, the epic was written in a poetic dialect of Greek with many lines of dactylic hexameter. The text has a non linear plot that is particularly impressive and influences the events of women’s choice, as well as serfs, besides the actions of wrangling men.

The term Odyssey refers to the Epic voyage in the English language and many modern languages, as well. The Epic describes the celebration to refuse to accept limits on love and the hope against overwhelming odds. Various themes are described in the epic, the theme of temptation and hospitality, as well as the theme of disguise that also prevails in the Epic of Gilgamesh, because the heroes are portrayed to disguise themselves, in order to interacts with mortals.

The Epic of the Odyssey enables us to understand the ancient Greek religious views, and the essence of the world which was its underlying chaos. The deities among the Greek are not true speaking gods to the Greeks but rather are deities in a contemporary religious sense.

More about The Odyssey

In conclusion, the heroes and their journeys are in significant ways representative of their respective culture’s vision of reality. For instance, in Gilgamesh, the hero goes through a thorough education before he makes a decision to choose from his fate. He returns to Uruk and lives his life comfortably and freely accept the worldly operations. After all, Gilgamesh had the freedom not to return. Thus, man must be encouraged to take control of their lives.

The Epic of Gilgamesh still influences the poetic style and does not depend on literary devices such as meter or rhyme. However, it depends on rhetorical devices such as antithesis and parallelism. These are the characteristics of the Epic of Gilgamesh that it shares with Homers’ Odyssey.

Furthermore, the heroes in these Epics confront fate in a personal manner, and reactions to their encounters serve a purpose of illuminating individuals’ conditions. The choice of words portrays the direct embodiment of human vision, which is universal and permanent condition (Knox 23). Life and death are observed as absurd, heroic wistfulness, as well as nostalgia because of lost possibilities.

Thus, death cannot make the love of friends prevail, and erotic women destroy their husbands with impossible demands. These epics explain that nothing endures, and the memory of a heroic act has a small life span and, at times, the walls of the empire prevail. In addition, these ancient works explain that life’s meaning can be revealed but hard to explain. Thus, the realization of truth embodies the achievements of true personality (Knox 25).

Works Cited

Fiero, K. Gloria. (2007). The Humanistic Tradition: The First Civilizations and the Classical Legacy. 6th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Knox, Bernard. (2007). Classical Literature. London: The Johns Hopkins University Press.

‘Homer’s The Odyssey’ by Bernhard Frank Literature Analysis

The book ‘Homer’s The Odyssey’ written by Frank Bernhard is a speculation of why The Odyssey is represented in a non-chronological manner. Bernhard makes use of clear words and concrete examples as well as numerous quotes to articulate his belief that the cause and sequence of the events in this book were created on purpose by Homer so as to generate and elicit optimism to the readers.

The book revolves around Odysseus as the main character. Odysseus took the initiative and bred Argos in the best way possible not just to have it as his faithful hunting dog but to protect him from any hunting beast that would want to flee him from the deep places in the woods (Bernhard 246). This brings out a loyal servant-master relationship between the two.

As brought out in the book, Odysseus fits well as being a great hero and Agro a loyal servant. Agro waited despondently for Odysseus to return after a period of twenty years. To keep his readers glued to the book, Bernhard makes use of different writing styles and methods like keeping the readers in suspense.

He does not introduce the main character till later in the book. He also makes use of what can be referred to as the ‘Homeric” method. Bernhard achieves this by creating a contrast between two female characters who were of great significance to Odysseus. The two female characters were Penelope; his mortal wife and Calypso; who was the immortal goddess.

By omitting the presence of Odysseus, Bernhard wants the readers to believe that Penelope’s devotion and faithfulness are intensified. This is seen when she embraces familial love that Odysseus yearned for. The author introduces the Island as a significant place not just as the place Odysseus called home for more than seven years but the place where Penelope played a crucial role in his life before Odysseus reached Phaeacians Island. Bernhard states that ‘She is the last of Odysseus’ adventures on his way to the island.

