The Channel Islands as a Travel Destination

The Channel Islands are a small group of islands that form an archipelago located near the coast of northern Normandy. It is essential to mention that the advantage of the trip is the easy route; the islands are located about 45 minutes flight from London and Paris. Thus, it is possible to book a ticket from the airport of one of the European capitals. There are flights directly to the island of Jersey, the largest of the Channel Islands, and in the summer, there are charter flights from Germany. For tourists, there are also flights via Zurich, Dusseldorf, Geneva, Dublin, and almost all major British cities. Another way to reach the Channel Islands is by sea. The average cost of the train is £171, which is a reasonable price for a tourist (Muhs & Groves, 2018). At the same time, all the islands of the Channel Islands have a temperate maritime-type climate. Currently, the total population living in the Channel Islands is about 164 thousand people (Muhs & Groves, 2018). Ethnically, those living on the islands divide themselves into English and French in roughly equal proportions.

The official languages in the territories of Guernsey and Jersey are French and English, and on the island of Chaussy, it is French. Therefore, the American or European has no problem with cultural differences and the language of communication. The primary religion is Christianity; the visitor will not encounter misunderstandings of cultural and religious peculiarities. Notably, the negative aspects of this journey, for example, the Channel Islands issue their own banknotes, which correspond in value to the English pound and differ only in appearance. Thus, it is essential to exchange currency to be able to buy while on vacation. Restrictions include the Covid-19 test and expensive accommodation on the islands (Muhs & Groves, 2018). This is because the Channel Islands are aimed at wealthy clients. Although, despite the few negatives, many benefits motivate this travel.


Muhs, D. R., & Groves, L. T. (2018). Little islands recording global events: Late Quaternary sea level history and paleozoogeography of Santa Barbara and Anacapa Islands, Channel Islands National Park, California. Western North American Naturalist, 78(4), 540-589.

Early and Late Specialization Models for Athletes

Deciding to pursue a professional sports career, an athlete chooses an early or late specialization model. There is much research made on the subject of which one is safer or effective; however, it is still a subject of debate in the coaching field. There are many factors that the model can be judged on, such as pedagogy, sports science, motor learning skills, technical and tactical skills, augmented feedback, effective design, and athletic talent. This research paper will compare the models using these factors.

Well-developed motor skills are essential for an athletes life and specialization. It is believed by many that major abilities are easier and more efficiently learned at a young age, including motor skills. However, according to the results of the research conducted by Solum et al. (2020), there is no golden age for motor skill learning. Moreover, there was not found any difference between 10-year-olds, 18-year-olds, and 40-year-olds motor skill development (Solum et al., 2020). As such, early or late specialization does not affect motor skills acquisition.

The technical and tactical skills development of an athlete can usually indicate the level of their performance in competitive team sports. According to de la Rubia et al. (2020), the players age negatively affects short-term individual and collective performance. However, age positively affects athletes long-term performance (De la Rubia et al., 2020). As such, late specialization can be considered beneficial to technical and tactical skills development over early specialization due to the maturity level of the athletes.

Choosing an early or late specialization model is difficult for athletes, parents, and coaches. Both of the models have their advantages and disadvantages for the sportspeople. Early specialization allows athletes to dedicate most of their time to the sport of their choice, accumulating hours of practice and training to developing athletic talent. However, compared to late, early sport specialization was found to lead to increased rates of injury in children (Ahlquist et al., 2020). The late specialization model better serves an athletes mental health and a sense of self (Bucciarelli, 2021). Despite that, there is a chance of a worse performance due to lesser practice and training time for the preferred sport. Due to this, late specialization can be considered safer, but less efficient for athletes than early one.

The differences between early and late specialization should also include trainers, particularly the challenges of coaching and pedagogy. Since the early specialization model includes training children from a very young age, it can sometimes prove to be a significant difficulty for a coach. When considering professional sports, children are less motivated than young adults, requiring excellent coaching skills, advanced knowledge in sports science, and patience in planning an effective training design. Additionally, since children are subject to socialization and are shaped by their surroundings, the trainers are given the responsibility of influencing the young athletes skills and their place as members of society (Quennerstedt, 2019). However, as partially or fully developed human beings, teens and adults following the late specialization model can also be challenging to coach. They might display their independence and different opinions when given augmented feedback, disrupting the coaching process (Quennerstedt, 2019). However, it is not always the case, rendering late specialization less challenging for the coach.

Comparing early and late specialization models for long-term athlete development led to the discovery of many advantages and disadvantages of both models. Late specialization can be considered safer due to the lesser risk of injury and increased athletes mental health rates. The early model can be considered more effective in the case of highly-skilled coaching professionals. Despite that, skills development was proven not to be significantly affected by either of the models.


Ahlquist, S., Cash, B. M., & Hame, S. L. (2020). Associations of early sport specialization and high training volume with injury rates in national collegiate athletic association division I athletes. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, 8(3).

Bucciarelli, R. (2021). Early vs Late Specialization in Sports. Soccer Hub. Web.

De la Rubia A., Lorenzo-Calvo J., & Lorenzo A. (2020). Does the relative age effect influence short-term performance and sport career in team sports? A qualitative systematic review. Frontiers in Psychology. Web.

Quennerstedt, M. (2019). Physical education and the art of teaching: Transformative learning and teaching in physical education and sports pedagogy. Sport, Education and Society.

Solum M., Lorås H., & Pedersen A.V. (2020). A golden age for motor skill learning? Learning of an unfamiliar motor task in 10-year-olds, young adults, and adults, when starting from similar baselines. Frontiers in Psychology. Web.

Researching of Sports Gambling


Gambling in sports is a controversial practice among people that poses benefits and adverse effects to the participants. On the one hand, sports gambling intensifies entertainment mainly because of the involvement in sports analysis. On the other hand, the practice poses a significant health risk to the distinct parties mainly because of the conditional essence of rewarding from minimal investment (Baker et al. 2499). This study explores the dynamic perspectives on sports gambling, comparing the advantages and disadvantages of the entertainment spectrum. The evaluation of sports gambling is an overview of the emerging trend based on the expansive aspect of sporting practices and the negative repercussions among the participants.

Positive Effects of Sports Gambling

Sports gambling is an initiative that renders optimal effect into the dynamic essence of sporting activities. Apart from the gaming aspects, the spectators study and project the wins and losses during the games, a quotient that optimally improves spectators range and participation levels in the activity. Ideally, researchers establish that gambling is a gradient that attributes to the prominent engagement of the spectators based on the quality of matches and performances of the players (Orford 2). It is an advantage to the sporting teams due to acquiring insights and popularity levels from the audiences and fanbase.

A different benefit of betting in sports is the expansion in the business sector, mainly because of the sports betting companies significant investment. Research establishes that most of the audience is international, and involvement in the betting poses profound profit margins mainly because of the apt volumes of money in the betting (Matheson 1). As a result, betting companies invest in advertising and marketing through sponsorship programs. On the one hand, the players attain opportunities from the betting companies based on their popularity in the betting processes. On the other hand, betting companies and fandom have significantly commercialized sporting events. Therefore, there is a compromise to the aesthetic entertainment value mainly because of the reliance on a money-making perspective.

Betting companies focus on profit optimization hence the investment in products and services. According to research, foster sports entertainment and a share of cultural views among individuals from different socio-cultural, economic, and political backgrounds (Matheson 2). Therefore, sporting events form a sustainable platform of interconnectivity among individuals globally. However, the incorporation of betting practices alters the concept from entertainment to the discerning attitude toward commercialization. As a result, the audience gets entertained while making more money from the game wins. Sports gambling is a robust platform that significantly influences the interaction and engagement among audiences during the events while boosting the brand identity of dynamic institutions and personalities.

