A 21-year-old college senior named Daniel has been arrested by the police for po

A 21-year-old college senior named Daniel has been arrested by the police for po

A 21-year-old college senior named Daniel has been arrested by the police for possession of a small amount of marijuana while driving home from a college fraternity party. Assume that the police officer had probable cause to stop Daniel for drunk driving. During the search of Daniel’s car incident to his arrest, the police found a stolen handgun registered to Robert Miller, a bag from Walmart containing small zip lock bags and a scale. He also had $2,500.00 in cash in the car.
When the police confronted him with these items, Daniel said, “I need that scale to weigh my food as I start a diet plan on tomorrow. And, I have no idea where that gun came from. Maybe my friend left it in my car when he used it.” The police officer then asked him, “why do you need so many small zip lock bags?”. Daniel stated, “I run a profitable business and place my products in those bags to sale at school. I sell ‘things’, if you know what I mean, to help pay my tuition, and I have made $2,500.00 already! I am actually in school to become a pharmacist due to the fact that I love dealing drugs and want to be able to do so legally.”
Based on his statements about the items found, the police charged Daniel with intent to sell and distribute drugs (marijuana). At trial, his attorney made a motion to suppress the admission of the statements, arguing in relevant part that he made the statement without being given his Miranda rights. In response, the prosecutor argued that Daniel made statements voluntarily and not under duress.
Discussion Assignment:
The class is broken into 4 different roles.
3. If your last name starts with M – R, then you will answer by stating your decision as the judge. (My last name starts with a Q)
How do you think that the judge will rule on this motion to suppress? Does it matter that he was already under arrest at the time of his statements?
Please use your acting skills and stay in your role as you answer these questions. Be sure to provide detailed answers based on the facts and supported by the current case law. Have fun!
Please note that your answers have nothing to do with your personal feelings, thoughts or experiences with these issues. Your answers are to be based purely on the law, specifically precedent set by case law. Reviewing the Week 6 Content will be very helpful to you in finding relevant case law.

Chinese Immigration Please do the virtual visit assignment on Chinese immigrati

Chinese Immigration
Please do the virtual visit assignment on Chinese immigrati

Chinese Immigration
Please do the virtual visit assignment on Chinese immigration found in google scholar (use the pdf for free).
Cox, A. B., & Rodríguez, C. M. (2009). The president and immigration law. Yale LJ, 119, 45
A virtual visit is a useful tool to explore and research using the Internet
When you are assigned a virtual visit, you are graded on how you can find a useful newsworthy article and assemble a clear, thought provoking opinion of that article so that it may be discussed in the class’ open forum.
Instructions for a Virtual Visit: 2 pages total double spaced 12 pt font- this assignment will be uploaded as a doc file to the drop box- in this assignment
First, using the internet find an article relative to the assigned (usually broad) subject matter. This weeks article is assigned to you.
Then carefully read the article, this article can be found on google scholar, use the entire article NOT just the abstract- download and read the pdf located at the left when using Google scholar.
Then put the article away and write a One (1) summary of the article, remembering to give details that you may use in a general discussion.
Lastly, write a One (1) summary, INCLUDING YOUR OPINION of what you learned from the article and if you find the article relevant to the class discussion.
What you are graded on: 100 point
If you use additional citations, you must CUT the entire web address and include it in the paper-( If assigned, just use the APA citation at the bottom.)You must submit a web address that will lead directly to the article (www.cnn.com IS NOT ENOUGH). You can usually select all, cut and paste it into your submission.
Please test this by opening the page from your paper- If it can NOT be opened directly, it does not exist.
Write at least a one full-page summary of the article. More if needed.
Lastly, write a full opinion of the article highlighting the strong points and the weaknesses in you opinion of the article.
Last, Virtual visit must be TWO full Page of Word (.doc or docx), 12 point size, and traditional font. The ideas must fill the entire page and may only go beyond the parameter by a line or two. Double spaced.
The idea is to be brief and to the point.
The Virtual Visit will ONLY be accepted in the appropriate dropbox, no emailed virtual visits will ever be accepted.
All citations MUST be listed as “References” and be in APA format.

