Honesty means honesty. Honesty means developing the habit of telling the truth throughout your life. A person who practices honesty in life has a strong moral character. Honest people display good behavior, always abide by rules and regulations, observe discipline, tell the truth, and are punctual.
An honest person is trustworthy because he is always inclined to tell the truth. Each of them must have heard the phrase ‘honesty is the best policy.’ In fact, this is a wise statement. Perhaps every child will learn this doctrine from their parents. This beautiful doctrine has been taught since ancient times. However, his practice certainly does not meet the requirements. Now it is easy for people to resort to lies. In addition, corruption is rampant now.
People deceive others by being dishonest. Therefore, there is an urgent need to rekindle this doctrine. Article about honesty is the best policy The benefits of ‘honesty is the best policy Honesty is an important part of cultivating moral character. Honesty helps cultivate good qualities such as kindness, discipline, honesty, and ethics.
Lies, deception, mistrust, theft, greed, and other immoral attributes have nothing to do with honesty. Honest people are sincere, trustworthy, and loyal for their entire lives. Honesty is precious and the most important habit. There are famous sayings such as ‘Honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom. It holds up well because it can establish, shape, and inspire general values u200bu200bin a person’s life. First, honesty promotes authenticity. Honesty reflects my feelings and thoughts. Honesty can certainly help people understand their true identity. Therefore, a person must be honest when expressing himself.
Honesty can eliminate inner fear. Make people brave and confident. To be honest, of course, it takes a lot of courage. To tell the truth, is an expression of courage. The liar is a coward. Lying is a sign of a lack of self-confidence. Another significant benefit of honesty is maturity. Honesty certainly reflects a person’s maturity. If a person often tells the truth, he may be mature. In addition, mature people will tell the truth in a harmless way. Honesty can strengthen and improve relationships between people. It certainly helps bring people together. In particular, it promotes connections between individuals. Another great advantage of honesty is peace of mind.
Honesty certainly makes a person feel free. An honest person likes to feel dizzy. This is because you do not feel the pressure and tension of lying. Also, an honest person doesn’t have to deal with keeping secrets. All of this makes people feel very relaxed.
Honesty and integrity are remarkable virtues that allow humans to put the truth and what’s morally right before anything else despite outside pressure, sometimes including one’s self-interest. People who can manage to place moral values first, face obscure situations with dignity. Demonstrating honesty is often difficult. History has shown that telling the truth can be painful and it may bring many problems, especially when other people don’t want to accept it or when they don’t share the ideal of integrity, which so happens to be the case in The Crucible. And while telling the truth can be very challenging, ultimately revealing the truth sets people free. The characters of John Proctor and Elizabeth Proctor share the essential belief that protecting the truth is a necessary component to maintain a high level of self-integrity and to bring peace of mind. John Proctor is a melancholic man who views himself as a sinner because of his secret affair with Abigail. He believes that his mistake has caused unfixable damage to his marriage with Elizabeth. In the eyes of Salem however, John Proctor is an honest, respectable, and straightforward man. Even though at the beginning of the play he is concerned about his reputation, as the play progresses Proctor becomes more concerned with his personal integrity and self-preservation rather than his public reputation. He is a voice of reason in this play as he never hops on the trend of witchcraft hysteria and thinks of the trials as an absurdity. When Elizabeth is arrested, John has a hard decision to make. He has to choose between revealing his affair with Abigail and destroying his public reputation but potentially saving his wife; or not telling the truth, saving his reputation but losing his wife. Proctor decides to tell the truth by telling Elizabeth that he “will fall like an ocean on the court, Fear nothing Elizabeth.” (73) John comes to realize that what he must do to live in peace with himself is protecting the truth, even at the cost of his reputation. John Proctor’s best possession is his powerful sense of integrity. His decision to confess adultery demonstrates he is good-hearted, as he sacrifices himself to protect his wife,
Elizabeth Proctor is a good woman known in Salem for never telling a lie. She is well respected in the community and she is known as a morally upright woman. Like Rebecca Nurse, there is a moral superiority to her compared to the rest of Salem. Elizabeth is very sensitive and she is trying to forgive John for his sin because she cares a lot about him. Even though she loves him, she is cold to John because it’s hard for her to forget what happened and move on. Elizabeth is a wise character who like her husband doesn’t believe in witchcraft and she tells John he must go to Salem to “tell them[the court] it is a fraud” (50) However, Elizabeth falls victim to the hysteria and is accused of witchcraft by Abigail who describes Elizabeth as a “bitter woman, a lying, cold, sniveling woman.” (11) Elizabeth is not a liar but a virtuous woman who will hang on to the truth and not confess of being a witch. Like John, she values self-integrity before all things. Both characters choose to protect the truth despite the pains and consequences they will have to face.
Macbeth is a play written in 1606 by William Shakespeare and set in 11th-century Scotland. The main protagonist is an honorable man at the beginning, however, driven with ambition, he shows his true nature. With the influence of Lady Macbeth, Macbeth is turned into a monster, with no feelings of guilt or remorse for his actions. Throughout Macbeth, Shakespeare portrays how Macbeth is transformed from being a loyal commander to a deceitful man in pursuit of his selfish interests.
