Modern world tends to break stereotypes, leaving arrogant and superior attitude behind, constantly raising questions of all types of equality on all levels. Women work at the same positions and in the same spheres as men do. There are no restrictions on colored people to public areas access as it was less than a century ago. Still there are some acute issues dealing with racial, gender and age inequality that strike unexpectedly bringing up the questions not yet solved.
Shockingly, but even today in the developed countries female employees earn less than men. In The U.S., the average of 2010 shows that women earn only 78 cents of every dollar of men’s salary (The White House, n.d., para. 1). Different restrictions are applied in the connection to the issue or raising children. The priority in case of the vacant position in the company is given to a male candidate rather than to a female candidate, because she is more likely to leave the job because she will have kids or will need maternity leave.
Only a few companies provide major support and acceptable conditions for childcare while mother works. Despite a significant progress of developed European countries in that sphere, the childcare in the U.S. is considered more of a woman matter (Harvard Summer School, 2014, para. 9), thus a mother ends up having two jobs: first, the one where she earns money, second, taking care of the household and kids.
The issue of age discrimination is a great problem of the modern world too. It is basically raised when the person seeks for a job. Age discrimination hits both people under twenty-five, because they might be considered too young to do the job, and people over forty, because they might be overqualified or less likely to be involved into training process for the position. The situation of people over fifty and sixty, in this case, seems to be entirely hopeless. There is also a tendency to formation of age-based hierarchy within co-workers team. As Snowdon notes “In general terms, people in their 40s were viewed as having the highest status, while on average people aged over 70 were given a higher status than those in their 20s” (Snowdon, 2012, para. 11).
Racial inequality is majorly expressed while the everyday attitude, when people reject to take a taxi driven by a person of an “inappropriate” race or nationality or to rent a house to a family for the same reasons. The formation of in-town and in-state clusters where the people of other race, nationality, and origin are strongly not welcomed, where inappropriate conditions for “strangers” are created can also be considered as a form of racial inequality.
The rate of annual income within the United States also provides a demonstration of a difference in well-being and thus the inequality between white and non-white families (Gordon, 2014, para. 5). The percentage of homeowners is also significantly higher among white families, comparing to non-white. The median value of primary residence of white families also exceeds the median value of primary residence of non-white families.
Despite the modern level of development and broad proclamation of humanistic ideas, there still exist some issues of gender, age, and racial inequality. This statement refers not only to the situation of developing and underdeveloped countries that struggle social problems, solved in Europe and the United States a long time ago. The problems of inequality hit Europe and the U.S., as well. The rate is, of course significantly lower, but the problem, nevertheless, exists and has to be solved as it brings up the issues of humiliation and discrimination within society.
I remember a situation when Nancy, a friend of my mother, came to visit us one evening. She was very upset and told us a story that made me think about the importance of gender in the modern business environment. Undoubtedly, the American society if proud of being a discrimination free community, however, gender discrimination is very common today.
Nancy is a 40-year-old woman working for a bid international corporation. She is an administrative manager but she does not have any decision making power in her company. Recently, her supervisor announced that he plans to introduce a new position: chief administrative manager who will be responsible for supervision of twenty people plus have a voice on key administrative issues. Nancy has been working for the company for 10 years. She joined the company as a personal assistant but she was valued by other employees for loyalty, responsiveness, inner-motivation to succeed and deep knowledge of her work.
She has been working hard for a couple of weeks believing that the new position would be hers. However, on a day of promotion, supervisor announced that chief administrative manager has already been assigned. Nancy was ready to hear her name because she was confident that her experience as well as expertise guaranteed a promotion. However, she was very surprised to hear a name of her colleague, Brian, who has recently joined the company and lacked any experience in administrative management. Nancy told us that Brian was of the same gender, age, and race as her supervisor. The fact that he lacked any experience and knowledge on company were considered to be less important than gender and age.
The story of Nancy made me think that Americans are not free of discriminative attitude. I am sure that Nancy’s supervisor made a decision to promote a person who did not fit the position only because Brian had the same characteristics as supervisor. While my mother told Nancy that the decision violated all business principle and advised her to consult upper managers on the issue, I clearly understood that the decision could not be changed. Gender discrimination is a part of workplace setting and Nancy would probably fail in her appeal to upper managers who are mostly males. I wanted to express my opinion to Nancy but I didn’t because my words would hurt her.
The situation confused me because I was confident that gender-based decisions have no place in business activities. Employees would be evaluated as well as promoted based on their professional qualities, skills, expertise and experience rather than on gender or race. However, the story of Nancy revealed that it gender discrimination is still very common today. The decision of a supervisor did not benefit a company but supervisor was not gender-blind in promoting a newcomer.
Teresa Amott and Julie Matthaei argued that women throughout the United States have not experienced a common oppression as women. In other words, some women became victims of gender discrimination while others enjoy equal opportunities, equal treatment, and equal rights. I would like to believe that most women did not, do not, and will not experience discrimination both in everyday life and in the workplace setting. However, the story of Nancy reveals that discrimination is still common in modern American society.
Recalling the study of Michael Messner on masculinity, “for the lower-status young men, success in sports was not an added proof of masculinity; it was often their only hope of achieving public masculine status” (197). In other words, men who belong to lower-class society view sport as the only mean to establish their public masculinity status. Upper-class men have absolutely different aims in sport. The same principle can be applied to gender discrimination in workplace. Women seek success on workplace with the hope to prove their equality with men; however, they face the same barriers in workplace as lower-status men face in sports. The class readings and the story of Nancy made me think about American society. I know that discrimination is exists but I have never been a witness of it. I have read about it and watched TV shows but I did not think that it can be so evident in modern workplace.