As this project is a continuation of a paper the writer U358999 wrote and becaus

As this project is a continuation of a paper the writer U358999 wrote and becaus

As this project is a continuation of a paper the writer U358999 wrote and because the initial papers will have to be consulted in the writing of the present one, I would like for them to please be the writer assigned to this paper. The writer I have requested, who should be a quebec lawyer or law student as i have stated in my initial order, did the introductory parts of this paper for me. The instructions for the most recent part of paper are shown below: Detailed plan (30%): On the basis of the description of the project, previously submitted to the professor, this work presents the structure envisaged for the final work. It contains : – An introduction and a conclusion, both written. – A coherent structure for the final work. – Short, clear, concise, precise and quality titles for the parts, sub-parts and, if applicable, where applicable, sub-subparts of the work. – The objective sought for each part, sub-part and, if applicable, sub-sub-part – A transition paragraph between each part and sub-part, allowing understand the narrative framework and ensure the coherent progression of the argument (1 to 2 sentences). – Relevant references to support these ideas. The references are identified following a search on the databases available through the UQAM (sofia) library. They are all cited in footnotes and in accordance with the Canadian Legal Reference Manual (McGill Guide – available online)! Please bring more sources in addition to the ones cited in the description please. these sources must be relevant to the topic and indigenous law. – A projection of the number of words for each part, sub-part and, if applicable, sub-sub-part of the final work. Submission terms: Work of 6 pages maximum. Work, typed and paginated, in Word format. Font: Times New Roman 12 point typeface; Line spacing 1.5; All margins at 2.5 cm; Footnotes consistent with the McGill Guide. This class is an class on Quebec indigenous law and the paper needs to be consistent with it. The sources must be cited in conformity with the McGill Guide “The Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation”. As the writer knows, the initial theme chosen was decolonization. I have shared class lectures and readings, the paper must be consistent with them and align with them. this paper is meant to be written within the scope of those sources shared.
This “detailed plan” the writer wrote me got me a mark of 60% (i provided the writer all instructions and materials necessary). that assignment was supposed to be a detailed plan for my final paper. my teacher responded to that assignment and gave me points i need to improve for the final paper, which is what i am ordering today. I am attaching the teacher’s evaluation and really want to it to be made clear to the writer that the notes my teacher has given MUST be looked at and the paper MUST be changed accordingly, or my mark will likely be similar to the one i got for the detailed plan. the detailed plan was worth 30% and this final paper is worth 50%, so its really important to me to do well, especially considering i need to boost my mark to not risk failing (a fail is a 59% in my school). So please, before starting to write the final paper, consult my teacher’s notes and make the proper changes to the detailed plan. this will help complete the paper more efficiently and will make you able to actually use an outline to write the final paper, as the original detailed outline written is not useable.
The instructions for the final paper are as follows: Research work: 50%
This research work focuses on a specific theme (decolonization) that raises a question
new and of interest to you. This question is within the scope of the course (refer to powerpoints and readings- extremely important!). Work consists of a concise and precise answer to the question asked (no vague sources or citations, please be precise with examples). The work produced is 6500 words (+or-10%), including footnotes.
The work contains:
– A presentation page
– A table of contents
– An introduction. This aims to present the theme of the research and its context, the question that the development will answer, the type of sources consulted for answer the question, the limits of the research carried out as well as an announcement of plan.
– Development. This consists of a structured and coherent response to the question asked in the introduction. It is structured in 2 or 3 parts which are themselves
structured into sub-parts.
– A conclusion which summarizes your reflection by presenting avenues for reflection or solution and an opening.
