Length: 250–300 words (research proposal), and a minimum of 10 entries (annotate

Length: 250–300 words (research proposal), and a minimum of 10 entries (annotate

Length: 250–300 words (research proposal), and a minimum of 10 entries (annotated bibliography)
Due: at the end of Unit 2 (approximately week 5)
Research Proposal
This is the first stage of your research paper/report. Submit a one-page document (approximately 250 to 300 words), using point form where appropriate. Outline and describe the process you went through to choose your research community, topic, and question. Explain why you decided to do research on this particular community, topic, and question. Describe your role in the community, whether you have permission to do the research, and the methods that you plan to use. Contact your tutor if you are unsure about how to proceed.
Annotated Bibliography
In addition to your research topic, submit a bibliography of grey literature and academic literature that you have collected to date (include 10–15 entries). Use the Chicago Manual of Style’s author-date format, as is used throughout.
After each bibliographic entry, provide an annotation, or brief descriiption, of what you have found and how it pertains to your research project. Here is an example of an annotation in a bibliography:
Agrawal, Arun. 1995. “Dismantling the Divide between Indigenous and Scientific Knowledge.” Development and Change 26: 413–439.
Although this article is over twenty years old, it is useful because it challenges the dichotomy of Indigenous and scientific knowledge. The article reminds the reader not to make assumptions and create “us and them” separations when defining terms.
Upload your completed assignment as a single document for marking and feedback from your tutor.
Assignment 1 Grading Criteria
Research proposal:
Content: 25%
Feasibility of research project: 25%
Annotated bibliography:
Appropriateness of bibliographic entries: 25%
Appropriateness and clarity of annotations: 25%

Length: 15–20 pages Due: at the end of Unit 7 (approximately week 21) Provide a

Length: 15–20 pages
Due: at the end of Unit 7 (approximately week 21)
Provide a

Length: 15–20 pages
Due: at the end of Unit 7 (approximately week 21)
Provide a written product that is the result of your community-based research project. It should be as long as it needs to be to answer your research question and to fully represent the information that you have gathered. Be sure that your formatting allows for the paper to be easily read. Reference any grey or academic literature that you use following the Chicago Manual of Style’s author-date format, as is used throughout ANTH 390.
Upload your completed assignment as a single document for marking and feedback from your tutor.
Assignment 5 Grading Criteria
Clarity (grammar, sentence structure, format): 30%
Content: 50%
Creativity and reflection: 20%

There are two parts to this discussion post. Please make sure you are completing

There are two parts to this discussion post. Please make sure you are completing

There are two parts to this discussion post. Please make sure you are completing both parts.
Part 1: Research and post an example of family mythology from popular media (commercials, magazines, TV shows, etc.). Address these questions:
What are the three common mythical images of The American Family? How have you bought into these myths?
Are there other images or idealizations you can think of that are not in the textbook or reading?
How are these mythical ideals of family part of public rhetoric?
What purpose could this ideals serve?
Part 2: Apply the Structural Diversity Approach to an analysis of your favorite TV family.
Describe your favorite TV family and include information about the show, setting, characters, and major dynamics between the characters.
Discuss the micro-level and macro-level social forces that affect this family.
In what ways do they embody the qualities and characteristics of modern family life described in your text?
How do they not represent these qualities and characteristics?

