Acts of Kindness in Society


The problem of people who lost their homes is acute in the US. Devastating hurricanes and state economic policy usually cause it. Therefore, many educated people used to a civilized lifestyle are left homeless. The lockdown caused by COVID-19 exacerbated this situation, leaving thousands of people without work and livelihoods. Therefore, I plan to participate as a volunteer in the distribution of hot meals, when the opportunity presents itself. This experience will help me understand what is happening in our society and enrich me emotionally, inspiring other actions not aimed at satisfying my ego. For example, I can also buy hanging coffee to brighten up the day for someone every day.

Main body

We live in a society where selfishness is not condemned and sometimes even encouraged. It is because, in this way, corporations stimulate our consumeristic behavior to gain more profits. However, Aristotle (2000) notes that the kindness shown to others is a virtue, proving that our mental state is in balance. Moreover, according to the philosopher, acts of kindness enrich a person and fill their life with meaning, and therefore are valuable (Aristotle, 2000). Here is a good example: a friend of mine once spontaneously began to take care of homeless pets. Initially, she wrote a report on this topic, in the preparation of which she visited the shelter and was upset to tears about how depressing the life of animals is.

Therefore, she began to buy medicine for animals from the shelter and then took several kittens to overexposure. She was happy to do so even though she needed to treat these cute animals from various diseases like tetter, fleas, or injuries. Then she gave them  clean and healthy  to good hands. It seems to me that this example illustrates the persons desire for good deeds, regardless of whether they bring immediate benefits.


According to John Stuart Mills Utilitarian theory, actions must be evaluated in the context of their consequences, with even the most brutal actions being justified. Im afraid I have to disagree with this because some things cannot be changed after we learn about the consequences. For example, in most countries, the death penalty has long been abolished because death cannot be canceled after new circumstances of the case unexpectedly open, and the criminal is excused.


Aristotle. (2000). Nicomachean ethics. (Irwin, T., Trans., 2nd ed.). Hackett Publishing Company.

Creating A Kindness Society

In today’s modern society the connection between humans is fading away faster and faster and will probably be gone in about 45 years to come if nothing changes. People no longer feel the need to know the person right next to them or talk to others during their free time. This disconnection is caused by the rapid advancement of TECHNOLOGY, everyone seems to be very caught up with their devices to see and understand what is actually going on around them. Furthermore, although media has relieved us from our kindness duties, there are still people who have not tagged along the train and still practice acts of kindness. But there is a possibility to change these outcomes because what if these new technologies that are advancing day by day where paired with kindness and be used as a way of changing the lives of many. This essay with explain and explore ways in which acts of kindness can benefit humankind and how technology can be implied in these acts of kindness.

Firstly, What is kindness? Kindness in most dictionaries is defined as being caring, gentle, friendly or generous, but I believe that the meaning of kindness can be extended further and emphasised in a much better way. The Australian Kindness Movement which states that an act of kindness is a message from one heart to another in an act of love or it could be unspoken exemplifies a more dipper understanding of the topic. To add on, Kindness, when it is allowed to flourish, is a flowing current that supports the being of man which is extremely basic in our world. To add on Kindness is something that everyone should strive to express throughout their life. Showing kindness to others is a basic aspect that is commonly learned during childhood.

Secondly, in my own opinion kindness is a quality that can be passed on to another person. When a person observes or sees another person helping out and being kind, they become inspired to act the same way, an example is a study done by Piliavin in the New York where there where to people under critical conditions one was a cane victim and another a drunk victim, both of these victims where to fall on the ground in the middle of the subway and Piliavin the experiment-or was observing to see how many people would help and how diffusion of responsibility would affect the people. I do not think their is any other feeling that compares to how one would feel when they see someone being kind and helping out a stranger, in my own experience when I find myself in the type of encounter where I see other helping out and being kind I can not resist the urges of wanting to do the same thing because it is our human nature.

Killing And Kindness In The Lottery

In ‘The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson there is a lot of pointless violence. Her story emphasizes the idea that all Americans are constantly trying to do bad. The yearly ritual of the lottery promotes the killing of an innocent individual each time the lottery is conducted. Throughout history as well as currently, there have continuously been multiple acts of kindness and cruelty in America. Although, there will always be violent individuals in America it does not mean that all Americans are bad.