Adverse Effects of Sports Gambling

The sports managerial institutions are responsible for incorporating measures that improve ethical and moral practices. In 2018, the United States Supreme Court established that states can legally promote sports betting among people, an initiative that intensified the expansive engagement among audiences in the sports betting industry (Matheson 3). Research by Wang, Doyeon, and Hyung indicates that gambling is a significant problem among college-aged personnel mainly because of the addiction rates (2). The researchers establish that despite the apt involvement in sports for socialization and entertainment, a significant percentage of the populace become betting addicts. Ideally, Wang et al. establish that sports gambling addiction enshrines the influence of human behavior negatively, attributing to personal, vocational, and family relationships (2). The primary goal of eradicating sports gambling is to prevent social and personal issues through stresses in relationships, psychological disorders, distress of financial resources, and lower self-esteem. The dependence on sports betting is a health risk to an individuals well-being, thus the necessity to incorporate measures ensuring ethical practices within the sporting industry and among the audiences.

Different nations uphold various policies regarding sports betting hence the distinctive effect among the audiences. Sports gambling is a significant issue in the U.K based on the results from the survey regarding addiction risks among college-aged students. The research establishes that at least one in every four college-aged students showed a higher risk of sports gambling addiction (Wang et al. 2). Further, the study demonstrated that the U.K general population recorded 4% of the personnel at higher risk of being sports gambling addicts (Wang et al. 3). The popularity of sports betting led to its legalization in at least 22 American states, thus intensifying the core issue of the prominence of addiction problem (Wang et al. 3). Contrary to the negative effect of sports gambling, the critical mandate among the leaders entails promoting a sustainable entertainment quotient through sporting events.

Over the decades, the sporting industry encountered prominent evolutionary changes mainly because of technological advancement. The emergence of social media platforms intensified the interactive quotient across dynamic societies while rendering optimal cultural exchanges (Kengomi 1). An excellent illustration is the Japanese adoption of football, ping pong, and baseball and sporting activities in addition to the traditional martial arts sports. A different aspect contributing to increased audience engagement in sports is the emergence of electronic-sporting activities.

The Contribution of Technology Advancement and Addiction to Problematic Sports Gambling

The advent of technology fostered the emergence of dynamic engagement platforms for users, causing a proficient dependence. One of the significant elements causing the intensification of addiction among consumers is social media channels. However, Pasquinelli focuses on the impact of online and offline gaming on an individual. The author posted the content via the Scientific American website in 2018 to address a significant contemporary social issue hindering optimal productivity among people (1). According to Pasquinelli, gaming positively and negatively affects users, and age is the central determining factor (2). The context targets the global online users whose addiction significantly influences the quality of living. Understanding the interdependent relationship between addiction to digital device utilization and the effect on the brains functioning fosters intervention programs necessity and nature.

Addiction is a habit that drains an individuals ability to engage in dynamic activities independently. Pasquinelli articulates that an excellent example of an addiction is the inability of teenagers to balance their academic studies with online gaming habits (2). The author insinuates a profound message regarding one of the current trends globally. Although technology empowers people dynamically, gaming is an approach that significantly affects the users. The writer focuses on the current trend on best habits to improve cognitive development. The intensification in the flow of information empowers the personnel with insights, and the utilization trickles down to the business competence (Baker et al. 2500). During the time of publication, a significant percentage of the global population showed concern and engaged in debates regarding the conditioning effect of technology among the users. It is a topical issue that Pasquinelli addresses based on the assessment of gamers cognition to determine the brains functionality (2). Digital devices play a crucial role in the brains function mainly because of the routine aspect, thus boosting memorability and alertness.

Technology fostered the alteration of human behavior mainly because of the development of dynamic tools that elevate the performance of an individual under different platforms. Pasquinelli investigated the impact of digital devices on users and noted that the other domains, social media or gaming, positively impact the quality of living (3). In this case, the author focuses on gaming and its effect on the human brain functioning. The results indicate that although aging poses a distinct level of impact among the customers, the fundamental values involve alertness, improved memory, and critical thinking. However, there is a limitation to gaming in enhancing the efficiency of the positive effects. It is essential that the players regulate their reliance on the activity to avoid addiction. Addiction negatively affects the human behavioral system, leading to violence and poor interaction with counterparts.

The increase in the rate of e-sports popularity has contributed immensely to the global economy in various ways. The video gaming and betting culture is gaining momentum as an international sports event mainly because of the improvements accompanied by technological advancement. A decade ago, there were fewer competitive games with low-grade graphics and lesser ability to stream the competitions on internet webs. However, due to technological advancement, the graphics and the streaming of the competitions have been upgraded, and the presence of different competitive games has increased. As a result, the internet gaming and betting culture upgraded hence the popularity in the global society and has been partly due to the interventions by organizations through sponsorships and merchandising to advertise their products and services to the niche market. E-sports target the global niche market of the younger generation, a populace segment that considers the internet a basic necessity (Haddad 2). Therefore, there is a growth spike in e-sports, primarily through the online streaming of the gaming competitions, including the audiences participation in the competitions.

E-sports is a pool of opportunities for all stakeholders mainly because of the proliferating niche market. Professional game players receive a monthly salary of not less than $75,000, while the highest-paid professional player earns approximately $3 million (Gray 2). Due to the increase in the gaming population, the gaming companies establish institutions and ideally employ professional players. On the other hand, it is an industry that mainly targets the younger generations whose addiction is to the internet, unlike the older generations that value television viewership. Due to the shift in consumer behavior to a digital era, the majority of the international organizations encounter difficulties marketing and gaining a position in the emerging niche market of a digital era generation. As a result, the international organizations seek to penetrate the niche market, hence their investment considerations in the gaming industry. These companies achieve the main objective through sponsorship of the gaming teams, the merchandise sale, upgrading the online streaming for the gaming industry, and, recently, the betting practices.

An increase in the rate of growth and popularity of the industry is ideally a profitable strategy for the organizations in successfully marketing their products to the younger generations. Sponsorship has played a key role in the growth of industry due to the provision of resources for enhancing the upgrading of the systems, the intensive training engagements for the professional players, and the development of efficient platforms for audience participation. The impact of the sponsorship is fostered, especially during the prizing of the participating teams and the most loyal fans in regards to their followership status. Haddad documents that in 2018 the sponsorship contribution pool enabled the rewarding of the Global championships at $4.9 million, while distinctively, the total is higher than other sports a $24.7 million (2). Ideally, sponsorship and merchandise sales have significantly influenced the audiences preferences and the intensive competitive engagements by the professional players.

The growth in the scale of e-sport activities is increasing as the technology advances, primarily through the high-definition simulations that alter reality in a perspective manner for the players and the audience. At the onset of electronic sports, the programs focused on the players interests. Momentarily, the focus has shifted towards the audiences interests and hence the increasing popularity. In addition, due to the incorporation of international organizations to market their products and services, the approach to the evolution of the gaming culture has also encompassed the commercialization aspect (Hamari and Sjoblom 25). As a result, the culture achieves a global base through recognition by various institutions, including the government, such as the United States, and gaming foundations, such as the International Olympic Committee. Further, the streaming capacity has rendered easy accessibility to watch the gaming competitions. Nevertheless, the evolution trend is dependent upon one essential element, that is, authenticity. The commercialization aspect and the customization of the games to the audiences preferences alter the authentic passion of the professional players.

Different emerging trends pose dynamic negative and positive effects of sports gambling. Although technological advancement poses opportunities for the growth of e-sports, it is an initiative that renders a prominent risk to audiences participation levels in the activities either as gamers or betters (Silady 3). The sports betting organizations attain a significant profit margin by exposing the participants to profound risks of addiction and lower health indexes.


