Emotions and Instincts in Human Decision-Making

Many factors influence a persons decision-making process: from personal to spontaneous, depending on the situation. While some elements of the first category can be objectively assessed, random variables such as emotions and instincts are more challenging to determine. However, they play a crucial role in human decision-making, sometimes eclipsing even rational arguments. This essay aims to prove this thesis and explain how emotional appeal and instincts influence decision-making.

The existence of an emotional attachment can cause a person to make completely illogical choices that will seem right to them. This topic was explored in a double-blinded experiment to see if musicians could distinguish antique Italian violins by sound alone (Edwards, n.d.). However, the vast majority of participants in the investigation could not determine the modern instrument from the famous one (Edwards, n.d.). Consequently, with the disappearance of visual information regarding the violin, the musicians were forced to choose based not on emotions from interacting with antiques but on the experience of playing. This fact is proof that emotions, such as delight in front of a famous instrument, significantly influence decision-making and can override such objective parameters as sound quality.

Instincts also manifest themselves in a persons daily life, allowing them to respond to changing situations quickly. However, as research shows, they do not always help make the right decision (Couchman, 2015). According to the multiple-choice exam experiment, in most cases, the answers based on the first thought turned out to be wrong. On the contrary, with further revision, students often changed the incorrect answer to the correct one (Couchman, 2015). This demonstrates that instincts are based on current feelings rather than an apparent knowledge base. Decisions made in this way can be beneficial when a situation needs to be decided on current conditions. However, the students interviewed were confident that the answers provided by first instincts were correct (Couchman, 2015). This fact only emphasizes the existing stereotypes and their importance for decision-making.

Thus, it can be concluded that both emotions and instincts are essential parts of decision-making. However, they do not always help make a more rational decision since both of these elements can drown out objective evidence in favor of momentary sensations. This does not mean they are harmful: emotions emphasize a persons individuality, and instincts allow finding a way out in a suddenly changed situation. Therefore, humans can successfully and safely apply these factors, but not in all conditions.


Edwards, V. (n.d.). A tale of two violins. Muse Magazine.

Couchman, J. J. (2015). Should you rely on first instincts when answering a multiple choice exam? The Conversation.

Value Proposition of Digital Transformation

The use of Big Data today is widespread in all markets, including tourism, retail, banking, telecommunications, fitness, online commerce, and other sectors. The tourism and hospitality industry can greatly benefit from the correct use of Big Data and gain a competitive advantage by improving the quality of service through the collection and analysis of data from consumer profiles, transactions, and surveys (What is Big Data, 2022). As a rule, hotel owners have access to a large amount of data that they leave unattended. Notably, Big Data is collected throughout the service delivery process and can be very diverse.

According to Porters General Strategies, companies gain a competitive advantage if they find the right way to create unique value in their organization. In particular, Porter advises choosing between cost leadership, differentiation, and niche market strategies (Value disciplines, 2018). The collection of customer data for the subsequent personalization of services is consistent with the differentiation strategy. The use of Big Data Analytics, therefore, is a convenient tool for the unobtrusive collection of customer data, with the obligatory condition of informed consent.

Today many customers show disbelief when offered to share personal data, which is the main problem for the implementation of the Big Data Analytics digital transformational strategy. The presented strategy allows solving the problem of confidentiality through the informed consent of customers when filling out the appropriate forms during registration. Equally important, the use of proven licensed digital IT systems for data storage and analysis ensures the security and anonymity of data, fostering trust between Galaxy hotels and customers. Equally important, the Parity system used by Galaxy is a proven data acquisition technology that provides fast and high-quality data synchronization and integration.

This means that, in addition to the technology for collecting, storing, and processing data, the Parity system offers models for statistical analysis and predicting customer behavior. Equally important, statistical models allow managing the managerial understanding of preferences and form optimal proposals. In particular, a special system of discounts, special offers, and bonuses can be developed for each category of customers. These ways of differentiation allow for better managing customer relationships and providing better service.

Preference analysis improves room occupancy planning, which is especially important given the seasonal nature of the business. For example, older couples without children prefer to stay in hotels for longer periods and choose the velvet season from late August to mid-October (Talón-Ballestero et al., 2018). At the same time, students and young people without children often choose shorter stays, preferring vacations in April, May, and during the New Year holidays. Couples with children tend to choose peak seasons and have special needs for children.

Interestingly, given the expansion potential of the hotel business, statistical models based on the analysis of Big Data allowed the Galaxy hotel chain to apply a differentiation strategy to the process of expanding and acquiring new hotels. Based on the analysis of demand for services and preferences in the geography of hotels, Galaxy was able to focus on its target audience and expand opportunities by more precisely matching the characteristics of demand. Therefore, Big Data Analytics satisfies the needs of tactical and strategic planning and can be used to analyze the market and the role of Galaxy in the market.

Notably, in line with Porters Common Strategies, Galaxy can also take advantage of a niche market as an alternative to differentiation. For example, as part of a strategic expansion, Galaxy can focus on niches in which it currently has the highest demand and those niches that could help expand and strengthen the brand. Through the use of the digital models for the Big Data Analysis, the Galaxy will be able to more accurately meet the requirements of niche markets.


Talón-Ballestero, P., González-Serrano, L., Soguero-Ruiz, C., Muñoz-Romero, S., & Rojo-Álvarez, J. L. (2018). Using big data from customer relationship management information systems to determine the client profile in the hotel sector. Tourism Management, 68, 187-197. doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2018.03.017

Value disciplines: Customer intimacy, product leadership, and operational excellence. (2018). B2U.

What is Big Data and how is it impacting the hotel industry? (2022). Hotel Tech Report.

Employability Skills and the Future of Work

Employability skills are broad abilities that make one appealing to potential employers. Every profession requires practical communication skills, and companies want people with outstanding verbal and nonverbal communication capabilities. Employers want people with great learning and leadership abilities who can enhance procedures and establish organizational initiatives. Next, teamwork, or the capacity to cooperate with others to accomplish a common objective, is vital. Employers seek individuals with critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, as well as the power to troubleshoot and overcome barriers. Employees with initiative and entrepreneurial abilities, good organizational skills, knowledge of technology, and personal management are also crucial. Thus, employability skills include communication, learning, leadership, problem-solving and critical thinking, teamwork, reliability, organization, initiative, self-management, and technology.

In IT, the industry of my future work, the employment market is more intense than ever. While it used to be simpler for IT specialists to get work, many people now discover that it is challenging to hold their jobs or succeed in their responsibilities. Employers are currently searching for employability skills as well as content area knowledge in their potential workers. Personal traits, behaviors, and attitudes all have an impact on how one interacts with people. Employers respect employability skills since they indicate how well one gets along with other colleagues and customers, as well as how effectively one will handle their work performance and professional achievement. Employers respect these distinct characteristics in potential workers because they are always required for a profitable and well-functioning workforce. For example, if I have such an essential employability skill as learning, it means that even if some new software comes up that is more effective for company performance, I can master it quickly and efficiently. As a result, my employer would have an advantage in the future since they would not have to find a new employee for new software and lose experienced workers. Thus, this skill makes me a potentially valuable employee in any company.

Chinese Tourism Policy and Planning

Summary of the Main Components of Recent Tourism Policy Plan

Today, tourism is the most important sector of the Chinese economy. It provides the population with a permanent place of work, and the state budget with a stable income without any negative effects on the ecological system of the country. In China, this industry is actively developing and the countrys leadership is doing everything in its power to facilitate the access of a potential tourist to the country.

Chinas state policy is aimed at facilitating tourist access to the country in every possible way. The leadership of the eastern country understands that tourism makes it possible to multiply the gross domestic product much faster. It facilitates the external trade relations of the countrys business with foreign partners, annually attracts billions of dollars of investment in various sectors of the economy (World bank tourism indicators, 2022). Therefore, one of the components of the recent tourism policy plan is to increase the availability of visas to China for citizens of neighboring countries.

