the Instructions are available at the end of the lecture video that I will opal

the Instructions are available at the end of the lecture video that I will opal

the Instructions are available at the end of the lecture video that I will opal in drop box. This week we wil also explore Mexican Americans in various genres of film. Students will get to evaluate both music and film side-by-side when they watch Selena, an autobiographical film based on one of the biggest breakout female Tejano stars in history.

Include the following parts in your project: Part 1: Artist Background • When an

Include the following parts in your project:
Part 1: Artist Background
• When an

Include the following parts in your project:
Part 1: Artist Background
• When and where were they born?
• What was their childhood like? (where they lived, family life, other interests
besides music, behavior in school, etc.)
• Musical influences (what other artists did they listen to, see perform, cover songs
by, etc.)
• What genre(s) of music are they a part of?
• What instruments can they play or what skills do they have?
Part 2: Career
• How did the artist’s career start? (move to another city, formation of band, etc.)
• What were their first big breaks? (record label contract, radio hit on the charts, TV
show or concert festival appearance, viral YouTube video, etc.)
• Significant albums (such as those that went gold, platinum, or diamond) and
charting hits by the artist, including the year each came out. Don’t make a list –
write a paragraph or two or name the albums in your narrative.
• Discuss their career during their heyday – provide some details about tours,
relationships between band members, etc.
• Avoid large gaps in the story you are telling (10 years or more). If the artist is still
alive, what are they currently doing? If the artist’s heyday was 50 years ago, you
don’t have to mention every album they ever released, but you should mention if
they had been actively recording – e.g. “Although Little Richard hasn’t had a top-
ten pop chart hit since the 1950s, he continued to record regularly during the
1960s and ‘70s, releasing his most recent album in 1992, Little Richard Meets
Masayoshi Takanaka.”
Part 3: Interesting Facts/Distinctions/Influence and Legacy
• Any information that is interesting about the artist, but doesn’t fit into the
parameters above. Examples would be awards won, life problems that made an
impact (a death, drug use, etc.) or just funny things that you found out (like they
only eat M&Ms with no brown ones in the bowl).
• Any distinctions or famous performances the artist is known for. For example, if
your paper is about Elton John, mention “Candle in the Wind 1997” and that it is
the second best selling single of all time according to the Guinness Book of
Records, behind Bing Crosby’s “White Christmas.” For Jimi Hendrix, you should
mention he set his guitar on fire at the Monterey Pop Festival and his memorable
performance at Woodstock of “The Star-Spangled Banner.”
• Assess the impact and influence the artist you chose had on subsequent rock
artists. Some artists, although popular, are not particularly influential and you don’t
have to discuss it, but others (Elvis, Chuck Berry, The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, etc.)
are very influential, and you should detail what that influence is. For example, if
your paper is about The Red Hot Chili Peppers, you should mention their album
Blood Sugar Sex Magik is recognized as an influential and seminal component of
the alternative rock explosion of the early 1990s, led by the song “Under The
Part 4: Picture
Include a picture of the artist somewhere in your document
Part 5: Stage Show
If it is available, watch a live performance of them (concerts or TV shows are both
good). Describe their performance style and stage show in a short paragraph (3 – 5
sentences): what their stage clothes are like, any props used, audience participation,
gestures, lights, smoke machine, etc. You may have to watch 30 to 60 minutes of video
of the band you choose to get this information.
Part 6: Reflection
Reflect on what you learned about the artist and what you thought was interesting about
them. Now that you have done this research, has it changed your opinion of them? If so,
how/why? What surprised you, what could you relate to, etc.
In addition to all of the above, I will be looking at the overall quality of your writing and
confirming that there is proper punctuation, proper grammar, and proper use of
capitalization. Be sure that your discussion of their career goes in chronological order
and doesn’t jump back and forth in time. Try to put the information in the order it is
listed on the assignment. That should give your essay a natural flow.

