Nuestro gobierno es el sistema que crea las reglas y las leyes que guían nuestro

Nuestro gobierno es el sistema que crea las reglas y las leyes que guían nuestro

Nuestro gobierno es el sistema que crea las reglas y las leyes que guían nuestro país. El gobierno incluye a las personas que redactan las leyes y a las que se aseguran de que esas leyes se cumplan. Nuestro gobierno se basa en el imperio de la ley.
En el mundo, hay distintos tipos de gobierno. Los estados unidos son una república. En una república, los ciudadanos tienen el poder de escoger a los líderes que crean las leyes y las reglas del país. Un ciudadano es un miembro oficial de un país.
Nuestras república es una democracia. En una democracia, el poder del gobierno surge del apoyo del pueblo. Los líderes elegidos representan al pueblo. Si el pueblo está descontento con el gobierno, puedes escoger líderes nuevos en las siguientes elecciones.
Una de las funciones del gobierno es crear leyes y las reglas para el bien común del pueblo. Esas leyes y reglas crean condiciones seguras para que las personas puedan vivir y trabajar. Por ejemplo, las leyes de tránsito hacen que las calles sean seguras. Las leyes contra la contaminación permiten que podamos respirar un aire más limpio. Sin estas leyes, los individuos podrían sentirse con mayor libertad para actuar de una forma que moleste a los demás.
El gobierno también brinda servicios y bienes públicos. Estos servicios incluyen el correo que distribuye un empleado del servicio postal. Cuando el empleado de un parque repara un columpio en un área de juego pública, o Cuando un maestro de una escuela pública enseña historia, también están brindando servicios gubernamentales. Los naves espaciales y los aviones del ejército.
Las familias, los clubes y las organizaciones benéficas también sirven a la población de nuestro país. Las familias de un vecindario suelen ayudarse entre si cuando una familia lo necesita. Un grupo de una esquina transitada. Una organización beneficia local puede recaudar dinero o reunir ropa para ayudar a las víctimas de un terremoto o una inundación.

I am currently in the process of writing my master’s dissertation, which consist

I am currently in the process of writing my master’s dissertation, which consist

I am currently in the process of writing my master’s dissertation, which consists of 10,000-12,000 words, and it is about global health governance. My dissertation is without a literature review or methodology chapter. The methodology used is qualitative, consisting of critical analysis, case study, literature, and show some documents, academics articles and legislations. my outline will be two chapter with an intro and conclusion the first one about global health governance and the role of WHO of managing pandemics over the years and the second chapter about covid-19 especially. and I didn’t know how to be critical and while I am writing I noticed it all descriptive more than critical and the reason why because I don’t have any problem to critics. So, I tried to add problem which is mental health but now I feel like I have two focuses instead of one and sometimes I’m saying it is normal since it is a dissertation and it should be abroad while other times, I said no it should have one focus either global health governance and the role of WHO managing pandemics or mental health problems. what is your academic opinion and can u provide an outline according to your opinion?
No plagiarism

The Influence of Transnational Policing on Organized Crime and Its Development

The Influence of Transnational Policing on Organized Crime and Its Development

Transnational policing is most frequently quoted as a solution to organized crime. Organized crime is a global phenomenon beyond the scope of any one agency or jurisdiction to deal with alone. So cooperation, international law enforcement, mutual legal assistance and transnational criminal investigation and knowledge or information helps to control the risk of such crime across the world. The capacity to communicate around the world has radically increased through personal computers and mobile telephone and opens up new possibilities for horizontal communication and collaboration among police officers in the field. Organized crime as its name indicate, illegal activity which is done by the coordination of more than one country criminals and therefore, to tackle it successfully, police need to seek cooperation partners across borders to share intelligence, coordinate operations, secure evidence, and track down suspects. In general the main cause of the development of transnational policing is due to the increased problem of transnational organized crime and terrorism across countries from time to time.