There is a clear distinction between the positive and negative effects of sports gambling across traditional and electronic gaming activities. On the one hand, sports gambling is beneficial to the audiences and the betting companies mainly because of the significant profit maximization from the practice. On the other hand, sports gambling poses dynamic risks to the participants, mainly addiction. The college-aged populace poses the optimal risk of addiction despite the legalization of the engagement. Key stakeholders are responsible for incorporating ethical practices that improve interdependence among audiences and the sporting agencies along a sustainable margin. The lack of recognition concerning gambling effects negatively affects the sociological, mental, and physical well-being of the sports gamblers.

It is essential to develop effective strategies, alleviating the challenge due to the progressive growth in the sporting industry. One of the imminent impacts is the growth in popularity of e-sports and the provision of audiences dynamic engagements. The virtual essence of sporting activities delimits audiences level of engagement while intensifying the risk of gaming and betting addiction. As a result, it is crucial that further studies explore distinctive frameworks advocating for improvement in ethical practice within sports betting practice.

Works Cited

Baker, Justin T., et al. Digital devices and continuous telemetry: opportunities for aligning psychiatry and neuroscience. Neuropsychopharmacology vol. 43, no. 13, (2018): pp. 2499-2503. Web.

Haddad, Bill. Its Only Going To Continue To Grow: The Economics Of Esports, Benzinga, Web.

Gray, Alex. The explosive growth of Esports, World Economic Forum.

Hamari, Juho and Sjoblom, Max. What is eSports and why do people watch it?, 2017.

Kengomi, Yakoshi. The Economics of Esports, Uscscon review, 2019, Web.

Matheson, Victor. An overview of the economics of sports gambling and an introduction to the symposium. Eastern Economic Journal vol.47, no.1, (2021): pp. 1-8. Web.

Orford, Jim. The gambling establishment: Challenging the power of the modern gambling industry and its allies. Routledge, 2019. .

Pasquinelli, Elena. Are digital devices altering our brains. Scientific American. 

Silady, Alex. The Economics of Competitive Video Gaming, Smart asset.

Wang, Xin, Doyeon Won, and Hyung Sang Jeon. Predictors of sports gambling among college students: The role of the theory of planned behavior and problem gambling severity. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health vol. 18, no. 4, 2021. Web.

The Periods of Life Aspects Analysis


Before maturing into adults, human beings undergo several stages. As people progress in their development and accomplish each period of life, they can advance and produce ideas and concepts that help them to move into the next period successfully. How humans transition from one stage to the other is phenomenal, and some deem the transition as a natural process or occurrence. However, studies have shown that some individuals become stuck and find it challenging to transition successfully (Nobus, 2020). Furthermore, it is noticed that some people pass through the various stages unnoticed without gaining the required developments. Every living human experiences different life stages, including not only infants but also adolescents and adults. The most common periods of life that are recognized and will be discussed in this piece of work include infancy, early childhood, and late childhood. Every stage is defined differently and has unique traits that can be located in various individuals. By developing a set of questions about every period of life, one can assist the audience with understanding the infancy period of life in-depth.

The Infancy Period

Infancy is defined as the time lapse between ones birth and a year (12 months). Therefore, the first year after birth is what is described as the infancy stage of life. At this stage, an individual is identified as an infant. Furthermore, in the infancy period of life, rapid developments occur in the child. For example, a childs length doubles, and weight triples during the infancy period.

There are developments visible during infancy, including an infants teeth appearing at six months; the infant begins to smile, grab objects such as toys, and start showing interest in things or paying attention. Moreover, during this period, the infant starts to practice talking and trying to utter sounds such as papa and mama. The trait of attempting to produce words usually occurs at the end of the first year for most infants. Furthermore, during infancy, a child begins to learn to sit upright, stand with the support of nearby objects, and crawl. In the majority of cases, by the end of their first year, many children can speak, sit upright, and walk with the support of objects.

The Early Childhood Period

Early childhood is the second phase after infancy that every human being has to pass through as they mature into adulthood. Early childhood is the age between the first year after birth and up-to-the eighth year. During the early childhood stage, growth is not as rapid as in infancy; here, growth is slow. Moreover, at the early childhood stage, the body begins to change and take a new form. The bodys changed shape is determined by the level of activeness of a child.

During this stage, individuals start to develop numerous changes such as gaining use of their first language, showing natural curiosity, and tending to ask many questions. Running and walking are perfected during the early childhood stage. Furthermore, at this phase, an individual learns simple and easy concepts and develops emotions. The legs and arms of an individual grow and become longer when compared to the trunk, that is, chest, back, abdomen, and pelvis.

Studies show that experiences gained in the early childhood stage significantly influence a childs growth in terms of health, creativity, and how a child grasps knowledge or understands concepts. The early childhood stage affects the future cognitive, emotional, social, physical, and language development. Therefore, a child has to be given adequate care and brought up in unfavorable environments to enhance effective and comfortable transitioning to adulthood.

The only fear a parent would have for their child is not developing into a fit and active adult that can adapt and interact with the community and environment comfortably. Indeed, it is during the early childhood stage that major developments occur, such the cognitive, emotional, physical, social, and language occur. Every parents responsibility is to ensure the younger children experience care and love by creating a nurturing family and supportive environments that would provide positive growth for children during the stage, such as having safe schools, homes, and communities in which children can interact and play soundly.

During the early childhood period, the milk teeth are shaded, and permanent teeth start to appear. Moreover, most children in the early childhood period are approximately twelve years and below, and, in such cases, most permanent teeth are visible. However, wisdom teeth, commonly known as the third molar, usually appear in adolescents between seventeen and twenty-five years old. Therefore, an average child in the early childhood stage should have twenty-eight teeth that are visible since the remaining become visible as they age.

The early childhood stage is crucial to enhancing foundational skills in many areas of development. Thus, increased awareness and ability to intervene in development delays during early childhood would significantly help reduce special education placement when children attain the real age of joining the school or start the learning process. For example, hearing impairment can be detected earlier and resolved before language development is hindered.

Late Childhood Period of Life

This period is characterized by children at puberty, when children become sexually mature. An individual in the late childhood stage spends most of their time in learning institutions with teachers and lesser time with their parents or guardians. Significant life changes, developments, and patterns are experienced, and the development task is shifted to the teachers and a lesser portion to the peers. A parent has less impact on a childs growth in the late childhood phase.

The stage is characterized by developing skills such as language, eye coordination, and hand coordination, and cognitive abilities such as comprehension. Furthermore, boys and girls tend to form separate groups; thus, the stage is also called the gang age. Moreover, children are characterized in late childhood by a rebellious and stubborn nature. Hence, the stage is associated with troublesomeness. In addition, late childhood is characterized by the desire for success since most children are on the path to achieving their dream.

The common hazards have a psychological and physical impact on the child. Amongst the dangers that have a physical effect include obesity, illness, disabilities, and accidents. Moreover, the psychological consequences include emotional, social, speech, and personality development threats. Other common hazards like eating and sleeping patterns cause a psychological impact. For example, children who breastfeed for a more extended period engage in non-nutritive modes such as thumb-sucking and face sleep difficulties compared to those who have a shorter breastfeeding period.

Development during this stage is critical to be set on the right path to ensure positive growth for an individual in the present and future. Thus, discipline is a priority, and some of the discipline types used for children in late childhood include authoritarian, permissive, and democratic discipline, the most common. For example, strict discipline is based on the saying, spare the rod and spoil the child.

A childs intelligence influences the talking and speech skills either with peers or in a public space. The type of discipline used in their upbringing, family size, socioeconomic level of their family, racial status, bilingualism, and ordinal position are among the factors that impact a childs intelligence level in the late childhood stage. For example, children brought up in authoritarian homes tend to speak less.