In conclusion, American society fails to guarantee equality to every citizen. While Americans claim being absolutely free of discrimination and supportive of diversity in all spheres of social life, the facts show an opposite situation. Discriminative attitude is a matter of personal attitude which is a result of education, family values and social pressures. Nancy’s supervisor paid attention to gender while making a business decision and he failed to consider the interests of a company and professional experience of candidates. Such situations take place everyday. I do believe that Americans have a chance to become a tolerant nation, however, the change will take a long time.
Amott, Teresa and Julie Matthaei. Race, Gender, and Work: A Multicultural Economic History of Women in the United States. South End Press, Boston.
Messner, Michael. Masculinities and Athletic Careers, pp. 190-201.
The media fraternity has perfected the art of promoting products. Through this, some advertisements are premeditated to associate the goods and services with feelings of desire emanating from imaginations based on sexuality or gender.
It is noteworthy that advertisers take advantage of the consumers’ gender distinctiveness to escalate the sale of certain products. It is notable that companies, which seek to acquire market leadership and competitiveness, conduct promotional activities. Therefore, the use of gender and sexuality is one of the strategies of creating adverts aimed at gaining market leadership.
Gender is a socio – cultural construction in every society and advertisers have applied it in the portrayal of differences between males and females. These portrayals include among others identity, disposition, social ideals, typecasts of masculinity and womanliness, and the sexuality related roles (Spade and Catherine 281). Furthermore, advertisers apply sexuality differences between males and females to promote products. The advertisers normally attempt to show the sexuality of men or women in such products.
They have also achieved greater results by showing the sexuality of celebrities in the promotional activities. In the United States, the application of sexuality and gender variances in product promotion is a multibillion-dollar industry. However, advertisers seem to have turned a deaf ear on the effects of gendered and sexualised adverts among adolescents. This paper discusses the use of sexuality and genders in commercials to show the effects of such adverts on adolescents in the US.
Sexuality and Gender in Advertisements
Advertisers have developed massive experience in commercials. Depending on whether their target clients’ in the marketplace are males or females, advertisers normally develop their adverts to suit them. It is notable that men and women have different preferences for colour (MacKinnon 215). Therefore, advertisers can package their commercials in such a way to target their potential clients with gendered and sexuality appropriate messages using colours.
Labelling people as being either male or female present strong cultural and ideological connotations, which advertisers exploit in making appropriate adverts (MacKinnon 215). Marketers apply information-generated form these labels to influence the behaviour of men or women towards others.
Furthermore, such information may be used to develop commercials that influence self-behaviour or needs. Therefore, the use of gender and sexuality in promotional activities influences men and women to buy advertised products. They buy such products to enhance their masculinity and femininity respectively (William, Stephen and Sut 138).
Advertising agencies continuously communicate gendered messages to escalate sales of products. The advertisers portray men as more independent than women. They also portray men as providers in households by depicting the as they engage in different occupations. On the other hand, some advertisers portray women as homemakers and home carers (Davis 187).
Therefore, the men would more likely feature in alcohol commercials, sports utility cars, and corporate management among others. The women normally feature in commercials depicting the use of domestic items.
The advertisers also depict the sexuality of men and women perversely. They have shown their nudity and naked bodies differently. The products such as women bras and underwear depict their sexuality (Greenberg, Clint, and Sarah 323). On the other hand, men’s underwear worn on athletic bodies and bare chest also shows their strength and brevity.
The increasing self-consciousness among men presently makes them less concerned about appearing attractive to others but to enhance their fitness and health. Marketers use such aspirations to create necessities and wants while also developing products to satisfy the needs (Greenberg, Clint, and Sarah 323). In the case of women, advertisers have negatively taken advantage of their weaknesses including lack of autonomy to sway their decisions.
Effects of Sexuality and Gender in Advertisements on Adolescents
There is rising apprehension about adolescents’ exposure to sexuality and gender commercials in televisions, print media, and other electronic sources. The concerns entail the potential impacts such adverts can have on their personality, sexuality, beliefs, and manners (Gruber and Grube 214).
Indeed, research indicates that the adverts generate sexuality and gender stereotypes, which affects adolescents (Napoli and Murgolo-Poore 61). The researchers agree that youngsters are exposed to diverse sensual images and messages advertisements intended for adults but which eventually affect adolescents.
Advertisements showing men enjoying alcoholic drinks and the presence of women affect the way adolescents utilize such images. Youths use media to get information regarding sex, sexuality, drugs use, and relationships among others (Gruber and Grube 215).
The adolescents’ exposure to advertisements with sexual content potentially influences their sexuality development. This has escalated the rate of pregnancies and Sexually Transmitted Diseases among adolescent America girls.
It is notable that many advertisements in the US both in print and electronic media contain sexual imagery watched by young people. The advertisements have increased the way they show sexual category appeals and sensual objectification (Pardun and Roberts 134). Presently, many of such adverts contain implied sexual interactions, fervent caressing and depicting provision of gifts in relationships as a norm. Young Americans who watch such adverts may develop interests of achieving similar outcomes (Bradshaw 129).
Sexuality and gender-based commercials have influenced crucial issues about the lives of adolescents. The commercials may sway career planning, cherished relationships, romance choice making, and attitudes essential to child bearing and parenthood (Jamieson and Daniel 153). Furthermore, some adolescents making greater efforts to adhere to gender roles labels may develop mental health predicaments.