The book uses its characters to examine the inner meaning of The Odyssey structure. There are several speculations that come up in the book which try to embrace the common optimism brought out by the author. A good example is the fact that as long as Odysseus remained hidden and secluded, his state would remain to be neither that of the dead nor of the living. By this, Bernhard provides valid examples of the deadly sins committed by Odysseus. The sins acted as tests to how much he could endure.

This was symbolic of the years he spent on Calypso Island. Odysseus is also held accountable for his actions in the book. The Polyphemus episode for example provides solid evidence for the faults committed by Odysseus. The episode also presents to the reader the accurate and true picture of Odysseus. The Polyphemus episode is different from most of the examples in the book. Most of the examples are about men’s faults but this is more specific as it directly portrays Odysseus faults.

Despite his faults, Odysseus is still brought out by Bernhard as being a hero and appreciated by the people around him. He prefers to show the admiration for Odysseus stoicism rather than fulfilling the wish of the readers. A good example is how the author relates the dog’s height and misery and Odysseus self control (Bernhard 202).

Though not emotionally attached to the dog, he was angered at the disrespectful display of the reactions of people around him. The trip to the Underworld serves as the turning point in the story as it was during this trip that Odysseus got enlightened.

Bernhard takes his time to describe this trip which ultimately led to self control and wisdom that guided Odysseus in his future trails. Athena states that “make his name by sailing there” (Fagles 482). This meant that it is after Odysseus witnessed all those hardships in the Islands that he decided to change his ways. He consequently overcame temptations and learned moderation by allowing himself to be tied up as he passed through the island of the Sirens.

More about The Odyssey

Prior this trip to the Underworld, Odysseus and other characters had faced many challenges which they succumbed to and committed sins of greed, sloth, lust, pride, and envy. The episode of the Lotus eaters is a good illustration of the challenges and sins committed by Odysseus and his men. Fagles implicitly described Odysseus sins; “Of all that breaths and crawls across the earth, our mother earth breeds nothing feebler than a man” (Fagles 150). Fagles mean that he was leading a careless life yet he was a feeble man. This implied if continued to live that way, he was destined to fall.

After realizing his mistakes and conquering few trails that were still on his way, Odysseus is so determined to return to his homeland and family. “Odysseus, man of exploits, still eager to leave at once and hurry back your own home, your beloved native land”(Fagles 223). Despite the life he was leading, Odysseus wanted to go back to his wife and home. The last chapter in the book leaves the reader with a vivid image of Odysseus admiration for his family and homeland and how his return was important.

Community Conflict in The Odyssey


The Iliad heroes, Diomedes and Glaucus, provide a glimpse into the constructs of community and conflict. Glaucus, Hippolochus’ son, was a Lycian prince who fought heroically against the Greeks in the Trojan war. Meanwhile, Diomedes is among Achaean’s best warriors, born to Tydeus, among Thebes’ great figures. Homer introduces Diomedes and Glaucus at an odd setting as if for a duel, which ends without a fight, and rather, a reconciliation. Although De Marco portrays Glaucus as a coward, the amiable outcome of the scene makes both Diomedes and Glaucus war-ethos of the Illiad book VI. Community conflict, especially in a socio-economic or political context, can be complex and thus, comprehending conflict dynamics is key in working out the potential for resolution.

Community and Conflict


The war that started in Illiad book V continues in book VI. Even in contemporary society, conflict often goes beyond a political situation into a lasting conflict between various collectives. Along with the epic fight, Patroclus gets killed and Achilles re-enters the battle. However, a distinctive change occurs, from barbarity to humanity and honour. Agamemnon’s savagery is contrasted with Glaucus and Diomedes’ kinship. When the two stepped into the battlefield, they challenge themselves to personal combat. However, they discover the ties of their grandfathers’ friendship while exchanging individual pedigrees, Splendid—you are my friend, my guest from the days of our grandfathers long ago. As per the heroic code, Glaucus and Diomedes must maintain the same bond of friendship. Both fighters sprang from their chariots, clasped each other’s hands and traded pacts of friendship. Diomedes and Glaucus embody similar value systems of conflict resolution since they turned conflict into an opportunity for friendship and greater civilization.