  • Childhood experience.
  • Preparedness of the parents for parental duties.
  • Physical and emotional condition of the mother after delivery.


Nobus, D. (2020). Key concepts of Lacanian psychoanalysis (1st ed.). Other Press Professional. Chapter; Life and Death in the Glass: A New Look at the Mirror Stage.

Aspects of Sports Program Development


Athletic directors are responsible for organizing, leading, and ensuring that sporting programs in educational facilities run smoothly. As leaders, the directors play the most pivotal role in athletics for educational institutions because they lay down the structures and procedures to be followed by all other stakeholders. To ensure they perform this mandate to the required capacity, the directors have to possess many skills. Some of the skills expected of an athletic director include organizational skills, communication skills, hiring and human resource management skills, good planning skills, and financial skills. The directors serve as mentors for the workers and the students in the athletic department. Addressed below are vital roles and responsibilities anticipated from the athletic director and department and the things needed for its smooth running.

Organization of the Office

To boost the employees productivity and well being the offices will have to be set up well. First, the athletics departments offices should not be open offices as researchers have showed that they are not ideal for maximizing the workers efficiency (Muzaffar et al., 2020). The offices should be closed plans with an interior décor that boots productivity. The department will have an office that has a good working space. The ventilation and lighting will be given a top priority. Therefore, windows will be set up at an angle that allows enough light and air. The office structure will be in a manner that allows communication among the staff while minimizing unnecessary disruptions caused by movements. The offices need to be set up in a location that allows the director and other staff members to access the sports facilities easily. The walls will have to be thick and soundproof since this will likely promote deep work.

The workspace inside the office will be set up in a workable manner. Since each worker in the office has a different work style, they will have to be consulted on how the furniture should be arranged to maximize their productivity. The internal spaces structure will be fixed in a way that the coaching staff can quickly access any material they need, such as a book, pen, or phone. If possible, all the tools that are constantly used will be made to be accessible while the worker is sitting. Since the staff spends many hours in the offices, the chairs will be made to be comfortable but not in a manner to encourage laxity.

Apart from the comfort, the office layout will be structured to ensure efficiency. There will be video monitors to investigate what the workers are constantly doing. It will aim at creating an atmosphere where the workers know they are responsible for their results. Therefore, there will be conference rooms where meetings are going to be conducted. Additionally, a common hall will be present where different team members will meet and hold casual meetings. Despite casual meetings being known to waste time, they promote teamwork which is crucial for the success of any department. In order to ensure proper utilization of the floor space, some offices will have to be smaller than others. The conference hall will have to be the largest room in the department capable of accommodating all the employees and the athletes. Finally, the casual hall will need to be smaller but with amenities that facilitate creativity and team spirit.


The athletic departments mission will aim at ensuring that all the athletes reach their full potential through good practice, training, diet, competition, and commitment. This mission will be published and displayed in various places, including the departments website and social media pages, the departments brick and mortar, printings, and publications that the department makes. The mission statement ought to be deliberately mentioned during training and other vital events. The department will have a vision of achieving the highest level of achievement that can be gained in all sporting programs.

Organizational culture in an athletics department determines how members of the organization behave. The athletics department will expect all members to share common beliefs and values. The department will adopt a market culture where the athletes results are going to be its biggest objective. The unit will achieve this by carefully evaluating all the athletes under its program. The abilities and quality of the athletes will be closely monitored, and their improvements communicated to the leadership. The department will conduct meetings every Tuesday and Friday to discuss the athletes progress. Every possible way an athlete can improve will be tried, and the results monitored. If the method fails, a different technique will be tried until all athletes optimal abilities are ascertained. The same criteria will be used to monitor the employees and various programs.

There are three generally accepted methods of communication and leadership in athletic departments. Kurt Lewin devised these methods, and all have shown positive outcomes when used on players and other stakeholders. The first is autocratic leadership, where the director sets the lead and others follow. Chukwusa, (2018) states that autocratic leaders in situations such as when decisions need to be made quickly without consulting with a large group of people (p. 3). This method of leadership has been branded as my way or highway form of leadership. The leader typically sets the vision, mission, and culture of the department, and others follow the leader to the best of their abilities without question. While this method works to an extent, it is generally known to damage the teams attitude.

The athletic director could adopt the democratic form of leadership and communication whereby the opinions of a team member are essential in decision making. This is an objective-based approach, and the department members have to understand the character and vision of the department to gain the best results in this method. Some athletic events and people fit this method better than others. Before adopting the democratic leadership style, the department head must consider their offices athletic activity. It could also affect the hiring process where only retrospective employees and athletes are hired. Moreover, the age of the players is critical before choosing the style, as this democratic style best fits players under the age of 14.

The final method of leadership is the holistic management style, where the happiness of the whole team gets the top priority. This Laissez-faire leadership style assumes that every athlete knows what is expected of them and how to get the best from themselves. The leader does not set any fixed procedures that will be followed but instead sets an enabling environment for best performance. This method has strengths and weaknesses and is more appropriate for players above their teenage years. Since the athletic department has a market culture focused on growth, these three leadership styles will be used simultaneously.

Communication has been made easy by the advancement of technology; thus, the department has various communication methods to choose from. Any achievements met by the department or its athletes will be communicated through social media and the departments official website. Any job openings or other communication with a big target audience will also be communicated similarly. Anybody with feedback for the department will be asked to communicate the same using the email or phone number availed to all. As for internal communication, texting applications that support group interactions, such as WhatsApp, will be used. Video conferencing applications will be highly encouraged when members will interact on this basis from time to time. The very confidential information need to be communicated face to face.


There are five primary skills that every effective leader should possess. The first is time management skills as leadership, especially in sports, involves many activities. Time management can be achieved by maintaining calendars, setting deadlines, and completing urgent and vital tasks. A sports director should learn to delegate tasks to remain with tasks that other members cannot deliver. Additionally, learning stress management techniques is critical for the department as stressed individuals have difficulty concentrating on the business. Planning and prioritization are also crucial for effective time management.

The second essential leadership skill is communication skill; a good leader knows how to be precise and clear in their communication. They also incorporate active listening techniques when passing information. In the athletics department, the leader can incorporate different forms of communication such as verbal, non-verbal, written, and visual. They could set up good communication equipment to aid in their communication. Good communication will be incorporated into the department by setting visual instruments such as projectors, whiteboards, and screens to help show patterns.

An athletic leaders third critical administrative skill is an excellent organizational skill. As its name suggests, it is the ability of the leader to manage to keep the offices and the department in order. A good leader keeps their equipment and accessories organized and retrievable and ensures that the team members are also organized in their work. A good leader will ensure that communication, calendar, and movement of team members are also in order. Organizational skills in a leader are not limited to just office equipment, in any case. In order to ensure that there is some organization in the athletic department, a proper plan supported by adequate funding should be formulated.

Staffing: Hiring of Coaches, Athletic Trainers, and Support Personnel

Before anyone is hired to join the athletic department, they will be analyzed to see how best they fit the departments culture of optimizing each athletes performance. A quantitative analysis will determine how best the candidate will fit their prospective position. Doing analysis will help reduce the bias in hiring managers. In addition, before any candidate is hired, they undergo a series of tests. The candidate who achieves the highest score on the tests will be hired.

If a candidate is confirmed to have integrity, they will be examined if they possess a strong character for judgment. Then their communication skills will be analyzed since most workers will be expected to deal directly with the athletes. The passion for sports and athletics will be highly valued, and a couple of questions will be asked to determine this. Likewise, their temperament will be considered through a personality test which all will be required to take. Finally, their career objectives and inspirations for achieving them will be considered.

