Eric can tell stories and jokes and describe incidents from his own experiences using a clear voice. He is able to retell stories, ordering events using story language. Eric has made excellent progress using his phonetic understanding to read and spell unknown or difficult words. He can write simple stories independently demonstrating good knowledge of blends and diagraphs. He has made excellent progress learning how to identify the main events and characters in stories and then use this information when retelling books he has read during morning English lessons. His handwriting continues to show improvement where most of Eric’s letters are correctly formed and orientated with finger spaces between words. Eric is developing his ability to take turns to speak, listen to others’ suggestions and talk about his own opinions in group discussions. He speaks confidently during ‘Show and Tell’ sessions answering questions and describing objects. Eric is also able to make authentic connections to his prior knowledge when engaging, exploring, investigating and communicating. He shares and discusses ideas to make his thinking visible to his classmates and teachers. Eric enjoys all areas of Mathematics; he is able to continue simple number sequences and identify all regular 2D shapes and some 3D shapes. He is able to perform simple additions and subtractions using his fingers, cubes, a number line or other counting tools. It has been a pleasure to be his kindergarten teacher and I enjoyed watching him grow!
George has had a terrific school year. He has progressed and grown immensely since the beginning of the school year. George can recognize and name all letters of the alphabet and he can demonstrate all associated sounds and actions. He is able to use his knowledge of letters and sound-symbol relationships in order to read words and to establish meaning when reading aloud to adults. George is developing confidence when speaking to teachers and his peers. He is beginning to be able to sit and listen attentively to his peers during class discussions and when prompted, he will answer questions. George will participate in Shared Writing activities by offering a letter sound or coming up to the whiteboard to write a word for the class. He has memorized a number of high-frequency words and can now write many of them without needing to look at a model in order to complete simple sentences e.g. “I love my book”. As George explores, he is beginning to talk about the results of his explorations. When encouraged or prompted by a teacher, he is beginning to ask meaningful questions in relation to the activity. When faced with a task that is challenging for him he is now persisting for longer periods of time, rather than giving up in the early stages of the activity. I am happy to see him using strategies such as breaking big tasks down into smaller, more manageable pieces, working with friends to accomplish goals, and trying again when a plan that he has does not work out the first time. It has been a pleasure to be his kindergarten teacher and I enjoyed watching him grow!
It has been a pleasure to be William’s kindergarten teacher this year. I have been extremely impressed with Williams’s progress to date in this curriculum area; he demonstrates a very positive attitude when approaching all Literacy activities! William can recognize and name all letters of the alphabet and can demonstrate the sound and actions for all of these letters. He can speak clearly and use good words to explain and develop his ideas during group discussions. William’s handwriting is showing much improvement, he is consistently using lowercase letters and working on keeping all of his letters the same size. He is beginning to try to spell words using his phonological understanding. He is able to hear the initial and final sounds in CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words allowing him to try to spell both familiar and unfamiliar words. He is very good in recognizing the digraphs -ch, -sh, and -th and uses this knowledge to improve his reading and writing. When reading, William is beginning to recognize familiar words in the text, including sight words, and patterned word groups. William has moved from simply being able to read individual words to comprehending more complex texts. I have enjoyed watching William grow and learn in K2.
Valery has had a great school year. She has progressed and grown immensely since the beginning of the school year because she values learning. Valery knows when it is important to ignore distractions and focus on the class activity; while listening to a story that is being read aloud to the class, when doing a group activity on the carpet, when engaging in Shared Reading, etc…She is a self-motivated learner who approaches learning tasks independently and with confidence. Valery has learned and retained sounds, blends and digraphs at an impressive rate which has allowed her to read independently. She has made a staggering amount of progress in reading and writing this term, demonstrating great potential to achieve within these areas in the future. Valery is beginning to use reading strategies to help her understand the meaning of unfamiliar texts. At the beginning of the year, she would mostly guess words based on the picture that she observed. Now, she looks at the picture for clues, stretches out the words and uses the individual sounds that she hears to figure out the word, finds small, recognizable parts to help her “chunk” the word, and uses her knowledge of high-frequency words. It has been a pleasure to be her kindergarten teacher and I enjoyed watching her excel in kindergarten.
