Most of us work very hard and have little extra time or money to spare, so
how w
Most of us work very hard and have little extra time or money to spare, so
how we choose to spend our free time, money and energy should be
considered very carefully. That is where review articles can be most helpful
to readers. Whether readers agree or disagree with your perspective, they
almost always value an honest assessment and evaluation of a work of art,
a restaurant, an entertainment venue, or a product when determining
whether or not to make an investment of their time and money.
Traditionally for this assignment, students choose to write about either
artistic events (plays, art gallery openings, music concerts), artistic or
entertainment products (books, movies, paintings, video games) or
culinary establishments. However, if you would prefer to review an
industrial product, instead, you can do so. Regardless of what you choose
to review, you must research it thoroughly in order to gain enough
information about it to be able to give an in-depth review and an
explanation for your judgment and the criteria you used to for evaluation.
As you work on this assignment, ask yourself the following questions:
• What would I, as a reader, need to know about the book, movie,
play, video game, car, restaurant, or computer to make decision
about it?
• What information can I find out about its production that might
explain its successes or failures? For example, what artist/s
performed or produced the work of art or what company produced
the product? How talented or experienced are these individuals?
What kind of resources (budget, schedule, location) were at their
• How does what I am reviewing stack up to other restaurants, books/
movies of its genre, etc.?
• How can I articulate the criteria I am basing my evaluation and ultimate
judgment on?
• Have I revealed any biases or preconceived notions I may have toward
the artist, genre, or company?