Simplification of the procedure for issuing visas to China has significantly increased the tourist flow to that country in a short time. To date, economists are of the opinion that Chinas tourism business will actively develop. In ten years, the Peoples Republic of China should take the first place in terms of the number of tourists entering from abroad (World tourism statistics, 2022). This growth rate of tourism to China is due not only to the simplification of the procedure for issuing visas to China, but also to the next component of the recent tourism policy plan.

This plan consists in providing interesting tourist routes around the country that would allow to expect the arrival of not only the same tourists every year, but also tourists of a new wave. China is the fourth largest state by area; this has allowed the countrys leadership to significantly increase sales of travel and tours in China over the past two years, thereby stabilizing the countrys tourism market as a whole (World tourism statistics, 2022). Due to this component of the recent tourism policy plan, the countrys tourism companies focus not only on external tourism, but also on internal tourism.

To date, Chinas tourism market is growing day by day; in particular, the share of external tourism is increasing. At the same time, tourists come from all countries bordering China. The component of the recent tourism policy plan is primarily the sale of travel and tours to China for residents of Kazakhstan, India, Mongolia, North Korea, Vietnam and Tajikistan (World bank tourism indicators, 2022). As a rule, most tourist trips to China sooner or later turn into business trips, which is associated with the flourishing of small business in the country and the inviolability of private property.

Principles, Concepts & Theories of Public Policy for Tourism

The effective functioning of the tourism system is impossible without planning, regulation, coordination and control by the structures responsible for its development. This necessitates the development and implementation of a tourist policy based on the principles, concepts and theories of public policy for tourism. Chinas tourism policy is formed and implemented at various levels: state, regional, and individual enterprises. There are some principles under the influence of which the tourism policy of China is formed.

These principles include the natural conditions of the country (climate, geographical location, relief, flora, fauna) that affect tourism policy depending on their rational use for tourism purposes. Moreover, the principles of Chinas tourism policy consist of the assessment of transport conditions that determine the accessibility of objects of tourist interest, and social, economic and legal conditions for the development of tourism (Edgell and Swanson, 2018). At the same time, it should be noted that Chinas tourism policy is not based solely on the principles of its internal conditions.

Since it is a country entering the international tourism market, it enters into a complex system of competitive relations with other states, as well as with entire world regions. The role and place of a particular state in the international tourism market depends on how well and effectively the tourism policy is built and implemented. The concepts of Chinas tourism policy are related to the specific economic and historical conditions of the countrys development and the degree of maturity of the tourism industry itself.

The main concept is to meet the needs of tourists with the rational use of the existing tourist potential and ensuring sustainable tourism development. At the level of a tourist enterprise, the concepts of Chinas tourism policy are focused on ensuring that the needs of tourists are met (Edgell and Swanson, 2018). These concepts also consist in increasing revenues and profits from the provision of tourist services, optimizing the quality of tourist services and developing new markets.

The implementation of tourism policy concepts requires coordination (vertical and horizontal) of the activities of various institutional units integrated into the tourism system. According to the theories of public policy for tourism, tourism policy is considered as an integral part of the general policy of the state in the application to tourism. Chinas tourism activities should be carried out in close connection with the economy, social sphere, culture, ecology and other socially significant systems.

Analysis of the Instruments for Achieving Plans Aims

Since tourism in China is not only an economic, but also a social, cultural, environmental and political phenomenon, all of the above manifestations of tourism planning and the implementation of policy must be taken into account in its formation and positive development. According to the theory of promotion in the world tourism market, this activity includes a number of interrelated stages, which are carried out quite successfully in China. This is an assessment of the tourism potential of the country and the definition of its strengths and weaknesses.

Moreover, the necessary stages, effectively implemented in China, are the justification of the possible tourist image of the country from the perspective of target groups of tourists and the development of directions for the effective development and promotion of the image of China. The most important role of tourism planning and the implementation of policy is played by the theory of advertising and information activities and promotion of the countrys tourism opportunities. The incentive theory is designed to provide the state with leverage over the tourism system, which is achieved in one of three ways (Edgell and Swanson, 2018). The Chinese government successfully uses their combination and applies both by providing financial incentives, supporting research and innovation, and using marketing to attract tourists.

The incentive system in China is aimed at developing various components of the tourism industry, regions, products and individual services. Concepts marketing communication activities play a crucial role in shaping the promotion and positive development of tourism planning and the implementation of policy in China (Burns and Novelli, 2006). Most of its stages are successfully applied in the country. The country is preparing and publishing a basic package of information and advertising materials, including a single calendar of tourist events in the country.

In addition, a single national stand participates in the work of international tourist exhibitions and the formation of a network of national advertising and information tourist centers and representative offices abroad. Less successful in China are such stages of the concept of marketing communication activities as conducting advertising and propaganda campaigns in foreign media. It would also be possible to pay more attention to the organization of study trips to the country by representatives of foreign mass media, tourist enterprises and organizations.

However, the insufficient effectiveness of these concepts is compensated at other stages. In China, it is effective to create information databases of tourist accommodation, tourism industry enterprises, tours and routes around the country (Dredge and Jenkins, 2007). The Internet is also actively used to disseminate information about the tourist opportunities of the state and a unified tourist information network is being formed on the territory of China, taking into account its integration with similar international networks.

Analysis of Implementation and Evaluation Aspects of Plan

In China, the state is actively involved in the financing and creation of tourist infrastructure. The state participates in various areas of implementation of tourism policies and plans. First of all, there is the allocation of state subsidies for the implementation of individual tourism projects. The subsidy system is widely used in China, where the Ministry of Economy annually determines the total amount of assistance to investors (World bank tourism indicators, 2022). At the same time, investment priorities in tourism are determined, primarily the construction and modernization of high-class accommodation facilities and tourist complexes.

From the actions of the Chinese state within the framework of the implementation of tourism policies and plans, it is effective to provide loans to enterprises of the tourism industry at preferential interest rates. Thus, the system of loans is widely used, where they make up half of all investments in tourism and are issued at a rate of 6% for 15 years (OECD tourism statistics, 2022). At the same time, control over the project under which the loan is issued is carried out during the entire period of its implementation.

The implementation of the state guarantee in respect of loans and subsidies allocated by commercial banks for the development of tourism deserves high praise. However, the provision of tax benefits is not a very high-quality part of the implementation of tourism policies and plans in China. Insignificant tax benefits are provided by the state in respect of investments in facilities located in areas of national tourist interests. The income of tour operators is subject to corporate tax in full, and is not exempt from taxation.

Supporting the development of social tourism, ensuring its accessibility to socially vulnerable segments of the population is the next important function of the Chinese state in m. At the same time, extensive programs are being applied to provide travel opportunities for disabled people, children, youth and other categories of the population. The most striking example is the activity of the Chinese Tourist Savings Fund, which proclaims tourism as a vital attribute of a healthy society (OECD tourism statistics, 2022). The concept of social tourism in China has been implemented thanks to the most successful system of vacation checks.

Checks issued by a specially authorized body are purchased by wholesale buyers, mainly entrepreneurs. Then they are sold to the population at a significant discount. Checks are distributed free of charge among the least socially protected segments of the population. Checks can be used by any resident of China, but the amount of the discount is differentiated. Checks can only be used to pay for services related to tourism and cultural and entertainment events at enterprises of the social security system. These include accommodation facilities, transport organizations, catering companies, travel agencies, cultural and entertainment and sports and recreation institutions.

Tourism Plans Applied to International Tourism Destinations

A well-conducted tourism plans that can be applied to international tourism destinations requires a serious approach to planning. This means a systematic consideration of the fundamental issues and problems that may arise during the formation of a new product. It is necessary to develop a series of alternative measures used in case of unforeseen situations (Dredge and Jenkins, 2007). The whole planning process can be divided into several stages. The stages are arranged in the order of their implementation.

