(C.L.O :2.1) Case Study: Musab Ahmed,a hardworkingfamilyman,investedthemoneyhein

(C.L.O :2.1)
Case Study:
Musab Ahmed,a hardworkingfamilyman,investedthemoneyhein

(C.L.O :2.1)
Case Study:
Musab Ahmed,a hardworkingfamilyman,investedthemoneyheinheritedfromhislatefatherin property.WiththegraceofAllahandthefruitfulopportunitiesofgrowthinhis country,hisconstructioncompany ‘Consortia’quicklyblossomedtobecomeoneofthe biggestnamesinpropertydevelopment.Heusedhisgoodfortunetobankrollhis increasedrealestateinvestmentsinthecountry.Beingavisionary,heestablished hisconstructioncompanywiththegoalofonedaypassingitdowntohischildren andcontinuingthefamilylegacy.Musabhadatotaloffourchildren.Anwar, hiseldestson,wasfromhisdeceasedfirstwife,whilehistwoothersons,Khurshed and Arshad, and his only daughter Shifa were mothered by his second and current wife.
Anwar, being the eldest, joined the family business shortly after obtaininghisuniversitydegree. Hequicklylearnedtheinsandoutsofthebusinessandtookhisplaceasthe father’s right hand.
KhurshedandArshadwhobothacquireduniversitydegreesabroad, tothefather’ssurprise,didnotshowasmuchenthusiasminthe familybusinessastheirbrotherAnwar.TheenvironmentallyconsciousArshaddecidedtopursueamaster’sdegreein environment application.WhilehiselderbrotherKhurshedhadnointerestin thefamilybusinessatallandfollowedhispassionforliteratureinacareerin academia.
Meanwhile,Shifa,theonlydaughterofMusab,wasthe mosteagerchildfromhissecondwifetojointhefamilybusiness. Despiteherqualificationandwillingnesstowork,Musabdecidedshewas bestsuitedtoheadthemarketingdepartment,withoutaseatontheBoard,and no power to make executive decisions regarding the family business. Her mother Aisha kept reassuring Shifa to be patient and that her time would come. Aisha believedthatherdaughtershouldbegiventhesameopportunitiesashersons.AftereightyearsofAnwarrunningthefamilybusinesswithhis father,Arshadreturnedfromabroadreadyandexcitedtoapply hisnewlyacquired,environmentallyconsciousideastothefamily business.
Anwarandhisfatherrarelyeverdisagreed. Hebelievedthewaythebusinesshasbeenrunsinceitsestablishmentproduced excellentresultssofaranddidnotrequirechanging.WhileAnwar’sviewswere inlinewithhisfather’s,Arshadwouldregularlysuggestmoreinnovativeideasand methodsinrunningthebusiness.HisfatherappreciatedArshad’sinitiative. However,Anwar,whowasmoreskeptical,believedArshadwastoo inexperiencedtobepitchingsuchdrasticchanges.
ThisfrustratedArshadandhebegantofeelresentfultowards Anwar. ArshadbelievedAnwarinfluencedhisfather’sperceptionofArshad’sideastobe inapplicable and unrealistic. Furthermore, Arshad was convinced that their father favouredAnwar,beinghiseldestsonfromhisfirstwife,andthattheywerenot givinghisideastheconsiderationtheydeserved.Thefathercaughthissonsarguingfromtimetotimebutdidn’t takeittooseriously. Afterall,theywerefamilyandallittookwereafewwordsfromhimandthey wouldimmediatelystopforhissake.
Afewyearslater,Musabfellill. Duetohisworseningcondition,hisdoctorsandchildrenurgedhimtostepaside fromthemanagementofthefamilybusinessandretire.Musab,however, founditdifficulttoletgoduetothedifferencesbetweenhissons.Hewasvery muchawareofAnwar’sexperienceandmarketexpertise,buthealsoappreciated Arshad’sdriveandinnovativeideas.ThefatherbelievedthatAnwarandArshad couldbuildastrongteamifonlytheylearnedtoworktogether.However,despite hisbestefforts,itwasfutileduetotheirdifferences.
Thebrothersdevelopedthehabitofnotopenlyvoicingtheir concernsorfeelingsatwork. Astheyearswentbyandthefather’sconditiondeterioratedfurther,Anwarand Arshaddidtheirbesttosuppresstheirnegativefeelingsinordernottoupsettheir fatherduringthissensitivetime.Often,theywentoutoftheirwaytoavoidfurther confrontationsintheirfather’spresence. Consequently,theybroughttheirgrievanceshomewiththem. AnwarwouldoftencomplaintohiswifeofArshad’sinexperienceandimmature attitude.WhileArshadwouldtellhissisterShifaaboutAnwar’spatronizing andstubbornnature.Theirunresolvedfeelingsleadtoheightenedtensionduring familygatherings,butbothchosetoavoidconfrontation,andneitherwould acknowledgethesituation.
Inthemeantime,Shifa’sfrustrationmounted.Thiswasasaresultofherfather’spreviousdecisiontooutcastherfromthe executiveboardgrewlarger.Notonlydidshefeelthatherdadbelievedherinputs werenotasvaluableasthatofherbrothers,butshealsoagreedwithArshad’s opinionofMusabfavouringAnwarduetohierarchy.Awareofherposition, shewouldalsoregularlyadviseArshadonkeymattersregardingthebusinessthat Arshadwouldthenvoiceduringexecutivemeetingsforhisfather’sapproval. Needing Arshad as a spokesperson of her business ideas, Shifa continuouslytriedtodefusethesituationandcalmdownfrustratedArshadfromleavingthe business.
TensionsheightenedasArshadcontinuedtofeelhisideasofreformwerebeing overlookedandunder-appreciatedinthefamilybusiness.Eventually,withhis father’sblessing,hewaspermittedtopursuethemindependently.Arshadbegan toinvestinasidebusinessinvolvingrenewableenergymaterialsinconstruction withthefamilybusiness.ThenewventurewassetupwithArshadasamajority shareholderof51%ofthetotalshares,whilehisfatherownedtheremaining49% of the business.
Read the above case study and answer the following questions:
Q1: Writ the problem statement which should include the followings: [Marks 5]
• the clear concise description and summary of the problem,
• scope of the problem,
• consequences of the problem,
• the methods for resolving the problem in the above case?
Q2: Develop a mind map for decision making, [2 Marks]
Q3: Write all the alternative choices of your decision. [Mark 1]
Q4: Make a decision and write the conclusion. [Marks 2]