An administrative assistant in the athletics department will be expected to perform the following roles and responsibilities. They will assist in all administrative activities such as writing, reading, and proofreading documents. The assistant will also purchase various office supplies, athletic equipment, and any other needed tools. The assistant will schedule, organize, and coordinate meetings and sports events. The administrative assistant will also handle and guard sensitive information about the department. Additionally, they will be trusted to ensure the department adheres to different rules and regulations. Moreover, they will be required to perform any other roles assigned by the athletics director.

The core values that the staff will be expected to show include integrity, team spirit, accountability, fairness, honesty, handwork, and professional diligence, among others. Whenever personal problems arise from the staff, the first thing that the director will do is to listen to them emphatically. The director should determine if the work environment causes the problems or if they come from home. They should then try to offer a practical solution if possible. If the problem is not personal, they should communicate it with the rest of the team and synergize in assisting the affected employee. A support system should also address the problem at hand and similar problems if such a problem arises. The athletics director should follow up later to determine if the problem was solved.

Department Meetings: Frequency, Purpose, and Agenda

Departmental meetings help ensure that the goals of all team members are aligned. If the leader is motivational and knows how to communicate effectively, they can motivate and inspire their employees during these meetings. These meetings also share information, pushing the department toward its goals. Departmental meetings also push team members towards accomplishing their projects and sharing an activity that gives them bragging rights. Some policies and procedures should be addressed by the athletics department constantly. For instance, how the department is likely to handle injuries and treatment of staff. The department should also be discussing the policy and procedures concerning their athletes training. The department should constantly evaluate how it can improve the athletes skills.

The department of sports can conduct either formal or informal meetings. Rules and regulations generally govern formal meetings; however, informal meetings are never planned for and follow any set structure. Informal and formal meetings have similar aspects, such as having minutes and agendas. An agenda is a list of items to be discussed in a meeting, usually a formal meeting. The components of an agenda include the themes for the discussion and goals. In addition, the agenda describes the outline of the meeting and the support documentation used. The time that the meeting will take is material that is included in the agenda. They go further to state the amount of time each topic should consume expressly. The athletics director is also expected to attend annual general, statutory, and board meetings. After attending these other conferences, the director should report the conclusions made from the meeting to the staff.

Parent Engagement

It is essential for the athletics department to involve the parents of the athletes in decision-making actively. Dorsch et al (2019) conclude parent education of children athletics is important commenting There really needs to be some sort of training or some information that could help parents (p. 18). To ensure parents participate well, the athletics director should engage with the parents in a manner that creates a positive atmosphere. This atmosphere will be created by knowing every parent by name and their childs performance emailed to them. Parents will be invited for volunteer games for them to feel as part of the fraternity. The department will expect parents to play their part in ensuring their children attain their goals.

The department will create a special committee to teach parents the importance of sports. It will also give them presents whenever their children excel athletically. It is helpful to make parents for various athletics programs. The department will look for parents with skills and ambition for sports and make them advocates for various programs. End-of-event celebrations will be hosted to celebrate and honor the most successful athletes. Their parents will receive invitations to the celebrations and awarded if their children perform well.

Discipline and Codes of Behavior

Student-athletes will be required to attend 75% of the training. They will also be expected to obey the rules the athletics department sets. Staff ought to have professional conduct failure to which they will risk losing their jobs. Parents will be required to facilitate their children to be good athletes and should allow them to join the training. The actions, attitudes, and ways of talking to one another will have to follow the departments guidelines. These standards will be modeled by rewarding those who obey them and punishing the culprits. Some formal disciplinary actions include team suspicion, extra training sessions, and detention. Before joining the athletics department, the student and her parents must sign a sign of conduct agreement form.

Scheduling of Athletic Facilities

The facilities available in the athletics department include the department offices, classes for teaching athletics, a gym, swimming pool, sports pavilions, and stadiums. The privilege will be given to those who come first whenever there are overbooking issues. All amenities in the department will be shared according to the team that is in most need. A master calendar will be used to show the most urgent and vital sports events.

Game Day Preparations

Before the Game

Before any game starts, the department will check if there may arise any hazards in the process. It will also check the fitness of all athletes and ensure they are okay. The eligibility of any athlete to compete will be adequately analyzed. The department leaders will check if all the equipment needed is ready; if not, purchases will be made. The department will also play the role of ensuring that the sports events are adequately covered. Athletic events need officials to referee them, and the department will hire the proper officials to oversee this. Before the games, the department will also ensure concession stands, security, ticket tackers, and announcers. Moreover, the buses to carry people around, physicians, and water coolers will be availed.

After the Game

After the games, the department will ensure that it deposits the ticket money. The officials responsible will ensure that the store equipment is safely kept. Concessions will be collected and taken for safekeeping. It will also ensure that there is a field, bleacher, facility rooms, and locker clean-up. A checklist will be created to help keep track of these duties. Any expenses that are supposed to be covered by the sports director will also be remembered and paid.

Coach Evaluations

Evaluations will be conducted regularly to ensure that each staff member achieves their goals. The goal-setting process will mainly target the performance of the students. It will also aim at their level of determination in making the students better athletes. Coaches should be evaluated based on Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and time-bound (SMART) goals. An example of a SMART goal would be that students will perform better athletically than last year. The coaches should be evaluated every week. The head coach evaluation will include his cooperation with the administration, relationship with various parties, and coaching performance. The level of cooperation concerning paperwork should be rated as either good, needs improvement, unsatisfactory, or not observed. Other questions that need to be asked and rated using the same criteria include the level of communication of the coach with the assistant coach. The head coach cooperation with the head office. His level of cooperation with various school policies, administrative guidelines, league rules, and safety roles. The head coach will also be rated based on their cooperation with the athletic director. How well and how regularly the coach communicates with the athletics director will also form part of their evaluation. Finally, the coachs level of care for the school facilities will be recorded and analyzed.

The assistant coach should be evaluated using almost the same criteria as the head coach. On top of the priority list when evaluating the assistant coach should be their level of loyalty to the head coach. The quality of assistance they give the head coach should be emphasized in their evaluation form. Since the assistant coachs roles include constantly being in contact with the student-athletes, they will be evaluated on their enthusiasm when working with them. Their communication with the student, relation with the administration, communication with opponents, communication with officials, and promotion of school activities will be in their evaluation form.

Maintenance of Athletic Fields, Courts, Weight Room

The athletic department will give the safety of the students and other staff members a key priority. The athletic fields will be regularly noted, and if the conditions warrant renovation, the department will ask the principal and other policymakers to provide funding. If the athletic fields, courts, and weight rooms have not been badly damaged, the department will use its maintenance fund to do the repairs. Inspections on whether sports facilities are in an excellent and tenable repair condition will be done with the help of a checklist. An external expert will handle the inspections with the help of the assistant coach.

Budget and Funding

Budgeting and funding play a vital role in the success or failure of the athletic department. Therefore, this unit will ensure a proper planning tool to ensure proper funding. This tool will also monitor the use of funds, and the events that have insufficient utilization will be outlined. Funding for the segments of the department that are doing well will be calculated on the percentage basis of their improvements. The athletics director will only issue extra funding if they are convinced that the money will be used to achieve a specified goal and objective.

Booster clubs will be essential in ensuring that the athletics department runs efficiently. As is often the case, the funds that the athletics department will receive from the schools administration and ticket collections will not be sufficient to support the ever-growing athletics school community (Eyleret al., 2020). Additional facilities need to be constructed, and students need to be able to travel and compete outside the home environment. For the parents and other participants to feel included, the department will print t-shirts with the school logo and sell them above their market price. During sporting activities, eateries will also be sold, and the funds gained will be used to supplement the limited budget the department receives.