Some of the stages begin and end within a relatively short period of time, others are carried out simultaneously during the implementation of the plan. All of them are necessary for the organization and implementation of comprehensive effective measures for the development of international tourism in China and can be started within the first 12 months of the program (World bank tourism indicators, 2022). The first stage is the definition of a tourist product. Quite often, deciding what exactly will be sold to potential tourists becomes the most difficult task among all the problems associated with the development of international tourism in China.

The second stage of tourism plans that can be applied to international tourism destinations is the inventory of resources. This stage involves the creation of a catalog of resources available to foreign tourists inside China. Such a catalog includes a list of services that are currently provided in the territory, as well as those that are expected to be implemented within the next three years (World bank tourism indicators, 2022). The information that should be included in the catalog usually includes information about such objects of increased tourist demand.

The third stage is the analysis of the international market. It is necessary to pay attention to its three main elements. Among them are consumers of tourist services, agents for the promotion of tourist services and suppliers of tourist services. The fourth stage is devoted to establishing international contacts. At this stage, it is necessary to determine whether the advertised tourist product is important for people outside of China who will actually sell it. It is necessary to find out whether local resources are competitive compared to comparable tourist products on the same market offered by other countries, and where it is best to offer them (Burns and Novelli, 2006). Then the most suitable target countries and segments of the international market for the new international tourism program should be determined.

Main Aims of the Plan

The first stage of the plan is aimed at promoting Chinese attractors on the international market. The tourist product must reliably reflect the state of the attraction or other tourist object, otherwise it may lead to a decrease in the consumer popularity of the region. The choice of a product made at the beginning of the formation of an international tourism development program may be considered temporary for some time. Further stages of the implementation of the plan are necessary to find out how the initially selected product can be improved and improved in order to ensure that the interests and needs of new flows of foreign tourists are met.

The second stage of the plan is necessary for tourism authorities to clearly imagine what kind of accommodation, food, transport, entertainment, education, information and services will be provided to foreign tourists visiting China for the first time (Dredge and Jenkins, 2007). The information to be included in the catalog will include information about objects of increased tourist demand. This stage aims to compile a list of attractions in the region and air, rail and bus connections to destinations from the nearest international airport and a major city.

The third stage of the plan is needed, the authorities dealing with tourism issues have determined who their target audience is and were able to develop a program for the development of the industry in China. The purpose of this stage is to connect the regions of China and the domestic tourism industry with foreign consumers of tourist services and providers of such services operating abroad. In particular, this stage is carried out in order to maintain a database of destination and supplier objects. These materials will be used in the future to develop the concept of joint promotion of product sales with various tour operators and major airlines.

The fourth stage is necessary because it is easier and cheaper to develop a program on an existing base than to try to form this base from scratch. Entering the international arena is useful regardless of the final choice of the object for such a visit. The purpose of this stage is to assess whether the Chinese tourist product offered for international sale is really saleable (Burns and Novelli, 2006). Moreover, the fourth stage is carried out in order to find out how to improve the Chinese tourist product in order to improve its sales, and what resources should be added to improve the sale of tourist products.

Evaluation of Influence on Plan from Wider Environment

Being a complex socio-economic system, tourism is influenced by the wider environment, the role of which at any moment may be different both in strength and in duration of impact on the development of tourism. Therefore, its accounting is objectively necessary for the organization of the implementation of the plan for effective tourism activities in China. These factors influence the plan through changes in the life of society and have different significance for different elements of the tourism system.

Natural and geographical (mountains, forests, flora, fauna and climate) and cultural and historical factors as the basis of tourist resources are decisive when tourists choose a particular region to visit. The wealth of natural and cultural-historical resources, the possibility and convenience of their use have a significant impact on the scale, pace and direction of development of the plan (Burns and Novelli, 2006). Natural phenomena can lead to both surges and declines in tourist activity.

The influence of economic factors on the plan is mainly due to the fact that there is a close relationship between the trends in the development of tourism and the economy. There is a direct connection between the economic development of a country, the volume of national income and the material well-being of its citizens. Therefore, states with developed economies, as a rule, lead the world market in terms of the number of tourist trips of their citizens. Among the social factors of the implementation of the plan in China, first of all, it is necessary to note the increase in the length of free time of the population (Dredge and Jenkins, 2007). This is due to a reduction in working hours and an increase in the duration of annual vacations. Combined with an increase in the standard of living of the population, this means an influx of new potential tourists.

Demographic factors have a constant impact on the implementation of the plan in China. They relate to the size of the population, its distribution by individual countries and regions, the gender and age structure with the allocation of marital status and family composition. Thus, population growth in the world as a whole and its individual regions directly affects the increase in the number of tourists. Statistical data show that tourist flows from countries with an increased population density are more intense than from countries with a lower population density. Political and legal factors, such as the political situation in the world and individual countries and the policy of opening borders, have a significant impact on the effectiveness of the plan. Easing of administrative control in the tourism sector and unification of tax and monetary policy play a role.

Likely Success of the Plan

The likely success of the plan is focused on the so-called key success factors. They may be the availability of comprehensive information about tourist services in the conquered markets and competitors. Moreover, the success of the plan depends on the professional experience of the employees involved in the implementation of the plan, the quality of the services provided and their exclusivity, that is, the degree of uniqueness of the tourist product.

In addition, the implementation of the plan in China requires competent marketing: constant and effective advertising in the media. Among those listed, the factor of good customer relationships is characterized by the highest degree of generality. In the scientific literature, it is called customer relationship management (Dredge and Jenkins, 2007). This term characterizes the philosophy of implementing a client-oriented plan, in the process of which mechanisms for working with all participants of the tourist market are being established. It is advisable to consider the key success factors of the implementation of the plan by comparing personal responsibility for them in the country planning changes and in the country with the highest performance indicators (Edgell and Swanson, 2018). At the same time, the term responsibility should be understood not as obligation, but as the expediency of carrying out a particular event.

Changes in the plan always require the use of effective methods of managing them. The adaptation of personnel to the changing conditions of the internal environment and their management in these conditions always present certain difficulties. Stereotypes of working behavior, habits, fear of new beginnings, unwillingness to intensify their work often lead to passive, less often active opposition of employees (Dredge and Jenkins, 2007). Forms of resistance to change can range from overt disobedience to covert reactions that may be unknown to the leader.

Consequently, the intensity of the resistance of those responsible for the implementation of the plan largely determines its success. The factors influencing the success of the plan include economic, political, technological and international factors, factors of competition and social behavior. Situational factors or the so-called internal variables within the country are created tourism systems controlled by the state (Dredge and Jenkins, 2007). Among the most significant factors affecting the success of the plan, the following can also be distinguished.

The first factor is competition: in a competitive struggle, a country can choose both offensive and defensive tactics. If it does not adapt to the conditions of competition, it is unsuccessful. The second factor is the economic downturn: many small countries are not able to achieve the success of the plan in the context of a general economic downturn. The third factor is imperfect management: the plan may not be successful due to poor management. Typical problems in this case are a lack of depth and variety of management expertise methods, unsatisfactory work of planning and accounting services and general incompetence of personnel (Burns and Novelli, 2006). Moreover, problems with the success of the plan may be caused by inadequate initial capital. This happens as a result of underestimating the total cost of changes and revaluation of the period after which it is expected to receive profit from the successful implementation of the plan.

Recommendations for Future Policy and Planning Initiative

The process of modeling the effective activities of tourism and hotel enterprises for a certain period of operation should begin with the establishment of tourism development goals in China and their changes in the uncertain market environment. Next, it is necessary to determine how to implement these goals and objectives in accordance with the resource capabilities of the region. Strategic planning should be characterized by a degree of uncertainty, a time orientation of the planning process and a certain planning horizon.

It is necessary to take into account past experience, while adapting to the present and focusing on future changes. Thus, future policy should be based on the interaction of all the best ideas for these types of planning in the present, past and future. From the point of view of the planning horizon or time period, strategic planning should be calculated in several stages. Long-term strategic planning should cover a period of 10 years (World bank tourism indicators, 2022). The choice of such a duration is due to a number of reasons and, first of all, the fact that during this period, as a rule, drastic changes in science and technology occur.