During the story the people “gather in the square” (Jackson,1) on the morning of June 27th each year to participate in the lottery. Even though the lottery has been going on for many years there hasn’t been much change with the way it is run or the materials used. Originally, each person’s name was written on chips of wood and put into a wooden black box that had been used “even before Old Man Warner, the oldest man in the town, was born” (Jackson, 2). Afterward, the box was put onto a three legged stool and the name of the individual whose life was at stake was chosen. Over the years the procedure of the lottery changed slightly. This particular year, they decided to continue to use the three legged stool and the same black box but they wrote their names on paper. Tessie Hutchinson picked the slip of paper with a black mark, which meant she was the winner of the lottery. Immediately after Tessie unfolded her paper all the people of the community, including her friends and family began throwing stones at her and she died. The people thought they were doing good for the community by having the yearly lottery. The community as a whole believed that eradicating the lottery would have a destructive effect on the city. As demonstrated when Mrs. Adams said “Some places have already quit lotteries” and Old Man Warner answered that there is “Nothing but trouble in that…pack of young fools” (Jefferson, 5). Everyone in the community thought of the yearly lottery as tradition. Tampering with tradition as well as canceling the lottery was considered absurd to the villagers. The people of the village would not even replace the broken stool or black box, so the chance of them stopping the lottery was very slim. When Old Man Warner says “Lottery in June, corn will be heavy soon”(Jackson, 5). The people believed that by giving a human sacrifice, the corn harvest will be better in the coming year which is purely based on superstition. In reality, the villagers were killing an innocent person for no legitimate reason.

Shirley Jackson provides a direct quote in an article from the New Yorker explaining her reasoning for writing The Lottery. She says “I suppose I hoped, by setting a particularly brutal ancient rite in the present and in my own village, to shock the story’s readers with a graphic dramatization of the pointless violence and general inhumanity in their own lives” (Franklin). Shirley Jackson explains that her purpose for writing the lottery was to open people’s eyes and make them aware of the daily pointless violence. She hints to the fact that Americans are toxic and only want to cause harm. However, there are individuals within American society that may not be doing things for the good of society but are not acting violently.

Although, aggressive events occur within society they can sometimes bring out kindness in others and lead to positive outcomes. For example, America’s Missing Broadcast Emergency Response (Amber alerts) used to help with the most serious cases of finding lost or abducted individuals, usually children. “The horrifying kidnapping and murder of 9-year-old Amber Hagerman in Arlington, Texas in broad daylight in 1996 eventually inspired the creation of the AMBER (America’s Missing Broadcast Emergency Response) Alert system for rescuing abducted children” (Griffen). When children are abducted they are ripped away from their families by people that most likely have ill intentions and will be aggressive towards them. This situation can be dangerous and frightening for the families and children alike. Therefore, it is necessary for the children to be rescued from the abductor. Providing society with the use of AMBER alerts gives individuals far and near to the children a way to help in this dire situation. For example, a child was able to be saved from danger in as little as three hours as a result of an amber alert that was sent out earlier (Griffin). Since amber alerts are so public and far reaching it makes people aware of the tragedy and feel a sense of obligation to get involved.

In addition, September 11, 2001 was a catastrophic event that led to a lot of destruction and yet there was an abundance of kindness as a result. “Within an hour after the attack on the World Trade Center, the nation experienced the largest surge of blood donations in history” (Jones). As people heard about the crashing of the twin towers and the multiple injuries they were eager to help. Most people wanted to get involved and assist in any way they could. As a result, there was a huge amount of people offering to donate blood to help revive those that were injured in the crash of the planes or the falling of the towers. After the blood donations concluded, a study was conducted and showed more than 50% of the donors had never donated before or hadn’t donated in the past two years. This tragic event brought out the generosity of various individuals. Without this tragic event multiple people wouldn’t have gotten involved or done this kindness. This act was primarily done for the primary purpose of destruction but additionally led to bringing out the good in many individuals.

While The Lottery demonstrates a ritualized violent event which does not seem to have positive outcomes, destructive events sometimes have positive components to them. Through the Amber alert system and the blood donation following September 11, 2001 it is apparent that acts of aggression can be met with acts of kindness. Within American society there are many people that exhibit violence but, there are other individuals who aim to improve society.