pretend you went to the Early Music Ensemble Concert: Winds of the Past. and ans

pretend you went to the Early Music Ensemble Concert: Winds of the Past. and ans

pretend you went to the Early Music Ensemble Concert: Winds of the Past. and answer the following questions as if you went to it and watched it:
How did your little bit of research help you to experience it? Are you disappointed? Is it what you expected?
Have you heard something that you’ve never heard before? Have you listened in this way at a concert before? How does the fact that the music is played live contribute to the experience?
Think about the venue of the performance. Is the performance space conducive to live music? Does anything enhance or distract from the performance?
How does the physical positioning of the performers affect the performance? Does the performers’ body language suggest anything about their engagement with the music? If there is a conductor, does he or she make much eye contact with the ensemble? If there is a conductor and a soloist, who is in charge?
What kind of information, if any, is provided in the program notes? Do you find this information useful for appreciating the performance?
How would you describe the behavior of the audience? Is there a code of etiquette that they seem to be observing?
celebrate music of the renaissance and baroque periods, featuring woodwinds. All works on this program include recorders, baroque flute, baroque oboe, or their modern cousins, along with our usual team of harpsichords, viola da gamba, singers, and strings. Works by Vivaldi, Telemann, Quantz, Susato, Willaert, and more!

Double-spaced, 1-inch margins on all sides, 12-point Times New Roman font approx

Double-spaced, 1-inch margins on all sides, 12-point Times New Roman font

Double-spaced, 1-inch margins on all sides, 12-point Times New Roman font
approximately 3.5 to 4 pages in length
A title on the first page, aligned in the center, which reflects the content of your essay
Clearly stated arguments with evidence provided from the film
Timestamps may be referenced in brackets, e.g. [12:47] or [57:21-59:02]
Your name, section number, and page number in the header of each page
Terminology and ideas from lectures, discussion sections, and readings (using citations provided in the syllabus)

MUEL 3642 – History of Jazz Unit 4 Writing Assignment Watch the following videos

MUEL 3642 – History of Jazz
Unit 4 Writing Assignment
Watch the following videos

MUEL 3642 – History of Jazz
Unit 4 Writing Assignment
Watch the following videos. Use the first two as reference, the third and fourth will be the topic for the performance response.
Weather Report – Birdland (1978)
Herbie Hancock Chameleon Live (1975)
Chris Potter’s Underground (2009) – watch first performance (10ish minutes)Links to an external site.
Reinier Baas & Ben Van Gelder – the 2nd coming of Homunculus (2016)Links to an external site.
Provide a paragraph of your general impressions (a minimum of 75 words) for the 3rd and 4th videos each. Consider what you’ve learned about jazz rock, jazz funk fusion, and identify these characteristics. Make note of general observations about instrumentation, rhythm, harmony, tempo, who soloed, etc.
Provide a final paragraph answering the following question (minimum of 75 words): compared to the first two videos, in what ways have these modern fusion performances departed from the jazz fusion tradition? In what ways are they similar? Would you still call this jazz? Explain your reasoning as to why or why not.

Students will select a composer of Western Art Music and write a 10-12 page (2 5

Students will select a composer of Western Art Music and write a 10-12 page (2 5

Students will select a composer of Western Art Music and write a 10-12 page (2 500-3 000 word) research paper on that individual composer. Students should follow APA guidelines for their research and writing formatting. This paper should include 10-12 different academic references. The paper needs to include a title page, an abstract, a body (including headings and sub-headings as needed), and a references page. This paper is biographical in nature and should include information regarding the life, the works, and the legacy of the selected composer. Your paper must include the following elements: APA Formatted Title Page Abstract (250-300 words)* Body of the paper* Including headings and sub-headings Don’t forget to use intext citations APA formatted References Page With at least 10-12 references All references must be Academic in nature Word Count: 2 500-3 000 words *Only the content form the Abstract and the Body of the paper count towards the document word count.