Shakespeare starts by illustrating Macbeth as a warrior, giving him great praise for his actions in order to highlight his loyalty to the King and his devotion to the country he serves. It is evident at the beginning of the play that Macbeth is characterized as a brave man who fights in the war to defend his country for which he triumphs. This is supported by the words “Which ne’er shook hands, nor bade farewell to him, Till he unseamed him from the nave to the chops, And fixed his head upon our battlements.”, which serves to illuminate Macbeth’s loyalty towards King Duncan by disemboweling ‘Unseam’d him from the nave to the chaps’ and then decapitating a soldier. This brave action shows the King that Macbeth will do anything for his country and King Duncan admires this quality and gifts him Cawdor a village in Scotland and makes Macbeth Thane of Cawdor for his devotion. Another representation of where Macbeth’s loyalty, is when Lady Macbeth attempts to convince Macbeth to kill the King. However, despite her words, Macbeth is hesitant about murdering the king and says to Lady Macbeth “We will proceed no further in this, business, He hath honored me of late, and I have bought, Golden opinions from all sorts of people”. By Macbeth stating this, he is demonstrating that he doesn’t want to exterminate the king because he was the Honoured Thane of Cawdor and given a great title that is respected among all. This shows Macbeth values opinions about him and he fancies the attention. Thus, Shakespeare demonstrates how Macbeth upholds his morals and his loyalty to the King and country through his character being well-established as a hero.
Before the meeting with the king and after his tragic death, Shakespeare portrays how Macbeth is in a vulnerable place and prone to the manipulation of his wife – Lady Macbeth. The negative influence of his wife degrading his masculinity and his insecurities has caused Macbeth to question his manhood. As Lady Macbeth exclaims “When you durst do it, then you were a man”, Shakespeare intends to illustrate how she has questioned his character and his dishonesty as he wavers, with the sole intention of making Macbeth feel weak and less than a man. In addition, by crying out “Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here”, she desperately pleads for the demons or witches to unsex her to take her femininity away so she is able to become a man to kill the king. Hence, Shakespeare further highlights how Lady Macbeth can emasculate her husband and manipulate him into doing her will. To further antagonize Macbeth, Lady Macbeth says to Macbeth “Thou wouldst be great, Art not without ambition, but without, the illness should attend it”. By speaking these words, Lady Macbeth plays to Macbeth’s flaws by acknowledging how he is gifted with ambitious dreams and that she truly believes he can be King if he acts on his ambition and it is only then will his wish to be King be fulfilled. Her cunningness and her ability to emotionally manipulate Macbeth take a great toll on his character leading to a significant shift in character – from a hero to a traitor. Consequently, Shakespeare demonstrates how Macbeth’s greatest flaw – his ambition – will ultimately lead to his tragic downfall.
During the conclusion of the play, Macbeth has lost all remorse and human feelings towards those he was once loyal to and who were important to him. Shakespeare demonstrates this through two important deaths in the play. When Macbeth plans to kill Banquo he instructs two murderers to do the following “I “That I require a clearness. And with him—To leave no rubs nor botches in the work—Fleance, his son, that keeps him company, whose absence is no less material to me, than is his father’s, must embrace the fate”. This proves to the readers how ruthless Macbeth is, due to him hiring murderers to execute his long-time best friend and long-time battle partner Banquo and his son. After the murder of Banquo, Macbeth hallucinates the ghosts of Banquo everywhere as a result of his journey to power. The Hallucination is a representation of Macbeth’s paranoia and his wish for none of the other guests to see Banquo’s ghosts, so Banquo doesn’t blame Macbeth for his killing. This shows the negative repercussions of his actions and how his drive for power has consumed him, a quote to represent his hallucinations “Avaunt, and quit my sight! Let the Earth hide thee. / Thy bones are marrowless; thy blood is cold;” further highlights this. When Macbeth’s wife dies, in Macbeth’s soliloquy, Shakespeare uses this literary device to demonstrate how Macbeth does not hold any love or remorse for the death of his wife through Macbeth announcing “she should have died hereafter. In comparison, Shakespeare emphasises Macduff’s more emotional response to his sorrows: “I shall do so, But I must also feel it as a man, -. Did heaven look off, and would not take their part? Sinful Macduff, they were all struck for thee! Naught that I am, not for their demerits, but for mine, Fell slaughter on their souls. Heaven rest them now.” Macduff has a much more human response and then seeks revenge to kill Macbeth as vengeance for killing those he loved in cold blood. Hence, Shakespeare contrasts the good in Macduff with the bad in Macbeth. Macduff dearly loves his wife and children while Macbeth has lost all feeling for Lady Macbeth. Thus, Shakespeare depicts how a nobleman can betray his King and country while losing his humanity as his journey to power closes with his very own murder.
To conclude, Macbeth’s biggest flaw was his ambition for power. From the beginning, his character changes dramatically from act one to the very end to his death. He is transformed from being a man of loyalty and honesty, to one who is power-hungry and deceitful. Macbeth’s desire for power and status contributed to his downfall, with Lady Macbeth’s influence being another factor, however overall it was due to his own overwhelming need to fulfill his self-interest to become King no matter what stood in his way.
Acting with honesty and Integrity It means to act with honesty and integrity. It is included in all financial records and business connections with customers, competitors, and vendors. Accurate Books, Records, and Reports Data gathering should be accurate in all communications, for example, financial information, personal resumes, and quality and safety reports. All personnel are responsible for the accuracy of information and we should not add wrong information such as expense reports, benefits claims, invoices, or entries in financial books because inaccuracies may undermine the confidence of customers and will harm our reputation. Requirements for considering accurate documents are:
Respond truthfully to all questions
All entertainment should be valid for business purposes and controlled by receipts.
Do not distort the true nature of the transaction no matter how insignificant the may result be.
When you find that some documents do not seem right, share the document with your manager who has more authority.
