INSTRUCTIONS FOR VALUATION- I expect you to run three valuations utilizing at le
INSTRUCTIONS FOR VALUATION- I expect you to run three valuations utilizing at least two different types of valuation models. ( eg. FCFE, FCFF and Residual Income
would be an acceptable list of models) In other words, for example, you cannot complete only market based valuation, or only DCF models. You are ONLY permitted to use the models taught in FNCE 4409, using the formulae from your textbook. You may also consider a reasonable weighting to apply to arrive at your single price forecast. I will grade the content/reasonableness of your pro-forma financial statements within this section as well as on their own. Please clearly explain your results and explain and justify your inputs (eg. discount rates, beta) and assumptions. (eg. growth rates) Please note, your valuations should be connected to your historical and pro-forma financial statements, and not a separate source of data
I have already completed the FCFF and FCFE Model, Now I just need a write up on the criteria mentioned above. In the Pet Value Report attached you will find a page called valuation models. That will be the area I need fixed. I just need to talk about the assumptions made and explain/justify results based on the rest of the paper.