The aim of this assignment is to demonstrate your knowledge of the “particularit

The aim of this assignment is to demonstrate your knowledge of the “particularit

The aim of this assignment is to demonstrate your knowledge of the “particularity” v “universalism” binary, how it relates to jazz and other African American musics, and how it may (or may not) have continued meaning in contemporary debates over music and culture, ethnicity, and/or race.
Your required to
Explain the binary contrast between “particularity” and “universalism” as it relates to jazz (as discussed in class), and how is this binary connected to race.
Describe how the “particularity” versus “universalism” binary is evident in BOTH Joel Rogers’s “Jazz at Home” and HR-57 (Concurrent Resolution of US Congress, 1987). You might address these questions: does one of the authors embrace either “particularity” or “universalism” more or less than the other? In what way(s)? You can find any creative way you want to relate the two and get at the central question (particularity v universalism).
Bring in an example from contemporary music and/or politics that demonstrates the continued salience of the debate (and its “paradoxical” nature). Examples could be a musical piece, the discourse surrounding a piece, an artist, the discourse surrounding the artist, a particular event (or discourse around an event), and so forth… or any combination of those.
The fundamental aim is to explore the facts and stakes of staking claims that music, or a particular kind of music, is more linked to a particular group of people rather than being a “universal” possession of human beings in general.
Feel free to express your opinion, but please be respectful and engage with sources “faithfully.” (That is, feel free to criticize, but criticize what the authors really say—or mean—rather than criticizing a caricature of what they’re saying.)
In doing so,
Discuss at least 3 musical moments with our usual level of “specific” description and analysis.
Engage with at least three written sources (one beyond the required Rogers and HR-57). You can bring in a source from outside our class readings, but I recommend checking with me first. Journalism is generally unsuited, unless the piece you choose is appropriately thought-provoking. Feel free to stick to class sources! I have provided both PDF files that are used in class
Word-count: 450-750.