For seeking advice about a record that might not be correct, ask about it from your manager who is the authority for further inquiry. In all departments, we have to submit accurate information with whom we interact such as owners, customers, vendors, and Joint venture partners. For example, if a manager working on two projects one project is over budget and another one is under budget the manager incurs a small amount of the expenses to the project. This is not acceptable no matter how insignificant the amount. Dealing Fairly with Customers All customers should be treated fairly and with respect and the promise should be given to them. Loyalty may be jeopardized by small untruth or dishonesty which may lead to costly legal action. It is highly important when communicating with customers and the public to be truthful when presenting products, services, and prices and never mislead customers only claims products that you have knowledge about and have adequate information and when communicating with customers and the public be truthful without omission, avoid misleading customers. For instance, during a meeting, you find out that a colleague’s representation of services is not correct. Then if it is in a meeting and the error appears to be inadvertent correct the misstatement during the meeting or talk after the meeting. Competition Law and Antitrust Our policy is to comply with all laws and regulations because competition laws are designed to prevent our business from anti-competitive practices, which may affect prices unfairly and limit competition. Therefore, do not make unlawful agreements with competitors that are:
Reduce output of inventory or keep inventory offline.
Allocate products, territories, and customers.
Boycott certain customers or refuse to deal with suppliers.
Below-cost pricing which may create a monopoly
Exclusive arrangements can reduce access to customers.
For example, an employee has a meeting with a competitor who is planning to build hotels in the market, competitor suggests employee that the two chains should coordinate the site of new hotels to avoid crowding. The Alexandrite associate has to change the subject and start a new conversation and after that contact the Alexandrite Law Department for guidance. Dealing Fairly with Competitors Discussing competitors’ services and products should be done with caution because we should not make false claims that disparage competitors. However, we may point out legitimate weaknesses of products or operations. Respect competitor’s trade secrets and do not authorize confidential information. If there is any doubt about any competitive strategy it is necessary to ask about it from Alexandrite Law Department. These are violating competitor’s laws,
Any predatory or blow-cost pricing that causes monopoly competitors’ ability or deter competition.
Blocking access, the competitor to the customer, raw materials, and distribution channels.
Prior approval is required if customers want to buy or lease a product.
For instance, when we want to hire a competitor employee who is exposed to confidential information, we have to be sure that he will not use the competitor’s confidential information in his new work. Commercial Bribery and Improper Gifts Payment made on behalf of the company must be made for lawful and legitimate purposes. Never take bribes or kickbacks because it is an unethical practice and prevents the company from receiving the best possible value in negotiating for services. Promoting business through bribery is illegal in the U.S. and other countries where the company does business. When the value of a gift exceeds the annual value limits, your manager may make an exception in some circumstances and a written record exception must be maintained. For instance, a vendor purpose floor-level seats for sporting events. The vendor explains that because he is not able to attend this sports event and he does not want to waste the ticket, he offers these tickets and he does not want anything in return. The correct action is even if this gift does not have an improper advantage, the associate must politely decline the tickets because the value is more than the limit specified which is higher than half of the income of the associate. At a business dinner, the vendor invites the employee to talk about over dinner and paying the entire bill. The correct action is if the meal is not inappropriate, the associate may accept it.
Stoicism is a sect of philosophy about overcoming emotions and their irrationality. In William Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar, the character Brutus displays obvious traits of a Stoic. The philosophy of Stoicism was popular for 400 years in ancient Greece and Rome, so it was not odd for Brutus to follow it. In the play, there is a conspiracy to assassinate Caesar which his friends, Brutus and Cassius, follow through with and succeed in but, the battles between Brutus, Cassius, and Antony cause Rome to fall into turmoil. Brutus displays Stoicism by placing honesty above all else, accepting his death and the death of his loved ones, and placing the greater good above his emotions.
The Stoic innovator, and author of Meditations, Marcus Aurelius was the Roman emperor and grew-up in a Roman court; he hated how many people used lies to make false friendships, so he and other Stoics began placing honesty above all else. On the day of Caesar’s murder, after gathering the Senate, they began discussing what to do about Publius Cimber, a man under banishment and brother to a Senator; after Publius’ brother is begging Caesar to unbanish him Brutus said to Caesar, “I kiss thy hand, but not in flattery Caesar,/ Desiring thee that Publius Cimber may/ Have an immediate free of repeal” (3.1.52-54). By saying this, Brutus is upfront about what he wants, telling Caesar that he intends to persuade him to repeal Publius’ banishment but not through groveling like Publius’ brother. By being honest with Caesar, Brutus takes responsibility for his actions and displays virtue, or high moral standards, one of the main ideas that the Stoic philosopher Zeno argues a person’s life should base itself on. Honesty is not only the best policy to Brutus, but it is the default; that is why he needs to accept the death of himself and his loved ones.
Seneca always told people to accept their own death and not become upset by it with quotes like, “What need is there to Stoicism is a sect of philosophy about overcoming emotions and their irrationality. In William Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar, the character Brutus displays obvious traits of a Stoic. The philosophy of Stoicism was popular for 400 years in ancient Greece and Rome, so it was not odd for Brutus to follow it. In the play, there is a conspiracy to assassinate Caesar which his friends, Brutus and Cassius, follow through with and succeed in but, the battles between Brutus, Cassius, and Antony cause Rome to fall into turmoil. Brutus displays Stoicism by placing honesty above all else, accepting his death and the death of his loved ones, and placing the greater good above his emotions.
The Stoic innovator, and author of Meditations, Marcus Aurelius was the Roman emperor and grew-up in a Roman court; he hated how many people used lies to make false friendships, so he and other Stoics began placing honesty above all else. On the day of Caesar’s murder, after gathering the Senate, they began discussing what to do about Publius Cimber, a man under banishment and brother to a Senator; after Publius’ brother is begging Caesar to unbanish him Brutus said to Caesar, “I kiss thy hand, but not in flattery Caesar,/ Desiring thee that Publius Cimber may/ Have an immediate free of repeal” (3.1.52-54). By saying this, Brutus is upfront about what he wants, telling Caesar that he intends to persuade him to repeal Publius’ banishment but not through groveling like Publius’ brother. By being honest with Caesar, Brutus takes responsibility for his actions and displays virtue, or high moral standards, one of the main ideas that the Stoic philosopher Zeno argues a person’s life should base itself on. Honesty is not only the best policy to Brutus, but it is the default; that is why he needs to accept the death of himself and his loved ones.