The community was essentially a cornerstone in classical Greek. Glaucus and Diomedes’ theorization of community implies a social network based on shared ties, The men must know our claim: we are sworn friends from our fathers’ days till now. When people share values and goals with those around them, it can help make meaningful connections never realized before. Nonetheless, communities can be oppressive forces when they assume different identities based on exclusionary principles, Look, plenty of Trojans there for me to kill, your famous allies too, any soldier the god will bring in range or I can run to ground. And plenty of Argives too-kill them if you can’. While community building with shared values is mostly planned, some happen spontaneously in unlikely situations, often around war or tragedy for support, So now I am your host and friend in the heart of Argos, you are mine in Lycia when I visit in your country. Come, let us keep clear of each other’s spears, even there in the thick of battle. Besides, the fundamental meaning of community continues to change because of technological and sociological discourse that expand avenues of expression and connection between people.


The comprehension of conflict dynamics is key in working out the potential for resolution. Conflict rips communities apart but shared values bring people together, leaving a trail of heroic stories. Such a story is that of Glaucus and Diomedes who recognized their ancestors as heroes, resulting in mutual respect between the two. Glaucus and Diomedes underscore the themes of conflict and community and hence the focus on conflict resolution through a communal framework. Community possesses varying social, political, and ethical dimensions that find recurrent expressions in present settings.


Baumer, E., 2021. Sing, muses, of the grief of Achilles: An analysis of the grief of Achilles in the Iliad using coping theory and grief psychology (Doctoral dissertation, University of Minnesota).

De Marco, S., 2018. Poetic imagery of leaves and the solemn oath of Achilles. Malta Classics Association.

Fagles, R. and Knox, B., 1997. The Odyssey. Penguin Classics.

Mackowiak, K., 2021. Homer’s Thebes: Epic rivalries and the appropriation of mythical pasts. Hellenic studies series, 84. Washington, DC: Center for Hellenic Studies, 2020. Bryn Mawr Classical Review.

Telemachus Journey From Boyhood to Hero: Homer’s The Odyssey

As described by Arnold van Gennep in “The rites of Passage,” the concept of the rites of passage is a ritual event used to signify the process of transition of a person from one social or cultural status to another (Gennep 23).

Arnold van Gennep states that the concept of rites of passage is a general socialization theory whose aim is to mark, describe, and note the milestones that an individual makes in his or her life. Van Gennep introduced the “three universal” phases for all the rites of passage- separation, transition (liminality) and incorporation (reintegration) (Mahdi, Christopher and Meade 36).

According to this concept, an individual must lose his or her identity in the stage of separation. An abrupt process ruptures an individual’s relationship with the members of the society, the family, and the community. In most cases, the person has to be alienated or move across social and geographical boundaries.

The transition phase is the intermediary period in which the individual, after losing the identity, is prepared for the final stage of incorporation back to the community. There is a lot of confusion, education, and testing, and the individual may lose name, language, disguise, or behavior (Mahdi, Christopher, and Meade 36). The final stage involves the movement of individuals from isolation by returning to the community but possessing a new identity.

In the initial stages, Homer presents Telemachus as a young and relatively weak individual. However, the reader is able to forecast Telemachus’ ability to exercise authority in his father’s household. In Book 1, Penelope (Telemachus’ mother) attempts to dictate the type of song to be performed for the 118 suitors in her household. However, despite being a minor, Telemachus is able to admonish her, which signals Telemachus’ future as a hero and respectable man in his society.

