Global Warming: Informative Speech

Global warming is a natural phenomenon involving an overall increase in the temperature of the earth’s atmosphere not only localized in a particular region but all over the world (Sharma et al. 2017, p.71). The topic “Global Warming” has recently become interesting not only to me but also to other many people because it is a global issue whose impact is indiscriminate of regions, affecting all of us anywhere. The impact of global warming has now hit new levels and is evident in many countries, if not all, making it a key concern for everyone. The issue of global warming is a new one whose seriousness began to show only in the closing years of the twentieth century. As such, there are many mysteries as well as a series of controversies surrounding the issue, which now takes center stage in this paper.

The greenhouse effect is one of the main contributing factors to global warming. According to Sharma et al. (2017), the greenhouse effect is a process in which some gases such as CO2, NO2, and SO2 found in the atmosphere absorb heat reflected by the earth’s surface thus, increasing temperature in the atmosphere. Such gases have a generic name: greenhouse gases. To further explain how this process takes place, Sharma et al. state that radiations coming from the sun first hit the solid earth and are reflected in the atmosphere. The above-mentioned gases in the atmosphere would not let the reflected waves escape into the upper atmosphere (Sharma et al., p.71). Although these gases are naturally found in the atmosphere, their levels are increased by humans through increased emissions of these gases. Burning of fossil fuels and increased deforestation are some of the human activities that hugely contribute to increased levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Ozone layer depletion, like greenhouse gases, has an equal contribution to global warming. The ozone layer is a layer of colorless gas in the upper atmosphere playing a critically important role in preventing powerful waves, Ultraviolet radiation, from the sun from reaching the earth’s surface. Such waves have both serious environmental and health consequences. The most notable health impact on humans is the development of several types of cancer, such as skin cancer. The environmental issues related to UV radiation are tremendous, and global warming is no exception (p.72). One such effect is increasing environmental temperature, hence contributing to global warming. The ozone layer does not get along well with CFC3, which is another gas that causes the depletion of the ozone layer. Scientists have figured out that CFC3 gas is released in high amounts when humans involve in activities such as refrigerating, air conditioning, use of farm fertilizers, and motor vehicle emissions.

The occurrence of environmental catastrophes such as tropical cyclones has been on the increase and is scientifically associated with global warming. Cyclones have exceptional natures and great negative implications for societies (Richard et al. 2006, p.2). Cyclones are a variety of strong winds moving at high speeds, such as hurricanes. The first impact of tremendous destruction is obvious because cyclones can destroy anything that comes their way, given that the wind is always profoundly powerful. However, the dangerous impact of cyclones comes through further exacerbating the consequences of other environmental phenomena. One of the best-known environmental catastrophes related to cyclones is the recent massive destruction on the coast of Mozambique in which unusual rains were received only some months ago. Another serious consequence is the California wildfires that have hit news headlines on several occasions since early this year. Wildfires erupted, and a particular hurricane kept blowing the fires, further spreading them. These are just a few of the recent cases, and society is gradually becoming vulnerable to hurricanes. Although cyclones can be viewed as independent phenomena, they are very much rooted in global warming.

Due to increased thermal heating, the melting of ice is taking place at a tremendous speed. The phenomenon is undisputed through a significant rise in sea level (Sharma et al., p.72). The world’s glaciers are melting, leading to an influx of high water volumes into the oceans, causing the water levels to rise. Additionally, increased atmospheric temperatures due to global warming have been responsible for the thermal expansion of the water in oceans because water increases in volume once heated. The implication to the humans living near ocean coasts is that their displacement is imminent as they will be compelled homeless. As this condition gets worse, countries like Vietnam and Bangladesh are at risk if recent projections that a great percentage of land in the two countries will be lost to the ocean are found correct. According to Sharma et al., the impact of the rising sea level will be even worse for organisms adapted to coastal environments and coastal plants because they cannot escape when conditions in their locations get worse.

The most painfully piercing impact as a result of global warming is, however, its impact on the world climate. Climate change is currently a major issue in many countries that governments are unsuccessfully fighting. More often than not, the issue manifests inform of increased precipitation or changes in precipitation patterns (Sharma et al. p.73). As a result, some areas receive frequent droughts, while others receive destructive rainfall. The impact has a meaning to the economy of the affected people, as this comes with huge disruptions in farming activities. Food production is now an uphill task for many societies due to changes in climate patterns, compelling governments of such societies to costly spend on food importation. While enough rainfall is crucial to agricultural performance, “there is evidence that the frequency of heavy destructive rainfall has increased worldwide” (Richard et al. p.3). Such a recent trend is attributed to global warming.

In the face of the above-mentioned implications as a result of global warming, society has significantly increased efforts to mitigate the adverse effects of global warming. So far, many countries have developed power plants to trap CO2, the main contributing factor to global warming, to prevent it from getting into the atmosphere. Similar campaigns have also been developed to separate CO2 produced during the burning of fossil fuel (Sharma et al. p.73). Automobile manufacturers have also been encouraged to participate in the fight against global warming by increasing the energy efficiency of automobiles to cut down the level of CO2 released into the atmosphere. In many developing countries, where the costs involved in developing such strategies could be unbearable, campaigns to participate in curbing global warming are mostly witnessed through afforestation programs because trees absorb CO2 from the atmosphere.

Global warming, as a global issue, has been researched and discussed with tremendous controversy, sparking one of the major debates the world has ever seen. The general public has significantly been divided because several aspects of global warming are a puzzle to many people.