Seneca always told people to accept their own death and not become upset by it with quotes like, “What need is there to weep over parts of life, the whole of it calls for tears.”. Upon finding out about Portia’s passing, Cassius makes a comment on Brutus’ of morning despite his Stoicism and says, “Of your philosophy you make no use/ If you give place to accidental evils.”, Brutus replies with “No man bears sorrow better. Portia is dead.” (4.3.143-145). Cassius is pointing out his obvious mourning while Brutus is insisting that he is bearing the death of Portia better than anyone else could. Seneca said to remember that even the worst is survivable and that death is part of the brutal but natural order of the universe; with it holds no guarantee that anyone will live as long as they can but it is guaranteed that everyone will live as long as they should. When Brutus said, “Why farewell, Portia. We must die, Messala./ With meditating that she must die once,/I have the patience to endure it now” to Cassius, it is his way of expressing grief about Portia’s death (4.3.188-190). Brutus is explaining that he has already thought about Portia’s death, and by doing this, he prepared for the worst, Portia’s sudden death. Seneca was vocal about his ideas on death and suicide, even saying “Can you no longer see a road to freedom? It is right in front of you. You only need to turn over your wrists.” in one of his many letters; Brutus shares the same ideals as soon after he says the former quote by killing himself after finding his situation too much to bear. Since death is a natural part of life, it only makes it logical for Stoics to accept it for themselves and everyone they love.
Believing that emotions would cause irrationality led Brutus and other stoics to believe that by ignoring them they could make rational decisions for the common good. During his speech to the plebeians, Brutus tries to explain why he participated in the killing of one of his closest friends, Caesar, by saying, “Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more.” (3.2.21-22). Brutus is explaining that the Roman people hold more value to him than any friendship, no matter how close, ever could. According to Zeno, harmonizing with the rest of the world is most important; by his logic, Brutus is keeping the world in harmony by killing a potential danger to Rome. When discussing the conspiracy to kill Caesar with Cassius, Brutus says “I know no personal cause to spurn at him,/ He would be crowned:/ How that might change his nature, there’s the question./[…]/ And therefore think him as a serpent’s egg/ Which, hatched, would, as his kind, grow mischievous/ And kill him in the shell.” (2.1.11-13) (2.1.33-35). Brutus is saying that Caesar is a potential danger to the Roman people and must face destruction before he has a chance to hurt anyone. One of the main ideas of Stoicism is controlling what you can and letting go of what you cannot; Brutus could not control Caesar and that is a possible danger to the Roman people, so he “let go” of Caesar in the best way he saw fit. By only focusing on what is doable, a Stoic can form more rational and virtuous thoughts.
Brutus is a man of virtue and rationality thanks to the following of his Stoic philosophy. The traits of honesty, acceptance of the inevitable, and the placement of the common good over your emotions are all those of a Stoic. Brutus manages to portray all of these characteristics in a single play; thus proving he is, in fact, a Stoic.
In simpler terms Integrity refers to the quality of being honest and following the principles. And the quality we need to follow during the academics, or the academic hours is called academic integrity. The International Centre for Academic Integrity defines academic integrity as a commitment to five fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. The study of integrity, however, suffers from three significant problems: too many definitions, too little theory, and too few rigorous empirical studies. (Taylor, 2016) It’s the choice between what’s convenient and what’s right. So, following the academic integrity principles means staying away from cheating, bribery, fabrication, plagiarism, conspiracy and many more. If you avoid these misconducts and treat everyone nicely, be faithful and honest then you’re following the principles of academic integrity. Besides the same goes for professional integrity. If a person follows all the above things in his professional life, then he or she is successfully following the principles of integrity. And in addition to that professional integrity also means doing his or her work fairly and treating the colleagues right. Respecting the employees, taking responsibility, staying focussed, maintaining trust etcetera are also solely included under maintaining the integrity in professional life.
Integrity leads to success. Partaking integrity makes you trustworthy, honest and reliable. By helping others, you help them to feel good about themselves, and you are also helping yourself by creating a healthy new relationship. When you live with integrity, you live your best life. You respect yourself by living in a manner which is consistent with your values, purpose and goals. Living, working, and leading in integrity means that we don’t question ourselves. When we listen to our hearts and do the right thing, life becomes simple, and we live in peace. Our actions are now open for everyone to see, and we don’t have to worry about hiding anything. When we operate from integrity, we gain the trust of other people, especially those we work with closely. This is crucial especially for those in positions of leadership. Others see you as dependable and accountable for your actions. Trust develops, people feel safe in your presence, and you gain influence. We become role models, whether we like it or not. Why? Because integrity is a hallmark of ethical leadership – companies, clients, co-workers, stakeholders, churches, communities, and families want leaders that they can trust, and when you demonstrate integrity, you show everyone you can be trusted and respected.
