Develop a Cultural Sensitivity Training Program for Staff. Pick up a hospitality

Develop a Cultural Sensitivity Training Program for Staff. Pick up a hospitality

Develop a Cultural Sensitivity Training Program for Staff. Pick up a hospitality business in Canada that lacks cultural diversity practices.
• Assess the current state of CQ in that organization.
• Design and plan a Cultural Sensitivity Training Program. Identify the module, length and speed of the training program.
Provide an Implementation Plan.
Include references.

• Develop a Cultural Sensitivity Training Program for Staff. Pick up a hospitali

• Develop a Cultural Sensitivity Training Program for Staff. Pick up a hospitali

• Develop a Cultural Sensitivity Training Program for Staff. Pick up a hospitality business in Canada that lacks cultural diversity practices.
• Assess the current state of CQ in that organization.
• Design and plan a Cultural Sensitivity Training Program. Identify the module, length and speed of the training program.
Provide an Implementation Plan.
Include references.

End-Term Project Part 1-3 Instructions You will submit a detailed report in a Wo

End-Term Project Part 1-3 Instructions
You will submit a detailed report in a Wo

End-Term Project Part 1-3 Instructions
You will submit a detailed report in a WordDoc (please no GoogleDoc please!) file covering the following aspects. There will be three parts to your End-Term Project as described below:
Part 1: In this section, you will analyze your own consumption behavior as a group by using some measurement scales. In Module 1, we learnt how consumption patterns could change based on certain individual difference variables such as hedonism, utilitarianism, ethnocentrism, and cosmopolitanism. Use the given scales on below to analyze your own hedonism, utilitarianism, ethnocentrism, and cosmopolitanism. Simply read the statements on left and mention the degree to which agree/disagree to those statements on a scale of 1-5 (1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neither agree nor disagree, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree) on right. For any of the variables, if your average score is between 1-2.99 your consumption pattern should have low degrees of those factors and if your average score between 3.1-5 your consumption pattern should have high degrees of those factors.
For example, if your average score for hedonism is 1.2 (i.e., between 1-2.99), then you do not go for shopping for having pleasure, fun, and enjoyment. If your average score for hedonism is 4.4 (i.e., between 3.1-5), you like to go to shopping for having pleasure, fun, and enjoyment.
Therefore, to analyze your shopping patterns, you will follow the following steps:
Respond to the given scales on hedonism, utilitarianism, ethnocentrism, and cosmopolitanism.
Calculate the average score for each of these four variables by adding the total score for each statement and then dividing by the number of statements in that given scale.
Look at the average score for each of the four variables. Do you have low average score in any of the variables? Do you have high average score in any of the variables? 
Now, reflect on the scores as a group. How does a low or high score in a variable is reflected in your consumption pattern? For example, if you have scored high in utilitarianism, do you prefer to shop for essential items which have practical utilities rather than items that would give you a feel-good-factor? If you have scored high in ethnocentrism, do you prefer products that are made in your country of birth/citizenship? If you have scored high in cosmopolitanism, does your shopping reflect a global outlook?
Note examples of consumption patterns that would relate to the types of scores in each of the four variables. Share your scores and examples of consumption patterns in your group. Do you have similar scores as any of your group members? If yes, how is your consumption pattern similar to that group member? If not, how is your consumption pattern different from your group member? How these scores and consumption patterns are related to your demographics (e.g., age, gender, occupation, education), lifestyles, attitudes, and values?
Write a detailed report covering all the details from points i-v.
Part 2: In this section, you will create a marketing strategy to enhance consumer experience utilizing the five senses. In Module 2, we learnt different strategies and tools on how different brands are utilizing one or more of the five senses to create consumer experience. Based on the report in Part 1, identify a brand that caters to consumers having a similar profile as yours (i.e., having similar demographic characteristics, lifestyle, attitudes, and values). Do some research on what the brand is currently doing to enhance consumer experience to utilize one or more of the five senses. Is there any underutilized potential of using any of the senses? What marketing strategy would you recommend the brand to enhance consumer experience by utilizing all the five senses? Please note that it might be challenging to include all the five senses in your marketing strategy. Think out of the box and suggest a marketing strategy that would involve ALL the five senses effectively.
Part 3: In this section you would work in your group to utilize your knowledge of creating a chatbot from the IBM course to create a concept of a chatbot for the identified brand in Part 2. To complete this section, you need to complete the following steps:
Identify a task for the chatbot.
Determine whether the chatbot will be task oriented or socially oriented.
Determine whether to utilize natural language processing or rely only clickable options, use a mix of both.
Determine whether there would be pictures or other multimedia in the chat.
Determine how to customize the error message (the “Anything else” message).
Based on the task of the chatbot, generate some ideas for the intents, entities, and the anticipated dialog flow. Context variables, although not required, are encouraged to be used.
List down some of the possible variations of user inputs (i.e., intents) due to spelling/grammatical/typing errors, linguistic styles, synonyms of words/alternate form of constructing sentences.
Create a table listing all the intents and their corresponding entities. Using these intents and entities, create an anticipated dialog flow.
Measurement Scales