Boa has learned so much this year in kindergarten. Boa was more of an observer during discussions about books earlier this year. Now she is participating more by saying what she thinks a book is about, talking about her favorite part, or making a prediction part way through a text. She is beginning to try to spell words using her phonological understanding. She is able to hear the initial and final sounds in CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words allowing her to try to spell both familiar and unfamiliar words. She is very good in recognizing the digraphs -ch, -sh and -th and uses this knowledge to improve her reading and writing. When reading, Boa is beginning to recognize familiar words in the text, including sight words, and patterned word groups. She can use sentence starters ( I see, I can, I love )and use them to write simple sentences (I see a dog, I see a cat, etc). She was very interested in our plant unit and liked growing her plant from a seed. Boa’s increased confidence has allowed her to become more independent. Boa now completes assignments in the time allotted. Boa has progressed from simply copying words and names from around the room to writing simple sentences “I see my mom” to using a combination of sentence starters and her knowledge of letter sounds to sound out the last word of a sentence “I see a ct” for “I see a cat”. It has been a pleasure to be her kindergarten teacher and I enjoyed watching her grow!
Romney has had a terrific school year. He has progressed and grown immensely since the start of kindergarten. He has made great progress in reading and speaking this term. Romney is an advanced reader who enjoys reading for fun. He has progressed at a rate above age-related expectations. He is able to hear the initial and final sounds in CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words allowing him to try to spell both familiar and unfamiliar words. He is very good in recognizing the digraphs -ch, -sh and -th and uses this knowledge to improve his reading and writing. However, encouraging Romney to try his best and to create quality work will help As Romney does not often choose to write on his own, and therefore needs to develop more interest in writing. Romney recognizes that people can have differing points of view. When playing in a group, he allows others to input their ideas and listens to their opinions.
He demonstrates an awareness of numbers, using concrete materials to explore and investigate counting, quantity, and number relationships. It has been a pleasure to be his kindergarten teacher and I enjoyed watching him excel in K2.
Alison has had a great school year. She has progressed and grown immensely since the beginning of the school year because she has strong work ethic skills. Her determination to do well has supported her academic growth. She makes good choices, is accountable, and is well-liked by her peers. Alison’s self-efficacy skills and determination has allowed her to be very successful in K2. She is inquisitive and asks higher-level questions. She enjoys applying literacy to real-world experiences and initiating classroom discussions. Alison loves to talk about her interests and often enters the class with a story to tell about what she has done on the weekend, or what her plans are for that evening. She is an excellent reader and writer and has met the benchmark expectations for reading and writing. She contributes great ideas during whole group instruction and when working cooperatively with her peers. She speaks confidently during ‘Show and Tell’ sessions answering questions and describing objects. She is also able to make authentic connections to her prior knowledge when engaging, exploring, investigating and communicating. Alison enjoys all areas of Mathematics; she is able to continue simple number sequences and identify all regular 2D shapes and some 3D shapes. She is able to perform simple additions and subtractions using his fingers, cubes, a number line or other counting tools. It has been a pleasure to be her kindergarten teacher and I enjoyed watching her grow!
Coco is a very sweet girl. Coco has formed bonds and friendships with children in the class despite her shyness Coco enjoys experimenting with instruments to make music in new and interesting ways. For example, she drummed on different areas of our drum to see the different sounds that it makes. Coco lacks confidence in herself when writing. Although she has a good grasp of the majority of letter sounds, she is not yet using this knowledge to help her independently sound out the individual sounds in words. Building the confidence to sound out simple words independently is a goal for Coco. Coco enjoyed learning about plants and sharing observations from her plant journal with her friends. It was a pleasure to be her kindergarten teacher. I enjoyed watching her grow!