To apply it to the industry there are so many different ways. In this paragraph we are about to discuss it. You should convey on your guarantees. Without reasons and without a difference in conditions, let your yes be a yes and where your feelings request it, let your no be a no. On the off chance that you state you will be some place at 11am, be there at 11am. On the off chance that you believe you will be late or suspect your earlier arrangement may keep running over, make sure to advise. Being on schedule and where you state you will be saying a ton regarding the character of a business. Giving individuals somewhere around neglecting to demonstrate a chance to up or by having little respect for some other’s time is a sure-fire approach to harm your notoriety. Your condition leaves pieces of information about your character and you can’t stand to be untidy, unkempt and ill-equipped. Association and neatness say a lot about trustworthiness, towards other individuals, yet to yourselves as an organization. The whole world is an onlooker and it pays to put your best foot forward consistently. It’s anything but difficult to get enticed by diversions and different open doors shouting for consideration, however it’s vital to remain concentrated on what’s straightforward and genuine. In case you’re on an occupation, you remain concentrated on that activity until you see the outcome you need. Putting your everything into something draws admirers. Encircle yourself with individuals offering strong character and an inspirational frame of mind is critical for your organization’s honesty in general. The general population you utilize ought not exclusively be profoundly regarded in their field, however, offer extraordinary impact to the others around them. Encircle yourself with legitimate individuals enables respectability to pervade the air. Everybody commits errors and this is valid in both individual and expert life. Demonstrating respectability implies admitting to these missteps and not being hesitant to state, ‘I’m grieved, I misunderstood that’. Words can be incredible, however just in the event that you back them up with activities, so to be integrous, you should work to demonstrate your regret. Everybody commits errors and this is valid in both individual and expert life. Demonstrating honesty implies admitting to these mix-ups and not being hesitant to state, ‘I’m heartbroken, I misunderstood that’. Words can be amazing, yet just in the event that you back them up with activities, so to be integrous, you should work to demonstrate your regret. We’ve all been educated to be straightforward since we were youngsters – and here at Platinum, we believe there’s no motivation behind why that shouldn’t convey into our expert lives as well. Not exclusively is genuineness essentially the best strategy as an issue of guideline, it likewise bodes well. When you’re straightforward, your clients will regard you for it – and they’ll hold returning. We trust our devotion to being straightforward and indispensable is one of the key reasons circuit repairmen all over Australia are going along with us to develop their business. On the off chance that you, or somebody you know might be intrigued. So, in short Keeping your word, keeping your commitments, paying attention to your environment, staying focused, surrounding yourself with honest people, taking responsibility, respecting your employees and many more can be easily done in the workplace. The research paper by Lorna Storr (James Cook University Hospital, Middlesbrough, UK) states that integrity directly leads to leadership. The findings of her paper suggest that leaders are not judged according to the ethical nature of decision making, and leading and managing complex change but that the importance of integrity and ethical leadership correlated with higher levels of hierarchical status and that it is assumed by virtue of status and success that leaders lead with integrity. (storr, 2016)
SO, writing all this and managing this I got to know that integrity is something we should use everywhere. I always used to think that its all related to doing our work reliably but after researching ang learning for this essay I got to know that integrity is something we should always use even though we can’t finish our task. I also got to know the referencing styles and the way how reflective essay is written. I know the proper way of referencing and many more.
storr, l., 2016. leading with integrity, 8(6), pp. 19-30.
Taylor, B., 2016. academic integrity. In: HAndbook of academic integrity. Singapore: Springer Singapore, pp. 3-5.
One of leadership theories is ethical leadership, ethical leaders focus mainly on what is right and demonstrate to their followers that they are there to help and not exploit others (Thornton, 2013). Northouse (2016) states that there are five principles of leadership: respect, service, justice, community, and honesty. Zuckerberg ensured that he respected his fellow colleagues and listened to their viewpoints. Furthermore, Zuckerberg placed his follower’s welfare at the top of the list by showing concern for employees’ mental health. The next principle is justice; ethical leaders are concerned about fairness in the workplace. Zuckerberg treated all employees equally, which shows to his employees that he believes in them making them more inclined to stay loyal (Zuckerberg, n.d.). Zuckerberg also worked hard to build a community where everyone worked together as a group, a former employee likened Facebook to a cult where all employees would follow their manager’s orders in line with their colleagues in order to progress (Rodriguez, 2019). The last principle is honesty; this is an important factor for an ethical leader. Zuckerberg was largely dishonest throughout the Cambridge Analytica scandal harvesting data without users’ consent, and spreading fake news followed by not taking the blame for his actions.
However, Zuckerberg as a leader is largely unethical. Unethical leadership is when the leader knows the right thing to do but does something less than that for harmful reasons. Zuckerberg states that he lives his life unethically but legally (Mezrich, 2019), this lacks moral decency and fails to provide concern for others. Facebook unethically harvested the personal information of millions of Facebook users in what Christopher Wylie describes as a “grossly unethical experiment” (Liptak, 2018). They then built models to exploit what Facebook knew about them and target their inner devil, manipulating Facebook users. Zuckerberg lacked consideration for the users that had had their data harvested failing to alert users of their wrongdoing and took minimal steps to recover the data of more than 50 million users (Graham-Harrison & Cadwalladr, 2018). Facebook threatened Carole Cadwalldr and Christopher Wiley that if they published they would sue this shows that Facebook was guilty of unethical data harvesting. Zuckerbergs’ initial response was to remain silent for five days; the first 24 hours after the story broke Facebook PR was engaged in a self-defeating argument to establish whether a data breach had occurred. Facebook stated that no passwords or sensitive pieces of data were hacked (Wong, 2019). This shows that Zuckerberg was largely dishonest and unethical. Furthermore, Zuckerberg refused to speak to the UK parliament about data abuse along with nine other countries. Eventually, Zuckerberg admitted that he had ‘made a mistake’ and that Facebook would change how it shares data with third-party apps in an attempt to rebuild trust, however, it is questionable whether this is enough. Furthermore, former employees of Facebook were shocked when the scandal came out, suggesting that they did not know of the unethical data harvesting that Zuckerberg had conducted. Wylie was also asked by Facebook lawyers in August 2016 to destroy any data that he had held that had been collected by Cambridge Analytica (Graham-Harrison & Cadwalladr, 2018), this is dishonest in order to destroy evidence that there may be against them.