According to Smith (2017), numerous previous studies have come up with completely conflicting results on the topic of global warming (p.1). First, a figure has pointed to many factors as some of the contributing factors to global warming. Although the factors leading to global warming can be diverse, several extensive types of research show that global warming is caused by the greenhouse effect, emission of greenhouse gases, and depletion of the ozone layer. Thus, the evaluation of any other factor should be grounded on the above-highlighted factors. This further means that a strong relationship must exist between the above factors and any other new factor to qualify as a global warming factor. Finally, these factors serve to underpin the fact that global warming is completely an environmental issue purely attributable to factors that disrupt the natural environment and, not a religious issue, as some would wrongly argue.

In conclusion, three fundamental factors, namely the greenhouse effect, emission of greenhouse gases, and depletion of the ozone layer, are responsible for global warming. Global warming has effects throughout the world and, thus, efforts to reduce the impact by any country alone prove to be far from enough because the issue requires combined efforts by all nations. We all need a safe, sustainable environment, and we have the power to fulfill this desirable need. It sounds bad that in the wave of increased global warming, this can be difficult to achieve. The secret, however, lies in reducing the emission of CO2 into the atmosphere.

Works Cited

  1. Anthes, Richard A., et al. “Hurricanes and global warming-potential linkages and consequences.” Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 87.5 (2006): 623-628.
  2. Sharma, Varsha, and Indu Nashier Gahlawah. “Global Warming: Causes and Effects.” Proceedings of National Conference. 2017.
  3. Smith, Mackenzie E. “Global Warming: Why is There Debate?” (2017).

Global Warming: Persuasive Speech

Do you want your family and future generations to have somewhere to live safely? Good Morning, I am Jayden Rachmaninoff and I am here to reach out to you about global warming and climate change because I need your help to help make a difference. What causes climate change and global warming you may be asking? According to climate change is, “a long-term change in the earth’s climate, especially a change due to an increase in the average atmospheric temperature.” Climate change is caused by many different effects that humans have created.

Do you know what effects you are causing? The greenhouse effect is one of the biggest effects that humans have caused. According to Britannica kids, ‘The greenhouse effect is the warming of Earth’s surface and the air above it and is caused by gases in the air that traps energy from the Sun.’ The greenhouse effect gasses are caused by people burning too many fossil fuels like natural gasses, oil, and coal which are increasing greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide. Too much of these gasses released into the atmosphere can cause the earth to trap more and more heat which can cause the earth to heat up. I have noticed that the earth warming up, has shortened the time I can go snow skiing as the snow is melting earlier. This brings me to my third and final point caused by global warming, deforestation, yes, another cause caused by humans. Yes, did you hear that another cause of global warming caused by humans? (Don’t talk for 5 seconds) Deforestation is the huge number of trees being cut down for farming wood or clearing land for farms. According to ‘The Under Story’ every year between 3.5 billion and 7.5 billion trees are cut down. This is a huge problem because the massive numbers of fossil fuels being burnt cause carbon dioxide and there are not enough trees to change it all back to oxygen. You all can join groups that help establish trees all over our country like 20 million trees and green army.

What are the effects of global warming and how will it impact our future? This January was the hottest-ever month recorded in our country according to the Bureau of Meteorology and according to the climate council, there were over 208 records broken. This has caused glaciers to start shrinking, ice to break up and melt earlier than usual and trees are flower earlier. According to NASA sea levels are rising 3.2 millimeters per year and are growing every year. This is due to ice sheets and glaciers melting and the expansion of seawater as it heats up. This will eventually cause coastal flooding and loss of homes and land and this would ruin the great Aussie tradition of going to the beach as there would be no beach. Just imagine a summer without going to the beach, it wouldn’t be the same. A further effect of global warming is drought. Drought has been happening in the 2000s where there is little or no rain and this leaves farmers with dead crops and animals and rural areas with no water. The crisp dry paddocks are in unbearably bad conditions that if you were to fall over you would break your knee!! This can lead to whole farms and industries collapsing. If you have been to the shops lately the prices of fruit and vegetable have gone through the roof as farms are struggling to even grow weeds!! A final example of the effects of global warming is fish and coral reefs dying because of warm water temperatures and low water levels. This is evident through 2 incidents. One of which is the Darling river in Australia where millions of fish died because of low water levels. The second is that I have found that when I have been going snorkeling there are been a lot of dead coral and not much sea life the other day I saw these horrible statistics that National Geographic released; over half of the great barrier reef is dead thanks to bleaching which has been caused by the ocean water temperature rising!!! (Don’t talk for 5 seconds) Poor helpless sea animals will have to leave their reefs and find new ones. Scientists have found that by 2050 90% of the world’s coral will be dead at this rate of global warming. Now you may be wondering, how can we solve this and what are some solutions to these horrible problems? Everyone can make a difference to help fix climate change.

