Twelve Hours Without a Cellphone Experience


Cellphones are an inherent part of daily life for many contemporary people, including me. Therefore, it is only natural to ask a question of how not using a cellphone for at least half a day will have a significant and noticeable effect on a persons behavior. There are several factors to keep in mind when hypothesizing how going without a cellphone for twelve hours will impact my physical activity. First of all, I use a cellphone often, and not doing that will free more time for other things, such as physical activity. Secondly, using a cellphone throughout the day gives me something to distract myself with every fifteen to twenty minutes or so. Continuous physical activity may be a way of overcoming this urge for distraction. Finally, it is also important to consider than I am on quarantine now, meaning that outdoor physical activity is pout of the question. Therefore, the hypothesis is as follows: not using a cellphone for the whole twelve hours will have a positive effect on physical activity as it will create more time for indoor exercise and encourage it as the means of avoiding distraction.


Going without a cellphone for twelve hours may affect my physical activity positively, as cellphone usage tends to be time-consuming. Under normal circumstances, I use my phone all the time, and even though each particular use is not very long, together they must comprise a large portion of my day. If I do not use a cellphone for twelve hours straight, I will have more mime for other things to do, including physical activity. Of course, this effect should not be taken for granted because I may spend the newly acquired time on other things. Still, it is important to note that not using a cellphone for half a day will provide more time that can be used, among other things, for physical exercise.

A habit of using the cellphone frequently makes a person easier to distract, as a cellphone provides a convenient distraction that is always at an arms length. Going without a cellphone for twelve hours will make this habitual distraction unavailable, and I will have to cope with it by some means. Physical exercise seems to be a reasonable alternative because it requires much energy, thus leaving less for distractions. Additionally, physical activity may be an effective way to take ones mind off things  such as the desire to use a cellphone. To put it simply, physical activity may be a useful distraction in its own right, allowing a person to overcome the cellphone addiction and the desire to use the phone out of habit.

Finally, another important factor is not related to cellphones directly. As of now, I am on quarantine, which prevents me from going out. As a result, I cannot engage in some of the more pleasant types of physical activity that involve human contact and usually happen outdoors. Exercising at home effectively becomes the only type of physical activity available to me. The fact that I cannot go out and exercise on plain air may make the physical activity less attractive for me overall. Still, considering that I will have more time for other activities and that physical exercise will help to take my mind off things, not using the cellphone will have a positive impact on my physical activity.

Team Sport With the Ball: Softball

Softball is a team sport with a ball; it is a form of baseball. This sport originated in 1887 and is generally popular with non-professionals. This is due to the fact that, unlike baseball, softball is adapted for less physically prepared people and is not traumatic. Initially, softball was developed for playing indoors, which is why weaker shots on the ball were provided, which are not dangerous for the enemy. The game was originally called mushball or kittenball. In 1895, the game began to be played outdoors. The International Softball Federation (ISF) was founded in 1965 and already as of 2001 united 122 national federations. The world championships are held for women since 1965, for men  since 1966 (Smith, 2019). The growing popularity of this sport was facilitated by the serious efforts of the ISF. The greatest challenge was inclusion of softball into the list of Olympic sports. However, after years of effort, on June 13, 1991, softball was finally included in the Olympic program (Smith, 2019). Softball was part of the Summer Olympics program from 1996 (Atlanta) to 2008 (Beijing).

There are several versions of the origin of softball. According to one of these versions, softball appeared along with baseball more than 200 years ago, when immigrants from different countries came and brought their culture to America. The well-known game was brought from Russia in the form of rounders, from England  cricket, from Scandinavia  pesopolo, and softball appeared as a result of their merger at the junction of various national traditions (Smith, 2019). Subsequently, baseball became a sport for men, while softball remained a popular sport and recreation. The rules of this game were standardized in 1926, and at the same time, the modern name softball was born. This sport is interesting in that it does not require serious physical training, and, at the same time, it develops such qualities as agility, endurance, attentiveness, which will allow in the future to switch to baseball at will. Thus, this activity definitely can be recommended to others  those who are not ready to be engaged in professional sport yet but would like to practice some sports activities.