Nevertheless, despite seeing the economic and social destruction the suitors are making in his father’s house, Telemachus is not able to drive out them. Yet, he calls an assembly threatening to remove them. In fact, he accepts the fact that he is immature when he says, “I am a weakling… knowing nothing of valor” (Armstrong 131). It indicates his weakness and inability to fit the social definition of a hero. Therefore, a rite of passage is required to transform Telemachus from childhood to manhood and a hero or respectable man.

To achieve this, Telemachus must leave for Pylos and Sparta, specifically to search for his father. At this point, Homer attempts to describe a clear definition of the social definition of a respectable man- that of an individual who has a strong link with the father as well as an individual with courage and ability to undertake difficult and challenging tasks. Here, it is clear that the first stage of the rite of passage is presented- Telemachus must be separated from his family and society “to find his identity.”

While traveling through Sparta and Pylos, Telemachus must meet new societies, cultures, and traditions. He must learn new things and find a new identity, as described in Van Gennep’s concept. He learns of the Greek concept of social contract or “Xenia,” the relationship between the hosts and guests. The host must provide for the guests, but the guests must respect the host.

He also learns of his father’s cunning, heroic nature and braveness in the Trojan War. Here, Homer indicates that a hero or honorable man must be brave, courageous, and patriotic. In addition, he learns that Odysseus is alive, as described in the story by Menelaus, the king of Sparta.

More about The Odyssey

In the final stage, Telemachus returns home after undergoing a two-year transition period in which he finds a new identity as described in Van Gennep’s concept. He leaves Sparta confident of himself and ready to face the suitors, who have already ganged up to ambush and kill him before he completes his rite of passage.

However, the transition period is accomplished, and the young Telemachus becomes a hero and a respectable man, thanks to the rite of passage. Therefore, it is clear that the rite of passage has been used as a transition period to make Telemachus fit into the Greek perception of an honorable man or hero.

Works Cited

Armstrong, Thomas. The Human Odyssey: Navigating the Twelve Stages of Life. New York: Sterling Publishing Inc., 2008. Print.

Gennep, van Arnold. The rites of passage. New York: Psychology Press, 2006. Print

Mahdi, Louise Carus, Nancy Geyer Christopher and Michael Meade. Crossroads: The Quest for Contemporary Rites of Passage. New York: Open Court Publishing, 2010. Print.

“The Odyssey” by Homer Discussion


The “Odyssey” is a masterpiece believed to have been written by Homer. Most of events narrated in the poem describe the experiences of many ancient Greeks. The masterpiece focuses on the life of Odysseus. Many analysts and scholars have identified Odysseus as the ideal hero for the Greeks. Odysseus achieves many things for himself. He also does many things for his kingdom.

He also overcomes many adversaries throughout his life. With this knowledge, it is necessary to examine the role played by the other characters in the poem. Penelope was Icarius’ daughter. According to the Odyssey, Icarius was King Tyndareus’ brother. Most of Penelope’s achievements in the Odyssey show clearly that she lived up to the standard of an ideal Greek heroine. This essay begins by defining a Greek hero using various evidences from “The Odyssey”. The essay uses several examples to explain why Penelope should be treated as a heroe in the poem.

What Makes Penelope A Hero?

According to “The Odyssey”, the Greeks used certain traits and values to define their heroes. To begin with, a true hero is expected to safeguard his or her family. This argument explains why Odysseus is regarded by many as the ideal Greek hero. The same individual should also be spiritually upright. The person should have good relationships with different gods.

A true hero or heroine should also treat other people with respect. The hero should also focus on the best activities in order to safeguard the expectations of the greatest majority (Griffin 12). Most of the individuals who fulfill these required eventually become the favorite Greek heroes. The argument of this essay is that Penelope fulfills most of these traits and values.

Penelope is one of the key characters in the Odyssey. She is Odysseus’ wife although they have been separated for several years. She is also Telemachus’ mother. As portrayed in Homer’s poem, Penelope is always faithful to her husband. She is also a chaste wife. Throughout the epic, Penelope works hard in order to achieve her goals. This is true because she knows what she wants in life. This understanding encourages her to focus on her goals (Allen 8).