The Purpose of the Review

The main purpose of this article review is to examine the influence of transnational policing on organized crime and its development in international context.

The General Overview of the Articles and Its Critics

When the world is becoming economically, politically, socially and technologically connected and, then organized crime becomes beyond the competence of the traditional criminal justice investigative agencies such as police forces and customs agencies and the national government also unable to control it by itself (Ben Bowling, 2009). And it follows, therefore, that collaborative and coordinated effort is required to translate different and differing national capacities and capabilities into an effective multilateral mechanism against organized crime and establish policing in its international context is an obligatory (Clive Harfield, 2008).

In the world police officers share a distinctive attitude and their job is well established. In any one police organization there is no single police culture; they share a set of assumptions, values, modes of thinking, and acting. Perceptions of occupational commonality are nowadays reinforced by the widely shared conviction that police forces must cooperate if they are to respond effectively to the crime and insecurity facilitated by globalization and form intergovernmental organizations such as European Union and Interpol with shared professional standards to tackle organized crime across countries (Alice Hills, 2009).

Transnational policing in the past decade was neither well organized nor systematized and policing on organized crime is an ambitious. The co-operative development has been connected to the post 9/11 responses in the so-called war on terror that have reinforced the context of collaboration amongst certain partner nations. It is characterized by defensive in its widest sense. However, todays transnational policing is highly planned, coordinated, systematized and transnational networks have become more extensive, intensive and faster flowing, global forces are having a greater local impact (Clive Harfield, 2008).

In general, the current transnational policing develops itself through different mechanisms such as in the light of UN peacekeeping, by developing National Intelligence Model which helps to apply intelligence led policing to collect and evaluate information and problem oriented policing to analysis, identify the problem and effective use of resources, and by connecting the local, the national and international police based on the concept of threat and harm, rather than geography (Hills, Harfield, Bowling and Gilmour).

Even if today’s transnational policing is highly organized, coordinated, technologically advanced and shift its nature from time to time; in my critical point of view for I see no such convinced evidence of such cooperation’s of transnational policing practically reduce the risk of organized crime because its inhuman consequences increases from time to time and it is also a conspiracy of the states and a business for many states, its influence goes forever unless they stop their political conspiracy as well as egoist interests. Indeed my assessment relies on subjective evidence, rather than a systematic evidential basis, but so, too, do the claims made on behalf of transnational policing.

In addition in my stand, using policing models especially zero tolerance policing model can play a great role in controlling organized crime in combination with other models.

The methodologies which were used by authors when they prepared the articles is Qualitative method that are: Descriptive, explanatory and normative design to understand transnational policing practices and sketch out an agenda, Descriptive design to describe the developments of transnational policing in different decades, Case study to discuss the problems associated with a crime management model and Explanatory design to offer an explanation of transnational policing limitations based on the primacy of sub state practice over international standards (Hills, Harfield, Bowling and Gilmour).

The methodologies they used were correct, but in my stand for the purpose of deep understanding, to discover and describe the culture of organized criminal groups and assist us greater insight into organized crime, it is better to use ethnographic research design study.

In general the articles assessed the development of transnational policing in the past decades and todays, the way it develops, the information it uses and it’s changing due to increasing global criminal activity.

My argument is that even if indeed, there is a great change in different ways, its effectiveness is on question mark, because organized crime becomes beyond its capacity and still debatable.

These articles review policing in international context by showing the experiences of different countries across the world in combination and or the experiences of the nations, taken as an example to apply in other countries. In general, the articles analyzed policing at international, national and local context then coordinate each other to tackle organized crime.

The major questions rose by the authors: What are reasonable conditions in the coordination of organized crime policing? What are prerequisites of policing of organized crime in international context? What are problems associated to crime management model and the merits of different models of policing that work to counter transnational organized crime? To what extent the coordination of transnational policing can be effective and efficient at all nations? How to link local policing activity with the effort to tackle national and transnational criminality? And the perspectives used by authors include social constructive perspective, community perspective, human right perspective, and national and international perspectives (Hills, Harfield, Bowling and Gilmour).