Smith, T. R. (2019). How to Play Softball for Girls: A complete Guide Special Edition. S.S. Publishing.

Honduras: Tourism Exploration Project

Honduras is the second-largest country in Central America. It attracts tourists with its natural beauty and diversity of wildlife. There are many places to see and activities to do, but it would be better to distinguish a few. An exciting place for tourists to visit is the city  Copan, the most studied Maya city in the world, and it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site (Maya Site of Copan, n.d.). Interesting elements include a ball platform, a unique temple with the longest known Mayan text, and Acropolis with carved reliefs of the 16 kings of Copan.

Not far from Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras is the countrys first national park  La Tigra (Parque Nacional La Tigra, n.d.). This untouched area of Central Americas tropical jungle is home to ocelots, pumas, and monkeys. Moreover, the park is also a haven for many surprisingly bright and beautiful birds within its borders, including toucans and trogons. It is one of the most visited parks in Honduras, and it is worth a separate excursion. Along the main road between San Pedro Sula and Tegucigalpa, is the natural attraction of Honduras  Lake Yojoa (Masters, 2016). It is the largest natural lake in the country and the primary habitat for birds in this Central American country.

Accommodations in Honduras depend on the desires and opportunities of a tourist, and prices can vary. It is crucial that the country has a popular Couchsurfing service, allowing people to offer free overnight accommodation to travelers. Those who want to explore as many attractions as possible in Honduras should familiarize themselves with the areas transport system in advance. One of the most popular types of transportation is buses with many different destinations (Honduras  Transportation, n.d.). Moreover, taxi and car rental services work for everybody. If a tourist wants to get to the islands, then he or she needs to use the ferry and water taxis.

The best shopping experiences can be obtained while searching for souvenirs. The most popular tokens in Honduras are pottery, ceramics, leather items, tobacco, and coffee (Honduran Souvenirs, n.d.). The last souvenir deserves special attention as it will warm the traveler for a long time and please with an unusual taste, which may differ depending on the growing region. Before shopping, it is worth repeating the numbers in Spanish, as there is a chance that the seller may not know English. Those who have a desire for this can try to bargain.

Hondurans usually start conversations with a friendly salutation and consider it impolite to bypass someone with a greeting. In the rules of an ethics tone, there is also a firm handshake when meeting. Courtesy is viewed as the basis of local etiquette, so it is important how and what is said and in what situation. Various signs are generally given a significant place  the more the high status of the interlocutor is emphasized, the higher the respect for the guest himself. The official and predominant language of the country is Spanish, but one can find a population that communicates in dialects with an admixture of Native American words.

Since the main language of the country is Spanish, phrases such as Buenos días, Hola, Hasta luego, Sí, No, Gracias, Por favor, Lo siento are useful for personal communication. Cerrado, Abierto, Entrada, Salida, A la izquierda, A la derecha, Prohibido is the other group of words useful for tourists. If there were problems in understanding phrases No hablo español¿ Habla ingles? were used. At acquaintance, it is possible to use ¿Cómo te llamas? Me llamo.


Honduran souvenirs. (n.d.). Web.

Honduras  transportation. (n.d.). Web.

Masters, T. (2016). Lago de Yojoa: Honduras hidden oasis. Web.

Maya Site of Copan. (n.d.). Web.

Parque Nacional La Tigra. (n.d.). Web.

Hurt People Hurt People by Sandra D. Wilson

The title of the book Hurt People Hurt People by Dr. Wilson clearly expresses the first premise. She demonstrates how the process of hurting others is an ongoing process that repeats itself from generation to generation or from one individual to the other. Wilson argues that the cycle begins right from childhood where family members or friends hurt children. She describes some of how parents neglect and ill-treat their children setting a shattered basis of their future relationships (Wilson, 2001, p.124). Unfortunately, children learn to shelter abuse from family members using defensive or dysfunctional ways to heal emotional wounds. Children can only question their parents when they get older, and this is out of knowledge or experience that boosts their reasoning capabilities. The solutions developed allow survival during the early years of a persons life but when applied to solve adulthood problems, develop into pain and hurt (Wilson, 2001, p.86).