The problems may arise from pressure among adolescents to fit within the societal norms and expectations. This may lead to substance intake, risky sexual encounters, and neglect of self-care responsibilities (Jamieson and Daniel 154). The advertisements have also affected the ideologies associated with teenage gender roles. Watching television commercials also influence sexism ideologies among teenagers.
Sexuality and gender commercials have also influenced the actual behaviour of adolescents positively. It is notable that most adverts that portray males and females as liberated and confident have enhanced personality development among teenagers (Jamieson and Daniel 154). Indeed, some youngsters have developed into more confident, forward-looking, and morally upright because of watching individuals associated with certain products in the commercials (Jamieson and Daniel 154).
In summary, the use of sexuality and gender in promotional activities has made the advertising mass communication appear pervasive. The advertisements are intended to educate consumers about certain products in the marketplace in order to escalate sales. However, some commercials that contain explicit content have surpassed the intention escalating sales to influence cultural views and individuals’ personality development.
The stereotypes associated with some advertisements have depicted men and women differently. Particularly, bigot and stereotypical commercials present undesirable outcomes among adolescents. The advertisements have encouraged sexuality and substance abuse indulgence in adolescents.
On the positive side, the application of sexuality and gender to portray men and men as professionals in diverse sectors has affected adolescents objectively. Adolescents have been able to plan their career and develop their personality positively out of media influence.
Works Cited
Bradshaw, Joe. African American Young Adults’ Perceptions of the Ideal Mate for Long-term Romantic Relationships and Short-term Sexual Relationships. New York, NY: ProQuest, 2008. Print.
Davis, Simone. Living Up to the Ads: Gender Fictions of the 1920s. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2000. Print.
Greenberg, Jerrold, Clint, Bruess, and Sarah, Conklin. Exploring the Dimensions of Human Sexuality. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett, 2011. Print.
Gruber, Enid, and Grube, Joel. “Adolescent sexuality and the media a review of current knowledge and implications.” Western Journal of Medicine. 172(3) (2000): 210–214. Web.
Jamieson, Patrick, and Daniel Romer. The Changing Portrayal of Adolescents in the Media since 1950. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. Print.
MacKinnon, Kenneth. Representing Men: Maleness and Masculinity in the Media. London: Arnold, 2003. Print.
Pardun, Carol, and Roberts, Kathy. Sexual Content of Television Commercials Watched by Early Adolescents. 2005. Web.
Spade, Joan, and Catherine, Valentine. The Kaleidoscope of Gender: Prisms, Patterns, and Possibilities. California, CA: Sage Publications, 2008. Print.
William, Leiss, Stephen, Kline, and Sut, Jhally. Social Communication in Advertising: Persons, Products, and Images of Well-being. New York, NY: Routledge, 2003. Print.
Dobash, Margo and Daly have given a comprehensive insight into the myth of sexual symmetry in marital violence (71). There has been a general belief in the United States and many other countries around the world violence against women is just as prevalent as violence against men.
These scholars set forth to dispel this myth and to give more insight into the issue of violence against women, and how power and gender play off in the current society. The world has experienced massive changes in the social structure. Various countries have seen the position of women in the society in terms of power and related facets.
Women empowerments, gender equality, empowering the girl child are terms that are common, and reflect the shift of power, from an all-powerful man, to a society where both genders are empowered. Power in relation to gender is something that has been there since time in memorial. Gender in this context refers to the state of being a male or a female and their social roles as determined by their mental, physical, and behavioral character.
For a long time, power was based on the physical strength of an individual, and for that matter, men were considered more powerful (Connell 21). This has changed a great deal. This paper seeks to define gender and power given the current societal context based on the analysis given by the above mentioned scholars.
Dobash, Margo and Daly hold that women are yet to gain power in the modern day society (79). Power in the past years was associated with men in the society. In various fields, from politics, religion, and culture or family, men would dictate how things would be done, while women were viewed as being weak, and their opinions were less valued. In those past years, women were strictly given no audience in any social gathering.
Their role was restricted to taking care of the domestic chores and most importantly, taking care of the interests of their husbands. All along men have been viewed as having the potential and ability to be dominant in all aspects of life while a woman’s role was to respond to men’s decision (Morris and Tahira 29).
This has for a long time undermined women and lowered their esteem in the society. In many societies around the world, women would never be given any position considered powerful. They have for a long time been sidelined and placed at the receiving end. There was a massive distinction between the two genders.
Men were would always have their way in most of the events, and the society felt this was normal. Power and authority was generally believed to be a preserve for men. Dobash, Margo and Daly demonstrate this is their analysis (79).
Connell (56) argues that an analysis into gender and power demonstrates that symmetry of power between the two genders is yet to be achieved.
The scholar brings out the fact that women in the modern days should bring out their best in all they do; and that women have as much power just as men (Connell 56). In the past, women would never be allowed to hold any serious position in the society. This has changed with time. It is coming out clearly from this show, that women are acquiring power, and that they are becoming conscious of their capabilities.
Women today can openly hold social gatherings to discuss their issues. In addition, in politics, women are taking part and the position of women and power has completely taken another course in the society. Women like Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama of the United States have been mentioned frequently in this show as women who have demonstrated that power is not a preserve for men. The show has used Condoleezza Rice as women who have inspired others to gain power irrespective of their gender.
Women have realized that there is an inner power in them that can make them achieve the best of the resultsThis has given them the desire to know more, learn, and earn respect in the society. It has also raised the women esteem in the society, as they now feel free to meet and share about how their husbands are treating them and the progress of their family as a whole (Morris and Tahira 113).