Measurement Scale for Hedonism
Items for Hedonism
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Agree
I shop to relieve my stress.
I shop to cheer myself up.
I shop to make myself feel better.
I shop to compensate for a bad day.
I shop to feel relaxed.
I shop to feel good about myself.
Shopping is a positive distraction.
Shopping gives me a sense of achievement.
I like the visual stimulation shopping provides.
I enjoy being in a pleasant environment that shopping provides.
Finding a great deal reinforces positive feelings about myself.
Shopping is an escape from loneliness.
Shopping is a way to remove myself from stressful environments.
Shopping is a way to take my mind off things that are bothering me.
Shopping for something new fills an empty feeling.
My shopping trip to relieve my bad mood is successful.
Total score for Hedonism (i.e., sum total of individual item ratings)
Average Score for Hedonism (i.e., total score of Hedonism divided by 16)
Measurement Scale for Utilitarianism
Items for Utilitarianism  
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Agree
When shopping, I usually look for items that I need.
When shopping, I usually look for items that have practical use.
When shopping, I usually look for items that will be useful.
I usually like to save time when I am shopping.
I only shop for products that I need.
When I am on a shopping trip, I feel accomplished when I get everything that I needed.
While shopping, I try to find products from a shopping list.
Total score for Utilitarianism (i.e., sum total of individual item ratings)
Average Score for Utilitarianism (i.e., total score of Utilitarianism divided by 7)
Measurement Scale for Cosmopolitanism
Items for Cosmopolitanism
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Agree
I prefer to be a citizen of the world rather than of any particular country.
My government should allow foreigners to immigrate here.
Production location of a product does not affect my purchasing decisions.
I identify with a world community.
Total score for Cosmopolitanism (i.e., sum total of individual item ratings)
Average Score for Cosmopolitanism (i.e., total score of Cosmopolitanism divided by 4)
Measurement Scale for Ethnocentrism
Items for Ethnocentrism
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Agree
American people should always buy American-made products instead of imports.
Only those products that are unavailable in the U.S. should be imported.
Buy American-made products. Keep America working.
American products, first, last, and foremost.
Purchasing foreign-made products is un-American.
It is not right to purchase foreign products because it puts Americans out of jobs.
A real American should always buy American-made products.
We should purchase products manufactured in America instead of letting other countries get rich off us.
It is always best to purchase American products.
There should be very little trading or purchasing of goods from foreign unless out of necessity.  
Americans should not buy foreign products because this hurts American business and causes unemployment.
Curbs should be put on all imports.
Foreigners should not be allowed to put their products on American markets.
Foreign products should be taxed heavily to reduce their entry into the U.S.
We should buy from foreign countries only those products that we cannot obtain within our own country.
American consumers who purchase products made in other countries are responsible for putting their fellow Americans out of work.
Total score for Ethnocentrism (i.e., sum total of individual item ratings)
Average Score for Ethnocentrism (i.e., total score of Ethnocentrism divided by 16)
Please note that in the measurement scale for Ethnocentrism if your country of citizenship is not American, replace the words “American”, “America”, and “U.S.” with your own country’s name and citizenship. For example, if you are a citizen of Japan, you would replace the words “American”, “America”, “U.S.” with “Japanese” and “Japan”. After revising the items with this information, respond to the items and calculate the total and average scores for Ethnocentrism. 
Writing Format Requirements
Font type: Arial/Calibri
Font size: 12
Line spacing: 1.5-2
Page margin: 1 inch on each side
File format: Should be a WordDoc (.Doc or .Docx) or PDF. NO GOOGLE DOC or GOOGLE SLIDE PLEASE! If you worked on GoogleDoc while working with your group, please download the final work as a WordDoc, check the formating, and then upload that WordDoc.
Page limit for this project: 3-4 
View Rubric
End-Term Project Part 1-3
End-Term Project Part 1-3
Criteria Ratings Pts
RESPONDING TO ALL THE ITEMS OF ALL the four scales to measure OWN hedonism, utilitarianism, ethnocentrism, and cosmopolitanism.
10 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
/ 10 pts
Correctly ANALYSING THE AVERAGE SCORES for hedonism, utilitarianism, cosmopolitanism, and ethnocentrism to REFLECT ON own consumption pattern.
10 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
/ 10 pts
EVIDENCE OF GROUP DISCUSSION to analyze the consumption patterns of all the group members based on the average scores for hedonism, utilitarianism, ethnocentrism, and cosmopolitanism of each member.
10 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
/ 10 pts
CREATING A CLIENT PROFILE with demographic and psychographic (values, attitude, lifestyle) characteristics similar to the group members.
10 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
/ 10 pts
IDENTIFYING A BRAND targetting consumers having a similar profile as the group members themselves.
10 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
/ 10 pts
CREATE A MARKETING STRATEGY for the identified brand to enhance consumer experiences through the FIVE SENSES
10 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
/ 10 pts
PROPOSE A CHATBOT CONCEPT for enhanced consumer experience in the online platform for the identified brand in the project.
10 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
/ 10 pts
10 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
/ 10 pts
IDENTIFYING APPROPRIATE intents, entities, and dialog for the chatbot
10 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
/ 10 pts
Written report with 100% completion.
15 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
/ 15 pts
In-Depth Analysis with a logical flow in the written report.
15 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
/ 15 pts