Dr. Wilson also outlines the processes of change that are a necessity for people to stop or counter hurt. She emphasizes the fact that we can only change our own choices. This happens because we cannot control other peoples choices. She explains the need for personal responsibility in all actions. For changes to occur, we must let go of past choices and choose new ones, which involves the painful revisiting of childhood choices (Wilson, 2001, p.86-88). She also mentions the need for Gods Holy Spirit to heal and personal responsibility in the process of change.

Wilson argues that some of the peoples past behaviors influence their present behaviors. Most people with legitimate behaviors had unfit behaviors at one time in their life. It is only after individuals pick new choices in life that they will realize the change in their life. She says that we can change perceptions because of life problems and influences, and it is the only way we can eliminate principal problems in life (Wilson, 2001, p. 92). These dominant problems torment humans throughout their life.

Strengths of Wilson

The approach Dr. Wilson uses to describe the process of healing is in itself clear but highly effective. In her arguments, she creates more room for dealing with unhealthy behaviors among individuals in the society. She explains behavioral patterns among individuals that are beyond their control and the consequences of such patterns in their lives. However, she does not exclude anyone from personal responsibility for their behaviors, choices and actions.

In her model, she combines novel views of explaining human behavior, from the religious view to the psychological and even the sociological view. She addresses understanding of different issues of life, God, ourselves and other people as well as how we usually make new choices. The model examines the realities of life such that no individual lives with excuses or feelings of denial. It attempts to explain how we can breakdown cycles in life and in those of children, which is essential in the process of healing. The book also provides us with practical applications in todays life. Dr. Wilson does not just tell us to be healthy but rather what being healthy is. For instance, she has explained the meaning of forgiveness by explaining the necessity of accepting Jesus forgiveness first for us to forgive others.

Weaknesses of Wilson

As Christians, we believe that God chooses parents for us, and they are a precious gift that God gives individuals. This contrasts Wilsons argument that we can choose parents. We need to appreciate parents the way they are because they are a gift from God. Choosing will entail hurting others, which violate the primary objective of this book of not hurting others or ourselves.

Dr. Wilsons approach identifies the Holy Spirit as a key player for healing to take place. This process involves real involvement of the Holy Spirit combined with emotional healing. Despite the model being effective, it is be limited to believers only. It can only be applied for a Christian who lives according to the teachings of the word of God.


Although Dr. Wilsons model for change is simplified, it has exceptionally strong points that a foster mother can relate to strengthen all the elements of psychological and spiritual growth. She explains how different systems influence us during childhood throughout adulthood. The foster mother can use the book as a tribute in providing encouragement to a child that someone cares rather than the unseen God. The model offers detailed explanations to different behavioral patterns among individuals and does not make room for justifying those behaviors. Personal responsibility and the Holy Spirit as the major elements in the process of change echoes well with me. The model gives optimism that healing can be a reality for those individuals willing to follow the difficult and painful process of change. The book is suitable for Christians as it applies the teachings of the Holy Spirit.


Wilson, S. D. (2001). Hurt People Hurt People: Hope and Healing for Yourself and Your Relationships. Grand Rapids: Discovery House.

The Interview About Sports and Media

Summary of the Interview

Through which channels do you follow the team?

Answer: personal contact is always essential in sports where athletes struggle to win. The management department must use a multi-factor communication model, namely written and oral communication, to establish trust and deliver information. We speak every day during training sessions, press conferences, closed meetings, and athletes initiatives.

What media features do you use in your team?

Answer: As in any other public sphere of activity, the media plays a crucial role in PR operations. We work with in-house and guest journalists to build a permanent media presence.

What tasks does management perform in terms of media activities?

Answer: Even though we are more responsible for results and motivation, we are all media people. We must speak at press conferences, give interviews to the media, and help promote the athlete in society.

Knowledge Gained from the Interview

The sports sphere is no longer a field for athletic records, physical progress, and individual or teamwork to win. Instead, it is a highly diversified structure in which audience engagement and sports marketing become revenue generators. In turn, the financial well-being of the team allows optimizing the long-term strategy for gradual growth. An interview with Brad Johnson showed that modern sports involve all stakeholders in the media. Team management is responsible for internal well-being and results, but even this is a subject to journalism. It correlates with research in which the digitalization of information and diversification of sports broadcasts are becoming business priorities for teams (Dugali, 2018). Thus, audience engagement occurs not only through the success of the athletes but also through quality marketing.

