Technological advancement is at the core of human civilizations history. Progress in different technologies over the decades has contributed to considerable societal shifts. A significantly enhanced human welfare is the most notable outcome of technological developments, and the trends continuity seems inevitable. New and more sophisticated technologies make various aspects of human life, such as production and communication, extra efficient. However, while this technological progress is associated with numerous benefits, they do not always result in human happiness.
Distributed manufacturing and synthetic biology are technologies that facilitate the effective production of commodities and the development of beneficial medical tools. Although distributed manufacturing allows extreme customization, just-in-time production, and minimal cost of transportation, it jeopardizes active government control of manufactured goods, including destructive weapons. This trend increases risks for home-based production and distribution of dangerous weapons, making it difficult to control arms. Equally, synthetic biology can be used to develop highly infectious and lethal pathogens, causing pandemics of unprecedented scale (Li et al., 2021). Undetected terrorist groups can use this technology to develop and deploy engineered viruses. The challenges in controlling the production and distribution of weapons contribute to armed crimes and social unrest, leading to decreased human happiness.
Adoption of advanced technologies in companies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) to ensure increased and efficient production has been contributing to increased unemployment. Notably, work is essential for individuals to have a meaningful life. According to Su (2018), work saves society from crimes and boredom. Burgess and Connell (2020) indicate that while technological progress creates new opportunities for employment, they also displace people from their jobs. Most people who lose their job can engage in illegal activities to earn their living. Others may suffer from health problems such as stress and depression due to the inability to meet their daily needs. Thus, technological advancements also cause serious problems to humans, depriving them of much-anticipated happiness.
The use of advanced digital technologies at organizational and social levels makes work and communication easier. However, these technologies seem to cause problems and unhappiness for humans. For instance, the use of digital devices such as smartphones and computers can cause eye problems, insomnia and mental health problems, and other well-being concerns. Brunette et al. (2019) note that excessive use of smartphones and computers contributes to about 19.1% and 18.4% of major depressive disorders and anxiety disorders, respectively. Over-dependence on digital technologies can also harm relationships and lead to the inability to have face-to-face interactions. Therefore, technological progress can also be a source of unhappiness among individuals.
Conclusively, technological progress does not always result in human happiness, even if such advancements have numerous benefits. Advanced technologies enhance efficient production and other operations in human life. However, some technologies can be used negatively by terrorist groups to hurt social well-being. The increased adoption of advanced technologies continues to deprive people of job opportunities and contributes to numerous health problems. Therefore, the pessimism thought that technological progress does not always lead to human happiness is justifiable.
Brunette, M., Achtyes, E., Pratt, S., Stilwell, K., Opperman, M., Guarino, S., & Kay-Lambkin, F. (2019). Use of smartphones, computers and social media among people with SMI: Opportunity for intervention. Community Mental Health Journal, 55(6), 973-978.
Burgess, J., & Connell, J. (2020). New technology and work: Exploring the challenges. The Economic And Labour Relations Review, 31(3), 310-323.
Li, J., Zhao, H., Zheng, L., & An, W. (2021). Advances in synthetic biology and biosafety governance. Frontiers in Bioengineering And Biotechnology, 9, 1-14.
Su, G. (2018). Unemployment in the AI age. AI Matters, 3(4), 35-43.