To solve the problem of global warming you can cut down on burning coal and gases, you can use more renewable and environmentally friendly ways to make energy like installing solar panels on your roof or buying wind energy, you can buy energy-efficient appliances for your house and you can do this by looking at your Energy star label. I have changed all of my house’s appliances from 3 to 5 stars and I have also recently installed solar panels the amount of money that we have saved has been incredible. Everyone can act to help address and adapt to climate change Another simple way to take your part in fixing global warming which may sound silly is by saving water. This can be as easy as taking a shorter shower or even just switching your tap off while you brush your teeth. I have walked into the school bathrooms and have seen taps left on wasting valuable water. The biggest and most effective way to help solve the problem of global warming is to speak up. Tell your friends and family, to put in social media, it is your job to help save our world and everyone can make a difference!! We shall now all know how global warming is created We shall now all start helping to fix global warming We shall now all start to make a difference So, do you want your grandkids or even kids to have a safe place to live? Not fighting for their life with natural disasters coming weekly or having no water. Well act now and help make a difference before it is too late. Thank you.

Introduction to Global Warming Essay

Global warming is in the news broadcast. While researchers agree that temperatures are rising, they disagree about the causes and percentage of change. How high will temperatures rise, what is the speed, and what are the effects? There is much that we still do not realize because the climate is so complicated. So are the reasons that make land habitable, and that has only one temperature. For example, a few types of air pollution cool the atmosphere and thus may act as agents to compensate for global warming, but they also make air breathless. Because climate change is so complicated, researchers use all types of data and scientific models to try to figure out what is really happening. In 1957, climate scientist Roger Rafael explained the possibility of global warming caused by fossil-fuel burning. ‘Humans are now conducting a large-scale geophysical experiment of the kind that would have happened in the past and cannot be reproduced in the future. Within a little century, we return to the atmosphere and ocean organic carbon concentration in sedimentary rocks over hundreds of millions of years… *Global warming and Climate change:- Global warming and climate change point to a rise in global regular temperatures due to the rise in the impact of global warming due to the rise in greenhouse gases. Natural events such as forest fires, volcanic eruptions, the release of methane from the melting of permafrost in the ocean floor, the release of methane from livestock, wetlands, anthropogenic sources of exhaust from all types of combustion, industrial production of greenhouse gases, agricultural water-supply activities such as rice cultivation, artificial wetlands, and deforestation. Heating the ground causes rapid changes in the pre-existing weather pattern. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, there are several indications of these changes in the world of global warming. Keller, Charles F, 2009, (6).

Global warming is the phenomenon of rising regular air temperatures near the surface of the Earth over the past one to two centuries. Climate researchers have since the mid-20th century gathered detailed observations of various weather phenomena (such as temperatures, precipitation, and storms) and of related effects on climate (such as ocean currents and the atmosphere’s chemical composition). These data show that Earth’s climate has changed over almost every conceivable period since the beginning of geologic time and that the effect of human activities since at least the beginning of the Industrial Revolution has been deeply woven into the very fabric of climate change. Factors increases with global warming

  • Temperature of land
  • Sea surface temperature
  • Troposphere temperature
  • Temperature over oceans
  • Ocean heat content
  • Sea level

Humidity Factors decrease with global warming. Glaciers. Snow cover Keller, Charles F, 2009 (7).

To be sure, humans were the main part of the problem, which is why we must find a solution to it. The first step is to realize how our work has created this situation. Here are the top ten human reasons for global warming. Travel & Transportation The vast majority of vehicles on the road (and in air and water) are powered by fossil fuels, such as gasoline. As these vehicles burn this fuel to power their engines, they release carbon and other pollutants, involving both air and water quality. In fact, transportation was a significant contributor to US greenhouse gas emissions in 2016. Shahzad, R. Umair., 2015(5) Source: Environmental protection Agency. Source of greenhouse Gas Emissions (2016)

Greenhouse gases are keeping heat inside the atmosphere, causing global temperatures to rise. It is this rise in global temperatures that without intervention will affect the global disaster that the IPCC report warned of. It is not hard to realize why transportation makes a huge contribution to global warming once you know how much we have paid.

Industrialization The transition of economies from agriculture primarily to industry is likely to be the main cause of today’s rampant global warming. Research recommends that global warming was initiated partly by the Industrial Revolution in the United States and other countries, which happened in the mid-nineteenth century. While these changes happened in the US and Europe nearly two centuries ago, other global economies are emerging today, contributing further to industrialization and related pollution. Change in annual CO2 emissions from fuel combustion (2000-2016) Source: International Energy. CO2Emissions Statistics (2018).

Livestock Production Screaming adds to climate change in a few ways. In addition to clearing trees in order to give space for large areas suitable for animal welfare and feeding food, these animals produce a large amount of waste, which produces methane, a highly damaging greenhouse gas. Consumption of meat and meat products is expected to continue to increase, and even double, by 2050, according to one forecast. Factory Farming The industrialization of agriculture gets the potential negative causes of livestock production and amplifies them. While organic farming can have a positive impact on global warming by decreasing carbon through the growth of crops, large-scale, industrialized farming negates the positive impact of organic food and animal production. These large-scale animal-producing farms, known as concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) have risen sharply in recent years.

Use of Aerosols Though some forms of aerosols have been illegal in many countries, other forms of them still are in wide use. These products are loaded with greenhouse gases, plus CO2 and methane, as well as chlorofluorocarbons, which erode the ozone layer. Production of aerosols has actually risen throughout the world, with most aerosols being produced in Europe. Aerosol production by region or country (millions of units, 2017). Source: European Aerosol Federation. FEA (2017).