Diversification of communication channels allows performers to choose the optimal communication strategy with the media and the team. Johnson uses multidimensional communication, such as face-to-face conversations and online communication, to implement an ongoing contact strategy. This approach makes it possible to timely identify interpersonal or motivational crises with the prospect of their appropriate resolution. Thus, this interview confirmed the hypothesis about the teams sports spirit, which applies both to interact with the media and to the organizations internal structures.


Dugali, S. (2018). Sport, media and digitalization. SPORT  Science & Practice, 8(1), 56-69.

Roys Adaptation Model for Family Nurse Practitioner

In an attempt to enhance research and practice in the field of nursing, a number of theories have been put forth to help advance the skills and experience of practitioners in this field. One of the most prominent grand theories in nursing is Roys Adaptation Model. Roy has been updating this model and it is currently one of the most commonly used theories of nursing on various fronts. In this model, the main assumptions are classified as either scientific or philosophical assumptions (Parker & Smith, 2010). Some of the scientific assumptions of this theory are as follows:

  • Self-awareness and environment understanding is deeply rooted in feeling and thinking.
  • Human actions are always mediated by feelings and thinking.
  • Transformation of a person or environment is always created in the consciousness of self.
  • Adaptation always occurs because of the integration of persons and the environment.

The above are some of the core scientific assumptions underpinning this theory. Some of the philosophical assumptions underpinning this theory are as follows.

  • A person has a mutual relationship with God and the world.
  • The meaning of human is based on the omega point union of the universe.
  • God is considered as the creations destiny and He is revealed in the worlds diversity.

The above assumptions have guided the use of this theory in the contemporary world. The application of this theory in nursing has been very common, especially in the areas of nursing practice, education, and research. In nursing practice, this theory helps nurses understand their patients way of thinking, and especially when dealing with the culturally diversified group. In research, this theory has been of help in defining areas where researchers need to focus on in order to help advance this field. In education, this theory helps learners understand how nursing practice involves carrying of varied group of persons and the importance of embracing ethics in this field.

In nursing, one area that has raised many controversies is on cultural diversity in the society. According to Roy (2008), nurses have found it difficult caring for people of completely different cultural and religious backgrounds from what they believe. For instance, Christian nurses have found it very challenging to offer the much-needed care to the Muslim believers because of their belief and practices. One such practice is the fact that a Muslim must use a bowl to wash their private parts immediately after a short call. If a patient is not able to do this by himself, it will force the caregiver to do this in line with the religious beliefs of the patient. A Christian would not be comfortable doing this to his or her patient. This theory comes in to help in such scenarios. Based on the philosophical foundations of this theory, administrators within a hospital will understand the fact that a persons religious beliefs will always make him or her reason differently to different environmental stimuli.

To make nursing care an effective and enjoyable process, it is important align patients with nurses who share the same faith with them. This theory is effective in this area because it will help both the patient and the caregiver more comfortable with each other. This enhances effectiveness of providing healthcare. This theory can be used in other areas of nursing practice. For instance, this theory can be used to motivate nurses to deliver quality service to their patient even in cases where they feel there is a difference in cultural beliefs. To researchers, this theory helps in identifying ways through which cultural diversity can be dealt with in healthcare facilities.


Parker, M. E., & Smith, M. C. (2010). Nursing theories and nursing practice. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Co.

Roy, C. (2008). The Roy adaptation model. Upper Saddle River: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Wedding Planning Factors: A Bride-Centric Holiday

A wedding celebration is the end of long preparation, and in order to avoid unpleasant surprises and the discontent of both guests and newlyweds, it is essential to approach the planning process as carefully as possible. First, the budget to spend on the holiday should be determined. All the details without exception are to be taken into account, including the organization of a banquet, the decoration of the wedding area, the services of drivers and other staff, as well as dresses for newlyweds. Another important aspect is the planning of the style of the wedding. According to Stafford et al. (2020), this holiday is more of a celebration for a bride than for a fiancé, but the cultural background of both newlyweds and guests is a criterion that largely determines the nature of the ceremony. Religious beliefs, the number of people, personal interests, and other social criteria should be considered to make the holiday enjoyable for everyone.