The Lack Of Kindness Within The World In The Play King Lear

Within the world kindness is a symbol of love and compassion. The values and thoughts individuals may have might differ and contrast with another, but the feeling and joy of bring kindness into one’s heart is an undeniable sensation that can be appreciated by all around the world. When one is stripped or denied these feelings of kindness it can cause one to change for the worst and become an entirely different person with different moral standards. In William Shakespeare’s play King Lear, Shakespeare develops the idea that kindness can produce a journey of life that is not so bright and joyful. Through the events that happen to Gloucester, mental state, emotional instability and out views of the world alter dramatically and shifting Gloucester into a completely transformed character. Without sons, or outward vision, Gloucester is left with nothing and thus, it sent into a downward spiral of depression that changes his mentality and mental state forever. The kindness and sympathy that Gloucester once had is now gone, forever loss. Loss that was caused by the compassion Gloucester gave to others. Now distorted by sinful acts triggered by others, Gloucester is left to die by the ones he treated with concern and regard.

After embarrassing Edmund, his illegitimate son, in front of Kent a nobleman, Gloucester is a man free of sin and enjoys the liberty of life. Everything is right in the world and Gloucester has no anxiety or fear about anything in his life. However, that is when Edmund precedes to hand Gloucester a letter that seems to have be written by Edgar, his legitimate son, stating his desire to murder his father and reap the benefits it sows Gloucester is absolutely horrified and shocked that his beloved son can write such a nasty letter and commit such treason against him. In Gloucester’s line “Abhorred villain! Unnatural, detested, brutish villain! Worse than brutish! -Go, sirrah, seek him.” (I.ii.80-81) Gloucester is beyond anger that the son he loves the most and cherishes more than the other, is planning to kill him. Gloucester has never not been kind or loving towards Edmund his legitimate son and has always treated Edmund with the kindness and respect a true son deserves. Gloucester is enraged and irritated by how someone he loved and cared for, only wants his fortune and power. He is now somewhat unfamiliar to a person he once thought as his one and only son. With the betrayal of his son, it is a wakeup call that kindness leads to nothing. That Gloucester being kind and loyal to not only himself, but to others he believed to be honest, causes him down a dark path. A destiny that induces Gloucester to question his own existence and lower his self worth.

After realizing that his legitimate son is a traitor, Gloucester continuing to hunt him down to capture Edmund and hold him in prison for treason. Edmund was the one who created the letter and falsely blames his brother for writing the letter and planning to kill Gloucester. Edgar and Gloucester are mere pawns in Edmund big plan to the throne. Gloucester blinded by his own trust and kindness to Edmund, wholeheartedly trusting Edmund, with no doubt or suspicion. Gloucester faces the reality that he is naive, that he has no one he can trust and the world he once knew is now loss. Kindness bought Gloucester into a world of darkness. Trusting his son Edmund, escorting him to a journey of misery. Gloucester’s statement of “O my follies! Then Edgar was abused. Kind gods forgive me that and prosper him.” (III.vii.111-112) Gloucester has now realizes that his trust in Edmund and kindness he has given him was all a lie. Gloucester was manipulated and tricked by Edmund, creating a dramatic shift in Gloucester’s character. No longer able to see after having his eyes gouged out of his sockets. Gloucester can recognize the truth. That the goodness Gloucester has given all his loved ones was all for nothing. He was controlled and exploit by others and was unable to rule his own destiny. Gloucester was left dangling on strings of a puppeteer, left to rot and deteriorate as an old man. The goodness and virtue of Gloucester that he holds dear to his heart, are now loss, caused by those around him that took advantages and used Gloucester for their own selfish needs. With such extreme emotional suffering and grief Gloucester is permanently altered into a new person. A person that has lost the will to live, the resolute to strive for goodness, the passion to act kind to others. He has turned into a man dissolved of all purpose to determine his own destiny.