For this reason, women have derived so many ideas from her and have now become more confident that they can do even much more. The place of women is now not just in the kitchen. Their eyes are now open and many are now determined to advance their career and to have power just as much as men.
Kimmel and Holler (221) women have potential that when natured, can deliver good results in the society. The notion that women are weak is not true. Yes, they may not be as masculine as men are, but this should not make them be viewed as weaker parties in various respects within the society. Women can make key decisions, they can take care of families, they can make good political leaders, and this demonstrates that power is not a preserve of any of the genders.
Works Cited
Connell, Raewyn. Gender and Power: Society, the Person, and Sexual Politics. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2007. Print.
Dobash, Emerson, Margo Wilson and Daly Martin. “The Myth of sexual symmetry in marital violence,” In Gender Relations in Global Perspective: Essential Readings, ed. Nancy Cook, 173-184. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press Inc, 2007. Internet Source. Web.
Kimmel, Michael and Holler Joseph. Separate and unequal: The Gendered world of work In the Gendered Society, 213-240. Don Mills: Oxford University Press, 2008. Internet Source.
Morris, Marika, and Tahira Gonsalves. Women and poverty. Toronto: Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women, 2005. Print.
Men and women are two absolutely different species. The main difference is biological one, however, there are also the psychological issues. Having different sex organs, men and women think differently, their behavior is various as well. Trying to define the nature of gender, the primary sex identities are to be considered. Moreover, it is important to remember other signs of gender which occur in the human organism, chemical and biological processes.
Even though a person has wrong sex organs, the chemical processes which occur in their organism will define his/her gender. Therefore, the psychological gender identity is a result of the biological processes. I am sure that gender is a product of biology. People are born with specific biological characteristics and when people start changing the particular signs the problems appear. Much research has been conducted n the sphere and the common question has not been achieved.
However, the first reading titled states that “the difference between boys and girls can be traced to a single chemical source: testosterone” (Blum). Depending on the activities people perform and their thinking processes the level of testosterone may be either higher or lower. Therefore, the roles of a person are shared. Those people who have the higher level of testosterone perform male tasks while those who perform female tasks have lower level of testosterone and the sex organs may be either men or women.
Therefore, this is one of the arguments that sex has a biological nature and people formulate their preferences on the basis of the chemical process which occur in human organisms. Despite the physical sex organs, people may have another gender which is a real expression of their self, however, it is the biological process as well. Human mind is impacted by the chemical processes which occur in their minds.
Works Cited
Blum, Deborah, “What’s the Difference Between Boys and Girls? Life 22.8.
The modern age is considered to be the era of democracy, tolerance, and humanism. People all over the world are supposed to have equal conditions for living and, moreover, should be treated equally, no matter what their religion or race is. It should be said that humanity needed two world wars to appreciate the price of human life. One can admit that society has already done a great number of steps, which helped people all over the world to obtain their rights and freedoms. International organizations like the United Nations also watch the situation and try to guarantee the stable development of humanism and tolerance.
However, there are still problems that could not be solved. The thing is that very often these problems had been topical for hundred years and humanity accepted it as an integral part of the world. That is why, it is so difficult to get rid of them nowadays. It is hard for some people to change their beliefs and to accept the idea that every person has the same rights and, moreover, he/she is the same as the man who believes in his/her superior character. That is why, unfortunately, some problems still remain, and something should be done in order to solve them.
Racial bias is the problem of this sort. The modern world is inhabited by representatives of a great number of different cultures and nations, and they all have their unique mentality and beliefs. All these people are worth admiring, and, nowadays, humanity is supposed to understand it. Thus, unfortunately, not all people like it and adhere to the policy of double standards. However, the problem is so old and complicated that it is very difficult to deal with it. The thing is that for centuries certain groups of people were treated as inferior, and the issue of slavery prospered.
Especially difficult was the life of black people. From ancient times they were just good for white people only because of the color of their skin. Being deprived of any rights, for the centuries, they had to serve people without any chance for freedom. That is why the image of a slave is so strong in the conscience of white people. Only the events of the first half of the 20th century were able to change this image; however, it still exists, and unconsciously some people adhere to the ideas of the past.
Especially the topical this issue is for the USA. The thing is the historical peculiarities of the development of this state influence the attitude towards representatives of some other nations greatly. Being discovered and colonized by Europeans, America became one of the greatest consumers of slave labor. Giant plantations demanded a great number of workers, and black people were delivered from Africa here. It is obvious that the attitude towards them was horrible, and they were not taken as people. However, the USA managed to obtain independence, though the situation had not changed for slaves. Society developed, and ideas of humanism became more popular, and the position of slaves improved.
The civil war was supposed to finish segregation and discrimination; though, it was just the beginning of the long road to equality and tolerance. Slaves were proclaimed to be free, and, moreover, they were supposed to have similar rights with white people. However, in sober fact, black people still suffered from racial prejudices and were discriminated against. Lynching and mob justice was usual practices at the beginning of the 20th century, and only after WW2 things became to change. Nowadays, constitution of the USA guarantees equal rights to all citizens of the country and proclaims tolerance. However, the situation is still not ideal, and the latest events in the state can be taken as the best evidence of this statement.
The thing is that the modern mass demonstrations and a great number of organizations that main aim is to guarantee equal rights to representatives of different races show that the problem is still topical and, moreover, every year it becomes more and more complicated. The level of aggression increases, though people still try not to break the law and use peaceful ways to show their position. The current situation can be compared with the mass movement for equal rights in the middle of the past century (Kelley 61). Being tired of the policy of segregation and double standards, millions of discriminated people decided to show their dissatisfaction and anger.