As a ubiquitous abstract concept, integrity should not be reduced to superficial honesty. This essay provides and explains an extended definition of the term. In it, integrity is defined as an individual’s ability to stay honest, apply one’s core philosophical and moral beliefs thoughtfully and consistently, and find the balance between personal ethical ideals and job-related moral requirements.
Integrity as the Consistency of Beliefs
Integrity affects an individual’s decision-making in situations that require moral choices. Unlike professional and political contexts where ethical standards are in place, personal decisions do not necessarily require a person to be sincere, consistent, and not superficially honest. In certain contexts, the integrity of a person’s beliefs is accepted as a measure of mental health and adequacy (Příhodová et al. 24). At the personality level, integrity is the opposite of hypocrisy and refers to the wholeness and consistent benevolent application of one’s beliefs. For instance, if a person does not eat meat and accepts the philosophy of vegetarianism, which involves opposing animal suffering, refusing to wear natural fur or purchase non-cruelty-free products will be essential to retain integrity. In this sense, integrity is consistency and the unwillingness to “betray” one’s core beliefs and their direct consequences even if doing so would bring more personal profit.
Integrity as Honesty with Others
From my perspective, the key everyday manifestation of integrity is being honest with oneself and other individuals. Specifically, possessing the virtue of integrity involves the ability to adhere to the social norm of honesty and demonstrate this adherence consistently if a person expects others to do the same. In this context, from my observations, an individual’s integrity finds reflection in multiple seemingly insignificant efforts that tell a lot about moral levels. For instance, informing cashiers that they have given extra change instead of taking it, informing strangers that they have dropped something, and avoiding lying for personal profit can be some examples of moral wholeness. Therefore, honesty in interpersonal interactions forms the basis of my understanding of integrity.
Professional Integrity
Apart from its personality-level meanings, integrity can be related to moral and ethical standards peculiar to diverse professional fields. In psychology studies, professional integrity is defined as “wholeness, inviolability, and integrity of all personality structures and functions” applied to a person’s workplace activities (Příhodová et al. 24). Specifically, it involves coping with the “routine moral burden” of the profession and relieving tensions between the role-related expectations and the employee’s personal moral values (Příhodová et al. 25). Professional integrity is brightly manifested in academic professions where individuals must maintain “intellectual honesty” in the use, collection, and documentation of information (Abdalqhadr 94). Considering this, personal integrity can extend to one’s professional activities.
In summary, the provided definition aims to describe integrity with reference to the consistency of beliefs, being honest with others, and remaining ethically “whole” in the workplace. The identified dimensions of integrity deal with the quality of ethical decision-making in different communicative situations. Considering the term’s importance, achieving integrity is a critical self-improvement goal.
Works Cited
Abdalqhadr, Ali. “Academic Integrity Is an Extension of Your Own Personal Integrity.” Economics, Finance and Management Review, no. 1, 2020, pp. 93-98. Web.
Příhodová, Tereza, et al. “The Relationship between Work Integrity and Other Variables and Behaviors.” Studia Psychologica, vol. 63, no. 1, 2021, pp. 24-42. Web.
The purpose of the study was to establish how a punitive environment promotes children’s dishonesty. The research accomplished this by comparing three and four year old children from West Africa. These children were either from punitive or nonpunitive typeof schools in order to determine their behavior in lie telling.
The study accomplished this by leaving them in a room with a toy and by instructing them not to peek the toy. Importantly, core purpose of doing this was to establish the difference in behavior that can be exhibited by children from punitive and from nonpunitive environments (Talwar & Lee, 2011).
Significantly, the study intended to study the theme of deception which is taken to be a common phenomenon in nature. This is so since all living things right from primates to insects to plants have their devised ways of mimicry and camouflaging in order to avoid their predators in the environment (Talwar & Lee, 2011).
It is understood that that deception is a concealment adaptive strategy that is normally adopted by the weak in the environment to avoid any physical violence. For that matter, the study intended to study deception paradigm through temptation resistance.
Moreover, it has been assumed that punitive environment promotes dishonesty in children but it is an assumption that has never been determined experimentally. For that matter, the study aimed at studying the assumption by experimenting children’s deception behavior while factoring in the natural differences that exists in a West African environment (Talwar & Lee, 2011).
For that case, deceptive behaviors between two different groups of children were used in the study to determine how a punitive environment promotes children’s dishonesty. One group of children was from a punitive school that used stern authoritarian model while the other group was from nonpunitive private school that did not use strict authoritarian model.
Method of the Study
The study used a total sample of eighty four (84) children from schools in West Africa. Children from punitive schools formed half of the sample while the other half came from nonpunitive schools (Talwar & Lee, 2011). This sample was settled on after stratifying the study population into two strata of punitive and nonpunitive.
Importantly, informed consent was sought from all participants who participated in the study. From the two strata in the population, it was established that punitive schools kept log book of their disciplinary practices while the nonpunitive schools did not keep record of their disciplinary practices.
In addition, in terms of the procedure of carrying out the study, the research employed experimental method. This was done by the experimenter observing the behavior of the children in order to determine their dishonesty that resulted from dishonoring instructions given. Consequently, it came out that the school effect was far beyond and significant above the effect of age group.
Result of the study
The results showed that sex did not have any difference hence the sex factor was not considered in the analysis. It was therefore established that the school effect had the biggest determining factor as compared to age and sex (Talwar & Lee, 2011). As a result, the study found out that punitive school contributed 11.78 times in lying than those in nonpunitive school. In addition, the research established that a punitive environment besides making children dishonest, they also make them lie in order to conceal transgressions.
How the Theme of the Study is Relevant to Nature and Nurture
According to Meissner (2009), the behavior of a person is determined hugely by nature and nurture factors that normally present themselves in the growing environment of an individual. These factors involve the innate, inherent and upbringing qualities in the environment.
