A Boy and His Gender Role: Explorations Outside the Boundaries of the Conventional Gender Role

Should a boy be given an opportunity to explore outside the boundaries of his conventional gender role? The core is: how far in such explorations a boy may go?

I think I have a traditional point of view on upbringing. That’s why I’ll say that a boy may take some opposite gender explorations, but only consciously, somewhere at the age of 14 and more. Because at the age under 7, kids do considerable part of what they do unconsciously, just following the examples of surrounding world. An influence comes from different sides: media, internet, TV, cartoons, movies and of course the main source is parents.

Examples have a great affection on our conscious and unconscious states of mind. So when you are a little kid, the most of the time you do something that is shown to you, but not what you really want. You just choose something more appropriate to you of what you’ve been shown and claim that it’s your real will. Yes, it is your will, but not from the full spectrum of abilities or opportunities available to you. Your will is just a visible reality, an illusion, that you can comprehend only being an adult.

Friends of a kid are also a source of unusual actions, because they have their own baggage of picked up behaving examples too. You can’t protect your child from the influence of the outside world, but you can give it some basic principles of behaving and understanding the world. You should attend to your child with a great care.

Further I’ll talk about the boys’ behavior.

What I mean is that boys don’t have a sense of gender if they don’t have a male influence in their life. The main goal of upbringing healthy and strong man from a young boy is to give him enough of a positive male influence. First of all, it’s a father. His influence goes to the core of a mind of a young male. Also it may be an uncle, an elder brother or some grown-up man with a life experience who is a family member too.

But when the boy is more attracted to the women stuff like painting the nails or wearing a dress, it means that woman takes considerable part of his upbringing.

I say that letting a boy to explore the opposite gender is quite unusual, unless you want him to grow up more sensitive or feminine.

Traditionally, both genders have their own values and behaving models. For instance, history tells us that from the beginning of the mankind a woman was the keeper of the safety and comfort of home when a man was the hunter, that, who brings the food. A Woman was always associated with sensitivity, weakness and at the same time with beauty and passion. Courage, braveness, strength – are the symbols of a Man.

As a person with traditional views I say that a boy may explore outside the boundaries of his conventional gender or express himself in that outside ways, but probably should not.

Upbringing a boy with girl activity tendencies is fun for those who are fun, so let it be. It appears to be non-harmful for the modern thought of upbringing a child. But for me, the world might lose a man that way.

Iowa Medicaid Program: Gender Diversity


In fact, one of the most influential events in the world of diversity is Iowa Medicaid program development, which now covers gender-affirming care (Ring, 2021). This case is a clear application of correct addressing the issue as it was stated previously, one of the most considerable factors that disable diversity as the global trend is the exorbitant price for providing the surgery operation. The medicine intervention is inevitable since it is critical to change not only the physical appearance but also the primary factors that biologically distinguish males and females. However, Iowa state demonstrated the legitimate precedent that people should have the right not only to decide their gender type but also be able to change it through surgical operation. In this case, it is rational to analyze the problem from an economical perspective. Previously, the high price for medical intervention was a strong barrier for people who would like to change their considerations completely.

Even though the classical principle of supply and demand provided insufficient incentive for surgeries to execute operations for a more affordable price, the governmental medical system could have provided the needed support. Nevertheless, the government provided reasonable intervention and corrected the externality effect by subsidizing surgery prices for people in strong need of surgery operation when it comes to gender changes. This event provides a considerable impact on society since more people now have not only legal but also financial freedom to choose their gender and orientation. At the same time, the inclusive society has influenced the creation of such a tendency on both state and countrywide levels. Moreover, large-capitalized corporations, the biggest taxpayers, demonstrated their readiness to consider that part of their tax payments would be spent on enabling people to change their gender by active participation during global and particular manifestations and festivals concerning diversity addressing.