In my understanding the articles undergo with some weaknesses: explanations of transnational policing mostly focused on the experience of power full states, the articles mostly explored reactive measures to control organized crime, and the articles are not clearly show the effectiveness of the coordination of policing of organized crime and the coordination mostly focused on police organization, it should be consider other sectors.


The world becomes full of challenges, policing needs to solve such challenges through cooperation and coordination with different concerned bodies’ especially international crimes should need an integrated system of transnational policing. In the past decades transnational policing was not as much coordinated to tackle organized crime but the modern transnational policing are highly organized, coordinated and systematized but its effectiveness is not such satisfactory. Generally, the articles were extensively focused on the coordination and cooperation of transnational policing in different ways in order to block organized crime across different countries. While in addition to this; the future researchers will first identify the root causes and pushing factors that leads to commit organized crime and try to devise strategies to prevent it before the commission unless the world might become under the control of it. Generally, transnational policing is a basic instrument to tackle organized crime.


It is recommended that Organized Crime is a risk for every one or every nation forever, so adopting common criminal code should be homework for the world or each nation and researchers should show this gap every time which is obstacle to apply transnational policing in coordination to reduce the risk of such serious crime. It is recommended that future research will be focused on creating trust between the states that the issues is not a political rather security. The transnational policing should be held as a policy in every nation to address issues rose by organized crime and employed highly intellectual individuals will be preserved.


  1. Alice Hills, (2009). The Possibility of Transnational Policing, Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy, 19:3, 300-317, DOI:10.1080/10439460902871363
  2. Ben Bowling, (2009). Transnational Policing: The Globalization Thesis, a Typology and a Research Agenda London CSF Associates: Publius, Inc.
  3. Clive Harfield, (2008). The Organization of Organized Crime Policing and Its International Context Australia SAGE Publications.
  4. Stan Gilmour & Robert France, (2011). Local policing and transnational organized crime, International Review of Law, Computers & Technology, 25:1-2, 17-26, DOI:10.1080/13600869.2011.594644