By Day 7 of Week 2, submit the Problem Statement Template you worked on in your

By Day 7 of Week 2, submit the Problem Statement Template you worked on in your

By Day 7 of Week 2, submit the Problem Statement Template you worked on in your third In Residence session. If you did not save the Problem Statement Template you worked on, or if you have changed your research focus, use the blank Problem Statement Formula Template Download Problem Statement Formula Templateyou can find in the “Resources” tab to begin formulating your problem statement. Create a Word document from the information you entered into the template, AND include a reference list at the end of the document.
Point Value: 0 Points
Weekly Learning Outcome Alignment: 1, 2
Course Learning Outcome Alignment: 2, 4
NEW Assignment Type: Please click here to review instructions on how to submit your assignment.Links to an external site.
Assignment Checklist
Problem Statement Content Criteria
Contain at least one or two paragraphs that convey the relevance of the over-arching topic in which the general and specific problems are grounded.
Identify a general problem associated with the topic that supports the need for additional research.
Identify a specific problem that is aligned with and related to the general problem, and that indicates what is problematic, how it is problematic and for whom it is problematic.
Be thoughtfully supported with evidence from current literature that reinforces the relevance of the topic, as well as the importance of the general and specific problems.
Conclude with a statement that explains how research could address the specific problem.
Writing and Style Criteria
Demonstrate a writing style that is clear and concise, with academic tone appropriate for the content and assignment.
The thesis statement should be clearly articulated, and the structure and flow of the assignment should be logical, with effective transitions.
Rules of grammar, punctuation, and spelling should be followed, and adherence to APA formatting requirements should be evident.
Research Criteria
Sources are credible (preferably peer-reviewed), varied, relevant, and current (published within past five years)
Use of seminal work (e.g. Freud) is encouraged.
Sources inform analysis, evaluation, problem-solving and decision-making.

(Human Services with emphasis in Psychology)-Mental health 1. Discuss the brain

(Human Services with emphasis in Psychology)-Mental health
1. Discuss the brain

(Human Services with emphasis in Psychology)-Mental health
1. Discuss the brainstorming process. What techniques did you try? Which techniques were most helpful? What kinds of decisions did you work your way through to formulate your topic?
2. This far, what is your research topic focus or area of interest for your applied project?
3. Provide your answers to the six big questions in relation to your topic focus (Who? What? When? Where? Why? and How?)
4. What is the purpose and audience of your research or applied project?
5. Identify active verbs (informational, relational, interpretation) that are pertinent to your research or area of interest. These will be helpful in forming your project title and thesis statement.
6. Blog posts should be between 250 – 450 words

Write a 1,000-1,500-word paper comparing neolocal families (families that establ

Write a 1,000-1,500-word paper comparing neolocal families (families that establ

Write a 1,000-1,500-word paper comparing neolocal families (families that establish themselves residentially away from other generations) and families who have multiple generations (more than two) living under the same household.
Address the following prompts in your paper:
Analyze and explain expectations for the different generations in each of these situations.
Identity and describe the issues surrounding attachment in children, parents, and grandparents in multigenerational homes.
Describe the benefits of each type of household.
Compare and contrast the difficulties of each type of household.
Use three or more scholarly resources to support your ideas.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide,