Persuasive Essay on Global Warming


Global warming is actually happening; it is no longer a prediction. It is defined as the long-term increase in the average temperature of the climate system of the earth. It is a gradual thing that is generally attributed to the issue of the greenhouse effect due to an increase in the levels of harmful gases and other pollutants in the environment. Global warming is a continuous menace that many individuals have a strong opinion about. We can all agree that global warming is a real threat to many people because its consequences are very harmful to the planet (Cline 399). In the present society, there are many debates going on whose focus is to address the threat levels of global warming and mitigation measures to curb this menace. It is a big threat to humanity. Scientific research done by NASA has proven that current global warming trends suggest imminent danger on earth with all its components. The impacts will not be felt for many years to come but, the effects are already being seen. This paper gathers many ideas on global warming; its effects to start with and possible remedies on how to address this issue among other aspects.


Many people tend to think that the impacts of global warming will be faced in the future not knowing that it is already happening today. As I had stated earlier, to add on, there are many parts of the world that are being faced with this problem (Leggett 43). It is very unsound to say that the effects are not seen or felt. Some parts of the globe have experienced increased temperatures for example; in 1995, over 500 people died in the US due to immense heat waves in Chicago which rose up to 41°C. Causes of global warming caused by man have already doubled in its killing of human beings. An example of this is the heat waves experienced in Chicago.

Global warming is never a myth, it is a fact. Theories about global warming have become more popular over the past few years. People around the world are being encouraged to be environmentally conscious by others including celebrities, political leaders, and world organizations among other (Cline 399). The theories of global warming have become more controversial when addressing them as it gains public attention. The earth was originally formed with a balance of “greenhouse gases.” It is a fact that these gases are naturally occurring. It is clear that man is to blame for all this because it is mainly caused by human activities. Natural causes of global warming are very less as compared to anthropogenic causes.

Industrialization is one of the major influences of man on global warming. It all started when industrialization invaded the earth. Industrialization increased so much that there was an increased level of carbon dioxide, halocarbons, nitrous gases, and methane gases on earth. According to Olauson (421), these types of gases have a tendency of accumulating in the atmosphere, making a platform for increasing and accumulation to greater amounts over time. The industrialization era has greatly contributed to in the increase of the four gases. Fossil fuel transportation, cement manufacturing, and deforestation are one of the major influences on increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

The more people living on earth, the more we have higher the probability of increased emission of harmful greenhouse gases. The Earth’s surface temperature has gone up by 0.8°C. What harm could we do to ourselves by being more conservative and conscious when interacting with our environment? As it stands now, the answer is none. Ignoring this crisis is a harmful effect because they are all proven facts. When matters of global warming surface in conversations, some individuals groan and avoid conversations because they are avoiding heated debates. On the other hand, many individuals feel concerned and want to be part of the panel addressing such matters (Olauson 421). Media is trying as much as possible to shed light on people who do not know the causes or effects of global warming which brings about climate change. CNN has been a champion in this matter.

It is unimaginable that people think global warming could do no harm to them. It is very unfortunate that many people still think so. People need to know that environmental hazards like tsunamis, hurricanes, wild forest fires, flooding of seas and oceans, and increased temperatures are caused by global warming. The damage to the ozone layer is much more dangerous as its impact is seen on man directly (Albe 679). Direct sun rays can cause skin cancer in humans. Hazards like tsunamis and hurricanes destroy human properties as well as death to man. It is paradoxical that flooding increases with global warming and so is drought. They are expected to be more frequent and severe. The higher temperatures caused by global warming cause high rates of evaporation on land and when rains fail to replenish as soon as possible, the soils lose a lot of water and become dry lands. This eventually leads to the suffering of man.

It’s time we thought of what to do concerning the alarming rates of global warming because we can no longer ignore yet we have seen its adverse effects on humans and the face of the earth. Many nations around the world have improved their game in fighting this menace of climate change (Albe 680). United States, for example, President Donald Trump is the champion. We should be conscious and friendly with our environment by practicing activities like planting trees and avoiding deforestation. Research has shown that a single tree will help absorb 1 ton of carbon (IV) oxide over its lifetime. We should also drive less and avoid the use of hot water because heating leads to the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. People should learn to speak up and voice their concerns to relevant authorities if they detect anything unique in their normal environment and not forget to power their homes with renewable sources of energy.

It would be unthinkable to say that citizens around the world are not concerned with the issue of climate change. Most people in America are more and more deeply concerned about climate change issues due to global warming (Cline 399). This is regardless of their differences; they all see the negative impact of global warming and the majority of them think the formulation of policies can be an effective solution to address this issue which I absolutely support. Two-thirds of climate scientists should be actively involved in policy decisions about climate change.

In conclusion, global warming is a continuous menace that many individuals have strong opinions about by taking a look at its effects among other aspects. Global warming is already happening. We now need to focus on how to curb it.

Works Cited

  1. Albe, Virginie. ‘Students’ communication, argumentation and knowledge in a citizens’ conference on global warming.’ Cultural Studies of Science Education 7.3 (2012): 659-681.
  2. Cline, William R. ‘Global warming.’ Institute for International Economics, Washington, DC (2014): 399.
  3. Leggett, Jeremy. Global warming: the Greenpeace report. Oxford University Press, 2013. 43
  4. Olausson, Ulrika. ‘Global warming: global responsibility? Media frames of collective action and scientific certainty.’ Public understanding of science 18.4 (2017): 421-436.

Persuasive Speech on Global Warming

What biotechnological measures can be used to reverse global warming?

Answer: In the answer to this question, first we need to understand what is biotechnology.