Royce has had a terrific school year. She has progressed and grown immensely since the beginning of the school year because she values learning. Royce has learned and retained sounds, blends and digraphs at an impressive rate which has allowed her to read independently. She has made a staggering amount of progress in reading and writing this term, demonstrating great potential to achieve within these areas in the future. Royce uses reading strategies to help her understand the meaning of unfamiliar texts. At the beginning of the year, she would mostly guess words based on the picture that she observed. Now, she looks at the picture for clues, stretches out the words and uses the individual sounds that she hears to figure out the word, finds small, recognizable parts to help her “chunk” the word, and uses her knowledge of high-frequency words. Royce loves to write. She will independently write outside of class time at the English center. There, she will write full sentences using words she has just learned. Royce works out her ideas and theories and uses what she already knows to deepen her understanding and further her learning. She makes authentic connections to her prior knowledge when engaging, exploring, investigating and communicating, and as Royce explores, she observes the results of her explorations and asks meaningful and thought-provoking questions. Royce enjoyed learning about plants and sharing observations from her plant journal with her friends. It was a pleasure to be her kindergarten teacher. I enjoyed watching Royce grow!
Adon has had a terrific year of kindergarten. He has progressed and grown since the beginning of the school year. He especially made great progress in reading and writing this term. He has progressed at a rate above age-related expectations. He is beginning to develop greater independence as a learner and thinker within the classroom. Don can make predictions and observations before and during investigations. For example, During our observations of living and non-living things, Adon said, “I think that plants are like animals because they both need water. If we don’t water our plants, they will die.” Adon is innately curious, and can often be observed and heard exploring, building, creating and asking questions naturally within the classroom. As Adon explores, he observes the results of his explorations and asks meaningful and thought-provoking questions. Adon uses a variety of reading strategies to help him understand the meaning of different texts. He looks at the picture for clues, stretches out the words and uses the individual sounds that he hears to figure out the word, and finds small, recognizable parts to help him “chunk” the word – e.g. finding “-ing” in “walking”, uses his knowledge of high-frequency words). Adon enjoys all areas of Mathematics; he is able to continue simple number sequences and identify all regular 2D shapes and some 3D shapes. He is able to perform simple additions and subtractions using his fingers, cubes, a number line or other counting tools. It has been a pleasure to be his kindergarten teacher and I enjoyed watching him grow!
Eleven has made excellent progress across all curriculum areas this term. It has been a pleasure to watch him learn so many new concepts and the enjoyment shown in his face when he masters a new skill. He has shown much progress socially within the class, he now raises his hand when he wants to speak and listens attentively to others during discussions. Eleven has a lovely nature and a good sense of humor which I enjoy. Eleven is a naturally curious student who expresses a desire to make sense of his
environment by asking questions and initiating discussions. He offers suggestions to his peers during investigations, and confidently poses problems of his own. He highly enjoys open-ended investigations into a question or problem posed by the teacher. He participates actively in finding problems and then discovering how to solve them. Eleven uses a variety of reading strategies to help him understand the meaning of different texts. He looks at the picture for clues, stretches out the words and uses the individual sounds that he hears to figure out the word, and finds small, recognizable parts to help him “chunk” the word – e.g. finding “-ing” in “walking”, uses his knowledge of high-frequency words. It has been a pleasure to be his kindergarten teacher and I enjoyed watching him excel in K2.
Harry is a lovely boy. He has grown immensely since the start of the year. He has begun to choose better ways to respond to and reflect on situations in which he becomes upset. He is beginning to talk about what went wrong and why, and how they can fix it next time. He now sees the connection between what he does and what happens as a consequence. Harry is demonstrating an increased interest in writing by writing random strings of letters and telling the teacher what he “wrote”. This has been an important step in his writing skills. When reading, Harry can use left-to-right directionality and point to the words as he reads them. Harry enjoyed learning about plants and sharing observations from his plant journal with his friends. It has been a pleasure to be his kindergarten teacher and watch him grow.
Wilson has had a terrific school year. He has progressed and grown immensely since the start of the year. Wilson is reminded to take his time with writing to ensure that it is legible and that others can read it. Wilson has had a terrific school year. He has progressed and grown immensely since the beginning of the school year because he values learning. Wilson is beginning to use letter-sound relationships to read and write. He is beginning to implement decoding strategies and should continue to read throughout the summer. Wilson is proud of his recent accomplishment of understanding subtraction. He understands addition and subtraction concepts and he should continue to add and subtract this summer as well as practice identifying coins. He can also discuss the importance of each of the parts of a flower to ensure that the plant remains healthy. His eagerness and determination to learn new things should be fostered. Wilson was a pleasure to have in kindergarten!