Nowadays, when speaking about myself, the Iowa case helped me to widen my world perception from historical and social perspectives. More specifically, I understood that throughout history, humanity was experiencing changeable periods from absolute freedom to the total abandonment of individual choice. These periods have a wide variation, but the general tendency is that totalitarianism as the general trend becomes less durable, while liberal governing experience consistent development without considerable disruptions. For instance, Catholic church domination in the middle age remained the prevailing source of power for more than 300 years, while totalitarianisms before World War I remained for less than 150 years. At the same time, from a sociology perspective, people consider the freedom of choice as the integral part of their life, which makes diversity the same fundamental aspect of society’s existence as the right to personal opinion, freedom of expression, or the right for existence. I understand the world as the sophisticated set of individuals who share the same purpose, which is living, and who strive to maximize personal utility by not decreasing someone’s well-being at the same time. In fact, this method of world perception is not far from the libertarian approach of thinking from a political perspective.

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Turning to sociology as my specialization, diverse people have entered society as distinct subjects with the same set of rights and obligations. However, as with any new element of studying, sociologists would concentrate on diversity representatives’ proprieties and how they might be determined in the contemporary world. On the other hand, the next big question for scientists who study diversity issue from a social perspective would be whether the social diversity would enforce the society’s power or the freedom of choosing the gender will result in deconcentrating humanity’s ability to manage itself due to the diversity of people’s consideration and the world perception.


When it comes to society’s perspective, diversity studies helped me to understand the nature of people with another world perception. Moreover, I can increase the value of my communication by avoiding the conversation concerning counter-diversity aspects since they might negatively influence further interpersonal relations. For example, instead of asking a person about their favorite football team, I would encourage the person to describe what is their preferable type of sport and why. As a result, this approach would help me not only to make the conversation more valuable but also enlarge the transition mechanisms between different spheres of life, which will be easier to discuss during the natural conversation.

When it comes to goal achievements, diversity studies might also be important for society on both personal and professional levels. On the one hand, they help people to avoid different conflicts since it is impossible to accuse a person who respects other people’s values and freedom of expression. Moreover, during the real-life communication, those who studied diversity more profoundly would have an advantage in terms of addressing experience since gender choice freedom might be described as an effective society’s demand which is proclaimed at the appropriate time and situation. On the other hand, to achieve professional goals, the person should firstly reconsider the working environment. For instance, Flory et al. suggest adjusting the work environment to the diversity inclusiveness by eliminating distinguished dress-code rules for both men and women (Flory et al., 2018). This process would create freedom of choice for workers so that they would more effectively interact with each other. At the same time, Kim et al. demonstrate the possibility of implementing a global strategy that would enable more people to experience managing the whole company. As a result, employees would have more opportunities to become leaders of their organizations, where they might understand how the corporation functionates and what are the long-term priorities of the entity.

Diversity also influences our everyday routine from different perspectives. Some of them involve more inclusive marketing campaigns, where people are free from biased opinions and receive only high-quality advertising products (Beji et al., 2021). Moreover, cultural events would be provided for the wider public so that more people would consider them as more interesting and engaging. Last but not least, diversity provokes new challenges for sociologists since they should consider this subject not as a part of male or female representatives but as a completely distinct subject due to their mentality and physical proprieties. Consequently, social scientists would question the current determination of a specific person and their reasons for changing their gender or orientation. This is because of the fact that consequences do not provide much information to sociologists, but the motive contains the important value for their studies since it might describe the reasoning for subjects’ actions and compare the previewed and actual consequences of them.


Among the most important diversity benefits is that this tendency is already at its rising trend so that even fewer efforts would provide significantly better results compared to the situation three years earlier. Moreover, diversity has already demonstrated its efficacy in addressing the personal and working environment in terms of better and more valuable communication. Finally, society became free to determine almost all of their life aspects, which makes humanity more prepared for global changes due to the higher readiness of taking responsibility for self actions. On the other hand, diversity still provokes many challenges that are not quite effectively addressed to society. Firstly, it is a legal issue since diverse people cannot be specifically related to either gender. Secondly, it is the minority of aggressively settled personalities who cannot adjust to today’s realities and refuse diversity as a global trend. These people still have enough power to stifle the growing tendency.