Moreover, during the long-term time interval, there is a change of fixed assets and changes in consumer tastes and preferences towards new types of products and services. Medium-term planning should be carried out for the next 5 years (World bank tourism indicators, 2022). In it, the installations made in the process of long-term strategic planning, as it were, receive their economic justification and clarification, taking into account the trends in the development of the economic situation. Based on strategic medium-term plans, it is necessary to make short-term planning. Their peculiarity is that the indicators of the next year can be adjusted quarterly. Thus, the use of a multi-layered future implementation policy will allow the plan to respond to changes in the wider environment without deviating from the set course.

Reference List

Burns, P. and Novelli, M. (2006) Tourism and politics: Global frameworks and local realities. Oxford: Elsevier.

Dredge, D. and Jenkins, J. (2007) Tourism planning and policy. Milton: Wiley.

Edgell, D. L., and Swanson, J. R. (2018) Tourism policy and planning: Yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Abingdon: Routledge.

OECD tourism statistics (2022).

World bank tourism indicators (2022).

World tourism statistics (2022). Web.

Sports Nutrition Strategies for Triathletes


Athletes should follow current sports nutrition standards to construct a practical, periodized, and individualized feeding plan that allows them to train harder, adapt and recover optimally. They are also advised to avoid injury and illness and perform at their top during the most important races. The triathlete in this study is a competitive triathlete, and he undertakes a very heavy training program. This is to prepare for more than three different sports while having races that have varying times from 20 minutes to 10 hours. The daily diet should be rich in energy availability. When correctly administered, it should give CHO in amounts that vary and timings around the exercise according to the advantages of the workouts with high or low CHO availability (Bruke et al., 2021). Therefore, a good dietary plan should spread high-quality protein during the day to increase the response on adaptability in every session.

In order to sustain hydration and fueling goals during a race, a well-planned and tailored nutrition strategy is required. Sports foods and supplements may contribute to a sports nutrition plan. Supplement sports foods offer a convenient source of nutrients as it is impossible to take the foods as a whole (Van Gastelen, Dijkstra and Bannink, 2019). Medicinal supplements can be used to treat or prevent vitamin D and iron deficiencies if they are delivered under proper physician supervision. In addition, a few evidence-based supplements may contribute to optimal race performance. This is only achievable if the triathletes objectives and responsiveness are met by following the best practice procedures.

Dietary Strategies

Every macronutrient (Fats and Proteins) serves an essential purpose in the triathletes diet. There is no specific rule on the exact amount of macronutrients the body should take (Moatt et al., 2019, p. e12868). It all depends on the genetics, medical conditions and the training regime that the triathlete has. Triathletes may enhance their training adaptations and recuperation by concentrating on their whole daily diet. Carbohydrates in the body are the source of energy. On the other hand, protein supports the healing and repairing of the muscles, while fat improves satiety and promotes health overall.


Typically, the athlete should consume calories that add up to around 45% to 65%. Since he is a triathlete, he should be consuming 8 to 12 grams of carbs for every kilogram of weight for a day. As the duration and intensity of training increase, he should be consuming almost 12 grams for every kilogram of weight. He should consume 30-60 grams of carbohydrates in a fluid mix, including electrolytes every hour during long training sessions (Jeukendrup, 2017). It is recommended that he takes simple carbohydrates such as bananas at least half an hour before the training session. During rigorous training sessions that run longer than 60 minutes, he should consume carbohydrates that are quickly absorbed, such as gels, in order to restore his electrolytes.


The triathlete should reduce 2 grams for every kilogram of body weight when he is training. Since his body or an average human body cannot store protein, he should consume proteins every 3 to 4 hours daily within two hours after training for recovery (Smith and Ludlow, 2021). During the evenings, he is recommended to consume around 30 to 40 grams of protein from casein.


The athlete should aim for around 20% to 35% of calories. Fat is essential for nerve functioning and the protection of the organs. It is also a good supply of fatty acids, but if performance and setting a new personal greatest time is important to him, a high-fat diet may cause him to progress (Benardot, 2020) sluggishly. The calories that are left over after protein and carbohydrate meals must be stored as fat during workouts.

Practical Considerations

The primary purpose of the training is to achieve optimum achievement on the competition day via paradigms or processes. Training hard is a prerequisite for getting the needed training stimulus. It mainly fine-tunes the physiology or behaviors required for the competition strategies and increases adaptations to the training stimulus. The dietary plan should focus on the factor that would cause fatigue when the event is happening, promoting performance enhancement by delaying or reducing the onset of these factors. Basic nutrition is essential for an athlete to achieve excellent health, educational achievement, and energy provision. Being an ironman training triathlete, he will also need a lot of vitamins for a performance that is optimum through daily intakes (Medina-Vera et al., 2021, p. 225). His diet should be well-balanced and should contain slow-release carbohydrates, fruits, vegetables, and lean protein at least 80 percent of the time if he wants to be a wonderful ironman trainer.

Nutritional Supplements


Protein has always been a vital nutrient for athletes to boost their performance. Powdered protein supplements are the most common type of protein supplementation. Protein powders are primarily from egg whites, soy or whey, and each has pros and cons (Burke, 2021). Whey is an excellent protein source for muscle growth because of its quick digestion rate, which is essential in the development of lean muscle mass. Most firms are more concerned with producing tasty protein powders than nutrient-dense protein powders (Kårlund et al., 2019, p. 829). Some of their goods contain large amounts of sugar and other flavoring ingredients that are detrimental to the development of lean muscle.


Scientifically, creatine has been tested and proved to be a nutrition substance that can be used to enhance the athletes performance during activities and workout sessions. The notion that creatine is a naturally occurring chemical in the human body has persisted for a long time (Andres et al., 2017, p. 1600772). The most common usage of synthetic creatine is as a performance supplement, and it is always powdered and mixed in water. As a result of using this supplement, athletes report an increase in energy and an increase in muscle mass.

For some people, creatine may not provide the energy boost that is commonly associated with the substance. Creatine overuse can harm renal and bladder health, as well as cause other side effects. Creatine has another benefit over other supplements in that it is a substance with low hazards and is reasonably inexpensive. Because every athlete is different, not every athlete metabolizes creatine in the same way.

Vitamin Supplements

Athletes poor dietary choices may be compensated for in part by vitamin supplementation. An athletes body needs vitamins to perform most of the important functions in the body, such as eyesight, heart function, digesting food, and regulating the nerve system. With rigorous training schedules, it always seems a good idea for athletes to take some vitamin supplements, but it is not always necessary for them. Vitamins A, B-6, C and D may cause serious poisoning if eaten in large quantities (Gkikas et al., 2020, p. 2018). For instance, more than 10 mg of supplement vitamins in a day of vitamin B-6 may cause a loss of feeling in the legs and arms.

As the triathlete is interested in heavy exercise, he can use some nutritional supplements and help him in his training. Nutritional supplements, when utilized appropriately, can give an ergogenic benefit that is significant and at a cost that is smaller than most triathletes products (Getzin, Milner and Harkins, 2017). When used in conjunction with intense exercise, creatine can further improve lactate tolerance. The triathlete should use this supplement because he is seeking lean mass and gaining strength and is committed to the training sessions to achieve that.

Protein and carbohydrate recovery aids increase gluconeogenesis in exhausted muscles, improve resistance, and promote lean muscle growth. It can additionally create an environment that is anabolic for muscle recovery (Gkikas et al., 2020, p. 2018). Caffeine can be used by athletes since it has been shown to greatly boost endurance and performance when supplied in small amounts. Caffeine is said to improve an athletes capacity to handle high-intensity training as well as race day outcomes by leaving the athlete extra indefatigable and alert on the day of the race. The use of carbohydrate-containing drinks, snacks, and gels by athletes boosts their endurance, improves their hydration, and shortens their recovery time (Daher et al., 2020, p. 00034894211069437). The moment that the athlete starts his training, carbohydrates in his body get used as drugs. Natural carbohydrates sources can also be used as supplements, such as dried fruit. Carbohydrate-based nutrients are easier to absorb and provide more than what is provided in natures supply.