Biotechnology can be defined as the exploitation of biologically for industrial and other purposes, especially the genetic manipulation of microorganisms for the production of antibiotics, hormones, etc. It has applications in four major industrial areas, including health care (medical), crop production and agriculture,non-food (industrial)uses of crops and other products (e.g .biodegradable plastics, vegetable oil, biofuel, and environmental uses)

Can Biotechnology Help Slow Global Warming?

You can’t open your eyes without them filling with dust and watering. Your mouth is dry from the heat and wind, with no water in sight. The ground you are standing on is dry and cracking. Are you in the Sahara desert or in Kansas 50 years from today? In an article in Grass and Grain entitled “Agriculture in 50 Years,” the writer predicted that the Midwest crops that are being grown in Kansas today would be moved to the north in 50 years because of the near desertlike conditions from global warming. Not everyone will agree with this author’s predictions. However, we should be worried about the future with the effects of global warming, not only in Kansas but in the rest of the world as well.

What actually global warming is?

It can be described as a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth’s atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, CFCs, and other pollutants. Global warming has become a major problem. It is caused when more solar energy is trapped in the Earth’s atmosphere than can escape into space. Carbon dioxide and methane are the two compounds causing the problem. A high quantity of those compounds is coming from power plants and transportation. The rise of temperatures threatens many dangerous consequences, such as drought, disease, floods, lost ecosystems, sweltering heat, and rising seas. Temperatures have increased by about one degree Fahrenheit over the last century and should rise another three to nine degrees by the end of this century. Heat waves, droughts, and wildfires will occur more often and with much more intensity. Disease-carrying mosquitoes will expand their range and species will become extinct. The temperature changes are becoming drastic. No state in the lower 48 states experienced below-average temperatures in 2002. Since 1980, the earth has had 19 of its 20 hottest years on record, with 2002 being the second hottest year ever, and 1998 the hottest. Scientists are building cleaner cars and modernizing power plants, but another solution is being studied: biotechnology. Can genetically engineering plants play a role in slowing down global warming? Some think so. A genetically modified organism is one that carries and/or inherits an artificially introduced modification in its genome. Some people don’t believe that biotechnology would be able to help to slow down global warming enough to warrant the development of biotech crops. They believe that the concentration should be on power plants and the transportation industry. Even if genetic technology gets off the ground, it will be unlikely that there will be any visible benefits for 20 to 50 years and we don’t have that kind of time. Another major concern about biotechnology is that the genes will spread and create“super-weeds”, thus contaminating conventional and organic crops. Some worry that biotech trees, which contain genes from bacteria, chickens, and even human beings, will provide poor habitats for beneficial animals and insects and will transform biologically diverse woodlands into sterile “Frankenforests.” Charles Benbrook, a policy and agricultural technology analyst claims that biotechnology may develop ways to adapt to change, but there isn’t going to be any simple technical solution to global warming.

The following measures have been/can be adopted by scientists to slow down the effects of global warming using biotechnology:

As genetically modified organisms are going to happen, so we might as well put them to good use. GMOs have affected many different areas with many different amazing inventions. In Canada, enhanced fruit trees kill insects on contact, without the use of pesticide sprays. In Israel, poplar trees have been made to grow so fast that they could eliminate the need to log old-growth forests while gobbling enough carbon dioxide to help slow global warming. In North Carolina and Minnesota, trees under experimentation that contain novel woody fibers can be processed into pulp without the tons of toxic chemicals that now poison rivers around paper mills. These kinds of inventions are paving the way to make biotechnology a plausible choice to help slow down global warming. An agronomy professor from Kansas State University, Charles Rice, says that farmers could use genetically modified plants that are already being used to help slow global warming, such as plants designed to withstand wind, therefore sequester more carbon into soils. Corn that is engineered to grow thicker, woodier stalks uses more carbon so it can make all the woody lignin and cellulose that makes them thicker and stiffer. Those two elements are slow to decompose in the soil, so the more biomass that is produced, the more carbon that is put into the soil. Scientists say that they are finding new ways of farming rice so that it can curb global warming as well as produce higher yields. Fields of rice are among the world’s highest producers of methane, about 10 percent of global emissions. Scientists from the Netherlands, Germany, and the Philippines have been devising experiments inside greenhouses. They found that the crucial factor is the number of spikelets a plant contains. A spikelet is a structure that holds a number of flowers, and later, grain. The more spikelets produced, the higher the yields and the greater effect on slowing down global warming. Other possibilities include no-till agriculture, which involves the use of herbicide-resistant genetically modified crops to control weeds instead of tilling the ground. Weed tilling causes tractor fuel to be emitted into the atmosphere. Therefore, no-till crops offer a double benefit. Bacteria and fungi use carbon in nearly every molecule, so if they can be made to take on a little more carbon, it could help add up to more carbon sequestration. Fungus is also being studied to create usable fuels out of agricultural waste. Imagine everyone driving a car with an electric motor and a hydrogen fuel cell power plant that you can fuel from the clippings from your yard. These possibilities have created the potential for biotechnology to play a role in slowing down global warming. These efforts of finding biotechnological applications are now becoming premeditated instead of just afterthoughts as was done in the past. “Audrey,” the giant man-eating Venus Flytrap featured in the 1960’s film, Little Shop of Horrors was a fictional creation. But, if plants could be developed to devour mankind’s pollution, we could turn the tide on the destruction of our planet. The feasibility has been proven with various plant studies. Together, with efforts by manufacturing and transportation, the future of the Earth will be secure. In 2054, we can still enjoy the pure water, clean air, and life-sustaining crops that make our state and country the most efficient food producer in the world.