Penelope is encircled by many suitors when her husband is away. The suitors convince Penelope that her husband is already dead. She promises to select another husband from these suitors. However, she has to fulfill several things before choosing the right man. For example, she agrees to select a new husband after completing a shroud belonging to her father-in-law. However, she uses a powerful stratagem whereby she unravels the shroud every night (Griffin 16).

She also decides to use another trick in order to get the right man. She promises to select the man who is able to bend Odysseus’ bow. Penelope knows clearly that only her husband is the only person who can win the archery contest.

This situation shows clearly that Penelope is not willing to have another husband apart from Odysseus. It is agreeable that Penelope has not seen her husband for many years. She uses several delay tactics in order to safeguard her marriage. She does not lose faith in Odysseus. This occurrence shows clearly that Penelope was clever (Allen 9). She uses various tactics in order to safeguard her marriage. This fact shows clearly that Penelope is an ideal Greek woman.

The Greeks focused on specific traits before making someone a hero or heroine. Different Greek epics and texts have treated Penelope as the ideal Greek heroine. To begin with, she possesses both the spiritual aspects of a true heroine. This is also the same case for Odysseus. For instance, a true hero should always be faithful to his wife. Odysseus knows very well that Penelope and his son are waiting for him.

On the other hand, Penelope knows that she is expected to remain faithful to her husband. This achievement explains why Penelope should be treated as a heroine. According to the poem, Odysseus “eventually returns home disguised as a beggar” (Allen 9). Odysseus wants to learn more about the kingdom before revealing his presence. Odysseus eventually wins the archery contest. He goes ahead to kill Penelope’s suitors and finally reunites with his wife.

The other achievement that shows clearly that Penelope is the ideal heroine is that she manages to safeguard her marriage. Towards the end of the epic, she does not find herself in conflict with any person or the gods. It is agreeable that Penelope uses the best strategies in order to reunite with her husband (Allen 11). This happens to be Penelope’s ultimate goal. This fact explains why Penelope is a highly honored and respected heroine.

More about The Odyssey

Homer shows clearly that Penelope is a respectable woman who knows how to achieve her goals. It is agreeable that Penelope is unable to drive her suitors away. That being the case, she decides to use the best tactics as the heroine of the epic. She is also unable to accept any of the suitors to become her husband. This act shows clearly that she is strong compared to her cousins such as Timandra and Helen. Penelope focuses on her life. She also believes strongly that her husband is still alive (Griffin 17).

After reading the poem, it is also notable that the character has some flaws. This fact explains why Odysseus also has some flaws. For instance, Penelope is not always faithful to her husband. The fact that she allows the suitors in her home is something displeasing (Allen 8). She also tells lies to her suitors in order to buy time. It becomes quite clear that Penelope is a human being.

That being the case, it is agreeable that humans tend to have some weaknesses. This fact explains why the reader should focus on Penelope’s achievements. It would also be agreeable that Penelope is always aware of her ultimate goal. This strategy makes it easier for her to achieve the best goals. She saves her marriage and eventually leads a happy life.


The above ancient Greek text highlights certain traits that can be used to define a hero. As mentioned earlier, a true hero must possess the required spiritual values. Penelope respects her husband despite being absent for many years. She is always faithful and fulfills the wishes of the gods. She also uses “the best strategies that eventually reveal her artful side” (Griffin 28).

From the above discussions and arguments, it is agreeable that this character lives to the standards of a Greek heroine. She deals with various adversities throughout her life. She is able to reunite with her husband after many years. Most of the evidences from different Greek texts show clearly that Penelope fulfills most of the qualities of a heroine.

Works Cited

Allen, Victoria. A Teacher’s Guide to the Signet Classic Edition of Homer’s “The Odyssey”. New York: Penguin Books, 2010. Print.

Griffin, Jasper. Homer: The Odyssey. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Print.