Bella has had a fabulous kindergarten school year. She is an advanced reader and writer. She contributes great ideas during whole group instruction and when working cooperatively with her peers. Bella makes good choices, is accountable, and is well-liked by his peers. I am impressed with her eagerness to learn. Bella’s self-efficacy skills and determination has allowed her to be successful in K2. She looks at the picture for clues, stretches out the words and uses the individual sounds that he hears to figure out the word, and finds small, recognizable parts to help her “chunk” the word – e.g. finding “-ing” in “walking”, uses her knowledge of high-frequency words. Bella enjoys all areas of Mathematics; she is able to continue simple number sequences and identify all regular 2D shapes and some 3D shapes. She is able to perform simple additions and subtractions using her fingers, cubes, a number line or other counting tools. Bella enjoyed learning about plants and sharing observations from her plant journal with her friends. It has been a pleasure to be her kindergarten teacher and I enjoyed watching her excel in K2.
Iwa’s confidence has blossomed this term. She has made excellent progress across all curriculum areas, but most notably in Literacy and speaking. Iwa has learned and retained sounds, blends, and digraphs at an impressive rate which has allowed her to begin reading independently. Iwa has made a staggering amount of progress in Literacy this term, demonstrating great potential to achieve within these areas in the future. Iwa is showing more interest in reading this term. She is listening more intently to read-aloud, is beginning to show preferences when choosing books from the library and is demonstrating more stamina when looking at pictures during Rest & Read time. As Iwa explores, she is beginning to talk about the results of her explorations. When encouraged or prompted by a teacher, she asks meaningful questions in relation to the activity. She enjoyed learning about plants and sharing observations from her plant journal with her friends. It has been a pleasure to be her kindergarten teacher and I enjoyed watching her grow!
Wei Wei has had a terrific school year. She has progressed and grown immensely since the beginning of the school year. She is proud of her recent accomplishments. Wei Wei will now ask the teacher to read a book that she has brought from home or that she has borrowed from the library, demonstrating personal preferences in reading materials. However, Wei Wei is reluctant to participate in discussions about stories read aloud. When called upon, she will sometimes contribute a one-word answer. At home, encourage Wei Wei to talk about books that you have read. Ask her what she thinks the book is about by looking at the cover, ask what her favorite part was, who was the funniest character, what she thinks will happen next, etc. Engaging in and talking about books at home in a more comfortable setting will help Wei Wei to have more confidence to talk about these things during class time. During the ‘Plant unit’ documenting and recording observations of her plant was highly motivating for Wei Wei. She enjoyed drawing her observations throughout the plant unit and sharing it with her peers. It has been a pleasure to be her kindergarten teacher and I enjoyed watching her excel in kindergarten.
Alice was a pleasure to teach. She is an exceptional reader and writer. She reads for enjoyment independently and reads for fun to her peers. Her great ideas are expressed in her writing and she has enjoyed using her creativity to write alternate endings to stories. She has progressed from simply copying words and names from around the room to writing simple sentences “I see my cat” to using a combination of sentence starters and her knowledge of letter sounds to sound out to write more complex sentences. I am impressed with Alice’s eagerness to learn. Alice’s confidence has blossomed this term. She has made excellent progress across all curriculum areas, but most notably in Literacy and speaking. She has learned and retained sounds, blends and digraphs at an impressive rate which has allowed her to begin reading independently. She loved learning about the life cycle of a plant and was excited to share her knowledge and experiences. It was a pleasure to be her kindergarten teacher and I enjoyed watching Alice grow!
Emma is a delightful girl who is polite and well-mannered at all times. She is a delight to teach as she approaches all activities with a positive attitude and ‘a thirst’ to learn new things. Emma is making progress at levels above age-related expectations in all subject areas. She has shown progress both academically and in terms of confidence, this term; Emma will now attempt all activities, even if they look a little tricky at the beginning! Emma is an excellent role model to her peers and always demonstrates our daily ‘Key Behaviors’ in the classroom and when meeting adults. She is always well-prepared for school and always joins in classroom discussions and speaks with increasing confidence. Looking ahead, Emma should continue to develop her vocabulary through the reading of both fiction and non-fiction books as this will stand her in good stead to develop her writing skills further. She is an excellent reader and writer. She is highly motivated to express her ideas in variety of ways. She has met rigorous academic expectations and always strives to do her best! She makes good choices and is well-liked by her peers. I am impressed with her eagerness to learn and her dedication! She enjoyed drawing her observations throughout the plant unit and sharing it with her peers. It has been a pleasure to be her kindergarten teacher and I enjoyed watching her excel in kindergarten.