Reference List

Andres, S., Ziegenhagen, R., Trefflich, I., Pevny, S., Schultrich, K., Braun, H., Schänzer, W., HirschErnst, K.I., Schäfer, B. and Lampen, A. (2017) Creatine and creatine forms intended for sports nutrition, Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 61(6), p. 1600772.

Benardot, D. (2020) Advanced sports nutrition. Human Kinetics Publishers.

Burke, L.M., Whitfield, J., Heikura, I.A., Ross, M.L., Tee, N., Forbes, S.F., Hall, R., McKay, A.K., Wallett, A.M. and Sharma, A.P. (2021) Adaptation to a low carbohydrate high fat diet is rapid but impairs endurance exercise metabolism and performance despite enhanced glycogen availability, The Journal of Physiology, 599(3), pp. 771-790.

Daher, G.S., Choi, K.Y., Wells, J.W. and Goyal, N. (2022) A systematic review of oral nutritional supplement and wound healing, Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology, p. 00034894211069437.

Getzin, A.R., Milner, C. and Harkins, M. (2017) Fueling the triathlete: evidence-based practical advice for athletes of all levels, Current Sports Medicine Reports, 16(4), pp. 240-246.

Gkikas, K., Gerasimidis, K., Milling, S., Ijaz, U.Z., Hansen, R. and Russell, R.K. (2020) Dietary strategies for maintenance of clinical remission in inflammatory bowel diseases: are we there yet?, Nutrients, 12(7), p. 2018.

Jeukendrup, A.E. (2017) Training the gut for athletes, Sports Medicine, 47(1), pp. 101-110.

Kårlund, A., Gómez-Gallego, C., Turpeinen, A.M., Palo-Oja, O.M., El-Nezami, H. and Kolehmainen, M. (2019) Protein supplements and their relation with nutrition, microbiota composition and health: is more protein always better for sportspeople?, Nutrients, 11(4), p. 829.

Medina-Vera, I., Gómez-de-Regil, L., Gutiérrez-Solis, A.L., Lugo, R., Guevara-Cruz, M., Pedraza-Chaverri, J. and Avila-Nava, A. (2021) Dietary strategies by foods with antioxidant effect on nutritional management of dyslipidemias: a systematic review, Antioxidants, 10(2), p. 225.

Moatt, J.P., Fyfe, M.A., Heap, E., Mitchell, L.J., Moon, F. and Walling, C.A. (2019) Reconciling nutritional geometry with classical dietary restriction: effects of nutrient intake, not calories, on survival and reproduction, Aging Cell, 18(1), p. e12868.

Smith, B.L. and Ludlow, A.K. (2021) Patterns of nutritional supplement use in children with Tourette syndrome, Journal of Dietary Supplements, pp. 1-16.

Van Gastelen, S., Dijkstra, J. and Bannink, A. (2019) Are dietary strategies to mitigate enteric methane emission equally effective across dairy cattle, beef cattle, and sheep?, Journal of Dairy Science, 102(7), pp. 6109-6130.

A Leading Cause of the Female Athlete Triad


The Athletes Triad is a syndrome of three interrelated components, specifically nutrition, bone health, and menstrual function. In addition, each pillar can have irreversible consequences, and all can progress in degree of severity. These problems often contribute to athletic injuries and general health issues. In this way, the impact of low energy availability as a significant cause of Female Athlete Triad development should be explored.

The Effects of Low Energy Availability on the Development of the Female Athlete Triad

Most of the Western world faces excessive energy intake and inactivity, leading to obesity and its associated health risks. On the other side of the spectrum, there is a small but significant group of people who are not deficient in physical activity but are not getting enough energy either. This is often due to the pursuit of high athletic performance. Athletes are unique in their high nutritional requirements that support their sports results, prevent injury, and, most significantly, their overall health and well-being (Loveless, 2017). For this reason, it is essential that their diet matches their training load and also their daily life.

Low energy availability with or without an eating disorder may be due to decreased energy consumption with food or expanded energy expenditure during exercise. Therefore, when energy availability is low, it reduces the amount of energy available for body function. Some athletes may follow restrictive diets or use pills or laxatives (Daily and Stumbo, 2018). Others may be diagnosed with an eating disorder, including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, or other specific or unspecified eating or nutrition behaviors.

With the growth of female participation in sports, the incidence of the triad of disorders characteristic of female athletes has also increased. Although most athletes do not meet the clinical criteria for a diagnosis of an eating illness such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa, many demonstrate impaired eating habits, such as starvation, and avoid certain foods (Maya and Misra, 2022). By restricting diet, the athlete can exacerbate the problem of low energy availability.

Due to extreme exercise or dietary limitations, deficient caloric input leaves too little power for the body to achieve standard operations, such as holding a regular menstrual process or healthy bone viscosity. One of the earliest and most interesting observations of menstrual dysfunction in athletes was published by R. Frisch and J. McArthur in 1974. They argued that the onset of first menstruation was only possible when a critical threshold of fat tissue equal to 17% of total body weight was reached and when fat tissue was decreased by 22% of total body weight (Maya and Misra, 2022). According to the theory of R. Frisch and J. McArthur, hypothalamic sensitivity to gender steroids is impaired when a critical adipose tissue content is reached. Based on these observations, low body weight is considered the most convincing explanation for reproductive dysfunction in female athletes.


Hence, the female athletic triad is a particular case of a deficit regime in people with high physical activity. A widespread non-obvious problem is the energy balance problem, which affects the development of the other components of the triad. Triad is observed in women with exercise levels that exceed available energy levels. Treatment of the Female Athletes Triad begins with enhancing energy supply by increasing food intake or reducing energy expenditure. Women with an eating disorder or eating pattern need a consultation with a nutritionist.

Reference List

Daily, J. P. and Stumbo, J. R. (2018) Female athlete triad, Primary Care: Clinics in Office Practice, 45(4), 615-624.

Gross, C., & Joy, E. (2020) Female athlete triad, Current Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Reports, 8(3), 199-206.

Loveless, M. B. (2017) Female athlete triad, Current Opinion in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 29(5), 301-305.

Maya, J. and Misra, M. (2022) The female athlete triad: review of current literature, Current Opinion in Endocrinology & Diabetes and Obesity, 29(1), 44-51.

Moral Judgement in Personal Experiences

When it comes to the dimension of morality, there is a plethora of interrelated factors to consider. Particularly, within the scope of making a moral judgement, one might struggle which question should they ask themselves: What should I do? or What sort of person should I be? These questions may seem similar at first approximation, but it is essential to define to which aspect of reality each of them appeals. The former is referred rather to an external environment of the person. The individual relates their possible actions or inactions with consequences that may occur after them. Hence, by asking What should I do? I tend to focus on the sequence of events that might take place  or might not. In this case, I am making moral judgement about the future that exists only in my mind and may not happen at all.

In contrast, by asking What sort of person should I be? the person pays attention to their internal environment  feelings, thoughts, and intentions. In such a case, I focus on things that I am fully capable of assessing and extrapolating. I relate moral appropriacy of actions or inactions to my personal measures of rightness or goodness. By doing this, I reflect upon its correlation with the essence of morality that involves moral community, moral values, and a moral code (Kenny, 2013). Thus, I establish connection between my internal and external environments, reaching a greater extent of objectivity than by asking What should I do? The provided arguments speak in favor of the question What sort of person should I be? while making a moral judgement. Such an approach allows me to realize my inner attitude to an action or inaction and relate it to the necessary elements of morality.