Last but not least, diversity still faces the financial challenge, which, however, was discussed in this case study. Even though the precedent was created, the financial barrier is still strong enough to discourage many individuals from making their choice of changing the gender through surgery operation. Finally, diversity assists individuals in avoiding various confrontations on the interpersonal level since it is hard to blame someone who respects the ideals and freedom of speech of others. Additionally, people who have a deeper understanding of diversity will have an edge when it comes to addressing experiences associated with gender choice during real-world interactions. Freedom may be defined as an effective social demand that is made at the proper time and place. On the professional level, diversity encourages people to eliminate gender boundaries in order to promote an unbiased and free from clichés atmosphere, where it is easier to communicate. In addition, corporate leadership might experience regular changes on the highest management posts so that the vast majority of people would have the possibility to realize the company’s processes and other people’s challenges.


Beji, R., Yousfi, N., Loukil, N., & Omri, A. (2021). Journal of Business Ethics, 173, 133-155. Web.

Flory, J., Leibbrandt, A., Rott, C., & Stoddard, O. (2018). Increasing workplace diversity: Evidence from a recruiting experiment at a Fortune 500 company. The Journal of Human Resources, 56(1), 73-92.

Kim, Y., Jeong, S. S., Yiu, D. W., & Moon, J. (2021). Journal of Business Ethics, 173, 185-203. Web.

Ring, T. (2021).Advocate. Web.

Discussion of Gender in Modern World

What is gendered play

Gendered play is a promotion of the practice of separating activities for children based on their gender while enhancing their cognitive development in corresponding ways. This phenomenon is widespread throughout the country, and, as a child, I was also involved in the situations when the games were offered to me based on this factor. For example, when attending a preschool, I was frequently given some typical toys for girls to play with, such as different dolls, whereas animals seemed more interesting to me.

In this case, my parents have influenced my play preferences by giving me an opportunity to choose the activities I liked the most instead of following stereotypes. Hence, my socialization was guided by personal desires instead of norms, as I could make my own decisions and be independent in interacting with others. To incorporate more gender-neutral play and focus on gender-neutral development, educators can pay more attention to the actual interests of children and readjust activities accordingly. This solution can be helpful to students’ development as they will understand gender equality better (Hjelmér, 2020). In this way, the contradictions related to this characteristic in adulthood will be less likely to occur.

Roles which implicit and explicit attitudes play in how we interact with others

In general, I feel that my experience with stereotypes is connected to the school years when I was studying in a quite diverse environment. At the time, these limiting beliefs were related to the facility’s expectations towards learners and the intention of educators to base their judgment upon the family background. This idea contributed to the perception of individuals growing up in more favorable environments as more cognitively advanced. Moreover, the main challenge from the perspective of sex/gender was the varying attitudes of teachers towards the abilities of male and female students in different subjects. Thus, implicit and explicit attitudes determine the efficiency of interactions between people. The former leads to the formation of self-esteem based on others’ ideas of a person’s potential, and the latter contributes to the increased possibility of conflicts when differences are emphasized.

Role which racial identity plays in someone’s overall development

Racial identity plays a significant role in one’s overall development because it shapes the attitudes of other people when they are guided by stereotypes. When representatives of minorities are discriminated against, the possible adverse effects of inadequate perceptions of their gender contribute to negative self-image in identification compared to others. In socialization, race might prevent these individuals from fully engaging in interactions with peers when differences are highlighted. In emotional/mental wellbeing, this factor can cause issues in self-esteem and cognition. As for academic life and career, race can serve as the reason why individuals might not be willing to pursue their goals when they believe that this characteristic is limiting them.

Possible ways that a person’s sexual identity can impact their life, social encounters, and/or familial connections

One’s sexual identity can influence a person’s life, social encounters, and familial connections when serving as the source of misunderstanding. For example, if people belong to minorities in terms of this characteristic, they might be at higher risk of facing micro-aggressions. These conflicts are detrimental to one’s mental wellbeing and, therefore, present a challenge in becoming an active member of the community. In relation to families, sexual identity can lead to problems if relatives do not support it. In this area, their relationships will be complicated by stereotypes or other reasons to demonstrate a negative attitude towards this personal characteristic, and one can feel neglected. From this standpoint, society definitely pressures citizens to conform as the failure to do so in different settings might result in long-term isolation.


Hjelmér, C. (2020). Free play, free choices? – Influence and construction of gender in preschools in different local contexts. Education Inquiry, 11(2), 144-158. Web.