In addition to the booster clubs, the department will hold other fundraising events if and when a need arises. All fundraising events will have a clear purpose and goal, which is to be communicated clearly in writing. The goal of the fundraising event, which will be the amount of money needed, must also be supported by a plan and budget. The athletics director must convince the relevant school leadership that fundraising is necessary. The school must be unable to support the plan for the hosting of the fundraising event.

The purchase process differs for orders less than $5000 from those above. For purchases above the above-listed amount, a purchase order must be available. However, purchasing printing items, furniture, storeroom items, and copiers will require a purchase order. The purchasing process starts with filling out and sending a requisition form. After sending the requisition forms, the department will receive reports. If the unit wishes to change the orders, it will only be possible before receiving invoices. Then, the standing orders for repetitive purchases will be established.

Representation at Conference, District, State; Membership & Professional Participation

The first association recommended for the department to join the National Collegiate Association (NCAA). Secondly, the department should have membership in the Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women (AIAW). It should also seek membership in the oldest athletics body in the country, the National Association for Intercalate Athletics (NAIA). To ensure its training activities are well supported, the association will push for registration in the National exercise training association. In addition, membership with the American medical association will be sought to gain medical support and ensure that the athletes safety and health are protected.

Joining athletic associations gives student-athletes a chance to compete with their peers regularly. Some associations also provide insurance programs for all members; thus, any injuries that may arise during games are covered. The school and the department also open a chance to receive extra funding if they win the competitions scheduled by the associations. The departments may also get regular publications and media coverage if they join various state and national associations. These groups may also offer education programs to coaches and other key staff of the athletics department. This education is converted into better management of athletic activities in the school. It also opens the chance for career development since some athletes have a chance to join and play for more prominent institutions.

Relationships with School Administrators and Faculty

The athletic department can encourage the school into involvement with sporting activities by first integrating them with academics. This could be achieved by ensuring the athletes always perform well in class, preventing unnecessary friction with the faculty. It could also convince the school administration by proving the direct correlation between athletics and good health and nutrition. The correlation between sporting activities and the overall happiness of the students has to be demonstrated (Murphy et al., 2018). The faculty members must be constantly reminded of the importance of education to the athletic career of the students. The faculty members have to be shown how success in life contributes to success in the field. Studies of how tactical athletics events require deductive decision-making taught in class must be availed to them. The discipline acquired in class, such as time management skills, is also vital in athletics.


For an athletic department to run smoothly, there are a lot of nuts and bolts that the athletic department is expected to tighten. The departments organization, communication, staffing, and leadership have to meet the anticipated quality standards. For this to be ensured, department meetings must be conducted regularly, and all parties will be accountable for their results. The students parents have to be fully engaged, and the discipline of all athletes should be enforced. The department should ensure proper sports event scheduling and that everything goes smoothly before, during, and after the game. All employees of the unit ought to fill out evaluation forms as this will help gauge their performance. Budgeting is essential for the department to run smoothly, and since school budgets are limited, the above-proposed solutions, such as booster clubs, will help to supplement deficits. Finally, the department should maintain a good relationship with the school, and coaches will gain the awareness of the importance of academics.


Chukwusa, J. (2018). Autocratic leadership style: Obstacle to success in academic libraries. Library Philosophy and Practice, 1. Web.

Dorsch, T. E., King, M. Q., Tulane, S., Osai, K. V., Dunn, C. R., & Carlsen, C. P. (2019). Parent education in youth sport: A community case study of parents, coaches, and administrators. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 31(4), 427-450.

Eyler, A. A., Valko, C. A., Curoe, K., & Ramadas, R. (2020). Sports participation fee policies in US high schools: A national survey of athletic directors. Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine, 5(8), 69-81.

Murphy, M. H., Carlin, A., Woods, C., Nevill, A., MacDonncha, C., Ferguson, K., & Murphy, N. (2018). Active students are healthier and happier than their inactive peers: The results of a large representative cross-sectional study of university students in Ireland. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 15(10), 737-746. Web.

Muzaffar, P. N. A., Noor, N. M., & Mahmud, S. A. (2020). A comparative study on the impacts of open plan and closed office layout on employees perceived productivity. Jurnal Penyelidikan Sains Sosial (JOSSR), 3(6), 49-58.

Ones Life in Their Fifties Analysis

Understanding the changes that occur when people age is critical knowledge for many professions, ranging from educators to healthcare specialists. This process may turn ones life unbearable at some point, yet, with modern advancements, many people can still experience their life in full at the age of 50 through 60. I believe that older adults still have a great chance to remain as active as they were, depending on their mental and physical condition. This essay will provide my thoughts on the changes in a persons life between 50 and 60 years.

First of all, it is essential to acknowledge that each individuals life is influenced by countless factors throughout their life. There are many adults that are considered in their prime at that age range, as their functions are very rarely impaired by age-related issues (Berger, 2018). However, past injuries, chronic conditions, pollution, bad habits, and many other factors may adversely influence the age at which the first critical impairments can occur.

Without any bad habits and with good genetics, I think that it is possible that a person will not experience any significant downsides of their age. There is a slight decrease in ones physical capabilities, which includes weakened muscles, less flexible joints, and other similar effects (Berger, 2018). However, 50 years can become a perfect opportunity to take major positions in terms of ones profession and societal status that influence the lives of others. A significant amount of experience that an individual acquires throughout their life becomes a valuable source of new connections and possibilities in life.

Ones standing in their community can define their further path in life, as people will start losing their immediate social cohort. Depending on the number of relatives and friends, a person can remain as socially active as before or begin losing their connection with a community. This factor depends significantly on an individuals personality, which also will be affected by the aging process. An older adult is wisened by their experience that holds their character stable. However, I think that this acquired wisdom also makes it difficult for a person to change their views regardless of the righteousness of their beliefs. A 55-year-old person can strive to maintain intergenerational connections or become invested in their hobbies and interests, which depends on their personality traits. Ones culture will play a critical role in their position in life at that age. For example, there are cultures that put a great value on a persons wisdom and will ensure that an individual will not be left forgotten (Berger, 2018). However, cultures with weak family bonds may cause people closer to the age of 60 to become lonely and abandoned.

Many people will have children who may produce offspring of their own, making an older adult a grandparent. I think that this is a paramount factor that can shape a persons well-being later in life. Grandchildren can give an individual a new goal that can keep them as active members of society for longer. However, even without grandchildren, it is likely that older adults will have strong support from their children or relatives. This social network can prevent the early deterioration of ones mental capabilities or the development of bad habits.

In conclusion, each individuals life will be unique due to their past lifestyle, environment, and social support. There is a slight natural degradation of ones health status, which can be either controlled through exercise or harmed by negative habits or dangerous living conditions. There are similarities in peoples development at that age due to traditional social roles that older adults take in accordance with their culture. It is not uncommon to see an adult in their fifties taking a position that requires decision-making and a vast knowledge base. Social support, ones health status, and personality will affect the life of a 50-year-old individual greatly, leading to significant differences in outcomes during the next ten years.


Berger, K. S. (2018). Invitation to the life span (4th ed.). Worth Publishers.

Evaluation of Paradigms and Personal Worldview


The ontological view or presumption that all human traits and acts are guided by one reality irrespective of context and individuals underpin the post-positivist paradigm, which is similar to the positivist paradigm. From it, four main directions can be determined  transformational, pragmatic, constructivist, and post-positivistic. Additionally, there are mixed methods, which can be represented in cases where a researcher employs both qualitative and quantitative methodologies (Martins & Wilson, 2012). Because it is so versatile, a mixed methods approach is frequently employed in software evaluation (Martins & Wilson, 2012). Consequently, analyzing and highlighting certain paradigms is the critical point of this personal statement which will cover the main favorable and unfavorable directions for evaluation and coherence with my traits.