For that matter, Kassin, Meissner and Norwick (2005) concurs with the study since a punitive environment which fosters children’s dishonesty is part of the nature and nurture factors that a child is raised in. the dishonest behavior exhibited by the children in the study is a clear indication that a flawed character is largely contributed by inherent factors that the child is raised up in.
Moreover, it must be understood that the behavior of the children in the study were completely different depending on the type of the natural factors of the environment that they were raised up and with the nurture factors that presented themselves in the environment.
For instance, the nature factors of one group of children who exhibited high degree of dishonesty were from the public schools. These schools were characterized by harsh conditions as compared to the other half who were from the private schools with relaxed and more comfortable conditions.
Consequently, children from poor background families who were from public schools exhibited high degree of dishonesty. This implies that these nature and nurture environments are determinants of the behavior of an individual. On the other hand, children from private schools are from rich families and their schools again do not provide harsh environment.
For that matter, they demonstrated low degree of dishonest. This is a clear indication that punitive environment fosters children’s dishonesty hence being closely related to nature and nurture factors.
How the Theme of the Study is Relevant to Socio-cultural Context
The degree of dishonesty demonstrated by these two groups of children clearly demonstrates that there is a direct relationship with the socio-cultural context. This is clearly indicated from the punitive environment where by its socio-cultural context is characterized with poor family background.
As indicated in the study, the physical environment is full of hardships which have in turn impacted negatively to children’s behaviour. Moreover, the punitive environment is further characterized with punitive laws and policies that are closely related to the socio-cultural context. This is so since some socio-cultural environments may consist of punitive laws and policies.
On the other hand, none punitive environment is related to a socio-cultural context that is characterized with wealthy families. As demonstrated in the study, nonpunitive environment consists of institutions that do not apply strict disciplinary measures to its pupils as it is the case in punitive environment.
As a result, it is imperative to acknowledge that punitive or non punitive environment is closely related to socio-cultural context that an individual is being nurtured in. For that matter, in the long run, the socio-cultural context determines a child’s behaviour to a large extent.
Follow-up study that I will conduct given the findings of this article
Importantly, from this study, it is significant to come up with a follow up study given its results. For that reason, a study on titled “How Age Influence False Confession” will be important to explore further the behavior demonstrated in the study.
False confession has been elevated in children more than it is to adults. Some studies have been conducted to establish factors that have influence on why people confess falsely (Meissner, 2009). Meissner continued to postulate that two boys aged 7 years and 8 years were charged with murder of an 11 year old girl after they were offered a good meal by their interrogator.
In the latter case, the good meal acted as an inducement for the two boys to false admit to a crime that they had not committed. This explicitly shows that children can be easily influenced by some enticement to plead guilty to cases they have not committed than it is to adults.
In addition, the police officers employ psychological manipulations in their interrogation techniques in order to obtain confession from suspects. It is therefore common knowledge that it is easy for the police officers to manipulate psychological minds of younger children than they will do to an adult (Kassin, Meissner & Norwick, 2005).
The psychological manipulation by the police enables them to drive children to their indented answers which in the process make these children to falsely confess to crimes and acts that they have not done. It is much easier to twist psychological mind of the young ones than adults.
Suggestibility is another factor that brings difference in terms of age in falsely confessing. Interrogators use suggestion techniques in their interrogation. This has always led to internalization of the suggestions given by the officer which results to false confession on part of the victim.
The rate of suggestibility by the police is therefore more effective in children as compared to adults since most children have no mental power to analyze suggestions fronted by the interrogator. This makes them to fall prey of suggestibility hence being victims of false confession to crimes that they have not committed.
Moreover, children by nature are obedient to authority. Interrogators represent authority and therefore in most cases, children falsely confess to them as a sign of obedience. In psychology, obeying authority is a powerful phenomenon which children are taught from their young age and a morally upright child will grow up obeying any figure that represent authority in society (Conti, 1999).
This finally cost them as they incriminate themselves by pleading guilty to crimes they have not committed. For that matter, it is therefore important that a study be carried out on “how age influence false confession”. Therefore, the research question for this study should be “How does age influence false confession in an individual?”
Nonetheless, the methodology for this study should employ a participatory approach of observation of the juvenile from the age of three to the age of five and also of the young adults and elder people. The juveniles should be from elementary school, young adults from post secondary institutions and adults from homes for the elderly. Nonetheless, all these strata should be sampled using random technique in order to be non bias.
Conti, R. (1999). The Psychology of False Confessions. The Journal of Credibility Assessment and Witness Psychology. 2(1), 14-36.
Kassin, M, Meissner, A. & Norwick, J. (2005). I’d know a false confession if I saw one: A comparative study of college students and police investigators. Law & Human Behavior, 29, 211-228.
Meissner, C. (2009) False Confessions. Applied Criminal Psychology: A guide to forensic Behavioral Sciences, 3(12), 191-212.
Talwar, V., & Lee, K. (2011). A punitive environment fosters children’s dishonesty: A natural experiment. Child Development, 82, 1751-1758.
Each person has ever encountered psychological problems. With help of various means of psychological assistance, the harmful effects of the problems suffered can melt away, yet the remaining will make those people suffer even more. Since the feeling of belonging to certain social groups and the need to correspond to this group has been one of the most important ones among people since times immemorial, the plausible problems and the possible ways to eliminate them have to be considered eventually.
One of the first questions that come to one’s mind when thinking of psychology is the great number of various shapes that a single problem can take. Thus, the problem of silencing that one can think of when browsing through the book by Adler (2011) is much more than skin-deep. Rooting from people’s uncertainty in their own self and their fear to make a wrong step, the problem of silencing often grows further into the problem of self-identification. Losing the touch with him-/herself, a person can practically lose the touch with the entire world.
