To many people golf is considered not a sport. The definition of a sport according to Cambridge English dictionary, “ A sport is a game, competition, or similar activity, done for enjoyment or as a job, that takes physical effort and skill.” (Roy) This definition describes and explains why golf is considered to be a sport. Golf can be enjoyed by anyone and has no age limit, golf is physically and mentally demanding. Golfers have to have a lot of patience and skill if they want to be good and try to succeed. Golf is very time consuming and is meatally challenging sometimes. “Golf has many rules and promotes high principles and values.” (The) Golf has many leagues and associations. Golfers have fans and sponsors. Golf also has rules and penalties for every different shot. The playing of golf in any tournament or any other format is played with an honor system, yes golf players count strokes of the others, but they also have to respect and honor that the other golf player is telling the truth. No matter where the ball was or how their shot turned out.. Golf players have to try and remember all the rules and consequences to every bad shot made by himself or the other players.
Golf takes a lot of patience and time to play and practice golf. Many golfers could get a scholarship to play at the next level at many universities or colleges. Colleges and universities usually play all year, spring and fall. Some universities or colleges have both genders playing for their school. It is very rare that they only have either a women’s or men’s team.“ 1,300 varsity college golf programs throughout the country are offered for men ,and there are 801 colleges that offer golf at their university or college.” (vasile8) Golf is a universal sport. It is very well known. Twenty four point one million people play golf in more than 120 countries in the world. Which makes golf a $70 billion dollar industry. Professional golf careers usually last longer than any other sport. Golf is a sport that doesn’t really wear out a golfers’ muscles.There are many rules golfers have to pay attention to. If golfers don’t remember the rules and make a mistake, they can call penalties on themselves. In golf no round or shot will ever be the same. So many factors go into one swing that’s why every swing or shot is different. Golf players could go out to the range to hit balls, and by the time they are done hitting they could’ve messed up something in their swing. Golf isn’t a sport where someone could just go out there with golf clubs and just hit the ball. People who go play golf or try to learn how to play golf end up learning how to manage their time and are able to stay mentally head strong and physically in shape.
Not only do golfers need the physical ability to play or practice, but golfers also need the mental ability, the mental aspect of golf out does the physical ability. “The mental preparation and toughness in golf blows away what it takes in any other sport.” (Myers) Professional golfers make playing and practicing golf look easy, but professional golfers have days where it’s hard to hit the ball straight or to even hit a perfect shot. In golf, the course is a golfers’ biggest opponent because golf players have to think about how and where the next shot is going to go. Golfers have to think about how to make the swing they need to get the shot where they need it to go. Bobby Jones said, “ Golf is a sport that’s played on a five- inch course– the distance between your ears.”(Myers)
There are many long or short term health benefits for playing golf. Golf helps golfers with their flexibility, attitude, respect, morals, and many other things. Golf helps them stay fit and have endurance. Golf helps golfers with losing body fat and helps them stay hydrated. In the golf swing, the golfers body twists and turns to create a violent energy to hit the ball. While using the ground as a force, the golf swing connects a golfers legs and core to create impact into the golf ball and the club hits the ground after hitting the ball. “Golf gets seventeen to twenty two muscles moving in a golfers body with every swing.”( Home) The golf swing helps with an all over body workout. “Muscles in the lower and upper part of a golfers back, arms, legs and abdomen are constantly in motion.” (Sports Rec)Golf players may not train like other sports do but that doesn’t mean they don’t work or sweat as much. Stretching before and probably after you play is very important. Golfers carry seventy five pound bags for five or six miles miles each round. A nine hole round walking would take a golfer two to three hours. An eighteen hole, full round, walking would take a golfer five to seven hours depending on how many people were playing. There is so much about golf practice and work that goes unnoticed by everyone. Training is very hard, especially for golfers who want to be good and maybe play at the next level. “Practicing golf to become a decent golfer requires an enormous amount of self- discipline to put in the required amount of skilled practice as well as rounds on and off the golf course. Golfers would have to practice a minimum of six hours per day for a minimum of five days per week.” (The)
Golf is not only a great way to build up a golfer’s mental and physical ability but golf also helps with friendships and making new memories with different people. Golf can be played in many different ways. Golfers usually play in the following different formats: match play, is a hole-by-hole competition where the golfer who makes the best score on the individual hole wins that hole. Golfers can also play a scramble, better/best ball, stroke play, alternate shot (foursome), and there are many more ways to play golf. These are the ones that are the most popular. By playing in these formats or tournaments, golfers meet new people every time or usually playing with someone they’ve met from previous tournaments. Golfers can play as much as they want to and for as long. There is no age limit in playing golf anyone can play that has patience, time, and golf clubs. Golf is a lifelong sport that most everyone young to old, small to big can enjoy and play for fun. In golf, golfers can eat and drink while they play. This is one of the only sports that people can eat and drink while playing. Golf can be played alone or with many other golfers. Golf can be independent when golfers want it to be. Golfers can play or practice alone. Most golfers prefer to play alone because it usually helps them focus and figure out their problems. Golf is a competitive sport not only by playing with other people, but competitive and challenging because of nature and the course they are playing. Golf helps reduce stress and helps develop a sense of connection with other people.
Golf is considered to be a sport from not only golf players, but by many other people who may not even know much about golf. Golf is a very challenging sport. Golf takes time, patience, and self control to play golf. Golf is a sport because it meets many of the aspects that classify a sport to be a sport. Golf meets many standards and has many people watching or playing. Golf is a sport that people can get involved in, but not as involved in the watching of golf as in like a baseball or football game. Golf can be enjoyed and watched by anyone. Golf has many spectators and sponsorships. Golf offers scholarships to universities or colleges just like any other sport. Golf scholarships are easier to get than a football or any other sport. Golf has many organizations and leagues that are divided up whenever it comes to ability. Golf has the mental part of the sport. Golf requires strategic thinking and mental sharpness. Golf meets the physical aspect of a sport, golf improves endurance, golf players carry seventy five pound bags walking five to seven miles each round, and in each golf swing a golfers body uses seventeen to twenty two muscles per swing. Golf affects a golfer’s life outside of the golf course in many positive ways. Golf is a great way to make friends. Golfers seem to have better control with patience and self control. Golf players are able to stay hydrated and not so hungry. Golf helps with weight loss and just causes the golf player to be in better shape.