Title: Research Paper ● Formalities: APA – for this assignment, you must follo

Title: Research Paper
● Formalities: APA
– for this assignment, you must follo

Title: Research Paper
● Formalities: APA
– for this assignment, you must follow the APA formalities.
– 50% of your work will be based on the accuracy of the AP citation rule
– your paper must include: (1) 10+ journal references, (2) 10+ law references, and (3) 5+ cases references
– The details of the APA citation can be found at the following links
Ref1 (brief):
Ref (detailed):
topic is (Gendered Diplomacy: An Analysis of Women’s Participation in International Relations in Saudi Arabia)
● Format
– While there is no unified format for the paper, your paper should include the following items
– Points will be distributed as follows: analysis of existing argument (35%), analysis of existing law and theories (35%), your argument (20%), introduction (10%)
Details of The Format/Structure
● Paragraph 1 – Background and Introduction
(1) Length: 200 words
(2) Content:
– outline the purpose of the paper
– outline the structure of the paper
– thesis statement
– find 2-3 news articles that discuss the issue
– summarize the articles (following the APA citation rule)
– then, in the last paragraph, write a statement that highlights the need to explore this topic
● Paragraph 2 – Legal References
(1) Length: 200 words
(2) Content:
– In this section, please include all relevant laws about your topic
– You should be specific as to the law (Name of the Law, Number of the Article, and Legal Statutory designation of the law) [E.g., Article 2, Basic Law of Governance, No: A/90, Dated 27th Sha’ban 1412 H (1 March 1992)] [NOTE: this citation is critical in all academic research papers]
– You do not have to write out in full what the article relates to but must indicate the Article designation.
– When listing relevant laws, you should try to introduce (1) the history behind the law, (2) the purpose behind the law, and (3) the relationship among the laws you are using for this paper
NOTE: make sure you refer to the specific legal provisions instead of the generic law itself. The purpose of your paper is not to compare the entire law but a specific aspect/topic within the law.
● Paragraph 3 – Policy References, Announcements from the Government, and/or Judicial Decisions
(1) Length: 200 words
(2) Content:
– In this section, you are going to introduce developments in policy, government announcements, and judicial decisions from the courts about the topic
– For some topics, you will not be able to find an English version, so it is ok to rely on an Arabic version for your reference
– When you are referring to these sources, provide the official name/document number/date/year of the reference
– Briefly summarize why the policy/announcement/judicial decision you have mentioned is relevant to the topic
● Paragraph 4 – Existing Arguments and Journal
(1) Length: 200 words
(2) Content:
– this is the most critical aspect of the Literature Review: no matter what topic you choose, someone would have written about the issue through journals, blogs, etc.
– therefore, you must find ten different journals/blogs about this issue
– Then, summarize these arguments. However, when summarizing these different perspectives, try to categorize them into similar ideas.
● Paragraph 5 – Your Arguments
(1) Length: 200 words
(2) Content:
– NOW, you will start making your argument, and for this
a. please comment on the existing argument under Paragraph 4
you can criticize them, analyze them, or/and support them
b. please develop your argument
talk about what you argument is
tell the reader how they are similar and/or different from the existing argument
argue why your argument is appealing
support your argument with relevant facts
c. Talk about the anticipated outcome and contribution when your argument is realized
● Paragraph 6 – Conclusion
(1) Length: 200 words
(2) Content:
– highlight the need to conduct this research and address the topic
– summarize what you have written in Paragraphs 2, 3, 4, and 5
– emphasize your argument and the anticipated outcome and what further steps are required to realize your argument in reality.

I have attached the paper that needs to be revised. The literature review needs

I have attached the paper that needs to be revised. The literature review needs

I have attached the paper that needs to be revised. The literature review needs to be 8 pages. The literature review discusses three themes. We can’t have the case studies, which are the Nile, Euphrates, and Rio Grande, clash with the literature review. Revise the Literature Review and have more International Relations sochalors to use for the literature review and add it onto the Reference page as well. This is APA style paper. Let me know if you have any questions. Remeber that you must not talk about the case studies in the literature review.

I have attached the two comments my teacher made and the paper.For the next step, you need to add a methodology section.

I have attached the two comments my teacher made and the paper.For the next step, you need to add a methodology section.

I have attached the two comments my teacher made and the paper. For the next step, you need to add a methodology section. It is supposed to be 2 pages long. Here is the outline of it. 1. Why I selected my cases? ( because I am from the Middle East and want to bring more awareness to it as well as try to find a solution) 2. What are my factors? ( 2-3 factors only) based on my themes, my research question, and the potential types of evidence. 3. Write about each factor and use 10-15 references for the methodology part. 4. Write about each factor.
In the first 1-2 paragraphs, you will first state your factors, then state your research question, and finally, answer your research question. Then, you can move on to the outline that I provided above.