Kenny, A. (2013). The essence of morality. European Review, 21(S1), S123S126. doi:10.1017/S106279871300015X

The IronTeen Sport-For-Development Initiative


Sports are essential for the development and mental health of children and adolescents. The iSPORT Foundation (n.d.) asserts that all youngsters, irrespective of their circumstances, have the right to be fit and healthy, receive access to exceptional role models, and become the best versions of themselves. Some Kiwi children have never been a part of a sports team (iSPORT Foundation, n.d.). Sport contributes to the formation of who people are as individuals and the sense of community development. Significant data from both national and international sources demonstrates the need for improvements in youth sports (The evidence, 2022). For instance, secondary school sports statistics suggest that inter-school sport participation has decreased while school enrollment has grown over the previous three years. (The evidence, 2022). This fact is concerning since attitudes acquired in adolescence transfer to adulthood; in essence, inactive adolescents become inactive adults. Thus, the paper discusses a new and practical Sport-For-Development initiative for New Zealand youth aged fourteen-eighteen aligned with the iSPORT Foundation.

Sport-For-Development Initiative


The Sport-For-Development initiative is the IronTeen, which will be designed for both individuals and teams. It includes running for 300 meters and two kilometers, a long jump competition, basketball, and rugby. New Zealands five most significant athletic codes have pledged to be less competitive and more entertaining to combat an increasing number of young dropouts (McKewen, 2019). Thus, this initiative will promote participation for anyone aged fourteen to sixteen. The tournament will be held in a pleasant environment under the supervision of coaches. The IronTeen competitions duration is three hours, including introduction and greetings, individual sports, namely running and long jumps, followed by team games, namely basketball and rugby. instance, a running and jumping competition will take approximately an hour. Whereas basketball and rugby games will be divided into four quarters of ten minutes each: rugby will be forty minutes, and the same time will be dedicated to a basketball game. The IronTeen can be conducted in any school; thus, each school needs to submit the desired date, specifically March-April 2023, to receive assistance, additional staff, and equipment.

To make the games less competitive and emphasize fun, every participant will get a T-Shirt IronTeen, a sports water bottle, and a certificate of participation. The name IronTeen specifies that only teenagers can participate, and the idea behind the initiative is to spark interest in individual and team sports among young people. The IronTeen may be held in any school; hence, the location is not limited to one area.

One manager is needed to discuss tournament conditions with schools, including all organizational aspects, and four professional coaches for each sport to support student participation. Though some parents may be tempted to allow their children to engage in one sport, maybe pushed by a coach or club administration, statistics suggest this is usually a terrible choice (McKewen, 2019). Additionally, forcing students to early specialization and a heavy emphasis on winning are two causes of poor sports participation among New Zealand teenagers. Sporting organizations are aware of the issue, and some are already implementing solutions (McKewen, 2019). Adolescents motivation to participate in sports will strengthen if they are introduced to various activities in an entertaining way. Because each participant is an IronTeen, the initiative focuses on arranging an enjoyable competition with no winner. The school break may be the only chance for some children to be physically active daily. Thus, schools should achieve change when youngsters are inspired and grasp the value of sports.

Goals and Objectives

The three key Sport-For-Development goals should encourage participation, emphasize the sports importance, and have relevance to well-being. The first goal is empowering each younger to be physically active. According to New Zealand Government (2019), teenagers are particularly prone to developing long-term habits and a lifelong passion for sports and physical exercise. The objective for this goal is to offer non-competitive, friendly sports that focus on leisure, spending time with friends, and having fun.

The second goal is to explain the young people the importance of being active to maintain physical and mental health. This aim can be achieved by incorporating professional coaches that will facilitate running, jumping, rugby, and basketball games and address how each benefits well-being. Schools must have access to professional coaches who understand and offer a strong sports curriculum (New Zealand Government, 2019). The initiative will assist in engaging school-based personnel in aligning sports and physical activity possibilities with the curriculum and connecting schools and community programs.

The final goal is to combine entertainment and competition, so students will enjoy the activities without the pressure of winning. The New Zealand Government (2019) states that the critical motivators for teenagers to be physically active revolve around the themes of entertainment, body image, friends, a sense of accomplishment, and improved sports performance. Physical activity has to be enjoyable to reduce worries and perceptions of being physically active connected with not being fat. Peer acceptance and communication also encourage young people to lead an active lifestyle. The majority, precisely 76% of young people, engage in physical exercise for fun, 45% to socialize with friends, 31% for health and wellness, and 31% to develop new skills (The New Zealand Government, 2019). Thus, the objective for the third goal is to offer each participant little gifts, such as T-shirts, sports water bottles, and participation certificates, and ensure a pleasant, fun, and non-competitive atmosphere for everyone.

The three goals and their objective align with the iSPORT Foundations mission and aims. According to the iSPORT Foundation (n.d.), sports and personality development have the potential to positively impact the lives of individuals and communities by offering a connection and feeling of belonging to a greater purpose. The primary objective is to instill in young people the principles of self-awareness, compassion, responsibility, discipline, self-belief, confidence, and self-forgiveness (iSPORT Foundation, n.d.). As a result, it is vital to minimize obstacles to physical activity for young people by attending schools and community organizations to assist and instruct young people and their facilitators about the benefits of physical activity in maintaining well-being.

Justification of Outcomes

Essentially, the IronTeen initiative is supported by peer-reviewed literature to enhance its benefits. Adolescent participation in sports is linked to a variety of well-being domains. For instance, Wilson et al. (2022a) acknowledge that great sports experiences might provide well-being advantages in addition to those linked with general physical activity involvement. Participating in various sports and settings enables young people to meet their needs for independence, competence, and connectedness in various ways (Wilson et al., 2022a). Additionally, evidence demonstrates that involvement in a range of sports reduces the risk of injuries and burnout compared to teenagers with a restricted athletic concentration. Hence, the IronTeen initiative includes individual sports activities, such as running and jumping, and team games, such as rugby and basketball. There is a need to guarantee that the sports sectors management, funding, and structures are coordinated so that young people can access different physical activity options throughout adolescence (Wilson et al., 2022a). Furthermore, the breadth of sport involvement might have immediate well-being benefits that legislators who have traditionally concentrated on adolescent participation may be interested in because of its link with future levels of physical activity during adulthood.

The initiative incorporates professional coaches who will focus on entertainment and physical and mental health promotion through sports. Walters et al. (2022) argue that sport offers well-documented potential advantages for adolescent participants, including higher physical activity levels, socialization experiences, leadership and collaboration skills development, enhanced self-esteem, and enjoyment. Nonetheless, access to such advantages primarily depends on the sports environment produced by adults, who are affected by prevalent socio-cultural attitudes that prioritize success in sports above development and, fun, continued engagement.

In New Zealand, the intensification of youth athletic experiences is not new; it has grown steadily through time. For instance, childrens leisure time has gradually been devoted to highly organized, restricted, adult-controlled sports since the 1950s; parents have steadily committed more time and resources to encourage their childrens interests (Walters et al., 2022). The difference in the well-being value of sport involvement across contexts clearly illustrates the need to incorporate competent coaches who deliver positive experiences through youth sport provision (Wilson et al., 2022a). Currently, a youth sports system prioritizes achievements for the few above-developing chances for the many. This method has resulted in several challenges, ranging from minor concerns affecting young participants enjoyment of the sport to more significant issues when young people refuse to participate. Therefore, the IronTeen program will create a pleasant, friendly, and non-competitive atmosphere to enhance students motivation.

It is recommended to continue developing a knowledge of the potential and complex impact of physical exercise and sport on youth well-being. Wilson et al. (2022b) claim that enjoyable physical exercise may provide extra benefits to well-being in addition to other types of physical activity. Even after accounting for an overall time of recreational physical activity involvement, results indicate that participation in organized sports, such as rugby and basketball, is even more significantly connected with positive outcomes for young people in New Zealand (Wilson et al., 2022b). Batty et al. (2018) assert that rugby is frequently referred to as New Zealands national sport. The newest participation data for school-aged adolescents and children in New Zealand also indicate that rugbys dominance is under threat, with other sports like basketball challenging the privileged position rugby has had for so long (Batty et al., 2018). As a result, the initiative provides two alternatives to the most popular sports for young people: rugby and basketball, allowing them to experience both and decide which one they prefer. Faigenbaum et al. (2020) emphasize that muscular health is necessary for continued engagement in sports activities and current national and worldwide youth physical activity. Running and broad jumps are thus included in the initiative to enhance adolescents development.