– Throughout the work, ideas are supported by references, legal and scientists. Relevant documentary references from Indigenous Nations can also be used. All references used to support the argument appears in footnotes, in accordance with the method of citation of the Canadian Legal Reference Manual (McGill Guide).
submission terms:
Typewritten and paginated text on 8.5 x 11″ paper
Font: Times New Roman 12 point typeface;
Line spacing 1.5;
All margins at 2.5 cm;
Quotations of more than 4 lines, single spaced and outside the body of the text;
Footnotes consistent with the McGill Guide (please make sure to be consistent with it, the guide is available online).
My teacher has provided these 2 sources to help in writing the final paper (let me know if you have any trouble finding them):
– Jocelyn Létourneau, Le coffre à outils du chercheur débutant, Montréal, Boréal, 2006
– Gagner du temps et réaliser de meilleurs travaux | Infosphère | UQAM – https://infosphere.uqam.ca/
Class readings (must be consulted – all should be available online, please do not hesitate to notify me if you cant find one or can only find in french, i will provide you with a document):
– Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, Honor the truth, reconcile for the future, Summary of the final report, 2015, p. 1-25 + calls to action (justice).
https://theconversation.com/peut- on-decoloniser-le-canada-106889
– Marie-Andrée Gill, L’histoire crochie, Balado « Réconciliation », 25 minutes, en ligne : Réconciliation (radio-canada.ca)
Acte pour amender et refondre les lois concernant les Sauvages, (1876), Chap. 18 (Extrait).
– Loi sur les Indiens, L.R.C. (1985), ch. I-5 (Extrait).
– Pierrot Ross Tremblay et Nawel Hamidi, « L’épreuve de la vérité : le Canada, les Premiers Peuples et l’esprit de 1867 » (2018) 319 Liberté 11 (3 p)
– Kahnawá:ke Membership Law, (2007), K.R.L. c. M-1 (Extrait). Loi sur les Indiens, L.R.C. (1985), ch. I-5 (Extrait).
– Marie-Andrée Gill, Le terme « Réserve », 2020, 26 min., en ligne : Réserve (radio-canada.ca)
– La complexité et les difficultés d’être chef d’une communauté autochtone, reportage, 2020, en ligne : https://ici.radio-
Loi constitutionnelle de 1982 (Partie II), en ligne : https://laws-
– R. c. Van der Peet [1996] 2 RCS 507 [Extraits, 28 p.]
– Nation Tsilhqot’in c. Colombie-Britannique, [2014] 2 R.C.S. 256, para 24-88.
– Aimée Craft, « Living Treaties, Breathing Research » (2014) 26(1) Canadian Journal of Women & the Law, 2-22. https://muse-jhu-edu.proxy.bibliotheques.uqam.ca/article/543906
– R. c. Sioui, [1990] 1 RCS 1025, p. 1043-1061 (Extrait)
-Martin Papillon et Audrey Lord. « Les traités modernes : vers une nouvelle relation ? » dans Stéphan Gervais, Martin Papillon et Alain Beaulieu. Les Autochtones et le Québec : Des premiers contact au Plan Nord, Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2013
– https://petapan.ca
– Nation Haïda c. Colombie-Britannique (Ministre des Forêts), [2004] 3 R.C.S. 511 [21 p.].
– Loiselle-Boudreau, J. (2009). L’obligation de consulter les peuples autochtones : le cas du projet de mine de niobium à Oka. Recherches amérindiennes au Québec, 39 (1-2), 137–146. https://doi.org/10.7202/045006ar
– Première nation de Betsiamites c. Canada (Procureur général) [2005] (C.S. Qué.).
-Geneviève Motard et Mathieu-Joffre Lainé, «Prendre le droit autochtone au sérieux : Entretien avec Hadley Friedland» (2016) 40(2) Anthropologie et Sociétés aux pp. 195–207.
– John Borrows, La constitution autochtone du Canada, Québec, Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2020, p. 41-97.
-Anne Lévesque, Sarah Clarke et Cindy Blackstock, « La plainte de discrimination devant le Tribunal canadien des droits de la personne portant sur les services d’aide à l’enfance aux enfants des Premières Nations et le principe de Jordan » (2016) 25 Enfances Familles Générations aux pp.
– Loi C-92 concernant les enfants, les jeunes et les familles des Premières Nations, des Inuits et des Métis, en ligne :
– Déclaration des Nations Unies sur les droits des peuples autochtones, Rés AG, Doc off AG NU, 61e sess, Doc NU A/RES/61/295 (2007).
– Marie Léger, « L’histoire de la Déclaration des Nations Unies sur les droits des peuples autochtones » (2007) XXXVII Recherches amérindiennes au Québec aux pp. 145-155.
– Loi sur la Déclaration des Nations Unies sur les droits des peuples autochtones,L.C. 2021, ch. 14.
Comments from Customer
Additionnal comments on the detailed plan provided by my teacher:
-Review the layout of the bibliography
-Justify the text.
-We do not understand the problem, therefore the resulting plan seems very vague. Where are the parts and subparts? It would be necessary to rework the framing, the problematization, to ensure that the different parties echo it. The conclusion remains extremely general, and also needs to be reworked in depth.

