What unique challenges did women in the west face?  Were there unique opportunit

What unique challenges did women in the west face?  Were there unique opportunit

What unique challenges did women in the west face?  Were there unique opportunities?  How did women’s experience in the west vary as a result of race, class, age, gender identity, and geographic region?
Essay form
5-7 pages
use and cite lectures, discussions, assigned reading and 3 academic sources of your choice
includes at least two primary sources
graphic presentations (maps, charts, pictures, drawings, etc.)
Papers can be turned in at any point, but only one per week. You may turn in at most one first draft and one rewrite. This means that you’ll want to get started early. The papers can be started at any time during the semester. If you intend to get an A, you’ll want to get started early, because there are only seven opportunities to turn in papers.
These papers will require you to use all of the assigned reading in addition to an additional 3 academic sources and two primary sources.  (3 points each).  Plagiarism will result in a failing grade. There are 10 possible paper prompts.  They are listed the week they are assigned on the course calendar and they are also listed at the end of this syllabus.  If you select an paper prompt it is DUE the following week.
For each paper prompt you select you are expected to write a 5-7 page paper using lectures, discussions, assigned reading and 3 academic sources of your choice and two primary sources of your choice.  You will be graded on your ability to take numerous sources and write one cohesive essay with a strong thesis, a reasonable progression of ideas and a conclusion.  You will also need to use citations within the body of the essay, a bibliography at the end of the essay and you will need to include graphic presentations (maps, charts, pictures, drawings, etc.)
All papers will be in essay form. The papers are designed to enhance your critical thinking and writing skills. It will be necessary for you to select, organize and present material from the assigned reading, discussion forums, 3 additional academic sources, 2 primary sources and your own ideas. All papers are to be typed, double-spaced with 12-inch font and one-inch margins. The length of the paper is not as important as the quality of work but typically ranges between 5-7 pages of text. I will grade your work according to the Grading Criteria, and not according to how much you write. If you are uncomfortable with this, please contact me. If you have any questions on the format of the papers or what is expected of you, please ask. It is very likely that you are not the only one that has questions. This is your education, please treat it as such.
These papers will either meet the following expectations or they will not.  
Grading Rubric for Papers (each criterion weighted equally)
Content:  A thought provoking thesis, analysis that demonstrates critical and analytical thinking, avoidance of generalizations that are not supported by evidence
Evidence:  Specific examples that support your conclusions, use of all the required readings and class dialogue, question answered thoroughly.
Organization:  A focused thesis, a coherent progression of ideas, focused paragraphs with topic sentences and effective transitions, an insightful conclusion that accurately sums up the main ideas
Presentation Techniques:   maps, charts, tables etc. to enhance the main arguments, generally free of mechanical errors (run-ons, appropriate verb usage, etc.)
Citations:  All required reading used and cited including textbooks and articles assigned in Canvas and 3 additional Academic Sources and 2 primary sources (1/3 of content), class discussions and lecture cited (1/3 of content), your interpretation and analysis (1/3 of content).