Angelia is a delightful kindergartener. She is an excellent reader and writer and has met benchmarks for reading and writing. Her curiosity and eagerness to learn does not go unnoticed. She is inquisitive and asks higher-level questions. She enjoys applying literacy to real-world experiences and initiating classroom discussions. Angelia loves to talk about her interests and often enters the class with a story to tell about what she has done on the weekend, or what her plans are for that evening. She loved learning about the life cycle of a plant and was excited to share her knowledge and experiences. Angelia understands that the inquiry process helps us to discover new information and to confirm or question our theories about the world. She is always questioning how things work or why things are the way they are and is genuinely interested in the answer and how she can apply what she has learned in her everyday life. Angelia enjoys selecting and using materials to carry out her own explorations. For example, she drew a picture of her plant to show how much it had grown, she uses classroom materials such as tape and string in inventive ways in order to make creations that she would like to make. It has been a pleasure to be her kindergarten teacher and I enjoyed watching her excel in kindergarten.
Ron has had a terrific school year. He has progressed and grown immensely since the start of kindergarten. Ron excitedly communicates the results and findings from investigations; he will often make discoveries outdoors, and ask to bring these discoveries inside to share or ask questions about rocks, sticks, insects, and interesting leaves. Ron can now locate sentence starters “I see”, “I like”, “I have” etc and will use it to compose simple sentences e.g. “I see my mom and”, “ I like my toy”… Ron knows to look at pictures before beginning a book and uses his prior knowledge and prediction skills to help him understand the story and determine what will happen. Ron can recognize and name the leaf, flower, stem and root of flowering plants on a diagram. He can also discuss the importance of each of the parts of a flower to ensure that the plant remains healthy. He is able to perform simple additions and subtractions using his fingers, cubes, a number line or other counting tools. It has been a pleasure to be his kindergarten teacher and I enjoyed watching him excel in K2.
Tammy has had a great school year. She has progressed and grown immensely since the beginning of the school year because she values learning. She is respectful towards all adults she works with within the school and is always polite and well-mannered. It has been a joy to work with Tammy this year and support the great progress she has made thus far. She has astounded me with her positive approach toward all curriculum areas and her thirst for new learning is astonishing! Tammy enjoys open-ended investigations and initiates classroom discussions. She is starting to find problems and then discover how to solve them. Tammy uses a variety of reading strategies to help her understand the meaning of different texts. She looks at the picture for clues, stretches out the words and uses the individual sounds that she hears to figure out the word, and finds small, recognizable parts to help her “chunk” the word – e.g. finding “-ing” in “walking”, uses her knowledge of high-frequency words. She can also discuss the importance of each of the parts of a flower to ensure that the plant remains healthy. She is able to perform simple additions and subtractions using his fingers, cubes, a number line, or other counting tools. It has been a pleasure to be her kindergarten teacher and I enjoyed watching her excel in K2.
Kai is a lovely boy and I have really enjoyed working alongside him and getting to know him this year. Kai loves to share ideas and jokes with close friends during learning centers, outdoor activities, and imaginative play. It is in these more informal settings that he is the most vocal with others. Kai is beginning to enjoy sharing what he has made with the class. At the beginning of the year, he was more of an observer during Sharing Time; now, he confidently shares his creations and answers questions about what he has made. Kai is reluctant to write independently for fear of making a mistake. He prefers to have a word written so that he can copy it, or will ask the teacher to sound out each individual sound for him to write down. When encouraged to attempt to write a word on his own, Kai will ask a teacher or friends for guidance. Kai can recognize and name the leaf, flower, stem, and root of flowering plants on a diagram. He can also discuss the importance of each of the parts of a flower to ensure that the plant remains healthy. He is able to perform simple additions and subtractions using his fingers, cubes, a number line or other counting tools. I enjoyed watching Kai grow!