Satire Essay on Global Warming

The Onion has been one of the leading publications in our era when it comes to satirical articles. The writers of the organization use near-perfect satire to address the pressing issues of the day we face as a society. Their written wit, while sometimes very exaggerated, is prime for pulling in readers and viewers while exploring very controversial issues that are often overlooked or ignored. This type of satirical commentary is demonstrated superbly in the Onion’s video called “5 Takeaways From the U.N. Report On Global Warming,” where the writers try to remind people just how serious of an environmental issue this is.

The first takeaway that’s shown is that “Narwhals are nearly extinct, so you should act now if you want to hunt one down and make its horn a trophy.” This point mainly hints at just how destructive our society’s practices have been on parts of nature that many don’t even contemplate. The fact that global warming is caused mostly by humans has resulted in multiple species dying off rapidly and that we should expedite the job is precisely what the Onion’s satire is trying to prevent and highlighted by its absurdity.

The next takeaway that is presented in the video is how “Certain nations will be hit much harder than others, so the U.S. still has some time while those go down.” This casual reference to other countries being destroyed is supposed to seem very apathetic. The point of the satire, in this case, is to appear indifferent to the lives of other people when in all reality pointing to the dangerous impact global warming will have on less fortunate countries. It is trying to use the incredibly selfish, callous behavior of the United States to invoke compassion in the viewers to think about those who will be affected before our country.

The third example of where the writers use satire is when they try to put a positive spin on global warming essay for the air conditioning industry, “Nothing but good news for our boys making air conditioners.” The purpose of this is to try to poke fun at the view of continuing down our path of hurting our planet all in the name of capitalism and personal comfort. It is using satire to say that everything will be fine because we will have an industry that will thrive while our planet slowly degrades. This commentary tries to show the audience just how insignificant it is for specific job sectors to succeed while the rest of our world is thrown into turmoil.

The fourth example attempts to show how people are generally unmotivated to try and help our planet in even small ways as when they refer to “32-year-old Michael Hamilton from Lincoln, Nebraska sometimes throws his recycling into the trash can if he’s feeling lazy.” This comment tries to show how lazy we can be as people when it comes to taking even small actions to help our planet. It could take only a couple more steps to use recycling, and that is what the satire is trying to show.

The final point in the video touches upon how slow we are to take action on something this vital and pressing. “All findings from the 2018 report are still true but with more exclamation points now.” This sarcasm tries to point out that we as a country and as a world have known the negative impacts of global warming for decades and certainly over the past year, but yet, we have done very little to fix it. The fact that there are more exclamation points now is trying to hint at the urgency of this matter while mocking our inaction and tendency to disregard these reports.

Overall the Onion leverages satire perfectly in this piece to try and show the need to combat climate change. It uses extremes to try to invoke people’s compassion to save other humans, endangered animals, and this planet. It also points out how ridiculous some of the arguments for not fighting global warming have become. Finally, the article suggests that we, as a society, tend to be very lazy when trying to combat climate change and that nothing has changed since 2018. All in all, these points show that we as humans could be doing much more to help our Earth and the Onion uses wit and satire to show where we should stand on addressing this critical issue.

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Essay About Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming

Our earth contains a specific climate system, continuous increase of the common temperature of the Earth’s climate system resulting in warming. This increasing the temperature is especially by human activities, primarily the burning of fossil fuels that pump greenhouse gas (CO2), alkane series and different greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. A greenhouse emission could be a gas that absorbs energy within the kind of radiation and emits at intervals specific thermal infrared vary. Greenhouse gases can cause the atmospheric phenomenon on our planets. An unnatural weather amendment has become a grave issue that wants full focus. it is not occurring visible of a solitary reason but some causes. These causes area unit each traditional even as artificial. The common causes incorporate the arrival of nurseries gases that cannot throw off earth, creating the temperature increment. Further, volcanic emissions area unit likewise responsible for a dangerous part devation. In different words, these emissions discharge immense amounts of greenhouse gas that adds to a worldwide temperature alteration[footnoteRef:1]. Thus, alkane series is likewise one major issue in control of a dangerous part devation. Global warming occurs when carbon dioxide and other major pollutants in air and greenhouse gases accumulates in the atmosphere and daylight and radiation from earth surface gets absorbed. In normal cases, these radiations get transmitted into space—but the air pollutants last for a very longer time period in the atmosphere, enhancing the warmth and hastens the process of global warming. Each year, scientists learn additional concerning the implications of worldwide warming, and plenty of agree that environmental, economic, and health consequences area unit possible to occur if current trends continue. Above all, energy sources (solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, bio mass) have to be compelled to be seriously pursued.