You should find resources that will provide a definition of four different hospi

You should find resources that will provide a definition of four different hospi

You should find resources that will provide a definition of four different hospitality industry segments: Foodservice/Restaurant, Lodging/Hotel, Travel/Tourism, and Event Planning.
Once you have identified one source for each of the four segments, it is time to put together your annotated bibliography.
Begin by listing the source in the correct APA, 7th Edition format.
Follow the formatted source with a definition of the industry segment based on the information synthesized from the resource itself. Remember to write the definition in your own words, do not simply copy and paste a line from the book or article.
Finally, include an evaluative annotation for each resource. This should give a reason why this particular source is a valid and accurate quality source. The focus of the annotation should be on the description and evaluation of the source. It is NOT a summary of the resource. You will need to explain why your source is valuable to a student of hospitality and to the final project – and use criteria to evaluate the sources, including objectivity, currency, accuracy, reliability, and relevance – and also be able to identify any issues of concern with that particular source. It’s absolutely fine to conclude the source would not be a valuable source for a hospitality student because it is (outdated, does not have references, is biased, etc.).
To summarize – you will have four entries for your annotated bibliography – one for each of the four industry segments identified above. Each entry will have a citation, a definition of the industry segment based on the information in the source, and a 100 – 200 word annotation evaluating the source.