Nuts and Bolts Worth 15% of your grade in the course Due after completion of Uni

Nuts and Bolts
Worth 15% of your grade in the course
Due after completion of Uni

Nuts and Bolts
Worth 15% of your grade in the course
Due after completion of Unit 1
There are two elements to this assignment: a zine and a personal reflection
Zine Creation Instructions
Required Components
Physically make the zine with any materials available to you: paper, magazines, flyers, writing tools, paint, glue, tape, glitter, etc.
Take pictures of your zine pages and upload them to the course assignment drop box (see instructions below).
If, for accessibility reasons, you are not able to physically make a zine or you cannot take pictures of one, you could make an audio zine. Please contact your tutor to discuss other alternatives.
Read the Zines for Inspiration section at the end of Unit 1 before starting. Then, create each page of your zine by considering the following questions:
Page 1: What calls you or inspires you to be an activist?
Page 2: In your imagination, what does an ideal society look like?
Page 3: What values guide your activism?
Page 4: What do systems of oppression look like to you?
Page 5: What are the intersections of your own privilege and oppression?
Page 6: What social movements and activists inspire you?
Personal Reflection Instructions
Required Components
Write from your own perspective and experiences.
Refer to 6 readings from Unit 1.
Refer to the Study Guide commentaries, web links, and resources when appropriate.
You might need to do extra research for question #3.
Define and use the 6 key concepts from Unit 1 in your answers. Bold the key concepts when you use them.
Use APA style for in-text citations and bibliography.
This assignment should be submitted in a question-and-answer format—it is not an essay.
In a Word document, write a personal reflection that answers the questions below, and upload it to the course assignment drop box.
The required word count is indicated for each question.
Double-spaced pages; 12-point Times New Roman or Arial font.
If you do not have access to MS Word, please remember to save your document as a DOCX file before uploading it to the Moodle assignment drop box. Most commonly available (and free) word processing programs, such as OpenOffice, LibreOffice, Pages, or Google Docs, allow you to save your document in various file formats, including DOCX.
Questions to Answer (1,750 words in total)
What activism, groups, or movements have you been involved in? What kinds of activist actions have you participated in? If you have not participated in activism in any form, what social movements and activists inspire you? (250 words)
In your imagination, what does a good life look like? How do we engage in movements according to these values and imaginings? (500 words)
Pick a social or political issue that concerns you (excluding police abuses of Indigenous and racialized peoples). Answer the following questions in relation to your issue (1,000 words total):
Which oppressions (anti-Indigenous and anti-Black racism, ableism, capitalism, heteropatriarchy, transphobia, etc.) are relevant to the issue?
How do these oppressions function together?
How are these oppressions embedded in and perpetuated by government systems? Name and discuss the relevant government systems.
Who is affected by this structure of domination? How are they affected?
How do you experience privilege and oppression in relation to this issue?
Grading Rubric
Use of course theories and key concepts (5 marks)
(5 marks) Theories and key concepts well used in support of answers. Concepts thoughtfully applied and critically analyzed.
(3–4 marks) Theories and key concepts mentioned, several connections made in support of the answer.
(1–2 marks) Limited and / or weak connections made in support of answers.
Use of materials (5 marks)
(5 marks) Thoughtful use of course sources (including Study Guide commentary, web links, resources, and assigned readings and media), demonstrating a profound understanding of the texts and their arguments. All sources (information) are accurately documented in APA style in the text and bibliography.
(3–4 marks) Mostly good use of course materials, showing a general understanding of their arguments and relevance. Most sources (information) are accurately documented, but many are not in APA style in the text and bibliography.
(1–2 marks) Few or no sources used. Misuse of source text (misunderstanding source text, using text in ways that are not relevant to argument). Most sources (information) are not accurately documented in the text or bibliography.
Quality, creativity, and messaging (5 marks)
(5 marks) Project is creative and compelling. It uses a variety of layouts and materials, and a mix of text and images. It clearly presents the student’s point of view, emotions, and preoccupations as an activist.
(3–4 marks) Project presents a clear message, lacks creativity, or vice versa.
(1–2 marks) Project lacks creativity and does not have clear messages.

Directions Using Exercise 1.4 in the text (pages 22-24) as a guide, create a Lea

Using Exercise 1.4 in the text (pages 22-24) as a guide, create a Lea

Using Exercise 1.4 in the text (pages 22-24) as a guide, create a Learning Plan table that includes:
Column headings of “Goals,” “Strategies,” and “Methods of Measurement”
Rows that include numbered and labeled goals
At least one goal for each of the following categories (please see the table on pages 22-23):
Personal Development
Identify at least three strategies for attaining each goal and at least two ways of measuring the goal attainment
login information will be provided for the assigned writer

I. Describe your personal and professional goals. How would earning a doctoral d

I. Describe your personal and professional goals. How would earning a doctoral d

I. Describe your personal and professional goals. How would earning a doctoral degree in prevention science help you meet those goals? What personal and professional experiences have you had throughout your life that have influenced your desire to be a prevention scientist?
II. Describe a focus area of prevention and associated research you would like to pursue during the doctoral program. Assume you’ve just been awarded $50,000 to do prevention work. What would you do (describe your plan in some detail)? What evidence-based models or frameworks would guide your work and why are these appropriate? How would you assess the effectiveness of your work?