Grant Funding Eligibility

I would apply for NZCT because my initiative IronTeen meets their funding criteria. Sports funds will only be granted to amateur sports; around seventy-five percent of their funding is for sports reasons, and IronTeen welcomes 14-16-year-olds (NZCT, n.d.). Aside from personal expenses, most of the costs associated with participating in a sport will be examined. Uniforms, grounds upkeep, sporting equipment, emergency aid kits, and training are all included. I will also seek compensation increases for coaches and the manager and submit employment contracts and work descriptions. I will submit a resolution from my committee that is signed and dated by an authorized signatory of my organization. Additionally, I will mention that my organization is applying to NZCT for a specified purpose, and a certain sum is needed for the IronTeen organization.

Travel and lodging expenses for the team visiting schools in New Zealand will be considered, providing the expenses are actual and appropriate and an official invitation or itinerary confirmed by the recipients national authority is submitted. Grants for advertising will be regarded if the promoted activity or event is entirely non-commercial and helps the larger community (NZCT, n.d.). The financing includes marketing to promote amateur sports participation, whereas commercial advertising without a demonstrated community benefit will not be financed. The IronTeen is eligible for the grant application because it supports youth development through sports. The NPC of NZCT is composed of at least three trustees from NZCT. The committee usually meets monthly to review proposed submissions and make award decisions. As a result, funding applications should be submitted as soon as possible to obtain the appropriate equipment, purchase gifts, and agree on a date with schools for the IronTeen in March-April 2023. Thus, I am eligible to apply for NZCT funds because the Sports-For-Development initiative benefits the community, promotes amateur sports, emphasizes the significance of well-being, and is not for profit.


The IronTeen Sport-For-Development initiative will be tailored for both individuals and teams. The IronTeen may be held in any school; therefore, the location is not limited to one area. It comprises 300-meter and 2-kilometer runs, a long jump competition, basketball, and rugby. To make the activities less competitive and more pleasant, each player will get an IronTeen T-shirt, a sports water bottle, and a participation certificate. Adolescents enthusiasm to participate in sports will increase if they are introduced to various activities in a fun way. The primary aims of Sport-For-Development are similar to iSPORT because they include encouraging youth to be physically active, highlighting the value of sports in maintaining physical and mental health, and integrating entertainment and competition.


iSPORT Foundation. (n.d.). Its time to pass on the dream! Empowering our young people. iSPORT Foundation. Web.

Wilson, O. W., Whatman, C., Walters, S., Keung, S., Enari, D., Chiet, A., Millar, S-K., Ferkins, L., Hinckson, E., Hapeta, J., Sam, M., & Richards, J. (2022a). Balance is better: The wellbeing benefits of participating in a breadth of sports across a variety of settings during adolescence. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(14), 8597.

Walters, S. R., Minjares, V., Bradbury, T., Lucas, P., Lenton, A., Spencer, K., & Spencer, S. (2022). Promoting a culture change in junior and youth sport in New Zealand. Front Sports Act Living, 12.

Batty, R. J., Palmer, F., Nauright, J., & Davies, J. (2018). The business of rugby in the twenty-first century: An introduction to this special issue. Journal of Global Sport Management, 3(3), 209214.

Wilson, O. W., Whatman, C., Walters, S., Keung, S., Enari, D., Rogers, A., Millar, S-K, Ferkins, L., Hinckson, E., Hapeta, J., Sam, M, & Richards, J. (2022b). The value of sport: Wellbeing benefits of sport participation during adolescence. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(14), 8579.

Faigenbaum, A. D., MacDonald, J. P., Stracciolini, A., & Rebullido, T. R. (2020). Making a strong case for prioritizing muscular fitness in youth physical activity guidelines. Current Sports Medicine Reports, 19(12), 530-536.

New Zealand Government. (2019). Secondary age review report. Sport New Zealand. Web.

McKewen, T. (2019). If NZ really wants to revive youth sport, theres one obvious nation to emulate. The Spinoff. Web.

The evidence. (2022). Sport New Zealand. Web.

NZCT. (n.d.). Our grants criteria. NZCT. Web.

Complexities and Intricacies in Major Sporting Events

There is growing interest in using complex systems thinking approach when analyzing and improving sports performance. Sports have been prevalent for a very long time. However, difficulties and hardship also increase as fame grows. The sports business is struggling more than ever to discover strategies to get millennials to go to games. With the development of technology, watching athletic events from the comfort of ones home has become much more straightforward. Not to add, major sports leagues like the NFL and NBA have facilitated it through their TV stations and mobile applications (NFL Network). Why exactly millennials stop going out is a mystery. Even so, this age group will keep the sporting world on its toes for years. Directors and managers face emotional problems that make their work harder in event management.

The overemphasis on gloomy tales involving players will always be a problem for the sports business. For whatever reason, news outlets (like TMZ) are now more likely to be the ones to report on the most recent controversy. These depressing headlines are in great demand. For instance, the recent criticism of Dallas Cowboys running back Ezekiel Elliot for removing a womans blouse in public hurts the Cowboys and the NFL as a whole. On a related issue, the NFL has come under fire for conducting a little study on brain injuries, particularly concussions. The sports industry will always face difficulties because of these adverse reports. Event managers are faced with negativity, and publicizing such athletes taints their societal outlook. It also makes it harder for the directors to popularize a game eroded with negatively affiliated participants.

The sports business must discover game day experiences that cannot be had at home as if navigating the digital landscape needed to be more challenging. Pregame performances, halftime shows, and postgame festivities all fall under this category. Additionally, it is crucial to create in-game experiences, such as the t-shirt gun, kiss cam, chants, or anything else they can think of. Many marketers and businesspeople could believe that everything has already been accomplished. Teams could fight for the same performer as well. Finding the money for in-game experiences might be difficult, mainly if no one plays the games. It is a thrilling experience when the manager is caught between technological advancements, embracing the game economics, and ensuring they stay in the competition.

The environment is constantly changing hence the difficulty for the sports business to forecast the upcoming fad or significant concept that will captivate their audience. Combining this difficulty with the one posed by technology, it is evident that some sports teams and venues will never get along. For instance, a forum may catch up with the times only to discover something new has entered the picture. It may be necessary for the sports business to analyze trends and attempt to forecast what will be popular in the future, even if the future is almost impossible to foretell. When watching a sporting event, it is evident that many event managers and directors have challenges that they must neutralize. The dynamism in handling such intricacies is also complex because satisfying the public is impossible. However, they aim to satisfy the majority and keep the athletes in check. Managing an event should embark on ways of ensuring there is a win-win circumstance for the parties involved.

Pittsburgh, Home to Everyone: Zero Carbon Emissions Goal

Pittsburgh is a city known for a blend of various attractions, its rich history, and continued economic and social evolution. In Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh is the second largest city after Philadelphia, and in the United States, it is the 68th largest city with a population of 302,971 (Pittsburgh Quarterly). Pittsburgh is located at the junction of river Allegheny and Monongahela, which later join to river Ohio. This citys growth and development result from hard work and the presence of a hospitable community. Once known as a manufacturing hub for steel, the city is leading in technology, medicine, and bioengineering. The city is also home to many historical figures and famous people such as Christina Aguilera, Joe Montana, and Andy Warhol. This essay provides an overview of Pittsburghs past, present, and future, showing the factors that make it a great city to visit or inhabit.