End-Term Project Part 1-3 Instructions You will submit a detailed report in a Wo

End-Term Project Part 1-3 Instructions
You will submit a detailed report in a Wo

End-Term Project Part 1-3 Instructions
You will submit a detailed report in a WordDoc (please no GoogleDoc please!) file covering the following aspects. There will be three parts to your End-Term Project as described below:
Part 1: In this section, you will analyze your own consumption behavior as a group by using some measurement scales. In Module 1, we learnt how consumption patterns could change based on certain individual difference variables such as hedonism, utilitarianism, ethnocentrism, and cosmopolitanism. Use the given scales on below to analyze your own hedonism, utilitarianism, ethnocentrism, and cosmopolitanism. Simply read the statements on left and mention the degree to which agree/disagree to those statements on a scale of 1-5 (1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neither agree nor disagree, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree) on right. For any of the variables, if your average score is between 1-2.99 your consumption pattern should have low degrees of those factors and if your average score between 3.1-5 your consumption pattern should have high degrees of those factors.
For example, if your average score for hedonism is 1.2 (i.e., between 1-2.99), then you do not go for shopping for having pleasure, fun, and enjoyment. If your average score for hedonism is 4.4 (i.e., between 3.1-5), you like to go to shopping for having pleasure, fun, and enjoyment.
Therefore, to analyze your shopping patterns, you will follow the following steps:
Respond to the given scales on hedonism, utilitarianism, ethnocentrism, and cosmopolitanism.
Calculate the average score for each of these four variables by adding the total score for each statement and then dividing by the number of statements in that given scale.
Look at the average score for each of the four variables. Do you have low average score in any of the variables? Do you have high average score in any of the variables? 
Now, reflect on the scores as a group. How does a low or high score in a variable is reflected in your consumption pattern? For example, if you have scored high in utilitarianism, do you prefer to shop for essential items which have practical utilities rather than items that would give you a feel-good-factor? If you have scored high in ethnocentrism, do you prefer products that are made in your country of birth/citizenship? If you have scored high in cosmopolitanism, does your shopping reflect a global outlook?
Note examples of consumption patterns that would relate to the types of scores in each of the four variables. Share your scores and examples of consumption patterns in your group. Do you have similar scores as any of your group members? If yes, how is your consumption pattern similar to that group member? If not, how is your consumption pattern different from your group member? How these scores and consumption patterns are related to your demographics (e.g., age, gender, occupation, education), lifestyles, attitudes, and values?
Write a detailed report covering all the details from points i-v.
Part 2: In this section, you will create a marketing strategy to enhance consumer experience utilizing the five senses. In Module 2, we learnt different strategies and tools on how different brands are utilizing one or more of the five senses to create consumer experience. Based on the report in Part 1, identify a brand that caters to consumers having a similar profile as yours (i.e., having similar demographic characteristics, lifestyle, attitudes, and values). Do some research on what the brand is currently doing to enhance consumer experience to utilize one or more of the five senses. Is there any underutilized potential of using any of the senses? What marketing strategy would you recommend the brand to enhance consumer experience by utilizing all the five senses? Please note that it might be challenging to include all the five senses in your marketing strategy. Think out of the box and suggest a marketing strategy that would involve ALL the five senses effectively.
Part 3: In this section you would work in your group to utilize your knowledge of creating a chatbot from the IBM course to create a concept of a chatbot for the identified brand in Part 2. To complete this section, you need to complete the following steps:
Identify a task for the chatbot.
Determine whether the chatbot will be task oriented or socially oriented.
Determine whether to utilize natural language processing or rely only clickable options, use a mix of both.
Determine whether there would be pictures or other multimedia in the chat.
Determine how to customize the error message (the “Anything else” message).
Based on the task of the chatbot, generate some ideas for the intents, entities, and the anticipated dialog flow. Context variables, although not required, are encouraged to be used.
List down some of the possible variations of user inputs (i.e., intents) due to spelling/grammatical/typing errors, linguistic styles, synonyms of words/alternate form of constructing sentences.
Create a table listing all the intents and their corresponding entities. Using these intents and entities, create an anticipated dialog flow.
Measurement Scales
Measurement Scale for Hedonism
Items for Hedonism
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Agree
I shop to relieve my stress.
I shop to cheer myself up.
I shop to make myself feel better.
I shop to compensate for a bad day.
I shop to feel relaxed.
I shop to feel good about myself.
Shopping is a positive distraction.
Shopping gives me a sense of achievement.
I like the visual stimulation shopping provides.
I enjoy being in a pleasant environment that shopping provides.
Finding a great deal reinforces positive feelings about myself.