Write a summary of “Living Like Weasels.” You may fnd the best way to do it is b

Write a summary of “Living Like Weasels.” You may fnd the best way to do it is b

Write a summary of “Living Like Weasels.” You may fnd the best way to do it is by summarizing each paragraph with no more than two or three sentences.
Requirements: 5-6 paragraphs

This is a discussion post. Critically examine the postings of your peers and pro

This is a discussion post. Critically examine the postings of your peers and pro

This is a discussion post. Critically examine the postings of your peers and provide at least two (2) substantive replies. Based on the theories identified by your peers, how do they differ from your theories?

Assignment Content The court system of a medium-sized city has tasked you, a con

Assignment Content The court system of a medium-sized city has tasked you, a con

Assignment Content The court system of a medium-sized city has tasked you, a consultant hired to address organizational issues, with assembling a team to develop an improvement plan. The goal of this plan is to improve the channels of communication with the political body, department heads, personnel, judges, other police and federal agencies, and the community. A key issue identified by the presiding judge is a backlog of criminal cases. The court system has been criticized for its poor communication. Your team is tasked with defining the problem areas from your own point of view. It is important for the political body to support the court system in its mission to dispense justice in a fair and impartial manner. The presiding judge is looking for a strategy to improve both lines of communication and decision making. Improved communication is needed so better decisions can be made. Some of the ideas identified by the presiding judge include enhancement of communication between the prosecutor’s office, court administration, defense attorneys, and other court systems. The team may identify other ideas as it explores these issues. Collaborate with your team members to complete the following: Prepare a plan of action on how to approach this challenge. Consider the following elements in your plan of action presentation: #Identify the issues related to power and political behavior in criminal justice agencies. #Contrast the types and channels of communication to enhance information sharing in criminal justice organizations. #Evaluate elements of the decision-making process in criminal justice agencies. #Brainstorm your plan of action in the Collaborative Team Discussion Group. Each team member is required to include their own ideas for each of the above elements and comment on the ideas of others. Collaborative conclusions need to be created in the Collaborative Team Discussion Group. Create a 10- to 12-slide PowerPoint presentation with detailed speaker notes based on your plan of action. Include pictures or charts to illustrate your points. Assume you will be presenting your recommendations for improvement to the presiding judge, the mayor, and other appropriate management personnel. Research all issues using media accounts of any court systems, websites, personal interviews, Internet sources, court system official statements, and other resources deemed important by your team. Cite a minimum of 5 references in addition to your textbook in APA format. Submit your assignment.