However, society supported them, and a great step to solving this problem was made. Tough, nowadays, it is possible to speak about the next wind of the same issue. The level of dissatisfaction grows, and very often, people face manifestations of the unfair attitude of racial prejudices. Resting on these facts, it is possible to admit that the current situation can be taken as a direct threat to the security of the USA. Being a multicultural state, the USA depends heavily on the level of comfort which every citizen of the country feels as only satisfied people can bring benefits to the state and contribute to its development. That is why the latest events could not but scare the government and should be given as much attention as it is possible.
The whole world witnessed the events in Baltimore, which became the peak of the dissatisfaction of people with existing orders. Thousands of people, who came to streets, can be taken as the evidence of the existence of racism and double standards in the USA. Being often called the home of democracy and the most tolerant state, the USA, however, is not deprived of inner problems connected with racial bias. Traditionally, the most discriminated group is black people who still feel the burden of stereotypes. According to statistics, black people still have poorer conditions for living and worse quality of life (Nolan para. 4). The majority of poor people belong to this category, and, moreover, police reports testify that the percentage of crimes committed by black people is much higher than the same numbers that are connected with white ones.
That is why it is possible to suggest the idea that, nowadays, American society is divided. It is obvious that some problems with crimes and poverty can be taken as the aftermath of long discrimination and damage, which was caused by the conscience of black people. However, at the same time, there is another thing, which can be taken as evidence of a prejudiced attitude towards this group of people. The thing is that sentences of blacks are, in general, 15.2% longer than the sentences white people (Nolan para. 7). This fact shows that the system of justice in the USA, which is supposed to be fair and help people to protect their rights, is corrupted and also influenced by racial bias. No wonder that people feel this attitude and do not want to be observers anymore.
Turning to the already mentioned situation in Baltimore, it is necessary to add some facts in order to be able to analyze it. The thing is that the cases of police excess are not new. In the last decades, the number of these accidents become extremely high, and it is possible to speak about thousands of situations in which police brutality took place (Pynchon para. 11). It is obvious that white people also suffered from it. However, this number is pale in comparison with the cases when black people become the victims of police and even were killed. The accident in Baltimore became just the next tragic event in a row. However, cynicism and weak reaction from the government triggered the wave of peoples dissatisfaction.
Additionally, the police officer who murdered a black man was not punished, which was taken as another sign of discrimination and double standards. Situation veered out of control, and even the forces of the United States National Guard were needed to calm down the people and patrol the city. Thus, surprisingly, these events were not taken as a sign of crisis by the government. The president proclaimed that in the USA, people are equal, and that situation will be controlled. However, there were no steps whose main aim was to analyze the state of racial affairs in the country and think about the possibility of some changes. That is why the situation repeated. Another policeman murdered a black man though it another city. With this in mind, it is possible to say that in the USA, the endemic problem of racism exists, though its manifestations are now hidden.
Another sphere situation in which can be taken as the evidence of the existing gap between representatives of different races in the USA is education. There is no use denying the fact that the majority of graduates from the most prestigious educational establishments in the USA belong to white people. Moreover, the level of progress in the study is also higher among the same group. This fact can serve as the background for discussion. There are several reasons which are now suggested as the main factors which prevent black people from entering college or university. The poverty of a great number of representatives of this race and their criminal inclinations take the first place among the most plausible reasons. However, these reasons can also be taken as a good example of bias-based thinking, which supposes that all black people are criminals.
Besides, there is another explanation for this problem. The thing is that education was traditionally taken as the privilege of the noble class, and black people were not supposed to obtain it. Needless to say that it is a very conservative environment and people, who work in this sphere, still have some prejudices, and it is very difficult for them to get rid of them. Some professors remember the time when black people were not allowed to attend schools and colleges; that is why it is very difficult for them to change their minds. This attitude can be taken as the root of problems connected with the state of black people in educational establishments. According to the latest investigations, education is still separate and unequal in the USA (Bonilla-Silva and Dietrich 193), and there is no tendency for its improvement.
Finally, the last sphere where the manifestations of segregation can be seen is the sphere of job. Being the main source of income of a common person can guaranty respect and appreciation from society. Additionally, it is the guaranty that a person will not live on the breadline. However, it is still problematic for representatives of some races to find a job. According to some research, racial names like Jamal or Lakisha can serve as the obstacle for a person to find a job (Francis para. 5). With this in mind, it is possible to say that the only possibility for black people to avoid poverty is not available for them. Additionally, very often, they are suggested not qualified and low paid jobs while white people are preferred when employers look for top managers or people who will perform a qualified job. Taking this fact into account, it is possible to assume that there is no wonder that black people very often have worse conditions for living.
Additionally, discrimination can be seen on another level. There is no use denying the fact that modern society proclaims equal rights for representatives of all genders and races. It is supposed that women managed to achieve their purpose and have the same rights as men. Though things are not so ideal. The thing is that women are still deprived of a great number of possibilities that men have. They still have much lesser representatives in the governments of different countries. Moreover, there are still manlike professions which remain unobtainable for women. Additionally, in a coherent society, more and more men start to think that womens classic role is to be a good housewife and satisfy the demands of her husband. That is why this tendency can be taken as a very threatening one as it can lead to the degradation of society. Needless to say, the situation with black women is even more complicated. Being discriminated against because of their race, very often, they also face gender discrimination. Nowadays, in the USA it is very difficult for a black woman to find a good and well-paid job even if to compare with a black man.