1. Revise the paper that is attached

1. Revise the paper that is attached

1. Revise the paper that is attached…. It is called a Topic Proposal Paper; the teacher will have comments for you to revise. post your revised introduction. The Research Question must be in the 3rd paragraph in BOLD type. Follow the research question with your argument. Then include paragraphs 4 and 5. No references needed. The topic proposal is the introduction.
Sample: Under what conditions is North Korea more likely to turn to military actions or threats towards its neighbors? In this paper, I argue that North Korea is more likely to turn to military actions or threats towards its neighbors when it needs to obtain aid due to domestic collapse, when it perceives escalation from the West, and when its leader fears a coup from the inside.
Tip: See how the answer above directly answers the research question? Go ahead and use language from the question itself in the ‘answer’ to make it direct and clear.
2. Also, you will answer these questions below about themes in the literature review. I have an outline literature review that talks about the themes. APA Style You will also have to revise the outline for literature review based on the example from last year. No plagiarism and no AI.
For the forum, post your RQ (Research Question), followed by 2-3 paragraphs that discuss the scholarly literature from one of your main themes. Remember that each paragraph should have 1 main point. Include the in-text citation (author, year). At the end of your paragraphs, include the full citations for all authors that you cited in APA style at the end. After your citations include a full outline of your lit review.
See the example from last year:
RQ: What factors have increased ethnic conflict in Southeast Asia?
The theories discussing ethnic conflict within international relations are often complicated and very distinct from one another. On one side you have primordialists, or essentialists, who argue that the ethnic tensions between groups are deep rooted and historical, therefore ethnic conflict is inevitable (Varshney, 2007). The most well-known primordialist is Donald Horowitz (1993) who argues that because of this deep-rooted hatred for one another, it makes democratization hard and there will always be an excluded ethnic group, thus resulting in ethnic conflict or violence. On the other side of the argument, you have scholars from the constructivist perspective who assert that the primordialist description of ethnic conflict is pessimistic (Chandra, 2005). In response to Horowitz, Chandra does not believe deep-rooted “ancient hatreds” play into modern ethnic conflict or that democratization plays into causing ethnic conflict, rather ethnicity is one of the factors that sustains democracy (2005).
In response to both theories, some scholars completely disagree with both assertions. Dodeye Uduak Williams (2015) is critical of both theories and says that ethnicity is too complicated to make so “over-simplistic” like primordialism and constructivism have. The author claims that such a narrow and one-dimensional explanation of ethnic conflict will solve nothing (2015). Similarly, to William’s assertion, Bruce Gilley (2004) claims that constructivism and primordialism both isolate ethnic conflict into a broad category which it simply cannot fit in. The author states ethnicity plays a role in identity and conflict, yet the two often get conflated with one another, this creates a “messy descriptive label for a bunch of unrelated phenomena” (2004).
Chandra, K. (2005). Ethnic Parties and Democratic Stability. Perspectives on Politics, 3(02).
Gilley, B. (2004). Against the concept of ethnic conflict. Third World Quarterly, 25(6), 1155–1166.
Horowitz, D. L. (1993). Democracy in Divided Societies. Journal of Democracy, 4(4), 18–38.
Varshney, A. (2007). Ethnicity and Ethnic Conflict. In The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Politics (pp. 274–294).
Williams, D. U. (2015). How Useful are the Main Existing Theories of Ethnic Conflict? Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 4(1).
Literature Review Outline
Theme 1: Ethnic conflict (3 pages)
– Define ethnic conflict—How am I approaching the subject? What definition am I using? What has been said about ethnic conflict?
– Primordialism and constructivism
– Security dilemma
Theme 2: Important factors leading to ethnic conflict (2-3 pages)
– Postcolonialism
– State building/democratization
– Economy
Theme 3: Ethnic conflict in Southeast Asia (2=3 pages)
– What is with the newfound prevalence?
– Important factors specific to SEA

Task summary: You are to write an essay analyzing the role of personal injury la

Task summary:
You are to write an essay analyzing the role of personal injury la

Task summary:
You are to write an essay analyzing the role of personal injury lawyers in advancing safety initiatives by assisting the injured, while also discussing ways individuals can promote personal and community safety in their daily lives.
Full order description:
Dear Freelancer,
please complete the task
A typed essay of 600+ words exploring how personal injury lawyers play a role leading safety initiatives by helping those injured and how you as an individual can promote personal and community safety into your everyday life.Nothing attached

I have attached the instructions. The second paper, called IR550, talks about my

I have attached the instructions. The second paper, called IR550, talks about my

I have attached the instructions. The second paper, called IR550, talks about my research so far. If you work with me on this I would to continue working on this project for the next 2-3 months.