Throughout the play the audience is witness to Gloucester’s depression and outward sadness of life as he struggles to find the will to live. Gloucester has lost the will to live and has given up on finding any hope of surviving this cruel world. Gloucester utters the words “As flies to wanton boys are we to the’ gods; They kill us for their sport.” (IV.i.41-42) as he wanders on the heath after being blinded by Cornwall and Regan. It is apparent that the profound despair that grips him and drives him to desire his own death has awaken and is fully aware of Gloucester’s mindset. All the emotional injustice that Gloucester faced has taken a tremendous toll on his mental state and Gloucester starts to realize there is no order in the world. The good are not rewarded with fortune and the guilty are not punished for their cruelty, there is no divine justice in the world. Gloucester begins to realize that goodness and kindness are nothing but, words and acts. The good die along with the wicked, goodness does not play a part in determining one’s destiny. Kindness does not cause one to live a happy life, there is no fairness in the world and man is not capable of imposing his own moral ideals upon the harsh realities of life. Gloucester no longer cares for the world and understands that life offers no reason for his unbearable suffering, the gods merely toy with his life and Gloucester just must live on, enduring the pain. Gloucester has finally comprehended that kindness leads to nothing, only a trail of gloom.

The play King Lear shows that kindness produces nothing. Being good and acting just, leads to nothing, the world does not treat the good better than the bad. Life is unfair, and the kind suffer just as much if not worse than the guilty. One does not have control over their own destiny if one acts kind or is good and honest. Shakespeare shows the audience that life itself is meaningless, the gods need no explanation to punish or reward people, there is no justice in the world, and one must just survive and live. That is the world that everyone lives in today. Acting kind and being good, inevitably leads to your demise. One has no control or command of their own destiny, the more they act kind and honest. Kindness leads to loss, loss that drains your will to live and stimulates your feeling of suicide. Life is meaningless and you become hopeless. No gods can save you, no people can help you. Kindness leads to nothing.

Random Acts of Kindness Make Our Society Better: Persuasive Essay

Truth and kindness, bothering people? Yes! It is true. Have you ever seen people who are making videos of someone being beaten? Those people are bothered by the truth and avoid doing kindness. Once Mother Teresa said, and I quote, “It is a kindly act to assist the fallen”. This quote tells us that we must do kindness to spread it, even when we are cursed by society. A great example that can be taken is Hazrat Muhammad. He is not only accepted by Muslims but also people of all religions accepted him, and he was proved to be the most influential person in history because of kindness. Similarly, Abdus Sattar Edhi and Ruth Pfau set an example of kindness by helping and curing others. They completed their aims and served humanity till their departure from this world.

In my opinion, we all have the power to make our world a better and kinder place, and random acts of kindness towards others are a great way to do that. A random act of kindness is simply doing something nice for someone else, without their asking and without you doing it for anything in return. As far as researchers are concerned, they suggest that random acts of kindness toward others are associated with better and stronger mental and physical health, relationships, life satisfaction, communities, etc.

You can lead society by taking a small step in a day as you will never have a completely bad day if you show kindness at least, so just smile at anyone to say “good morning” to a random person when you are going somewhere. This may or may not make your day in this world, but you will have a place in heaven as you made a good day of a person passing by you.

Moreover, if you just remove a rock from the road, this means you save someone from falling or even someone’s life.

Setting coolers outside your homes costs you nothing but a little sacrifice and feelings for the poor. The poor will get water to drink, to cook food, and for other purposes as well.

Let the women cross the road, but wait, there are so many cars that some people are not able to cross it. How is the idea of helping our elders to cross the road? Yes! I would love to do so, try applying this in your life, you will probably have a nice day.

Summarizing the bottom line, by doing such random acts of kindness as wishing a good day to someone you meet, smiling at someone, clearing stones from the road, and helping someone in need to cross the road, we are able to make our world a better place. As Mother Teresa once said, “Kind words may be short and easy, but their echo is truly infinite”. This can be said about our actions as well.

Act of Kindness Essay


“Can you recall a time somebody was kind to you? Now change the scenario and think of a time you were kind to another person. Call to mind their reaction and how you responded. Move into your heart and notice the feelings there.” — Tony Fahkry

To be kind is probably the most important value in our society because it involves loving and caring about others expecting nothing in return but the satisfaction that it brings to the soul. Being kind is an action that allows us to have a harmonious and peaceful coexistence. Some people think that a gesture of love to strangers is not worth trying as it is “insignificant”. The truth is that a simple act of kindness can give us many rewards socially and mentally due to the positive impact on us as well as the people that surround us. Subsequently, we become happier because of our acts. In addition, kindness can inspire other people to do the same for others which will later return to us as a form of self-satisfaction that allows us to improve.