Considering this aspect in his book, Adler emphasizes the necessity to break the wall of the social boycott which the one silenced is doomed to experience. Instead of helping the others build a wall of alienation from him-/herself, one has to do everything possible to break it. Incorporating all the possible means, one will necessarily find a person to cooperate with and fight the opponents decently. Compared to the method of Shield Wall, one has to do everything possible to resist the boycott. According to what James D. experienced, silencing is one of the most severe ordeals that a person can take:
He endured insults and occasional brickbats tossed in his direction; he saw his mail mutilated and his locker vandalized. And hardly anyone, even a close friend who wept when he heard the silencing decision, would talk to him in public. Under those conditions, most cadets resign. (Adler 2011, 4)
Indeed, according to what most psychologists claim, silencing is one of the hardest things that one can ever experience, and by far the most violent. Even a direct attack would not have caused the harm that the silencing tactics produced.
Another aspect of interest that one can pick in the book by Adler is the issue of language barriers and the means to eliminate them. On the one hand, it seems quite natural that different languages presuppose differences in culture and the vision of the world. Yet the problem of understanding between people of different nationalities remains open. There is still the fact that people manage to understand each other despite the language gap. Is there anything that helps pole to find a common language? Can there be some chemistry between people that helps them to socialize?
According to what Adler (2011) says, language is both a barrier and at the same time a bridge between people. This might seem a bit confusing at first, on second thought the logic of the author proves impeccable: indeed, with help of certain signs that the language is composed of and that are common in most cultures, people can find the link that will reunite them. Therefore, the aspect of cultural difference can be considered beaten.
There is no doubt that modern society treats emotions in rather a controversial way. On the one hand, most people agree that letting one’s feelings go can prove positive for the overall psychological state of a person and even enhance progress in the emotional sphere. Yet on the other hand, in the modern world, the excessive sharing of emotions is considered something not worthy, and even as something shameful. As a rule, most men tend to hide their strongest emotions from others, which results in numerous stresses and depression, including nervous breakdowns. Therefore, unless people start realizing that their emotions are an integral part of themselves, society cannot be considered completely healthy. Brewing within one’s soul, emotions can bring to certain conflicts, which is rather undesirable. This means that the only way to control one’s emotions is to realize their existence and understand their nature better.
Consequently, people have to acquire such skills as emotional intelligence. Taking account of their mood and the reasons for a certain state of mind, people will be able to continue their self-development, both psychological and professional. As Adler (2011) claims, “Studies show that emotional intelligence is positively linked with self-esteem, life satisfaction, and self-acceptance, as well as with healthy conflict management and relationships” (122). Indeed, once acknowledging one’s personal needs and wants, together with the feeling that one might have, a person will be motivated for his/her further development. Moreover, such practice can help one get rid of the complexes connected with popular stereotypes, one of the most widespread beings “men do not cry”.
Speaking of the issues that can be considered the most topical, one has to mention nonverbal communication. Like any other means of communication, it does include the usual number of elements, yet due to its peculiarities. Therefore, many people would like to find out more about this way of socializing. Since it can convey both innocent messages and sarcasm (Mehrabian 2007), this is far more powerful tool than one could have thought.
In contrast to what one might have thought, nonverbal communication is a part of the communication process in general, not merely a separate unit. Therefore, its clockwork helps people to communicate their ideas better, for words often prove rather insufficient means of demonstrating one’s point of view. According to Adler, “Nonverbal communication performs a third valuable social function: conveying emotions that we may be unwilling or unable to express – or ones that we may not be even aware of” (203). Thus, nonverbal communication can prove the Achilles hill of the speaker and reveal his/her disguise to the public without even the speaker’s knowledge of the mistake that (s)he makes.
The last, but not least comes the issue of conflicts. Despite the fact that the problem is greatly widespread and every single person has faced it at least once in his/her life, it seems that this issue will remain on the agenda of psychologists for good. Happening due to the incompatible personal aims of the participants, conflicts can be either constructive and productive or lead to nowhere, but there is a common feature that embraces all types of conflicts – they are all wearing and tiresome, time- and energy-consuming. However, the issue of conflict is a double-sided sword, since it provides both negative and positive results, the former prevailing. There is no secret that with help of conflicts, people can give vent to the strain within in a relatively safe way. For instance, Adler claims, “Every relationship of any depth has at all conflict” (380).
Still, it is clear that conflict must lead to certain results; otherwise, it will be a useless waste of time. Analyzing the most typical patterns of conflicts among people, one can see a peculiar tendency: Considering the possible tactics for conflict, one can find out that these can be subdivided into three main types, which are: aggression, indifference and reasoning. Out of the abovementioned, the later is considered the most constructive means of solving conflicts. Tackling the problem in such a way, the opponents both find the solution that suits both of them and understand that the reason for the confrontation lies not in their attitude toward each other, but in their personal preferences and common sense. However, Rancer (2010) claims that aggressive tactics can prove useful and constructive as well (411). Yet it must be admitted that Rancer’s approach is not suitable for official situations.
Therefore, Adler makes it clear that most psychological problems can be tackled once a person realizes the problem and is willing to do something about it. With help of the constructive analysis of ones’ emotions, a person can reach the top in building relationships, both personal and professional. Though cognizing oneself is one of the most complicated tasks, a man can manage it when making a certain effort. In spite of the fact that the process can be lifelong, it is still worth beginning. Discovering the most peculiar spectrum of one’s emotions and traits of character, a person will obtain the most valuable psychological experience and take a gripping and thrilling journey.
Adler, R. B. (2011) Looking Out, Looking In, 13th Edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Cengage Learning.
Mehrabian, A. (2007) Nonverbal Communication. Piscataway, NJ: Transaction Publishers.
Rancer, A. (2010) Arguments, Aggression, and Conflict: New Directions in Theory and Research. New York, NY: Taylor and Francis.