Resting on all these facts, it is possible to assume that the situation is very complicated and even critical. Society of the USA is divided according to racial and gender issues, and things get only worse. However, it is also silly to deny some progress that has already been achieved. The thing is that being rather complicated, the current situation is still better than in the great number of other countries. The USA is one of the most developed countries in the world and, that is why. Conditions there are not so horrible as it could be. Moreover, being the democratic state, the USA gives an opportunity for representatives of discriminated groups of people to show their dissatisfaction and suggests different variants for it. People are able to use means of television or the Internet for these purposes.
Thus, according to statistics, the USA is one of the leading countries in the world which has a relatively high percentage of black people in the government and in some huge international companies (Miah para. 12). These facts can be taken as evidence of some progress which has been achieved in the USA. Being one of the countries which had the greatest number of slaves in its past, the USA had obviously managed to improve the situation. Nowadays, black people have an opportunity to get an education and to obtain a job, though, as it has already been stated, it can be some obstacles on their way. Nevertheless, there are also some governmental programs nowadays whose main aim is the improvement of conditions of black people and the attempt to guarantee equal rights for them.
Besides, having analyzed information connected with this issue, it is possible to make a certain conclusion. First of all, it should be said that the situation is very complicated nowadays and the latest events can be taken as the best evidence for this statement. Police officers murdered representatives of black people without any hesitation, being sure in his danger. This police officer made the decision basing on the stereotype connected with the race of this man. With this in mind, it is possible to say that, unfortunately, society still adheres to some ideas of the past though much has been done in this direction. It should also be said that nowadays, people who are discriminated against prefer not to hide their feelings and emotions and situations like in Baltimore happen. Thus, it is impossible to mention the level of progress that has already been achieved. People have the possibility to study, to find a job, and even to work in the government. Resting on these facts, it is possible to say that the USA moves in the right direction, though, problems still remain and need to be solved.
Works Cited
Bonilla-Silva, Eduardo and David Dietrich. “The Sweet Enchantment of Color-Blind Racism in Obamerica”. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 634.1.(2011): 190-206. Web.
Gender stereotyping has adverse effects on teenage girls in the Western Europe. Despite the current level of civilization in many European states, the society still upholds the ancient stereotyped beliefs. The society maintains that boys and girls have unequal capacities in a majority of the fields.
Moreover, many people do not discuss gender equality in the Western Europe. They claim that both genders are equal. However, this is not reflected in the way they treat boys and girls. A research carried out in a number of schools found that teachers dedicate more time to boys than girls. The prevalent gender attitude in the Western Europe has made it hard for teenage girls to exploit their talents. This paper will discuss some of the effects of gender attitude on teenage girls in the Western Europe.
Despite the fact that girls’ education experience differs based on geographical location, socioeconomic status, disability, and ethnicity, gender stereotyping has significant influence on girls’ education. The manner in which teachers and students construe gender in the learning environment has effects on girls’ learning abilities.
Even though schools are discouraged from practicing gender stereotyping, the vice is still prevalent in many schools in the Western Europe. One of the major problems is that gender stereotyping is normally restrained, and often uncontested or unnoticed.
Hence, schools propagate gender stereotyping without the knowledge of the teachers or students. For instance, teachers refrain from asking girls hard questions since they believe that only boys can handle such questions. Consequently, it demotivates the girls leading to their poor performance.
A research in many of the schools in the Western Europe discovered that teachers relate with girls and boys differently. The study found that teachers allocate more time to boys than girls. Besides, boys have the courage to initiate discussions with teachers. In the Western Europe, the society treats girls as mediocre.
The same culture is propagated in schools, which makes the teenage girls lack the courage to relate with their teachers. This contributes to their poor performance in schools, as they are afraid of making clarifications in areas that they do not understand. Besides, teachers praise boys whenever they perform well in class. Failure to praise girls affects their morale leading to poor performance in classes.
Given the prevalent gender attitude in schools, many of the teenage girls suffer from low self-esteem. Even if a girl is brilliant in class, she ends up avoiding subjects that are associated to boys. In the Western Europe, majority of the teenage girls do not learn physics. Many girls regard physics as “boyish” when asked why they avoid taking it.
Besides, some girls still hold to the traditional beliefs, which maintained that boys’ brain has a high number of white cells that make them good at mathematics and sciences. Teachers do not acknowledge that they influence the decisions that teenage girls make when selecting their subjects. Instead, they regard it as an attribute of girls to avoid science subjects. Ironically, no teacher makes the initiative help the girls change the negative attitude towards science subjects.
In Western Europe, different genders are associated with various types of actions. For instance, girls are considered as nurturing, caring, quiet, considerate, and helpful. Moreover, girls are said to put the welfare of others before their own. These perceptions lead to teenage girls fearing to succeed.
Many of the teenage girls are afraid of performing well in class since it might depict them as unfeminine. To look attractive to boys, girls ought to perform moderately. In the Western Europe, boys do not relate with girls that perform well in class. Hence, teenage girls end up sacrificing their learning for the sake of looking attractive to boys.
The prevalent gender attitude in the region discourages teenage girls from making autonomous decisions. Moreover, many girls refrain from participating in matters affecting the public. They fear being criticised for taking sides in matters affecting the society. For this reason, teenage girls yield to all instructions issued by either boys or their seniors without questioning.
Gender stereotype has led to parents taking their teenage girls to all-girls schools in the Western Europe. Presently, majority of the teenage girls do not interact with boys at school. Taking teenage girls to single-sex schools encourages them to study the subjects they consider as “masculine”.