By interacting with individuals with education and humanity, joy will incorporate into our lives. Helping others can make us feel good about ourselves because of the pleasure that it brings us brightening each other’s day. This statement has been scientifically proven by an experiment in the “Journal of Experimental and Social Psychology” whose conclusion indicated that helping others had a modest effect on happiness. The environment that results from treating people with kindness is that gratifying.

There is no doubt that we do things that impact others. So, what is better, is to focus on what our heart dictates and do acts of good. A great example of kindness is “El Comedor Social”, which is a project that has a stand at the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus that dedicates to supplying food for those university students who desaffortunly cannot afford a meal. What encourages movements like this is the empathy that communities have that they transform into an act of kindness. To make a change, we must start with us being different. An act of kindness will return to us like a chain effect. We will be treated the same way we treat others.

Being kind can help us improve ourselves. We learn a lot about life by talking to people and helping them. Also, we do not know what the future holds for us since life is like a boomerang, what goes around comes around. Kindness inherently makes you into a more honest, nice, and approachable person. These traits are useful in every single aspect of life, be it in a job, in the community, or just socializing. Because of all the things that were mentioned before a kind person can easily see their flaws and improve themselves further.


Kindness towards others can help you achieve happiness as well as the one receiving, improve yourself and be a part of the community. There is a quote from Maya Angelou that says: “At the end of the day, people will not remember what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel.” So are you ready to make an act of kindness that impacts everyone in the community?

The Meaning Of Kindness

Kindness is one short word but associated with many positive traits. Being generous, helpful, hospitable, considerate, polite, compassionate, thoughtful, and having affection are associated with kindness. All of us learned this virtue in different places like in school, in church, and inside our home. Many people teach us how to be kind and how to do something good to other people but still, it is our choice if we want to show kindness to them.

Kindness should always come from the heart, not fake but full of willingness to show it to other people. The main reason why people are showing kindness because they truly understand the real meaning of love that they received from above and they want to pour it out to other people. There are two kinds of kindness, one is genuine and the other one is pretentious. People with genuine kindness will not check if there are people who are looking at them before they do and show it. Meaning genuine kindness does not choose the place, time, and person to show it. Genuine kindness will not be base on how many people will know it but it will always be based on the motive of the heart. Second is pretentious kindness, some people are showing kindness for them to be popular and for them to gain sympathy. This attitude is full of pretentious and this Is only based on their selfish motives and also on how many people will see them.

Kindness can make our place a happy one. Being kind will not cost anything but it can make a difference. Helping with others, saying nice words, and treating them with compassion is part of being kind and these actions can change someone’s life. Showing kindness will always be beneficial to other people but it can also be your continuous motivation to do good to others. Whatever you have done well to them will be done to you soon. Much better to choose to be kind and do good to others than to choose to do something that will hurt other people so, in the end, you will not regret anything.

Kindness is a reflection of who you are. If your heart is full of kindness, it will automatically overflow to the people around you. It will be easy for you to be a cheerful giver and you can give to others generously, it is easy for you to be thoughtful because you know how to value people around you, it is so easy for you to help those people who are in need without hesitation because you are doing it for the interest of other people, and it is also easy for you to treat people around you nicely because you know that they deserve it. Thinking others interest first make you humble in any situation and your kindness in your heart will continue to bloom.

Kindness is a virtue that is so important wherever you will go and whoever you are with. Believe it or not, kindness is something that all people have. No matter how you talk and do bad things to others, still there is kindness in your heart that no one can remove. All of us were born with kindness in our hearts even a robber, addict, thief, and other people who committed crime still have kindness.

Showing kindness always starts at home. If you can show kindness to your siblings and all family members then only you can be kind towards others. There is something wrong if you are only kind to your friends, neighbors, and colleague but to your family is the opposite. Kindness should be shown in the family first. We have learned many things from our home with our family including kindness. So, applied the kindness that you have learned in your family first then after to others.

Kindness is for everyone, kindness is everywhere, kindness is always free and kindness can change people. We believe that when we do good to others, others will also do good to us. So, show your kindness genuinely to others even in secret and surely others will show the same to you. Being kind to others will not only change them but it will also make you be a better human.

The Features Of Kindness Quality

Kindness is a virtue that these days is seldom found. These days, people are so busy fulfilling their own wants and needs that they ignore those of others. For the rest, being kind to others is out of the question. Kindness is the quality of being respectful to others and considerate. It is a quality not shared by everyone.