Discussion on Women and Gender Studies

The film has had an overwhelming influence on cultural perception and the social dynamism of people worldwide. Typically, “Real women have curves” is a 21st-century comic film cast in 2002 to portray how movies can impact social order. The theme of cultural dynamics is one of the major concerns highlighted in this piece of work. Anna showcases a hybrid of cultural identity by conquering almost all family ties, social duties, economic struggles, and environmental exposure.

Although her family endures poverty, Anna remained determined to achieve a college education. Her mother remained hesitant to let Anna pursue her ambitions even though her father was for the idea. She can balance the pressure of home chores and economic struggles to continue performing in her classes. In essence, her attributes are evident in becoming a better woman different from her siblings.

Over time, Anna adapts to the cultural demands of working hard like men to make things work her way. Concurrently, she considers every opportunity that comes her way as a ladder to society’s next stage of life. Ideally, much of her determination emanates from the struggles endured in all aspects of poverty. Anna ends up in New York with much confidence as things open up her way. There are several instances in communities that tend to derail and curtail women’s growth by narrowing their space to home duties and chores. However, she does not give up and continues her pursuit.

To conclude, the film presents Anna’s character as a dedicated female whose presence in action highlights the plight of cultural dynamism. Accordingly, the author uses such attributes to enable the audience to relate to contemporary issues about women and gender concerns. Anna manifests the hybrid type adapting to all challenges and meandering her way up to achieve life dreams. Thus, it is possible to break loose from all the socially perceived cultural barriers and norms to become a better person as a woman.

Gender Identity Applied in Human Socialization

It is a hard task to define the gender identity concept without initially defining gender itself. Generally, gender is the state of being male or female. A more precise examination of gender shows it denotes a multitude of experiences and conditions. It has three main components, the social or cultural component, the internal or gender identity component, and the physical component. Gender identity concept is applied in the socialization and culture of humans. Though there exist similarities in female and male roles among various cultures, in general terms, variances exist. In most cultures, men are viewed as high achieving, active, and strong on the other hand, women are perceived as weak, deferent, and nurturing. More so, depending on the culture, less or more flexibility is permitted on what is considered normative behavior.

Particularly conservative countries with low socioeconomic development levels have been identified to have more rigid and differentiated gender roles. Throughout a person’s lifespan, gender socialization transpires in fluctuating contexts such as in school, among parents, or in the media. These contexts can be overt or covert. Gender socialization sends explicit and implicit messages on how people should appropriately feel, act and think as female or male.

Typically, in western cultures, gender socialization starts at birth. Based on a newborn’s phenotypes, a doctor assigns sex, and this becomes the start of gender socialization. Gender socialization continues and is evident even in how parents address and handle their infants. For example, when it comes to toys, boys tend to be bought gun toys, and when it comes to clothes, girls tend to be clothed in pink outfits. Research has not established a relationship between gender expression and gender-reinforcing parenting. However, it is known that children are fond of pleasing their parents. Therefore, there is a tremendous cost among transgender people who tend to either express or suppress gender identity as children will conform to this.

Nevertheless, studies have not shown that gender-strict environments encourage the development of transgender traits. There is a variety of contexts in which gender socialization happens. For instance, boys are discouraged from cooking or playing with dolls in school. At the same time, girls are discouraged from sports such as football. Adult and children’s television shows, books, and movies also depict gender stereotyping.

Gender identity is also associated with discrimination, stigma, and other psychosocial stressors. Society places immense negative pressure on gender non-conforming persons to express themselves according to their appropriate gender. Consequently, the demands have the effect of causing abuse, discrimination, and stigma among transgender people and other individuals that are non-conforming. These acts are typically driven by hostile feelings, attitudes, and transphobia towards transgender people due to their internal gender identities. Just as it’s the case with other forms of oppression, such as racism, it is possible to internalize transphobia, which implies that the persons who are gender non-conforming can embrace the transphobic messages they are exposed to. This can occur either deliberately or involuntarily and can cause deep shame or self-hatred for having a gender presentation or identity inconsistent with the sex they have been assigned. Eventually, internalizing the messages of inferiority results in depression.