Program Method- Action Research Program Topic Area- Leadership and Organization

Program Method- Action Research
Program Topic Area- Leadership and Organization

Program Method- Action Research
Program Topic Area- Leadership and Organizational Culture/Learning
Part One – 3 pages
Develop a short description of a program designed to address a problem a human service organization can solve.
The program description should include a problem statement supported by data, relevant history, policy, program context, stated program goals and objectives, and core program activities. Use a cultural competence lens.
“When we conduct an evaluation, everything we do reflects our own cultural values and perspectives—from the evaluation purpose, the questions we develop, and the methodologies we select to our interpretation of the findings and the recommendations we make based on those findings. Because culture is influenced by many characteristics (i.e., race, ethnicity, language, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, education, and experience), it is important that we stop and reflect on our own culture before embarking on an evaluation. To conduct culturally competent evaluations, we must learn and appreciate each program’s cultural context and acknowledge that we may view and interpret the world differently from many evaluation stakeholders” (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014, p. 3).
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2014). Practical strategies for culturally competent evaluation. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
1. Describe the human service topic you are interested in examining.
1. Find a minimum of five scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles on your topic.
2. Describe the problems or issues in the community or specific area that needs to be addressed as it relates to the human service topic you described. Include an overview of the human service problem or issue using supporting national/local data.
1. In this program development, you will need to support your topic choice with data from national professional organization web sources or reports such as CDC, SAMHSA, HUD, National Center for Homeless Education, National Center for Preventing Homelessness, National Foster Youth Institute, National Center for Children and Families, Child Welfare Information Gateway, Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Census Bureau, and/or any number of other professional organizations relevant to your topic.
2. Find patterns of claims you can make based on the data or literature, state the reasons for the claim, and provide evidence supporting those reasons.
3. Based on the findings, write a problem statement.
4. Develop a plan to address this problem. (An alternative to developing a program from scratch is to identify and adopt evidence-based programs that have proven effective. To do this, begin by reflecting on your organization’s characteristics and identifying programs that could serve as the basis of the program evaluation.)
1. Describe strategies to address this problem. Find a minimum of five scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles discussing strategies to address your identified problem and use them to support your proposed program plan.
2. Develop program goal(s) outlining who will benefit from your program, what benefits they will receive, and when they will be achieved.
3. Develop objectives to support the program goal.
5. Link all the above together and write a clear description of your problem, how it will be addressed, and the goals and objectives that will get you to the desired outcome. Be sure to assess and highlight any disparities identified.
References (include the following) + additional 3
1. https://www.cdc.gov/evaluation/approach/index.htm
2. Executive Perspective CDC’s Program Evaluation Journey: 1999 to Present by Kidder and Chapel
Part Two- 4 pages
Present the following in the proposed evaluation plan:
1. Program description (from Assessment 1): Suggested length 2 paragraphs.
1. Program background & history.
2. Program size, locations, and organization.
3. Evaluation needs (Do NOT just say “program evaluation” will be conducted. Specify the type of evaluation being conducted).
2. Key stakeholders description: Suggested length 1–2 paragraphs.
1. Stakeholders include people who reflect the community’s diversity, will use the evaluation results, support or maintain the program, or are affected by the program activities or evaluation results.
3. Program goals and objectives: Suggested length 2 paragraphs.
1. Provide a broad statement reflecting what you intend to see accomplished by the program—what is the goal?
2. Identify the indicators/performance measure of success. Specify the results to be achieved and how they will be achieved. Note: Indicators are used to determine if the program is being implemented as expected and achieving its outcomes. Indicators can relate to any part of the program and its logic model or program description.
4. Logic model
1. Identify and describe evidence-based strategies and activities that are culturally appropriate and, if appropriately implemented, will address the issues identified in your problem statement. You should have already introduced at least one of these strategies in Assessment 1. They are the proposed activities that, if implemented, should address the human services issue you are working to address.
2. Develop a graphic representation of your logic model to succinctly identify available resources (inputs), what the program is doing (activities), and what you hope to achieve (outcomes).
5. Evaluation Purpose Statement (What is the purpose of your evaluation?): Suggested length 1 paragraph.
1. Describe the focus and anticipated outcomes of the evaluation.
2. State the evaluation question(s).
References (Attached)
1. Chouinard, J., & Cram, F. (2020). Culturally responsive approaches to evaluation: Empirical implications for theory and practice. SAGE Publications, Inc., https://doi.org/10.4135/9781506368559
2. Hansen
3. McLaughlin
written communication: Write concisely and directly, using active voice.
Format: Use current APA style and format for references and in-text citations.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.