Gender attitude leads to girls developing a perception that they are different from boys in terms of academic ability. Hence, girls shy away from studying the subjects that the society associates to boys. Numerous studies have shown that girls studying in single-sex schools have a higher propensity of taking subjects that are associated to boys relative to girls in mixed schools.
In single-sex schools, girls do not experience gender pressure. Therefore, they make decisions based on their interests. For instance, girls who wish to secure better paying jobs in future, select science subjects without considering that the subjects are associated to boys. Today, gender stereotype remains as one of the hurdles that prevent teenage girls from exploiting their talents freely.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton was one of the leading feminists who fought for equal rights and liberation for women. Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s life was characterized by controversy. From the unusual academic and athletic achievements of her adolescence to her demand for female suffrage in 1848 to her declaration of a feminist ideology of independence to agitation for radical social change, to attack the Bible, her actions and attitudes provoked debate and dissension. Her politics, prejudices, rhetoric, associates, and attire-raising practices alarmed many.
In spite of the controversy of Stanton’s ideas and values, she had made a great contribution to women’s rights wonderment figuring for equal opportunities between men and women and gender equality.
Main body
In the late 1890s and the early 1800s, women obtained a low social position and were deprived of their rights. The culture of the era was marked by a radical, multifaceted social reform movement steeped in the tradition of Christian evangelism. In the name of the perfectibility of man and the coming of the golden age, there was an upsurge in resolve to change life-to abolish slavery, the family, and marriage. Stanton’s supposed that women’s suffrage should be based on “wealth, education, and refinement” (Stanton 23). She supposed that black men and immigrants should be excluded from this amendment. Stanton called it ‘educated suffrage” which meant that educated and literate men and women should receive a right to vote.
Her behavior outraged the socially conservative element of the population. Eventually, it offended her liberal allies as well, including her husband and her successors in the suffrage movement. Although she appeared to be a respectable woman, Stanton was accurately perceived to be a revolutionary—not a suitable role for a nineteenth-century woman. Having a revolutionary as an ally was a source of embarrassment to Stanton’s colleagues. Stanton’s angry opposition to a reconstruction program that enfranchised black men but excluded black and white women created a conflict in the ranks of suffragists. It resulted in the creation of rival organizations, the National and the American Woman Suffrage associations. The National Association, founded by Stanton, had a broad platform that addressed other women’s issues in addition to demanding a constitutional amendment to enfranchise women (DuBois and Dumenil 33).
Suffragists feared that Stanton’s radical feminism and religious heresy would damn their chances for success. This first phase in the long march toward liberation corresponded to a struggle for social and then political rights in an era when traditional values were being questioned. In the America of Andrew Jackson, the mood was one of social reform and utopian aspirations toward change in the areas of religion and family, and with regard to what Stanton and other abolitionist writers of the time called the “peculiar institution” (Stanton 38) of slavery. For many women who joined the various reform societies, the search for an identity and a status in their own right set them imperceptibly on the road to independence, even before they formed their own movement in 1848. In a letter written from Seneca Falls and dated 20 June 1853, Stanton counseled her humorously, “Susan, I do beg of you…to waste no powder on the Woman’s State Temperance Society. We have other and bigger fish to fry.” (Stanton 52). Stanton was one of many activists, who believed in women’s moral superiority and fueled demands for an independent movement (Buhle et al 82).
With characteristic audacity, Stanton proposed a call for women’s right to vote, the only one of twelve resolutions not to be unanimously adopted. It was Stanton who stood up before the 300 people crowded into the small Seneca Falls chapel to read this historic text, which covered the full extent of women’s subordination in the United States and detailed discrimination in the workplace, at school, in the family, in citizenship, and in religion: it was an act of accusation and provided a carefully considered catalog of demands. (Buhle et al 89). Stanton believed in the need for reforms to ensure profound changes in women’s position in the family and the working world, and in sexuality, became more and more remote.
Early feminism in the United States had been forged in a distinctly American cultural and historical context, but the movement was to undergo outside influences as the waves of immigration increased at the end of the 19th century. Stanton thus thought the moment had come to introduce the question at the tenth national convention of the women’s rights movement in New York in May 1860. However, the ensuing debates on divorce brought to light the profound ideological disagreements that existed within the movement before it was to split. But her position became marginalized in the new association, which disagreed with most of her opinions-the importance of the vote as a means to exert political pressure, “educated suffrage, ” the liberalization of divorce laws, and, finally, her analysis of the role of religion and the Scriptures in the oppression of women, as presented in The Woman’s Bible (1898). During these years, advocates of women’s suffrage placed particular emphasis on the civilizing mission of women, an argument that had served them in the 1820s and 1830s to clear away into the public arena (Buhle et al 72).
At the beginning of the 21 century, women experience discrimination and social inequality in many spheres of life including wage differences and Title IX. The dilemma of inequality in employment is one of the most imperative issues these days. The society in which we live has been created historically by males. Sexual discrimination can also be indirect. Indirect discrimination happens if requirements are the same for everyone but have unfair effects on certain people due to their gender, marital status, or pregnancy. So as to inspect this state of affairs one must make an effort to get to the root of the problem and have got to recognize the sociological factors that cause women to have a much more hard time getting similar benefits, wages, as well as job opportunities as their male counterparts (Buhle et al 122).
Title IX stipulates that all persons despite their gender have equal access to education programs. Thus, many young women now claim that they have fewer opportunities to succeed at their work because of poor education and programs studied at colleges and Universities. Men usually are perceived as career orientated in contrast to women. Men are more readily supported by colleges and Universities than women. In spite of equal rights opportunities and affirmative action policies, women occupy lower-paid jobs in contrast to men. As a whole, the disparity between the expected behaviors of women and the appropriate professional behaviors makes it extremely difficult for most women to prove to their male peers and supervisors they have “what it takes” to be leaders (Buhle et al 122).