The acquisition of wedding paraphernalia is an important stage of preparation, which should be completed carefully. Buying rings, discussing the concept of a festive table, designing invitations, choosing a cake, and other actions are the indispensable elements of the celebration. Moreover, as Stafford et al. (2020) argue, a bride-centric concept of marriage is common in the United States today since this event is more significant for women than for men. Therefore, in order for the celebration to be successful, brides should pay particular attention to many details and, if possible, draw up a plan. Ordering makeup and hairstyle is what is planned immediately before the wedding, but some nuances, for instance, the style of dresses or the design of photo zones, have to be determined in advance. Before the time of the celebration, it is essential for newlyweds to be concerned only with organizational tasks and not be distracted by related issues. In this case, a wedding ceremony will be memorable and leave only positive emotions for everyone present.


Stafford, L., Faulkner, S. L., & Scott, A. M. (2020). Its the best day of your life: Dominant discourses in brides wedding planning. Communication Studies, 71(2), 226-243.

The Hidden History of Mestizo America

The population of the world, which consists of many peoples of different cultures, nationalities, backgrounds and beliefs, is becoming a melting pot where the cultures and races are mixing, decreasing the prejudices and stereotypes that have long existed in human history and unfortunately still exist today.

The article titled The Hidden History of Mestizo America, describes the historical mixing of people of different races and cultures. It starts out by describing the events that took place in London, in January of 1617. During the performance of The Vision of Delight where King James I and Queen Ann were present, their guestsJohn Rolfe and his wife Rebecca, who was the daughter of a native king Powhatan, were also in attendance. This was the public display of first interracial marriage that was historically recorded in the United States. King James was not against this interracial marriage and thats why this was the time when there were a number of such unions. Another person who was a supporter of the interracial marriages is Patrick Henry, who in 1784 proposed free education to children born from white-Native American marriages. Tomas Jefferson also promoted the mixing of these two peoples. In the year 1809 young Sam Houston left his home to lead a life in the Cherokee tribe. He was a connecting link and an ambassador of his tribe to the American people. But in 1839 things drastically changed when the president of the Lone Star Republic Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar focused his rule on the extermination of the Cherokees and the unfair treatment went on to paint a rather grim chapter in the history of humanity.

In the 1600s to the 1800s a different intercultural mixing was taking place. As there were some African slaves who were escaping the abusive treatment by the white colonists, they chose to hide among the native settlers of the Americas and as a result formed Afro-Native mixes. A sad turn took place in the eighteenths century when the Cherokee people started mimicking the white people and used Blacks as slaves. One fourth of the Cherokee population was intermixed by the 1830s with the majority of mixes being white but Blacks were intermixed as well. Another change took place at the arrival of Indian people. Since they were not allowed to marry other races and could not bring their own wives and children with them, they found a loophole in the law, which would issue permission to marry other races according to skin color. This led to the marriages between Punjabis and Mexicans and so in the years 1913-1949, 80% of Indian men had marriages with Hispanic women. As with native people and Blacks, a similar thing happened with the mix between Spanish and Africans. The new settlers from Spain often brought slaves with them and this led to a mixture of their cultures. With all these different populations co-existing on the same territory, Spanish, African and Indian people became mixing more than ever. The art of that time, which is reflected in the paintings, often portrays such intermarriages, reflecting on the cultural views predominant in that era. By the early twentieth century people of middle and upper classes who were white started moving out of the city into the suburbs and began creating mostly Anglo-Saxon mixes, which was their way to return to the origins of the white society. A supporter of multiculturalismRandolph Bourne, was another great man who realized that the mixing of people into one would be a positive thing for the worlds population. He died in 1918 and everything came back to the way it wasdiscrimination and racism. It was not until 1965 that a Secretary of State Dean Rusk greatly changed the policies of the United States. After this the world became the way we see it today (Nash 959).