Learning Outcomes: No Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) CLO-6 Writ

Learning Outcomes:
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)


Learning Outcomes:
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

Write coherent project about a case study or actual research about ethics

Critical Thinking
Case: Select an organization of your choice, imagine that you have conducted the ethics audit for the company.
Identify the formal and informal systems that are in need of proper maintenance. 4 Marks
Assess if the culture is aligned or out of alignment? If so, where? 3 Marks
Build a reform program to rectify weaknesses and to align formal and informal mechanisms into line with a robust ethical culture. 3 Marks
Note: All answers should be supported with proper references.

I’m working on a marketing project and need support to help me learn. Make sure

I’m working on a marketing project and need support to help me learn.
Make sure

I’m working on a marketing project and need support to help me learn.
Make sure to avoid plagiarism as much as possible.I have to get a full mark on this project, and you also have to follow all the instructions inside the file and do not forget to write the reference. Also, I have to get it before 25 March.

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WORD format only) Avoid plagiarism
Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font

WORD format only) Avoid plagiarism
Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. References include at least five
Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions. please no plagiaism at all .
Originality, Similarity and Plagiarism Check: Your work must be original. All papers will be submitted through SafeAssign software to check for similarity and plagiarism. Any instance of academic dishonesty will result in a grade of zero for the assignment. No exceptions and no second chances!
Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
You must include at least 5 references.
Format your references using APA style.
I have attached the case study above. Please read it carefully and then answer questions Each answer must not be less than 300 words
Please reply to confirm

In 2,000 words, complete and submit the “Project Retrospective Report” template.

In 2,000 words, complete and submit the “Project Retrospective Report” template.

In 2,000 words, complete and submit the “Project Retrospective Report” template. The “Project Retrospective Meeting Report” will serve as a reference when completing the report. Consider The Standard for Project Management’s “Project Management Principles” as you finalize the report. You should have at least one PMI reference for each of the three modules of the report.

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The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated

The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
Late submission will NOT be accepted.
Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.
Learning Outcomes:
1.Recognize an understanding of the overall marketing concepts, goals and strategies within the context of organizations goals and strategies. (CLO-1)
2.Demonstrate the ability to formulate marketing strategies that incorporate psychological and sociological factors which influence consumer’s decision. (CLO-3)
3.Develop critical and analytical thinking necessary to overcome challenges and issues of marketing in the changing global environment. (CLO-4)
Part-A:Case Study(Max Marks-7)
Read the Chapter Case Study “McDonald’s—Colonel Sanders would be Proud, KFC is a Global Brand” from Chapter No- 8 entitled “Global Marketing” given in your textbook/E-book – “Marketing” (8th ed.) by Dhruv. Grewal and Michael Levy (2022) and answer the following Questions:
1.While expanding globally, which sociocultural factors you think have affected KFC?
2.On what basis you may differentiate the growth strategies taken by KFC in the United States and China?
3.Based on you understanding of the BRIC nations, should KFC consider expanding more aggressively into (a) India, (b) Brazil, and (c) Russia? What national features of these countries would provide reasons to support or contradict such an expansion strategy?

Part-B:Critical Thinking (Max Marks-3)

1.Think about the various soft drinks that you know from your local market (like Coca-Cola, Pepsi, 7-Up, etc.). Critically examine how do these various brands position themselves in the Saudi Arabian market? (CH-9)
Important Notes: –
Avoid Plagiarism.
Support your answers with course material concepts from the textbook and scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles etc.
Need references and use APA style for writing the references.

Part-A:Case Study (Max Marks-7)
Part-B: Critical Thinking (Max Marks-3)

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The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated

The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
Late submission will NOT be accepted. Peer-Reviewed Journals are required as references.
Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.
Do not make any changes in the cover page.

Please do a correct solution without mistakes, without similarities, without pla

Please do a correct solution without mistakes, without similarities, without pla

Please do a correct solution without mistakes, without similarities, without plagiarism. Put the answer in the file and make sure to solve all the paragraphs. If you do a good job, I have many assignments that I will ask you to do. Check yourself and do your best
Make sure the plagiarism rate is zero