Global warming results in destruction of our scheme. As we all know scheme could be a harmony between living community and non-living components interacting as a system. These organic phenomenon and abiotic elements area unit connected along through nutrient cycles and energy will all disorder thanks to this temperature rising. Higher temperatures area unit worsening many varieties of disasters, dynamical weather patterns in such how that wet areas become wetter and dry areas drier. Consequences of worldwide warming includes severe weather amendment that results in injuries, fatalities and mental state impact[footnoteRef:3]. Rising temperature results in extreme heat that causes heat connected harm to health and death. Ocean natural action results in destruction of our organic phenomenon. uncountable individuals can result on flood as a result of melting ice this conjointly negatively affect polar wild system. Global gas decreases, malnourishment by drought, People can be displaced by climate disasters. This warming not solely have an effect on our human population however conjointly whole creators on the world during this scheme, Riding water level thanks to melting snow can negatively impact our marine scheme .The major changes embody thanks to warming in scheme area unit broken corals, hotter oceans, changes in flora cycles, drought and forest fires, stronger storms, higher temporary worker and warmth waves, thawing soil, less snow and ice, changes in animal migration and life cycles, dynamical rain and snow patterns. to completely appreciate the urgency of worldwide temperature change, it’s vital to know the ways in which it affects society and conjointly the natural surroundings. ocean levels area unit rising and glaciers area unit shrinking; record high temperatures and severe rainstorms and droughts have gotten additional and additional common.

Thus, this can badly impact daily day lifetime of individuals and their economy. Rising water level results in water quality impacts like unfold of water borne diseases like Indian cholera, cryptosporidiosis, campylobacter and harmful protoctist blooms etc. metastasis allergies and respiratory disorder thanks to increasing allergens that is by pollution. These form of allergic diseases results in varied chronic diseases which can decrease our sexual productivity. Another major complication is increasing carbon dioxide bye inexperienced house impact this can result in environmental degradation that area unit forced migration, civil conflict. Some people area unit heaps of in danger of the potential impacts of worldwide temperature change, along with kids, the old, the chronically sick, people with psychological feature or quality impairments, pregnant and postnatal ladies, and people with psychopathy. people of lower socioeconomic standing, migrants, refugees and conjointly the homeless could also be heaps of vulnerable. The effects of world warming embody its effects on human health. The discovered and projected redoubled frequency and severity of climate connected impacts can more exacerbate the consequences on human health those effects on people and populations[footnoteRef:4]. Human health has frequently been influenced by climate and weather. Changes in climate and climate variability, considerably changes in weather extremes, have an impression on the setting that has North yankee nation with clean air, food, water, shelter, and security. international temperature change, beside different natural and human-made health stressors, threatens human health and well-being in varied ways in which. variety of those health impacts are already being absolutely fledged at intervals the US. Given that the impacts of worldwide temperature change are projected to increase over subsequent century, certain existing health threats can intensify and new health threats could emerge.

Over all from this essay from all articles, journals, and website came to a conclusion that Even a seemingly slight average temperature rise is enough to cause a dramatic transformation of our planet. And it effects so badly not only human race but also our whole ecosystem. For humans it will affect in economy and health by many infectious diseases, natural calamity home displacement issues. Global warming now a days becoming a huge problem, we human population need to heal this issue at least we want to control. Wondering the way to stop global warming? scale back your own carbon footprint by following a couple of simple steps. create preserving energy a locality of your daily routine and your selections as a shopper. once you buy new appliances like refrigerators, washers, and dryers, hunt for product with the government’s Energy Star label; they meet a better normal for energy potency than the minimum federal necessities. once you purchase an automotive, hunt for one with the best gasoline mileage and lowest emissions. You’ll be able to additionally scale back your emissions by taking public transportation or carpooling once it’s the right time to wake up human being to take innovative steps to save our planet.

What Are the Harmful Effects Of Global Warming

Global Warming, you’ve probably heard this word before in places like school, on the news, or maybe from your friends and family, but what even is global warming and what are the effects of it? Good Morning Ms. Hoy and year 8, today I’ll be talking about the harmful effects of global warming. So, back to the question, what is global warming. Well, global warming is a gradual increase in the temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere which is mainly caused by the increasing levels of carbon dioxide, CFC’s and many other pollutants. Now that you know a little more about global warming, what are some of the harmful effects that may impact our lives for the worse? Global Warming is the reason behind the increasing water levels and acidic water.

Imagen wanting to visit a country now, but later discovering that it’s submerged underwater, how would you feel? This may sound absurd, impossible or outrageous, but this will become reality if global warming continues. But how does increasing water happen? Shouldn’t we be running out of it instead of gaining? Well, the reason why the water levels are rising is because of the ice melting in the North and South poles. This all was noticed during the end of 1970’s, When Nasa’s satellite records began, they saw that 35% of the frozen surface area was lost. During 1979 there were 7 million, 2 hundred and 20 thousand km2 of Ice, in 2016 there was only 4 million, 6 hundred and 80 thousand km2 of surface ice. If we continue going down this path, then in the year 2100 there will be approximately little to no ice left. As of this, on average, the sea level increases by 3.2 millimetres per year meaning that by 2100 the water would have risen by 262.4 millimetres. This may affect us by flooding places, but it also impacts the life of the animals who live in those areas leading them into extinction.

Ocean acidification. This word is used and seen in articles and the news, but we usually don’t care and ignore the word. Unlike the word global warming, it is used less frequently. The main question right know is what is Ocean acidification and how does it happen? Well our ocean is capable of absorbing 25% of the carbon dioxide that we create every year. It may not that sound bad, but it can drastically change the chemistry of the sea’s surface. The reason behind this is that when carbon dioxide is absorbed by the ocean, it then dissolves into carbonic acid, this then causes the water to be more acidic, meaning that millions and billions of organisms affected. It is fact that our water has become 30% more acidic over the years. A thing that was and still is greatly affected by ocean acidification was the Great Barrier Reef. Did you know that 93% of the Great Barrier Reef is affected by bleaching, leaving only 7% unaffected? Ocean acidification has become so bad that it gained the nickname Global Warmings Evil Twin.