Submission Instructions: Complete your assignment on one of the provided writing

Submission Instructions:
Complete your assignment on one of the provided writing

Submission Instructions:
Complete your assignment on one of the provided writing prompts and submit it here.
This paper must be your own work. DO NOT submit a paper written by an AI program. Suspicious papers will be checked with AI detectors and may receive significant point deductions or a zero.
Complete your assignment using word-processing software such as MS Word 365 (download free software at https://products.office.com/en-us/student?ms.officeurl=getoffice365), LibreOffice (download free software at https://www.libreoffice.org/download), or other per course requirements. Save your file as a .doc or .pdf file to ensure that it can be opened at any computer. Submit your assignment by dragging your file to the box below. Make sure to select SUBMIT after attaching the file.
PLEASE pick one of the following prompts for this assignment-
Explain how the population has changed in Texas and how it is projected to change in the future. (Hint: Look at the charts and graphs in Chapter 1.) In what ways might Texas’ politics change in the future based on its racial and ethnic makeup? Based on the population growth, urbanization, and economic transformation of the last two decades, how might Texas change in the next two decades? Which areas will grow in population, and what might Texas’ government have to do to respond to that growth? (Be specific)
The current Texas Constitution was designed to provide greater public control over the government, effectively limiting the government’s power. Thus, the people are given a direct say in the amendment process. Look at the proposed amendments to the Texas Constitution from 2017, 2019, 2021, and 2023. Choose one of these amendments to research. In your response, you should explain the amendment process in Texas and the background of the amendment you have chosen to discuss. What groups support or oppose the amendment and what are their arguments? Explain which side you agree with and why. If the amendment received a vote in an amendment election, what was the result?  
Looking back at Chapter 3, Texans and Texas politicians have regularly been opposed to an increased federal role in state matters and have argued against federal “preemption.” However, Chapter 10 describes how the state government has not held itself to that same standard when it comes to state preemption of Texas cities and counties. Define “preemption.” What are some areas where the state has either attempted to or was successful in preempting local ordinances and/or local officials?  Provide several examples and discuss one of them in detail.  What is the argument of the local government on that issue? What is the argument of state officials on the same issue? Which side do you agree with and why? Is it appropriate for state political leaders to argue for more “local control” when dealing with the federal government, but then argue against “local control” when dealing with local governments within the state? What action did the Texas Legislature take during the 2023 session that addressed the issue of local control and do you agree with this action?

Agree with this statemnt  1. Colonialism in Africa had a more serious impact on

Agree with this statemnt 
1. Colonialism in Africa had a more serious impact on

Agree with this statemnt 
1. Colonialism in Africa had a more serious impact on the lives of African women versus men.
You must use at least 5 of the readings to support your answer (not videos). Please be exhaustive in your citations – this essay demonstrates how substantively you have engaged with the readings so far in this class and represents a substantial part of your grade. Make sure to provide ample evidence to support your stance. Do not use outside sources. NO AI (Chat GP etc)
Your essay should be 5 pages double-spaced. While it does not need to be a traditional three-point essay, your essay should be free of technical errors (spelling, grammar), well-organized, and well-argued. I expect each paper to be proofread before submission and your sources must be cited as in-text citations with page numbers (i.e. Burke, 141). Your paper must have a bibliography at the end. 
Alice Conklin, “The Civilizing Mission,
” in Berenson, E., Duclert, V., & Prochasson, C. (2011). The French Republic history, values, debates. 
Primary Sources: Three Perspectives on “Civilization
LECTURE: Labor and Rule in Colonial Africa (00:10:38)
Trevor Getz, “Prophetesses and ‘Native Capitalists’” African Voices of the Industrial Revolution, ca. 1760-1880” i
n African Voices of the Global Past
LECTURE: The Civilizing Mission in Africa (00:08:26)
Marijke Steegstra, “‘A Mighty Obstacle to the Gospel’: Basel Missionaries, Krobo Women, and Conflicting Ideas of Gender and Sexuality”
Waller, Richard. “Rebellious Youth in Colonial Africa
.” The Journal of African History 47, no. 1 (2006): 77-92.
Sexuality, Gender, and Law during Colonial Rule
Roberts, Richard, ‘Law, Crime, and Punishment in Colonial Africa
‘, in John Parker, and Richard Reid (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Modern African History (2013)
Allman, Jean. “Rounding up spinsters: gender chaos and unmarried women in colonial Asante.
” The Journal of African History 37, no. 2 (1996): 195-214.
Reuther, Jessica. “Street Hawking or Street Walking in Dahomey?: Debates about Girls’ Sexual Assaults in Colonial Tribunals, 1924–41.
” The Journal of African History 63, no. 3 (2022): 368-383.
Thornberry, Elizabeth. “Defining Crime through Punishment: Sexual Assault in the Eastern Cape, c. 1835–1900
.” Journal of Southern African Studies 37, no. 3 (2011): 415-430.
Gender, Youth, and Generation

PROMPT The Populist and Progressive reformers of the late 19th and early 20th ce

The Populist and Progressive reformers of the late 19th and early 20th ce

The Populist and Progressive reformers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries brought about widespread changes to American politics, economics, and society. In this essay, we want you to consider the ethics and civics of these reformers and their policies. What methods did they use to further their goals through civic engagement? What ethical considerations did they make in pushing reforms? only use the References attached below:

In an effort to better understand you and your background, please answer the fol

In an effort to better understand you and your background, please answer the fol

In an effort to better understand you and your background, please answer the following questions.  Each question is worth a maximum of 5 points.  Please refer to the rubric to see how I will grade the questions.  Each question should be a minimum of five sentences and a maximum of 10 sentences.
What kind of student were you in high school (or college if it was a while ago)?  What skills did you lack coming into college and when did you realize it? Did you or how did you acquire them? If you are still in high school, what do you think is the biggest difference between high school and college?
Have you done much history research?  Have you read about history outside of history classes?  What do you like to read?  Have you already taken English 101 and/or English 102?
How much time do you think you will spend each week on this class?  How do you come to this conclusion?  What, if anything, is your biggest worry about this class? Have you taken online classes before? What is the one thing you think I should know about you?
USEFUL LINKS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2BKPeHNkxU
TEXTBOOK: https://assets.openstax.org/oscms-prodcms/media/documents/USHistory-WEB.pdf?_gl=1*ficynj*_gcl_au*MTI2OTIwNTQ5LjE3MjAwMTY1ODc.*_ga*MTkyMzcyMjYxMi4xNzIwMDE2NTg3*_ga_T746F8B0QC*MTcyMDQ1NzM1OC4zLjEuMTcyMDQ1NzM3NC40NC4wLjA.

I have uploaded my Midterm research paper for my architect history class. My pro

I have uploaded my Midterm research paper for my architect history class. My pro

I have uploaded my Midterm research paper for my architect history class. My professor told me “Very thorough. You’ll want to do a little editing for your midterm paper so that you aren’t repeating yourself.”
So please edit this paper so that I am not repeating myself.

3. Guidance and Requirements: a. Develop an analytical essay to appraise and

3. Guidance and Requirements:
a. Develop an analytical essay to appraise and

3. Guidance and Requirements:
a. Develop an analytical essay to appraise and compare the seven principles of mission command to the Operation Anaconda Case Study, March 2002 and relate them to one or more of the objectives listed in paragraph 4. Use your time to develop a deep understanding of your topic to fully explain your analysis. Use details/analysis from the Case Study to support your main ideas.
b. Construct the essay IAW the American Psychological Association (APA) Writing Style. Your essay should include four major sections: a Title page, an Abstract which is an in-depth introduction of your topic, main body consisting of 3 full pages and no more than 5 pages, and a reference page with at least two sources for the bibliography.
c. Your essay will be typed, double-spaced on standard-sized paper (8.5″ x 11″) with 1″ margins on all sides. Use 12 pt. Times New Roman font.
d. To create a page header/running head, insert page numbers flush right. Then type “TITLE OF YOUR PAPER” in the header flush left using all capital letters. The running head is a shortened version of your paper’s title and cannot exceed 50 characters including spacing and punctuation.
e. Your cover page title format will be as follows 1.) Title of your paper, 2.) Last name, First name, 3.) NCO Academy 42A SLC 00xx-22

4. Objective. The student will choose to relate one or more of the following objectives to the seven mission command principles and use the details/analysis from the Operation Anaconda Case Study to support their ideas.
a. Objective 1: Assess the implications of Operation Anaconda for command structures for future joint expeditionary operations and tactical battles.

b. Objective 2: Examine the challenge of generating accurate intelligence estimates of enemy forces, intentions, and capabilities for tactical battles.
c. Objective 3: Analyze the implications of Operation Anaconda for the capacity of
predetermined battle plans to forecast how events will actually unfold.
d. Objective 4: Assess the roles that can be played by allied coalition forces in battles such as Anaconda.
e. Objective 5: Discuss why the forging of adaptive plans, supported by effective forces, is important to preparing for battles such as Anaconda.
f. Objective 6: Evaluate Anaconda’s lessons for dispersed operations with light infantry forces in the Information Age.
g. Objective 7: Examine the role of SOF forces in modern battles such as Anaconda.
h. Objective 8: Analyze the lessons of Anaconda for air-ground interaction and CAS efforts in battles.
i. Objective 9: Assess Anaconda’s lessons for the role played by modern information networks in battles.
j. Objective 10: Examine the lessons of Anaconda for creating adaptable forces during defense transformation