Directions regarding Coherence

First, it is essential to address the paradigm which suits my worldview and inner values the most. The transformational method is based on the understanding that inequality and injustice are widespread and that thorough evaluation is critical for combating these societal problems. This paradigm asserts that research and assessment may and should play an explicit role in recognizing and eliminating discrimination and marginalization, as described by researchers. Race, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, sexual preference, socioeconomic position, age, and disability are all factors in the latter. The lead to innovation draws on various theoretical views to give an overarching framework for categorizing them (Martins & Wilson, 2012). Feminist, indigenous, imperialist, queer, legislation and critical theory scholars are primarily concerned with the concerns of specific populations. In the case of personal views, this paradigms principles correspond most closely to my views and perspectives on society and the evaluation of personal positions. Thus, the transformational paradigm is the one that resonates with my worldview the most.

On the other hand, the pragmatic paradigm is a way of thinking that focuses on what works rather than on what is absolutely and objectively true or real. The assumption that social inquiry might reach truths about the natural world through a single scientific technique was dismissed by early pragmatists. These pragmatists claimed that the effects of truth might be used to judge it. When a mixture of different methodologies is philosophically inconsistent, the pragmatic paradigm might help guide study design (Kaushik & Walsh, 2019, p. 255). When it comes to solving research challenges, pragmatism embraces a flexible approach. According to pragmatism, there is no one-size-fits-all solution to an issue, but a combination of approaches can assist solve an issue and uncovering the truth. Pragmatists think that there is no such thing as a single reality but that there are different realities. The pragmatic paradigm employs positivism and interpretivism to find solutions to issues. However, its overall ideology and the acceptance of truths effects do not correlate with my traits; consequently, this methodology is minor in corresponding to me and my criteria. As a result, this conceptual framework suggests a mixed-methods study methodology.

Evaluations Usage Methodologies

Nevertheless, when it comes to the evaluation process, different requirements have to be fulfilled. In this case, my choice is represented by constructivism, a hypothesis that addresses how people learn based on experience and scientific research. According to this theory, people develop their perspective and understanding of the world by exploring life and thinking about those experiences. When people come upon anything new, they must reconcile it with their previous beliefs and expectations, which may require them to change their principles or dismiss the new knowledge as irrelevant (Martins & Wilson, 2012). Constructivism is sometimes misunderstood as a learning philosophy that requires pupils to reinvent the wheel. Constructivism, in reality, feeds into and stimulates a students natural curiosity about the environment and how life works (Martins & Wilson, 2012). Students do not try to recreate the wheel; instead, they try to figure out how it works. Thus, they become engaged by using their foreknowledge and actual experiences, learning hypotheses, verifying their ideas, and forming conclusions based on their results. This, in turn, demonstrates the main reason for my usage of the described paradigm.

Though, there are additional benefits of constructivism that should be addressed. Through problem-solving, students learn to consider various perspectives on a topic or situation. Students diversity in thinking and reasoning skills grows as they examine and contrast a variety of possibilities to arrive at their conclusions. Students rely on their prior knowledge and experience when seeking to solve a problem. As a result, students regularly integrate new knowledge into their existing knowledge, providing context and constructing a personalized storage area of resources for future problem-solving needs.

People learn to develop links and associations by connecting the subject at hand to their own life experiences. They learn how to use statistics and logic to back up their stories and synthesize information from a range of sources to draw conclusions and evaluate them. Youths learn the question of expertise and suggestions by contrasting and comparing various concepts and situations. Individual reflection is promoted as a means for learners to organize and grasp their surroundings. Students develop insights and make conclusions when they ponder on a topic or an investigation project, allowing them to go over the simple gathering of knowledge and facts by understanding how to discern implications and use them in new situations.

On the contrary, the paradigm I would like to use least is the above-described pragmatism. As noted earlier, its understanding of truth and its effects seriously contradicts my internal views. Consequently, with this attitude, it becomes impossible to trust the evaluation results built based on the views represented by this orientation. Key disadvantages of pragmatism are an additional factor in favor of my lack of support. These factors include the time necessary to prepare and execute the investigations may be longer than the more standard paradigms. There may be difficult-to-interpret differences between multiple data sources.

Furthermore, these issues arise from the same issues linked to an integral part of the chosen topic. Specifically, pragmatists think that there is only one real universe, but multiple individuals can have different perspectives. Positivism, on the other hand, holds that there is only one truth that can be addressed in one manner. Pragmatists look at peoples behaviors in the context of their acts. The pragmatic one seeks knowledge based on the conditions around the phenomena.


In conclusion, the personal statement demonstrated my attitude and utilization of each of the paradigms. The transformational type, which best describes my views and attitudes, was considered, while its antipode, in this case, is pragmatism. Constructivism was identified as the most convenient method for evaluation due to the benefits listed in the previous section. In contrast to it, however, pragmatism was named again, as its fundamental rules connected with the interpretation of the notion of truth contradict mine. However, the prioritization may change the choice of methodologies to use in the future.


Kaushik, V., & Walsh, C. A. (2019). Pragmatism as a research paradigm and its implications for social work research. Social Sciences, 8(9), 255256. Web.

Martins & Wilson (2012). Paradigms & methods [Slides]. The Name of the Website Where the Presentation Is Hosted. The link to the website where the presentation is hosted

What Do You Want in Your Lifestyle?

Specific individuals believe that sleep time can be sacrificed or function on limited sleep. Lack of sleep can affect the well-being of a person on a very substantial scale. Individuals who do not get enough sleep may be susceptible to overfeeding or relying on junk food (Grandner, 2017). Similarly, even getting a lot but varying amounts of sleep can adversely affect a persons well-being by changing their diet, energy levels, and mental functions. Adequate sleep supports good physical and psychological health (Grandner, 2017). In order to ensure a healthy lifestyle, a regimen of good sleep, a balanced diet, and daily exercise should be created that allows people to move towards a healthy lifestyle that benefits physical and mental well-being.

Some people claim that it is expensive to eat healthily. They believe it is tough to keep a balanced diet, especially if a person has a tiring job and no time to cook meals. Eating a balanced diet improves body efficiency by providing all the nutrients required for normal functioning (Lim, 2018). A balanced diet makes the body resistant to diseases, fatigue, and underperformance. Adjusting to foods rich in proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals can help a person maintain a healthy weight, improve mental health, attain average growth and boost immunity against diseases and infection (Popovi et al., 2019). Meeting all the necessary nutrients required by the body can help a person maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Individuals who do not participate in daily activities believe it is not essential to begin challenging and energy-draining exercises. Even some minor daily activities are beneficial to ones lifestyle (Edemekong et al., 2017). The importance lies in being consistent because the daily activity allows the body to strengthen muscles and other human body parts (Edemekong et al., 2017). Building habits can alter ones lifestyle; even small changes can offer people positive results when applied repeatedly.


Edemekong, P. F., Bomgaars, D. L., & Levy, S. B. (2017). Activities of daily living (ADLs).

Grandner, M. A. (2017). Sleep, health, and society. Sleep Medicine Clinics, 12(1), 1-22.

Lim, S. (2018). Eating a balanced diet: a healthy life through a balanced diet in the age of longevity. Journal of Obesity & Metabolic Syndrome, 27(1), 39.

Popovi, J., Grbi, S., Miloaevi, M., Ili, R., & Kilibarda, N. (2019). Food flavor as an influence factor for a balanced diet for children. Quality of Life, 17(1-2).

A Transformative Approach to Meeting and Scoring Goals Beyond the Pitch

Soccer programs demand expertise and knowledge of many aspects of teaching. To provide a structured and effective program, coaches need to study not only the rules of the sport, but also develop a set of personal skills that allow them to effectively communicate their thoughts to students. In addition, such skills may include the ability to organize information in an easy and presentable way. Thus, creating and running soccer programs requires significant effort from coaches and their assistants.