In spite of controversial ideas and beliefs, Stanton supported the women’s rights movement and raised women’s consciousness and self-determination. Education unquestionably played a key role throughout the century in women’s drive for their “elevation” and emancipation. Stanton called for women to leave the confinement of the home and to make their voices heard in the political and social spheres.
Works Cited
Buhle, Mari Jo, and Paul Buhle, editors, A Concise History of Woman Suffrage: Selections from the Classic Work of Stanton, Anthony, Gage, and Harper, Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1978.
DuBois, E.C., Dumenil, L. Through Women’s Eyes: An American History with Documents. Bedford/St. Martin’s; First Edition edition, 2005.
As for this assignment, the primary connections of readings Markets and Bodies: Women, Service Work, and the Making of Inequality of China by Otis and Red Lights: The Lives of the Sex Workers in Postsocialist China by Zheng are discussed. The connection is the discussion of the gender inequalities from the service perception among women. In this case, the articles have similarities in the structure of the introduction. Otis provides a detailed description and the explanation of the daily routine of the female service workers in contrast with the luxury customers (1). Zheng uses a similar technique, but the presentation of the case is emotional, as it refers to the stressful situation with the police, which the author experienced (1).
As for the thesis statements, it is apparent that both of the authors emphasize the inequality between men and women and the connection of these phenomena to the social class in Post-Socialist China. Nonetheless, Otis reviews it from the perspective of female service workers and the historical development of these trends in Chinese society (7). In turn, Zheng refers to the personal example in the context of the development of the sex industry in China and the appearance of vehement gender inequality in the society, as she mentions, “I am a Chinese woman who came of age during the turbulent social changes” (1).
As for the claims to find the answers to the questions and support thesis statements, Otis vehemently forms her argumentation around Hochschild research (11). Moreover, Otis explains that the existence of the presence of the gender and social class inequality occurred due to the domination of socialist institutions in China (4). Additionally, the author refers to the fact that the perception of the female service workers is different due to addressing to femininity (23). Additionally, both of the studies claim that equality was cherished in Chinese society. In this case, Zheng mentions, “communism made women equal to men” (15). Moreover, both of the readings refer to the inferior class of Chinese females and compare their matters with a similar social class in the United States of America. It is apparent that both of the publications use similar claims about inequality due to governmental structure and socialist principles, but they are discussed in different contexts.
Lastly, the connections in concluding remarks are discussed, as both of the readings claim that the attitudes in the service field vary depending on the region and location. Moreover, the publications mention the changes, which occurred in the perception of services and gender representation as a service worker. However, in this case, Zheng refers to marginalization and changing a view about prostitutes and hostesses (247). Otis reviews the problem from the consumer market perspective (30).
Works Cited
Otis, Eileen. Markets and Bodies: Women, Service Work, and the Making of Inequality of China. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2012. Print.
Zheng, Tiantian. Red Lights: The Lives of the Sex Workers in Postsocialist China. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2009. Print.
It is rather interesting to note that society today has such a well-established preconception regarding genders (i.e. men being superior to women etc.) that when presented with alternatives to such established norms the result has been subject to confusion, disdain, at times even violence as seen in the case of the LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bi-sexual Transsexual) community.
Society and Gender Classification
What must be understood is that society has gotten so used to its defined means of classification that it is, at times, unable to neither change nor tell the distinction between new forms of gender and merely masculine/effeminate behavior. Take for example the case of lesbians, gays, and classifications regarding cross-gendered behavior; at times men showing distinctly feminine attributes or women having distinctly masculine characteristics are often attributed as being homosexual or bisexual even though they never really showed any interest in the same sex (Devor, 527-534).
One example of this in particular can be seen in the case of female bodybuilders who often look more masculine than some men (a feat that is aesthetically displeasing) and, at times, automatically classified as being lesbians despite the fact they are straight. In the same regard, homosexuality and bisexuality are often thought of by various parts of society as being nothing more than a form of cross-gendered behavior and not classified as their type of gender, which the LGBT community is endeavoring to dispel (Devor, 527 – 534).
Women and Socially Constructed Notions of Gender
When examining such a disposition towards classification it can be seen that people have become so used to the characteristics that define a particular gender or stereotype preconception that despite the latter proving otherwise the same “standard” continues to stick (Wilchins 187-191). For example, despite women showing that they are just as capable as men within the corporate world the same gender stereotype preconception continues to exist (which classifies women as being the weaker sex) which results in greater rights, privileges, and distinction being given to their less than capable male counterparts.
Taking such a concept to its zenith are instances where women are mentally and physically abused by their spouses through what is known as domestic violence (Crenshaw, 431 – 37). When examining this particular concept what must be understood is that it is the endemic social concept of male superiority that is behind this situation wherein if such a concept did not exist it domestic violence wouldn’t occur in the first place.
In conclusion, it can be seen that there is much that needs to be changed regarding social distinctions for gender and the necessity of implementing some means of ensuring equal gender rights and roles for all.
Works Cited
Crenshaw, Kimberle. “Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, hut out of ~ that they and Violence against Women of Color.” Feminist Frontiers. 7. (2007): 431-437. Print.
Devor, Aaron. “Who are We?.” Sex, Gender and Sexuality. 6.2 (2009): 527-534. Print.
Wilchins, Riki. “Gender rights are human rights.” Gender Queer. (2002): 187-191. Print.