The facts that the article offers are not the first example that show how cruel and unfair people can sometimes be. For strange reason the prejudice that some people are superior and others are inferior existed since the beginning of time. One of possible explanations is that the human nature entails egoism and self-love. People who had problems and negative predispositions with their own nature and nation, had to find an outlet for their despair. It was unwise for them to do it towards themselves or they could not come up with steps at bettering their nation, so they had to express their anger with own shortcomings on others. This was easier and showed how strong and powerful they were, which reinforced their view that they are the dominant race on the planet. The colonies that existed all over the world are the proof of that. People, who constantly exterminate the native populations of newly discovered places and give rise to their own civilizations, are pursuing fake greatness. But at the same time there are many examples that illustrate individuals who understood how wrong this prejudice was. They were kind and considered everyone equal. These people wanted to share cultures and knowledge, to create a better world by reasoning and mixing with the native peoples who were so different and interesting. This article and human history overall prove the constant fight between those people who think they are the smartest and that their will should be superior and those who believe in the unity and equality of everyone, doing anything in their power, even giving away their life, to fight for the noble cause.

It is foolish that with all these examples in the past, which clearly show how only together and with fairness people can reach great heights, there are still uneducated and self-centered individuals who base their existence on proving to themselves that they are not worthless through demeaning and judging others negatively. How long will it take until these inequalities cease to exist within the human civilizations and its absence will finally bring the focus on the development of the humanity instead of its degradation?


Nash, Gary. The Hidden History of Mestizo America, The Journal of American History, 82.3 (1995): 941-964. Print.

Family Planning: Reproductive Health

The Cairo ICPD in 1994 considerably expanded and improved the status and health protection among women. This change is characterized by certain pros and cons in regards to limited financial and logistic resources, especially in some regions of sub-Saharan Africa where HIV/AIDS problems remain to be urgent. On the one hand, this conference helped to explain that smaller families can have more economic benefits and work opportunities, and women can meet their practical and strategic needs. On the other hand, women can become vulnerable and suffer from violence at home. Women from low-income regions have to cope with multiple family and work responsibilities and lose the security that is a part of their traditions.

The role of family planning in regards to the risks of maternal mortality remains to be limited, and this statement can be easily explained. First, the only aspect that family planning can change is the numbers. As soon as families are under control, and their sexual activity does not lead to unexpected pregnancies, the level of maternal mortality is not that dramatic. Second, the case studies and stats show that usually women from low- or middle-income families have a high level of dying. Finally, only first pregnancies may have a high risk of maternal mortality. Family planning may be implemented to the families with or without children; therefore, the role of this issue is limited. A woman can die during pregnancy or soon after giving birth to a child being a participant in a family planning program or not.

Specific technologies in the sphere of health may improve the situation of current reproductive health; still, these changes are not as sufficient as people may think. The changes in womens status within the reproductive health aspect are evident indeed: womens empowerment, multiple choices, the abilities to control a situation, and speak free. The health technological inputs can provide more changes, but the essence of the changes cannot be too much influential because of the inability to use appropriate technologies. Women have access to various means of contraception, still, the examples of maternal mortality or other problems with health or unexpected pregnancies show that the problem is not solved and has to be properly discussed.

Renewed interest in family planning and reproductive health can be explained in a number of ways. Women are in need of protection and explanations of their rights and abilities. The world is changing as well as the conditions under which women have to live. The changes of women rights may lead to some changes in family planning, and these changes have to be analyzed and discussed. Reproductive health is the problem that has not been solved completed during the last several decades. People still want to know more how to improve the reproductive health conditions and understand their options. Therefore, all these needs and expectations raise renewed interest in all these issues.

Obstetric fistula is not only a physical problem. The consequences of this problem may be of a social or physiological character. As a rule, women with obstetric fistula are socially isolated and feel shame because of their problems with health. They are afraid of being left by their husbands and children; they cannot neglect the fact of humiliation from the terrible smell they have or the inability to follow simple hygiene rules.