Departing from correctional facilities, parolees are confronted with a multitude

Departing from correctional facilities, parolees are confronted with a multitude

Departing from correctional facilities, parolees are confronted with a multitude of obstacles as they reintegrate into society. The difficulty and severity of these obstacles frequently differ, especially when considering specific groups like female parolees, violent offenders, and lifers. It is critical to address criminogenic requirements to decrease recidivism rates. Nonetheless, this must be weighed against concerns for public safety. An impending influx of parolees in California, a state with a high rate of return, necessitates concentrated efforts to facilitate their successful reintegration. Employment difficulties, a shortage of affordable housing, and restricted access to financial resources are all examples of economic obstacles. Former offenders frequently possess a criminal record, which may impede their ability to secure employment (Harding et al., 2014). Additionally, they might lack the education or talents required to obtain a living wage position. In addition, they might be struggling to make ends meet due to delinquent obligations or legal fees. Social challenges consist of isolation, stigma, and discrimination. Ex-offenders may encounter discrimination and social exclusion at the hands of landlords, employers, and other citizens. Reestablishing connections with family and acquaintances they may have lost faith in could also be challenging (Harding et al., 2014). This may result in sentiments of isolation and loneliness, which are detrimental to their mental health. Psychological obstacles consist of trauma, substance misuse, and mental health issues. A considerable number of formerly incarcerated individuals have been subjected to violence and trauma, circumstances that can precipitate psychological disorders like anxiety, melancholy, and post-traumatic stress disorder (Harding et al., 2014). Additionally, they might contend with substance abuse and addiction, both of which can impede their ability to remain sober and avert trouble. Female parolees encounter distinct obstacles, including the burden of caregiving, restricted availability of resources, and an increased susceptibility to trauma and abuse. Restoring familial ties and establishing stability are notably tricky tasks. These demographic groups frequently confront profound psychological challenges, the possibility of ongoing participation in criminal syndicates, and obstacles in establishing trust in the community as a result of the gravity of their transgressions. Substance addiction is a substantial criminogenic factor that parolees must address through specialized rehabilitation programs. Customizing interventions to address addiction treatment constitutes the fundamental approach to tackling this problem (Hannah-Moffat, 2005). To avert relapse, these programs must incorporate all-encompassing support systems—such as counseling, therapy, and community resource availability. Ensuring continuous and reliable support is critical for empowering individuals to confront their addiction and promote a sustainable lifestyle devoid of substances, ultimately decreasing the likelihood of reoffending. The lack of marketable skills is another major parolee criminogenic necessity. Educational, vocational, and mentoring programs are crucial to resolving this shortfall. Access to skill-building programs, academic courses, and apprenticeships helps people find jobs (Hannah-Moffat, 2005). Mentorship programs also help parolees find jobs, building confidence and self-sufficiency. Giving people these skills improves their chances of reintegration and reducing recidivism. Customized reintegration programs focus on individual evaluations and treatments to meet criminogenic needs. Substance addiction treatment, occupational training, and mental health assistance are crucial to reintegration (Petersilia, 2003). These programs are tailored to each parolee’s requirements and address underlying issues while encouraging personal growth and recovery. Working with community-based groups and local businesses helps parolees reintegrate. Partnerships with these institutions provide resources, jobs, and mentorship, easing the move into society (Petersilia, 2003). These partnerships offer practical support and community acceptability, essential for post-incarceration recovery. Providing mental health care and therapy to traumatized or severely mentally ill people is crucial. Providing continuing support and treatment helps them heal and cope (Petersilia, 2003). Making mental health treatments available to parolees helps them overcome psychological obstacles and build better, more secure lives. Parolees, particularly demographics, encounter complex issues that require a sophisticated response. Successful reintegration without compromising public safety requires addressing criminogenic needs, designing reentry programs, and working with communities and organizations. As California prepares for parolees, a proactive and holistic approach is needed to prevent recidivism and help people reintegrate.

Critically examine the postings of your peers and provide at least two (2) subst

Critically examine the postings of your peers and provide at least two (2) subst

Critically examine the postings of your peers and provide at least two (2) substantive replies. Do you agree that the individual they chose is/was a great leader? Why or why not? Compare and contrast your selection to that of your peers. Identify the similar and differing traits and characteristics that each possess making them worthy of being considered as impactful for leadership greatness.

This is a discussion post Critically examine the postings of your peers and prov

This is a discussion post Critically examine the postings of your peers and prov

This is a discussion post Critically examine the postings of your peers and provide at least two (2) substantive replies. Compare and contrast your research findings and analysis to those of your peers.