Dehart-Davis’ “Gender Dimensions of Public Service Motivation”


The article by DeHart-Davis, Marlowe and Pandey (2006) describes a study on gender-related issues in the dimension of public service motivation, which was defined as a predisposition to respond to motives in public organizations. The goal of the study was to determine the presence of femininity and masculinity pertinent to three dimensions of the public service motivation scale. The survey administered to public managers revealed that women score higher than men in the dimension of compassion, which was consistent with the hypothesis. However, the results also indicated lower scores for men than for women on attraction to policymaking, which contradicted the expectations of the researchers and show no statistically significant gender differences in the dimension of commitment to public service (DeHart-Davis et al., 2006).

Main body

The authors’ primary goal was to locate the possible misalignment of emphases in public administration theory due to the prevalence of masculine imagery used to describe leadership practices, personal traits of managers, and even the specificities of the bureaucratic process itself. Such a situation is understandably undesirable, as it opens up the possibility of biased assessment and distorts the relevant information on organizational performance. Therefore, the results presented in the article are important for several reasons.

First, the category of compassion, which is used as one of the dimensions for the survey, is one of the relatively complex fields in public administration. It is traditionally excluded from the theoretical framework and, therefore, resides in the informal domain. At the same time, it plays a significant role in the facilitation of policy delivery on the street level (DeHart-Davis et al., 2006). Therefore, it needs to be properly understood to perform reliable evaluation among public administration workers. The results presented in the article coupled with the implication that male respondents tend to suppress their feelings to comply with socially assigned roles allow us to identify new directions for research as well as review the previous results and metrics used for assessment.

Second, the unexpected result of a higher level of attraction to policymaking among women identifies a shift from the traditionally masculine perspective on the matter. It should be acknowledged that one of the possible explanations offered by the authors (the rapid pace of change towards a more homogenized approach) may potentially undermine not only the rest of the findings but also render the fundamental premise of predominantly masculine perspective in public administration obsolete (DeHart-Davis et al., 2006). Therefore, this result can be considered the most important in terms of directing further inquiry.

Third, the lack of statistically significant difference in commitment to public service suggests a possible change in professional performance when viewed in the context of previous research on the matter. As data from the existing literature suggests lower scores among women in this dimension, it would be reasonable to use the recent findings to corroborate the results discussed above. Simply put, of the three metrics, two can be considered as contradicting the initial suggestion.


In conclusion, the questions raised by the authors reveal an additional dimension in the public service field that can be useful in achieving greater precision and reliability of performance assessment of the employees. However, the obtained results do not allow for definitive conclusions and are more useful as marking directions for further inquiry on the possible effect of gender-related issues on public service motivation than for making adjustments to the established evaluation practices and policies.


DeHart-Davis, L., Marlowe, J., & Pandey, S. K. (2006). Gender dimensions of public service motivation. Public Administration Review, 66(6), 873-887.

Gender and Sexuality in Community Youth Work

Community youth work is a career prominently influenced by the essence of gender and sexual identity. Research indicates that an individual’s sexual orientation impacts the foundational attitude towards other people (Killermann, n.d). Gender identity is an acquired status among persons based on the socio-cultural values of roles and responsibilities. The temperament significantly attributes the interactive perspective on account of multicultural diversity. An excellent example is the stigma members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, and queer experience while engaging with community and justice services employees. A critical implication entails the apt necessity to remodel the instructional modules among professionals to ensure the retention of a functional social justice system.

Sexual orientation profoundly reverberates dynamic experiences among the individuals interacting with community youth workers. Over the decades, the socio-cultural and political structures aligned policies on heteronormativity hence limiting the consequential modern diversity (TED, 2017). Therefore, counterparts with variant sexual orientation encounter challenges redefining inclusivity in the modern system against the conventional pillars of social interactions, morals, and virtues (TEDx Talks, 2019). Apart from the sociological-based criticism, the persons confront the aggressively instituted heteronormative practices mainly on the disciplinary spectrum. The population segment sustains imminent effect from other personalities due to the divergent practice of the traditional customs and beliefs.

Succinctly, as a youth worker in the community and justice services, I would ensure the remodeling of the policies on liberation and interactive quotient. Diversity is a necessity due to its contribution to the intensified knowledge pool. Fundamentally, the key initiative to alleviate discrimination involves incorporating a regulatory framework void of socio-cultural and religious foundations to enhance the inclusivity of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, and queer communities. The primary duty of a youth worker enshrines competently rendering services to the public regardless of gender identity and sexual orientation.