Kindness simply means that people around us are good. It can be accomplished by being respectful to them, giving them emotional support, financially assisting them, improving their confidence, or simply encouraging them. Not only are good words and kind deeds performed by us a boon for the recipient, but they are also a blessing for us. It gives us a sense of pride and pleasure when we support others with their activities, be nice to them and do other such acts of kindness.

It is said that a person with a friendly disposition and an interest in others is kind. These individuals have empathy for others. Whenever there is a need, they assist others around them and never hesitate to go out of their way to put a smile to the face of others. It does not necessarily mean doing something major for them to display compassion towards others. It can be anything as tiny as being nice and providing someone with emotional support. It can be anything as simple as putting a smile to everyone surrounds you. These acts of kindness do not take long, but can make a huge difference in the life of the other person.

You don’t have to be a millionaire to be good to the people around you and give support. You just need to have a heart that’s healthy. Each one of us has something for the world to offer. We just need to accept what it is. Besides, we need to understand the need for people around us to be compassionate. We need to realize that if people are kind to each other, the world will become a much happier place.

We have to be kind to others and support in whatever way we can if God has been kind enough to give us the things we need. While we have to participate selflessly in acts of kindness without expecting anything in return, it is said that no act of kindness, even the smallest, goes unnoticed. This is because, at all times, God is watching us. And for being honest in his ways, he is known.

As compared to the occasions when we get into fights, or criticize others or raise our voice, being kind in general and being friendly with others keeps us in a good mood. Likewise, giving someone even a little support makes us feel good about ourselves. Helping and being kind to others gives us an immediate sense of contentment. And everything we offer comes in abundance back to us.

However, if we show kindness to someone in hopes of having anything in exchange, it is not considered an act of kindness. Rather, it is an act of selfishness. What is the most prevalent characteristic that individuals search for in a relationship? It’s nothing more than kindness. No one wants to be friends with individuals who are rude, arrogant, vain and haughty. Those who are polite, soft-hearted, kind and supportive, everybody likes. We have to be kind to those around us, but as it is said that charity starts at home, we have to start with our loved ones.

Many individuals are kind and friendly to their neighbors, friends and colleagues, but with their immediate family members, such as their wife, parents, children , and siblings, they are rude. They scold them, pay no attention to them, and sometimes indulge in their claims. No matter how good they are with people outside or the amount of charity they do, such people can not be considered kind. If they are not kind at home, to preserve a good appearance outside, they are merely wearing a facade.They are frustrated inside, in fact, and all of their frustration comes out at home.

If an individual is really kind at heart, both at home and outside, he will be equally kind. Being kind to individuals without wanting anything in return promotes inner harmony and joy. It makes it sweeter for existence. It is not daunting to practice kindness. It should be the greatest aim of each of us to show compassion to those around us. Try it and see if this can be one of life’s most joyous moments.

Kindness: A Pillar of American Values

Kindness, a virtue often described as the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate, transcends borders, cultures, and languages. The universal dialect of compassion, understanding, and empathy binds humanity together. While seemingly simple, the essence of kindness is profound and potent enough to inspire change and foster unity. Kindness forms an integral part of the American ethos, intertwining with the nation’s ideals of liberty, justice, and unity. This essay explores kindness’s historical and contemporary role in our society, its impact on American culture, and its relevance to the nation’s future.

Definition and Importance of Kindness

Kindness is a fundamental human trait characterized by the qualities of being friendly, generous, and considerate. It is an expression of benevolence and goodwill towards others and manifests in our actions, words, and attitudes. Kindness can involve everything from small acts of everyday compassion—like holding a door open for a stranger or offering a kind word to a friend—to larger, more impactful actions, such as volunteering in a community or donating to a worthy cause.

Kindness is of paramount importance for several reasons:

  1. Kindness encourages empathy and compassion, fostering positive relationships between individuals. Treating others with kindness builds stronger connections and engenders mutual respect and understanding.
  2. Performing acts of kindness has been shown to boost happiness and well-being. The “helper’s high,” a feeling of euphoria experienced after being kind, can promote mental health. Furthermore, kindness can lead to physiological changes that improve our physical health, such as lowered blood pressure and stress reduction.
  3. Kindness tends to inspire more kindness. It creates a ripple effect where one act can lead to many others, amplifying the impact of that initial gesture.
  4. A culture of kindness fosters a more compassionate, supportive society. Kindness can bridge divides, lessen social tension, and promote cooperation among people of diverse backgrounds and beliefs.
  5. Kindness often serves as a gateway to other virtues. It can lead to increased empathy, compassion, generosity, and gratitude.