Pittsburgh has grown from being a small center under the control of the French into a large city with a rich history. The city of Pittsburgh was formed after the territorial conflict between the British and the French. Later in 1764, after General Forbes had settled with his army, they named the place after a statesman William Pitt (Pittsburgh Quarterly). During the American Revolution, the city became a point of settlement for travelers going through the river Ohio (Pittsburgh Quarterly). When the war ended, the citys population increased due to the increased number of immigrants. The people of Pittsburgh in the early period comprised European immigrants mainly because it had become a transfer point for settlers and a viable business hub. Entrepreneurs like Andrew Carnegie, Henry Clay Frick, and Thomas Mellon established their steel empires in Pittsburgh and significantly contributed to its development. The citys current state is attributed to the settlement and industrialization that happened over the period.

The settlers experienced several events after their settlement in the area, including the industrialization of Pittsburgh through the emergence of steel factories and other factories, along with civil unrest. Pittsburgh became a manufacturing center because of the emergence of steel factories motivated by rivers and rail (Farrer). The transportation network available to Pittsburgh meant that several corporations were interested in setting up factories and mills for products that could be easily transported across the nation. The citys settlers also experienced the civil war and the civil rights movement that affected its laws. Pittsburgh has a more diverse population than ever due to immigration. The city continues to receive people, leading to the settlement of people from various cultures and backgrounds worldwide. Settling in Pittsburgh will continue to be encouraged to improve investment and establish a diverse community.

Pittsburgh has been a beautiful city despite the existence of forces that try to destroy its beauty. In the 1940s, Richard Bissel shared his experience going through the town at night. During that time, the steel industries had already been established. Bissel described how the noisy and smoky factories were present as he went down the Monongahela River on a towboat (Pitz). He noted that the factories and other activities in the river and surrounding areas contributed to the citys beauty. He described how the lights of the miners houses up and down the hills, together with the sky, brought out the citys beauty. The bridges that played a significant role in providing the link between the towns and creating job opportunities remain reminders of the citys industrial past. The blaming of glass factories, coal mines, steel mills, and other enterprises presented the working mans unique image of a town. The city maintains its beauty at night through the lights evident throughout the area.

Over the years, Pittsburgh evolved in development and industrialization to accommodate technological advancements and urbanization. Many corporations wanted to build businesses in the city since it was accessible by water and rail. Automation and technological change influenced land use (Rosan 85). Many speculators from real estate aimed to transform the farmlands around the region into new suburban communities. The creation of new communities meant that they would become homeowners. The industrial transformation also led to the exploitation of the citys natural resources by the corporations that sprawled the region. However, the rivers have become an excellent environmental infrastructure tool for providing services like ecosystems and parks. The transportation sector has evolved from horsecars to commuter railroads, cables, and electric cars (Rosan 86). The development of the transportation sector brought about a substantial change in the region. More businesses have emerged in the city and attracted people from all walks of life who look for work and adventure. Continued industrialization and investor attraction will maintain the citys image as a business hub.

The modernization of Pittsburgh is a result of development, technological changes, and urbanization. Pittsburgh was able to make significant progress in terms of infrastructure. Although they have tried as much as possible to preserve history, much change has been made. Institution buildings and companies have been established, showing the growing pattern of the city. Commercial real estate is at its prime in the town, and more investors are determined to take advantage of the conducive environment to set up their businesses. Modern housing is also available at an affordable price to promote the community of house owners. Modern housing aims to increase the number of homeowners and promote a sense of community that makes Pittsburgh neighborhoods welcoming. The growth of this city is a result of many companies and businesses relocating to that area. Although some companies have been closed, the town continues to through industrialization and the availability of more opportunities to attract people (Werber). Pittsburgh continues to thrive as a center for urbanization and technological advancements despite experiencing some setbacks.

Pittsburgh has attracted people from different areas for various reasons, like its history, hospitable communities, and environment. The city is famously known as the city of steel because of the steel businesses in that area. It comprises hardworking and hospitable communities that make up a beautiful neighborhood. Pittsburgh has many bridges, research institutions, and infrastructures like tunnels and cable cars. The history that relates to these infrastructures is part of the reason for the citys efforts to continue conserving them. Pittsburgh is also famous for its significant topography because three rivers surround it. The peoples social livelihoods have been improved with the range of delicious foods, festivals, and traditions (University of Pittsburgh). People worldwide and different cultures have settled in Pittsburgh, leading to a diverse community. The interactions between the community and the tourists have promoted the communitys cultural heritage growth. The accommodative nature of the city continues to attract people from different places to visit or settle in the city.

The city has many historical museums whose role is to preserve the history of Pittsburgh for current and future generations. Museums are crucial in preserving the citys history and important memories. The city has dedicated many resources towards history preservation through the various museums run and registered. The Andy Warhol Museum is one of the museums in the city. The museum has the most extensive collection of Warhol art in the world. Frick Pittsburgh is another museum that depicts the life of Henry Clay Frick, an industrialist and one of the pioneer steel manufacturers. The museum contains the industrialists history and presents the wealthys life during his period. Several other museums are within Pittsburgh, and they are key attractions to locals and visitors and are crucial in preserving the citys history.

The city also has monuments and historical places that preserve history and act as tourist attractions. Pittsburgh has monuments like the Law Enforcement memorial, Panther Statue, Korean War, and Vietnam Veterans Monuments that are responsible for attracting people visiting the city can see and learn about its history (Visit Pittsburgh). Historical places like Fort Pitt Block House and Freedom Corner are important to the town because of what they represent to the locals. Historical sites are an attraction to people who want to learn about the history of the city. The Heinz Memorial Chapel also contains essential history about the city and the country. Therefore, Pittsburghs monuments and historical places help preserve its history and promote tourism.

Pittsburghs plans seem to be bright and great for dealing with problems. For instance, having the largest population has presented several challenges to the citys environment. The various forms of pollution are evident in the city and its environment. The impacts of continued industrialization and modernization create new problems for cities. The effects of climate change have already been felt in Pittsburgh, leading to the need for environmental conservation measures and policies (Morrison). The citys venture into new energy sources is a result of the effects of climate change. It has developed an action plan to mitigate the impact of climate change (The City of Pittsburgh). The project aims to cut the citys carbon emissions by half by 2030, paving the way for a more environmentally friendly city.

The city has identified some key areas that will help to achieve the established goals. The ambitious plan will include adopting district heating and cooling systems and increasing the uptake of electric vehicles. Building upgrades to ensure environmental friendliness, decarbonizing electricity, and adopting incentives that will improve public transportation and reduce the use of personal vehicles. In the future, Pittsburgh will be a significant renewable source of energy. The city has also sought the help of companies operating in the city. Some companies like Giant Eagle have set a target of zero emissions by 2040, which will be a significant milestone and an outstanding contribution towards the citys environmental conservation plans (CBS News). Pittsburgh is a rapidly growing city with brighter days ahead.

Pittsburgh is a vibrant city with a rich history and great potential to become one of the best cities to live. It was once a transfer point for travelers on the Ohio River with the characteristics of a small town. Continued investment into the metropolitan has made Pittsburgh one of the great cities to live in America. Most enterprises that once characterized the small town of Pittsburgh have been replaced with new businesses that conform to modern society. The citys population is more diverse than ever because it is considered conducive for settlement by immigrants. The locals now comprise people from across the world, which is quite different from the early years when the population comprised European immigrants. The city has grown in industrialization, with several companies setting up plants and offices. It has also led to the modernization of housing, offices, and transportation to accommodate the increased needs. However, the large population has also led to massive pollution that has necessitated the adoption of policies to conserve the environment.

Works Cited

A Very Short History of Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh Quarterly, Web.

City of the Future. The City of Pittsburgh, 2022. Web.

Farrer, Angela. Why Is Pittsburgh Called the Steel City? United States Now, Web.

Giant Eagle announces net zero carbon emissions goal for 2040. CBS News  Breaking News, 24/7 Live Streaming News & Top Stories, Web.

Life in Pittsburgh. University of Pittsburgh, 2022, Web.

Morrison, Oliver. In Lieu of County Action, 35 Communities Outside Pittsburgh Are Now Closer to Passing Climate Plans.90.5 WESA, Web.

Pittsburgh History. Visit Pittsburgh, 2022, Web.

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