In conclusion the harmful effects of Global warming on the earth include the melting of Ice in the poles leading to the increasing sea levels and has caused ocean acidification disrupting multiple organisms. Thank you for listening, I hope you’ve enjoyed.

An Inconvenient Truth’ Summary Essay

An Inconvenient Truth is a speech about Global Warming. To introduce his speech, he used a well-planned attention-getter, by using a video of a lakeside area near his home while he talked about how he forgot how it looked. In his attention-getter, he made sure he stated his topic statement about how he felt about global warming. He also made sure to link it back to the audience by talking about the earth where everyone lives and how it will affect us all. He used his Credibility to help him in his speech. He also made sure to use a preview statement to give the audience an idea about what the speech would be about.

Al Gore was one of many people in the past who ran for president. He didn’t do it because he wanted to be it. He did it to bring Global Warming to everyone’s face. He uses this as his Credibility. He refers to his Credibility multiple times throughout his entire speech. He also uses multiple Presentation Aids like Pictures, Charts, videos, and even some past experiences. He talks about one of his teachers who created an experiment. And how the experiment showed global warming change. He tried to help his teacher bring it to the government by setting up the first time speakers go to the government to talk about global warming accordingly he asked his teacher to be one of the speakers at that event.

Throughout the speech, Al Gore shows multiple videos to make his point. He also made sure to orally cite whenever he used other people’s information or data. He made sure to mention whose information he used. When he showed his college professor’s picture of the global warming chart. He uses multiple Oral Citations besides the picture from the professor such as the video of the earth that was from the small satellite that was sent into space to record any planet video outside of the regular solar system. That video was a time-lapse of only 24 seconds from 24 hours of a full earth rotation. However, he didn’t use an Oral Citation when he played the video from Futurama.

Meltdown: Global Warming Intensifies Natural Disasters

What are natural disasters? Natural disasters are catastrophic events that cause great damage or loss of life. Natural disasters consist of hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, etc. But, what causes these natural disasters? Natural disasters are usually the effect of bad weather. In recent years, temperature levels have increased to new records. These temperature increases are a result of climate change. (Dunbar) What is the difference between weather and climate and what does it have to do with climate change?

Most people know that weather is the change that humans see and feel outside from day to day. Weather can change dramatically over a short period of time. One day it might be hot and sunny, but the next day could be cold and rainy. Climate works differently than the weather. Climate is the change of weather in a certain place during a long period of time. This is usually a location with the weather changing every few months to a couple of years. A place may be cool and wet during the winter, but warm and dry during the summer.

Climate change is the shift of a climate in a certain place. This could be a change in how much rain a place usually gets in a year, to a change in temperature in a certain region. Climate change also affects the Earth’s climate. Climate change affects a region on if it snows or if it constantly rains. Weather can change the temperature of a region in a few hours, while climate change takes place from a few years to hundreds of years.


Hurricanes have been a nuisance to the world for hundreds of years. A hurricane is a massive storm system that forms over warm water. They tend to move toward land and causes potential threats that include: powerful winds, heavy rainfall, storm surges, inland flooding, rip currents, tornadoes, and landslides (Hurricanes).

Hurricanes form when warm water evaporates and creates moist air to fuel the storm. The winds from nearby continents blow the forming storm across the ocean. The moist air from the ocean rises high into the atmosphere causing water vapor to condense back into liquid droplets forming large stormy anvil-shaped clouds. As the warm air rises, the winds begin to spin in a circle. The spiraling wind gathers clouds forming a hurricane.

What does hurricanes even have to do with climate change? Hurricanes usually only form from June to November. With the recent climate change shift, hurricane season is lasting longer than usual. From the chart above, the increase of heat from global warming is causing ocean water to warm up earlier than June, leading to hurricanes forming earlier than June and later than November.


“A tornado is a violent rotating column of air extending from a thunderstorm to the ground,” according to Crystal Wicker. Tornadoes usually form from thunderstorms. As seen above in the diagram, tornadoes are formed when cool, dry air and warm, moist air meet causing instability in the atmosphere. The air starts to rotate in all directions and speeds when there is instability in the sky.

The damages tornadoes cause are catastrophic. Tornado winds can reach speeds up to 300 mph. These winds can destroy buildings, uproot trees, and throw cars hundreds of yards. Damage from a tornado is severe and can result in many casualties. With the extreme heat from global warming, the amount of tornadoes is increasing because of the mixture of the extra heat from global warming and the cold from the winter season. As seen in the chart above, tornadoes are more frequent now than ever during the winter season.


What is a wildfire? A wildfire is an uncontrolled fire occurring in wild land areas. Wildfires can consume homes and agriculture with its unrestrained flames. Wildfires often begin unnoticed, but they spread quickly burning bushes, trees, and homes. The smoke from these fires can cause damage to the Earth’s ecosystem.

Wildfires can cause serious damage destroying homes and burning everything in its path. Wildfires can be life threatening to humans, plants, and animals. Animals who call the forest their home have lost it due to the fast spreading flames that will consume anything it sees.

With the increase of global warming, the Earth is beginning to warm up more than usual. The increase of heat is causing more uncontrolled fires causing massive waves of wildfires. As seen in the chart above, from the early 1980’s, wildfires have caused around 3 million acres of damage due to wildfires. In recent times, the number of acres of wildfires have increased from 3 million to a whopping 7.5 million acres that have been damaged to the fast moving flames.