In essence, kindness is a crucial part of our social fabric. It reflects our capacity for empathy and altruism, helping to build stronger, healthier communities. By choosing to practice kindness, we contribute to a more compassionate and harmonious world.

Historical Perspective of Kindness in the USA

To understand the role of kindness in America, one must delve into its historical roots. The United States was built on the fundamental principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, as outlined in the Declaration of Independence. These principles echo notions of mutual respect and tolerance, values synonymous with kindness. Kindness is embedded within the Constitution’s tenets, a thread woven into the fabric of the nation’s identity.

Throughout American history, there have been countless acts of kindness that have marked significant turning points. The Underground Railroad, an extensive network of people offering their homes and resources to help slaves escape to freedom, was an act of monumental kindness and bravery. Similarly, during the Civil War, Clara Barton, who would later found the American Red Cross, provided aid to soldiers irrespective of their affiliations, personifying kindness amidst the turmoil.

Role of Kindness in Modern Society

In contemporary America, kindness manifests in myriad ways across societal structures. Community members unite to support one another during challenging times, displaying resilience and empathy. Kindness permeates local interactions and relationships, whether it’s assisting those impacted by natural disasters or lending a helping hand to struggling neighbors.

Educational institutions across the country have recognized the power of kindness and are integrating it into their curricula. Schools impart academic knowledge and strive to nurture empathetic and compassionate citizens. They encourage students to engage in acts of kindness, fostering a positive and inclusive learning environment. Random Acts of Kindness Day and other similar initiatives are widely promoted to instill the value of kindness early on in life.

Business practices, too, have evolved to embody the ethos of kindness, reflecting a shift toward corporate social responsibility. Companies are increasingly prioritizing the well-being of their employees, supporting charitable causes, and adopting sustainable practices. These actions signal the recognition that success isn’t merely measured by profit margins but also by contributions to society.

The Influence of American Culture on Promoting Kindness

American culture has played a pivotal role in promoting kindness. Media, in particular, wields a significant influence. Television shows, movies, and even video games often weave in narratives of kindness, generosity, and unity, subtly shaping public attitudes and behaviors. These goodwill stories entertain and inspire viewers, encouraging them to replicate acts of kindness in their lives.

Literature and the arts, too, are powerful platforms for advocating kindness. From Mark Twain’s literary classics that underscore empathy and understanding to modern graphic novels addressing inclusivity and respect, written works have continually emphasized the importance of being kind. Music, visual arts, and theater often carry similar themes, reminding audiences of our shared humanity and the need for compassion.

The Multifaceted Benefits of Kindness

Kindness, an expression of benevolence and goodwill, extends far beyond mere acts of generosity and compassion. This fundamental human trait, often exemplified in our actions, words, and attitudes, generates a myriad of benefits that permeate our personal lives, social connections, and the broader societal fabric.

From a personal perspective, practicing kindness can significantly contribute to our mental and physical well-being. Often referred to as the “helper’s high,” individuals who perform acts of kindness can experience a sense of euphoria accompanied by a surge of endorphins, the brain’s natural painkiller. This emotional lift enhances our mood, reduces anxiety, and fosters a sense of satisfaction. The physical health benefits of kindness are equally noteworthy, including lowered blood pressure, decreased stress and inflammation, and even potentially increased lifespan. Kindness can act as a potent elixir, nourishing both our minds and bodies.

Kindness also plays an essential role in cultivating healthy, enriching relationships. When we treat others with kindness, we nurture a sense of trust, understanding, and mutual respect. Kindness strengthens connections, facilitating stronger bonds among friends, family, and even acquaintances. It fosters empathy, enabling us to understand and resonate with others’ feelings, paving the way for deeper, more meaningful interactions.

On a societal level, kindness serves as the cornerstone for a harmonious, inclusive community. It fosters a sense of togetherness and cooperation, critical for addressing collective challenges. Furthermore, kindness acts as a catalyst for positive change, inspiring acts of charity, volunteerism, and social justice. It promotes a cycle of positivity, where one act of kindness can inspire another, creating a ripple effect that uplifts entire communities.