Shopping is an escape from loneliness.
Shopping is a way to remove myself from stressful environments.
Shopping is a way to take my mind off things that are bothering me.
Shopping for something new fills an empty feeling.
My shopping trip to relieve my bad mood is successful.
Total score for Hedonism (i.e., sum total of individual item ratings)
Average Score for Hedonism (i.e., total score of Hedonism divided by 16)
Measurement Scale for Utilitarianism
Items for Utilitarianism  
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Agree
When shopping, I usually look for items that I need.
When shopping, I usually look for items that have practical use.
When shopping, I usually look for items that will be useful.
I usually like to save time when I am shopping.
I only shop for products that I need.
When I am on a shopping trip, I feel accomplished when I get everything that I needed.
While shopping, I try to find products from a shopping list.
Total score for Utilitarianism (i.e., sum total of individual item ratings)
Average Score for Utilitarianism (i.e., total score of Utilitarianism divided by 7)
Measurement Scale for Cosmopolitanism
Items for Cosmopolitanism
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Agree
I prefer to be a citizen of the world rather than of any particular country.
My government should allow foreigners to immigrate here.
Production location of a product does not affect my purchasing decisions.
I identify with a world community.
Total score for Cosmopolitanism (i.e., sum total of individual item ratings)
Average Score for Cosmopolitanism (i.e., total score of Cosmopolitanism divided by 4)
Measurement Scale for Ethnocentrism
Items for Ethnocentrism
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Agree
American people should always buy American-made products instead of imports.
Only those products that are unavailable in the U.S. should be imported.
Buy American-made products. Keep America working.
American products, first, last, and foremost.
Purchasing foreign-made products is un-American.
It is not right to purchase foreign products because it puts Americans out of jobs.
A real American should always buy American-made products.
We should purchase products manufactured in America instead of letting other countries get rich off us.
It is always best to purchase American products.
There should be very little trading or purchasing of goods from foreign unless out of necessity.  
Americans should not buy foreign products because this hurts American business and causes unemployment.
Curbs should be put on all imports.
Foreigners should not be allowed to put their products on American markets.
Foreign products should be taxed heavily to reduce their entry into the U.S.
We should buy from foreign countries only those products that we cannot obtain within our own country.
American consumers who purchase products made in other countries are responsible for putting their fellow Americans out of work.
Total score for Ethnocentrism (i.e., sum total of individual item ratings)
Average Score for Ethnocentrism (i.e., total score of Ethnocentrism divided by 16)
Please note that in the measurement scale for Ethnocentrism if your country of citizenship is not American, replace the words “American”, “America”, and “U.S.” with your own country’s name and citizenship. For example, if you are a citizen of Japan, you would replace the words “American”, “America”, “U.S.” with “Japanese” and “Japan”. After revising the items with this information, respond to the items and calculate the total and average scores for Ethnocentrism. 
Writing Format Requirements
Font type: Arial/Calibri
Font size: 12
Line spacing: 1.5-2
Page margin: 1 inch on each side
File format: Should be a WordDoc (.Doc or .Docx) or PDF. NO GOOGLE DOC or GOOGLE SLIDE PLEASE! If you worked on GoogleDoc while working with your group, please download the final work as a WordDoc, check the formating, and then upload that WordDoc.
Page limit for this project: 3-4 
View Rubric
End-Term Project Part 1-3
End-Term Project Part 1-3
Criteria Ratings Pts
RESPONDING TO ALL THE ITEMS OF ALL the four scales to measure OWN hedonism, utilitarianism, ethnocentrism, and cosmopolitanism.
10 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
/ 10 pts
Correctly ANALYSING THE AVERAGE SCORES for hedonism, utilitarianism, cosmopolitanism, and ethnocentrism to REFLECT ON own consumption pattern.
10 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
/ 10 pts
EVIDENCE OF GROUP DISCUSSION to analyze the consumption patterns of all the group members based on the average scores for hedonism, utilitarianism, ethnocentrism, and cosmopolitanism of each member.
10 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
/ 10 pts
CREATING A CLIENT PROFILE with demographic and psychographic (values, attitude, lifestyle) characteristics similar to the group members.
10 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
/ 10 pts
IDENTIFYING A BRAND targetting consumers having a similar profile as the group members themselves.
10 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
/ 10 pts
CREATE A MARKETING STRATEGY for the identified brand to enhance consumer experiences through the FIVE SENSES
10 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
/ 10 pts
PROPOSE A CHATBOT CONCEPT for enhanced consumer experience in the online platform for the identified brand in the project.
10 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
/ 10 pts
10 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
/ 10 pts
IDENTIFYING APPROPRIATE intents, entities, and dialog for the chatbot
10 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
/ 10 pts
Written report with 100% completion.
15 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
/ 15 pts
In-Depth Analysis with a logical flow in the written report.
15 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
/ 15 pts