Killermann, S. (n.d.). It’s pronounced metrosexual.

TED. (2017). [Video]. YouTube.

TEDx Talks. (2019). | Elliott Kimball | TEDxUNCGreensboro [Video]. YouTube.

Gender, Sexuality, and Religion

One of the major claims Ahmadu makes in her work is that female sexuality should be gradually left to women and their families without biased judgments and radicalism of any kind. Ahmadu stresses that sexuality is an integral part of the cultural scope of any cultural group, so African females address this issue in terms of the accepted norms. They can hardly be denied the right to follow the established practices as these cultural acts enable them to be integrated into their society (Ahmadu 300). Older women exercise their power by controlling the sexuality of their daughters and granddaughters, while daughters have to follow to be accepted in their community and enjoy the associated rights and access to resources.

The issue of female sexuality is also discussed by Jeffrey Lidke, who explores Hindu practices. The author notes that female sexuality is regarded as strong power females may exercise, like goddesses, but this power is still controlled by men (Lidke 113).

Women are supposed to submit their sexuality and their potential power and almost disintegrate like the goddess is burnt to ashes in flames. In the Hindu context, females also have a certain degree of power. Similar to African women, who encourage (or force) their daughters and granddaughters to follow some traditions, Hindu females choose to follow the old tradition. They voluntarily give away their power (their sexuality), becoming submissive and quite inferior to men.

In conclusion, it is possible to note that Ahmadu’s argument is reasonable and makes sense as no one has the right to say to other groups what is right and what is wrong. At the same time, people can help by educating each other. Ahmadu is right when stressing that young females should know about the nature of the tradition, potential outcomes, as well as numerous other aspects of the world around them.

Works Cited

Ahmadu, Fuambai. “Rites and Wrongs: An Insider/Outsider Reflects on Power and Excision.” Female “Circumcision” in Africa: Culture, Controversy and Change, edited by Bettina Shell-Duncan and Ylva Hernlund, Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2001, pp. 283-312.

Lidke, Jeffrey S. “A Union of Fire and Water: Sexuality and Spirituality in Hinduism.” Sexuality and the World’s Religions, edited by David W. Machacek and Melissa M. Wilcox, ABC-CLIO, 2003, pp. 101-132.

How to Minimize Gender Disparities in Schools

I have tried to become an ambitious and competitive teacher in kindergarten classes in the last few years. The journey has banged several challenges, which have affected my dream since the teaching staff has a distinctive perception of gender bias. Women facing the problem require proper mentorship to perform their duties, while men have been considered the most crucial elements in many workplaces such as schools.

One day as I was walking to a class for a mathematics lesson, I met the headmaster full of questions and rudeness. He asked me: “Are you the only teacher who can teach mathematics in this class?” I replied, “Yes, I am.” He added: “A woman teaching mathematics lessons does not seem right anymore.” I felt overwhelmed by self-doubt and left instantly, only to realize that I had the freedom to express my doubts. As Sandberg (2013) writes, mistreating teachers lowers their motivation, which leads to poor class performance. Apart from the deficit of social amenities, women lack access to proper mentorship, which leads to discrimination. Women should seek working strategies to increase their career productivity and be less prone to self-doubts and other issues.

It is essential to employ policies that are crucial in workstations to promote women’s leadership skills. Women aspiring to become leaders should possess self-determination, tolerance, and respect, despite men with professional characteristics and power in society (Latif & Manaf, 2019). For example, I have often heard that it is not right for women to be in leadership roles in the education field. Still, I have found that I can succeed by overcoming doubts and confident communications with colleagues. While gender stereotype belief that women should not work increases family conflicts, women can adapt to the new life changes and work to achieve their goals.

Education is another strategy being used to eradicate gender variation and increase equity in organizations. The gender gap in academics is proliferating since schools generate innovative individuals to change the world, and women are underrepresented among them. For example, I was usually surrounded by men when visiting academic conferences. Women are usually in the minority in international scientific cooperation, according to Polish researchers Kwiek & Roszka (2020); men have dominated the top conveniences because of their confidence in the tasks. Women need skills that would pilot them to success by acquiring quality education.