Challenges and Criticisms

Despite the strong emphasis on kindness, America faces certain challenges. A discernible disconnect exists between the ideals of kindness and the lived realities of many individuals. Social inequality, systemic racism, and intolerance are glaring issues that undermine the practice of kindness.

Some critics argue that kindness can sometimes be superficial or performative, serving as a band-aid solution to deep-rooted problems. In an era of social media, acts of kindness can sometimes be used as a tool for self-promotion rather than a genuine expression of empathy. This phenomenon can lead to skepticism and cynicism about the true motivations behind these actions, potentially undermining the value of kindness.

Another criticism often leveled at the promotion of kindness is that it focuses too heavily on individual actions at the expense of systemic change. While personal acts of kindness are important, they alone cannot address larger societal issues like poverty, systemic racism, or climate change. Therefore, critics argue that an overemphasis on individual kindness can detract from efforts to enact broader social and political changes necessary for a more equitable and sustainable society.

Similarly, kindness is sometimes criticized for being used as a tool to maintain the status quo. In this view, encouraging kindness can serve as a means to pacify dissent and distract from systemic injustices. For instance, those in positions of power might use the language of kindness to discourage criticism or protest.

Despite these challenges and criticisms, the importance of promoting and practicing kindness cannot be understated. The key is to approach kindness holistically and nuancedly, recognizing its potential to alleviate immediate suffering and contribute to systemic change. It involves practicing kindness authentically, focusing on both personal actions and systemic solutions, and ensuring that it is not used as a tool to maintain unjust systems. Ultimately, kindness must be coupled with justice and equity to bring about meaningful, lasting change.


In the face of 21st-century challenges, kindness remains an essential guiding principle for the United States. As the country continues to evolve, kindness has the potential to bridge divides, alleviate suffering, and create a more inclusive and empathetic society. The practice of kindness in everyday life, in policy-making, and in social structures can help foster unity and understanding.

Kindness, therefore, should not be perceived as merely a moral virtue but as a pragmatic strategy for building a harmonious future. Encouraging kindness at all levels—individual, community, and institutional—is critical for the prosperity and well-being of the nation. As the American novelist Henry James once said, “Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind.” This assertion rings true today more than ever. As the United States strides into the future, it carries with it the beacon of kindness, illuminating the path toward a more compassionate and unified nation.

This I Believe: Essay about Kindness

Once while waiting to be picked up after school at a store parking lot, I was standing alone texting my mom that I had arrived. A nice, old lady, carrying bursting bags of groceries, changed her route to her car and came over to me instead. She asked if I was okay or needed anything and I told her that I was alright. She nodded and smiled, then walked away. She probably never thought of it again, it was just a normal part of her day, but for me, I realized that kindness, no matter how small, is a big influence in the world. The kind lady changed her usual course to make sure I was ok. She was a successful person, maybe not professionally, but personally. I realized that kindness is a path that can lead you to a future of success.

It might not always seem like kindness is important, but it is. It is the way people see you and it is a way to show that you care about others. Kindness doesn’t have to be doing something that takes a lot of time and effort, or even expensive, it could be smiling or talking with someone, a compliment, or a thank you note. Even asking a stranger if they are okay. No one is impressed or looking for someone who can intimidate or manipulate other people, but someone who chooses to spend their time being kind to others.

There are many benefits of kindness that can help in career and future success. For example, it can make you and others feel happier and publicly positive. In addition, you will leave a good impression on those around you, especially if you are looking to get a job or a friend. Being kind can set you apart from other people, and organizations could be attracted to your kind and good working qualities. Furthermore, being kind can help you avoid sad or mean situations and conversations. People will be happy to talk with you and will feel overall happy, positive, and willing to work with you. Finally, people are like dominoes, in which one person does a small and simple kind thing to someone else, which spreads, slowly touching other people’s lives, making each person’s day just a little bit better.

In my opinion, kindness can make significant and positive changes in friendships, careers, and future life if you just take that step on the path of kindness. It doesn’t take much effort to do something kind, and it shouldn’t be a task you do grudgingly, but one that you strive to accomplish to make another person’s day great and to have a successful future.