Role of the Family in the Formation of a Healthy Lifestyle


Human health depends on many social factors and variables. If society is characterized by stability, a high level of citizens well-being, and social policy aimed at increasing life expectancy, this contributes to the health of both the individual and society. When creating a plan of care about health, each person should take these factors into account. The purpose of this work is to create a specific health model for the analyzed family, considering the social determinants of health.

Social Determinants of Health

The family consists of three people  a father of 40 years old, a mother of 35 years old, and a 10-year-old daughter, representatives of the Native American minority. The most influential SDOH for this family is economic stability, community, and social context. Neighborhood and physical environment determinants, and food can also have an impact. Even though thanks to their bakery, the family has an adequate income for themselves, the work is exhausting for parents, especially the father. It can negatively affect his health if the family does not take care of themselves. Another determinant is the community, and the social context positively affects the health of the whole family. They mentioned that relations with friends and relatives are crucial for them. Since they have the opportunity for constant communication, they are socialized and belong to the community.

Neighborhood and physical environment also have positive health effects. The comfort of the house allows them to relax in a calm atmosphere. This determinant plays a crucial role in the girls health  she has her room, which is vital for a good psychological state, especially in future adolescence. The courtyard near the house makes it possible for regular outdoor walks. The last important determinant is food  the family tries to adhere to the course of proper nutrition, including grain, meat, and vegetables in the main diet. However, taking into account the problems with heart and diabetes, some changes in soda and baking consumption are needed.

Screening Tools

To maintain health, all family members should be regularly examined by a physician and a dentist. Since this family has a history of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, they should take appropriate screenings. Those members who are exposed to diabetes should strictly regulate their diet and physical activity. If there is no disease, but a tendency to it, the most effective screening tool is a risk test (Woo et al., 2017). It will help doctors to choose a possible treatment or provide the necessary recommendations to adjust the familys lifestyle. According to the American Heart Association (2019), the primary screening tools for cardiovascular disease prevention are blood pressure testing and a blood test for cholesterol and glucose. They are especially crucial for senior family members as the risk rises with age. There are also screening tools that each family member needs individually regularly. It is essential due to the differences in health because of the age and health of men and women.

Health Model and Plan of Action

To work with the analyzed family, two health models are necessary  the health belief model and the socio-ecological model. According to the first model, a persons health largely depends on his or her perception of it (Simpson, 2015). That is, the family needs to get more information that soda and pastry are harmful to health, especially in a family with a history of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. It is also essential for the father to understand that his overburdened working day, lack of sleep, and irregular nutrition negatively affect health. The family already has an idea of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and its importance, so making changes should not cause difficulties.

According to the socio-ecological model, to understand the causes of health problems, it is necessary to refer to external factors (Simpson, 2015). Thus, the most significant modification should occur in the working life of the family. They should consider various options to reduce the burden on the fathers health. For example, they can hire an assistant, or lessen the working hours of the bakery. It will help normalize sleep and diet, which with age, becomes increasingly important for health.

Thus, the main steps in health promotion will be:

  • Checking the availability of all the necessary knowledge about the family.
  • Talks about the advantages of a healthy life and the basics of diseases prevention. Presenting different ways of implementing changes in the daily routine.
  • Acquaintance with the necessary exercises and screening with the doctor.
  • Tracking progress.

The primary communication strategy is to find and develop the necessary materials about cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, lack of sleep, constant fatigue, essential physical exercises, and health screenings.


Thus, today the family as a part of society has a dominant role in the formation of a healthy lifestyle. It is the primary environment where useful habits are formed, and harmful ones are rejected. The first impressions of a child related to the performance of a specific action are drawn from the domestic routine. By eliminating the risk factors for the development of various diseases, observing the correct diet, correcting work and rest schedules, people can extend their lives for many years. A healthy lifestyle is available to everyone, and a health-promotion plan that takes into account all factors and determinants will make it more effective.


American Heart Association. (2019). Heart-health screenings. Web.

Simpson, V. (2015). Models and theories to support health behavior intervention and program planning. Health and Human Sciences. Web.

Woo, Y. C., Lee, C. H., Fong, C., Tso, A., Cheung, B., & Lam, K. (2017). Validation of the diabetes screening tools proposed by the American Diabetes Association in an aging Chinese population. PloS one, 12(9), 1-9.