Antrojo pasaulinio karo išvakarės 1. Kuriose valstybėse iki 1938m. išliko demokr

Antrojo pasaulinio karo išvakarės
1. Kuriose valstybėse iki 1938m. išliko demokr

Antrojo pasaulinio karo išvakarės
1. Kuriose valstybėse iki 1938m. išliko demokratinės santvarkos?
a) Lietuvoje
b) Prancūzijoje
c) Danijoje
d) Bulgarijoje
e) Olandijoje
f) Rumunijoje
2. Kurioje eilutėje surašyti reiškiniai būdingi ir nacistinei Vokietijai ir komunistinei SSRS ?
a) žemės ūkio kolektyvizavimas ir vado kultas
b) pramonės suvalstybinimas ir agresyvi užsienio politika
c) religijos persekiojimas, niekinimas ir pramonės nacionalizavimas
d) jaunimo ideologizavimas ir koncentracijos stovyklų steigimas
e) žemės ūkio kolektyvizavimas ir religijos persekiojimas, niekinimas
f) pramonės suvalstybinimas ir žemės ūkio kolektyvizavimas
3. Prievartinis Austrijos prijungimas prie Vokietijos vadinamas:
a) anšliusu
b) anšlagu
c) anatensija
d) anatema
e) aneksija
f) gulagu
4. Didžioji ekonominė krizė truko:
a) 1919-1925m.
b) 1925-1929m.
c) 1927-1933m.
d) 1929-1939m.
e) 1925-1932m.
f) teisingo atsakymo nėra
5. Molotovo-Ribentropo pakto padariniais yra laikoma:
a) Didžioji ekonominė krizė ir Ispanijos pilietinis karas
b) Lietuvos, Latvijos, Estijos okupacija ir Austrijos prijungimas prie Vokietijos
c) Antrojo fronto atidarymas ir JAV intervencija į Vietnamą
d) Antrasis pasaulinis karas ir Žiemos karas
e) Italijos įvykdytas Albanijos užgrobimas ir Lenkijos pasidalijimas
f) Klaipėdos ir Sudetų kraštų užgrobimas
Kuris iš šių įvykių nebuvo Antrojo pasaulinio karo priežastis ?
a) Vokietijos siekimas atstatyti savo galią ir statusą
b) Europos valstybių noras iš naujo pasidalyti kolonijas
c) Versalio taikos konferencijos nutarimų sukeltos vokiečių revanšistinės nuotaikos
d) Anglijos ir Prancūzijos nuolaidžiavimas Hitleriui
e) SSRS siekimas išplėsti savo įtakos sferas ir atkurti Rusijos imperijos sienas
f) visi pateikti įvykiai buvo Antrojo pasaulinio karo priežastys
7. Molotovo-Ribentropo paktas pasirašytas:
a) 1938m. kovo 11d.
b) 1938m. balandžio 22d.
c) 1938m. birželio 29d.
d) 1939m. liepos 15d.
e) 1939m. rugpjūčio 23d.
f) 1939m. spalio 10 d.
8. 1938m. vasario mėn. Hitleris pareiškė, kad :
a) nutarė prijungi Austriją
b) nutarė užgrobti Čekoslovakiją
c) užimsiąs demilitarizuotą Reino zoną
d) Vokietija išstoja iš Tautų Sąjungos
e) Vokietija atplėšė Klaipėdos kraštą
f) paskelbia karą Rusijai
9. Iki 1938m. (nuo 1920m.) Lietuva su trimis iš čia paminėtų valstybių neturėjo bendros sienos. Su kuriomis ?
a) Vokietija
b) Lenkija
c) Latvija
d) Prancūzija
f) Vengrija
10. Lietuvos Vyriausybė neutraliteto įstatymą priėmė:
a) 1939m. sausio 10d.
b) 1940m. liepos 13d.
c) 1938m. lapkričio 28d.
d) 1939m. rugsėjo 1d.
e) 1938m. sausio 11d.
f) 1940m. birželio 6d.
11. SSRS ir Vokietijos 1939m. rugpjūčio 23d. susitarimu Lietuva:
a) pateko į SSRS įtakos sferą
b) pateko į Vokietijos įtakos sferą
c) tapo nepriklausoma valstybe
d) neteko Klaipėdos krašto
e) atgavo Klaipėdos kraštą
f) atgavo Vilnių
12. 1938m. rugsėjo 14d. prezidentu išrinkto Smetonos kadencija truko:
a) 7m.
b) 8m.
c) 9m.
d) 6m.
e) 5m.
f) 4m.
13. Lietuvos Respublikos ir Vokietijos sutartis dėl Klaipėdos krašto atidavimo pasirašyta:
a) 1939m. kovo 11d.
b) 1938m. kovo 17d.
c) 1939m. kovo 22d.
d) 1939m. sausio 10d.
e) 1939m. gruodžio 15d.
f) 1939m. rugsėjo 28d.
14. Pažymėkite neteisingą teiginį:
a) Vokiečiai užgrobė Klaipėdos kraštą
b) J.Ribentropas pareikalavo atiduoti Klaipėdos kraštą
c) Lietuva atidavė Klaipėdos kraštą
d) Lietuva atiduoda Klaipėdos kraštą ir rizikuoja prarasti nepriklausomybę
e) Ribentropas buvo Vokietijos užsienio reikalų ministras
f) Klaipėda atiteko Hitleriui
15. 1938m. kovo 17d. :
a) SSRS nota Lietuvai
b) Sudaryta gen. Jono Černiaus koalicinė vyriausybė
c) Klaipėdos kraštas perduotas Vokietijai
d) Priimtas Lietuvos neutralumo įstatymas
e) Suformuota kun. Vlado Mirono vyriausybė
f) Lenkijos ultimatumas Lietuvai

Using your knowledge of analog signal flow and digital file types and transmissi

Using your knowledge of analog signal flow and digital file types and transmissi

Using your knowledge of analog signal flow and digital file types and transmission, record a sound source and use it to create a stereo master mix. Then describe how you would convert this mixed audio into a digital file format appropriate for several uses, including uncompressed professional level audio files, compact disc, music posting websites such as Soundcloud, email dissemination, and social media. Research to identify, use, and cite at least two sources to support your descriiption of what types of digital files need to be created to utilize the transmission possibilities listed above.