Experience acquired by coaching varsity soccer for fifteen years allowed me to understand the importance of knowledge and personal skills. In addition, fourteen years of working as a high school teacher have influenced my views on the effectiveness of proper communication with students. By applying my knowledge and experience, I intend to develop a soccer program that would benefit students lives and help them score goals on and off the field.

To create such a successful soccer program, coaches need to focus not only on field performance, but also evaluate students progress beyond the pitch. For this reason, coaches need to develop a transformative approach to education and training. Such an approach should include assistance in both the physical and psychological aspects of teaching.

Equally important is the ability to take responsibility for students and their success. Even though the performance of an athlete primarily depends on his cognitive and physical capabilities, some coaches can improve the results by using their personal knowledge and experience. Successful programs can improve the lives of young people and help them unlock their potential.

By applying the knowledge from the training programs, students can learn how to effectively communicate with other people. For example, faster physical reactions acquired from years of practice can improve their ability to perceive information. In addition, students can improve their ability to focus on important tasks and apply it to various domains of occupation.

A program should also be based on scientifically proven information. Coaches need to study the biology and physiology of humans to understand the effectiveness of their approach. Furthermore, facts obtained from research can serve as a source of credibility and expertise for a coach and would only enhance their reputation. However, knowledge of the physical sciences only partly examines the aspects of training and coaching. To have a greater scope and vision, coaches need to study social sciences such as psychology and education. Such an approach can improve their communication skills and establish effective methods of planning and assigning tasks.

The purpose of this portfolio is to demonstrate how an effective soccer program can benefit students in all of their endeavors and aspirations by using research based on science and many years of experience of coaching. A successful program should not limit itself only to physical performance and accomplishments, but also evaluate how students apply the knowledge from soccer training to other fields. To achieve that, a program should include scientifically verified information. Medical data and research on physical performance should be used as a foundation for such a program. However, the personal skills and experience of a coach also play an important role in the adaptation and utilization of such knowledge. Therefore, teachers should use their best judgment when they apply facts and scientific data to their training programs. Creating a soccer program requires relevant experience and knowledge of all aspects of teaching.

The Family Concept from a Sociological Perspective


The concept of family has evolved over the history of humankind, but it has preserved its primary significance. Studies in the 21st century focus on the sociological, biological, economic, and political dimensions. The family structure differs in most parts of the world depending on the culture. Traditionally, the ideal definition of a family is composed of a father, mother, and children. However, some cultures practiced polygamy through polygyny, whereby a man was allowed to have more than one wife, and polyandry, where a woman was allowed to have more than one husband (Cragun and Cragun 261). Although there are many definitions of family, Cragun and Cragun (260) define it as a group of domestic people connected through a common ancestor, adoption, or marriage. This study will focus on understanding the sociological perspective of marriage and why sociology is essential in studying this topic.

Dynamics of a Family

Families are different, each with varying needs, functions, and structures. Family functions have changed over time, moving from being only for romantic and sexual relationships to being political, social, and biological (Zeybek and Kasap 307). They define how the familys needs are met and maintained over time. These functions determine the type and structure of the family that will be formed. In addition, since these functions are perceived, they are different in different cultures and may change according to political seasons and economic and sociological changes.

There has been an alteration in the family structure, which sociologists have heavily studied and grouped into four elements. They include differences in perception of family matters, increasing single parenthood worldwide, intermarriages or marriage to foreigners, and cultural changes (Zeybek and Kasap 307). Concerning the differences in perception of family matters, society has significantly changed its perception of marital relations. This has been fueled by the re-examination of the negative relations in families. One of the main reasons is economic problems, whereby women in the traditional family system were more likely to depend on males for financial purposes (Zeybek and Kasap 316). Married women in the past had to sacrifice their career ambitions to take care of households and depend on men for all financial needs (Cragun and Cragun 270). However, achieving financial freedom for women by focusing on their careers has weakened the patriarchal family structure. This has led to changes in social life, whereby men feel they do not have power over their women because they cannot control them financially.

The second aspect is the increasing number of single parenthood in society. The harsh living conditions have weakened the family structure and removed its reality of being a system of values. The main reasons for the rising rates of single-parenthood in society are an increase in the number of divorces, rising sexual intercourse among the youths, and a decrease in the number of marriages (Zeybek and Kasap 308). Divorces have increased in the community due to a lack of formal marriages. Many couples cohabit without an official marriage, making divorce easy (Cragun and Cragun 279). The traditionally followed values, such as no sex before marriage, have been overcome, and nowadays, it has become prevalent to have children before marriage. This has led to many children being born out of wedlock, adding to the issue of single parenthood. Thirdly, as stated previously, there is a reduced number of marriages, which contributes to a high number of single parenting. When people form partnerships without legal documents, it is difficult to share wealth and children after divorce.

Another emerging trend in the structure of the family is marriage to foreigners. Due to globalization, there have been high intermarriage rates as communities seek political, sociological, or biological benefits. Interestingly, intermarriages have led to the destruction of moral values in many cultures as people integrate them. While in the past, many cultures did not allow people to intermarry, nowadays, this has become a commonly accepted norm. Endogamy had been common, based on racism, such as in the Nazi era in Germany and the apartheid era in most parts of the United States and South Africa (Cragun and Cragun 275). Their laws did not allow them to marry people from other races. Even in the past, some cultures that practiced slavery allowed intermarriage but did not give foreigners any legal status (Cragun and Cragun 276). This shows a significant change in how intermarriage with foreigners was perceived in the past compared to how it is now. People are now more willing to marry foreigners than in the past.

The changes in family structure have brought many cultural differences in the community. When cultural change occurs, it is more likely to cause a change in the social network of families. Families are important in maintaining national or cultural values because it is where a child knows how to talk and other life experiences. The culture of society enables it to survive; thus, when it is eroded, the culture will not be long-lived (Zeybek and Kasap 308). It helps keep a society alive, and family is used to passing culture from one generation to another. The changes in family structures have significantly altered the culture of those nations. People have been forced to integrate their cultures to accommodate the cultures of their partners. For instance, polygamy has reduced considerably in the middle east due to western influence. This shows that they have lost their culture, which used to bind them together.

Importance of Sociology in Studying Families

Sociology is essential in studying families because it helps to understand the context of a family and trends in families. As seen from the essay, there have been significant changes in family structures, functions, and needs which shows that families are constantly changing. Sociology helps to understand why these changes are happening and their impact on society. For instance, one of the worrying trends is an increase in single parenthood in the community. A study has shown that children brought up by a single parent are likely to have behavioral problems (Cragun and Cragun 270). Thus, on top of understanding the trends, it provides the impact on society and, if possible, specific remedies which can be used to reverse unwanted trends. This will ensure that people live in healthy societies because of the familys importance in socialization.


Family is essential in society as it enhances individuals mental and physical well-being. Families have existed since the origin of humankind; however, there have been different changes in the structures of families based on four factors. These include differences in perception of family matters, increasing single parenthood worldwide, intermarriages or marriage to foreigners, and cultural changes. Each element has impacted families differently, and through sociology, people can understand the reasons and impacts of these changes on humans. In addition, sociology unveils the reasons for changes in these trends.

Works Cited

Cragun, Ryan, and Deborah Cragun. Introduction to Sociology. 1st ed., Blacksleet River, 2006, pp. 1436.

Zeybek, Tijen, and Fevzi Kasap. Social Perspective for Family Functions in Society. Revista de Cercetare Si Interventie Sociala, vol. 71, no. 2, 2020, pp. 30524, Web.