In today’s competitive hospitality industry, strong branding is essential for cr

In today’s competitive hospitality industry, strong branding is essential for cr

In today’s competitive hospitality industry, strong branding is essential for creating a distinct market presence and fostering customer loyalty. This assignment focuses on analyzing the branding strategy of a well-known hospitality brand. Through this analysis, you will explore how the brand differentiates itself, communicates its values, and connects with its target audience. By examining the key elements of the brand’s strategy, you will gain insights into effective branding practices that contribute to the success and recognition of hospitality businesses. 
Brand Analysis: Analyze the branding strategy of a well-known hospitality brand. Submit a written report

Assessment Description 1. Exercise 2-2 l Assessment Traits In Person Assessment

Assessment Description
1. Exercise 2-2
Assessment Traits
In Person

Assessment Description
1. Exercise 2-2
Assessment Traits
In Person
Assessment Description
Complete the assignment in MindTap by clicking on the link provided and navigating to the appropriate topic assignment. Create a zip file containing all documents and submit to the assignment dropbox.
2. Exercise 2-3
Assessment Traits
In Person
Assessment Description
Complete the assignment in MindTap by clicking on the link provided and navigating to the appropriate topic assignment. Create a zip file containing all documents and submit to the assignment dropbox.
3. Exercise 3-1
Assessment Traits
In Person
Assessment Description
Complete the assignment in MindTap by clicking on the link provided and navigating to the appropriate topic assignment. Create a zip file containing all documents and submit to the assignment dropbox.  
4. Exercise 3-3
Assessment Traits
In Person
Assessment Description
Complete the assignment in MindTap by clicking on the link provided and navigating to the appropriate topic assignment. Create a zip file containing all documents and submit to the assignment dropbox.
Usrernamen: ***************************************************************  23Desmoto$

Assessment Description Assessment Description By completing this activity, learn

Assessment Description
Assessment Description
By completing this activity, learn

Assessment Description
Assessment Description
By completing this activity, learners will be able to analyze and compile data to draw meaningful conclusions.
The estimated time needed to compete this module is 60 minutes. Some learners may take longer, so be sure to schedule enough time to complete this assignment prior to the due date.  
Access the “EHR Go: Orientation to Data Analytics I” activity using the link in the Topic 2 Resources. Complete the activity, using the provided worksheet and resources in EHR Go as directed.  
Upon completion of the activity, download your worksheet and submit the document to your instructor in the digital classroom. 
Note: The only way your instructor can observe your EHR Go work is through the submission of your assignment in the digital classroom. There is no way for your instructor to view your work inside the EHR Go platform.
APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
here are the login credentials:
Usrernamen: ***********************************************************  23Desmoto$
Usrernamen: ************************************************** 23Desmoto$

pt1 Legalization of gaming and gambling has been a hot topic over last few year

Legalization of gaming and gambling has been a hot topic over last few year

Legalization of gaming and gambling has been a hot topic over last few years and actually dates back much longer. Think about the proposition.
Amendment 3, approved by voters in 2018, stipulated that a citizens’ initiative requiring at least 60% support from voters is “the exclusive method of authorizing casino gambling” in Florida.
So it appears politicians are once again overruling the will of the voters in Florida and lawsuites will follow. After reading this article which came out 5/17/21, give me your opinion on this subject and what impact it will have for Florida. Disney is very against any expansion because they know casinos will be coming one day, and closer than the Hard Rock in Tampa.
Article is down below.
Answer the following question:
Do you think some form of legalization of gambling would be good for Florida tourism? What do you think the impact would be?
If you support legalization, which option would you be in support of and why? If you do not support it, state the reasons why?
This week, we are beginning to explore the mid-twentieth century Black Freedom Struggle and influential organizations like SNCC and the Black Panther Party. These organizations were dedicated to eradicating anything that worked to oppress Black people and creating better conditions for Black communities in the United States. The BPP, in particular, created various programs that worked to create better conditions for Black people and did so in a way that was vastly different from organizations before. With that in mind, in what ways do you see similarities and differences between the Black Panther Party and organizations we typically learn about in school, such as King’s SCLC, which was dedicated to nonviolence? Do you see the Black Panther Party for self-defense as breaking that philosophy of nonviolence? And in what ways do you see similarities between the ways in which the Black Panther Party worked to create better conditions for Black people with the ways leaders like King and John Lewis did?
You are to write a 200-word minimum initial response

Essay on the Impact of Global Trends on the Hospitality Industry. ​ Select a Tre

Essay on the Impact of Global Trends on the Hospitality Industry. ​
Select a Tre

Essay on the Impact of Global Trends on the Hospitality Industry. ​
Select a Trend: Choose one global trend (e.g., sustainability, health & wellness tourism, digital transformation, geopolitical changes) that significantly impacts the hospitality industry.​
Research: Conduct thorough research on how this trend is currently affecting the hospitality sector worldwide. Use reputable sources such as academic journals, industry reports, and case studies.​
Analysis: Analyze the implications of this trend on different aspects of hospitality management, such as operations, marketing, guest experience, and revenue management.​
Case Studies: Include one case study of hotels or hospitality businesses that have successfully adapted to this trend. Include references.​