As a kindergarten teacher, I pointed out fear and self-doubt as the root of the existing shortcomings rising in schools. Self-doubt influences women’s capacity to make decisions in their progressive development (Arnold & Loughlin, 2019). While teaching the children, the education director arrived at the school compound happily and came into my class to see me due to our planned conversation. After teaching, we involved ourselves in a conversation regarding the challenges facing women in workplaces and the available techniques to solve them. We compiled various methods to help women overcome self-doubt, which is typical for women in general; by such overcoming, women will get much more opportunities to realize in the world.

I consider eligible negotiations between the worker and the employer in an organization because employee satisfaction in the wages gap will be met effectively. Although making the decision can be hindered by various factors such as lack of confidence, as Tannen (1994) researched, those doubts can be overcome. For example, I reached an understanding through negotiations with those who were initially unfriendly to me. Through communications, I received support from my colleagues, and thus I feel much more confident.

Women should be involved in decision-making processes in leadership posts during job preferences; they should have access to education and mentoring to help them overcome their issues such as self-doubts. It is essential to adopt new strategies in workstations to minimize the gender imbalance. Social media platforms can be used as a reliable strategy in advertising the benefits of women’s efforts in eliminating gender bias.


Arnold, C. A., & Loughlin, C. (2019). Who has to ‘lean in’ for equal gender representation in leadership roles? LSE Business Review.

Kwiek, M., & Roszka, W. (2020). Gender disparities in international research collaboration: A study of 25,000 university professors. Journal of Economic Surveys.

Latif, L. A., & Manaf, A. H. A. (2019). Exploring women’s leadership communication styles, traits, and team effectiveness: A higher education perspective. Asian Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 8(3), 13-27.

Sandberg, S. (2013). Lean in: Women, work, and the will to lead. Random House.

Tannen, D. (1994). Talking from 9 to 5: How women’s and men’s conversational styles affect who gets heard, who gets credit, and what gets done at work. New York.

Colonizers: Non-heterosexual and Non-binary Gender Among the Natives


The colonizers force people to conform to their values and beliefs. They don’t consider that the natives also have their cultures and ideals that they adhere to. Instead, the natives’ values are taken aware by instilling fear into them and making the community members initiate hatred against a specific group of people. According to Miranda, the joyas was hated by the Spanish Priests, and they and their defenders were systematically eliminated from society (257). As a result, the community members decided not to associate with them due to the fear of being killed. Therefore, Miranda demonstrates that the colonizers determine the natives’ cultures, and they only promote what conforms to their values.

Morgensen, Settler Homonationalism: Theorizing Settler Colonialism within Queer Modernities

The article illustrates how the colonizers and Western religions impose discipline and terror on Indigenous people who had their practice on sexuality. The natives were forced to assimilate into the heterosexual systems and binary gender expression. According to Morgensen, all sexual beliefs that the natives had valued for centuries were eliminated when they were regarded as nonconforming to the European cultures (120). Therefore, those who practiced the traditional beliefs of gender and their associates were publicly embarrassed or killed (Morgensen 115). In other words, they were terrorized while being forced to adopt the new practices introduced by their colonizers.

The Questions Raised By Both Articles

Morgensen and Miranda show that colonizers target non-heterosexual and non-binary gender among the natives for exclusion in both accounts. They used methods of terror such as public execution to impose their religion and practices. Additionally, the two writers allude that the settlers’ normalization of fear forced the natives to disassociate with the community members opposed to binary gender. As a result, the Indigenous groups have learned to suppress their sexual and gender expressions that conflict with religious norms. Moreover, due to the priests’ and colonizers’ violent acts, the contemporary indigenous people’s actions toward gender roles are still greatly influenced by the state and the settler society.

Works Cited

Miranda, Deborah A. “Extermination of the Joyas: Gendercide in Spanish California.” GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, vol.16, no.1-2, 2010, p. 253-284.

Morgensen, Scott Lauria. “Settler homonationalism: Theorizing settler colonialism within queer modernities.” GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, vol.16, no.,1-2, 2010, p. 105-131.